HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-08, Page 4Goernri+eed or money rof untied. THYIVIOLINE TOOTH PASTE cleanees, preservea and beautifies the teeth, hardens the gums and purities the mouth and perfumes the breath. co 25e. Large Tube, For sale only at .4 1 COLIN A,CAMPRELL'3 Duck tivatE. r r4 tit ITLti! 911 eieteeeeeneeietreeeieleeTateiWiTeezt9P.T01-Fr7le tbe turn uuts WINUIIAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 8, 169, about polling arne. i The partite who amuted them- IiIAERET Unita S. eneutem. Both of the Conseseatete morning. selves by removing certain get° Wiughana. tieptember 1800. they are Corrected by 1'. Dens, .Produce Dealer. papers aro busy ascribing oftnadaig, lied. better be Careful, as Industrial proseerity to the beneficial spotted and may get into trouble. : near per 100 lbs 1 85 to 2 00 • The regolar meeting ef the direet- Beat ... . ae to 0 00 "" • ... "" " affects ori the N. P., aud aneeritig at ore of the Celross " Itre In- ' 131ning Weest' n U5 t(1 ° U5 metual 1 oett the Liberate for implying that the =ranee Co, was held at Teeswater,—*. ''''' **** 26 to CI 28 * ***.— t) present develepetent and. progress is :An, 26th, 189e. All tuent)bersi: keyie.y,,..a.r.a.w.n.....,...: . ......: .... 00 5000 tt o0 s too due to Liberal rule. These Censer- Present. Tb. Alliseut Bscle I resi'l 71•etigiti, " A „... „ e• A A 0 Or/ to 0 00 1 Duoks, per pair . .... . . ..... 0 40 to 0 60 vative papers do not attempt to ex- dent+ in the chair' elinutes at last meeting' were read I Butter—, . ...... .. ....,. 0 15 to (I 15 plate their disgust at the Liberals' il recognition of tt good polley pald I ancl " motion or Jelin Meitagne, kla,t82ePer aciaen.'" ..... nor seconded by Ur. ]id, were adopted. I n138:rteonorsd—)5, r, to io their decision not to abolish it, , Potatoeif, per juniini.1; ' '' :', :. 0 3U to 0 (340 while jipping at the Liberals i'ori 80tt---Donal4S011--Tbat all appli claiming credit for the geed tebes leations for inenrance taken by tbe ' Tallow, per lb... . !.. ,, . ..... 0 8 to 0 4 do the Opposition organs risk an ee:lelifferent agents of the Co, be laid an Dried Apples, per In..... 0 4 to 0 5 Wool planation of the stagnation existing.' the table for examination,—Carried. Dressed hogs ... 0 P0(0) tt ° 0 Sg Rd—SOtt —That baying exam. Chickens . ..... ,, — ...„—. 0 30 too 0 30 for several years prior to the advent I tor the present Government to power. 1 itled the applications taken by the e If the N. P. produces all the iddlerent sgeti" this Co. and 1 BUTTER AND, , found them satiefctorythe president ' present prosperity, why clad Pot the and seorctary are hereby authorized Oouservatives operate it as success - telly between 1893 and 1896 as the to prepare and issue policies for the Liberals have done since? If the saam.—Carried. N, P. is a good thing, the Coaserva. 111eKague—Scott—That the tol- tives should not objeet to its neon- lowing eleirns be paid : John Me - Leen, two lambs, 86, and. James A. tion by the coentry, and as between Little, for ealf, $8, destroyed by lightning in July.-0arried. eicKague—Reicl— That the re- quest of Walter •Riebardson, Thos. Baker and Robe Donaldson to 'make alternations and improvements on their buildings be granted by ob- serving due precaution. Carried. Soott—Reid.—That this Board do now adjourn to meet againan the last Saturday of September, at 2 o'cloelt p, -m, or at the cull of the presideet. Crried, D. MoIrroser, Secty-Treas. the two parties, the prosperity P.RIDAX, SEPT. 8. 