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The Wingham Times, 1899-09-15, Page 7
VNDOIMG OF MNGO 3 # I 1 ►RJ bpi" or's I l�tA, W1 -1O RE ,M,R ,T(V TC. t'"(4 o,CQPYRIGMT; I S `98.6Yl.AMERICAN a' 55 55 CrA'11ION• "Such being the fact, it is my egitty to depart at woe. I have no right to bring trouble upon the household from whireh I have received kindnesses that t can ' ieverxepay or forget. I will leave." "$tay a moment," the said as I rose to my feet. "We must make no mis- ., take., If father returns and you are gone, he will be displeased with me." ".Why?," "Because you were invited to our home, and a Mississippian defends the safety and honor of his guest to the death." "A most chivalrous sentiment, but it renders my duty none the less urgent," "Have you deoilletl whither you will go and how you will reaoh that point?" "I can walk to Southfield and there take the steamer up o>: down the river," "And in trying to do so place your- self in the hands of the very ones whom you have been seeking to avoid. I should put my chestnut at your disposal were it not for one thing." "What is that?" "Your unpardonable insult," " "Heavens) Of what insult have I been (guilty?" "You bought him for $50." I joined iu her laugh, but the flash IA mirth instantly passed, and she add - She rose awl Went to each of the windows in tarn. ed, "Alienated upon him you need fear no pursuit." "But if overtaken by accident, how shall I explain the possession of the ani- mal which it is believed I have already once stolen?" "Refer inquiring ones to me, or, bet- ter still, perhaps, I will give you a bill of sale that no Quo can question." "You are fertile in resources, but it will be difficult for me to return your animal after riding 'him so far." "I have not asked youto return him." "Assuredly I shall do so." Have you not already purchased him?" ' "But at a price that the rightful 'owner considers au insult. Besides, the one from whom I bought him was not the • owner, and my title therefore is de- tective," "Not if I confirm it." "I cannot permit that." , "Will the chestnut not be an inter- esting souvenir of your first visit to Mississippi after you shall have reached your northern home?" "I do not need him as a •reminder of My experience in this state." "I should suspect yon wbuld not." "The memory of you will remain With me forever." "Because I•was associated with your fight for life," she instantly added, ap- parently without any suspiciou of my meaning. "I do not wonder that you re- pel the idea of sucha souvenir, but, all the same, I cannot permit you to pawl from beneath this roof without being in possession of every possibl6s`safeguard. You have 'only one or two obarges left, in your revolver. I am sure there are cartridges in the house that will fit the Weapon, and I will have Erastus search for them."" .A gentle tap sounded on the door, and, asking ine to excuse her, she walked thither without bidding the servant en- ter. A few whispered words were spo- ken, and then she passed into the hall, and the door was closed between her and me. She was gone for some Min- utes, and when she reappeared was un- mistakably agitated. "Erastus tells me," she explained, With wonderful self control, "that sev eral men are watching our heuso from a distance. doping he was mistaken, 1 looked for myself, and found he "woe tight," "How many did you observe?" "Three—one is up the road and an• other at the bend in the direction of Al- dine. The third is on the edge of the swamp. I suspect be has several ootn pinions With him, but if so they are keeping within the screen of the trees end underggroWth. This conirlioates the Situation," she aided, "tor if you rite away on a horse you must meet oue of, the armed men, while if you go afoot the swamp is the :only place that has afforded you any kind of a refuge and you cannot mak use of it now." "Why not ride boldly toward Aldine, meet my challenger and refer him to yen on the question of my right to the animal which I should ride away from your house when the sun was shining?" "If you wore dealing withordinary men in their acuses, there would not be a shadow of danger in the situation, but"— She was standing in the middle of the room facing me, I was also on my feet. Hitherto her expression was one of perpl3xity and mil?givtng, but now she recovered herself like a flitch. She straightened up defiantly, and, turning Melte marvelous bleak eyes upon me, • said: "We aro talking like