HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-08, Page 1VOL. XX ■ II.- rNo. 1429.
l i , 0,1'TARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1899.
• caving resolved to go, out of the
Dry Goods and Grocery business,
we shall at once commence selling
'everything in these two lines at cost
•or below.
—By the end of
Between now and that time we
•0411 give the greatest, bargains ever
heard of in Winghafl7. ' : tide- le the
time- to secure some of them; First
^colliers gets'. best GlioLee. This is a
great opportunity;;.. don't miss it.
We shall stilt continue the TaiIor-;
•oring, Gents' Furnishing, and 13cots
. and Shoes Departments with• le:
larger Stock than ev.`er before.
• Commoroial School in Canada is tee r
• �n
sxtaAT'ORU ON' T,
Nnearer Sic 'i'14ti OeeNo of the LT
students we enrolled during thk, r
Ls past year from outside of Strat- ��j
ford came from nearer other bust- L'A
nese colleges than ours`. Write for C)
otic new catalogue: It's the finest
buainese college catalogue in Can- h
edit and' renreeente the Most Pro-
greesive hod Best Scbhol.
W J. ELLIOTT."I'rineipal. fr
t` G�r'Jf�t"r'al"`r'�F,t-.i a •
DMfrrdago Ltoensea
leaned by FRANIt ?ATi RsoN, No 28; V'ic
for:'ia•etreet,Wittgtatn,Ont. No witnesses
Dur Clubbing List
n order to b a otlr bub
I serlber the o tro 1
ub ant
nakitetyro or more re
we have m
>p0oialarx n etre t„ with the nubile/tars V which
we Are ouabled to after the tollowina ptiblitationb in
oonnectibn with the W1NG11AM 'TIMES at speeiei
ori' rates from now until Geo. Slat, IS90, '
'Minted and Weekly Globe, • • $1 25
Tinto and Wenterit Allvcrtltaer, 140
Tithed end Family Revels and Weekly Star
and i'Iotlme • • 1 75
Thm a end Farmers' Advocate, . 1 90
Times au Arming, %e k
_Tinian and Montreal
Weekly r al tYftnboo; 100
11fnes and Farmer*' Stn, . I 80
'.Mmes dud Daily Globe
OAS and Dally World. • • 4 0
into and Country Gentleman, 2 70
melt and Weeks Molt and tan** 1 2I
as sad Dilly Montrra
1 t r
�m r11e a�Ct
, :ao
epeolal rltih1 Intl rates with all newspaper* A rd
teltgailineti quoted en application,
• reel all order* to or Call et the
and Weekly Globe till Janunry is., 1001, And
sot 004 volumes of atarion Ilar• E
ienti's Worts to new subscribers, r
and Weekly Globe for one velar a al a eel of 4
volotnus nt Dt.arion liarland's As
Worits for......, w
and Weekly Globo till Januar,!
1900, to new subscribers for,.,,,,,. Y
and Family llerrrid and Weekly Star till Jon.
nary 1st,, 1900, to new subsoribera p g n
for ,..., . .
tut Tanuary 1st, 100Q, to new sub, l'
seribora for ..,t.
These are special offers and shouid be taken ad-
vantage of. 'Cell Your neighbor about them. N0.
need of borrowing papers. Tho 4 ,ablates of Marion
liarland's %Yorke eon be seen at this •ousts. Cash
must accompany all o dors. We can supply any
or pall o ntay desire .at in reduced rate. Address
iioxver, Sloes, W1h'GHAM,.
NEW A.1)V'Ekt Is3211r1:1INTS.
New edrertlsements t ma the following, people
will be found in another c • tumn of this issue :-
John lIanon-Name of Tits
John Corr -New Go ds .•
Farm for Sale'
Mrs D htclnnes-S a of Rouseholi t't,rniture
Young dt Paulin doves
31 11 Melndoo-B Ys' and Youths' Clothing
J LDavis -Pick; itr Spices.
Thos. Gregory-. : paclat
Carr tiros Op lot
N A lrardnhars n -Special
See Halsey Park's advertisement,
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wirigham, on the first
Wednesday of each month from 11.30 arm.
till, 3 o'olouk p. m., for consultation in
diseases of the eye, ear, nose apd throat.
DEIat Iitrxente Lr' es.-11Ir Wrii`Rob .
see, of town, has en appointed issu
er hunting licen es for the Provinc
o'i Ontario, ' An iserson desirous o
securing such. Itcens s should call on. M
A NEAT PAaIi.'ILE' —The 'Toronto Globe
has issued a neatli tle book, entitled "The
growing time in Ela da." The book con-
tains very fine engr Inge of views of th
various cities in the different provinces .f
the Dominion, and i a credit to the obe
•--Canada's leading aper.
