HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-08, Page 5i
CU \Yah (7i.:. mal TIMES, SEPTEMBER 8, 11599..
verb seely • als 'a IiLDTEVAL,I . Randolph Macdonald in the con- and. Geo, Found, ferinerly or Tinley
, $ theibonie ofttheefai er:t Sunday as ecustedpep herd con racts ofas must is a apraotieul stnag ra.ndeba egad
Quite a number are enjoying the equal magnitude, Mr, Isbister several years experience in the above
Flowing End
lip ling
Cow, Etc.
Only !
50c, 35e and 25e Lines at
your choice
A1r, Edgar t;cultea and Mi .Arthur struictiou .of' the G. I 1t,, between have. pgrcbased lr, Philip i arding's
sights of the fair at .Toronto, among
others: Mrs. Hugh Ress,Mrs, R. Shaw,
Mrs. George Haney, Mrs, T. Coulees,
W. J. Duff, R. G. Ciminero, Will.
Rogers, Mrs. Watt, Aliss Bennet, Mrs,
Henderson, Mrs, A. McVwan, Mrs,
d P Joe Pugh,
I Mrs. Helm, and Mr. ,Tobn Helm,
of Wingbaul,• visited Mrs. Rutherford
'a on Monday,
a Mrs.Elliot, of Wingham, is the guest
1 of her sister, Mrs. A. Holmes.
Read the Tr.M.Es Special offers in
another column of this issue.
Rev, W. J. West, M. A., is, visit-
tng at his home in Woodstock.
2 FOR Miss M. Jamieson, is spending a
35c1, fe months with her sister in New .
EEMEMBER ! ,Zirk. Kipling SATURDAY ONLY bIrs, Masters, Of Turnberry, is
lying sick .of typhoid fever t the
AT home of her father :4r Win.
Stewart.' �,
-��'"=' Miss Jennie Greenaway, returned
to Tortnto on Tuesday after a long
s holiday spent under the parental
Mr.John Nieholson,of Toronto, was
visiting his father in law, Mt, R.
Mr. Will Rogersi; ' as obtained a
Osthischoolweek. near °Gerrie to begin teaching
Bu} Y
us in Laving purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find
CORNER STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealing and hon.
est values a share of the patronage. The present .stock: will be .offered at
4 Housefurnishings, Cutlery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal Oil
always in stock. Special attention will be given to our
Having had "laige experience in cities, we excel in
Furnace Work, *Hot Water and Steam Heating,
Sanitary Plumbing,: Eave Troughing, Steel
Siding, Roofing and Metal CeXlin,s.
Call an us, We shall be pleased to make your acquaintance, feeling another column of this issue.
`siire we shall gain your confidence.
Elis rnarck's Iron Nerve.
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous euerg"y
are not found where Stomach, Liver,
Kidneys and Bowels are out of .order.
if you want these qualities and the suc-
cess they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pilis.. Theydevelop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c. at Colin A.
Campbell's Drug Store.
Mr. George Brown has returned
to Ottawa, having spent his vacation
at his home here.
Mrs: Jas Orr, of Wingham, bas
disposed of her property in this
!village to Mr. John Bray.
Forty five new books have been
placed"in the Free Library.
Mrs. S. 13. McKelvie, and children,
were visiting with Chesley friends.
Re• dthe Ttwirs S ecia! offers i
leaves a family of six. Mrs, Isbister line, The new Arm will be knownm
and at the time of as Found Bros, and we wish the
eh was caused by every success.
Mr. Geo, Barber,' left on Friday
last for Akron, Ohio, to spend a few
weeks visiting his. sons who reside
there, Mr. Barber has been rail
roading for a long time, first on the
old Toronto, Grey and Bruce rind
tired on the C. i . R., and this is the
firstearsholidays, be has taken in 81
was with her h
of his death, yl
Read the
MRS Speeial offers ire
another eolurttn of this issue,.
The itnpravements to the Town.
ship Hall are about completed and
the building looks quite nice, A good
driving shed should be balite' same
as they have at Grey Township Hall,
for the convenience, of the council,
and the electors in attending eouneil
meetings, nominations, elections, &e,
It would not costa great deal and
would prove a decided benefit.
MossiMaggio Pollock, of
i Buffalo,. is
sitng at rite boine of her parents
ill this township.