Cowards! I atn unworthy to be the daughter of Colonel Fitzroy Mansley. You will stay here in this horse until in your own good time you choose to leave, and then you than do so unquestienod." "It shall be as you say," I replied, catching her courageous'spirit. All that she said was true. Tho was under surveillance, andthe vigi- lantes Were gathered on the edge of Black Man's swamp. The discussion among the members had been long and angry, but it was envied at last, and Jim Dungan was still the leader. "At ? o'clock tonight," he said to his followers, "let every one of you be an hand at Tom Bulfinoh's. Sam and Jake will keep watch of Colonel Maiis- ley's house to make sure he doesn't slip away. We'll go together and wind up this business in good shape. And with this understanding the vig- flantes separated to their homes to await the decisive hour that had been announced by their leader. log (actuation, Sao ys:ung wnt:ltan ran up rtuirs. tike had hardly disappeared, wheu EIW uttered a glad ery. "rattier le rcturniugt" she called. ah.) m i to instantly I,llo reapl't+itred at the hetet of the stairs affil, hastened to tins, he.rfece:inlow with delighted cxoitewont. "";1,:1 ata alone?"' asked. ""I�a brings re oiiforooiu©lits, Isn't it l;rµiill(" • ''flow many?" "',12wo--'auflieient to repel 100," Evidently the daughter held ti good, opinion of her lrareut'e courage, Never- thc:lees four cletertitined men (for I in- clude iuytelf) constituted to formidable force, to tray nothing of thebrave young woman. Afew minutes later the three horse- men dashed up and leaped from their scddle. Erastus was on hand to take charge • of their animals, and Esther opened the CHAPTER XXV. I found the home of Colonel Mansley batter prepared for defense than would bo suspected. Like most southerners, he was fond of 'bunting; and hi his house were two fine rides, a shotgun ' anda small revolver. Tho smaller rifle. and pistol were the .property of his daughter, who was an expert, in their use as well as a horsewoman of consuzn mate skill. Tho revolver belonging to the colonel had been taken by idin when he rode off in quest of re•enforoements, so that no cartridges were found of which I could snake use. But his rifle was placed at my disposal, while Mise Mansley was similarly armed. Our hope was that if the vigilantes arrived before the master of the house we could stand them off until he came. The•real strength of this peculiar'de- fense, as it seemed to me,'lay in the personality of the young woman, who was well itnowu and uuiversaly respect- ed. It was,hard to believe that a com- pany of her neighbors would proceed to violence in which she was sure to be- come involved, but when I intimated such belief she shook her head, and since she knew them better than 1 her views were entitled to belief. Erastus Brown was our main reliance among the servants. He expressed an eagerness to join in the defense, but since ho refrained from doing so until after his mistress' announcement that , he was to couflnc his services to watch- man or scout it cannot bo believed he was much disappointed. The other men, of whom there wets several, were en, •joined to scan the country in every di- rection and report promptly the discov- ery of auything suspioonh- , Early in the afternoon, when •every- thiug appeared to be quiet, Miss Mane - ley and I ato a hasty Iunob. We re- mnined in the parlor, moving from window•ro window, talking together in low tones and continually on the alert. Nothing conld be clearer to me than our powerlessness against a determined at- tack. If our assailants should confine • theft assault tothe front of the house, Where they wouldbe in fair range, it is probable that we could have held them off • indefinitely, but it was too mnoli to expect them to butt their heads against a wall in that fashion. It was about the middle of the after- noon that ,astus Brown, who was on • the lookout at one of the upper win- dows, rushed down stairs in a state of excitement, with startling news. "bey're cotnin I" he gasped. "Dey'll be here in a few minutes!" "Whom do you mean?" asked 14 Kiss Mansley, betraying less excitement than myself. "fbe. biggerfnista, dat am gwine to tore de honse tlowrtl" "ItoW many?" "Two hundred and twenty-fiv'e•, % counted 'em 1" Instead 'of replying to this astound - Esther was clasped tn,the arms of her e, father. ,, massive fro door and was clasped in the arms pf" par father, who affection- ately