HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-15, Page 4eitisuiltiallfteitstaMia
Guaranteed or money
cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth,.
hardens the gums and
purities the mouth and
perfumes the breath.
Pace 25e. ]Large Tube.
For sale only at
cquti A.OA P ELL'S
ARoG t;TonE.
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday
noon. The copy for changes.
must be left not later than Tues-
day evening, Casual advertise-
ments accepted up to noon
Thursday of each Week.
a7T- 11 1111
iii ant ((nuts
FRIDAY, SEPT. 15, 1899.
Saturday night's eablegrams bring
the conclusion of the Dreyfus trial.
lie has been found guilty, and sen -
'mimed to ten years' imprisonment 1
That Dreyfus is an innocent man,
no unprejudiced out-sider for a
moment doubts. The sort of evi-
dence on which he has been found
guilty and sentenced to ten years'
imprisonment, would not in any part
of the British Empire imprison a
dog. Poor Dreyfus is to be pitied,
but not so much as France, which
stands before the world as acountry
Mise Gilley, of Exater, is viaft ng with V4 inghene September 11tb,1809,
D1ra S Merrifield. Oorreoted by P. Demons, Produce Dealer,
man, of Marton, is theguest Flour Per 100 lbs., ..,,
Miss Pett1 85 to d
}Vali iffiest A G8 to 0 06
of Aids P, .1 Martin.
Nies Lizzie Bisbee, of Detroit, ii; pelting
at her borne to town.
air G It Mooney, of'tbe Ripley Express,
was in town on Tuesday. •
4Jr and 1 ra Jerome are spending this
RE IS AGAIN AS HEALTHY -AND weak with Mods se Rodney,
ROBUST AS RE WAS TWENTY YEARS . Miss Maud Fieuty is away on a visit to
friends iu Wiartou this week.
From the Free Press, Acton, CO,
No man is better known to the
people of the counties of Halton and
Wellington than William Hemstreet,
a pioneer and much esteemed. resident
of Acton„ Mr, Heuistr•eet is a native
of this country, having been born in
Trafalgar' township in 1817. In itis
younger days Mr, Hemstreet conduct•
ed a tanning business, He subse-
quently engaged in the droving and
b t h i b slnesSand some 25
n e he
ng u,
years ago, owing to bis superior
knowledge of the value of live stock,
he took out a license as an auctioneer.
In.this calling he. became at once
popular and he was constantly on the
road, driving in all kinds of weather,
holding auction sales several days a
week. Although possessing a strong,
healthy constitution, the continued
exposure and hard work of selling
some days for six or eight hours at a
stretch; he gradually lost his strength
and vigor, and about three years ago
found himself a collapsed and worn.
out man. In conversation with a re-
porter of the Free Press he said: ---
"I felt my days of usef loess were
was too weak
kind and I was
o myself or any -
symptoms were
filed several of the
ysicians, who differed
very much in their diagnosis. I took
their medicines faithfully but no iin-
provement. resulted. I did not suffer
much pain but was a very siek man.
Had no appetite, no streegth1, could
not sleep, and both myself :and my
friends concluded that my days on
earth were numbered and that my
worn out system would hi a very
where an innocent Iran may, through short time lie down in eternal rest.
racial prejudice, and for suppressed f i had to give u;i all my .business in-
terests'. When Mr. Ilemstreet's con-
dition was most serious his intention
was attracted p by . the ublished,tes-
timonial of Rev. Mr. Frdien>in, a
minister with whom he was''person•
ally acquainted, relating to hi's re-
storation to 'health after • using_ Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills. He was pax•
tieularly impressed with this tes-
timonial and concluded that these
pills must possess singular merit and
healing power or Rev. Mr. Freeman
would not lend his name to tbeir ap
probation. Mr. Hemstreet then de-
cided to give them altria4 he first got
one boa, then three,` then half a dozen,
and took them regularly. :No very
Marked effects, he says were notice-
able but with ebarestic persistence
he purchased a further supply. By
the time twelve or thirteen boxes had
been oaken, be felt that new blood
was coursing. through his veins; that
he possessed renewed vigor and was
able to perform all the defies his
over. My strength
my voice was gone,
to do work of any.
undeniably usele
one else. , 31
peculiar an
best local 1
reasons of state policy, be deliberate.,
ly declared guilty. Dreyfus is not sa
free man, but he has the satisfaction
elf having his honor vindicated in the
presence of hundreds of representa-
tives of the press, who will proelain
the facts to the ends of the earth,
We cannot believe that Dreyfus
will be long imprisoned. Probably,
after a short interval, his senten.e
will be commuted. But. nothing can
wipe out the disgrace of his unjust
conviction. -London Advertiser.
