HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-15, Page 6frassammoosaaseasepasekaa%
4., ONE et.
° Le L. NC
Young, Middle Aged & Old Men
,Q its you are suffering front any complica•
O Hon of the Sexual System, Bladder.
a Itidaten, 13100d or 'Nerves, consult us
1I 01100. once. Wo Cure all weakness, Nervous
Waste, Secret tosses, Nightly Drains, Sex -
till Decline, and make marriage possible. •
1 Rich or Poor ---One Dollar.
We (tairstutee to ceire-VatiOnbette, Ernie.
storm, Stfloturs. Gloat. typhilis. IlmatencI,
' Unnattiral Discluirbokall privata..Nervon# an
Dolloato I/locars of Melt and Women. Con.
saltation Fres. potation UMW Home Trott.
malt Free —1104k# Free.
DOLLAR DOOTOIV 47 4itchig" Av""'
to Detroit, Mich.
liftyc 0:01tugpam k.1.111.c5.; A °ARO.
rum RonnursoN, who re4s:ntly
returned from England, says he
found Canadian farm Troducts gain-
ing in relative places in the British
markets. Canadian atese are
suiting the trade better tins sehson
than last year, AU that le wanted
is to keep up the evenness of quality
elect get a milder, eool flavor by •-
curing thaul at tetiaperature 60 to by
degrees, The better trade is grow
Um, Ile wail:Area some .Canadian
orgamery in the same warehouse
with Danish butter. The finest
Danish was still superior to the Can-
adian ; but the Canadian was better
than the second qnality of Danish.
ite learned that there is a good •
demand for well fatted poultry. The
trial shipments made by thede-
' pa.rtment last year are to be repeated.
this season. The prospects are good
for a Mr price, and a greatly
Increased trade.
DURING the month of August the
imports from Canada consisted of
We the u tideraigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money O3 a tweuty.five cent
bottle of Dr. Willa' English Pills, if,
after usiog three fourths et contente ut
bottle, they do not relieve. COdetipati011
and Headadhe. We also warrant Viet
eels battles will permanently mire the
most obstinate cases ot Coustipation.
Satisfactioa or no pay when Wills) Eng-
lish Pills are used.
A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggiet,
Wingbain, Ont,
C. A. Camp Chemist and Druggist,
Wiuweam, Out.
A. Ls Mani ton, Chemist and Druggist,
Winghani, Ont,
12,854 cattle, valued at £231,822 ;
11,633 sheep and Iambs, valued at
£18,897 ; 779,700 cwt, of wheat
valued at £258,905 ; 564,700 ewt, of
wheat meal and flour,valued at 4269,-
100; 39,800 cwt. of peas, valued at
4269,100 ; 68,532 cwt. of bacon,
valued at £119;797 ; 22,108 cwt. of
ham, valued at £47,808 ; 60,957
cwt. of butter, valued at £263,937 ;
257,638 ewt. of cheese, valued at
X546,390 ; 12,223 gi eat hundred
egg.s, valued at £3,902 ; 845 horses,
Another of those events which
caused a stir in the society of Kin-
cardine ladies took place at the
residence of Mr, Robt. Sellery,
Broadway, in teat town, at 11.20 B.
ID., on Wednesday, Sept, 6, when Miss
Annie L. was wedded to A. T.
Cooper, a well known, popular and
pushing young business man of
Clinton. Rev. Walter Rigsby,
Methodist pastor, performed the
ceremony. Miss M. Bowers, a friend
of the bride, acted, as maid of honor,
while a sister, Miss Bertha, was the
bridesmaid ; Mr. E. Cooper, brother
of the groom, performed the usual
for the groom. The rooms were
elaborately decorated for,this occas-
ion which proved of more- than usual
interest to the young lady's many
friends who will miss her so much,.
particularly among the church
circies. The Epworth League of
the Methodist church In Kincardine
will be at a loss to fill her • place.
