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The Wingham Times, 1899-09-08, Page 2
• head rave cif the Caeada • seluranee. Company will not be frrd front ilirtlhilton to Toronto the let of Octltber, ► Lain -alvei P lis oltr*' biliousness, sie1r itnadeetio t't',%•l•tta.tin+r, dyepe}lt4iet, sour �1trrtrr'u•tr, Sk:,t„r t•rasn, saliuw cam pleeton,•, etc. Tiley t:tt tot richt'. weaken or eteisee. Smell and ettt y tit taut+. Alverieltht bird, haver been de- ereeeetl in tituntler nearly til per • •Cent in last fifteen years. Positively cured 1by these Jtfla • if2Se Thee n a rc icy e Distress from Dyspepsia. Indieret:.:.t s. • ? ' ;->;-carty Eating;, Aper feet retre.de 1-e Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bad Taste in fee rlMouth, Coated Tongue stain the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Itnal Fell $imal3 Dose, 4't',aiC1e.:1 P ilcoa Substitution ilio fraud of the day- See aySee you get Carter's,. Ask for Carter's,. Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver rills. 20 YEARS TORTURE THE W013,14D'S, OLD COIN TO PAY IT WOULD COVER MOM) WAN SOW RUl+W UD WE WING -HAM TOMS, SE ''TEMBE When one is told that the national debts of the world mount tol,- 000,000 the ii ornlation eonveys. nothing bat an impressive sense of the vastness of the sum- It is only by a e;elties of mental pictures that one can forth any idea of the mountains of gold that would be necessary to discharge the world'a debts, says a writer in the London Mail. Stich a glittering ma»s would turn the scales at 45,203 tuns, and to carry it away one , would .have to requisition all the horses in the British army at home and abroad. One might in fancy place these thousands of millions of sovereigns edge to edge and make o£ thein three golden girdles for the earth's "whist,. with a ten fold chain long enough to link London with Naples. If one wished carpet with gold the 400 acres of Hyde Park and the 800 acres of Victoria Park the:: sovereigns would', be more than', sufficient, and therti would remain a remnant rt gold capet three acres in area. The task of removing the carpets, sovereign by sovereign, would be too stupendous to undertake lightly, If a coin were removed every second, %e orking without :pause day and night, Such a task lwonld take an industrious person "until the ,year 2093: to acceteplish,t by which time he hlnight be pardoned for complain- nig of pains in•the ark. Belleville Lady, itiom Boaters Failed to Beit Cured. at Last by Baits; i itAU lJi .i tr TT " • , w - dtrtAlo4er8roDt4irhpttttul'aGto!rdrraeat4rhGr hGtOta4rrr1t6pr I •, ,R in i,Tbiswondettni poom was written by the ;itussittit poet Dnrzbavin. The Emperor of ,Japan bas bad it translated into Japanese, richly embroidered in.p,olcl and hung rap in the Temple of Jeddo, It has also been translated into the Chinese asrtl Tar Ian' guagee, written on appropriate pieces of rich silk and suspended in the Irnperhal Palace of of Pekin.) £rauslated front the Bossier' into Dngtish by Sir loon Bowling. No one who bee rot suffered from kidiley. disease can imagine the terrible torture those endure who are the victitirs of some disorder of these delicate: filters of the body. Mrs. Richard Rees, a well-known •andhighly respectedlady of Belleville, Ont., .had to bear the burden of kidney complaint :Tor over 20 years and now Doan's Kidney :lilts have cured her when all else tailed. Ber husband made the following state- -Anent of her case ; "For 2o.years my wife ' has been a sufferer from pain in the back, sleeplessness and nervousness and general prostration. Nothing seemed to help her. Doctors and medicines all failed, until we got a my of hope when We saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised as a positive cure. "She began to take them and they helped her right away, and she is now better in w eiaery respect. 