HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-15, Page 1VOL, XXVII,--NO. 1430.
s at
acid liteekly Globe tilt January 1st, 1001, and
ik set of 4 volumed of Marlon Oar- t
lantre Works to new subscrIbere, $ /
n mid Weekly Globe till January fb I M
1901, to new tzubsorniers for.... Iv u
and weekly Globe for one year and a sot of 4
Works Mr
volumes of Si Won Harland's 2 an
and Weekly Globe till January 114, ‘35
1900, to.new oulmorlhors for,,
tialanturalisnbt.ly1sItorltdo annedwW ettlo)n, ifilbtaorrst1,11 Jnn.
till January 1900, to now Rub" 0 go
tieribors for .. , .. . • %NW
These arelpecial offers and should be taken ad-
vantage of. Toll your neighbor about theta. No
need ot borrowingpapera. The 4 veil:tams a Marion
Blind's woeful can esen t le office. Oaeh
must accompany 91 milers. We can supply any
paper you may desire at a reduced rate. Address
or call at
Beaver aloOk. Wineside.
The public) „ have evidently realized
:that we weaot just what we said whea
we advertised that the whole of. our
large stook of Dry Goods and Groceries
would be sold out at COST and below.
We are more than satisdecl vottia the re -
Wilts ot the sale so far, and are sure that
our customers are satisfied with the bar-
gains they get. The stook. is still very
complete. Wo have a large and beauti-
ful stook of Dress Goods that we are '
sellindat wonderfully low °prices. Come
and get wine of them before the best
.are picked out. Our stook of staples is 1
, NeW advortiooments from tho following people
very 'complete and we are making as wiii le�O' colunin of tele
s. Gractly--ifello I
large a out in Unmet as anything elae. i i'l'eligt'hc4aVitICiiestlf",-ectaiderns.
. •
W. 3. arder-Bootihd Bhoes.
And Remembei : • C. e:Itintoul-Farm for Sale.
WANTEn ONce.-An apprentice weeded
at once to learn the milling business. 1,
Apply at 'tVinghaen Roller Mills.
FA1,T• PRINTINO.-.-Eft 1 printing of every
description promptly •nd neatly executed
at the Tams office. Busload men are
'requested to see our e teples of the very
West envelopes, billh ads, letter papers,
folders and true card e Remember our
office is equipped to print anything and
print it in city styles nd at city prices..
Some BAD Bos..-Cninplaints have been
laid before the Sella ' Beard, that some
small boys have been a the hebit of throw-
ing stones with slin !-shots through the
windows of the scleeol. Several large
panes of glass have had to he replaced
during the past few vweke on this amount.
Boys who are guilty .f tide kind of work
should be brought b fore the magistrate
and taught a good los en.
Import G1aes-5,0Cet feet doable, single
and fanny glass. o Ceuta dr Go.
WIRGIIAtirrn PR= Tim following in
taken from lest vve % Brussels Post: -
Duncan McPherson, f Wingham, who has
been inspector n th new cement walks in
Brussels for the pa t 2 Months, has re-
turned to his home o push tbe apple busi-
ness jie in a good wan and gives careful
attention to bis wor -. He will be succeed-
ed here by P S ott, who is also the
Engineer in laying ut tbe walks.
Weneep-On short term plan. A young
man to learn tailoring and cutting. Apply
to Webster it Op, Queen'sBlook, Wing.
BRTR1M3 eon Petal Fent. -- Secrete*
Ifoinuth Bon -Gods at Cost. Robertson reports tl ‘b lie is receiving a,
Central Business College -
A. miffs -circa Bargainsgaolfe•0
ur Students. large. number of eat les from people who
• , •• have never before been exhibitore
Sroarnect Neense- arts/nen are pre-
p_aring to lay aside t e rod. and take up
, on ;Way of this week,
the 14th inet, the tueut season will close,
and on the following day, Friday, the
15th, the season °pet /for the awning of
woodoock, snipe, pin er, partridge, Elute.
rel, and nearly all Weida of game except
EXTRA CorIR9,-,-T - s week the Tines is
sending out a !ergs ri tuber of copies of the
paper to parties 1 le are not regular
eitheoribers. Thos Who receive a copy
will kindly look at t special offers pub-
lished in another col men , and if any of
them thonld suit yo vititt will be pleased to
make you a regal ' eubecriber, The
Thies on give spec' 1 rates on say of the
city weeklies.