kis ed and embraced her, Quickly she Kaci exiilaiued every- thing yud introduced the to her pbrr:nt, Hitting Tsdee on loge. To get lid' of Beef on swine, the first tiling W do is tt' clean: the nest fund ham it, says The National Stockniun. They mix together by agitating a pint of kerosene,. a halt' pint (It Bolt soap find two :galione of waren sola water and with an .old serial) brQoM ar a spray Patric+ 'horo'ugbl„v ,neon the place .,bask the nest w.as and the butes or use a; • whitewash made from fresh slacked lime. No wo wilt go for the lice on the swine, The best of all prepara Bons for this is souk of the carbolic sheep dips advertised and use as 'directed. The next is to use a kerosene .•rnu(aion similar to what was advised to elean the eta with awl apply with a broom or brush to Feil parts of the body, CASTOR A Per Infancy, an Children. 'the fair simile gig titre l to Three Things. Three things to love—courage, gentleness and affection, Three things to tight foa — honor, . 000ntry €.nd hose, • Threc.things to govern—temper, tongue and conduct. Three things to hate—cruelty, arrogance and ingratitude. • Three things to delight in—frank- ness, freedom and beauty. • Three things to avoid—idleness, lcquacity and flippant jesting. Three things to wish for—health, : friends and a cheerful spirit, , • On the first indica, ioxt of Dilarr%t:;i a or Dygtentary afew doses of DR. FOWLER'S EXT. i OF WILD STRAW- 'BERRY will promptly check the advance of 'these dangerous di;s•- Eases. It has been over it? yearn in use and bus ao'equal for the cure of bowel compiaieta of young or old. There are many daugorous imitations on the market, eo it would be wise to see ' hat the full name, .l?r. 1.p. s .Zizt. of Wild Sirauberry, is on every bottle you buy. R TU EIED ON TIME, Carefully washed, properly ironed,. correctly finished and fairly priced-- i y that's the history of your linen wvben brought here. Not a thing' in our washing preparations to injure the tlhre of the goods and not a thing unhealthy about our work rooms, T. D. LONG Leave Orders at Carr's Feed Store, who ,iorilinily pressed fnv hand and Three things to admire--intellec• presented tee to hip cr,=: nti:innc, tual power, dignity and graceful- . Colonel El 1'. an! sty \CAS It t --ret nese- I'oiieter,. a tl ,. • t..; ' . - Three things to think about—life, and oue of the finest looking nzen I ever death fail eternity. locked upon. Hewas'tall ,ereat, with a -"—' p ""Ne' .r Burn a, Candle :.,t both pronounced military bearing, silvery Ends." white hair, a keen eye. pink cheeks, an aquiline nose and a set of natural teeth almost as fine as his daughter's. He, was an ideal soldier and as ohivalrous a knight as ever rode under the standard of Godfrey of , Bouillon, His compan- ions, like 'him, had served the Confed- eracy from the first Manast;as to Ap- pomattox and most of the time with him. One was Captain Hugh Warren and the other Captain Sam Vernon. Needless to say, they would not have been appealed to by Colonel Mansley had he not known the stuff of which they were made. They welcomed the opportunity for a brush of this nature that'woulcl' serve to recall the days of the bivouac, the camp and• tho battle- field, Each of the couple .brought a Winchester and a revolver and within the same minute' that they reached the colonel's residence were ready for "business." It came out that there had been a third recruit in the person of Sheriff healthy cows become healthy, and ea Ives from IIeatti, v cows fed on sills from diseased ones, contract the disease. It is determined that the disease is t"•nngnritted onl}' by the iuilk. anti Shalt it can stew, be transmit- ted to pet Nene as well as 0 tttled It' tlie disea: era milk is u: ed. Tito egged: ments have extended tet•er a long period, and 11.1:1'e h.ieu ties„tl.4.l1. If ion do your light will soon be gone and you will he in the dark. 