The bride was dressed inivory
duchesse satin, with a yoke of em-
broidery chiffon, and wore a bridal
veil and orange blossoms, with a
bouquet of white roses. The maid
of honor wore a. pink organdie dress,
trimmed with satin ribbon, while
the bridesmaid, Miss Seliery, was
valued at £24;269 ; the imports of attired in white organdie, similarly •
I 1 om ared t d The reception concluded
-with August, 1898, show a decrease, and congratulations given, the
but in yap the decrease is very wedding dinner was .partaken of,,
large. Com area with last year the and the party took the. London
imports in sheep and Letter show a train and arrived in Clinton to take;
very large increase. The total up their reeidenee on Fulton street.'
value of imports for the month is Mr...Cooper, who has been an Indere: s
air slacked lime about the baikl-
gen Wile Live Lon;,, •
• The best of all ways of aehieving
longevity is to be a elergyman. The
filet is uoted by Dr. Ogle. It would
be almost impossible to classify all the
ordinary vueittions in life according to
'their healthiness; but Jr, Ogle was
able to tabulate the main causes which
according to tbe census tables, deter- :
mine the rate of mortality, }Ie does '
not believe that long -continued, hard,
bodily work is so hilarious as people
usually suppose, provided it is carried
on under moderately healthy condi-
tions. Sedentary opcupa.tions aed
braia-work will shorten a mania life
far more certainly. .
et aps one cireflTUstaneO tbat
gives a clergyman. an advantage
over the layman is the feet that, as a,
general rule, he goes on working to
the last. It, is retirement from ordin-
ary pursuits and duties which ooeftee
proves fatal. The man whoworks
till he is 50 and then, when he has
made his pile, as the Americans say,
hopes to enjoy a quarter of a century
of id lenesi, runs a very serious risk of
If you notice the child grinclindthe
teeth during sleep, picking the nose, eat-
- ing revenously but not seemirg to gam
flesb, 3'00 may be sure worms tire present
end should not delay giving Dr. Low's
'Pleasant Worm Syrup, Price 25o.
Poultry Pointers. •
You cannot, clean the coop too
A hen pays in proportion to the
eggs she lays.
Young chickens should be protect-
ed from the sun,
Fresh earth for scratching and
dustingis indispensable.
It is always best to darken the
' place selected for a nest,
White Leghorns are the best of
• layers, they are small in size.
Pekin ducks can be raised with
115., i359. •
. • o ...
wilt guarantee
that my gidney CureNvIll cure 00 per coat.
ot all forms ot kidney
complaint and In
most serious forms of
Bright's disease, It
the disease Is cam -
plicated send a four -
'ounce vial of *urine.
We will analyze it
and advise you free
• what to do.
At all dragaists, 25e. a vial. Outdo to
many instaneett the
end rardleat free. 1505 Arch st. Phila.
1 _ I a f • ,,,r•
kt 13 ATI1 IS el liVIC ES. •
M. THODI/ST-Rev. it. ilobial, pile- I " -'1:it ilktl 411-4141111.44),I111-11..
or. Servieee at 11 a to end 7 p tn. 1
PReSBYTEItIAN-11.0v. D. Perrie I se -is euentstise- ,
pastor. Service* at 11. a na and? p ni. 1 • EVERY FRIDAY MOBNINte :
EPISCOPAI.e. St. Pon l'a -Bev. Wm. I-
ru- -Al TOR --
Lowe, rector. Servwes at. 11 A M autl 7
BAPTIST --Rev. W. Fresd, pastoei
Services tit 11 a tu and 7 p in
CONGREGATIONAL --- Rev. J. NV. I SubscriptirtApriee,Ipor year, tu advance
Gotlin, pastor. Serviette At 11 A Al And i *
7 p A,.