"Genuine Import " Bnglieh Malt Vin-
egar is what yon ould use for your
nickleo N A. Pam harson : p Is it,
IN INTEW0PAR$11 13 5INRE3. -•AJ Elgin A
Harris, of Oaledoxn ,a former member of
the Trues staff, he purchased the Burling.
ton Gazette and • ok' Posseseion of the
same this week. r Harris ia a praoticat
printer, and ba ad -several years ex-
perience in differete officee, Mr Harris
}net the beat wish ef the Tates for all
kinds of success 1 . his venture in the
newspaper butnnee_. j
Business Mee Pinoviset.jkr E 0 Clarke,
the tailor, who ha • occupied rooms over D
M Cordce'snitore _sr tionte dere, has rented
the store recently 'coupled by D Pringle,
and Will mov thatto in the course of a
fe* weeks. ddr Clark will have a more
convenient p oe en his tailor business.
somebody was kind er
Dineley House bar o
pitchers and a salt eol
were taken as'a joke.
are known to the own
are not returned. the p
ugh to relieve the
two silver water I
weelsa ago to -day I F
ar.• No doubt they
The -guilty perdu ,KILLE
and if the articles • RS
sties will bear froth
Mr Dinsley.
Tussoar AIM \Veneta axe -Next Tuesday
and Wednesday are ill days for Wing -
hare% fall fair. Tilf
forth every effort to itt
the best ever held in to
grounds will be Ulundi
lights on tbe first nigh
cert. will be given in
stand. The secon
list of spectel attracti
weather be fine a larg
be in attendanee.
should make their e
Secretary, Mr 'Win
the Walton eorresp ndence of the Bras.
eele Post, refers to the death ot a sister
of Arts Denj Gray, of this town :-"Tlais
community Wan se. ly takee hy surprise
on Tutsday when t watt reported that
1iea Jessie Sage, ughter of Mrs Chas
• Sage, bad passed way from time. De-
eensed was a high esteemed lady, en-
joyieg a large dr e of friends who will
regret very sinner y her demise. Miss
of ,age. Mrs Sage
the sympathy of the
•r bereavemou t."
traders are putting
ke the fair one of
vre be hall and
te with electric
and a grand cem-
ent of the grand
day will have a full
s, and abould the
crowd will no doubt
utending exhibitors
ries early with the
The following from
Sage was 89 year
and family have
community in the
Misled Board of Health has issued a droller
Mr Thos Field, tlei butcher, has rented the respecting diplethene,. Dr Bryee, the auth-
Anything in GrOoories at Cost.
Don't fqrget that we are going entirely
• out of.Dry Goods and Groceries to make
room for our Tailoring, Ready-made
• Clothing, Gents' rued/Ming% and Boots
and Shoes. In these lines we shall carry
this Pall a larger stook and better
variety than ever' before; when yatt
• need anything in these lines come and
Theo. see us, we can give you better value and
more eattsfuotion than you can get else-
F1EflVWT & $O.
i have accepted geed situations. We Crg1 .
got en track of tegh teen situations es I
11.1 for graduates in feurteen days. We r
•have received as many as. four ap- r
r., plications for office help in ono day. e'lle
Trel Six' American business colleges el
611 and two Canadian sohools Kaye re- fl
p cently applied to ue for our great- l'
jr ates to. teaott in their echools. ex11 iii
erli Surely, this is positive manevidence ti
p that our college celsmany LI
Kt li
rt evert. It gives •
' ff.
rrhl training for business life. St6denta
admitted 'tie any time, Write for
• our handsome prospectus. Ade
W. J. ELLIOT:F. Ppinelpal,
Colitral BuoineSs College,
41, • Stratford, Ortt.
