HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-15, Page 10Af ). ear xa
For three days. November
3 to 5. 1980, a gun hunting
season "for deer Was esta-,
s blishedirr Huroe-ceteitY, for
first time since 1974.
The results. now analysed.
are as follows: "'
.In total. 885 validation
stickers were issued to inter-
,' ested hunters throughout the
thkee zones in Huron Cbunty.
An estimated '728 sportsmen
participated in the hunt and
were successful in ,hat4esting,
1.Q3 deer. Residents of Huron,
trim --'7 —tt reigto'-er r.
-Please turn to page vi
MON. TUES. & WED 9-6 P.M.
THURS. ATM. 9.9 P.M.
URDAY 9-6 P.M.
1,...1.•• 1%. 7. X.?. ). 7,••—••
Prices effective
until Saturday,
January 17, 1981
re :Offs'
4 •
searc ritcy c-(:)rril worm
Soil and crop group- senes resolution
Directors of the, Huron
• 2ounty Crop „and Soil Im-
provement Association
Thursday approved four res-
olutions which will be fel'
earded th'''ese ous groups.
One resolution to go to the
• annual meeting of the Ontitr-1
io „Soil and Crop annual.
meeting to. be held- Januel'y
2."i..2k in Barrie urgently asks
let artineteaSe in the amount
,k)f kora. totwarm
Ti 'reselutiint also. 0s-•
that this type of re Search. 'be
• con .acted at 4 .10eatietr-
,:'Whefe. L eern. rem: vomit' is
prevalent. prefer ably •• at '
Centralia • College Agri-
clean* TechnolOV•
Reply to a similar resoln;
non last year from the
Ontario Ministry of Agricul-
crop rotation as suggested
would greatly reduce the
(Inn acreage in Ontario. •
The Huron Soil and Crop
Education committee headed
by Gerrit Van Keulan and
'Aart De Ves was authorized
'to take a second resolution
directly to Ontario's Agrieul-
titre Minister LOrne 'lender,
tore said the disease was not
serious and , crop rotatibn
would help clear up the
situation. '
Huron farmers feel that During the 1979-80 fiscal
This brief erates that
senior specialists with the
Ontario Ministry of Agriettl-
Feett ,.are being
lerettayi'aY by 4.4ri-btrsitiAtr:
due to the lark tncentive to
,remain with the Ministry. ,
continues to say that'
staff in 'the Sells and Clops
branch has Been decreased
by abOut 20 percent since
1974 at a time when technol-
• ugy is advancing and re-
search is 'being cutback, thus
putting ',a gbeater burden on
the' shoulders of existing
• .'irtilliorkslOilarS,*„oay, Itt,t)tet; the increase' e Sah butte'
• alpwlY but surely strangling the-developed sett:MOO and •
the Titjt*.W9xilfg4mIttOS as .10.-- by 'hiking oil prices.
will atid'ottirec than 54 billion- annually to. the oil bills. in-
• Bedfellows make strange polities. Or is h the other way
TheOrganitation of .Petroteum 'Exporting Poontries‘'jS
The new ..prices, ,r#7801# ctrsti Canadians a •
4_,,„Pan and West. Germany.
The:OPgebi1ts..arebeeeming astronomical, so high that.
dullards inmathernatics.such as I am find it inipossible to.
• .Contprehetid thefigUres. 1 •
s' The Third. World. countries could be. so strapped for
petroleum dollars that they could all go bankrupt.
I have said it before j and the reaction astounds 'me, but
What, is wrong with using food' as a political tool?
In hushed tones. the hemanitarians say that such a
stiggeetion is horrible.
"Hold the hungry forransOot?" they say. "We cannot
even think, of suck a thing,"
Canada, the United States, Australia and Argentina are
the leading grain produCers in the World. Many of those
Same OpEC nations, with id] their petrodollars, cannot
grow enough wheat to feed themselves. grain will not do
well ie a desert.
They buy millions of tonnes of, wheat and other erains
from the food-producing countries'. They have formed their
.CaHef.'Why diet -Me foed-exporting countries form a food
cartel and sell bushel-for-barrel?
The-idea is far from new. In effect, the U.S.A. tried,
- tiirsuceessfUlly it seems, tous.e food as a political tool when
President Carter opted for a grain embargo •to Russia for
the invasion of Afghanistan. It seemed _Cabe ahalf-hcasted
effort. We.all know thathig graizfsellers in the'U.S. sold' to
countries other. than Russia knowing full-well that the
buyers were only middle=men for the U.S.S.R.
The idea of a food cartel to deal with OPEC„,ceuld be
difficult to 'enforce. It could/take considerable organiztng
and the four or-five participating nations would have to be'
'tinted in their stand so'that the dollar bill would not be the
motivating teeter. •
And_si coerse. th/participating governments would
have to work with agrilture so that sector of the economy
did not suffer if grain shipments were held back. Farmers
would have to be cempensated.
Does this idea sound callous? Would the food-exporting
.itatiettis)hteonte gads interitlitrgwitd"wortIti"earrAnd-Wilb—
would not?, / _
Felicia% such a police would be a tremendous. job..
especially now that we know middle-men will stop at
nothing-6r' get 'grain to a destination. `But it seetns-tu me
Canacla.,the Untied States and Mistretta havc‘as mucti or;
more; 'at common than the petroien0,ettporting nations: F .
arid Irartionsoneighluturs:intlie.ir deSerwithinte, and
even noie, at v;ar. J6rdanians:40 not like? I.j:hyan*:
c1T't like the Saudis :and all of them hate the-Israelis:,
the volatile 'situation n t4t., Ntiddle East would tiea Mitts
factor for a, fond'Farfel.