'We can heartily recom- 'I:nend Doan's Kidney bilis to all sufferers, for theyseern to strikethe right spot quickly, and their action is Clot only quick but it is permanent. "I cannot say more in favor of these wonderful pills than that they saved my wife from lingering torture; which she had endured for 20 years past, and I sincerely trust that all sufferers will give Doan's Kidney Pills a'fair trial." Diamond Dyes Far Ahead dal]. Otters. `AXA® Cure constipation, biliousness sick headache and dyspepsia. LIVER Every pill gni perfect and to act without any grip- ing, weakening cm sickening P1 LS effects, sec. at all druggists. t(8�1ps and Colic Practical Experiy*nce Has De- monstrated That They Are the Easiest; to Use • i) Thou Eternal ()eel whose presence bright. All space doth oeaupy--ell motion guide ; Unchanged through Time's all devastating flight, Than only God there is no god beside, Being above all beings f. mighty One 1 Whom none can comprehend and none ea- piore, Who fill'st existence With Thyself alone, Embracing all•—aupporing—rgling o'er, Being whom: we esti 'God—andknow no more. A monarch and a clave ; a worm, a Goll I Whence camel here? tool how 50 marvel - Quell Constructed made eouceived nuicuewn; This olod ' e Lives surely' through scene higher energy, Per from itself alone it could trot be. Creation yes, Thy wisdom pod Thy word Created the, '.Chou source of life and . good; neat spirit of my spirit, and my ford: Thy light, '1;11y love, in their,, bright plea, 1 itttdl', . Filled [no with an IMMO) tal soul, to spring U ' the ab%se of death" and hada it wear ithathat i Clustoritu The harm f t t 1 trd wing i Castori't is for Infants fund IC111i1tlre.n. is a etas n e ertft} day' e . . - t Its heavely bight tteyone# 13th'II"'r >;pbnre, Ylturml6S" s1Alnsl ute foil •Castor (JfiI, fur©gorio, Drops I'i'eu to ire. anal ce, to .) ea tt ..• nthor1 a h — a a .there. „ . . and Soothing Syrups. It Contained neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance..tis T'ICasallltr (1 in►ble 1 .: I Its guarantee is thirty years' use by . Millions of Thilouy' tvortkt}effiess aurvision tlouoeblesti,tiou all of Thee,TIiCOtlierS. Czstoriu, destroys Worms, awl allays Feverish..CastoFeverish..erisiFeverish..d411i a, Yet shtall '1"ly sh'l4rlvw'd Dta3NR•e all ilii our hreasrls relieves Teething. Troubles, Clues Const1l►a A.nd tv•tft itt leeinase„tcv'thy deity, lv«taiTeucy. Castoria assimilates the Favcl, regl0. ti A O,Gedl 'thus nos my lowly thot-iglus can soar, ty>.matonataeil sand 73owels of Tnfaunts ,autlk.,�,liclreAl, pivin Thus seek Thy }.tresen.ce, bei�rt;g wise and i>ealtby asci. iAatttral sleelz. C $toii:n' i'st 'ilia cella it, runic, Panacea—The 1 J other's Friend. ness. Castoriau, Cures Diarrhoea and.`W�ttt„ o e. tion and. • 1.ts In its atibiitnest research, philosophy 'Midst 'City vast works adroare, obey, May measure out .thee ocean deep—may adore,. count And when the tongue• ie.eloqeenb no more, sande or the sun's ays, but God! for The soul Allan spealain tee re ofgsetitucte. The a s � , Thee , 'reach Oohs to Wahl Fur. There is no weight or memento; none can mount There is ncl place 50 vnlualrleor so° Up to Thy mysteries Reason'sbright much appreciated went bo praettcally spark, t useful to a mese as as fast, i+air, Though kindledby thy 1. lit, invain square walk, anti tibere is nothing . would try It is the easiest tnat er in the world to dye with Diamond yes, ex' thonnanda of women now Irate • practical• exc. perience. :By using these sireple home dyes one can make dlie clothing look hue new and save a le eat many dollars in the course or a yea R: Do not accept imitations -of the original Diamond Dyes from any dealer,. no mat- ter how strongly he may recommend them, for while he makes a•lhrger profit .,n them they do not dye se much goods nor du they equal the Diamond•Dyee+tn fastness of colors. When poor dyes are used: both your money an , labor are thrown, away and the goods are spoiledforever. Use the Dietnond Dyes only; and get the beau possible results. Al re}iable'dealers con supply you 'oto with the Diamond=Dyes; t that will cause nn aaitnttl to bedrtven To trace thy couneilel infinite and dark; harder and 'kept co'1ttitually en thel And thought ie lost erd' thought can soar other paces as a deficiency in this -so high, respect, says The florae Falsuier, Even like past moments in eteanity. Months