1 h 'Wt." -2-AULa Mif• I ai NO F B. I
Marriage Ltcortses
netted by PUNIC PAZORSQft, No 23, Vie-
ia strnet,Wingli dm, Ott. loroveiteestieft
Our Clubbing List.
yOingharn, and the fair promises to be . '
LoCAL NEWS. tow weeks. before antletoxin used the mortality was
•store in the Shaw -block, vaoated by Mrs' or of the pamphlet calls attendee to. the
t i t
Nokes and will move in the ochirse of a fact bet n he Loon asylum in the davs.
See Haleey Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingbane, on tris first
Wednesday of each month from 11.80 a.m.
till 8 o'clook p. in., for consultation in
diseases of the eye, e •nose and. throat.
New Buentess Vex. r W J Greer, the
hew boot and shoe m p, who pUrehMed
Mr J•G Iterge's stook, as arrived in town.
The store has been icely fitted up and
Mr Greer haa added complete new stoc'e,
He solicits a share o the publio patronage,
through our adver ng co emus.
TINNIS MATCH. he Blyth Tennis club
crone over to Wingl am on Tuesday after.,
noon and played a match on Mr. John
CleggiAlawn, wfth he tennis boys of this
town.‘Dereness El. el ram prevented the
completion of the g me, but at the end of
the play both sides toed e.boat even. Mr
13'rank Caesar plays I a star game, beating
Editor Bradwin of Lae Blyth Standard by
several• points.•
larger and better thee ever tide year All
• intending exhibitorshould make
mete PLOSBOAIS AND FASIT.-011 Saturday lest 85.S per cent and ince then 18.5 per cent.
: •
He ros
entries early and a oid a rush on show Mr Frank Goaadthers, of Tornberry, sees that it is in that local boards of
days. The Senreta y will be o,t John brought into the 'rm.s ohetelth ie Ontario a- ould exert every means
ffice two small
Wilson's office on M •nday next to receive branoheg off a Pio
entries. contained a numb
earns trees as
as.-Nfr John Cur- Were taken from,
r.e, the well-known end popular emotion-
. enee of plume d
r, 1s now Mady for
oftenpaign of fatal at
Currie enjoys an envi
shrewd, spirited and
the fiatemer. He knows everything
• About farms and fare stock that is worth
knowing; he is Thier quick witted and
• m
eourceful on the sta ecT, and as a cense
queen be gets the hie mese price possible, .
to and apple tree, whioh
o ea I-. . n orma podaibte a
r of bloisorns. On the, regarding cases of iplitherie, and tosupply
luand apple bre.nclies
sett toxin for use ' cases wherepereons are
ere was a an abund-
too poor to purolteee it for themselvett.
. .
pow, r oumthedo A Kamen/ex Ceeteeleet% Iene..--A. new anti
saYS Yen can tall caboiat t e Klondike, the<bsaudral` design or 4inated "with one. oi out
glorious West, buteie says nil% ilim the energetic crockery _revellers, which he has
county of Huron, here we can grow two had registered. TI 3 Motto "Canada 0
crops a year.
• Brxcetott or Oreenens. 4 At the annual
meeting of the W 0 2 TY held on Toesdey,
be fall and wieder
other sake.
ble reputation as a
effective weilder of
without any unnecesetey waste of time.
Those desiring Ur Cu do's services may
communieate with tees office as to terms
and dates. ' I
House Ann Lor roe Settee -Tied desir-
• able property on the south side of the
Diagonal road, belonging to T E Bowles is
offered for sale. For terms and particu-
lars, apply to pottuert & Son.
Sept 5th, the fo owing officers were
INSTALLATION S.E8VIpt..V1.10 installation
elected for tipe year
service in the Congde ,atione.1 church on
Rev Gain; Vice es, Mrs Halle ; Coe corn ng :-Pres, Mrs
Monday evening last waft well attended.