'Don't think you tan go on drawing vitality from the blood for nerves, stomach, brain and muscles, without doing something to replace it. .Flood's Sarsaparilla gives nerve, mental and digestive strength by enriching and vitalizing the bloo . Thus it helps people who are oterworked and tired. HO.OD's PILLS are rton-irritating,n:ild effective. Consumption and Milk. The Des Moines, Iowa, Journal says: The state of veterinary depart- ment Las conducted an exhaustive series of espel•tinents to determine whether tnht'rettloeis in cattleis.hcre- diiary. They conclude it is not. Ota 1 ves from cows effected with tu ber- cutosi;, when fed with milk from Buttlin, but on the road whoni should they meet but Hank Beyer, mounted on his father's best mart and doing his ut- most to get out of a section which he saw would soonbecome too hot to hold him.The sheriff promptly arrested the yonrig man and started for the county scat, a dozen miles distant. The sym- pathy and respect felt for Beyer's father led the party to drive to his home with a statement of the facts and with a view of ullowingthe parent an opportuuity of giving bail if be those for his son. But Major Beyer had become convinced at last of his worthlessness and refused longer to acknowledge him . or have anything further to do with the scape- grace. "Take and do with him what you choose. 1 never wish to look upon his face,again,” said the old Roman, turn- ing away. It may as well be stated that the sheriff conducted his prisoner to the county seat without diiiionity, and there in due time he was placed upon trial to answer several charges, was con-• vioted and sent to the penitentiary for a long term of years. And so it may be said at last that nay double was undone. "Att. lenm oro," remarked Colonel. Mansley after the first flurry was over, "I deeply regret that you should receive such an introduction to Mississippi, but if seine of our people are inhospitable we intend to prove to you that others know how to treat) a gentleman. These boors are in need of the salutary lesson that awaits them." "That was proved long since. It will always be a pause of deep regret to me that I ehonid have brought this trouble upon you and''— "'Tat, tut, tut t None of that! We are doing a simple act of duty, which you and yens frionds iii tho north would be quick td reciprocate were our sitnatione reversed." Before 'X could say mere h'e called to Captains Warren and Vernon tt, join us in a council of war. It was agreed thaboue of these offitern ,should post himself on the east of 'the house and the other on the right, though it was almost certain that thevbtilantes �a. Bgr'ore. After: Wood's Phosthodino, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six kages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sequa; Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To. baceo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, V. One Wu siowitleure.. Pamphlets free to. any address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Wingha,m by Colin A.' Campbell Druggist. YEAVIS“ yrs:IT llRilINOB •:t ' S1 E li rr '1 -nabs i'Jlatixs Dtstc143 cot'Yr Crura %-e. Anyone ia'niTh' a ot:o1 cit and OCetrippti'n may quickly at.•ert Stn owr opinion free whether an tnvc!Ittien to nrr.hnitlp fete^table. Ccimmunlen. tions strictly c+onedent 1hl. Ilandhook ort Patents sent free. "iciest n,teasy for sveurner patents. Patent taken thtourh ~Suet s- Co. recotve specte/notloc, tvlthoutoberrte, in the A henasnmciy llht.'h•+ttal trnrdel". irretet elr• enation of one s„ ie'"t,I, len •' 1. 'terms. $3 a S,01 r t four mo�nitl+,t, t;t, raid l.y I . etir.+1�e!arl�errt. t3,i"D C< 9, $F tl. "ca.h ry, r to?tib P'or 0. HOLD 0LATED. Ahd s.na u id a Willant dthisrte+tchtokaon by •xpress for rxaattnetion. , it fa a snap.backarutbetelduet•root open feet, stem wind aid tear g old plated, bendeomety ,It. g raved. it looks like a toad gold kateh, Is fitted WItb a T .Jewelled Antonioni Model 'Movertmoent that wo warrant to pat watchtortrsdingpurr. rotes. if after careful exam - 'nation ran end thea watch is 1,e tato*, as reprotented, yet . thew expries agent •2,55 olierges, and it la yenta, brtyWatoh Cdo Trento, Os& leht w.1, t. When you want a fine line of Printing, whether it be Large Posters Horse Route Carte Dodgers - Circulars Letter Head? Bill H earls Envelopes Wedding Invitations and Announcements Visiting Cards Business Cards Note Books Receipt Books Or any other kind of Printing, you can get the best work at the most reasonable price at THE TIMES 'PHONE 4. WINGHAMV1 ONE GIVES RELIEF. On tA �.: Oil for Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. eines Oda awl la put tit cheaply to gratify tb• universal prom* demand fora low grit& If you don't find this sort of Rlpans Tabules At the DruggistS Send Five Cents to Tits YRsPAttts Cee izCat BOi ',iStr0i b%0 R1i Spruce St., 1Vet' York, sn they will the sent 49 you by. lri M 12 cartons will be mailed kr 8 touts. '1 h • chance* are tell*" the that 12ipens'rabule% are the very medf &te yon tle1. Udall