Paying 550 fora bushel of %beat shauld be a deterrent to
charging $50 a barrel for oil.
I have-'said mans. times that, some day. agriculture will
regain its place.. in the political picture. a' place of
prominenCe and respect.
This would be one Teti of gaoling that respect.
The gty with biggest club gets respect.
Hungry, ,sur.ilig people become desperate people,'
maybe even desperate enough to lower the price'of oil.
year, the agriculture budget Canada No. 1 as specified on
of the Ontario government the label.
was the-it:441)11dpi cut back At the sante time Ontario
of all the ministries; Crop Insurance 'covers all
The resolutien asks for an perils such as disease,
increase in the Ministry of drobght, frost. insects. etc?.
Agriculture and Food budget but does not cover- poh seed
commensurate with other quality:
Ministries to allow ;for great- - -The fourth resolution 'will
er funding. for search and Ate sent • to. Pioneer. Seeds
espansioh in extension sec- along the company to .con-
vices espeCially in the Soils Unite production, of 3915A
'and Crops branch. co an.
A third raeiutien .iS to he previonsly,,4c.
son nx‘lho..Ontitriq-Oop -et4ed:tatakb
:.l0nrattOe ,PanttltiOiOn. and market And' have it . tePitteed
Plant ..Pn:iductS ,Ottawa 3950. - • •
askiog that .seed'eonipanies • Soils and 4FPP 43ecialiSt,
.8441744tee the Specified seed, Pat lynth from the $tratftird.
quality When it is planted' or 0/v1AF .office said results of
make them carry liability to 17 trials on Huron 'farntS
cover the grower's lass. . . shewed• 3975A outyiclded
• the resolution;eatne about 1950 by five bushels per
because seed tottipanies with acre.
their limitations of warranty ''1‘1.r. Lynch said it was the
tags can disclaim arty liability first -known time that a soils
in grower loss due to Crop' and had asked a
failture because the grower „seed firm to continue pro-
received ..seed other than ductionota specific variety.
District . dire ctor Law-
mace Taylor suggeSted that
mare farmers get involved in
projects and research.
To speed this suggestion,
each director will be asked to
Present at least .one written
project report front his own
Pat Lynch added, "you :,--,
i/19-0„.haYe to do the project '
'yourselves .: UM report on ilo
one in yciur Tea."
Oonsidera lo discussion
VA place 'on the Mortal 9t7
the ROJO Soil and - Crop
annual rneating4—, , -+
,Severaldirectors felt de•
spite lengthy meetings, not
enough time was spent en
discussing, reporti 'and"' pro-
, leet4. ;
Most director& agOed..th at
the annual banquet was very'
popular and would be con- '
tinued, but at ditional sek l
sions may be set up fo
Please turn to page 11
od as hoOgge._
\idlers Ape aCP,Im,dted Pv OWL, Eldal, Rd Eirrilia Ons N3. ze 7
_ -
committees Boneless Full. Cut I f.
amnsell& to take informa-
tion from the Huron County
Holstein club 'te, , National
Directors. Bob MeNeil has
completed the first-year of a
two year term as counsellor
and will continue.
The annual' meeting-of the':
club ,,is to be, held
No‘rember 26.
• 4
, Members of the Huron
County Holstein.Club set up
• their committees for, the new
year when they met at the
1.0.0.F, hall in Clinton on
The committeees are: barn
• Meeting- Glenn Hodgins,
Hank Binnendyi and Dave
• Marshall; bus trip- Bob
McNeil: Murray Hogg and
Keith Van Camp; twilight Every week more and
meeting; ,.Keith'- Joheeton. more peofile discover what
Jim.McKague, Wilbert Free- InIghty „jobs are accom-
man and -Dennis Martin;• Plished by low cost Huron
Walkerton EispOsitOr Want Ads- 1?iat
Wilbert Freeman. Joe Van ' 527-0240.
Osch,. Ellwood Seili and Jim
McKague4 Ladies Night- Al
Feddes. Murray Donaldson:"
Bill Gibbings; annual meet-
. ing- Dave, Marshall, Joe Van
Osch. FIlWood Spa; London
Fair, Ken Rani y. tiepins
Martin.. Glen McNeil.
The club also discussed
'the Clinton Spring show and
decided to try add rent space
in the Clinton arena for' a
• Friday night show if -the fair
board approves it and that
the judges for cattle could
be Mae Logan or Court
Carmichael as the alternate.
A Ladies Showmanship
elass open to '• ladies not
involved in any 4.H clubs Will
be a, hew ventno for the
Holstein Club at the spring
show in Clinton. Some
- companies -In Huron. county_
had volunteered to provide a
'trophy for this claSs.
In a report from „the
advertising ‘committee, -Bob
McNeil told the • club that-
they had talked abbut taking
out a 1/8 &a page ad in the
Holstein Journal,- every
month' in which the breeders
of Huron -County could ad-
vertise, -He said nehnle,
, twice, until everybody had
the chance at leeet once, and
that each breeder would be
notified by mail about this.
He said`it was felt that there
should be ehairmae for this
-Wirnmittee and after some
...discaSsion, •the club decided
to adapt the presentation of
the, advertising committee
itnd make Wilbert Fieentan
the chairman.
' It was decided that the
Hdlstcill Chib'S gift to % thq.
dairy "princess this year
Would Otice again be a si'
tee scrAcc. .
hi Other business, Dave
Minitel! was elected as a
Additions, Sheds,
Any t-lotne,
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