HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-08, Page 11•
•Orrb,Y+Na•u•v •.,'. +1 •pkA tu+.0 •an ti,m•A+ �1 aa�)t.U••b•Y,..Y U>; u+VMSa u+•)r�„A, a.>)e
111aTYFIE104ANfiSiTI�►r (i -
0, 7H Y.<)n
Tl?hot by -Alexander).•
Dedication important
With preseason play
marred ,by, a 2-8 record and
thetight seheduting"of
league and eahbitinn games
in the upcoming weeks, it
appears the SDHS Golden
• Bears have theist work-out out
for them, That is if they plat
on • a repeat performance of •
last years Huron-Plrtii'conr•
• ferenCe eliameionship.
-Lakt Friday in Waterloo,
the Kitehener•Forest Heights
" ° Citillt;giate seniors, a "AAA"
' team, 'nnialated the single
"A" Bears by. a '62-20 score
in an exhibition tournament.
Terry Johnston, coach of the
Bears, instituted- a man-to-
man. defence as. a
Conditioning measure for
season play which begins
this., week,even though ' a
zone defence 'would have
contributed to a closer score.
Sitirday it was back to
Waterloo for a game against
Burlington Central. With. the
use of a zone defence and a
..'more smoothly.. running '
„ offence, , the Bears." were;.
,.within four points of the city
team in the last two minutes. •
Still; Burlington dulled' away
slightly in the dying seconds ..
• of the game • en ' S'eaforth's
fouls. and , won the game
With the regular season
already underway. Johnston
concludes'that the dedication'
of the players in their daily.
running program. and
attending all practices, '
something which was lacking
during the Christmas holiday
break; will determine how far
_the learn goes this_year.'
Individual scoring, to date
Dennis Nielsen 108 points
Robert Thompson _108 points
Steve Huether' ` • 67 points
Single game high totals
Dennis Nielsen 30 points
Robert Thompson 17 points
• Steve Huether 16 points
• 'Seaforth:-
or oltottenfio'n"
representative for
Personal Home
Demonstration with- -
out• obligation ' • •
'' `Personal Eli -Home
Lessons '
' ' Interest .free: payment
plan .
When 'I first took ever this
column I wrote about begin-
nings; well January has got
m be full of the most'
beg i n tags I know., 9f. ,For 4
example: it's the, -beginning
-of a new year ' thank
goodness because I '000't,
,think we could have packed.'
Mucih`• in. the, last. Rne-
ifs tete beginning, of the
pain of remembering to write•
1981 trot 1980,' op our
chetlues:-, It's the beginning.
,of back to school.for the kids-
Iheard" one mother remark if
",the.. bees,. weren`t running
because. of, certain weather
conditions she waswalking
the'little sibhtingk t+a,:school.,
It's the beginning +nf
balancing the cheque book
when the. Christmas bills
come, in - mine never ;bal-
ances anyway so maybe that
one doesn't count. January is
the beginning of snow
depression for some - not me
though; I shovelled off' my,
Picnic table and 'lit my
hibachi and BBq'd a steak
_under the snowflakes. ,Jest
• pretend it'`s i new kind of.
" IMQ.!::Ssueef ' inliaihy uls, iia „
beg ing of'- new 'year's
resoltitions; if -you don't want
to break 'ctrl don't make
Congratulations to Kelly
and Sam Rosso Jr. en -the
birth Or •their-Aaughter on
Saturday Dec. 27th.. •'
Congratulations to Charlie
We are noir offolrin out cairn 'lets ltt ' k of
'WhileFfOiSietir fillethieetPtk s!
▪ IN1tn'e, t(116itian's;1 Chlldro:ila "FELT PACS • i vo sHoes
▪ � .
:w► t. st49wmoBILE:BCOTS
OFF, (lithe Rtlgilltrr Price J
-1Ntinine Ling thor
_ WeOOT�
.RSfi, RIfiICED:".
$79,•95 NOV
Many ",ONEPNLrIfits oa ditplat4OrAillatiralt.
14#lMIIi>Et0 ,
I. ,.
• i)
and BettY. Dowell ,on the
.arrival" of: a s -on .,born on
Friday. ,Tan. 2nd. He tipped
the scales at 9 lb. 15 9z.
Qn the weekend Clem and
•.My40,e• Goulding and Steve'
Y!laash went to Columbtus.