••I •
Otaratu and Look in 0,,mmancl, Serviees On= Column J$00 00 O40 00 00 00 $arti0
CHRISTIAN WORKERS - Misses 1 iiii;—i-Yrii"--Friii)7Ta:172a.".0:1-14,1-eioe.
Half 40 00 5'0
at 3 p at and Is p tn. Quarter " 20 00 12 00, 7 OQ 0
5 00 Si 00 s c0 1 12'
SALV.eTION ARMY -Capt. McLeod 1.,:!0,
etitrisTlinsertion.and 80 Per line foreacit subsequent
1ai and oilier catinai auvcrtisentent, /Minor Jitie•
atilt wife command. Servicea al 11
m, 3 p in and 8 p 1»-artion, Measured by nonpareil scale.
In each 4)r, the above named ch u reit ea 6i., per lino for earth subsequent usertit r .
Often as he has opportanity bc
I ti 0 I
Sabbath School ia held at :?..30 p in. Ad Yortisemonts of Lost, leo tinr;. Strayed, Situations
busy every day. and Business Chances 1Vantrd, not °acceding Dna 't •
The eontmonest kind of cheerful nonpareii, $1 for first month, and. 500. for each
subsequent month.
giver is she ore who gives nothing
but good a, 'vice,
. F.10111010 and nrins for Sale, not exceeding ft line.
u Si for that month, 50e. per subsequent month
1.argersdvertismuents prom Han.
When we cannot do tie we would
it will smooth the jolts to be willing
These terms be strictly adhered to
Special rates for larger advertisements, or of
WINGHAM. longer periods.
Adrert.sements and Meal notiees without epeolfio,
to do as we &mule).
accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be
directions will be inserted till forbid alai charged
The ox standing bail in the shade
Capital, 01,0;4,00, Rest,
PaCkiltaingte•afollruncontract ativertleouients. must be In
.htis more trouble with the tiles than 01,000,000
the tine wearing the yoke.
One trouble with the world is that
there are so many people in it who
are content to drifts down stream.
Few of us gain by the mistakes of
others. but he who tail.; to profit by
his own mistakes will soon be
bankrupt in knowledge,
DI A. W. IliAE S
ClactiIii Lai
e, bacon anc hams e p r mme
only sufficient water for drinking.
Young eoelterals often permanent•
ly disfigure themselves by fighting.
Fowls that fatten easily should
have plenty of opportunity to eater-
Pour coal oil on the roosts. and
aont direct to the diseased
parte by the Improved law,,er.
Heals the ulcers, clears dia air
passa,,cs, steps droppings in the
throat and perm:silently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers. or Dr. A. W c hase
Medicine Cc., Toronto add Buffalo.
• Keeptt g Boar Piga.
Itis considerable extrs. tiouble
keep a male pig until he is old en, 'ugh
for service as a boar. - There . is, be-
sides, some loss on doing so, as the
boar pig, after he is a ,s ear old has not
so well gavot ed meat nor so much. fat
as the shote or case pied male pig.
But if a farmer has a considerable
herd of sows which be Wants to hreed
from it is less loss to keep a boar thin
to di ive the sows to w 'Jere one may be
found. The service of el weleired
President -Jolla eTVA BM.
Viu0•Presidoa-4. Itatteg.
Joan Panorm, Ono, 110,00. WM GIBSON, P,
A. T. WnttD, 1', A. 11. INC (Toronto).
Ousluer-.1. T.1.7RNMILL.
ths ollice by Wednesday noon, In order to appear
that week
For the treatment of DISEASES tvr WOMEN oral
..,laravlamot ask--neure,iete 8; Saturdays, 10 to
Veposits et and upwards received and Interest
Medical Supe.rintondent. Wiroglitun, Ont:
SadlIoittisusL CAt.Es of All kiatis, Ear particulare
boutrIst and ',old
image en treat Pattain and the 'United Stater
,rbosetronita also recelned at current
E. E. WO KIN SON. Solloithr.
Manny uo Loan on Notes.