of time and briars ee patient, Thou from primeval nothingleae• did'st call Intelligent effort. nue expended to First s, then a isteneer Lord, in make the horse a feel; trotter, a high rherbacs>actor,, a perfectly gaited,saddle=horse, Eternity bad its founda tions; alit but so far as the walk Coes'; he isl Sprung forth from Thee—off ligbt, joy, generally pelt upot ; the market ae harmony; • nature made him asdt rolls Along at. Sole origin—all life, all beauty here, the pace his nYnbitigot dietartestzom. Thy word created all, and doth create: mended by his owner as- a wonderwonderi iriameseneemageanamorgeEetemnigil=420M Thy splendor fills rill spews .with ray divine; Thou art, and waste,and shall be—Won-one, great t y Life-giving, self sustaining potentate.• Thy chains the unmeasured universe, set - round, 1g ph old bio Tbee—by. Thee inspired) with) breath,;; FEW MEN W1IGi AL Castoria. "Castosia is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told ate of its good effect upou their children.” Du, G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Nass. Gastonia. t' Castoria is so welt adapted to children, that i recommend; it es superior to Any pre- scription knnwauto,ane„" 21. . tmaat„M. D. Brooklyn, lV. r THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON THE Cr,NTACR COMPANY. 7T0.}TaP•,t.. EVERY W'RAPPE R. TT Mt PAY STREET, NEW Y4,rlr GrrP 21 ,t '.iii{k"'.aig.47�1.s1.t3iaS4sti.'1'd•kte:.1's Theu, the beginning with the' ends hest bound„ Aura beautifellY mingled life andideatii•l', ;As sparks monat vp.,ard berm #fent' blaze, ##. iso suns are horn, so. worlds:eprin„ ttbnth, front Tlbee; Anda as the spangles in the sonnyrays- Sbide•round the silver anise?, the pagerntry :Of heaven's, bright ai`imy glitters-to.Zlh}C praise:. dtil ehandi • el, miction• boroiie»i.iighte by Y Wander unwearied" throughl the. Mite' • abyss.;: °They awn Theepower, accomplish,thytoom.• mama, M} gay, with. life, all eloquent•withib}iss.• Whtvtehalh•weesall thein ? Itfles-ofrtryetall I , light?.' IA; glori0us•cormeany of golden streani -?` Lamps of celestial ether l#nrnieg:bright?' ,i Suns lighting hting� systems wielintbeir leyoure a iieama•?I Bti.tthoti to them art de th enoon.ta night. t—.es, awe •dtrepset water. in the sea, Th Tact t Dict you ever 'notice how fear people are original in. things they say and do? For instaflce;.one mals: snakes a f;rtune 'oat ot a' simple• thing ; immediately humdreds• oifr others try it. This is human nature.. While it isgratifying to be the "'firsts man" to bring out3tn idea, the greatr, mass- utast be Content to follow- their leaders'. There is one line • that is, always original, however, and• that,. is the business of the Bradley -Gan= retson Co., Limited, of Bt'antft;rsl;. Ont.,beeaase they'Oritiitttally bring" out publications, to suit the times• and seasons, thus ..-their agents aro kept steadily at it and make big money. In fact, no other occupation is more honorable, health#u1; lama - dye,. or offers half as many oppor tunities for promotiop. Tit is a life school. Many men and women, it Catlada today, testify to the trtrtth' fulness of his claim, in fact, cit is conceded oil all banns, . that. one year's experience with this Finn is worth niol'e to any young man or woman, that two or three years at College, from an educational point, of tiew, and. financially, it is all that can be desired. . Always relieved prolbptly by Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry. When you are seized with an attack of Cramps or doubled up with Colic, you want a remedy you are sure will give you relief and give it quickly, too. You don't Want as untried something That Milt help you. You want Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, which every bee knows will positively cure Cramps and Calle quickly. rust a dose or two and you have ease. But now a word of proof to beck up these ` and we ans rtt rise s have it froth nir. John lie.wke, Coldwater, Ont., iwho writes: "Dr.pwler's Extract of Wild Streweerrg'15 t w••^7••'ui l far D; • t, ("eV .i1'55 sufferer t:t , 5rec I was great it ei. trial, but tiew 1 isuffet'etc