HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-08, Page 8M9ND00.
1 iU \M -} AN TIMES, SEPTIA.-LMBERr 8 1899,
of T II lents and others for concrete walk month's visit with friends at hie old home
be received and passed• Cerried, in Shelbourno, ®j
malice cmourrsn. I) Dues Maud I'luety and Miss Be s spent
The I'ivauee Committee reported on the last. Sunday with Blyth friends. 1
folluwin„( accounts :— . Mies Chamberlain, of Blyt , is the
Mettieip:tl World, Collector's 11011.,$ 1 45. guest of the AfiesesFisher this week.
13e11 'relepltorno Co . , ... , .. , , . 25
T I1u11, advertising loom iteprove-
ments ..... 5 84
G>! Robins, advertising..,......... 3 MS
Eleetrio Light Co, Angust 32 55
Welker Bros tet Button, othce table ., 9 35
T t', Mille, liege for hall .. ,... ,. 1 35
Jas tJufiield et Son, baleeee ,,70
A E Slunous, printing 4 00
n. ...... Beattie Bros. 5801 yards gravel .. , .44 83
BOOTSt� J l'=aadur�, repeat;to weigh scales. 1 00 liras A:leo Nukes a few days this week.
AND 59 i �a` V:si John licKin ton, gravelling streets 100 90 Mr .1 C ,Telford, of Clieslby, spent the
V Vaunernan, salary .. . , .. 42 00 Labor i)ay holidays with triends in town..
Special and seasow hie at special Thos Ilwtn, weary .,.. . 10 00 1lr Thos Parker and wife, of London,
John McLeod, work,nt streets .,„ 6 00 ,were: visiting with winghetrn friends a few
J Clegg .f Cu, supplies ..... • • ..... 7 (0 days tins week,
Button ,t Fessant, pumping wn,ter.. 27 00 Miss 1)olty Johnston left on Alonday for
Geu lleghtis, work on streets 10 00 I onduu. where she will take a liusiness
.c9nrsein that city.
Dr Kennedy was in Toronto this week
attending a meeting of the Canadian
Medical Association. �'
1iss. Carrie Cody is spending a couple
of weeks with friends i i Woodstook,
Mr Jesse Button and wife 'Spent a tew
days with Guelph friends this sveek.
Aire J C Iay, of Listowel, seas the guest
of her sister, Mrs T Gregory, last week.
Mr M ll Znrbrigg was visiting Bruner
Monde for a couple ' i days this week,
Mas Smith, of Ethel, was the guest of
prices. •
Hen's, Boys'a•id Youth's Clothing.
Ladies can tslt.the their boy liege
in natty, stvlisli garuienla and at
'prices to suit every person. Our
clothing is welt made, well trimtned,
neat and stylish, Double and single
breasted coats. We have evory-
thirt t e line of good clothing at
low I t wra.
Great stock of Fine Shoes and
Underwear, Hats and Caps.
New Mantles and Fur Coats.
It is getting time to get ready for
fall. You gain nothing by delay.
Murk selections will be neither as
,good nor as cheap as things bought
now at your leisure and out of full
.assortment. We now have just
passed into stock 80 Ladies' Astra-
chan Fur Coats, commence at $25.00,
,extra chose.
Large assortment of fine ready.
'made mantles now ready for inspec-
Large assortment of Ladies' Fine
Sailings in all the new fall shades.
Lining and Trimming to match each
Large stock of Corsets, Gloves,
Hosiery, Laces and Embroideries.
Choice assortment of Carpets and
Lace Curtains.
The regular •nnnthly meeting of the
Town Council t.usheld on Monday even-
ing. Members present—Mayor Clegg, and
Councillors McKenzie, Hanson and Greg-
ory. Minutes of last regular meeting were
read and approved.
A communication . was read from S
McNabb, of Belntore,` applying for the
position of civil engineer for' the town. He
stated that should he be appointed to the
Tosition he would locate in Wingbam.