• llotes Discounted
st,-may at4vsneert Olt SInrteStrea at 6 pm sentwith
prit news M ;roles at. sho ele,i of an t one. Not.
and “i•enitntf collueted.
BARRISTER, eULletrOft, Ete.,
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate
interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, towel
and farm propert,) bought and sold •
OFFICE—Deaver Block Witsouam.
J3 4.11RISTER,
!crave'. Morr4ro#Pt1
00n VOr Hint+ Witurham, Om.
veil I AT LOAhr.
?; OitiC0-...310Yer Munk. WinWhanl
£3 11.9,68,), and. of exports £419,. tigable worker in ipworth League 130t11. enould nets be less than $1. for . (..se"t
A Good Test.
If ou hive backache and there are
brick dist deposits found in tbe urine
after it i-tands for 24 hours you can be
sure the kidneys are deranged.. To effect
a prompt and positive cure and prevent
Bright's Disease, suffering and death,
use Dr, A. W. Chase% Kidney -Liver
Pillr. the world's greatest kidney cure.
Time to Platt Bulbs.
"This is the season of the year in
wbieli to set out bulbs. Prepare
ft, the ground for them before they are
\received by having it dug to a depth
•bf, at least a foot ---a foot and a half
isbqtter-and worked aver until it
is mew" writes Ellen E. Rexford
111 thet4-q.,epternber Ladies' Home
Journal. N„"Mix with it a liberal
quantity of ol{1, rotten manure from
the coward, o,it' this is notobtain-
able, use bonen:mix; in tbe prt.portions
of one pound to square • yard of
soil. If the soit is naturally heavy,
it is well to add considerable sand to
nuke it lighter and more porous.
Plant the bulbs as soon as possible
after they are received, as they are
greatly injured by exposure to the
air. Set tulips and hyacinths six
inches deep, smaller bulbs from four
to five inches. Ali 'bulbs should be
ploccd five or six inches arart, and
each kind kept by itself."
Means Impoverished and Exhausted
Nerves; --Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
food Restores and Revitalizes the
Nerve Cells.
People who suffer from Nervous NipreetiOn
and Exhaustion frequently look healthy and
zirong. They alone know the thousand dis-
tressing symptoms which make their lives
The lack Of serve force results in a slow and
sluggish action of The heart, impaired diges-
*ion, headache, despondency, and a fear to
'venture, loss of energy, sleeplessness, incapa-
city for mental labor or business,
With these symptoms there is usually'
raclancholy and fear of death, which tends to
increase nervousness, but there is every reason
to be hopeful if the right treatment is used.
Ir. Chase's Nerve Pood -contains all the nutri.
lion required to create new brain and nerve
tissue. It imparts to the nervous system that
life.giving principle which sends a thrill of new
ntrength and vigor through the system.
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve rood teal euro by
the building -up process, which enables the
body to laugh at ien4 weakness. Face
tut and fac-fdmile signature of Dr. A, W.
Mese on every box of the genuine. qcc, a,
box, .it all dealers, or Edinanson, Batts& Co.,
work for years, provincially as well The hen that le always scratching, eaeh bow that he #erves, The hog M.
as locally, will have an able helper
except when on the roost or the kept for a breeder sheulcl not he al 11ARRIST SOLI ITOR :0
in his life partner. Mrs. Cooper's
opposite whom° notei.
Office -Corner Ilamilten and St. Andrew streets,
serviees will be felt at li,attenbury test, is usually a first class layer.
