HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-08, Page 16Why not buy for less and get the best! TV -AUDIO Where customers send their friends 9 Main St. Phone 527-1075 Open 10-5:30 Fridays 10:00-9:00 Closed Wednesday Seaforth 'Si X.PQSITi R JANVARX. 8, 198r. pon or newt Correspondent • Ad %), as able later to see the MARY CHESSELL 'interview, an interesting 41P-0.969 eSperience.. Now that The holidays ate, / Lton Sookrh,a, who Bras 1.*Vt; and the pace of life is sloving.tdown, your classmate of- Glen klayter when he attended Guelph, - on-respondent hopes to do a better joh. in order tO, hate news. dotave to enlist your help., A phone- call or a note dropped in or handed to me at church woulithe appte7 Lamed Atheneter you have special gue.sts, or hat e done sonic travelling. Rave and Bonnie Rey., entertained frtends • and' neighbeitrs at a house party on New Year's Fve. Bob and June Webster and atria entertained the tiler families at their home on' Siinday. the • Maybe I '0,..ould,O adver, ass hon soundly he.. chelt,,,_ SelV''Sleep„. 'but Wlicn, :New' s, Es e revellers laid on their ear horn within a few feet Of -their bedroom w ithout disturbing them: it makes' you NAnnder juSt what 411 they can sleep.th rough. ' The kids, who were getting bored with their long bon-. day . pin 'the ice surface to • ,good it•le,, as soon ,as it waS read). Lots of activity over there! r • Dth,vid and Sandy Ostrom and their family.' were Mime tor two weeks during the holidays. with their time divided „ between the Ostronts and Sandy's Mother. Mrs. Beucrman. With all this .miss, the children had a wonderful Onto snow Mobil- 'ing. Members of the Youth Group ho attended the Toe Alpha Conference in .Hanril- 'ton had a wonderful time. and are hoping t1p return 'again next year. Bfiaii Ches. sel „was intercieweti. by or Hamilton .television 'station. • titiVentber the U.C.W, meeting.tottight, the -benefit card party at the towrtsh)p .hall tOnr4.ortoly, night. and, Holy Communion on Sunday.' Giiyana...cight of.w.hern. now live in -Canada. His mother also. eaniq ,,to Canada. He paid for his:W.41On. books, etc., by working. in a rest, aurant outside :of Ottelph. University. and spent many weekends and—holiday§ at Mervyn and M'arg's home. was here last Tuesday and Wednesday. Leon was from a family of 11. children in After •^graduation tbere. he attended Qu.eeit"s. is King, goo and the Dniversity of Saskatchewan, and is now a very suctessful builder in ' gdinonton._ Euthre,onci_farewell siness Mr and Mrs. 1),Ouglas MaeBeath and family spent the weekend with- !Art.: W. Mc-Beath 'pleasant evening, Mr.' Selclon Ross returncti home ftoraTlinten Hospital- Improved in health Members . of the. cam,: .munity met at the churchhall stns SattirdaY evening to iszte farewell to Ail! stud Marlene Black and family. Btichre • was playedi and 14 Winners were ladieti high. Kathy N144JTe.,10v Marlene "Black. lone' hands Shirley great - high Bob, Milan. lots Ken Maguirt . lone hands Bob Broadfoot. .Bruce Rath well Welcomed die Maquire family to the xtote'•and. village. Btu* read "die a,,ddress to the Blacks saying we w ill miss - ,this friendly family and -the pa they played in the eommun tit W.D., Wilson • and Sto% ard Broadfoot presented them with ii-bridge table and chair set arid gifts to )arryl and Stephanie.' Bill thanked everyone and expressed appreciatiOn for th e eo-operation and kind- ness to the family residenfs. of the --villagc. Marlene. Darryl