HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-15, Page 5•
Gilt; II% 11 MES, SEPTEMBER 15, I•699.
afvtiotAivaeIsiveeisiteetswtsit/e,sta/ts,-easAteilelaytteil/WWCIAselefle, guest of Dim Donald Fisher.
,.............,............,,,_ . Mr. John Hamilton shipped a car
100 OASES %•
last weeR
k,,,) . load of ca.ttle froin here to Toronto
Our citizens are commene.ing to
4 -in -Hand
String .
Flowing End
Cow, Etc,
$ --EI—Z21,..1\T
50e, 85e and 25e Lines at
your choice
's •
A 9. ,•,(.4
..-...,.71.- N......v
____77.:avesives7etesiseeiss,szwrafit,steszsevter. sseWsAsettseteles .
• Mr, John M. Keine has returned
to Sault Ste Marie, to resume his
Is not only the Pleasantest but the: duties as 'principal of the public
surest Means of Cure in all school in that place.
• Stomach Troubles,
• Di W Di
D, Diamond.
• Enamelled •
Ruby end Blue •
Builders' Hard were.
Portland. Cement.
think of coal for the coming winter.
The first consignment has been or.'
;: dared.
Mr, john Brethauer and Misa May
• • •
are away this week visiting friends
-1- in Berlin, Waterloo and other points;
Moving has been in order hi this
place. W. S. McKereher has moved
his etlice into the Dickson
Richard Reim hes moved into the
place vacated by, Mr. McKercher
ind Geo. Laekie has moved into, the
Hemphill block.
Mr, and Mrs.. Thos. Appleby, of
Turnberry, visited with his fa,ther
here during the week. They also
spent a week with friends at Clared
_ mon t.
• rou, vaz nnuvous
And Eneaciated„ South Amerlean
Nervine is a Rich, Deep Health.
Nervous exhauStion, bad •die:elation, lei -
Fountain and NeVer Falls.
povo.rished blood. are the diseases ill! •
printed: on teeny it brow. Sootts Artier.
man Nervine lure a marvellous. power es 40
n nerve tonio, n blood builder and Wier.
ulator, Toues the sente clears. .
•eteres the good spirits f,•$F tua geed
gulates and dippels. .a.pref•Pir and
health, George Webster,. of Forest, •
writea: 'Tor years 1 u ffered much from
eleeeleesnese, nervommess, twitohieg
muscles and palpitation. All remedies _
failed but South American. Nervier).
The first bottle greatly helped, and five
bottles cured me. 1 tee t owe toy life
. 1 Working Night and Day .,
n IN il it' in tra 0 ru r The busiest and mightiest little thing
,rst ' Zr4 VB V;Ltr•U 01 tisid
I]very pill is a sugar-coated
that everis.wisrarte is Dr. King's New
1 globule or health, that changes weakness
sess------------------ --- - • into strength, listlessness into energy,
.1 brain -frig tut° mental power. They're
wonderful in building up tbe health.
' -- -- Only 25s, per box, Sold by Colin A.
• Campbell, Druggiit.
to it," tiolci by A,14. Hamilton.
Remember the fall fair to be held 1.
in ibis plane on the 28th and 29th of
Rev. W. T. Hall, of
preached in Knox church at Guelph
on Sunday last. al
The ladies of the Belgrave Metho-
dist church intend holding a lawn
social on Thursday evening, Sept,
21st, at the home of hir, John
Coultes, 7th concession of East
Wewanosh. Tea will be served on
the lawn, and a good programme
will be provided. Admission 10e.
• and 150.
The congregation of Knox church
was delighted with the sermons
preached by Rev. W. T. " Hall, of
Belgrave, on Sunday,—Guelph Her-
Having purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find
ns in the CORNER STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealing and bon -
est values a share of the patronage. The piesent stock will be offered at
Housefurnisbings, Catiery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal Oil
always in stock. Speeial attention will be given to cur
Having had large experience in cities, we excel in
Furnace Work, Hot Watc,,r• and Steam Heating,
Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Trougliing, Steel
•• Siding, Roofing and Metal Ceilings.
• ,
call oh us. We shall be pleased. to make Your acquaihtance:i feeffng
sure we shall gain your.confidence.
ctir liaLT
• Raving moved to town to'Abe resi-
. .
donee lately occupied by Geo P 117611e,
corner Centre and Alfred streets, near
the GTE, I am prepared to nay the
. highest cash prices for all kinds of, Rake
D IA mOND Rubbers,ks19,727idHivoxl .3111 fiviv:igs1
delivered at my residence, or if word be
left, / will call for same.
Opposite Post Office, Says:
Fresh Beei
Pickled Pork
Breakfast Bacon
Smoked. Ham
Side Pork
Corn Beef
and Pork.
Sausage •
Pressed Beef
Pressed Tongue
Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &e., •
always on hand.
Our prices are right. Orders
called for and meat delivered to any
part of the town.
Your patronage solicited. •
Farmers, Why Pas; 5% and 6 per cent.
Interest on your loans wnen money may
be had at 5 per cent. Payments made
to suit borrower. °beiges low.
' Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assut-
anus Company.
At office Friday afternoon and all day
blacdonald Block, Wingham.
is pure and cold and
The Stamp of Security.
On. every "Slater Shoe ", put there by the
makers as a gtiarantee of wear value— a protec-
tion against extortionate profits.
Many Men wonld readily pay more for a
" Slater Shoe " were not the price stamped on
the sole — this stainp gives the actual market
value of the shoe determined by the ntanufae-
Made it twelve
foot -model shapes, all
sizes, wj1ths, leathers,
colo's and styles. Every pair Good- '/I
yen r welted.
$3.5o and $5.0o.
s• I
For Sale Only by HAWN & SON,
that is safeand won't blow
out is what ever body
wants. We hairs) it.
See our Hew. Darn Door
Roller. It will not jump
off traok—
We are in it with
Srniti & PAH,
rs, m. ose was visiting.
• Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are friends in .Amberly last week:
an unfailing and delicioue ternedy for
dyspepsia and all distreesing consequ. Mr. J. A. Snell, who has taught
ences of impaired digestion. The juice in S. S. No. 4.tor the past Year and
of the Pineapple abounds in vegetable a hale bas gone to Goderich to at-
pepsin,an invaluable producten that it is t nd the Celle i ite -This vaeane
of food. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tab has been filled by Dir. W. R. Rogers,.
lets contain this . grand . essences of tbo of Bluevale. .
luscious fruit in a consolidated .form. Mise Rae Patrick has secured a
Eat them like candy, or let them dissolve • • . .
Position es milliner in Pembrook.
in the meuth. They are efficacious and -
pleasant; will at once relieve' al: tbo Rev. C. C. Keine aid wife; of
v. great pain in my entries and feet. I tried
'and will cure the most inveterate last week. everything I could read or heat' of, and
case of dyspepsia. I3ox of 60 Tablets, •
Mrs. W. Doig and son Guy have.. consulted many physicians,and a Toronto
35 cents. Sold by A. L. liarnilton.speeialist, without receiving any 'benefit.
returned from a two months' visit in
I was induced to try South American
Quebec. -
Nature's chief aid in digesting all kinds e g •
Sinking • in Rheumatic Mire—South
American Rheumatic Cure was
the Saving Strong Arm.
W. F. Begg, Vapcouver, B. C., says:
"Five years ago I was afflicted with a
very acute form of 'tau nuttier° causing
afflicting bymptoms of faulty digestion, Pine River, were visiting in to‘ n
acre farm in the townshipof' Hallett. -•
*Mr. John Webb, of the boundary,:
•eame near his bni n destroyed
by fire on Tuesday afternoon: stile
threshers were at his place ahti a
'spark from the smoke stack lit on
the'roof ofthe barn and burnt quite
a hole ,before it was noticed, and
promptly extinguished.
Bed Hot Frain the Gun
'Was the ball .that bit G. 13. Steadman,
of Newark, Mioh., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible Ulcers that no treat-
ment helped for 20 y eras. Then Buck-
- len's Arnica Salve cured him. Curds
Cuts, Bruises,Burns, Boils, Felons,
Cores, Skin Ertiptions. Butt Pile cure
on earth. 25o. a box, Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Colin A. Campbell, Druggist. •
• Mrs. Geo.. Town and children, of
Wingbam, were guests •of her pa-
rents at the Gotten %use.
Mr. Will . Sanders, ,d ,Lynden,
• visited with bis falher. Mr. T. B.
Sanders a •feiv , dak s during the
A few of Wroxeter's citizens at-
tended the Western • Fair at London
this week.
Mr. Richard Miller, of Termite
Junction, was • visiting With his
mother for a few days.
The visitors. to the Toronto Fair
last week from this section were too
numerous to mention— •
Mies Saunders, of Toronto, is the
. . .
The Thorn Comes Forth
With Point Forwird."
so.1 0011•W
• The Worn point of disease
is an acAe or pain. " But the
blood is the feeder of the
whole body. .ftirify it with
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Kidneys, liver and stomach will at
once respond? Nei thorn in this point.
Severe 'Paine-, 4,/ had severe pains in
my stomach, a form of Ileurtagia. My
mother urged rue to take Hood's Satsriplie
rills and it made me well and strong.
have also given it to ,my baby with eatis-
factory Testa ts. 1 am. glad to recommend
Hood's Sarsaparilla to others." Mas.
Joax'LA. Peoz,,240 Church St., Toronto, Ont.
OnriViete EXhatiation-" Aftet treat-
ment in hospital, t wits weak, hardly able
to went. My blood was thin. 1 took Hood's
Sarsaparilla until well and gained 20 lbs.
It also benefited my wife." Ananua Mmts,
Dresden, Ont.
Rheumatic Cure. The brat ose gave'
Mr. Pierce attistivni,46) e. Ortt the -and two bottles brought me a complete
age la me relief -the first bottle greatly helped
Mr. Henry Dar, of this township, Prairie Ian
has rented Mr. C. A. lioweores 150 how. tir. Mo. oure." So/d by A. L. Hamilton.
se g
'frame Men jfl• . LUCKNOW.,
Victims to btomaels, liver iind kidhey a, Between 1 and 2 o'clock Tuesday
troubles fes well as wtemen. and all feetmorning the coopershop and dwelling
the results in toes of appetite, poisons in house of W. Lyons ot this place was
the blood, backache, nervousnese; head-
ache and tired, listless run-down feeling. aestro.ved by lire. The coopershop
But there's no need to feel like that, was occupied by Charles Edwards,
Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. of Colborne, whose loss on tools and
He says: "Electric Bitters 'are just the stock will be $200. • Wis supposed
tbiug for a man when he mall ruu •down,
and don't care whether he lives or dies. • the fire originated at the heater used
It did more to give me new strength and for the apple barrels. Mr. Lyons'
good appetite than anything 1 could loss on buildings and contents will be
at least. $1,000. His house beipg
a new lease on life," Only 50 cents, at •
only six feet frcra theshop, there was
Colin A. Campbell's Drug Store. Every
bottle guaranteed. very little of the furniture saved, as
• the fire enveloped the buildings in a
few minutes after being diseovered.
This was one of the oldest houses in
tbe village, having been occupied in
the early days by the late James
Somerville. No insurance on buiki-
ings or contents.
take. 1 can now eat anythink and have
Master Redmond McGlynn, young-
est son of Mr. John McGlynn, met
with a very severe aceident while
getting down from the barn moW on
Tuesday afternoon. He fell 18 feet,
breaking his leg above the knee.
Dr: Brown, of Wroxeter, was called in
to attend, and the little fellow bore
up bravely under the painful oper-
ation. It is hoped that he will soon
be able to be out again.
Beats The Klondike.
Mr, A. Q. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex.,
has foudd a wore valuable discovery
• than has yet been made in the Klondike,
For )ears be suffered untold agony from
consumption, accompanied by tremor -
rage; and was absolutely cured by Dr.
King's New Discovery for COME rnptiob,
Coughs and Colds. Ile declares that,
gold is of little value in comparisou with
this marvelous euro; would have it, even
if it met a hundred dollars a bottle.
Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and
lung affections are positively cured by
Dr. iiing's New Discovery for Consum p.
tion. Sold by Colin A. Campbell, Drug-
gist. Regular size 50o. and 61,00. Guar-
anteed to euro or price refunded.
110P.E." '
Camps on Matiy a Threshold—But
South Ameilean Kidney Cure Spirits
Away Disease in a Trice
L'Int e.15 =drain.=
MEStd to us, ume
your nearest express office
and we will send this 'watch
there for you to examine. It is AU
open -law, gold-plated. duet proof
=se. handsomely engraved, fitted
stem wiud and set movement.
lady's or gent's else. It is e.
good Emplace, eve In tip,
and 18 just the thin_g for
trading purposes. If. 011
careful exanunationyou are
convinced Ms watch le
worth femora than. we ask.
My the express agent 3,95
and express charge dCo
nia012,40. Co"
Mrs. J. Hallman, a Berlin,Ont., writes:
"I was a great sufferer for DS months
from Kidney disease. The pains were so
severe as to cause fainting spells, and I
could not be left alone -was restless and
sleepless at night -no remedy or doctor
seemed able to give Me any help. I was
advised to try South American Kidney
Cure. After a few doses , I was greatly
benetitted, and two bottles took every
• trace of kidney trouble from Me." Sold
by A. L, Ilanailton.
