HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-08, Page 6, 4 TUE WIN tillA,N1 TIMES, SEI"rENIIIIL'It 8 ?. ..1.1.1F0.......,..•0404."!...11.4tA .. . - W ITFAT TO DREAD IN IIIIQIIT i 2 - t • 4 0 tillg q ant *'.% 1111CS , . 1101110. i Itt:atanicaeree n A RV ESTI 0 Ta 1.43 Ig`" r it T D skY , SEPT. a. 1899, X ENT ItAlail or AN EN131418R Pawl. ER- lama' OR TUX QuEEN. y , • -R iaberal Gov-m.)1140r1t Did It. The following statement or fact with reference to the much discussed question of the pablie debt is tekeni from the Montreal Herald, and should, says the Ottawa eorrespontl- lent he carefully studied by nil who' are honestly desirous of understand- irg the truth :- Since the Liberalscame to power the following RITIOUDIS have been expended on improvements of the canals of the Dominion, the sums be- ing chargeable to capital account 1857.;,-..'2,341,016 18)S.... 3,207,249 1899 (estimated). 3,500,000 Total-. .. 69,648,265 • In the same period the net debt of the Dominion hes been increased by the following s aus 1807 . • . $3,04.1,183 1898 ....... 2,417,802 1899 (estimated)1,500,000 Total 0,958,965 Tt.e estimated increase in the net debt is taken from the speech of Air *Fielding, Minister of Finance, who on the closing day of the Session said he expected when full returns were forthcoming the net increase would be found to he very little over one million. The estimate of the ex- penditure on canals for last year is based on the appropriation voted fur that year. The up shot uf the coin. parison is seen to be that the Laurier eovernment have spent over nine Millions of dollars un the enlarge- ment of the carnal system alone,while the addition to the national debt in the period covered bv these expendi- tures is less than seven millions. That looks like the work of a Gov- ernment of businessmen working oti a business plan. • Don't Worry Auout Salaries. A remarkableexperiment in har- veeting has been successfully earried our by Mr. Prosser, of Erdington, Englaucl, Ile LUIS performed the novel feat of. transforMing growing wheat into bread in the spaae. of about eight hours. This has never bean aceomplished in Englaad be- fore, for the reason that the wheat has never been in a condition to grind on the 80.1.11e day. that it has been cat. The present season, however, has been an exeeptiohal one. A continuance of fine weather, with dry easterWwinds, has render- ed the grain hard mad cley, and Mr. Prosser -having purchased a field of wheat from a fernier near le'rding- tou-cieeided to make the experi- ment ref4red to. When about a hundred weight had been cut it was threshed, with: sticks, no machine being at hand, and was taken,a.cross to the Newall mill, which adjoins the field. Here it was found that the corn was in a sufficiently ripe condition to be groand easily, end the flour thas made was transferred to Mr. Prosser's bakehouse,. where the bread was prepared, and a. number of loaves of one pound weight were baked. and ready for the table by six. o'clock the same evening It is the intention of Mr. Prosser to send a, loaf to tnc Queen, to 'show what can be done in England,. It is said that a similar experiment was performed in America about. thirty years ago, at a time When there was an exceptional harvest in that country. What salaries are paid in different business callings is a question often asked he young, men, pile one which seems to enter into their delibera- tions AS A qualifying rettor as to whether they shall enter certain trade •; or professions, writes Edward Bolt in the September Ladies' 'fiome Journal'. I never eould-quite see the p.int of ihis, nor the reason for it. \V hat aire,the 2 A iarivs which are paid to others, to yoa or to me? They signify nothing. If the highest salary paid to the foremost man in a 'certain profession is f,,10,000 a year, what does it prove or signify? There is no ohstacle tri someone's