.Mayor Clegg was instructed. to inform Mr
McNabb that he would be elver] any work
the council may have 'to. do in his line
should he locate here •
A communication was, read from Carr
Eros offering 0300 per annum for the
,. surplus ,nater over an eight foot head at
:the dam. New agreement to be similar to
.old one between the town and themselves
—Referred to the Waterworks Com-
Communication from the Wingliam
Electric Light Co offering $400 per annum
'for nee of surplus water which was not
needed for fire protection, and would also
take care of dam and give it proper atten-
tion ; or they would give $500 per annum
for use of water and tee town take care of
the dam—deferred to the Waterworks
Committee. •
Communication from W J Raymond,
asking council to send delegate to munici-
pal convention which opened in Hamilton
on Tuesday last ---No action.
Application for the position of tax
collector were read from Messrs Wm Rob-
ertson and H G Lee.
Conncillor Gregory moved that H G Lee
be appointed collector, bat did not obtain
a seconder.
Ranson—McKenzie-That Wm Robert -
ton be appointed tax collector for 1899—
Carried with Councillor Gregory voting
A petition was read from Ino Galbraith
end others, asking for a concrete sidewalk
on the wsab Bide of Edward street, from
John to Patrick streets. The Clerk's
report showed that petition was sufficiently
signed and that the total cost would be
6358.50, of which the town would have to
pay 693.00.
Gregory --Hanson —That the petition of
John Galbraith and others, asking for
idewalk, biWiaeired and pased--Car-
Petition wan read 'from T H Ross and
(Ahem asking for concrete' sidewalk on the
,reef rrt�'a++!''l+renew; street from Victoria
to .1, . ,,,t The elerl *thug' that he
bal r r ' ew,d petiti et itt ti,,.t. to make
his t ,, ,rt.n-f
,eodaXeuale—That the petition
Recommended that all the a:.ounts be
L W IInN-os,
Chairnt an.
McKenzie—I3ansor.—That the report of
the Pittance Committee as now read be
passed ,tart cheroes iesned for the teepee.
tive accorn:ts—Carried.
The Mayor reported that the work in
conuectiou with the new date would be
completed in a few days,
Mr and ;Mrs T II oss are away on a
two weeks' visit 'with friends in Cleve-
land and other points.
Mrs A. H FIeN retnened this week to her
home iu De Pere, Wig, after a month's
visit terrelatives in town.
Councillor McKenzie spoke on the advis- t1''alrs (Dr) Tainlyn and Dr Taneyn, jr,
ability of establishing a municipal electric were awti.y on a'trip .down•the St Lawrence
light plant at the dam. He would like to among the Thousand Islands.,,`"
see a committee appointed to investigate Mr James Cummings, jr, left i onday
the matter and see if the town could not for Obatham, where,he will take a course
profitably establish such a plant. He felt in the Canada Business College.
it was the duty of the council to look into Mts•J,tis 1\f,unsnaw, of Wingham, is visit -
the matter. ing her sister, Mrs Dan McDonald, on the
Hansen—Gregory—That .200 be placid 8th con of Elurou.- liipley Express.
the credit of the School Board—Carried. Mrs N P'uron.—a has returned to her
Bylaw No 390, toborrow 1x1500 to meet home in' Ingersoll, after ofew weeks
current expenses until the taxes are,onllect visit with her daughter, bits R Clegg.
ed was read three times and passed.
By-law No 397, appointing Wm Robert- Miss Lena. Shaw and Miss Grace Wade
son tax collector, fixing amount of sureties returned home on Wednesday from a
and amount of salary was read three times foci weeks'•visit to friends in Goderich.
and passed. •Mee. V T Elliott, whet bad heeneireeelieeeget
Council then adjourned. the.,Taii s• for tlio Bast l}ve sleeks; re
turned tweleremi e'iti Ingersoll on Mon•
Miss Mabel Mitchell has returned home
from Pike Lake.
Hiss Burgess, of Lucknrw, is the guest Monday.
Mr John G Nicholson, of Toronto, spent'
a few days with his brother in town. This
was Mr I3icholson's first visit to Wingham
in several years,
Rev It Hobbs and Mr Wm Fessant at-
tended the annual district meeting of, the.
Methodist o}itirch, Wingbam district, at
Blnevale on Monday. -
Mr Bruce Pullen, . of Milan, Mich, who
has been theguest of Mr and Mrs Robert
Maxwell,ij for the past month, returned to'°
Miss L Hodgson is visiting with Urea-
his home on Tuesday.
Ir d H es emer ertefeAi„ing C P R
eter friends this week. agent.hes biie.m oy)4irl twca: tree ' oh -
est Blackstock, of Preston, is visi4liv�_�.ags: "' +est weel(vga,s+upepa;430 friends
friends in this vicinity. at Grand Bend, near Exet r: '
Messrs J McKelvie and 13 Mitchell were Jos Go11ey,1i• 8, hasreeturned home from
in Belmore on Sunday. his trip to the west. He reports having;
Dr Ross spent the Labor Day holidays hada pleasant trip, but says he will be•
with friends in Seaforth. found at ilea old stand in' the future as in
Mrs Harper, of Teeswater„ has bat®ti' the past.
u her residence in town. Miss 1)itiltuage, of Belleville, who has.
Mr J C Currie returned home etn Pei• been the guest of her uncle, J H Dui --
da evening from Manitoba.. mage, Esq;, of the Brunswick House,
[r and Mrs Jas A Cline were in. Tb- for a few weeks, returned home on
ronto several days this week. tif M ndal
Miss L Harris spent a few days• this r H Davis, one o elietltirty`:invite&
week with friends in Lucknow.' ananiab, apace fob tiDe Allan steamship,
Miss Birdie Kent has Boase to London, Cb, is away this vteelt eliioys0ga trip on
where she will attend collage. the Compan,yPs'new, steamer, Bavarian.„
,7iss Pearl Moore was visiting with The trip y fro -Montreal to Quebec
and return.
friends in Ingersoll this vteek. Mrs Walter Aeeer., of Winghatn; and
Miss Smith, of Petrolia, was the; guest' Mrs R Henderson, of town,returned to the,
of Miss Hattie Reid this week. lattereelteme on Tuesday of last week
Messrs Geo Sills and T J •MeLean from their trip in the county of Bruce,.
were in Seaforth a few daps this week. and retterned to Wingham on the following
Mr W J Dallas, of Walkerville, was Friday, where Mrs Henderson will spend
visiting with his parents in town this some time before she•returns. Mrs Greed
week. and Pars Henderson visited the home of
Mr Walter McKibben, left for Clinton on their childhood and saw many friends they
Monday, He will attend school in that had net teen for years. They trade the
town. jouireey by driving and say that they have
Miss A Gillespie; of Blyth, Was visiting driven some hundreds of miles.—Goderich
1 aaL
with her sister, Mrs W J Sheffield this (
week. A_ DIAMOND Pcnt A. DOLLAR. •
Mise T Collins left on Tuesday for
Mt * orest, where she will visit fora few a. mourn.sPECIAL OI1 EIt waits mete 1 5T
weeks. Fon TEN rATS coma,
Mr W J Chapman was in Brockville, GENUINE POMONA. DIAMONDS
Gloversville and other places the week on have a world-wide reputation. It is almost
business. impossible to distinguish them from genn-
14fr J GWard, J P, of Dnnaannan, was ire diamonds costing hundreds of dollars
each. They are worn by the beat people.
the guest of Win Mitchell front Friday till We will forward a GnNuxsi PoatoNA SIA:
Monday, atom mounted in a heavy ring, pin or stud
Mr and Mrs L B Fortier spent a „few to any address upon receipt of price, $1.00,
days this. week with the letter's patents eft each. Earrings, screw: or drops, $2' per
pair. Rina settings are made of one eon -
Ingersoll. tinuons piece of thick, shelled gold, and
Mr Jas McKinley has returned to Lon. are warranted not to tarnish. Bpooial
don to resume his Studies in a school in cornbfnatfon offer for ten days only 1 Ring
that City. and stud sent to any address upon receipt
of 61.58. Send for catalogue. In ordering
Mr and Mrs John Law have returned ring give finger measurement by using a
home to Sarnia after a visit With Wing. niece of string also full particulars.
ham friends, Address plainly,
Dir THEIt W' Scott and sister, of Turn. 1183NA CO,,
1181-•-118;3 i3:soAnwAir,
berry, left Tuesday morning on a trip to Naw Y°", -
Denver, Col.
Mrs 3 'S Found and children, of Gerrie,
Annie f osselln,. of Hinton-
visiting with Wingham friends dal. burg, was atruek and instantly
lag the week. killed by the O. P..it. local train
Mr 33 Leavens has returned from a at Pembroke.
. Mis es Jessie Gray and Aggie McLean
have accepted positions as milliners in
stores at London and left for that city on
of Miss Ada Long.
Mr Geo Bell visited with his parents in
Ingersoll this week.
Rev R Hobbs was in Berlin. a, couple
of days this week.
Mr John Gentles, of Kincardine, was in
town on Saturday.
blr Thos Be]! is ova a business txip to
Montreal this week. '
Mrs J Tennant, of Wiarton, is visiting
with friends in town.
Rev Father Roach; of St. Ilfiehael's
College, Toronto, who has been in charge i
of Goderich and Cliutun (Whole(' clturehes.
for the past four weeks, during the absence t
of Rev Father West, preached his last
sermon on Sunday eveutng of last week,
taking or is theme the agony of our
Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane. The
diaeom•se was a. masterpiece, and fixe,t the
attention of bis entire cangregetton with-
out a pause from start to finish. Father
,Roach is undoubtedly dna of the most
eloquent epeitkers who have es.er visited
Goderioh, and the congregation of St
Peter's will look forward with pleasure to
his next visit. lie left for Toronto on
Monday morning. Rev Father West re.
turned last week to take ch,t,rge of the
eft.L.I..1 PAIRS.
Northwettern, Winghatn, Sept 19 20
East Wawanosh, Belerave, Sept 28.29,
Culross, Teeswater, Sept 27 28,
Howlett, `Gerrie, Oct 7.
Dungannon Oct 11-12.
Brussels. Oct 1 0.
western Fair, London, Sept 7.10.
Northwestern, Grader ich, Sept 26'28.
Ashfield and \Vawancslr branch, Dungan-
non, Oct 11. 12.
Huron Tuwi,ship, Ripley, Sept 20 27.
Morris Branoh, Blytt,, Cot 9.10,
Huron Central,,Clitrton, Sept 19:20.
Kinloss Branch .Agricultural Society; at
Lueknow, 3.4. _
Kincardine, Oct. 10.11.
Palmerston, Sept 2647. •
Weilinzton North. Harriston, Sept 91-2S:
Milverton, Sept 28 29.
North Perth, Strat,ord, Oce .3-4.
VP, M. Graves, ono of the .garden-
ers in charge of Parliament Hill
grounds, Ottawa, died on Thursday
of tetanus, which developed as the
result of a :;light accident five days
ago, Mr. Graves• was getting into. a
ii >t/:/> s/:/r>wM�.:f�':+v< <<<•<<<<`u►e
I f you 'want a first-class stove at moderate
4'/ prices .,buy a
Grand • A
Cook Stove. SE'ores of them in use in this vicinity, n
A giving perfect satisfaction. Ask your neighbor A
Aabout the qualities of the Grand Jewel.
A Every stove guaranteed. /.�
A. A�
A . A
The Western Fair, Lond
SEPTEMBER. 7th to 16th, 1899.
Entries close Sep tuber 6tb. Spade allotted on receipt o entry.
Exhibits will be un
Chariot Races, Champion
World renowned Gymnasts
British and Americans itt Su
rpassed, attractions better th, . ever. Hippodrome,
word Contests, Imperial ps, Famous Lady Riders,
d Aerial Artistsgalor: Fireworks each, evening, "The
," and all rine , • platform attractions,
rig, when he slipped, ' and, striking Special excursion trains,wil'D
his head against - the steel step,
reeeived a slight cut. From this
dvannd tetanus developed,
WJGHTIZAN,—In East Wawanosh, on
insult 30th, the toilet:of Mr Jahn,
Mghtma), of e, son. » , ,
Coote.. -Io East Wawanosh, on Sep-
ernber, the wife of Mr Jobn Cook, of
WHE LFtt.--In Tu'r`u4
berry or. Sept. ,.
be wife of Arthur Wheeler or in
daughter.'e„ -
9r�' MARRIED. ,
ltliasnLL—STON RHO USE—At the Metho-
dist Parsonsge,,
distParsonrge,, Wingbam, on Aug. 36;
by Rev. R. Hobbs, Mr. Thos. Russell to•
C. Seonehoese, botb of 13elgrave.
Aisiusovr.—In Wingharn, on Septem-
ber 9u.1. Ella, daughter of11 . and Mars.
m. Armour, egad 1 year
Mcl3uiteent—Jn Dist W wanosh, on,�.
rpt, 1st, M±.rgai•et M11eKerrZie, wife of
Wm,. Mas rney, aged 30 years, 8 months.
d 1().