Ohio, '
w Evew.a,s cele-
brated.Nein, Years numerous and
THE .WU RO.I ik.PlR1!Tf R', . JA 4lARV 1 1101-
-..... .:.`� a.r,.n•a+6'lit West NYV)p),ma•-..+uwnv,..W-.....-:,•Lw r{.••'•-•AV.?�-,+w°+.r" .,.ra.•au7ai..wro rty wr« y� .
There was a New Years eVetung at. 6:30 at the • ther recoittmehtdatwns- mSV 8tid!usce
Eve -sert±ice• at the church
where 'an interesting movie
was shown and coffee and
juice, were served following
the service. We have a, few
new programs beginning this
new year as well as some of
the old ones: Come Alive for
all gixis: anal for boys -ages up
through 8 •will meet on
Church.' , ' be suggested'- at this." time,. ' free o#' a ge • "ice`
VANASTRA HAS BEEN bared on the tresuit .,of the ' requiredl is 2$ bow illi
CHOSEN follow -ftp audit. say they, would ' to
vanastra has . been This isra super opportunity Purtietpate, 'in the ppm.
chosen eco participate -id, a for the businesses'ef.Venas- Yolk_ l ust _ Ick, . '
management development gra to Lm .ems- Matisshini Illt Me,> 6
program" by the Ministry of ' •
8ndustry.and.Tourism. If you
are a _small-.--basinessrttan. -
effective management is tete
key: to your success- it Is.
natural for small h sines, .
operators to have limited
management skills as owner#1
must assume many •respoartr
si'bthties. The . Ministry oft
lndatstry ._and Tourism, wrtt,'e•
grovidit smaller corttntuaitles
different ways; lust ask the
Bon te'geloks. • and the
Mcflveens what dirt die-
id -Happy Birthday to Kevin
Smith on Sunday. January
4th. Kevin was treated to a
. l :their in the snowbank
and • a -roaring fire in the
Ferguson's•backyard., •
Happy birt 4� y to. Angus
Hummel on Saturday. •Fan..
Penny, 'Robinson was
stranded in Stratford. over
the weekend due to the
. . NOTICE•. TO '.
Ontario , AREA: '
Tike notice at,. -'file '
r _that,.-pursuant--to-Section-40-of
Act, Chapter 32, B.S.O. 1970 and
, Amendmente:• . r
AiieasnttintNoiaces have~been delivered or Were
caused to he delivered on or before the 06th day
of January 1981 to all owner's' and'I pants of the
Municipalities of South Easthope, North East- -
hope, Fullitrton,'Hlbbert, Logan and Wallace In
the County of Perth; Stephen, Stanley, Zurkeb,
•Tucketemith; McKillop, Wingham, East Wawa-.
nosh and West Witwanosh in the County of '
last' day fol appealing an assessment .is . a
February .17," 19$,1. ° ' • . •
The Assessment Rolls may be examined at the • .,•i
,,PdOffices during reguiar'business hours
,'comitteneing January 28th, 1981.. .
AK, Bowen •
Regional-'Assessnient Commissioner . .
., HutronLPerth Regional Assessment Office #24 ,-
' Box 190, 57 'Napier Street .
• • Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2 .. ' '
i t.
., in _Arta- Churches . , .
° First PRESBYTERIAN Church ^ a
59'toderlch fit. W...Seafortb
Minister: Rey. T t}.A: Duke O:,ir'aanist: Mrs. D. Carter
.'A ' 1• '.
' SUNDi', JANUARY' 11 ,
.1'1;15 WorahIp Service, Suu4 S °SCboollefinrsery
"Godes railing, are you Ilsteattag?"
ST: THOMAS Anglican' Churt.
J'.ita Rev,. James RJBraadfoot B.A., ,M.Div. •
' . , Setforth ' '
YOa.t . Morning Prayer .
3ernion:Our'Worsifip ,.
Sunday Scboot and Nursery:
-mmuaableidnring Service
. 'NQRTHSIDE United Church
t.West. Seafovth
•_'�tI'98f" .. .
y 4".... . 54 Goderith St. W
,11s.B.TheSittiusie toffeIAitir Siffier
wlll.hecelebrated • ''.
Sunday School and Nursery at same time x
' • Rev. J:G;r''Itasnslyke, Minister . 'a' .,.