else going into that same profession, alai earn- ing $25,000. The first step in going into business is to find out not which special line is most profitable, but which line you. are 'nest interested in and tire best titted for. Then iclrive :owed and the salary will take care of iteelf. When a oung man thinks to much. of his salary it IS pretty good proof Oat he is not of 'very superior make. Ability corn. mends income. But you meet start with ability ; not with salary. Cliff,rd can beast of having the thinnest man in Ontario. The other day he went to the d.,etor's.taken with a revere pain but could not tell whether it was stomacheche or back- ache. TEsT THE And if the.y are diseased use the KIDNEYS gwrIedidee'st kidney cure Dr. A' w• Kidney -Liver Pills CHASES les a simple matter to test the kidneys. You weed not consult a doctor. By asking yourself three questions you can determine whether or not your kidneys are deranged. First "Have you backache, or weak, lame back?' Second: " Do you have difficulty le urinating or a ton frequent desire to urinate?" Third: "Are there deposits like brick dust is the urine after it has stood for twenty.four kours?" In its earlier stages kidney disease is readily eared by a few boxes of Dr. Chase's Kidney, Liver Pills, e preparation which has made Dr. Chase famous throtgliout the World for his wonderful cures of diseases of the kidneys. • If you have kidney disedge you can take Dr. Chase's Kidney-LIver Pills with perfect confid- ence that what has preyed an absolute cure in tiro many thousands of eases will riot fail yott. So long as the cells of the kidneys are not oompletely wasted away, as in the last stages of Bright's disease, Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills will give them new vigor and strengthand awake them strong, healthy and active. One pill a dose, ase. a box, at all dealers, or UdnaatieJti, Rites & Co., 'remit& If you notice the child grinding the teeth during sleep, picking the nose, eat- ing revenously but not seeming to gain flesh, you muy be sure Worms are present snd should not delft)/ eiviug Dr. Low'a Pleasant Wurtu Syrup, Price 25c. liTILICED BY A SNAICR. WHY AN INDIANA COW USED TO COME NOME DRV -MYSTERY SOLVED DY CAREFUL WATCHING -MILK THIEF' CAUGHT 14 THE AOT For some time past John Dixon, of Homer City, had suspected that something was in the habit of milk. ing ,his cow at irregular intervals during the day, says the Indiana, Pk, Messenger. The tam was pastueed in a. ,lot adjacent . to the borough, in full view of several resi- dents, and though a careful watch was kept no one was detected in the act; but the fact remained that the daily dole of milk was growing less although the morning's supply Was full and up to the average. • The mystery was solved, however, last Friday. Dick. Reed and his wife, were taking a walk through the pasture lot when Mr. Reed saw coiled beside the path an immense black snake. He threw a stone at the reptile and cat a tole in its. body. The snake slowly uncoiled, •,tted Dick 'was astonished to see pouring through the wound in its body a. thick stream of milk, Two or three quarts thus ran, away. Mrs. Reed was a curious observer of the occur- rence, and also wanted to know tha size of the snake. Procuring two sticks, she placed them under its body and raised the snake from the ground until it was on a level with her shoulders. . She is a pretty tall woman, but notwithstanding this Dick saes the head and tail of the reptile were both touching 'the ground. He had only time to ob- serve this, for almost on the instant the snake broke away like .3* blue streak. It had only been wounded, and when relieved of the milk was ready for a race. Dick and his Wife gave instant pursuit, but they Were' not in it with the swift -gliding serpent, which Dick said was making a mile a minute at tbe start and steadily imposing its paee. The snake was not less than 10 or 12 feet long, "and," said Dick, "was the prettiest, glossy black snake I ever saw." Other search parties went after the snake, but it made good its escape. But Mr. Ifixot. has solved the mystery of how his tow fell off in her everting's Milk. 