On the farm where the hens ha,ve sows to #erve is not likely to do so. It,
lowed to get fat, end if he has many •
street church. The presents 'Were ' Behr tt, P1 "-°" your order
a. freerange they save much material is this that makes so many farmers
very costly and numerous, owing to , • •
teat would otherwise be wasted. refuse to keep boar. for Si.»-ifig Clothing call and
Nil. o , avevaao sga..
the extreme popularity of the young
The perfect and rapid develop- see our
couple. We join in extending our mens of chicks depends very much
good wishes for a long and happy
upon the start they get. Keep them
wedded life. It is unnecessary for Tort
free from vermin and feed them
usto say that we extend a very
cordial welcome to Mrs. COoper as a liberally.
resident, because the high standing of e cornmeal and bran with almost driven
For ducklings 5a mush made, by Women are
her husband in this community milk is one of the best mums that Insane.
assures her of that. •
Did yon ever notice how few
people are original in things they
say and do For instance, one man
makes a fortune out of a simple
can be supplied. Never feed ducks
raw cornmeal. -St. Louis Republic.
Laxa-Liver Pills cure biliousness, sick
headache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour
stomach, water brash, sallow complexion,
etc. They do not gripe, weaken or
'sicken. Small and easy to take. •
thing; immediately hundreds of Rules for Getting Rieh.
others try it. This is human nature.
Save your pennies, the patient is tormented beyond the powers of
While it is gratifying to be the "first B e r ful of our health human endurance. Sleep or rest is out of the
st:l1 New Goods cheaper than
instant Relief in Dr. A. W.
Chase's Ointment
One a the most distressing symptoms ima"-
ginable is the almost unbearable itching which
is an accompaniment of Leueorrhert or whites.
The nerves are irritated by die poisonous dis-
charge, and the result is an itching which is
only rendered more excruciating by rubbing or
Especially at night, when the body is warm.
man" to bring out an idea, the great Learn to know good people from .
mass must be content to follow their bad.
leaders, There is one line that is .Ths reliable. That's the golden
always original, however, and that •
rule of business.
is the business of' the Bradley -Gar- ‘ Be sure not to put all your money
retson Co., Limited, of Brantford,
Ont., because they continually bring eggs into one basket.
See that your head isn't lame. It
out pttblieations, to suit the times doesn't matter about your legs.
and seasons, thus their agents are
kept steadily at it and make big Take good care of ypur money. It
money. In feet, no other occupation isn't hall as hard to ear it as it is to
take care of it.
is more honorable, healthful, lura -
live, or offers half as many oppor Study not how you can spend the
Money you have earned, but how
wades for promotion. It is a life • you eau malts more.
sehoel. Many men and women in
Canada to.day, testify to the truth- Keep on tarnifig money. If you
stop earning, your fortune will
fulness of his claire, in Let ie
eonceded on all hands, that One
- - ' it -- fibril*, as your arm does when you
year's experience with this Finn is don't exercise it,
Watch the people whe want to
worth more to any oung man ot
woman, than two or three years at take your money from you. The
College, from an education point more money you get the more Bitch
of sieW, and finaneially, it is all that people there will be.
can be desired. Your ideal may easily become
your idol unless your ideal is Christ,
Vice either bides or draws its
Agents:—Did yott ever think of sword as soon as virtue shows her
handling our latest work "The tme.
Ligilt of Life, ? if riot, now is a Whoever kicks over a lie will litld
' good time to start, $3.00 a day kbig brood of others hiding under.'
'sure ; some make twice that 11'
Experience or capital unnecessary. ,...."To err is human." That is a
Bitiostrir.nAnurrsei GO., Limited, ,.enlia oe rine , nor is hardto
nve ttp tO.
The Man who can get good out of
a good book already has some food
it hint.
The telegraph line is up to within
116 miles of Dawson.
Ohildreri Cry for , must have both wisdom and
knowledge to get intreh benefit out
l'iltiektrir'an who wilt do good as
question. Nervousness. irritability and des-
pondency are a natural retult.
In these offices there are on the file thou-
sands of letters from grateful women who have
found in Dr. Chase's Ointment a quick and
certain cure for this itching to which women
rare subject.
During the expectant pdriod many women
Suffer siMilar agonyfrom itching of the parts,
or itching piles, which are absolutely cured by
Dr. Chase's Ointtnent.
