HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-15, Page 12What's happening is a weekly coliimn, space' donated by The Huron EXposior. To list your ()Vent, 'call the Recreation Office at' 527-0882. DATE EVENT PLACE Thurs. Jan. 15 , Mens Broomball . Arena Thurs. Jan. 15 "Your Antiques" Van Egmond Fri. Jan. 16 Lucan -vs Centenalres Arena Sat. Jan. 17 Story Hour Library Sat. Jan. 17' • Public Skating Araha Sat. ,Jan. 17 VVirgham vs Peeviees' 'Arena Sat. Jan. 17 Tilisenburg:vs Beavers. Arena Sun, Jah,16 Bothwell Ve Cente- , Arena , Stitt. 4ari• la . Aretia „. Tues. Jan. 20 tkadies,FitneSSelaps ' `,Seaforth PUIP110 SPhOcti OSt [/.[leek ) • Tues. Jan. 20 ,BroqSelsys Banta* Arena Tues. Jan 20 BhiSetsys Midgets , -Arena Weft, an., 21 Mons & Tat Skating ..Arena Wed: Jan. 21 Womens'BrOornhall Arena TIME 7:15-12:15 7:30-9:30 — 8:30 1:30-2:30 1:30-3 *6:00 Van, 8:00 p.m. 200 P.M. 7-11• p.rrt. 8-10,1).6. 6:4511 M. )37.30 815 p.m, ART-TIME AND CONTINUING EDUCATION CIJNTON CAMPUS Vanastra. Road, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1I.0 Phone 482-3458 DaY[s) ACADEMIC Home Study Mathematics Levels 11 to IV and English Levels' 1,11' and IV - $15 cLERicALiEcRETARIAL Bookkeeping Fundamentals M. & T. $43 "" Typewriting M. $22 SUPERVISION AND MANAGEMENT Effective Supervision-Administration M. $67 How to Start a Small business T• $75 PRE-CERTIFICATION AND, REFRESHER COURSES Natural Gas Fitter Licence PreparatiOn -- Set WOMEN'S EDUCATION plipaRAm Leadership, for Women M. $25 SPECIAL. INTEREST Income Tax •• Preparation . S4a _For. more information br to obtain.a copy L ai our Winter 1981 Catalogue containing details on the above.courses or other part-time Courses offered through. Continuing Education; telephone of visit our. Clinton. Campus betisteen 9:00 a.m. 'to 4:00 p:p1.,• Monday to Friday and from-4:30 P.m. IQ 9;30 0-In., MondaY, Tuesday and . Thursday., 'PLEASE NOTE: The following courses are offered at the Stratford Canipus: Principles of Accounting W-. 4.3 COURSE NAME Fee 'frartiet-Contilitlitif • Mbre, Effective Business Writing Wood Stoves, and Fireplaces ,VVelding For more information contact the Stratford Campus between 6:30 p.m. and 411'30 p.m., Monday, to Thursday by telephone 2714700. M. $36 'Sat. $56 T. $20, Sat. $22 The Legion Nei/VS,. COMMERCIAL HOTEL THIS WEEK'S ENTERTAINMENT Wednesday to Saturday and Saturday Matinee 4.6 Tho.Steeler* NEXT WEEK'S ENTERTAINMENT tnaturisi and Sitnrdity Matinee tp.m. to 6 p.m. Wiltlioney FIN Fs. F1101) FIN E EN"I'E 'I' IN 11 EN T one who--has not picked up their , prize please contact President Bill Wilbee. A !limber .of.membership cards have arrived' and:many be pi eked up, at the bar. COMING EVENTS Thurs. Jan. 15 General Meeting Wed., Jan 21 Stag Euchre Seaforth Optimist a HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Jan. 23 Sat Jan Sup., Jan. 25 FRIDAY, JAN. ,.23 • 6:30 P.M.-HOCKEY'TOURNAMENT 8:00 P.M.-CARNIVAL FUN NIGHT Arena Hall -;Disc jockey -GameS -Euchre -Crokinole -Games of Chance Bring the family to see the hockey and warm up upstairs Lunch 11:00 p.m. Advance tickez inc. iun0h upstairs $1.00; , at the door $1.5t, kids free. ° SAYURDAYAN. 24 16' Teams at Seaforth Arena 9:00 A.M.-SNOW SCULPTURING Optimist Park Prizes..- Lunch 'Booth Open 9:00 A.M.-HOCKEY TOURNAMENT.• CONTINUES lelfenTtr Ana 1:00 P.M.-4x4 WHEEL DRIVE POKER:RALV Optimist 'Park 0 3:1.5 P.M.-HOCKEY SEMI FINALS START (TILL 10:00 P.M.) Arena 9:00 P.M.-CARNIVAL HARD TIME DANCE Arena Hall Music-Free Spirit-LC80-Advance Tickets $3,00 . Tickets at Door. $3.50 Available from-Members Rhoo A.M. - HOCKEY TOURNAMENT SEMI-FINALS seafor;n 1:2:00 P.M. ..., SNOWMOILE POKER' RALLY 1:30 P.M.. - CROSS CO, NTRY SKI RALLY 3:00 P.M. - HOCKEY ;HAMPIONSHIP 4:15 P.M. - HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP . Arena Optimist, Park Optimist Park B Division A 'Division CARNIVAL CO-ORDINATOIIS Bill Whyte 527:1B07 • Kep Cardno 527-1610 Ken Celeman07-0398 527.0120 • HOCKEY TEAMS SCHEDULE Fri. 4:30 - Skitthray vs Milverton • 7145 ; &dutch vs London 9 p.m. .r Mitchell vs Blyth Sat. 9 am, leaforth vs Exeter 10:15 ch.. Mt. Forrest vs Belmont ' 11130 adt. - New Market vs Windsor 12145 