THE Strathroy fair will be opened
by Sir Wilfrid Laurier on Tuesday
Tire Liberals of West Elgin have
again nominated Donald Maenish
for the Legislative Assembly.
AFS three days sitting of court
at Berlin, on the North Waterloo
election petition against J Briet-
baupt, the trial has been adjourned
until Sept. 21st at Osgoode hall,
A new Roman Catholic Church,
costing $5,500 and seating 400 is
being built in Brantford.
WA 1 G H -
1 is a necessity, and
twe can now supply
you with one from
$4.50 up.
from peddlers or ad-
vertising fakes. Bet-
ter far to buy from
us. We warrant them
five years.
Airs Isiah Green, of Arthur, was viaiting
wilt* Aire Geo Green" this week.
Airs Reid, of New York, was the guest of
her aunt, Airs Geo Green this week.
Airs Peter and Mrs wan Deansare visit'
ins with friends in Goderzah this week.
ivtr A tar McDonald, of . Goderich. was
calling on old friends in town on Thurs-
day. •
Mr James Dawson, of Clifford, is spend.
lag this week with old friends in Wing -
Di€ Sam'113e11, of Walkerton, has taken
a aitnation in Mr Q: ,S'ebastian's barber
shop. •
Alis Jas Livingstone, of Hepworth, ill
visiting with friends in Wingham thi
Mr R J MoMath and daughter, Miss
Jennie, spent Sunday with friends in Dun-
Mrs Jas MoKelvie has returned home
franc a few days visit with friends in
Miss .A. Stafford, of Detroit, is visiting
at the home of Air John Ansley, Lower
9 #ter an extended visit with " her sister
Maggie, Miss Diamie Young ret Fried to
her home in Loudon this week.
Mrs Zopp has returned to her home in
Duluth, after several weeks Visit with
friends in Winghani and vicinity.
Mrs (Dr) Morris and, son, Keith, of
Gagetown, Mien; are the guests of the
forir er's sister, Dara H 13 Elhott.
Mrs T E Bowles has returned home
from Gravenhurst, where she had been
spending a few weeks with her husband.
F Ai Caesar left on Thursday for Phil-
adelphia to resume his studies in the
Peusylvania College of Dental" Surgery.
Spring Wheat... ,, ... . . 0 66 to 0 65
Qats, New, 0 22 td 0 26
Marley. ,,. ,.. • ,...•080 to 0135
Peas.., . 9 50 to 0 501
Turkey, drawn , .,..,,0 08 to 0 00!
Geese, ••• .,..,,... 0 95 to 0 06'
Ducks, per pair...,,.,0 40 to 0 501 ,
flutter .. I, .,.. 0 16 to 0 15
Eggs poi dozen 0 14 to 0 14
Wood por cord, .... . , .. 1 50 to 1 7n
Ray per ton, .... 5 00 to 5 ou
Potato's, per bushel, .. , . 0 25 to 0 25
Tallew, per lb ........... . .. 0 6 to 0 4
Dridd Appfes, per ib........ 0 4 to 0 5
Wool t,.,, 00' to 00
Dressed hoes 5 00 to.6 00
Ohiokens , 0 60 to 0 30
Mr Tim Frenlin, of Owen Sound, former-
ly operator at the 0 P 11 station here, is
spending a few days with friends in town..
Dir J H Hall and wife, who have been
spending a few weeks with thp former's
parents in toan,' left for their home"in
Pasadena,. Southern California, on Monday
Mr and Mrs D VI Gordon and Baba,
'spent a few days in Listowel during•tha
week with old friends.... While there they
attended the +!€uneral of the late John
Livingstone. yi,
Mr Joseph Clendening, 'of Duluth, is
visiting with relatives and friends in town,
It is 10 years since ' Mr Clendening' first
left Wiagham and he has not visited the
town during those :ears until the present
time. •
Mr, W, J. Earngey, accompanied bybis
sister, Mee Hate Earngey, paid friends in
Winghluma visit on Sunday.... Mitis Lon;
Ferguson; of %Ingham, was in town on
Monday visiting Mrs G W walker:-Gorrie
Mr Morley Park, of town, has secured a
aitbation in Easel Centre and left for that
place this week. Morley will be missed by
his numerous friends in town, but all will
join ttie Trams' in wishing him every
success in hip new }tome.
business calls demanded. "For a Mr J Carr, of the organ • factory staff,
year I continue to take the pills." spent Snnitay and Monday at his home in A
He said : "I know I was regaining ham, and ,A7iss May Herman, of Wing.r ,
my old time strength and good health ham,. and Miss Minnie Herman, of Lon' .
and I was determined thecure should
don, bays been at home this week....14.iss
{iliacs; Wade, of Wingham, is visiting
be complete and permanent,and'give ` fri ends in town.=Clinton News -Record. t!
them the credit for making the e,
new man' feel myself to be to day. '
As evidence that my recovery as eopil lib"'
- plete I have only to. state that this Comm -in -East Wawanosh, on Sept
spring I have conducted a number of 10th, the,wi of Mr W 3 Currie, of a
auction sales in the open air with daughter.
i ease and with entire satisfaction toMARRIED.
my clients. HElkiDEIttiON-Ltmt ax�--'At the: Mabee,
o Sept. 13th,. by the riev' D, Perris, M
"1 am as much averse to making Wm if Hend9dson. of the Bluevale road
personal matters publie as any one to Miss Lydia Lantmei, of Winghpni,fr
0 could possibly be, but my long con- mores-=S1rnaRv-At the residence
tinned illness was 80 widely known r the bride's pFrenta,Ifinaaird ne, Sept.&
and my recovery has been so marked of r n o liAs A nie eld et daughter
and satisfactory that I feel that 1 q�Nlr Robert Sellery, of ]finoardine.
awe at debt of gratitude to the simple + Ii;nTotaAnAw-WAr sit• -At the S,eotoryy
but effective remedy which 4 cured Wingham, on Sept. 12, by Rev. W. Lowe,
I tae, and this is why 1 thus aeknow. Mr. Abraham Ketohabaw, to Mies
ledge it, as wellas to show to those clinch yelsb, of Beierave, '
wig) lire np in t nd in ill•health -DIE..
,HAW:vires-At on Sept 126,what I r. �i' lllams link Pills did for
. .lane Muir. wife of kr, Wei. elarkties ,
life,„ imiter1 0 years 10 menthe find 28 days .
I am prepared to Tray the highest
cash price for all good butter and
eggs delivered at my warehouse
near the G. Zit,.
C$tIRU13. 1t RTEi3.
Pastor Freed, of the Baptist church,
Pouched in the Baptist church at Clinton
on Sunday last. Rev T S 'Murdock, of
Clinton, occupied the pulpit of the Wing -
ham church. 9
A children's service will be held in the
Wiugharn Presbyterian church on Sunday,
Sept 24th.
At the close of the prayer . meeting in
the' Presbyterian church on Wednesday
evening, a Ladies' Aid Society was form-
ed. The oflicers elected were: --Pres,
Mrs (Rev) Perris; Vice Pres, Aire Alex
Ro381 TrRes, Mrs (Dr) Macdonald„ Seo,
Miss Nellie Cline; Executive tommittee,
Mrs Herdsman, Mrs P 'S Linklater, and
Miss Little;
r r■ rr■ ■ „r !!! t!!igt R!t+IN�l4 a ¢ !!�n«egg n?, 7`
l€iiii9l iuniinim illn2 is3.,11 �iy�ata�dr� :l:: 1:�a+1+li�w k 1;c4 r#F0.
e r
..rr,, ■1
IIs Macdonald Block, ,
CACI:ytl Eg
�'���Eo9Esav fetnceg3n5?�E�3Y`:vu? F1. va=BE�R-gFe_5kicdqaa
If you are young you nate
urally appear so.
if you are old, why ap-
pear so?
Keep young inwardly; we
will look after " the ottt.
You need notworrylonger
about those little streaks of '
gray;. advance agents of age; •
Dr, Williams' PiAlisi Pills chic by 11,ASTxrics--IliTurnberty,onSept 19th, •
going to the root of the disease. They at the residence of Mr. Chris Jobb, the
renew and build up the blood, and infant daughier �i&Fir. John '1estinge.
strengthen the nerves, thus driving in_
Sn s -In Walton, On Sept. 4, Jessie,
disi�ase from the system, . Avoid int-
nt- daughter of Mrs, Chas. Sago, aged 89
ititloes by insisting that every boat ywire, 1 month au.1 25 days. ,
you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper 1
be:if ing the full trade mark, Dr. Wil. 1 AIM IOU LOSING 21,2181Xt
linins' fink Pills for Pale People. Then something la wrong, to the
lrsnug it always t»etLita trouble, It is a
'L'imnthv Eaton, the big Toronto vnarniniz to any ane. nnlenri they are already
departmental store man,had his 'too fat, ticott s Emulsion checks this
waste and brings up your weight
�� thrall broken in a runaway.again, •
w.1,11,stuu*..a euulwtaldt,. +0,,o.
will Surely restore chlor tb
gray hair; and It will also
give your Bair all the wealth
and gloss -of early life. ,
=:l Do not allow the falling of
your hair to threaten you
longerwith baldness. Do not
be annoyed with dandruff.
'We will send you our book
on the Hair and Scalp, free
upon request.
Bif iki to this Dcetop.
it you de het obtain alt the bene-
fits .yyoin e. -torted troth the use of
tho `'l"or, write the dootor shoat it.
Probably there is soma difficulty
vith your i'eneral system which
may ho onn1'y rotttove
Address. D;t. J. O. A
Winghetn, Ont.
r„ ,,■.1�n1�
//Z'r'CZ/'v'� te•"Ci Q3�rs tLib
Karges' Id Stand
We have purchased the stock of J. G. Karges
at a rate on the dollar, andw - ave also added a
brand new stock, which make a splendid
assortment of boots nd oes in all kinds and
sizes. .
By fair honest dealing We expect to re-
ceive a share of the public patronage.
Repairing of all kinds neatly and
Promptly attended to
We build our pumps to last for
years and have them In price from
$2.50 up.
Brass Cylinders and Galvanized
Iron Piping.
We have a full stock of the above
Call and get prices when in need
of anything in our line .
• 301X} . V'I111C.T0111•0
Opp. Beatles' "Livery
read Bargain Sale
T. A. Mills • in order to make room for New Fall Goods
which are daily arriving will offer for the neat 30. days his
entire stock of Spring and Summer Goods at 'Greatly Re-
duced Prices.
• 10 pieces Dress Goods, usual 25a goods; for 150.
24 " " „ " 40e " 20e.
15 " " " " • 50,c " 80e.
See our Bargains in ]Prints.
, 26 pieces usual 10p and 121c goods for 8e,
2.5 white counterpanes, usual 1,25 for $1:
25 to .1"i 1.50 " $1.25.
Special Value in Wool and. Flannelette Blankets
10 pairs Wool Blankets, usual $8.75 for $8.
" 4,50 for $4.
15 " l?lannolette Blankets, 11 heavy weight for $1,
Bargains in Ladies' and Men's Waterproof Coats, These are ti:e cele
}crated Ilandleberg's goods (sewn seams) guaranteed to wear. Prices from
$4 up. In house J+nriiishings we lead. In Carpets, Tapestries, All Wools,
Unions, Ilexnps, J:tirgs, Llnoleums, 011 Cloths, and Curtains, The largest
stock in town to choose from. Prices to suit purchasers. Our Underwear
Department is complete in Men's, Youth's and l3oy's Union Wool and
Fleece Lined Goods, prices from 25 cents and up. Also a full range of
Large Men's Underwear always in stock. Call and see our New Ready -
Made Clothing, prices right.
s IE
15 t, u