1599. certainly much more marked and widespread under the present Gov- ernMent than under its predecessor. A.DITERVISERS. —Toronto Star. Igetice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon: The copy for cbanges must be left not later tban Tues- day evenieg. Casual advertise- ments accepted up to roon Thursday of each week. fIu•Aat•naa THE DREYFUS TRIAL, Mr. Goldwin Smith, alias Bystand er, in his comments on current events in this week's weekly Sun, says : "The Dreyfus trial proceeds with its melodramatic extravagance and glorious contempt of all the rules of evidence to its inevitable termina- tion, the acquittal of the much -injur- ed Dreyfus on the only grave charge. It is surmised. that he may be found guilty on the trivial charge of indis- cretion in probing departmental secrets, which is not unlikely to have exposed him to the villainous arts of Esterhazy and Henry. We are now told that France is on the verge of revolution. From what quarter is the revolutionary storm to come, since the army chiefs have missed their chance and aueeumbed? There ts a talk of the renewal of tbe Com- mune, But the Communists have no force which a eouple of battalions could not easily put down. In Frame at large there is no effective de - mend for revolution, though had the army chiefs prevailed and founded a stroug monarchical government, it would certainly have been accepted and probably have been welcomed by the people. am•••••,rarammorms•ma••••••••••••••• EDITORIAL NOTES. THE trial of the North Waterloo election petition against J. Brice haupt begins at Berlin to -day. A meeting of the Executive Com- mittee of the Conservative Associa- tion was held. in Toronto on Tues- day. It is learned that its objeet was the arranging for a series of meetings throughout the provinee. to include the one which will be held in Toronto on Sept. 18th. A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country; but with a politician the reverse is the ease. After being well hooted for his share in the West Huron case, James Farr has been appointed by the Censerva- tive council of Goderich to act as depute1-returning officer in the voting upon a municipal by-law.—Toronto Star. It is announced that Mr. F. W. Hodson, secretary of the Live Stock Association for the Donoinion, and director ot the Farmers' Institute work for tbe Ontario Government, will Ieave the service of the province in December, and will, it 18 under- stood, become chief of a live stock bureau, to be created by the Domin.- . ion Governinent. PROSPERITY AND PARTY POLITICS. The Liberal organ's persistence in quoting the signs of good times seems to act upon Opposition journals like the proverbial red flag flaunted before a brill. That the country tan be prosperous under any other than Conservative rule dispels cer- tain ancient theories and is calculat- ed to promote independence, and incidentally Liberal success, along Live moon filament Toronto. Sept. 5.—The market showed. more • life in every re- speet and prices, if anything, were a little steadier for ehoiee cat- tle; choice exporters were quoted at 64.50 to $5 per ewe, and. light fetch- ed firm prices of 53,75 to 54.50 per cwt. Butchers' Cattle- -Choice selec- tions were,quoted at $3.50 to $4 per ewt; medium and Common grades, 82.50 to $3,75 per cwt.; a few choice heavy bulls sold• readily at steady prices, or $3,50 to $4,25, quiet at $2 to $2.25 per cwt. Stockers and Feeders —Choice were quoted at 53 to 53.50 per ewt; a few bunches of extra good feeders fetched $4 to $4.- 25 per cwt. Sheep and Lambs— Sheep for export and butchers' use were quotable -at 53.50 to 53.75 per cwt.; good butchers' sheep bought at $2.75 to 53 each, and a few bunches of extra choice lambs, $4 to $4.25 per cwt.; bueks were quiet, at 52.75 to $3 per ewr. Hogs—Choice selec- tions were quoted ic, per ib. lower or $4.75 per cwt., and light and thick fats were also quoted /e per Ib. easi- er, or $4.50 per ewe; sovvs remained unchanged, at $3 per cwt., and stags were quiet at $2 per cwt. East Buffalo, Sept, 5.