p.n. Kincardine vs Erindide 2:00 pm Erindale G vs Burlington 3:15 - 9 p.m. - Sernt4tituds Sun. 10 a.nC • Settri-Fitirdir eharnOcinsitip at 3:00 p.m. Cisamplons4 A att4:15 p.m. Support. your service clubs (licookods Minor Sportsl THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY '15, 1961 Canadians were finally given an opportanity to view a Performance by one of ' Canada's favorite daughters Sunday night. courtesy of the peoples' television network. In the eight or nine years since I've been a fen of exlpatriot.Joni, Mitchell, I have never, seen her perform either live or in front of the cameras. ekvept in the movie The Last Waltz. Even in that. a visual record of the group The Band's last hurrah, Joni was merely a backstage voice. 11141, sense. I gileSS, the folk and jazz stylist. whom folk 'singer James Taylor describes as the best female, vocalist perfOroting today. Alf iris judgement,, menns anything) is 0 fortunate victim lager nation's fumbling attempt,tO settle On. a Itnral, identity' for itself. She, like other Canadian PatfOrmers Of"the '60s and •early 'Vs:: tried thei6Inek' at home before stisettmbing,,the greater attention availjble -*Oath- adtO -hottler. • jt would WO been nice if"the success eould, have been 44004 eattada. It is, in. WI, dehateble' whether it could have trappene4. The preVailinsattitadg.. as *fell can remember it, in the mild-60s .waS that anything worth listening to surely ,wasn't "Made •in Canada„" and, don't bother looking for beavers "ormlaple leaves, on the patkage. To some extent-the judgement lingers today One current , group. Toronto's Martha and the Muffins, had to find success in England before reaping benefits at home which they are now doing (in spite nf their questionable name). So now, LS years or so later. Joni Mitchell getS perhaps the widest exposure she has ever, received in this country a CBC SuperSpecial. The irony in that is the live performance was taped in California last summer. ;Although she's recently been in Toronto working on a filch. it has been ages since Joni has played to an audience in this part of the cotent7. Is there,,bitterness remaining from the alienation shelelfInTier own country Which ,prevents her from playing here? Are we now going to be restricted to seeing her in the odd television special? • Oh. well, better late than never and better than nothing. SHADOWS AND LIGHT • Her show, entitled Shadows and Light, clearly demonstrated .why musicians like Mitchell • rate the description "artist" 'when others don't. That, in spite of the fact a major Toronto daily criticized the special but didn't pan it completely. Besides. the criticism was more concerned with,camera and production cchniques than After a mild winter last tier 'efforts over the past year. 1981 has returned year. Snowmobilers are cour- snow with a vengeance. The teously remineded of the. Ansable,Bayfield Conserve- potential damage they can do tion Authority invites' local, to a young tree. People in the people to take advantage of Parkhill vicinity are remind- the. current snow blanket by' ed filet the conservation area using its public winter trail offers excellennohogganing, system. opportunities too! Authority Trails Co-ord- inator Charles Miner reports that -the three major trail H systems of the Watershee- Exeter,-.-Hey Swamp and Parkhill, are all groomed and 'in readiness for the cross- country skier and stiowmo- • ' Winter enthusiasts in the Exeter area are encoiiraged to use a seven kiloineter cross-Country ski trail which originates at the South Huron Recreation Center. and then proceeds along the south side of the Ausable Rive tower& Morrison' Dam ' Conservation' Area as in forMer years: The trail' then returns to Exeter along the north' side Of the river. A recent town now. pro- hibits motorized vehicles on Park' Property. ao snOW,tpo- biting will be prohibited along this trail. Private land, Others haveagain generous- ly allowed cross r counntry skiers en. certain portions of . :this route provided they stay on the rail, For the snowmobile lover. there' is a whopping thirty kilometers of 'groomed trail available in Hay,, Swamp which lies along Highway 