The first application of this great discovery
of Dr. A. W. Chace will afford prompt relief.
At alt dealers, or Mammon, Bates & Co.,
ARTHUR J. 'mem, D D s, D 8,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania.
P L ES Dental College and Licentiate cf the Royal College.
of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Rost
for r 899. W e can affor4 to
old :hock that cost one-half
r s, atrme, L. D. S., DE1,,TIST, IIA0 WITH
V .him D. D. Ross, graduate of the C, D. S.
of ()Mello, and is preparecte to do all manner of(
Demo work at reasonable prices. Bearer Block
more than new and better opposite the Brunswick House, WIngham.
goods oi • the latest styles will
cost to-cl,t.y. JOHN ItITCITIEt ,
We make clothes that fit.
W.IIr..i3Sj!.1.13ri & CO •ek
r's DEANS, Ja., Wayouast,
Queetr's Itioek,
This luuldsor4
to .;rY
boy's watte: for
eabln two dos dainty
pesky s or mum:. pc,
. ‘•
this peettylulyllwatett t , V
forsouinc Oro°dozn;,..
insiOstdietS. erielh or r ii 'Ai
Write aml we send the r 1i ' "1/44->,:.,,w,,'S1
Sales of rarta Stook and Porta Implements
nose, end Violet Bur.
means. SellyIt, ro. SpeCialty. .
nun tho ninne, mai We forward your watch Ail orders lett at. ihe Tastes OttiCO promptly Wen!
u lc:barges paid. . od to. Terms reasonable.
Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge
91:114 CURRIE, W
e• 1.6, TO:ZONTO,
caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and Milk:dent
business conducted for MODERATE PEES. My 20 p in 8 80 a m
office the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office,
and My facilities for securingpatents are unsurpassed
DEPART Aniiive
Toronto and Bast 6 40 a. m. 3 05 p,
8 80 p 10 p m
Palmerston mixed 8 55 a m 8 05 p
Londonand South 6 a a m II 10 a In
" a8opm 8 00 p in
Kincardine " 11 10 n, m 4 49it in
3 80 p tn 3,30 p m
Send model, sketch orphotograph of havention,witl
description andstatementes toadvantages deleted.
451-1,Te _charge i., made for ar# opinion. as
.2iarentabittiy, and my fee for. prosecuting the
applicat!on w1(f WAS be called (or unt“ the
patent • ettlfneed. "bboatrous, Gawk," 'con-
taining full information seat free. All Conntrunt-
rations Cotialderrid An Strictly Confidential.
MAII1Z S#Asets tiVASItt111612`010. 16. CI-
We ABA this beet:Oh:1 lteery tad.1 Of {Meer
rated ehniri Bracelet 4.'cr10ue only ate doserl
S. every month, in ,ho cdd 'Mows Ball.° Visitina
0 S.-2711r.a4k,d..ilthiloivlar3,teett$
hrethrets woken*. J. Murray Chief. It 13
Elliott, Ree.-tice
'rECIAID1510 Reeks, Pamphlets, Pesters, 51
.1, Bends, Cironiars, leo, executed in tbe bete
style of the art, at moderate prteos, and 00 (Mori
i nutlet'. , Apply or eddrcol
1 11. BTlitS14.01°4111'
Ant" Linen Boom At Mt teats Oach, LtteSt gettlest WO ONO MINWICY1 to 4fintfuneo that any Books or
segos) no two Alike, write, and we vim mend the DorlieS,
postpaid theln, tettall the testreysuid we At etwefoyymed • ,
241. 554141 4409 left with to for Binding, will have our
rn Btaalot, Oitugml rad. P0110.,y €0., prompt attentton. Prices tor In ng in any Style
st'ox w Wormiest), Ont. - will be given on iabollosalon 0 the Twits iSoQ
• link. I.