w...tl 1 gave ,t have perfect -comfort. if he happenb to walk fastw, and sworn at apd overt miven by every one if he chances ...to be laz t and slow. ' The fact walker, is often :made. so by being put witie a. crate while: breaking which' llappt neli. to- he quick, free mover,,ta,nd• nt,•fariyior or• - breeder can be .too caret'ul in seeing: Coit that no• colt of tris -is ever driven or led beside a rjle gisth; .inactive :partner. Virtues of Salt ; aterrl3atkts.. ll"or r, hand hath (t. bath. given, to. the body by use oe! the' hends•onby„ or by sponge or cl�th)]place a•hand- i cit salt in a ba' in. as. ertlintarii;N , fu111 filled for vviiehing. Aliove thee sale. to,cllissolve, or hesten, the. aaationtby ,stiarriag it with Ibe- hand, The, ivtrater should be as- cold. as•yea, have, ',vitality to with:ita-d: CI e no soap~. .Beale the entire body. Do not. iNegleetthe t:ice and, nee1a in, the, tree use ot the t;als'yir.ater. 'thebath• lima an exlhilaratim :, infigerace,, tones, Jibe, entire systetrlts ,and gimes to the skifa< a hea;<lthfal emeiditiolt that amply* repays for the time aunts trouble, involtved. le rsied in tha-winter' it will be an exee:trent pr•e;ventive; of colds,besides beteg a sttbst tattefor• liars cosmetics. No chapping,. no, .1131; this ria ttiuenct3 rp, ee is {{;roughness of t Ae skins and, noelog magnificence !t 1 of the owes will trouble the, Vlihodt:are then�thout;ands:rvorldsgampar•.etia-�g'� p t, Thee? Audi what; am I then heaven's• unt- • numbeeed host," Thought. multiplied by ;trees ds,mndharrayeall Zn pt},the•dteey of subliraest thought,. 1Tbab.nrr}•atom in the balance weighed, found 1n the eaters. Whet ter one homId ca *bee not,the: s °A,gwinst, malty grea.ness---is but 'P exercise or t body brtrtegbt Ageinstimetnityl Wbatcatn I thevA N•ta&st- EftK9 NERVOUS9 DISEASED MEN 250,O:tO c1JREO !N 20YEARS. AO -CURE: GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! $1000 itiL9Y CANNOT URE. OF SELF-ABUSE,, k'd'uSS1ONS, VARICO- CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRiICT- URE GLEET;, ,SYPHILIS, STUNTED 0 PARTS, LOST' 11kANHOOD, UiliPOTEN- CY, NERVOUS DEBILITY, UNNAT- URAL DISCHARGES, ETC. person Willi tss'stetihotheally, and regularly take% a, batt: at this. bet t. Ordinary tablt.ealt or nucleaa :,Willi `do, but will nett: do so well. The sem„ lSolteontatns rsedieinal. properties not l%a,ugltt--lbtat the effulgence ok thy light' &eine, lfervte,slieg worlds. bath reached n►}r beaten, too ; Vele. in stay spirit dooh9 by whet shine ,S shines the *millirem m in a drop of clew. 1ltaught t but 1; live andon hope's pinions Sg, .ager towards Thy presence t. for in Thee ll five, and breathe, and dwell ; aspiring • high Len to the throne of This divinity I on, O Ctbdreed surely Thou trust be 1 ,you ever think of Thon art 1 dirooting, guiding all, Thou art 1 handling our latest work "The ' Direet my understanding then toTime; Light of Life? If not, now is a Control my spirit, golds my wandering good time to start. a.0O a day Tho' an atom midst mmensity, sure'; some make twice that..Still Y am something, fashioned by thy Experience or capital unneeessary. hand BitebtET.0.1MtT8ON co., Limited, I bald a middle tank 'twi t heaven andl3i$r11`i"1'g'oitlSp i�earth; receive a delay ltand bath of cold or. a •card in thesummer) Choi. Water,t;:s t. 1I p �" either upon rising or,,befere retiring. '1381019 faraway Ilan a who a sad, The e In li look in his eyes is usually wondering whether he hailed that letter or whether he didn't. On the last verge of mortal being stand, Close to the realm,whsre angels have tbeirl birth, Just on the bounaaries of the spirit lana. The obaitt of being is complete in Me; Children Cry for In the it matter's last gradation,lost, ASTOR!AIf I can command the lighting and ail rust 1 Ana the neat step is spirit --'Deity. roti ll`! IMERVE PILLS PA# WEAK PEOPLE. AND PHOS T`R003LED WITH fa' alpltatlon,Throbbing or Irregular Beating of the Heart, Dizziness, Shortness 0? Breath,.bintreas after Exertion Srriotherfng Fealittg spasms or Pall through the Breast and Heart, Morbid Condition of the Mind, petwlaiparalygls, Sleepless.. .. neat#, Newvousriess. Anemia. Oene-• Loss o lApp Appetite, oto eats of Cripps, Remnember Mllbtarr'ta l -bait and ltferve Pills ours ths worst cases lifter other, remedies( fall. 1.111 rilivar Pitta curb ntlatlpslimn The New [b1zthodd ireairilen1 is the Fireatest BIspovei' of the Age A,;at.rveasevsrs„s;. r'031 CURT ' THESE MF r... 