Mr. John A. Taylor, B.•A., who
spent the summer holidays at his
father's home, returned to his duties
as teacher in the High school at
Dutton on Monday morning.
Misses Cora and Grace Newton
and Miss Galbraith and W. Webber,
of Wingham were the guests of Miss
Lou Ouniette, on Sunday last.OmeletteMiss Omelette left for London on
Monday, where she will again take
up her studies. .
The annual car of coal is being
distributed this week. W. Lee is
doing the work -
Quite a number took advantage
of the cheap trip to Toronto on Tues-
day. r
Mr. and Mrs. Whitley, who have
been spending a few weeks in Man-
itoba and�Dakota, returned home on
Saturday evening.
Air. Thomas Manning has added
greatly to the appearance of his
house by giving it a coat of paint,
J. D, Melville doing the work. John
has had a busy season painting; good
material and good work is the secret
of his success.
Read the Teems Special offers in
another column of this issue.
The last half of the August
creamery butter has been sold for
20c. per pound and was shipped on
p n 5.
Opposite Post Office, Says:
Fresh Beef and. Pork.
Lamb Bologna
Pickled Pork Headcheese
Breakfast Bacou . Sausage
Smoked. Ham Pressed Beef
Side Rork Tripe
Cern Beef Pressed Tongue
Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &c.,
always on hand.
Our prices are right, Orders
Called for and meat delivered to any
part of the town.
Your patronage solicited.
Having moved to town to the resi-
dence lately occupied by Geo P Wells,
corner Centre and• Alfred streets, near.
the GTR, I am prepared to pay the,
hig host cash prices for all kinds of Rags,
Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair,, Wool
Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds,
delivered at my residence, or if word be
left, I will call for same.
Farmers, why pay 5% and 6 ,per cent,
iuterest on•your loans when money niay
be bad at 5 per cent. ..Payments made
to suit' borrower. Charges low.
Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assur-
anue Company.
Atofiice !Friday afternoon and all day
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
OF 'tiHE
• is.pure and cold and
Beauty and style without comfort
is easily obtainable, comfort with-
out appearance is equally simple.
Sou never saw mi ugly pair of
"Slater Shoes," yet many of thein
covercomfortably most unlovely
feet. -
'the conibiilation of these two--
cornfort and beauty --are only to be
had in the "Slater Slioe."
Mae iii teelve shelve, on lasts modelled
from actual fust, all widths and sizes,
leathers, etyles'atiil colors,
Every Tait. Goodyear welted, •iiatne and .
price stamped en the sole.
AND w6.00.
For Sallpkly by BOMUTH & SON
Mr. Verne Paulin, of Simone is
Actin 'Jean Davidson is spending a
I month with friends in Muskoka.
T1 a Misses Hoete, of Stratford,
were visiting with Miss Minnie Hemp-
Mr. and Mrs. John Ringlet, of
Francis City, Mich., were visiting at
the home of Mr.. John Ringler,
Howick township:
visiting with Wroxeter friends:
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but Skin •Eruptions rob
life of joy. Beckien's Arnica Safe
cures them; also Old, Running 'and
Fever Sores, Ulcere, tioils.Felone, Corns,
Warts, Outs, Bruises, Burns, Scalds,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Best Pile
Cure.on earth. Drives out Pains and
Aebes. Only 25c. n box. Cure guaran-
teed. Sold by Colin A. Campbell, Drug -
The following- despatch from Mon-
day's daily Globe refers to the death
of a brother of Reeve Isbister, of
this township; also brother of Mrs. F.
Scott, of Bluevale: " Mr. James
Isbister, whose death • as reported
from Winnipeg tonight, . ,was one of
Ottawa's most prominent residents
and was perhaps .as well .known a
contradtor as there was in Canada.
Since 1882 Mr, Isbister has resided
in•the capital. He was associated
with Messrs. Alex. Manning and
What is Scott's, Emul
sion ?.
It is the best cod-liver oil,
partly digested, and com-
bined with the hypophos,
phites and glycerine. What
will it do ? It will make
the poor blood of the ansetnic
rich and red. -
It will give nervous energy
• to the overworked brain and
nerves. It will add flesh• to
the thin form. of a child,
wasted from 'At -starvation.