Seo, Mrs AlenOS; Reo Mrs E Ar '
...: and a very irnpressi e programme Was
x , Se5,
Paulin ; Trees, Mrs V B Purdy ; °eyelid. carried out in induet_ig the Rev J W
Mrs W J Mumma/ . The next meeting
Goffin to the pastorat• of the cheroh. The
Rev t .,
will be held next T -esday at 3 m in the D Burford Hookof London, Eng
l 0 F hall, 011151101rd block,
Secdy of the Caledonia efission Society, pee -
for 5sided and preeched at impressive sermon
• Try KHigh Class ing't, Clearing Sale. All 10o prifrom ht the words, Me arid will
o. Organdy Muslim and
make you fishers of need," Matt IV, 19.
psnamysoicearsidl rfeorbguotoidest, aatucthaelgfgpK
The. Rev A. F,MoGrepr, Toronto, was tin •
sale during July and Auguet.
• avoidably absent, but lig place was kindly
tf G E Enloe, Wingharo. occupied by the. Rev Richard Hobbs, of
Tee Conxev Bit smite -These structures thet toven, who addres ed the congregation
ted eavry six years
ring a general ooat
emphasizing the need of speaking well of
inter nd decorator, of
their pastor, praying earnestly for the
• sluiced of his work, a 4 ministering gen-
hadfi the contract the
erously to his middle -support,. Be spore
are generally eepai
so. They are Mei
by G A Phippen, p
Wingbarri, who aie
.previons 6 years.
oat in bright red t
hey arto be resplend-
alto of, the peculiatly i portantnature of
timeelate being the
the office, and urged h hearers to remena-
late color, In all th
e , re are some 16 beidgee,
ber that their pastor as a watchman,
and Mt Phippena d his /00181;9.110 hee;e, necessarily raised a Ore them not to
Loyd It over Cads h itage, but to get a
• completed, them a Winglasim, Wroxeter,
more extended outlook ie order to. warn
Brussels, Myth, M mchester, Goderioh au&
egad/tit tesendee. and t encourage for con -
°linter/. Thom re 'mining ate at Kippert
. v !. did. An sddrees to'the paetor, full of
evangelic truth was de vexed by the Re
two at Exeter, Chis %unit. Kirkton, Gratin
Bend, Londesboro, d•rievei (Seaforth,) and
at Egniondville. pastor's ambition MUR be tb knotv Christ
•DItkrtf or Nita at Ad Nousssudg.-After and the fellowship of is sufferings ; this
Malting' two or more remittances we have made Of widoh the cloein year was marked by sins of mankind, and s-eka to redeem them
"ration, begets.
In order to sate our subscribers the trouble 61 as ilbless of ne"tY tares years' the sympathy t t soerows over the
speolai arrengements with the put/tumors by which
we aro enabiedto offer the fonowintr pubutt„tionoin extreme suffering, e dieted with exemplary .from its fatal effects. A few words were
tionloction with the WINGHAM Tin108 at toted patience, rants Mo hough, Wife Of Rev ,apoken by Rev Mali 1111y, of Listowel, on
formerly of London, the strength of Congre ationalisin in tbe
Month* ef hot wdek United States, and a 8 dike of the pastor%
ratford. Two year hand in ministerial f owsbin. A very
McDonough removed touching and stomped naive prayer was
sleet Omega at Kings- offered by Rev Ruder Rooke on behalf of
ugh Waft the daughter the miniater, hie wifeland the nongregu,
by the ministers of
as and prosperity in
ad after singing the
" and the pronoun°.
„LT TRE SALT BR "R.Ier W A ,Simpson,
who has, the cont sot for drilling 1,050
• feet at the Salt ock, has got all the
necessary InaChin .y now in shape and
•"work has been o mmenced in earnest.
• Drilling bas be# ne now to a depth of
over 50 feet.A od flow of brine it ex-
pectedwhen the dr ling has been done to
the desired depth. Workmen are busy
this week repairing the pan in the block,
and Mr Spading ee ants to havethe block
In good running Or r next week.
t" M, CENTS for the Times and Weekly
est kJ Globe until January, 1900.
Jose So. -If you e.4 act to °meter in
•battle of to -day, yo' have to blow your
trumphet in a firm, retermined way. If you
'toot your whistle one:, and lay aside your
horn, there is not aeiving soul would know
yi were ever born The man who owns
▪ a ems is the ma who plows all day, and
the man who keeps humming is the man
who is there to stay But tbe man who ad.
vertisee with a sort of sudden jerk, is the
man who blames Die printer man because
it doesn't work. 'The man who gets the
business uses lots d printers' ink -not a
clatter, not a s 'latter, but an ad that
• makes you thinkr.and plans hie adver-
tising as he plans his store and stock,
and the future of tie business is solid as
• a took.
Geo A Molienzie, o Stratford. The
ow rates from noW Dec. 8let, 1800. •
Times and Weekly Globe • . $1, a WW1 litoDonough,•
Times and Western Adve'rtiser`1 40 paused away Toned
d Plat re thele redden/0e,
Times fine Family 'Herald and Weeltty Star
Tinto and Farmers' Advocate,
Timesand Panning, weekly,
Tirade and Montreal Weekly Witness, •
Times and daftterie Sun.
Th1308 and Daily Globe
'Tittles and Daily Woad
Times and Country dentlemans e 7o
rimed and Weekirliall and Empire '25
Tidied and Daily Montreal •Ileraid, 2 a
•SeoelaI elublene tales with alt neweptrpord and
monteines quoted on SplINCAti011.
leddreas °kers to or call at the
ago Rev Mr and M
Stratford from
villa. • Mfrs MoDo
of the late Oily
Woreter Miller, of Lion. Brief eddresse
Ernestowin in the minty of Lennox. Her the town teething dm
ettrviving children erti John A. )3/401)oneuo, the work were given,
Toronto ; dire W 1 Dtnginan, Stratford, • Doxology "Praise 0
• and Wm 0 W Mei onOugh, Toronto. Rev ing of the henedletio by •tbe newly in.
It lEtobbit, of town Mene i the Enteral at duoted Minister, Ittiv 3 W Gale, the Made, f i
• Stratford on Thu• n sock. .
25c PER LB.
Coutttry," suerou ded by a wr • th
ofinaple leaves e twining the .rook
rose and thistle, wi the Oa art and
British flap fioatin over all, is mounted
on a line of fancy c ina, sash as oups mid
saufters, plates, reit and cream jugs, tar -
diners, fern pets, e . N A. Farquharson
informs us that h 'hits -secured the, sole
agency of thisdi e for this locality and
• will have it on e hibition and for sale
by Monday next. This will no doubt be
a pepnlar souvei r of Canada.
Campbell's Headaehe 'Wafers guaran-
teeto care heaattche.
--Read the aime1i ng columns of the
-We have bad a enuine taste of fall
weather this week.
-Winglio.m's fall ir on Tae av and
Wednesday of next eek.
English Grape Wine, n9Ojtcohol1c, 25o,
a quart, at V Giussm's.
-The Gy Brotlisrs' Minstrels appear
Wingham the Weer end of October.
-Camp Caledoie Sons of Scotland,
will bold its next re ,ular meeting on Mon-
day evening next. •
We guarantee "Dampen to mere tired,
sore or sweating feet or money reftinded.
Campbell's drug store.
-Send to your it ma of news to the
Tines office. We are always pleased to
receive news items.
• -Mr 5 YohiU. r 1 estate agent, haa
sold lots Nos 161 an 162, Carling Terrace
east, to (Dr) Tamly jr,tst a fair figure.
Have you seen be New Shapes and
Patterns in Dinne are at N A.Parquher.
son's Chine House
-Mathew Wad ell's horse ran away
from Holmes' tem smith shop on Thum -
day. It had no run far before being
caught and no dal ago was titine.
Cur customers ell us that "Bite Seal"
Catsup is as good at, any they have used
at 25 Plants a bet Ie. Yen can buy two
for 25 cents N A. rmiourrinson's.