Sri,ANn.—In Winnipeg, Man, on Shpe
tenaher let, Wm Sbane, jr, aged 36 years.
CIFIoHTON.—In Blyth, on 'Septa:tabee
1st, \Vin 3 Cre:ghton. aged 31 years and
Grounds will be beautifully iiluoeina
Send for Prize Lists and Pr
Ample accommodation h
Cook's Cotton Boot Compo
Is. successfully used monthly :by, over.
eOti0Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
hour druggist for Cook's Cotton ifoot,Cosa -
Pound:Take no other as all Mixtures,. pills and:
imitations are dangerous. Pride, No,.l, M. per
box;, No. e, lodegrees stronger, $3 perbox.. No .
r or. 2, mailed'on receipt of pride and two 8-Centr+
stttlnps, 'rho Cook Company. Windsor, Oat.
Or'Nos. 1 and 2 sold arta recommended.bralL
resporaibteDruggists In Canada.
;`o.1 and No. 5 for sale by Colin A. ou,vpbell
o Lo
am nes.
een provided
on each evening after the fireworks.
'sitors' to and from the
Canada's greatest School of Shorthand and Business Training
TUESDAY, SEPT. 5th. • • -
mouths ending June let, 1899.. Whoa& you think of such, a record t Qar pupils
arenove in strong demand with, many of the leading business houses. Wtren we
tell you that this large number secured, positions, we are also prepared to 1mrniste
the list 'showing where they were•placed and with whom. If interested, write for it.
We pay the railway fare of students coming from a distance,. provided it does
not exceed $8.00, which, is the: limit et our allowance in this. connection. Can secure
good board for gentlemen at '2:00; tot $2. 50 per week and• for ladies. at $2:00,.
During the year which closed,. ,June 30tb, we had: pupfle in, attendance fronr
Newfoundland on the Atlantic; to, Seattle on.the Pacific ; from Manitoba on the.
North to Brooklye, N. Y.. on the South. There were 133- Cities, Towne and Vil-
lages in Canada, and, five States of th.e Union represeuted with us. Twenty-three
Counties and Districts outside of Chatham sent us 198 pupils, Chatham and Kent
€bunty alone Bente us over 100 pupils. while Manitoba and the North-west Teiri
tories sent us six. WHAT' WE GET WE HOLD.
Write for handsome catalogue of either department. Mention which catalogue
you want.
. IEz ei . UC7ll1Ll[imT .� CO., Chatham', Ont.
while M
Sight is' Priceless
Mrs. A. McInnes i t• s leavingWibgham in the pear ore (tad will
sell her household Turn Lure by private ,
sale at her residence on Get your Sight tested. It costs nothing.
The . furniture consists of drawing WE RT•EOTA LES
room, dining room and bed rooms spites,
cook and dining room stoves, with pipes, Scientifically, Correctly .' Reasonably.
kitchen utensils, pictures, lamps. garden - Try us.
tools, etc,
Articles can be seen any time after R.,
Friday, Sept. 8th. Sale will last for��� �T A
only two weeks.1.1
The west half of to 3: eon. 9, East
Wawanosh, containin - r t acres. Good
brick house two atoriis ,igb, bank barn
and outbuildings. 1 miles from Bel.
grave and >l mile from school. Apply on
the premises.
Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth
dor south of School House, Shop opo
po me Macdonald block.
Mahler Bros., proprietors of the Wing.
ham Evaporator, will begin operations
here as soon as the crop is ready. They
will pity the highest market prices for
all kinds of apples, according to quality.
Peckers Culls and Winefalis included,
Parties having apples of any klnd,
large or small quantities, to sell, will
find a ready Market at the beet prices
going by corning to our factory.
MAUL.LER ERC)S., Proprtsttirs,
Our stock of General hardware, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Etc:, is complete and prices right. -