HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-08, Page 8„ • ` . • • I Mitchell-Seaforth CABLE TV For service, account, installation, local announcements, line locates Call 345-2341 11 Channel -election° Supplying 8 networks and independents to over 1,450 homes. k n #die New Year. Fee Feedback to ag reps on or Praise for farm women The national conference of farm women %4ere Mid they should hewn-1e active in all farm organizations -- everything from speaking out at local milk comtnittee meetings to competing for top, elected posts on national commodity boards. a, Agminister Eugene'' Whelan. toed the cOnferente that farm Men Must recognize and accept the concerns farm women, especially the desire to- be treated equally with their husbands by A TIME TO. REFLECT - atoms Rcp Crypt'. Che P435 TCT or . As we start nato.a new year it is a-common experience ,to reflect on.. last year. Family - get togethers Christmas. parties with friends and an overall feeling of-relaxatipn is thereasettfor4liis. reflee- tioa.As.lIOok back on 1980,1 •=see.. numerous faces and field It's 'funny. some - people ,,,can match faces to. names, or remember pea- ' names by something .about theft character, l have a bord. time rernernberng names,.-Hot it is . easy . to . - remember fields with a cer- . BY; PAT LYNCH SOILS lit CROPS SPECIALIST ART LAWSON ASSOC. AO. RP. I hear what really ".bombed out." BM most of the time extension people de not get , feedhaek., This 'feedback is very important to us. You ask us for -information • based On ..a • judgement call. That is, nobodY- haS the ,black and' white answer for But a decision has to be made on some facts. For instance you • want.to takeit ctitof alfalfa in ' October. Rased on some factS, we say -Yes"' or "N6".:. On theSe issues it's nice to hear the results. Ofter w.e.:have to: -make the sante deeiSion again. -it is nice to repeat that decision based' on an experience that worked or failed • oii*itiOn can Mean a great deal to the sense of a sentence. - --. - .. . • . Consider 014: Wentattl Without .her, .man would bt Salt‘age.Tbagettsing punctuation properly. Now. write-ft Sentence *Without -punctuatimi: Woman ' without her mar The meaning qt the words is exactly the oppsite. Iteh4.1uthefoxinet. Without women, men could become savage. Which yeags into some pralS"C for the National Farm WoMergs Conference, , 1 Farm women ate afarting_to get recognition from society for the 1,We they ,play in Agriculture. Not enough recognition, Mind you. but attitudes-are- changing. I know of hnndreds of farme - who would 'have gone banirept were it not for the help and encouragement of a wife. A federal study on rural women two years ago revealed some startling figures. They spend alniost 30 hours a week, on aterage, doitkg •farm-chores and bookkeeping as well:as another 53 „betas doing household chores. I don't know Who- penned the-plece that says a woman's work is never done Whoever it was must have had farm women in mind. • Not. long ago, I Was a guest speaker at an annual meeting of a county federation of agriculture. I made it a point to get away early so f cbuld visit the president of the organization-before going to the half where the meeting„, was held. ' I pulled into the lane an:: was greeted by a cheery voice from gal in dungarees coming out of the sommer•kitchen. In spite of the unshapely clothing, the rubber boots and a battered baton her head; this farm wife was still attractive and out.going. She skipped to the barn, and told her husband Ivies there.-He took a few minutes off the milking, chores to get some information about me. The twoOf them, working as a close7 kiiit team. 'finished the chores in jig tithe' An hoir later, both of .tjjem walked into the hall as • handsome a couple as any in the nation. She, sparkled with Oesn, crisp goodness and chatted knoviledgably with the men. The following year, she became president of the , federation, following her intiband's_terin. ILMACA111.0. • would be sange. tirg840gi.'ios '414 Lokfricedtkisneciam, .• . breams made of-goed walZE ant core. aufility flocked nylon - 90 biltdesi" aturdy•ptapc Erai Tite SET HOMECARE PAINT SALE d taint is on sale at affordable prices. Your choice- of exterior and interior paints. handles. 