HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-15, Page 2„,,,.. - . - - ,-
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PupllttApo inSJflAf=ORTM, ONTAW6every Thugday morning oy - JANI. ARY 14,,11. 1. w equipped m system of its '
-°° McLean Btos. Publishers Ltd r now ith an tiler
. . A shooting match took.p'tace n HensallAn ' in, the � own and tlAmugi►conNnuous-automattc tests
AtidrerrY McLean, Publisher fuesdar' the kith bctueen hn Evans. technicians 'in the local telephone eXc tn$e
. r_:_
eer on the Great
Susan WhiteA, a t2r. Thomnas IJiss tt of Exeter for a pu se of SSO x good fioic sttion, the cannot! have made a quarter west of , Kipper on Thursday - �ble ever dew lop non the .emergency •
'" Alice Gibb, News Editor afternoon of Mast week. Mr. and MrsA
side, and as both the above ientioned J. ,.Johnston -of Wall4erville .s ' ed a '""" - reporting system .circuits. accor!din to $ell
kktPP- McMurtrie had gone to Seaforth early to t}Je g
Member Canadlaat Community, N$wspag,er Associetlon, Onrat`io Weekly gen�le µen- are crack Shots, a, � rt' Biose prlaad of thoroughbred Shacxhorn cattle ai~te'rn000 and returned to find their home in telephone officials„ ;
~ NQMyspeperAssoccatcon end Audit Bureau of Circulation n -At h as erected, but it wcas con seen from Scaforth station on Wednesday, all'oY' flames. Neig h^•irs who. gtithered at the William G. Parke. Rewe of'Scrisall and
J.. -..., • I that Mr. Bissett was�takipg the Ic d and ate the animals heloma been purchased in this scene ;acceded in 'saving much of the ptominrnt busiriessmandiedsuddenly tit his
- won• easily b p contents, Fortunately Chi; wind twos Parrying • ,daymorning from a heart attack.
• ^ •- • y y -quite a number of birds. vtctntty. He urehased from Messrs. A. and dome Tues
Subscript►on rates One of Hensall s ulfrr q :n men, J. BroadfoAt, Tuckersmtth, their itn tied - } ie was •�jn his 46th year.
- `� Canada $16 a year on dvance) .. QoF Y Po the burrilog ch b, rs away'ftortTTtte tarn and. -
accom anied•b -a dear�frtend was' n o. tin a stock bulls: two heifers and tw
A Y ; . J) g o Young bulls Cvlet(illilp council pans the. cot�stt uCtlon Of
_ outside Canada;33, a yaae ern advanco) ,�, gthec� outbuildings or they, too, might have
y sitter ride a few eveninSs ago, an. •li.avlq' a from James McIntosh f the mill road, a five new brJdgrrg in IQSfi, it was reve,.a7ed-at
Sitlflle•Copitis 40 centseaCh �� begnlo3t the house was recently wired for.
most ti0lendid time until oft driver, d .two heifers and from the Messrs. , `electricity, but as .yet, wiring .has not the inauguralttleeting.of eouticii pn Monday: ..
. .,,. L cpmpletely',enchan.ted with his de r compan• ' Elroat bf the West end. a cow, calf and ,tw•o to . ell s fh eau - Bridges: ora sed to replace are: Rabe..rtson.,
Seconp class mart registration n mberCtt596 rrt}tdi. a.. a se of ''the. fire. Mir. po
. , . _ _. , ion ticSiccted to pmperty.,.gutde h s° dashing..•young �t#ils. They were all very fine young � ' lot%1"8, eon. 1��13i Belts, lot 34:"'con- 13-T4; �
` steed, and;the cpnsequ.eJice wits .that when 8rtim J ' iktsM8 rt.r $yatr, )'t, 8 cbn.',-I -7; ponagan. lot 4.. twin, _"
- �, u _ e,
• 'turning around .4 corner in Bier. ' o4r: ' , , .hl.twssrs, John arid, James :S.ta les have . r !tc i s partly y �7; $olton, tots, J5.1fi, coo, . $-
e' s loss t covered. b
° ' friend's t9g tber with theWsteed assOrndd" a• purrtiase , the, barirerin-and ar busitii ss :' - JANUARY 13,' 1456.