—Cattle— T he only offerings were a few bunches left over yesterday. There was a fair demand with a shade easier than yesterday's prices. Calves nomin- ally unchanged in the absence of quotable offerings. Sheep and Lambs—The offerings were about six loads, including two loads of Canada lambs. There was • no changes in the features of the market. Extra lambs in good. demand and quotable, $5,25 to 55.50; good to choice, $5 to $5.25. Sheep, choice to extra, 54.50 to $4.75; good to choice, 54.25 to $4.50. Canada lambs were quotable, $6,15 to $6.33. Hogs —Tbe offerings were about30 loads. The market was slow aid fully 5e. lower than yesterday. Heavy were quotable, $4.60 to $4.65; mixed, 84.- 170; corn Yorkers, $4.70; pigs, $4.55 to 84.65; grassers, $4.40 to $4.60; roughs $8.65 to 83.75; stags, $2,75 to 53:25. THE following in ponneetion with tbe West Huron election trial appear. ed in the legal column of the Globe on Wednesday: Before Osler, J. A.,Rose, J. Re West Huron Provincial Elec- tion; Beck v. Garrow.—W. D. Me - Pherson and E. le Dickinson (Wing - ham) for the petitioner. Watson, Q: C., for the respondent. The eourt sat pursuant to adjournment ordered on July 7 last, for the purpose of bearing the evidence of John T. Linklater. Counsel for the petitioner read affidavits to show that this witness had not returned to Wing, bani, and the petitioner had not been able to serve upon bim the order for his attendance made by thee:tin and. asked for a farther adjournment The court adjourned, tilt Saturday, September, 30, at 10,30 a.m., and made an order for the attendance of EGGS WANTE I am prepared to pay the highest cash pries) for all good butter and eggs •delivered at my warehouse near the G. T. R. • O. GILLESPIE. , ,'! `.',!7:11.rfla,y!trIle,1;1111T7IT,' • Joseph Woodfield, an himate of the House of Refuge at Stratford, was found dead on the street, A little daughter at Mr. Chas. Whetter, of Kemble, fell into a tub of water and was drowned, MeNicholl says the New Can- adian Pacific Railway hotel, to be erected in Winnipeg, will be one of the finest in • Canada, find the work will probably be commenced on it this fall. — • The Post Office department has granted a concession with regard to fall fairs this year; whereby intend- ing exhibitors may send their list of entries to secretaries at th,e rate of one cent for every two ounces. The municipal convention opened on Tuesday in the Hamilton council ehamber, with Mayor Teetzel, of Hamilton, as chair:nue, and abode twenty ' outside delegates in attend- ance. William Harris, of Paisley, pleaded guilty at Harriston on Tuesday morning when charged before Mag- istrate Brisbion °with stealing a horse, buggy end harness from Isaac W. Grafton, of Elora, and was com- mitted to the. Guelph jail to stand his trial at the next criminal court. 4••••••••••••••••• Linkleter on that day. A GOOD WATGH CULROSS. . . Harvest is pretty well wound up . in the Alps, and the farmers are now planting their fall wheat. Inside the last week we hay a c pie of heavy ram t b fn ly needed. ,t Wm. Caslickitas the bricking of his house nearly completed, and the carpenters ve the interior well advanced. Mr. R. McKenzie's new brick tot - is a necessity, and we can now supply you with one from° $4.50 DON'T BUY from peddlers or ad- vertising fakes. Bet- ter far to buy from us, We warrant them live years. HALSEYPARK I daNtlIgin;en11111(i)ss ftrt101r1 eerhett:, itwo is about ready for oeeapatio. Mr. R. Marshall intends i )8 visiting Manitoba, kr * ' Miss Emma, Rowland /leaves this' week for Stratford, were sbe has! seared situatiOn. Miss Fanny Gobell, of London, is visiting at her brother Albert's. Miss Bell MeKinnon is residing in Walkerton. Mr. Will Piekell and sister, Bell, are tweed ing the Toronto Egbibition this week. $1 were visiting relatives in Culross this eteefeltelleiviellisalleittle4e week. News Notes. John Cole fell offthedoek at Owen Sound and was ° drowned. No less than 25. deaths were reg. istered in Woodstock during the inorith of 