and Stephanie said thanks and hoped tosee us either here or at their home in• Goderich. Lunch Was served. to. close a FUNERAL HOME OPTICIAN DECORATING 1--c111,0PRApfoR -s$ F- David - ' 'onOstaff,,„ Ltd,. ti71-Maht S. Seaforth 0 PTO NI UIRIS.T.S.AND-, wifornAuoLoalsrs presCriptions-. FitledPromptly HOURS: Mon., Tues.. Thurs.. Fri. 9:110 a.m. -'5.:A0 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m. • I-2 p.m. Closed All day Wed., COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE , S27.4303 ,„ S.tratfoid anif lames .: of. Mullen Toatrshtp. itiC -is also by (14 ta rt great grandOildren. 'R e% Norniari, Pick , con-. ted funeral services at the and interment followed • in %emeter% - , the pallbearers' 'were all 41'a Mkt/11S Ken ( olson.' ( Maim. Rob Donald. Mid- -wind. Moth.: tan Donald, al Oak. NI tchi Barry Donald. bran) Me. Ohio. Jim Ii. Souder. Stratford. Brian 14 Souder. Stratford Ffitm -e rkiy a re rs : also grand, sons w ere Bob Jamieson. Lorideshoro and Bill Kiomps, Bay field: Obituary ,GraItes' WQ lipapg`t 8 Paint 11407Tai " PAINTS iidebrand , hittley ,R1 ey ,FunercifJ-torne Flowers_ SEAFORTH 1.-41214 s..c CHIROPRACTIC Se#ordo Offite:5274451 - CENTRE Fell. sr!-1,784 Thomas J. Devereau?( 25 Goderich St. seetortp, Ontario Phone Bus. 527-1242 Res 52?-1942 Mon 01 8.1.2'30 -6 00 Tues Thurs &I 2 30-8 30 Wed.& 1 Sal 9-1 slA.6.11ESON-4,,. Wank' .411)4104 of the area,. l,ilht pot,: iamic• son died at lien residotc.. Street, Clinton on Sunda% De4.1.7mber .2S ut her Kith scat Mrs - Jamieson' w as born on the nth ,011,..•11011. ICU 105, rlsfitp. "sot ember Ils.42 to Alexander Leitch and the former Jam. Lawson and later at tended 'Bandon 4(`'hol. 6114 June n, l9ln she Married. Koben L Jamieson ',And min e4.1 s s ton 8, 14utle tt toss hip herehere she resided unid ivottyg to Chinon in 11165 Fir many i-tf,4 she Was a. nivrober of Burns Church_ Hullett • Township and in Wei- %ears of Ontario ,Street -Cmted' -Church. Clinton. Mrv.----,tatnieson was pre • deceased by her husband to MS and also by two sisters and - one'brother. Surviving are four -children Isabel (Mrs. Art ( olsoni of ' Clinton.. Hazel iMrs., JaKt% Donald) of Granville. Ohio.; Lois 1,Mrs. William Le Souderl. 4,0t'§W Dll3ECTOR Canadian& Imported W,111 ( LIN ...rings 527-1/SSIISeitforth Cie floral Sorvlou with 14. potions, kaks.," e.---DECORATING F we( -(,-oi.OriL h St,-.. Seaton') Phone 527-1390 .. CEMETERY MONUMENTS Sincere and courteous service f— ELECTRICAL Fred Lawrence Efrectrical Contractor ' HOME FARM & estunto Det dint Kenn Punts 0,14,1ctnet ,nps A, mstrong ca,pets, LAO Ahnclow $nogles HILDEBR,AND PAlft4 LAND PAPER r,(27 1881.1 • 1 5 11/1.1(r SI Seal°, in COMMERCIAL WIRING Phone \utiurn,Ktb.".'stri. . • Mitchell WS 81s84 Locals in Florida APPLIANCES APPLIANCE & REFRIGERATION SERVICE ADVERTISI NG •-•-‘ INSURANCE e•:-.--ELECTRICAL Boost your income BUY .. THIS SPACE , TO-DAY Call 527-0240 CAR CARE _SEAFORTH' iNSURANCE 39 Moin *Si. S. •Seaforfn .Home, .Business .Farm .Auto .Life : Sickness '& Accident Investments:, 527-1610 K..MURRAY ELECTRIC 14.hour Aeryict, Farm, -residen industrial and commercial wiring 527=0984 Seaforth6 The Lakeland Florida, Daily in a recent issue talks of the success' of a Hensall couple Isabel and Bill Roger. son 'Om won the Willard Trophy for mixed doueles• lawn bewling. Mf. and Mrs, Rogerson who'resident ,at 14 , York Crescent. Hensall. are' —vacationing at Lakeland. - ELECTRICAL Autoorizeci faetory &attar? Service