Dfi1TAR.IQ, J1ti11li4FtY 1S, 198y ,: - , 8 g The way
was paved . ad lti n d•
of 5; Jordan. next to the po t office and Tgok d o al Fire belieke to have been caused by A
, ._i. I ,horizgntaltzedpoition.•aft aUr. ri:Xex sIirst or
I iemark was, "I Yi.o e, dear: ri ° riewgniitlndvil e. resider#s tq obtal.n water Rani furnace. `resulted in damQge . wft>icltta17e
` " 'ry. ' `' PPSP posessign oh Monday. They are, $oth sttiart file la
reporter will learn tif'this.'`' W ace leased u en ,an ood' ba .ers and should .
the-Seaf`grth.system whep Public Utility , Grief' Joho S•eott estimated. in excess of.B - P lh, ns m g tb ou be eomaraisS,ton: at. a meeting Thursday agreed $4,000 to the residence: of4virs, EX. Case.,
, :- e. B`ut'te u It?'f Se beyond a sbot sh . no harm obit .ta make things,go.
to say.
� P � resented, arran�6trtcuts for the prai�is�ian of water i+o.01X'ii±iaiit. St, Monday ,gftor;iogn° Np one.
Tli r a The Palace Rink in Seaforth wi1, be ' • cguld. b& trta�, All, costs tnvpRved' in was hotlte at #hn time. TMe residetycit is one
,.., . e oof t one of the b. _ cks . at t . e formerly' . o &,npd 'f6r� skating this. Friday - ,
It, We taav �nAYY this wint8r in Seaforth and area, more than we ve h h Y P g providing; f'actlttiesto carrylwiRte• r'beyane the iii which one of rite alarhi priories is
f- merchants salt .works felt in un »r the ht;avy evening. whe'd the bard. will Play. _ „, town limits •would be a charge against tfie installed and the alarm wits sounded when
I fora couple of years, and winter sports ib`vers`.' are rejoicing: • o- weight of snow upon it . last week. JANUARY 16,143L out-of-town users. r- ' I heat from the fire burnt through this
But there are a number of people in our community, too many:, wh.OSe -_ Fortunately no person was in ured by The ' When the -mutter f -salaries was brought cenforth's telephone fire alarm system is installation. �a
sentiments are at the opposite end of the enlotionat spectrum. They are accident. forward at the Hensalt council meeting
On Thursday night of the 1a t week, t e on Tuesday evening, the Reeve stated that
' the family and friends of those who've been killed or seriot,l�ly injured so ° �' w I• '
roof of a pig house on the farm of Ja s he wou'Id lower his salary from 340 to $3 , l:: _ ,. - •
far this winter, iia snowmobile mishaps. Kerr,northern gravel,goad in MrKillap br a MiEkle moved that they cut off the salary for a t �l "" ""
. We think snowmobiles, properly used, can be fun and are a boon to in with` the weight ggf'sn4w which d the- present year for the councillors and , Isiehind t%e,'sognes �
{ farmers and others who have to travel shorn distances in the Winter. But, accumulated upon it and killed a fine at Reeve. This move wasseconded by William by Keith' RO U TS�p{1
as this'community has learned to its sorrow' a snow,t�iobile can, like any PO -k Kerr had setreriil others, in he Consitt. The council willrecievenosalaryfor t A,,
vehicle. be a lethal weapon: : � • pen with this one, and it is fortunate that the Year 1931. a p
y not all killed. Ahbie Seip .has taken a position in J. E. O�NZ?
o le dVr'
JYLs cpm let@l 4nh $rstarlfeableeta ,that eenttho�sna5them after around
s Horace JANU�iIRY i3y 19U6. Keaeing's drug score in Seaforth.