83. apProximately, halfway be- tweertEieter and Dashwood. Most of, this -'Scenic trail passes through dense ,Att- Ahority-forest4a114-and. along. - public roadways riot normally plowed through the winter months. At, Parkhill' Conservation Area,' located al the junction Of highways .7 and 81, there are 25 kilometers of snewmce biting trails and 9 kilometers of cross-country skiing routes. Some notes to past users. Of the conservation era': the bridge over Mad Creek has been removed (hie to extensive damage by high water and other certain areas Of the trail, have been For- dotted oft 'hie to Ned. Ccplumn by Hetb ShoNoefier with. the musical content. Artist..Mitchell deserve* the description., because she is not content to sit with set patterns and guaranteed success. What sets the artist, apart from the craftsmanly ...entertainer? The artist is the onewilling, to explore. investigate new territory or break new ground. Mite.hell.does that. In her early albums, up until Court,' and Spark. +he appeal rested mainly in-her title voice. thinightful lyrres and quality. musie. Eviii then; although she Iiinitect. her PrQdgcliort;InAini.Y. to frik there *as. something unique, her :work Whiett 'Set her outside the mainstream gent!: 'With Conte and Stier* artistic exploration settled to take a larger rolein her songs. It W, .4"., a Tittle more *adv.' a.little Jazzier and .l all. served as es elenee something was< ensiling her fUrther front folk. the musk which !twitched hergereer.• The oldest.pieee done on the Superspeetel was Raised on Rebbery, from the sevenyear-ol Court and Spark. No big-yellow taxis and no cloudt! Then followed The Hissing 'of Summer Lawns - and Hejira. • both of which. though exemplifying . the underpinnings of her' past. gave evidence that . jazz was slowly overtaking her interests. The proof came with Mingas, a jam exploration. dedicated to the late. innovative musician ' Charles Mingus. if Mingus means a major adjustment for Mitchell fans, then the change for-hermust have been monumental. THE JAZZ' APPEAL Whether jazz appeals" to you or dot whether you're prepared to be patient enough to try to understand its musicalgoals. what is crucial to remember is that Mitchell is investigating it. It's possible. and. I'm sure there are many who, would challenge this, that of all current music it is jazz which closest approaches an artistic label. So there it was Sunday night. a Canadian-born singer performing Material representative of her own musical growth and to serve extent the develOpment Of musk over the past threepecades (final pieces, with the rvthmic voices . politically aware. lot* at the physical aspects The. final workshop will. of mood changes and how food additives vitamins_ and minerals .affect the brain. The Mitch 36 class will study the nature of the brain and thesubstances-thebraiticelli" release. resulting in moods, • altered behavior . and teleran-6e for stress. Specific illnesses, like schizophrenia and hypoglycemia and how they tie into nutritional habits will be studied. The six workshops are' offered to all Huron ,County women for a cost of $10. They will be held from 7 until 9:30 p.m. Already over 75 women have shown" interest in the - Women Today groui. that . , in asserting yourself. • was formed. last fall and the Oh March 16 the course Organization hopes to reach Will deal' ,with political out to more women through involvtthent and how women Conestoga College. can affect the political Anyone---interested- in the Leadership for Wornen' process and lobby. Discussions will centre 'on course may resister , at' the how to gather inforMation on Clinteln campus in. Vanastra issues alia bow to become or telephone 482-3458. of the Persuasions!. Perhaps. if von it vou didn't appreciate the jaaz pertions (I know I have trouble). But sueely you. must respect an artist who won't sit pat. 3ki ih that, who cares, about camera angles? stns* *4' FRESH BEFORE. . . Here's a word to the wise which amounts .as much as memo to Myself as a caution to readers. I have an unCanev habit Of ono:basing, items in stores without first checking the 'best before' date on the package. That I remember to