News Notes.
have a world-wide reputation. It is almost
impossible to distinguish them front genu-
ine diamonds costing hundreds rf dollars
each. They are worn by the best people.
We will forward a GENVINE P07.011.11
:eosin =meted in a heavy ring, pin or stud
to any address epee receipt of price, 01.00
each. Earrings, enrews or drop, 02 per
pair. Ring settings are made of one /con.
tinuous piece of thick, shelled gold, and
are warranted not to tarnish. Special
combination offerfor tee days ceps 1 fang
and stud sent to any address upon receipt
of fil..50 Send for catalogue. In ordering
ring give finger measurement by using a
piece of string - also full pextieulars.
Address plainly.
1181-1183 Birosnwsx.
• boR0o.t., BOARD.
Tho regular monthly meeting of the
School Board was held on Tuesday even.
ing. Members present-Messra Griffin,
chairman, Homuth, Kerr, Mobile and
Minutes of last regular meeting were
Iread and on motion were adopted.
The following accounts were read and
considered :-Maloolm Lamont, work at
school, $8.50 ; Alex Rose, ink. 03.75 ; Thos
Moore, work at school, $6.55 ; R H McKay,
• painting school 490, kalsomining eight
rooms, $50 ; kalsomieing two hells, iii.s,
•glazing, $7.45, total $1,62.45.
Homuth-Moore--That the accounts as
1read be paid, and orders drawn on the
Treasurer for the respective amounts -
• A communication Ives read from Geo E
Robb, I3oiler Inspector, informing the
Board that the boiler was in very good
shape -Ordered to be filed.
Abrabare-Homutb - That orders be
drawn on the Treasurer for the teachers'
and officrers salaries -Carried.
On motion Mr Joseph Goad was ordered
to be paid $1.00 for extra work done at
the school.
On motion of Messrs Homuth and
Moore, the Board tendered a vote of
thanks to Mr H /Sere for his work in con-
neetion with the inspection of the work at
the wheel. '
Board then adjourned.
The private banking firm of Wm.
Mowat & Son, Stratford, has as.
signed. The firm elainis a surplus
' of $45,000.
The by-law to loan $10,000 to the
Kensington Furniture Cotnpany was
carded in Goderich by a majority of
On Friday evening, Sept. 15th:a
missionary meeting will be held in
the Presbyterian church. Mr,
Whaley, of St. Helens, will deliver
a lecture on missions. A silver col-
lection will be taken.
A meeting of the Methodist minis.
ters of this district was held in the
' Methodist church here on Wednes•
Charles Small, for many years an
alderman in Toronto, and brotlur of
John Small, collector of • customs
died Friday after a lingering illness
The Penton ease will cotrie up at
the Cohourg Assizes, whieh open on
day of last week. In the evening a Sept. 19. Some 25 witnesses have
Twentieth Century Fund.
Miss Nettie Maxwell, whhas .
collection was taken up towards the been summoned by the proseeution. the oil in it is digested, all
Lady Aberdeen hasino Itlied the ready to be taken into the
spent the last three years in Bran°facers of o
the Women et Commit that blood. The body rests,
don, man,,14 mom has returned she will be at Ottawa for the meet, ' while the oil feeds and nour
to her here ' os Blnevale road. ing in Oetober.
We are to learn that Mrs Mr. Geo, 11 Theltett, of Hamilton, ishes, 'and the hypophos.
otters is •Owing. 91.0.X.WACCO.4tffers $1,500 an acre for a little phites makes • the nerves
Why.is it that nearly all
ge,d persons are thin ?
And yet, when you think
gilt, what could you expect?
• Three score years of wear
and tear are enough to make
the digestion weak. Yet the
body must be fed.
In Scott's Emulsion, the
wr-rk is all done; that is,
Hoorlos rills our!, liver 111S r, the) nen-irritating R
eStatirteisfesesses'elite 11004'. Sareapart
• se to Mr. Summerville, of Palmer. that eity, to use for building lots for Steady and stro
so:. and r;1,0o,
Mr. Geo. ItiseDonaldthas sold his over .e'en acres of Victoria, Park, In
mon, for $500. j his employees. •SCOTT 4..tt DONNA eta
Ili 1 111 had=