P Y s
the were
i on their' machines t ° . i . ,
Y j + _ Townsend -has sold his farm -pp the Zurich vs .Hensall, played a good gamf of
enforced break when the, re waan't.enough snow oto take a snowmobile out - se¢ond,concessiort of Tuckersmtth, west end, hockey on 'the Hensall rink on Tubsday Canadians in general. afid the press in inilatlo" " ddyvn to 40 .per cent from a
of the garage. " • to his neighbour Levi Strong', for the sum of evening, resulted in a score of 8-6 in favor of
S5,000,' The farm contains 1.00 acres and ' Hensall. Line-up: goal, Huntley; particular, have'spent a lot of time in the predictd 80 per .cent. Interest rates?
This is snow.countr after, all. we tel ourselves; and snowmobi le jaunts P B y defence, •last couple f ,jiecades, o dumping on , israelis :would -drool it our 20 per cent .
Y although it is somewhat broken with the Smale and Brock; wings Abbot and
are a big part of enjoyment of winter here for man of uS. political1eaders.who dare to leave Canada. interest rpltmhere. They pay 100'per cenj
Y fiver running through, it, it is a good value Appleton; centre, B. little; subs, Harvey It'doesn't matter which party ditr leaders interest and still they borrow like mad. ro'11
,,,,,,,,„•,,,,•,„...I'PAl lf,,.hr3X@..tri-,be,•jegncerned•about,ttye"-ir8sh°`ofi"SiiOWr'tt,Obi'le ad-cidents- for money. Mr. Townsend intends.going Hudson, W. Drummond, Bob Passmore, represent, they're liable' to "be .both. Co�t,of,petroleum too:high7 At least we
lately. and do all we can t0 make sure there aren't any more, _ west in the spring. referee, Dick Welsh. The, Hensall boys ` criticized and ridiculed if they dare to step can afford it.. The. third world 'nations
An awareness of possible dangers is crucial to a snowmobiler and, there , At their first meeting held on Monday, the haven't lost a single game this season.
outside our'borders while there are ,'any already ,behind us.,. are falling farther
,, ar8 safety', 'plrecautions he or She can _tape: ° I .. Seaforth council appointed John A. Wilson, - Fire ofundetermined origin destroyed the unsolved problems left at home. °Remem= behind'every.day. We're burning our share
fP 6,,,, ` .."E, Drive -a -snowmobile With as'm_ueh•caution as Ou would akar. The OO,d clerk and treasurer as successor tq John fine storey and a half game house of'Ilugh ber Joe Clark's ill-fated world tour where of the •world's petroleum,. resources. and '
' �,., Y 9 Rank�n. in selecting' Mr. .Wilson for this McMurtrte of the town line, a utile and °a the teas -managed to take every rtr<inor theirs too and then complaining about. it '
rules about staying away from booze and staying home in stormy I • ' .p
Vveather also a I $nowmobiiers have to be e�ctra cautious too about the a slipup and make it symbolic of the sloppy ,_costing„ too much. Many nations think
Pp Y. "" \ 1
Joe Who wonted to be our leader? Pierre we're not paying enough for out'fuel, here . .• ;
landmarks, thej fences add poles, thet can jump at you from,,out of. t
,Sugar and spree Trudeau lies received even more criticism because the price 'is less than the U.S.,
nowhere when you're whizzing alori'g at night.' . ' °' - 1� I,;, . 'the years, possibly because he's been Europe and other laces, thus not encout-
" Motuc�sts have to train themselves -to -'be extra alert in winter, as . By Bill Srn"iley around longer. Last 'week the ,same aging. us to cut consumption as much.,
j • snoWrribbilep t'ravel',a,longside the road and have to make crossings and - readiness to, symbolize, filled the media , .How bout the cost of food? Ridiculous , 4
' ° , e e• •relocting on his current world travels. I you say. So do the people in Poland who F
use intersections in town, .With concern on both Sides, the roads Can b. . •• is ironic that at a. -time when ordinary can't find food to buy in their storgs.