'rile Value of Vatemation. The flute attack recently made by Alfred Russel Wallace in his able book, the "Wonderful Century," on vaceination,bee called 01.0 upiniOu held by other scientists in different Parts of tho world on the auhieet,, One ot the latest to appear as an advocate of vaccination is Dr. Blamer() of RCM, who has leetured in that city in it manner, says a earrespondePt of the London Lancet, to make a deep impression. He passed over his own country Italy, thus leaving his foreign readers in ignorance of how the case stands there ; bat Germany, he said, is alone in doing its entire duty by its people itt respect to vaceination. That great empire, in consequence of the ealaraitous smallpox epidemie of 1870 71, enacted the law of 1874 which makes vaccination obligatory in the lira year of life and revacci- nation obligatory at the tenth year. What was the resuit? With a pop- ulation of 50,000,000 having in 1871 lost 10,000 lives by small pox, site found by her law of 1874 the mote tality diminished so rapidly that to AOSIT8 WA:411W- FOIL "Tlitt LIFE AND Aehlevetriente et admiral Dewey," the worill's Vetted naval hero, . By Itinrat italetead, the life, bang friend and admirer et thu netioret idol. Dip ot and beet bock 1 over 500 pages. axle inehos ; Fii1"ree:, hAin%ug:Only *150Vr mte rnnd. totI :Otitft 1;ee: Manes de lifetime. Write quiek. Tho Dominion Coinpany, Srd lrieerCaXten EltirLICrilea*O. A day the disease numbers only victims a year. These cases, more- over, occur almostexclusively on her frontier. If it were true, Professor Bizzozero went on to say, that a good vaccination does not protect from smallpox, we ought to find iti small- pox epidemics that the disease diffuses itself in the well -vaccinated no loss than inthe non -vaccinated countries. But it is not so. In 187Q. 71, during the France -Prussian war, the two people •interpenetrated eaeh other, the German having its civil population vaccita.tecl optionally,but its army completely revaccinated, while the Freneh (poPulation and army alike) were vaccinated per. functorily. Both were attacked by smallpox ; but the French army A:lumbered 32,000 deaths by it, while the German army had only 278; and in the same tent, breathing the same air, the wounder], having been vac- cinated, had not a, single case.. S4.1.1134W1). SERVIOES. I • I do not believe there Is a case o despep- els., indigestion or any stomach. trouble that millet be re, lieved at once and pernianent17 su,Fed by LOY 1:113,1PEI'bIA. CURD. MUNTON, At all druggists, 23e. a vial. Guide to health and medi- cal advice free, 1505 Arch street, Phila. ./1 A. Ilabn. The lawyer asked tbe witneas if the ineideet previously alluded tv i tlte n e WASH t „A Id 1 At e, ant said he, didn't know what a miracle wa "Oh, emue," said the attorney. "SuppOseuu Were looking out of a window in the twentieth story of a building and should fall out and 110 should riot be injered. What would English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes front horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles; Spraines, Sore and Swollen Throat'Coughs, etc. Save ti50 by use of one bottle. , Warranted the most woodor- tui Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by A. L. Ramilton. Pointed Paragraphs From Sir Richa,rd's Speech. "Ca.nada'has progressed as much in the past thirty-six months as in the previous thirty years." "I desire to say once for all that my position in 1896, and that of the Liberal party, on the question of public expenditure was perfectly right under the then conditions, and that what the Liberal party propos. es to do under