'MS TnnriR„ c" rn -te; reel 1ntitJe aged men• are• annually swept. to a pr:rtnature SC's -�� Bravo tftrui, a C. r t :,sra..•r.1t3'tI mid i, E7Ct.lcB`,L°,. AND BF,O::.D te,,,s:.A.'L�. ft y nor. rn Y •l. 1'e'ritt .t. r , too tr A ,t ti , as ` a ult,u:r . foto ate s,vou:handw u t ontllien.a:3 aylr,.fol po s r-ous+aneCwc,. , cTtu11 ti..^_t and gloomy. specks heLnr,:119 eyes with dark. C•[r l hr•t: unrleF Mom., weal: (.i"¼,hi'`Ieys irritable, 1,alpitatiou, MI the heart, hashed, dr ants and louse%st`dlmr;,tin gr in, pi',tples ern OM taco„ evna sunken, hollow. ehool , ,•:ar.tv.ru expression, poor rtr u• ry, lifeless. distrustful. rias'& (Allergy an siren stir, tit•.`.t mora- tn Ln,ts>rostl,esw x. '. rtr:^auto moods, weak utan.houd, stunted organs met i,ra1na- turo decay, bort• - a , hair loose, sort throat Ste:. Y.DLI Pi AVE .f h't91N l:L Wi:RKIVr..--`SESI O JR NU.V Irli-r'00FITl1'FATMENT aloan,eatr. cure you, mut reehe a roan of you. Mader its influ tench the brain becomes active, rho blood purified. sv; that all pimples. blotch co and weors disappt'ar.l the nerves become strong as steel, so &hoenervaaun- u,0as, basht,tTnee5 and despondency disa0ii„ar; the eyes become bright, taro 1050 Lull and dean. energy returns to the body, and the moral,• pllystcal and sexual cystoma aro invigorated; all. drninh cease—no more vital waste trent the systema, eke various organs become natural and manly., You reel yourself a man and know marriage Cannot; l70 a tannic- 'Veinvito all the afflicted to consult ns confidentially and tree et char -e. kln't let+luacks and fakirs rob you, of your ]card carnodi dollars. We tool cord yore et nopay#t 11A:S !OUR RL00]) BEEN DISEASED! svPinL'Sis tho most prevelontandracist sorions 13LOOte disease,. 1t saps the very lite blood ot the :s,�'tE victim and unless entirely eradicated froth. thesya- IIER1tDiTAnY EiDOI) DiseAf1ne tens win affect the oftspring. Beware or Mercury. It only suppresses the symptoms—ourNCW MS fUOt) pr sitively cures it ler ever. YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED MAN—You've led a gay lite, or indulged. to the tellies of youth. Bel(•abuse or later oxcsssea have broken down your system. You Teel the Symptoms stealing over you. Montelly, physically and soxuaily you are not the man you used to bis or should be. 'Lustful practices reap rich harvests. 'Will you heed the danger signals. REMSCR I Aroyou5rictim? il'arroyoulnstltopo? Are youcontomplatingmarrfngei' DLii Has your blood boondiseasosi? ilavoyouanyttoaknoss't QurNoN (L0thcd Treateieat will euro you. 1,Vhat it has done Tor others it twill do Lor you. Consultarian -Free. 1io matter who • has treated yon, `vrite Lor an honest opinion Free ni Charge. Chargos reasonable. hooks Free -'-"Tho Golden Monitor'" allustrstodl, en Diaeasos or postage, sura, a d ., .. Inclose oa 2 c 8e to . Book n Df 0 0 t' 0 Mon. Trac p o s as 904 Women" Free. .IIS' NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSCNT. PRIVATE. No modiclbe sent C.O.D. No names an bores Or envelopes. C.veryth.np ,coniidentiai. Quostlori list and cost ot Tynemerit, FREE.• t, DRS, KENNEDY 86 KEUG p N[yrrTI O LMS GHQ. MONEY To PATENT Good Ideas OGS `i ocr aid. secured 1[ ,"q y . our Address, Jam./ `e w +..i•. THE PATENT Banknote, LOGS Bsltinrore, Md, 1 WE MAIL Sewer and ' Culvert Pipes ,t.r , A. $t�bX ft 1 +{ t 1. to 44 in. 'Mtn tono. t.clot,.. wart''" :-Oft PO 10E34 SHE iNTlli ll Sq114.11 PIPE CO ''6O A Ot.t.rzidr : sr, Ie.."' 'rdoronv.&T ),fTltco, TORONTO TTighest cash prices thrid for all hinds of good Saw Logs, Teiegraph Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts delivered in otir ;card. CUSTOM SAWN, done at lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and get Oleos be' fore disposing of your timber, MeLEAN A SON