safe for all .of us. v�en. the. tri ` is lo��� Canadians,.a dot •
M g mote worl&t?avelling But the Poles are gn the rich side of the
And with care for our lives and others , with a cautious respect for the , - '.than ever b6fore we begrudge our icader' poverty 1'ne compared to liundzeds f
snowmobile's potential for both fun and injury, we could make sure that It�mr for 198 v+hat should be thbir duty: to get out and millions. oke Haiti, so close to our own
, o-,ul:sit all corner of Canada doesn't. add any rrti�re snowrilobile accident% •
,� ' visit othor Countries to learn and let people backyard, a place Canadians Ro to spend. a
+ a stafi5tics to the national total. Or, more important, we can make sure learn about Canada. Every ,time a leader carefree° tar holiday. Those tourists will w
' It's difficult to peer ahead into 1981 with . year older, and not one whit better. ,goes abroad people grumble that they spend more on: one night out then the
- there li be no more tragic accidents for other local families to � bear. wild rtthusiasm. Unless you live in•Albcrta, , That may •be all very well for a•kid cif
• • - r 18 should be staying.. home to softie the avera a Haitian will make in a ear.
g Y
.. � .. where the taxes .are' Idw and theIliving is who wants -to; become 19 so he can drink inflation problem .the unemployment We have fostered a picture throughout .
high. , , legally. But for many of us, all it mearis 's problem or the separatist piroblem, as if the history of the rich European aristot:rats
.11 , Real drua,._a w inflation is •almost guaranteed to increase ,more ,aches; and pains, new .glasses, new problem,that couldn't be solved tile, other who .complained about the price of jewels
. V uS�. from 10 to 15 per cent. -Our Prime Minister, • teeth, and one step closer to the,grave. 51 weeks of the year will suddenly be getting absolutely ridiculous While people
. in,his infinite wisdom, had someradvice for Many of us will lose.friends and relatives ' solved in the one weekrtheleaderisaway. starved inthe-streets, We'veimmortatized
everybody, is- concerned about drug abuse'and the s0 -called street' Poor p eople and:pensioners'who dread such to that. old Grim ,•Reaper: and many will The_current .troubled tour, of the Prime Marie A;ntoinnet,e's famous "Let them Gat '
drugs.. We've all heard stories about teenagers and therets a growing a fdreca$t. <,, , desert the sports page or. the comics for the Minister may, , do as , little to solve `the cake" line and we look at the rich people in
realizati'on'that many-ol' us are too dependent on the p�escrtbed and 1'n effect, he said -it they cant afford obituary columns. , .problems of the poor countries •as• the our own country in the, same light we. see
Ov@r>the�counter' drugs, that fine ur " ,,,,b ead, let them eat cake. The last person We'll probably have a dreadful winter,'a • cynics, say but it may h@ve a important the unearth aristM_ats'of other: tithes.-
r;.t g o . teedkine eabtnets (and liquor 'No uttered those sentiments woutld up with late spring, a short wet, cool -summer. and . side-effect back home Canada. Canada was 'KE -THE RICH ONES' -
Cupboards.) . her head in a. basket. Yes. Mr. Trudcau' has . another lousy fall, like that of 1980. 1 can feel, a very.outward country for matey years: We And yet looking at the world as a whole .
Now along comes an interim report from •the College of ,Physicians and ,touch in common with Marie-Anfoimette, and it in my bones. especially the middle ' seemed to regard ourselves as ,of little we are the rich aristocra�tellitig the poor
,Surgeons of Ontario that includ' ' report on.an example of drug abuse !a just about as close to•the people. toe-bone*cif my left,foot upon which 1- • importance for nearly the first century of to eat cake. We Are (he privileged few in
"` Peace and' goodwill seem like a hugeless dropped the mickaey, - our existence. That changed ' in -the the world where the majority are in poverty
tt;at makes th'e blood boil and. the .mind reel.