• -Mr Thos Dodusi, late of Wingham,
now In the emplo of the Whyte Packing
CO, will move hi family to town nett
week and occupy • residence owned by
Mrs Isaac Shiple t itohell Adeecate.
-Metes DI k ook & Whiten, wile
recently pure sed. the holey Tome
Press, have Bola out the plant and good
Will of that par ; to the proprietor et the
Chesley 1nter wen Chealey will nevi
A full line of Spices always
only 11ave one tieempiper, and lensrs
Blacklook Oilleen have parohmed the
Dundalk ttertill
IS •
-The G T R payar will pass through
Winghttm to -day.
-Seeture the Mete till the end of the
years ; only 25 cents.
-The school child n will have a half
holiday on Wednesda next -fair day.
Everybody should ead 5- GraceY's adv.
thia week, It's wor 1 reading.
-Meesrs McLeen & 'Son shipped a car
of pple barrels to orefield this week.
M.r J J Sullivan as pnrohasedMrs
Harrel' house and lo on Freatees stree
-Messrs Moore ros • were busy this
week putting .a roof n eltaprean's glove
-The new granoli lie walks on `Frances
street will be ample d before the end of
this week,
-The \gingham instrela will give an
entertainment in B ley on the evening
of Sept 27th.
-A concert will ' e given in front of the
grand stand at the 1Wiegbam fair next
• Tuesday evening. t
-Mr Bobt Hared. of Turnberry, shipped
, a car of sine horses:- on here ee Men/treat
I,/ Saturday fast.
: -Three car load of cattle were shipped
from the Wingha G T R station to
Montreal tide week• .
-Cornelius 'Van erbilt, sr, the great
• railway magnate a d millionaire died in
New York on Tueed y,
• -Subsceibe for 1 'nuns and Montreal
• Feeney Herald and Veekly Star. 85 adds
tillthe end ot the y Lr.
-Mr S McNabb, L 5, of Beltnere,
was in tow.i this ek taking levels in
conneotion with the am.
• -rue next anis al convention -of the
Ontario. Lord's Da Alliance will be held
in Toronto on Nova ber 10th.
-The Trate is 0 ily adding new name
to its list. The s tial offers in another
column are doing t e badness.
Dr. Macdonal is now permanently
at home and can be consulted by
lais patrons.
-Ingersoll town eunoil are making a
move towards muni ipal ownership of their
water works nd el trio light plants. •
-The Winghare junior football club
went over to Brno:toe an Tuesday afternoon
and were defeated ter a score of 2 to 1.
- Ur John Robson, for twenty-five
years publisher of t e arriston Tribune,
intends opening a gPoeeny store in Heeds -
-The Western 'air at London was in
full swing this Isfk. The visitor a to it
fro this section ere two numerous to
ins tion.
Dudley Holmes barrister, of this OW*,
has formed a parte _rithip with E L Dick-
inson, hamster, Wi •g am, and has opened
A pretty adore 1 t of Fine Chine
an office on West s oderioh Signal.
Ceps and Satiates, II & B Plates, Desert
Plates, &c, dm has been opened these Met
few days. See the 1 nt
N A Eauotteensotee.
-The special at i regular trains that
left Winghenc On Tuesday morning for
London, had 1,158 passengers on board
• when the trains sea died their destination.
-The new 2 0e& md Canadian stamps
are on sale here mete. They are an int-
provemeet ote the t edit stroberged no 8 -
tent which have b n on sale for a 'short
Mr Imes Wnlker, of the firm of
Walker Bros dr 13tmon, has enooessfully
• passed the examina--.oti at the Champion
ZrabahrtingCollege t Torotato,itrid Is Mr
in pease/don et his .aploraa, V44r
J 11 Stuart, 4 the Dank of riamil.
ton at Listowel, Waj in town on 'Wading.
day, 'While here 14 left an order With
The Tilos Bell & Son sUg Co, for a numb,*
of desks, etc, for the tilt °blot+ at Lletorrel..