It is everywhere acknowl-
edged as The Standard of
the World,
ATo Bight to Ugliness. •
The woman who is lovely iretace. fora.
and temper will always have friends, but
one who would be attractive must keep
ber health. If she is weak sickly and all
run down, she will be nervous andirrit-
able. If she has conetipatiJn or kidney
trouble, her impure blood will cause
pimples, blotehes, skin eruptions and a
wretched complexion. Electric Bitters
is the best medicine in the world to re-
gulate stomach, Liver and Kidneys and
to purify the blood. It gives strong
nerves, bright eyes. smooth, velvety skin,
ribh,complexion. It will make a good
looking, charming`woman of a run-down
invalid. Only 50c. at Cohn A. Camp-
bell's, Drug Store,
As the Grand Trunk ear ferry
Great Western was backing out of
the slip near the foot of Beaubien
street, Detroit, on. Monday afternoon,
Miss Susanna Reid, 45 years of age,
a Wel -to do lady, whose borne hail
been with her mother and two sisters
in Exeter, Ont., either fell accidently
or jumped from she gangway of the
boat and was drowned. 'Fireman
Molt Brown saw Miss Reid floating
in. the river, arid an effort was made
to rescue her, but she soon sank from
view. About six hours later the
body was found floating in the cur-
rent opposite the south end tf the
city, between five and six miles from
the place where she .left the dock.
Miss Reid was a clever. business
woman and the owner of four paying
gas wells at Marthaville, in the
Petrolia oil region. She had been
worried much of late about this pro-
perty. She had been visiting reht•
tives a few miles from Detroit, where
she hod been quite ill. It she coin -
milted suicide it is believed that it
was while she was temporarily de•
ranged. The body has been brought
here for interment.
Read the Teems special offers in
adother column of this issue.
ills LifeWati; Saved.
Mr. J. E, Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately bad a wonderful
deliverance from 4frightful death. In
telling of it be says, "1 was taken with
Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia..
lungs hardened.
was so
weak icouldn't evensix dupl in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of Consumption, wben.I heard of Dr.
King's New Dieeoyery. One bottle gave
great relief. 1 continued to use it, and
now am welt and. strodg. I can't, say too
[ouch in its praise." This marvellous
medicine is the surest and quickest cure
in the world for all Throat and Lung
Trouble. 500. and 01.00, sold key Colin
A. Campbell, Druggist, every bottle gua-
tl OR1,'•ME.
Misses Edith and Alberta Evans
are spending a month with friends
in Toronto, 13owmanville and Peter.
Miss Elle Perkins is visiting with
Owen Sound friends.
Marry,. Granger, shipl.ed a ear
load of horses from here to Buffalo
last week.
Read the Thous Special offers in
And = t.ne; all drtiggr+ty. another column of this issue..
score et Wet Chemist9, f0retee. Messrs James S, round, Of town,
feet r
1!. Die mond
Ruby and Blue
Builders' Hardware,
Portland Cement.
funeral arraugemcnr,. T) eeitass rl
leaves a wife and one child x
-hey. -t
Waw ltii> ty Wil
be held aids
on Thur- day, e tem ber
28th ; .4 ` 29th. ar: - bil a and
priglists have b °en printed, giving
full particulars of the fair. The fair
promises to be, a grand success this
year. Prize lists and other informa-
tion may be obtained from the Sec-
retary, Mr. 1+'. Anderson, Belgrave
P. O.
Read the Tuaa'q Speeial offers in
another column of this issue,
Rev. A. McLean, of Blyth, tvill•
preach in the Presbyterian church
on Sunday next, and J. Welwood
vpil'1 occupy the pulpit of the Metho•
dist church.
Wednesday of last week, St. Abd
rew's Church was the scene elf a
very pretty wedding, being the mar•
riage of Mr. James AIeMurchie, of
the b•tnking firm of McMnrchie &
Banreet, to Misa.Edna, only .daughter
of Mrs. Mary Curtis. The church
was beautifully decorated and was
crowded to the doors. The ceremony'
was perferined by the RevA. Mc-
Lean, pastor of the church, and Miss
Dinsley,, of Wingham, presided at
the organ. The bride was attended
by Miss McMurchie, sister of the
groom, and Miss Eva Gracey, of
Wingham, maid of honor, while the
groom was assisted by Mr. N. Fair,
of Clinton. The ushers were Capt.
McTaggart and W. Brydon, of Clin-
ton, and J. Aehison, of Goderich.