cause for the coming year: The Russians are ' Unless the feds go on priming the pump ' mid -sixties. as Tester Pearson's ,govern- afro we turn our ' e-res'away. from the
;` Much to its credit, ,the College report, .which, is circulated., to still in Afghanistan, keeping the peace. The with our taxes, gas and oil prices will soar,, ment tried to ,build a national sense of poverty -b;eca6se it down t make' a pretty -
neNspapers, includes the findings' of its Discipline Committee, the group situation in Poland, as, l write, rs very,dicy: creating dreadful' hardships, such as having 'community, a`n interest and • pride in picture: We worry about the rising cost of ' ,
which -hears misconduct charges against fellow physicians. 'The•Middle East is on-t� a verge of catching toiwear a sweater iri the house, or walk to . ourselves and -our own (country.' Canada living our rich lifestyle while millions worry
I.Thedrug abuse case, in shortsummary, .concernsa doctor .who treated fire, literally hand figuratively, There are work. ,' . � turned around to- the ,point that ,today about having a life at all. "
wars and rumors of. wars arc►und the globe.. Now, everything Ike said is true, and you Canada is so inward Igoking that we are in It isn't asked of Canadians to feel guilty
I a'two and a half year old patient, Who Was considered t0.b@ FtyperactiVe+ ,And our country,:Js Wit exactly in glowing know it. But i can just he yc+u' saying: as much danger `of hurting ourselves `as ` about their good fortune, to think of the,
With "some 27 different drugs singly and in combine ion over a three health, politically, although that's nothing "What wrong with~Smiley? Who does he before hollow eyesc and swelling stomach' of, a
to four month period:" Some af, the drugs were not r Otrimertded for qew. Barely has Rene Levesque had his cars think he is? Cassandra.? tale's getting into his THE `6ME GENERATION" +�ian>nR African child every -time, we get
"` read to c g
kids;o many were .prescribed at the upper limit of safety for adults. ' pinned back when out of the West' gallops, dotage, and should be put away in an old . If Canadians have become the "me Y crunch into a Bi Mac,- What is ,
.' No famiiyassessment was'done: though the reports says.it waw -,'critical` not young. Lochinvar, but, fairly serious - people's home." c generation, Lanada has become •a "me"" unthinkable, however, is for Canadians to
_ from 'both �a .diagnostic and therapeutic standpoint, particular ly where threats of separation, from, Canada, airily Ani you'd be quite right. Nobody believed country. All •we can see `is our• own ma ,e a- big Beal of their petty hardshi s
dismissed b our P.M. as "h "hysteria." g I 'when the don't know' what the word, �i' the parents appes}rt a3 here, t0 have been a substantial part Of the y Y iassandra either, aril it, a good thing. If problems and we have blown"titin s all out Y
It's anything but. "If everybody west, of they'd believed her, the fall of Troy would of proportion because of it. We fuss about harship means. Welive in the lap of luxury
problem contributing to the Condition of the child." 1 he' doctor°was also Ontario went along.with it, The West would never have taken ,place, 'the great Greek the horrible inflation and indeed it,.. is , and we must realize•it. We should do w t
we can to hel those thatare less ha
. Criticized 'for not.. seeking expert advice.. (he's a �P and. much of hIS have one'.of the biggest countries in the tragedians would. have had no material, and nothing to be grotto of at 11 per cent last P fortune
practise involves treating 'patients with learning disabilities.�and speech population, " real instead of working like''trci'ak we'd' •' month. Inflation last to .
P world, ,with a. smallg gyear in 'Israel was surely, but first of all we should simply
G resources. And it's about'time Ottawa, and. _ probably be working for Trojans. something like -'135 per cent, In, Iceland realize how fortunate we are by`taking a
defects(; he was found guilty of professional misconduct and
. I reprimanded., a Ontario, the -fa't cat ' of ',Canada since , But inside, 1 don't feel any of that gloom ' they're hoping for a good ' • look at how t e other three-quarters of dhe '
year ,to )get h q
confederation did more than pooh-pooh the and doom I've'been spoutittg. I feel like a world lives,
We hope the doctor learned Something and that this particular horror idea. boy: Rather an old boy.. _;_but a; beet', „ i
_.I story w.on t be�repeated:• We are also not for a minute suggesting that this Meanwhile, let's get.baek.to the trivia that nonetFialess. 0 '
sort of error is a common probem' nor. are we attempting to tar a whole is so.much more important if, the individual: � Despite • our economic situation, high r� ' ' �f�e .� d �� r • •
' , I .
I I profession with a mistake made by one of its number.. �, it's still a glopnty outlook, taxes.-_inflatist�Qn of n and starb��ard _ _-- —r -- -- ;-
___T _— _
But we're really concerned about that a two and 8 half ear old child' Young -people. unless thew nave 'a double r bows, war and violence our everyday diet, o
Y income�.or inherited wealth, might ati well •we'll survive, and probably have as good a ` •
and. others IIke -hiM who -have the misfortune to come under treatment forget about buying a house with mortgage vear as ever had. r '
of a misguided physician who dispenses drubs t0 .excess and the other , rates so high that even the lard cat► smell ' , 'W'e still. have one "of the, highest living a on the , ening �.
something rotten - in ' the. state of our standards in the world. We are still a' rich rr •
components of the healing procedure in ,much too quantities., with reference to' the picture'' in ,the history of his 'old building which has IQng
Q economy. count comparatively. We still have a
ry. P Expositor of Dec: 31, 1980 supplied by Mr! since been • d'cmolished-
'• Donald McEachen, 'a wealthy bachelor sturdily independent nation pf individuals. I peter Maloney Jr. 1 would like to say that the
y� y�^ tr �+�s .who happens to be .Minister of Finance, is so Our inflation ':rate. is- no worise' than most Yours truly
The CU�Ci1.�r12 controve fli-/ OA .t7 y . eager to de -index our income_ tax, that he's_ c�,un4ries, better t than R. Cluft✓
_ -_ _� . _ _. _r-.: -- , . v ,_.4 ✓: >—_ _ � ban 3'.. — ploees �. Tho to
.. = ,._ =_ P k k
dancing about like a kid who has to gn rr, the So, if you can't buy a house as Trudcau 91 W ect„ amp, Tan' etV of `s is t►niX, '' LL Toronto
Children love them, parents use, them as, a treat, a reward and bathroom, if he were allowed to get away would say, buy a condominium. If you can't Q partially The 'group ailso` ingiudcs '
. bU5y WOf , t0 keep junior out of their hair. We're" talking about with, it, no matter how hard vilaw,rked; t►r afford the supermarket prices, get out and the staff of -the N. Cluff and Sons Planing ,
colouring books, which are -increasingly under fire. how bright yotl were. your income. would ",cultivate your claw garden. It yX-,u can't ,. Milt, amongwliom•are'ray father, •A':F.,Cluff, • -
.1) r
We know colouring is papular. All through December our office is ' melt£ like; a snowball in you•krtuw•a"here,. afford gas, walk, lf,you can't afford fuel, my uncle John J, Cluff and I believe my • . !
Pollution and acid rain are attacking this dtop.dead. It'll be warm enough where you grandfather, Noble Cluff, The_ Planing Mill Corrlpe' fib 1
flooded with carefully coloured clippings, hundreds of entries in our beautiful country like the bubonic plague, go,
artnu'al Chrib. Istmas colouring contest. I I -while government talks ton h„and do's . When:t think of what Canadian inticers as o d u t the location shown from In the,phoio of the W tit ve p d h
g c P” • North Main ',St. 'where the- homes of a Hensall.Cont'innation
But some' early childhood education experts.., and artists, Sa nothing and industrialists. in sincere %ur• • faced, every new year, I just •laugh at' tt� School•published-an'page two, of-�ast week's
Y tic Mrs. Lettie MacDonald and- Mr: and Mrs.
eolouring,rather than drawing, scribbling, experimentingwwi•th Shapes .'Prise, ask, "What pollution?" „bile scut whining of modern Canadians: cute nf(nce John'Cardno now stand, and was in fact in Huron Expositor, three names, were incor-
lakes are killed of fish, our soil is poisoned tpoiledest nations in'the-world, °me rect. Minnie Sampton. should have read 4 i '
and filling them in, robs children of a chance for creative• ex ress4on. process of bei g moved on the day fwas'. +
P and our health is threatened. , • Personally, i'in' going to -have a great • 'born, April 14, •I3t2 Minnie Sangster,'•Mabel Free was Mabel
"Colouring books offer an adult's view of reality and short-circuit These may seem pretty gloomy thoughts, '1981, even if -I can't afford teeth and.havg-w fee and Ken Morias should have read.:IC'en
". • the child's de'velooment,of• symbols that• represeht- his world artd aro'so but there are even more horrtbir c j,.r +sports _-gVi - my -grub. -have- 44-._ge-t --around , an ' 1 found the picture'most• interesting and I Manns. a photo was sent to the Expositor
am a po
'precious to him,''' one educator says. Give your kids pads of empty for 1981. Every one.tit':us is g'ling to be, �in.e crutches. And the same to you. gl d that I can add alittle bit more to he by [vJinni�' Noakes of Hensall. , a -
paper; bright crayons, bits. of cloth and yarn and' let them cre , she1. " • „ I ,' '
"• ' suggests. ,a9 � � � _ - Help,.J„i �, . • 'Others, while reefing that colouring books do nothing to promoteu at a �olu • eecled at the fill Ilk , ��_ . , W
creativity, say they havea'place in,helping hand-e,ye co-ordination and _,_.- ,�
Point out that Children love to c6lotagether. TO i�jl"P t�l>�fi(iir.
was home: park for sevciral children amt , • Without volunteers we •wilt lose our ball good enough. Did he c sin the past
Personally we'd rather have a big bright and blotchy kid's painting - youth -team'' or about 100 kids'- kids who park. Somebody, has to help -organize when years actually have more tiAe than you? 1
or drawing to put up on the wall than the most carefully coloured adult To all .residents. of McKillop Township. ihink ,playing ball is wherg it's at." As and where that cbIl,'d of yours is going to' . We would also like to take this o unity
draul�mpicWreren-earth. And we're wondering how many other parents With the sports pages and sportscasts McKillop township has 7'63 taxpayers, play.r'Why -not take your turn? No pile can to thank evet3!one wtiti has taken time ti'�o
ogre@, tot k m jargon t one bmi h hockthink ey �acSletter perhaps' it is difllcult to imagine why there is calk about you if �aU tiavct Arcady sat, on the a busy schedule to coach or clean up eft ,\ e
Y 1 8 B a problem rocuriii ,-
It shardly the Big Issue of 1981 but we'd be interested in hearthprt ardin liasebr{II is untiinel . ffo�ever as p g Coaches and adult c►mmittec or eoache8 a team. -
whatever they, have ch
the. Bal) Park,.
,F hearing; g g . Y supporters as well as getting even a meagre If. • one`s children are playing, ball at • We have not forgotten who you. are .or what • w ' '
from you oh 'the subject. those people involved really know, for ,a atten0grice at in,annuai•meetina - or is it? Winthrop- Park then ora must surely feel artYO �tava fiche,
' 'Arid We're not •saying we should necessarily tamper With a good • sttiooth summer season to evolve , at We:(eel we have one of the best ball parks obligation to, bg active) involved. The load With a now year beginning whynot +ma 'e
' thing; but maybe with Sugg@goons from parents and kids We can' Cotyle Winthrop Ball Park, co niittec work must around •and a lot of hard volunteer work• has ' ref coachti g,attcf assisting is so touch easie p rtis P eta-: Years resolution. `
B * .. a i atiotl _a...N , t�
be'donc year round (Although 'at t< slower gone into this park to the last seven years. when there areSany to share. The old er your support or ab least iicarc •
up with a mora creative but equally enjoytabVe alternative to our none) olunte
_ ptce in the off scaltonl+ -Our problem .: -w :� -tai 'hie ,1 � " your interest b a g
tliitb-Urin dw—ft"U., R ou{�uf 5'0}"' en�uu time . or "don't know Y ttendin the ahriva)
This pitst Bummer. Winthrop. Siad'-P'atk volunteer!;. o fife technicalities of the gstit�" aren't really ' " 'Plea o turn to ga*; 3
T-�V -1 ' . „ , -- ` n
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