OrgsMlst-Cho1r'Directbr ' ' Jr Chair Leader
Margaret• Whitmore . " , Audtey lvICLhviiin-
. Area ;congregations are invited to take advantage of
the churc difeet ory'Wan'ttiou'nce their^ehu'rch, sc,rvices.
;•each week. Church. director'' atiatt•uneentents ore
acaila'blo'for a nifrdmum of 26 consecul'tvt.. weeks in
i'uniWisf two eoiu ' n' inches at S2 per, unit. Changesin"
copy may lis nia c each' week• -hut must 'be. received t
before nun qtr Ttthsd 'av • ' '
Tuesday' evening at 7:30.
Wednesday morning at 10:00
a,.m. Ladies Bible Study and
fellowship group at the
church, The sup estion is
made to"have this eery other
week as not to inte'rfere with
coffee .hsntr_[t►. Cli{�tern. , -
Invite or take along neigh-
bours and 'friends. Thursday
evening at , 7:00 Young
"People's group ages 13 and
older. At 7:30 Come Alive for
Wei boys. We would also
like to stat't a-cltoir. This
would be for kids and adults
from ages.8 and up. The first
plaice will be on Friday
throughout . -Ontario ' with
small .lttisiness consultant •
teams to work with 25 locally
ou ned and managed bush. •
These teams,
tensed consultants will pro-
vide -small firms • FREE OF
CHARGE direction and
guidance in the operation of
their business. The private
sector consulting_ team'•wili.
work with small businesses..:
cat a„oncn�u�t%e basis. They
will help develop your man-
agement sl4ilis., analyse. your
business operation. suggest
and recommend 'changes.
and help you plan for the
future. Three months follow.
ing the initial consulting
phase.; 'the consulting team • ,
will' return to conduct ° a
follow-up , assessment. Fur -
All :property owners -and
tenants -in the
'Township of McKillop
” Enclosed is your ,980 Notice of Assessment upon-':
which your•1981 property and business taxes will '
be levled:_Your Council, 'by a resolution dated ' '
October 2Z 1980,: requested that all p . property
assessments be •equalized by class i .980 in
accordance with Seetion,86 (3) of t ie"l ssessment
Act. Your 1980 Notice reflects this nett'
assessment, •
The new assessment ha?S ,beep calculated' by
'applying 'a 'factor to the 1975 market:. •value
estimate ' of :your property. The Notice •of '
/Assessment shows .these three figures, that is,
the 1975 -market value, the ' factor, and the
assessed ,value upon: which ,1981 taxes will :be
' / based., The factors• used in the Township of
McKillop are: Residential 11=6 Units) .0607
Commercial .05632, Farm .0847:7. '
To estimate •what your 1980 taxes would huge
• been If the equalized assessments' had been used'
ash basisfor aaution in 1980. multiply your new
assessment y, the appropriate mill • rate. ' (The
estimated . ill .rates ; arc .144.01 mail for
Residential and 169.41 milt' for Commercial):
For exam e, a 53000 're. dentia) assessment
mu Bpi a 44.01 mills would' produce a fax of
5434 "
you. ave any questionS.soiff, from the Regional
^Asse' meat ; Off ee will -he - available ' at, the -
follow ng locations and times, to explain, your
new assessment and: provide you with' the ,
rte scary, informpation .to 'compare your new'. '
essment with those of similar properties, in
r area: Location -Family Paradise Catnp
"(rounds. 'CR. #4, Wilton. January 13'..1:00 p.m.
-9:00 p.m...Loeation-Regional Assessment Office.
' January' ,111. 11)00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m,
if you are linable in attend during •the times
indicated, above.you may contact it a Regional
Assessment Office at the address b(}.•low or ' by
calling the Assessment-•Office-ioff"fttr'e.
If it can be shown prior to January 27..1'981 that a
correction should be- made 'tri youi assessment. ,
/, yon wiii be isf,'ued an amended notice. You 9 C
cp $ntraged to take' advantage 'gf this servic
If after 'having reviewed your assess_mcnt_ yotn
wish to enter a• format complaint. please use 'the
following. procedures:•
a )1'he A'ssessinent Roll %will be'•relitrned. to the
• 111e Opal Clerk on January 27, .1981. The last .
• day on which you may lodge a comnplaint "
inst,your assessment ts.February 17, 1981.