Read the Tens Special. offers in
another column of this issue.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gidley are
away on a holiday and business trip
to Clevelanii and New York.
Miss Mary McElroy, who has been
visiting at her mother's home here
foe the past month, returned to Hep
Ivor th on Monday morning.
11 r . Win. Richmond, who has
been visiting her mother, Mrs, Geo.
McGowan, for the past six weeks• re-
turned to her home in London on
Saturday afternoon.
Ills tri football club played a game
with Bruise's on. Monday last at the
latter place. Brussels won by a
seoeti w'I 1 to 0.
Mr. and ,Sirs. J. G.' Etnigh and
family have removed to Goderich
whet e Mr. Emigh will open a roam -
ant and confectionery business. Mr.
and Mrs. Emigh have been residents
of Blyth for upwards of thirty years;
and have made'' many friends, who
will regret to learn of their departure.
Mr. Wm. Shane received a tele
gram on Friday conveying the sad
intelligence of the death of his son
Wtn, in Winnipeg. Deceased had
been a great sufferer for several
months past with brain trouble, for
which the d,ietors were unable t•, do
anything for. 'His father and other
relatives here have the sympathy of
everyone in their bereavement. De-
ceesedleaves a widow and two sons,
Mr. Wte. J. Creighton, who has
not enjoyed good health for some
time, but who was 'only confined t•'
hia ht'n for a week and a halt', died
on Friday morning.' last at li ;30
Tttberettlar meningitis writs the etru;e
of death, The funeral took place on
Sunday afternoon to the Union cetnt,•
tery and was very largely attended.
The local court of the Canadine
Order of Foresters, of which clece:teed
was Chief Ranger, had charge of the
The death of Absolem Haruy`on
Thursday night or Friday morning
of last week, at the advanced age of
76 years, removed one of our old.
residents. Mr, Hardy came from
Prince Edward Islard about thirty
years ago and settled at Riversdale
where ho remained three years be-
fore coming to. T.eeswater. His end
came suddenly as he was 'about the
streets the day before he died and
was apparently in bis usual health
when he retired. It is not known
at what hour of the night he passed
away. He leaves a wife and, two
sons to mourn his loss, all of whom
live in the village,
A young boy about four years old,
a son of Mr. Benj. Kaufman, was run
over by a wheel of a grain separator
at Listowel the other night and badly
injured, says the Banner. Ilis.fatber
was on Keso's traction engine, and
passing the house his boa ran out to
see his father or to get a ride. He
fell between the engine and the sep-
arater and a wheel was over him be,
fore the engine could be stopped.
Tne poor lad had both thigh bones
and the pelvic boneliroken. Though
yet alive there is not much hope of
his recovery. Boys should not beat
lowed to ride on traction engines as
it encourages young children who
are unable to take eare of theinselves
to attempt the satne dangerous
practice. N_
Thomas Arinitr.tin;, who was ac-
cidently shot by young Millman,
near Uxbridge, about two weeks
ago, died of bis injuries.
A forgery to the amount of about
53,000 has been discovered in the
Molson's Battle at Montreal: It is
said an employee of the bank is the
The Sehooner Lisgar, went down
under stress of weather, about sixty
miles from Goderichi on Monday.
She was laden with coal froiu Buff-
alo, bound for" Depot harbor. It is
feared that Capt. Freeman and his
crew tf six are lost.
"Every. well. Man
Hat/i His Ill Day."
A doctor's examination
might show that kidneys,
liver and stomach are normal,
but the doctor cannot analyze
the brood upon which these:`'
organs depend.
Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes
and enriches the blood. It cures you
when "a bit off " or when seriously.
afilieted. It weer diseppoitit's.
Rphettmatietrr- u" 1 believe hood's Sari
saparllia leas i,o equal for rheumatism, It
has done me more geed than any other
medicine. T have taken." Alas. PArtttea
I.., lrattipton, Ont.
- [kW Cottgh—"Atter niy long Illness, X
was very weak and had a bad cough. I
could not eat or sleep. Different remedlee
clad not help me but Rood's Sarsaparilla
built ins tip and T am now able to attend to
fay work." Miar•xx.1'•xrztias Oshano, Ont.
Nond's ills cr roi'trritl; titonori•trtitatlttgAn
enl c5titsttioto-takoawtititi !l"odit-Sarno) 'filo