and repair., to KELVINATCIR INcLIS APPLIANCES Set anti (K),i(t makes, Geo. A. Sills 81 Sons HORNE'S- MAJQRAPPOANcE .SALES & SERVICE' 636. Seaforth •A. & STEREO ONO 'HARDWARE MERCHANTS PLUMBING'- HEATING. & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS • Phone: S2 7, 41,20 - Seaforth IMPROVEMENTS' MactEAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS _ Free EstimateS - For Stchnrf• Alumenum • and Vinyl. Ailimmum WsndowS, Doors. Awnings. Ftailings , Complete Line, SEWING - ZENITH TELEVISION AND STEREO r SEW G MACENTh SUPE ARK'. 1 over 100 machines oh Service to alt rnaftes Sites - White. Dna, Husqvarna lots of used machines from 339.95 SEW AND SAVE - CENTRE LTD. 149 Diavvnie St. (2 doors south of HudsonS) Stratford, 271-9660 SALES - & SERVICE FARM sUPpt.JEs, maiir Seaforth , Electronics 17-Sparling St. 527-1150 yen! u „ 141," Sop; ,,e(w1-1,11 e; () Licensed sMeOilnic Serince to all makes-of-cars House-citus AVAILABLE ‘07:.0333 Seaforth..00-0p., 5?7-0770 - ELECTRIC KNIGHT ELECTRIC PIANO MONUMENTS Cemetery Monuments CHIMNEY SWEEP Chimney Need Cleaning? . 24 Hour ServicC7 Industrial, residential' and farm installations , • Hensall; Ontario PIANO TUNING • Ripon • Rebuilding I Keys Recovered • I:troop-Chasers BRUCE' PULSikER 348-9223 Mitchel!: • ANNUAL JANUARY SALE SHA RPEN I NG typesof saws, knives ;and scissors sharpened k, Specializing An Carbide .,saws and tools 'STAY SHARP.. , SALES AM) SERVICE _cordon Blanchard RR4, Walton 527-1806 262-2319 FEED MILL Call VERN'S CHIMNEY SWEEP SERVICE * FLEMING FEED MILL • Bulk Pelleted Feed, • Fast unloading elevator ' • 2 pits open ' ' -'24brs. a day CLINTON ,482-3438 WIRING INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL . FARM WIRING InscriptionS•Markers • 'Showroom Display 110N11. - Goderich St.. West • Agent for-7 WIneltatn Memorials,. Seaforth 52'7.1390 rACCOUNTANTS ATKINS!" .11SNES, LEACH & Ngnx Chartered Accountants AccdU'tiling. Auditing. tax 20 Gouinkack St. '5274131 SEAFORTH Seaforth 527.0674 1 CALL Look for the yellow salelicketsl ALTERATIONS AT COSY ON ALL SALE CLOTHING rCUSTOM sumoinssi CARPENTRY •w ,CONSTRUCTION LTD ' •:Custom builders CARPENTRY trodhageo Electric GARY' DILL 345-2442. JOHN ELLIGSEN 345-447 ) • House Renovations " Additions • Siding • Any HOrne Improvements 808 REGELE 527-0715 "-IMPROVEMENTS LARRY TH CONSTRUCTION. 14 years experlence • Ceiling Tile • Paneling • • Dry "Wall • Ceramic Tile -00- Trim Work • General Horne, Repairs Extra features at Campbell's C4TH Cd) • Contracting • CoMplete building egiVice • New homes • Renovations 4. Farm building! 345-2405, Dublin ‘. Custom Built Berns, sheda, houses, renovations, holite add- ' Mons. cupboards,' spiral' stairs. concrete fihiShing. .John Ryon , . John Peckitt '4824567. ReatlieP FROM OUR WALL Of SHIRTS Dress Shirts Sport Shirts REGULAR BODY tor SHAPED BODY 'Kentucky Style • Ch!cken Every Tuesday Special Snack Pali Dinner Box' Hothe-made Piria FREE ESTIMATES CALI. COLLECT ANytimg MITCHELL 248;9407 5274)443 - • My.PROS-,-- '.") • CLASSIFIED APPLIANCES Appliance and rigeration REPAIR SERVICE Jim th‘ailf0Cit 48/-7 "3. SURVEYOR Doug W. Dalrymple ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 476 Main Street, South Box 449, Whir,Ont. NOM ISO ' 'Boost your income BUY THIS SPACE TO -DAY USE EXPOSITOR WANT-ADS Phonet27240 Mufflers guaranteed ° as long at yOti own the eat SEAFOOD MOTORS „ • LTD, LINTON. 4112 MAIN tORNE a. 235.2543 A•14Aeleop.sAIA.1.11,AA ,r«*•,-(4; • S• •