4UguSt. Brussels Methodists' purpose pay- ' Isipoo on their church debt in action With the twentieth Cell' tury thanksgiving movement. The deaths which have, occurred in Ontario through drowning this year have been probably in excess of those of any previous summer, A lot ot school books ate being shipped to Dawson through Mr, Daniel McIntyre, liaperittendent of pablie schools in 'Winnipeg. Dawson's semi population is now 300 or 400. *Mrs. D. McCormick, of the Qtie hotel. Dungannon the other lay stepped upon a nail which penetrated her sboe and entered the foot, in, Meting a nasty wound. • • We know of nothing better to tear the lining of .your • throat and lungs. It is better than wet feet to cause.bronchitis and pneumonia. Only keep it up long eriough and you will succeed in reducing your wei.ght, losing your appetite, bringing on a slow fever and making everything exactly. right for the germs of con•• stimption. Stop . coughing and you will get well. 9 e s Chan Pectoral cures coughs Of every kind. An ordinary cough disap- pears in a single night. The racking coughs of bronchitis are soon completely tered. And, if not too far along, the coughs of con- sumption are completely cured, sA k your, druggist for one of Dr. Ayer's. Clicrry Pectoral Plaster. • It Will eId the action ofthe Clierry.,Pectoral. If yort hive, nny complaint *hat. over tan't titisire ilia boot xnedical advice you van possibly obtain, tvoite 'at frrely. Yon will receive a prompt topty that may be of get titian tit you. Ailarosa. 1111x J. V. XViElt, Lowe% lifttott. e 111; perung 011 si this le•114 1 1▪ 3-11%.\TO. Itionetto • At r • SOMETHING VERY NOBBY IN re CALL AND SEE THEM. 11•100••••••••• • Macdonald Block, ,IIMIIMICI•••••••••warAnsecCI•K s Winghem, Ont. fie 11 IgrI4 • • etrettettetetteteittpleasFeartrefitter-51IL, - - otijiftiteitit,41.41,41 CLE SALE T.A. Mills has decided to clear out during the next'3b days. his entire stock of Spring and Summer Goods. 25 pieees Dress Gpcds in plain and figured, up:to-date, usual .30c. for 25 Farley Dress Musiins, were 12.1c. now . . ...... 10, Figured Piques, usual120. now8 10 pieces Cheek Gingham, beauti- ful patterns, usual pric.e 15c. tow 124, - Plaid White Organdies, Lawns and White Piques at special re - &Iced prices' Prints, usual 121-e now 10 Ladies' Wrappers assorted., pat- terne, usual price 51.25, now 1.00. Shirt Waists, usual price 85c.now 60' 'Look at our bargain counter in Ladies' Fine Silk and Silk Taf- feta Gloyes ....... 50e Gloves for 40. 40e Gloves for 30' 30c Gloves for 20 20c Gloves for Also a range of 75e Kid Gloves for '60 These:goods mustibe:cleared out in order to make room for our New Fall ,Goods which are arriving daily. T. A MILLS LOUNGE REPAIRING The undersigned is prepared to ?waive orders for repairing lounges and rnatresses. Lounges re.coversd, Mat. reuses made over, carpets sewed and laid. Lowest prices and good workman- ship. Orders promptly attended to. Leave orders at my residence, Centre street, next to Wm. Holmes', or address box 54, Wingbarn.• Wed. eArALIME. a 4 PELT ON'S PUMPS We build our pump; to last for years and have them in price from $2.50 tip. • I3rass Cylinders and Galvanized !iron Piping. We have a full stock of the above goods. I Call and get priees when in need of anything in our liee JOHN PELT01,4 Opp. Beatties" Livery PHOTOGRAPHS For good and well flniebed photos try el. E. Zurbrigir in the down floor gal- lery. He has a better collection than ever in' his window. Gives yot any- thing you want in the photo lino from the little stamp photo at .18 Photos for 280 to the 1ff x20izo, Also Crayon and Water Colors, Gallery Opposite Presbyterian Church. M. E. MiT1tintIGGI0 I3oy wanted tolearn Photography. IT PAYS 1••••1044••••eromay. toweeiromosWeimetedeberoweeneemobre,..1 ••••11•14•111•114140•Ill, TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES • *