The Wingham Times, 1899-09-15, Page 8i . M°IND00. Boys' Youths' Clothing BOOTS MID SIDES Special and seasonable at special prices. Men's, Boys' and Youth's Clothing. SCOL SHITS, REBS SUITS Lau;ee can r:la.the their boys here u batty, stylish garments and at prices to suit every person, (fur clothing is well made, well trimmed, neat and stylish. Doable and single breasted coats, We have every - thine in the line of good clothing at lu - t;t.wo •a.v:.k of Fine Sllnes and Underwear, Hats and Caps. flew i,aaintIes and Fur Coats. It is getting time to get ready fur fall. You , gain nothing by delay, Hurried aelections will be neither as good nor as cheap as things bought xio.w at your leisure and out of full assortment, We now have gust passed into stock 30 Ladies' Asti'a- chau Fur Coats, commence at $25.00, extra eho:ee. Large assortment of fine ready - Made utnntles now ready for inspec- tion. Large assortment of Ladies' Fine Suitings in all the new fall shades. Lining and Trimming to match each shade. Large stock of Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Laces and Embroideries. Choice assortment of• Carpets and Lace. Curtains. SHOP EARLY. 1 RE WJNC[ A , TIMES SEPTEMBER 1 potation. The private lights are run all night, but the moonlight 'schedule operates on the streets. The Council expects the plant ta be self-sustaining by this fall. This is considerably ahead of the proposi- tion of a private company a few months ago, who wanted 5500 per year for ten street lights. It is ex- pected that a revenue of between $1,200 and $1,300 per year will be realized, which will over all ex. penses, allowing $100 for deprecia- tion, The rates are ea.treniely la►rt, ranging froth one and three-gtinrter cents to nine centsa week for six- teen e. p. lights. Acton established its nubile plant in January last at a cost of ;tf,500. The street lamps are. 32 e. p. incan- descent and number 56. Some 020 private lights arc in use, which will give a revenue of over $1,30() a year. This, it is believed, will pay expenses and interest on the eeht, The moonlight schedule ie in oper. ation, and all lights go out at mid- night. In winter a morning service from. 0,30 to daylight will be pagan. The residence rates are 53.75 per light per year for each of the first four sixteen c. p. lamps and el each for all above that. These rates are eat in two for eight e. p: lamps. Business placed are charged two. cents pee night, and factories and churches e1 for light per year: Acton's population is 1,400. It will thus he seen that towns which de their own lightine' .. get more lights, better service tinct for far less money than could be' got from private companies. When Wingham bought the water power I, and many others, were under the impression that the town. would do its own lighting. No town in On- tario is in a better position to do so. Bat up to the present time the people of Whitetail', do not seem to take sufficient'y united interest in the matter. The do not seem to. be aware of the valuable privilege they possess. The purchase of the water power was a grand investment, and the roan who first broached the idea of the purchase deserves a mon- ument to his metnoly. But if the 9 Power is• only to be used for Fire Mr. James Marshall, a County Le7 � � � l Protection it was a mistake to pare Councillor of Wentworth, wheeled .. i� so much for it Now that we hat's from. his Moate in Barton Township Ittunicipal Ligeatiaag an Wingham.. 'of this town. It is almost a priceless To the EditSr or Tar •r. u¢s : 1 privilege. At present no one .can"' "Hearts resolv,: 1 and hands prepared 1 really say how valuable it is, for at The blessings wa enjoy to guard," ! is an asset that' will always be grow- -Smollett. 1 ing. A gold mine is of no value Slim,—The Globe continues its until it is properly worked ; the articles nn the importance and wit- !same With our Water Power ; ..i;t dom of towns doing their own light !must be developed, and then it may ing— several examples are given of !prove a kind of gold mine to us. It towns w Bich have gained largely by ? may be that in the near future it d to alienate it from us, but all such efforts should be firmly resisted. It can be seen from the figures here given which are carefully copied from the Globe that municipalities eau, and dagiv.e better and cheaper lights than any private company. Other municipalities are not afraid to go into the business, and why should **e, I have spawn in my previous letter that we have plenty of capable filen to manage is, and le that list the name of William Holmes was aecidentally olninitted, and now 1 wish to salll,ly it, as I consider elm. 'equal to the best named for the our• pose. Tr tee tuwo went into the buss. nese it would give necessary employ. anent to a large number people. No dispc:sition of the Power, or any part of it, should ever be Made without the consent of the ratepayer's. If; by usingeit, wo min materially re- duce the cost oflighting, have better lighting;, and besides, after paying all expenses, have a. large surplus hood for the town, as other towns have, why hesitate to undertake it. I believe the saying would pay fur plant in a few years without the ratep..yers being casted on. for one cent. Anyone who would favor turtling this Power trout nubile to .private control is. no friend to W'iig- ham, and his motive may be well questioned, i de not wish to say an • unkind word about any one, and mt:.eh less de I desire to injure any one. I merely speak far what I consider publle benefit. To buy our useless surplus water. A splen- did idea, but rather suggestive of :breakers and rooks ahead, and the proposal is "so childlike and bland." My object is to try and arouse the people of Wingham from apparent apathy, to an intelligent interest in an important, question. There was a politeal song at one time popular in England, the two• last lines of wbieh were as follows "Whatever be says beware of Pat Cpunor, Ile may have a stone in his sleeve for yobr honor," I am, &c. A 1t, ATtineevr h, this valuable power we should use it` o Montrose, Manitoba, nearly 1,700 to its utmost capacity, for the benefit miles in sixteen days. . . oing so. In the town of .Barrie, awill not only give all the light and m population 6,500, under the uni-; power we require, but also heat cipal system the prices now are• for :every house in the town. Is such a sixteen candlepower lights :—Resi • power or any privilege connected V dances and eharehes, from 51.50 to ' with it to be lightly parted with? 56 per annum, according to number ; Any selling or leasing of it, or .any of lights, those figures being for part or privilege, connected with it, twenty and over and. one ,light I would be what Sir Charles Tupper respectively ; businsss places, keeping I would call `'deplorable" for Wing. open after 7 p. m., from 53 to 56 per' ham, We could not properly esti light per annual; hotels from 53 to 1 mate what we *ere parting with, 54.25 per light per annatn, business !At present electricity is only in its places, closing at 7 p. m., from 521 infancy, a baby to -day, perhaps a to 55 per annum. The rate for arc lights is 20 cents per night or 80 i giant to -morrow. No' one can pre- cents pee week,cThe meter rate i0 diet what it may attain to. Let the c10e cents forwatts, e is pe•)ple make it clear to al/ concerned with 17 1,000centunder the private that the Wingham Water Power, or any privilege connected therewith, is company's regime. The number of neither for sale or lease. When private lights is being increased; Wingham bought the Power no one constantly. 'supposed it was bought for specula - In the village of Markham, under tion, neither to sell or rent. Inter- municipal Control the streets are ested parties represent that we have lighted by thirty 32 e, p: lamps, no land for the plant, that the Diver Which run until midnight and on the is getting less every year, and that Moonlight schedule, Nearly 800 16 ' the Water Power is insufficient. The c. p. lights aresupplied to private in- toren can expropriate all tSe land it slividnals, bringing in a revenue of requires. The river is not, getting About $950 a year. The total ex. less. The world is not drying up to Dense is slightly less than this, 80 any appreaoiable extent, and not -that the street ligghting and fire pro- likely to do so. We have about the '+lection, which consists of pumping same quantity of rain and clouds, water into the trains with the same and, 1 era sorry to say, of snow, boiler, are had without cost. The every year. People are not afraid rate for 16 e. p. lamps is from seven of their rivers goieg dry elsewhere, Why shoo:d we? If the river goes to ten cents per week. A capsider` able number of subscribers have dry there will be no surplus of water, been added since the town regained and yet strange to say, we hear of control. people eager to pay money for our The village of Beeton also, with a surplus water. People are not apt' population of 1,000, controls. its own to give money for nothing. To say lighting. Its plant was put in in the least, it looks extremely suspie- 3'anuary of the present year at ft ions. To sell or lease the Power or cost of $6,500. Of this 53,500 wee any part thereof may be like the borrowed, and the balance will be entering of the wedge which Wing- raisedby municipal taxation. The haat might find it very hand to hull street latmpe are 820. p. incandescent out again. The paltry stint offered and are 26 in number, There are is no inducement for us to tie' oar 675 l,• - • . ,K, aticstideeeent Heim in� hands. Whatever It is worth to a . use. .. a are .aleo 200 iii;hte in iprivate party it is worth many times' file jd ,.. .,t` refuge aud 50 in theimore to the town. I have no doubt) Town liall, ettpplled free by the nor. bat persistent efforts may be made Gook's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 0,000Ladies: Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Gom- poltad. Take no ether, as all Mixtures, p111g and imitations are dangerous. Pride, No. 1, $1 per box; No, 21,10 degrees stronger, $2 per box. No. a or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent a m g, • The Cook Company,Windsor, Ont. los. l and 2 sold ana recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. No, land No,•2 •for sale by Colin A. Campbell 1899. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned oilers for sal iis farm, being west halt of lot 20, •uses• sion 13, East Wawiitiutih. 1'' farm contains 100 floret more i'r cum, all of acblob is rewired except 1 en acres ut hardwood bush. ` a inti is well watered ad the ear r ucl, and the soil is firstelass and is f ated 4 widen from Wiughnrn, There 1 a good frame, house, bare, driving shed and wood abed upon ' the premises ; alsogood orchard, bet., terms and .particulars apply an the premises or w 0, A. 1INTUUL, W'ingbaw P. 0. PHOTOGRAPHS For rood and well finishers photos try M. E.,Zurbrigg io the down floor gal- lery. lie has a better cotleution than ever in his window. Gives you any- thing you want in the photo line from the little stamp photo at 18 Photos for lac to the 10 x 20 size, Also Crayon and Water Colors. Gallery OppositePresbyterian Church. PIG IE. @I1 A31Itvll dr Gi, Boy wanted to learn Photography. IMPORTANT SALE —08,.— If you want;. a first-class stove at moderate prices buy a Cook Stove. Scores of .thein in use in this vicinity, Aand giving perfect satisfaction. Ask, your neighbor A about the qualities of the Grand Jewel. Every stove guaranteed. A ran K { (''. ih ewYl v v y V V • A A YO?,.,.NG & PAULIN RU HOLD ST° E ----- Mrs._ D. i Winglta'w in t sell her houssbol sale at ber resident, Tones inten near fut furnit on FRANCES The fnruiture room, dining roo cook and dining kitchen utensil tools, etc. Articles Friday, only tw leaving . re and will © by private REFIT. net• and b Dna stov pictures, la s of drawing room suites, with pipes, s, garden' n be seen any ti . ' after pt. 8th. Sale will last for weeks. FARM FOR SALE The west half of lot 38, con. 9, Mut Wawanosb,containing 100 acres. Gpod brick house two stories high, bank barn and outbuildings. J. - miles from Bel - grave and A mile from school. Apply on the premises. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, W1NGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. iAPPLES ` ANTED I. A.T �1116TGIIAItI. l Mahler Bros., proprietors of the Wing - ham Evaporator., will begin operations here as soon as the crop is ready. They will pay the highest market prices for all kinds of apples, according to quality. Pacicers Oulls. and Winetalls included. ` Parties having apples of Any kind, large or small quantities, to sell, will find a ready market at the best prices going by coming to our factory. Dressler M,AHT.IER BROS., Propretvrs. • • �IT PAYS TO HO To THE REST. • mu/num, ONT. Canada's greatest School of Shorthand and Business Training RE -OPENS FOR THE FALL TERM TUESDAY, SEPT. 5th. 236 OF OUR PUPILS SECURED GOOD POSITION'S in the seventeen months ending June ist, 1899. What do you think of such a record ? Our pupils are•now in strong demand with many of .the leading business houses. When we tel you that this large number secured positions, we are also prepared to furnish tbef het showing where they were placed and with whom.•If interested, write for it. THE BEST SCHOOL 113 THE CHEAPEST IN THE END. We pay the railway fare of students coming from a distance, provided it does nett exceed $5.00, wh4ch is the limit Of -our allewanee in this connection. Oan se0ure goon board for gentlemen at $2 00 to 822:50 per week and for ladies at $2,00. During the year which •closed .June' SOtb, we had pupils in attendance from Newfqundtand on the Atlantic, to Seattle un the Pacific ; from Manitoba on the North to Brooklyn, N.1''., on the South. There were 133 Citiea, Towns and Vil- lages in Canada, and five States or the Union represented with us. Twenty-three Counties and Districts outside of Chatham sent us 198 pupils, Chatham and Kent County alone sent us over 100 pupils. while Manitoba and the.Nortb.west Terri- tories sent us six. WHAT WE GET WE HOLD. . Write for handsome catalogue of either department, Mention Which catalogue you want, M. Mc1C.L111TCJILIAT & 00., Chatham, Ont. Sight