new conditions is likewise prudent and wise." "What was the matter with the National Policy ? The citizens of Toronto from 1890 to 1896 can tell pretty well what was the matter with the National Policy. I don't think the general growth of Toronto during these six years was such as its citizens might desire," "Quebee is getting out of the public treesury only one third as 'much as Ontario is getting." • ' • "Our present Opposition have no polity. Our present Opposition ha,ve practically no leader." "Stripped of adjectives the charge against the'Liberals is that they are as bad as the'sConservatives. I do not deny the gravity of the tharge." • "I think that we may leave the Senate to Providence." "They talk about Yukon scandals! I say the administration Of' the Yukon on the whole, and as a whole, has been infinitely to the' credit of Canada and infinitely to the credit of the Government." "Where we add a million to the public debt we add ten millions to the wealth of the people of Canada.", "Our population is half a million More than in 1895, the volume of trade has inereasect to the extent of one hundred xni1hins since 1895,and our total 11100Me, so far as it is possi ble to estimate, is fifty millions more than In 1806," you call that?" "An accident," was the st hid re• ply. )es ; hut what else would you cell it? Well, suppose you were doing the setae thing the next day ; suppose > uu [doled out of the twent. ieth story window and fell out, and again should find yourself uninjured. Now, what would you cell that?"• ' "A -coincidence," said . wit- ness." "Oh, come, pow." the lawyer be- get again, el want yeu to under- stand whet a miraele is, and I'm sure you do. Now, jest suppose that on the third day you were looking out of the twentiethstory windove and fell out, and etruck your head on the pavement twenty stories be low, and were net in the least iejar- ed. Corne, naw What woald you call it?" "Three time?" said the witness, rousing a little from his apathy. "Well, •I'd call that a habit." Arid the 'awe ergave it° up. -The Gentle wows n: ren Ory for t) at MA P ttitiSr.. THODIST-ft;. Ilolabs, pee- -. • Pfte,SI31.111alIAN.-Rev. D. Porde I aor, .tiervices at 11 a RI and7 p w. klinSCO1'AT.4, St. Paul's -Rev, Win. Lew e, .rector. Services at 11 a rn and 7 oe. Services at 11 a tu end 71> m. -Id 9 CoLISDED- E1 VI: a): niiiDAY aoltNiNt, -Al TN d - p tn. BAPTIST -Rev,. W. Freed, pater. Servicee at 11 num and 7 p w- CONGEXGATIONAL- Rev,. 3, W. Guilin, pastor,. Services Atli, a in end 7 p in.. • • ' OURISTIAll WORKERS - Misses Outran' and Lonirin ts.munand, Servicee et 3 p, in and 13 p CD, ,SATelreeTION ARMY-r-Ottpt. McLeod' irt eon) mand.. Services at 11 a. and 8 p m, "Like dintnonde raindropts glisten." D nips or [loud e bare/fp-in AA ate 011S Jo wets fur the Llood which glieteu in tbei. use. Tossell, the.. defeelling cashier of the •.Freehold ' Loan and Savings Company, To, unto, has been Sentenced to three years ln the Penitentiery. 0 The • 110 9Mivi OF BEAUTY • Not in the Features so much as in the Grace and Vitality of a Healthy Body. -Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerveand Blood Pills make Women Beautiful. There's a certain charm of beauty in the graceful, elastic movement and clear com- plexion of a healthy.woman in which the fea- • tures do not play an important part. The pale, sallow complexion and dull leaden color of the skin, dark circles under the eyes, • headaches, pains in the back and sides, dell eyes, weakness, nervousness, ciespondencyand, low spirits are symptoms of weak, watery blood and improperly -nourished nerves. No Woman can be beautiful until the blood • is enriched and the nerves strengthened, Dr. A. W, Chase's Nerve Food is a food for the blood and nerves. • Dr. A: W. Chase's Nerve rood restores the energy sand strength to a run-down system. Note your weight before using thein, and the increase Week by week as the brightness re- turneto the eyes, the color t.5 the cheeks and the form rounds out with firm, healthy flesh, the natural result of rich, pure blood and a healthy nervous system. • Face Cut and facsimile signature of Dr, A. W. Chase on every box of the genuine.soc. a box, all dealers, or Edmatison, Bates & Co'., • Toronto. Whales' teeth fork the coinage of the Fiji Islands. They are painted red and white, the red teeth being' worth About twenty times 88 mach as the white. e m, 3 pin In etseh Sa be th of the above named churches Schoul is held at 2.30 l m. BAkK of HAiiiiLTON WINGFIAM. Capital, $1,491,590. Rest, iii,om000 PrCtfidullt—JOUN Settaier. Viee-Preeldent-A. O. %mite, DIRECTORS. JOHN P PPM& (;$10. Roma', faIIMODT P, • A, T. Woon, M. P',* A. B. LIM (Toront4 Ceshior-J. TURNBUI,L, • handlorno • etfllIggVilf67.dttinty POCk,O,S 44RotoI Violeb Per. Inmost lusts. each, or Kits pretty lady% watch tor aollitus three dozen. Write fttldwe isend the oortlatrio. Sell Itro. turn the money, card vro forward your watoli 5.1 shames lat..1. Home SPECIALTY CO' tv is t. TORONTO, omr. Cavtatt rind Trade-Marki obtained end all patent huskiest conducted for SIODEnt Tic nits. My effiee is in the immediate vicinitytif the Patentelffice, And my facii It ICS far seturittg patents Axe unsurpassed Send model, sksteh or photograph of Invention, wits descleption end statement lit tcsilavAtititles dattlled, AV' 4,herr09 iN snettie ybp an opinio,a on to paiCtarthitioth and inv fee for prose/truing the APPlicttfori L411 floe txt taZtocr foot taint the palarit 'I allmadde "Itonwrots, Gulag?, on. raining hut information glint free. All soma* tet1011$ Conelileted as Strictly titintidetitin14 PRANK .IN H. HOUGH 1/0.t. xt mash WASilifINGTON. Savings Bartle -flours, 10 to 3; Saturdaye, 10 to' 1. Deposits of el and upwards received and interest allowed. ratsops40)eft fiai..3fiewioczrosits also received at current Drafts on Great Britain and the 'United States bought and eold W. CORBOULD, AGENT E, L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. Money to Loan on Notee. Notes Discounted • AT RE ASONABLE RATE :3 Money advarieed on Mortgages at 6 per oentwltb privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note and aecounks collooted, nom.. 1401.11D00. deliver Blook Winaham. Ont EARLY GLOSING T1114 rs OFFICE, 4lOSEFI-IIN ONTARIO. Subsorlotleanrloolt_rwr, Year, bi advance' ADVERTISING RATES di 1 1 yr. 1 0 me. 3 tuo. Ons Column 900 00 940 et) •90 00 S37/0 Halt " 40 00 , `),1 I 12 00 4 00 ‘1" 20 00 15 00 oo I %ea 1,21,ettle" re:%6 00 8 002 00 1 00 Loud and otheieaiiat tievcrtie.uineet,-tie.W'r line • WI nee Imiertion,and 3o per line oreacheitbsequene in'ueoratti.ntiotrcec:811Que.e.dpbeyrnliTel)3to"irlf18rte.4tlinerartion, 4.4 per line for each subsequent .1 sertio . Advertieuments of Lost, relied, Strayed, iiittiatione ottO litutiness Chances Wanted, not exceedine 9 lItta nonpareil, 91, for first month, and 900, ter each subsequent month, Houses and Fenno for Salo, not exceeding 8 line. el for thst month, 600. per subsequent month ' Largeraclvertiserner,te ittpropel Mom Theseterine will be strictly adhered to dpeolal ram, for larger advertieemente, or or • Ipoanigdmi•npaercifie.adnse, directions will be inserted till forbid and eharge 3 eaciordingly, Transitory advertisemente must he Advertisements and local notices without'epoollie tt Changes for contract advertisententr must be in ' the eilice by Wednesday noon, in order to appear' that week 11. een PREigge°1T; OPItPUBLISIIna Before placing your order for Spring Clothing call and see our NEW SAMPLES for 1899. We can afford to sell New Goods cheaper than old. stock that cost one-half more • than new and better goods of the latest styles will cost to -day. JOHN RITC1111Eq We make clothes that fit. , GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT' WINGHAM HOSPITAL. For