8electtrern 2". a" sire 23". S" sizes. . , _Et ',CA ItAFORM CLINTON str-otifb FLOOR FINISH This stay ID apply finish will control damPneste ,and ditst in bailentent. Itls a fait &lei- be knitbezintoigvilltnith. 'that on ONLY pAiNfRousg SET *HI-pile paint roller,• easy-grip cage kerne handle, tray and roger dyer with, water ,resists PAINT THINNE A well balanced cleaning sol- vent and paint thinner for alkyd arid aniffnel based paints. ONLY rate Y LTD. MENSAL'. -262-2418 79 EACH breeatn r4roduelt ey) di- , seases. baby pig ,scours, Weaner pig „housing and producer presentations on how their operations records, prevent diseases and_thanage finances. Feeder pig Management is scheduled for Thursday,. January 8th. This progranV v4.11 cover feeding •systems. hedging inputs andhOgs. W5 on the poor boar. .manure handling, designing loading &citifies. sources pf feeder • ) Trapper visits SF'S BY GRANT ROSS ( Peter Roy gave a presenta- Seaferth Public . &lira Mr. Roy showed the grade seven classes how to skin a racoon and also showed them various other, pelts such as fox, beaver. brush -wolf and triuskrat. • All -of these ?nlinals lhad been caught v:ithin 10 Miles of Senforft Most 4-11r., Roy's pelts are shipped to North Bay auction; after they are cleaned, stretched, dried and bundled'. After skilfully skinning the -racoon, Mr. Roy talked to the sitidents about different techniquei for trapping. Expecting too much from your sows? Courses at C entraita dain "'OW: heart effithect that field to a face.. , Piss and feeder pig housing. Ontario Mitilstr3- Of Agriculture & Food 413 Hibernia St.. Stratford NECHTEL ' As I recall the discussion I had with jolt. other things -come to mind. Iwonder if the advice I gave always workedr, Oh, it's true - sometimes 'I hear what works: Sometimes N5A 5W-2- 2 lb. Bags , Prod. USA Can No 1 Florida.,-_.-. White or Pink 2/.99 Si4OBOY GRAPEFRUITS .15 Each MON. TUES. & WED. THURS. & PRI. SATURDAY WE RESERVE T* 111411, To LIMIT -QuaNTITEES 9.6 P.M. 9-9 P.M. 9-6 P.M. DRYWALL FOR IIVIIPAMT Petit OrYWait 0000E: DRYWALL SERVICE 527-1398 . or 527-0606 • . WE LIKE TO SERVE YOU Vaseline Lotion Regular or Herbal INTENSIVE CARE' 200 ML . LOTS OF FREE' PARKING FOR YOUI • Schneiders CELLO STEAKETTES , „...500 Gr. Pkg. • UTCIlai Schneiders Bulk SMOKED SAUSAGE Schneiders . COUNTRY SAUSAGE 500 Gr. Pkg. FREVit'CANADA 'GRADE A NICKER FR141 - - Schneiders Thuringer WIMER SAUSAGE Oy the Piece Schneiders Vacuum Packe0 Ready to Eat - BONELE $ PICNIC 211 _ • ‘.. • ,4-` • • • 1.99 Prices effective untIrSiturday, January -10, 191 ••• We can mail a brochure s. that lists details on the 14 different short courses which are offered by Centro. lia • during the winter months. The time each day is- from' 9:30 a.. until, 4:00 p.m. SWINE' COUREtE • Ssdrw Herd Management is first on the list - on -Tuesday, Januarys , fitly- - The .filipica includ • tithe::: =neat;- Are you expecting too much from your sows? Even highly productive animals' can't carry an excessive debt load. • let's consider a theoretical example -- high debt-load, a 70 sow farrow-to,finish open- -atop, no, other enterprise. - Su-Opoke you buy a 52.000 item that you could have gotten along without. You've added principal payments of -$668 and interest payments Of S340 if the repayment schedule is .3 years anti the interest 17%. In order to service this debt, S14. must come from the income pro- duced by each sow. That's, S1 for each of-the 14pigs raised -by the sow Why ,not calculate the costs that you're, expecting a sow to cover before adding on more? it's not difficult. List yeur interest and prince Pal Payments' for each loan Op a sheet of paper. Add up the total debt commitments' and divide by the size of the spw herd. Do the same for the dell* figure that , you;, need to live on and :for your total cash expenses. -See what fat price you need to give a return per sow to 'cover thesecosts. Have'these figuresin mind- when you're faced with an. "impulse purchase. It • may-- : help you to avoid a decision that will push , the total- too high. Allocating costs is more difficult •if you have two 'enterpiaet. thii a matter of setting down your total cash outflow and asr Signing a proportion to. each enterprise. 7.* V AW. 'Y,41.1"L'O.A4/00,74,,P' • •