is priceless Get your sight tested. It costs clothing. WE FIT SPED 'AOLES Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably, Try us. MUNSIAW OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. ell ce Are you still in Ingham ? We thought you would have been run out of here before this. 10. or I2 oppositions have been in the business since you came.. ,How is it you are still to the front ? Oh, that's easily answered. We:have always kept to the front' by keeping the largest and best assorted stock of mediurrt priced Furniture, nicely assorted, clean, well made goods and at reasonable prices. We don't have fancy prices, but always try to deal with the public as we would wish to be dealt by, and by so doing, we find that our sales during the past tent months are the largestwe have ever had during the same time, 'since we came to Wingham, IS years a o. And we have to -day a larger an• nicer line of goods to suppl the demand than ever befor-: And in proof of it ..we ask any 'one, old or young, i yo ait'to see a nice up-to-date Furniture Store, if you wan, buy anything in the Furniture line frOi h Common Chair to a Parlor Suite, we ask you to come in and see our goods and we think we can convince'you that you can 'get better value for your money than elsewhere. -A.i(d why do we think so ? Because in medium priced lied Rodin SuiteseSideboards and Tables, we are the- only dealers selling the Union Furniture Manufacturers goods, and they are known to be the best manu- facturers of such goods in Ontario. In Parlor Suites, Couches, Lounges and Mattresses we sell Walker & Clegg's make. Chairs, we sell Batton & Fessant's ; and in better goods in Cat Oak and Curly Birch (of high grade quality) we sell Messrs. Bell & Son's: We believe in patronizing.' Home Industries, (especially when we have. four of the best emanufaetnrers: of Furniture right here in Wingham) by, buying our goo: at. home. . We have neither freight or packing charges to pay, and't'onseguently are in a position to sell at lower prices. WOOL CARPET*We sell also (direct from the manufacturers) and made to order) to fit ynur rooms. A nice line of Wool Carpets. Call and see them. Also Carpet Paper and Stair Pads, Easels, Sereens, Curtain: Poles, Parlor Tables, Parlor Rocking Chairs, Pictures and Wall Pockets. And we make a specialty of Framing Pictures and Wreaths:. We pro- fess to take the lead in this particular line, and have the largest stock of Picture Mouldings to be found in Wingham. When you are in Wingham just take a look at our window. We think we•hays the nicest store front in the town. Then when you have seed what is in our Show ,Window,, Come inside. See what is on the first floor, and don't go out thinking you have seen all, for you must go upstairs to see the nice Chairs, Couches, Centre Tables, &c., &c. We have only a small part of our goods in our show window. Our store is open every day (but Sunday) from 7.80 a. in,., till 9 o'clock in the evening, and' we eor- cordially invite any and every person, young yr old, rich or poor, to call and see a nice Furnituae'Store. We take no back seat in either goods or. prices, and remember we deliver goods free (when bought in quantities) 'within 12 miles of Wingham. • IJNDIIIRTAKING: As for the Undertaking, we wish to say only a few words. Three things we aim at, viz : (to *tend in all eases) where requested, Personally,Promptly and Quietly,and we try to conduct Funerals, on the satue three prineiples. • We have yet to hear from anyone (out of over One Thottsand Homes we have been called to) state to the contrary. We bee long to no combine. 'Never did. We have no agents- out speaking on our' behalf. Nor have we ever had an opposition undertaker whose charges 'are one single dollar less for the same outtit (notwithstanding reports that have been circulated to the cobtrary in the past). We don't for one moment say that there should be no one elee in this business, but all we say is in prices, none have been more reasonable. It matters not whether the person requesting our serviees be rieb or poor, we give the same personal attention in all cases. S. G4cEr: Furniture Dealer and Practical Undertaker.. r n d..Cut 0,10 ant anddandttfens with Ilio name of jour 8.l.T �t ex Omar and wo''18 oldp yon ibis vita WWT0utat 8y oxpraea, rnibjeot td exgmluatIon. )lx- IOW It atydur ',Voila oma¢ad, snd If yod Thad 11 exadtly a2 .. 'OreptotontIttea ontirelymu.faotory, the oand dxm� egnerrgieador a Io ialapnnoi n6 ,li,8„ rog,�a,lard*100 B /tali°lins modot atollt�y� rtohly:eo dyed hlahlyc:ppoltpol,od, pQwern,L fiMr ex*xlt'08001 otdtVl8gbe'atid regaeri"AgooOu08s . txgaln at am ptloo. ilny dlreot Aram.sand +aa. tW ddalord pro51. Johasfon a McFar/Wry ;10; w. T. Tohanto, Ont.