the treatment pf DISEASES OF WOMEN and SURGIOAL CASES of all kinds, For particulars tuldrese DIL. J. P. RENNEDY, Medical Superintendent, Pliigharn, Ont. VANSTONE, I3ARRIETER, istPLICITOR, Etee Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate. into's*. No commission chareetl. Mortgegea, town. and farm propert,) bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block %laquan. J. A. MORTON BeltRISTER, &o„ Winghan,, Ont, E•1,, Dicia-u4soN, DAARisTyat, ETO. soLtorrOrt To Ittailt OF DAMILTON, afOl:SY LOAN. Office -Meyer Block. Wineham '11,1G. CAMERON, • • 13AR1USTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANOER, Office -Corner Handitou and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne Ilotel. GODER1013, °HUMP. TO' DOS, L D S, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania., Dental. College end Liceimpte /..4 the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. of Ontario. Office over •Post Office, Winghain, r S. JEROME, L.,°15. $, DENTIST, HAS WITH esi • him D, 1). Roes, graduate ot tiM 11. 0. D. S. ) of Ontario,. and is prepared to do all manner of Dental work et reasonable prices. Beater Block, opposite the Brunswick douse, Wingham. EBSTER & CO., Queen's Block. essoaaawisseessafsasassaat OLLAt s CTO PrHousANDs OF YOUNG MEN are I troubled with nervousness, despon- dency, exhaustion, loss of ntemory, aching backs and kidneys, painfulurina- don, bashfulness, sediment itt urine, losses at night, impotency, headaches, varicocele, t itt pintples, ulcers, bone pains, -The results t 1o1 evil hal:keen youth or later excesses. Our Vitalized Treatment cures the worst cases. 1 Emissions & Varicocele' sap the vigor and vitality and produce weak men. Our Dollar Treatment will Cure you. Stricture and areet) No tnatter hoW chronic, yield to our Vital- itt ized Treatment. No operation, no pain, no detention from biusiness. All drains i cease. Our Dollar Treatment wan Curti You. • I. . Blood 84 Sexual Diseases cured forever, No return' of the disease. No Mercury. No poison. Our Beller Treatment will Cure Yea. We Guarantee Cures. We treat and cure all dist eases Of niettand woman for ONE DOLIAR %lamination and Consultation rm. 'Vries for thuistisa List forams) 'Vestment, poliAR ppm, 47 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Mich, 618043(41.3.leeUiVnteet°a Eileknte(803flee 04- 100.40,- 9,41,4s* %ova Otle b6hutifm Heavy 6014. es Sliver Plated ehaln nnutelet tor nailing Only one dolma dna Mien Doylioe, at ten ante 0055, Wed said melee design*: titi two mikewrite, and wo will lend the Doylis. postpaid Belt there, return the money, and wo at ono forward yam. Btatlgat, all /target mad. Linen porter Cog Bea w Totowa°, Oat. 'VVINGIIAM ,()24TAtt101 . • 1111., DEANS, Ja., Writer/tam, LICENSED ATJOTIONEER FOh ..etlE COUNT' OP nunov. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge, Moderato. j *RN CURRIE, Wit/emu, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements speeialty, All orders left at the Timm Wee promptly &Mon/ ed to. Tertas reasonable. GRAND TIttreiR, 11,A1LWAI, • DEPADT ARISIVE Toronto and East 6 49 a. m. 3 OS p. 3 30p m 10 29 p Palmerston mixed 8 55 it ed 3 06p m Londonand South 6 53 a m 11 10 a th • 3 30 p trt 8 00 p m. Kincardine 11 70,a m 6 49 a m • 8 isatip rn 3 30 p m • 10 20 p m 8 30 a In SOCIETY MEETINGS. e8n amp Caledonia, No.. 49 Meet vilry"xniontigh,l—in SIO.Ofidi'dat FIllowtheitlidalUl."Vd'asY1inin brethren woken+. J. Murray Chief, int al emote itee-se0t JOB PRINTING I7101A1bINO iloeks, Pannphlete, Posters, 51 Made, Cifeuiare, ete., executed in the beet Style of the art, at moderato prieee, and en that* notice, apply or address D. ntttotr. t NM Office, WinghaM BOOKBINDING. - • We ktiti iltititatod to awn:mete that anv tookit Magazines len with Mr for lending, will have der prompt attention. Prides tor Binding in any Ityle will be given en tolalicatien 0 the TM* Ofilee