do when I get home and realize ['hove a packai3 of bologna-a tog of bread or even milk whose 'beernesi:. tannin a week ago. Usually 1 am too ravenous to immediately return theitem, so with a vow to he more careful in the intore, 144.40. and respress any wellies I mayibeve 041194 PO4O6018• This iso.egius,ive.tu.Ong store - tci.mst•in several-(I ttikVy41... needed a personal menvol..rd .liketo think. as Well i.nat the plheing -of old vV„.0 en oversight en the part of-thehnsineSses, but i can't. Pot- some reason Innch meat or .rnilk at the front if always the oldest andettmetitheS. to get a freshei,item, you .must" negotiate your Way throaghe maze •ot ma moo• So tekc care, Herb; and aeyone else with an abhorrence for food poisoniniOr,other.possible ill effects. and check the date._ The membership committee again is ,iii contention for an Early Bird. Award we hope. As of Dec. 31. .1980 there are 97,47% paid up members a very good job <indeed. Early bird winners for the month of Dec. will be draw n at our next general meeting Thurs....Jan 15. Do try and be there. The committee also like to give a gentle reminder to all Fraternal ' to ?. affiliate Nptignal..Non-Stnolsing , Week .jani,18410981 for Women... BY SIIELINATMePBEE ... n through' the college origins of the feeling, its Huron' -County's Women. beginning bn Monday. oppressive nature and how it Today.'group has° decided to January 19 and running, on short-circuits independence. collaborate , with the alternate Mondays until - The class will also loOL..at ' conestoga College's Clinton ' March 30. wayS to cope With guilt. campus in offeringa series'Of Stress will be the topic of . workshops and seminars the first workshop and Competitive behavior entitled Leadership . for discussion will centre ,.. on --13 eri'ved0 *Omen" het been Women: . - ' , what causes stress. what scheduled aslhefebrom 16 , instead—of__thc. regtaar.......excessive stress....,does-anci— workshop It Will study why monthly meetings which are what can be done `to-Centro! women eompete, rather than ' 'opens to ell women in the' or manage.-it. ';•,' , _ co-operate and will look at ,different types of competitive county,,. the group will' be , The February 2 session offering six, evening sessions will deal with guilt, the • ,hehavior. There will be some , .• discussion on how to build . more effective relationshipi hetween women. Publit • trails and mean what you say in a 'How to say what you mean non-aggressive way wilt bp- a en in Ausable . the topic of the March 2 workshop: In studying assertiveneS, the group Will , look at ways to be confident Seaforth Winners were 'nest lames. Kad Teichert and "Gerald Meidenger- Lone_Hanis was won by pay Anstett vith door prize going to 'Brian Calved. Next Stag Euchre Jan. 21. ' Any couple (men & woinen) wishing to pity in a shuffle board tournenent to be held at otir Legion are asked <sign up oh -the list •prly Bfrd mAiordm .offering members that their dues Must be paid by Jan. 31, 1981. If not not paid on or before that date they will have to reapply ,,for membership. I *Mild :urge these members toact thice there is a waiting list wanting to join. Last Saturday afternoon was a very busy day at the branch. when 40 members' and their wives from Listowel—:Provided before Jan. 16. The Sports Committee have worked hard to try and entertain the members and they deserve our supvirt. I am glad to report that the Seaforth Pee Wee Hockey.. Tournament held in . Lucknow last Saturdiy and came away over all 'winners They 'tow advance to District play down, on Feb. & 9. Congratulation boys tit a job well done. „. Winners of the Boxing 'ight draw whicl was neglected last week. ifere aS follows 1st prize Ace little of , Woodstock: 2nd Prke Al Nieliolson; '3rd Prize ' Ace Little; 4 Prize Jim FindaySon Sib .prize Cord. Salldvs Ainy Legion dropped in for an hOur orso and joined, withy . our members in a sing song and remenicising of days gone by. The gatheiing also was treated to a feW tu. nes on the bagpipes by you know whol The sports COmmittee has been busy this east couple of weeks. The euchre held last Wednesday hed a gctod:turn.' out, with 9 tables in play.