1b1 omplete the complaint seal n on the reverse
side of' the Notice' orAssess e.nt and mall or
deliver if to 'I'.he •Reglona 'Registrar of the
. 'Assessment(rview Cour at 1st Floor. 426
`itltrdi�"it:`EiirlfsriaN r'VU•�iVfrritrbr......
'before February .17, 198.1..
You wilt then be notified -of the date, lime anal
place for hearing .your complaint.
Hurn •Perth
,lleglo ' 1 Assessment. - MOO
57 NapI t Street
P.O. Box 9.
Ooderich, c maria N M 3Z2
•'Telephone ( 9) 624,7326
'zeniths 66500
M. K. Bowen
Reil , nl`Assessmcnt,Co mmisaloner
Check Our Prices
You Buy
Over 300 Appliances
To Choose From
No 7% Sales Tax on
Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators,
Ranges, Freezers
Major Appliance Centre Ltd.
.: r..,•!
All - :ro ert owners .and.
. in the ToWnship
of 'uckersmith '
Enclosed is yogi 19861Yotkceo ' tiihMment upon
which your 198fProperty and -business will
be levied:1(M* Council, by a ~resolution dated
October 21, 1980, requested .that• all property'
•asaeesaaents--be equalized by dna In 1980' Ia
accordance with' Seca* -8fr{3) of The Asseitement
Act, Your 1980 Notice reflects this new assess-
_ • went.
The 'new assessment hal beep ' ralcuiated by
epplying-•a fitter to the .1975 market vallte
, estimate of . your .property. The Notice '.of••
Assessment shows these. three flgarest, that is,1 '
the 1975 •a
Market. value, the fectorand the
rtakeised"value;upon which 1981 taxes will be
based.. The . factors used in ,,the Township
-.Tucltersmlth etre: Residential (1-6 Unita) .07361,
Farm :08908 Commercial .09446: • .
To estimate what -:your .1980 taxes wouldI.
been''if. the equalized assessments had been used
is *bails for taxation In 198(•-multply your new
asseeimu'ent by the-appropi ate mill 'rwte
estimated mill .rates . ate 131:23 ills for.
Residential and -154.396 mills for
. For example, a. $3000: reiddent f al assessment
-Multiplied by 131:236 colli$ wouid''prodnce.a tax
of S39J:71. _
if you hand any questions, stafiferunthe Regional . .
Assessment Office will be '.avallible it ' . the
'. following location's and.° , to 'expWn your '
new. assessment and , vide you. with the
necessary, Information.. . compare your few .
aseessmdpt with,. of similar properties in
Your Ural: i.ocatiendbit Receeyitlon centre,
Yanastra, January 1& 15, 1:01111 m.-9:00 p.m.
• Location"-Regioflast isesiment ."Office,. January . .
10, 11:0 a.m.-5's00
If you are unable to 'attend during the
lfdirated above,' you 'nay 'contact the. Re
Assessment Offre et the address below or by
calling, the Assessment ( fffice °toll free.
If•it enn.be, sltown;pprkar to January 271 1981 that a
correction shdui4'lk tirade tb-your assesstiment,
you will be issued ,an amended notice. You are
enconiaged to -take i Jvi ntage,'Of 'bili service.
>f after ha reviewed your iseessment you
- "wish Men r� a ferried c9mplaintt Pleasie use the
following pI lore: ,
a) „Thio Asseasmeni _'toil will be returned tit "the.
Municipal Clerk ors' January 27; 1981. The hist
day on. which yea' May ledge a complaint
agato5t your as ' cis'ttent IS February' 17, 1981.
.b )�Compiete the t:ompbtint.Medan o+ti the reverse', A
side of the Notice of Assessment and midi or
deliver' It to the •Reglgnid Registrar of the
_...811094,1moitt ,I fevt w Court at ,1st biaor, 420
Third Street) Ir deft' ntMiri<►R5 4i &inn oto
• before t'ebruary '17. 1981..ci
c) Yon will then be *Med of the date,,timedetd
place for'hearfng'your cOseplaint. E:
Regional Assessment OBke
5T Nam $k+eet ✓
0O^ Bas 190'
OodetlebvOntarleNIA 3Z2
Telephtinet (519)' g20326',
Zinhht WOO
N1. K. Boils
t C1►ssiwrlew'