ANTED AT Oece.-'An apprentice anted
it once too learn the until)) .usiness.
Aprly at Wingham Roller M' 1
t . ' AER Duos. '
Heevz Clem. M ,Tobe McLean, of
L,ueknow, shipped car load of export
cattle from here on uesday last. Among
the•herd was a drov of thirteen, delivered
by Mr Peter Leaver ' of Bast Wawanosh,
which weighed 17,8 0 pounds, averaging
1.374 poaande per ead. t the price
cattle' are bringin the wo
g ty>d net :lir
Leaver a tidy sum
r tt a o e t
A e ssrtmn n i
p Y°i Fine China
Cups and Betimes, B B Cates, Desert
Plated, &o,t&e hue be I
., e erred these last
few days. See theta
N enouneztsox's.
Net ANP RAOgt; . A contingent of
Wingham tennis cub played a match
With a few of our racquet wielders last
Tuesday afternoon W M Sinolair's !Awir,
Brussels the home to
, b am winning •y.
thing Mccepting on set of doubles. The
score was as- fond si'—Doubles.—$innlair
and Fox, Bruise , beat Campbell and
Denser, 0 8, 6 8 ; . Campbell and Clark,
beat S it andD
Wingham, unoan, 6 3, 62.
Singles. ---Blair bet Clark 0 2, 9 7 ; bat-
eau beat Iiornuth, 34-5; Felt beat Carnp-
bell 6 0, 6 4 ; Sin air beat (leaser, 5 0, 6' 4.
A return mato! will likely be'piayed
before the seaso is over.— noels Post.
Four SAnw 0neee. —r1 -good dwelling house,
geed stable out fruit trees an premises.
(Apply to^2X Eaniout, box 107, Wing.
lemon DAx.r-Ls,bor
was not genetally obs
Wingham. Most all
were open and every
any other day, except
were closed. it
Day, last leiondayc
rvea as a holiday in
he places of buti;aeee
Iing went „along fks
that the feotcr'ee
Bneanane Mem,— L aseball match was.
played on the park on Mcuday afternoon,
between the prairie n a team of town and
the Walkerton team. There wase fair
attendance, but be her team put up a
very good exhibition f ball, Th score
was 18 to 17 in Win lame favor:,,!
Hume. ANP Brum .13amereus.--In COO,
notion with the fat tock sh0W to ke held
at Guelph on Dace ber 6, 7 and 8; a easb
prize of $25 is offere by Rebert Ciunning-
hano, the well kno insurance agent, for
the beststeer or ho' er bred' sill owned by
alt exhibitor in ei ' er Helm or Bence
County. The pr s list for the show
totals about $2,000.:
House AND LOT FOE. SAT,E.—That deair-
able property on the south side of the
Diagonal road, be'onging to T E Bowles ie
offered fpr sale. For terms and particit-
lars, apply to Arum & Sole.
Sonaor.theNEn Ae,t TLe Wing ham
Public School opened( n Tuesday morning
last, after the summ r holidays. The
eohool building has en' pairited inside
and out and all the w 1ls and ceilings of
the different moths h ve bean kalsomined,
so that the building ould note be bright
and, cheerful for oth teachers and
scholars. The solo el resumed with the
same staff of teacher , with the exception
of Miss:'Vanstone, ho took the piece'of
Miss Gray.
of M'r Wm Armour,
ful accident on Frida
week. He had been
Davidson on a wagon
jumping from 'the wa
fell with him and ctrl
knee wart quite 'badly
er lad has suffersdavery
e the accident. Tier It 19
boy may recover so as
✓ any way..
Andero:1 SALLA. --LO: Na 8
Wawaeoeh, will be,i
public auction at the
8 p m, on Saturday, S
partloulare apply tO''T
(Coin 12, East
r for sale by
r Buick House, at
ember 23rd. For
OS Gregory, Wing.
BreAvttroi; Silo lits. -- The beautiful.
flhowera of Thnre Y of last week and
Tuesdaot this k
have gladdened the
hearts of Many. '.puha, pane and every.
thing that would b Id water were hustled
out to catch a eupp of rainwater. AI.
ready that pram vegetation has been
Con(siderably renew d. We in this section'
have net auftered ettl dei mach ee the
people of Otford unty. Manyfarrners
in that motion h d to commence feeding
cord, hey, etc to their eattle. The Intik
rupiity at the v . one ohefte tentories had
almost tell off nt half`. Th* reoent
raids wire . ' genet thloughtnt the
tarn, the young on
set Ninth a very:pain-
sfternoon of last
riding with Mr John
lord of stone, and in
ori, one of the stones
it his ',nee, The
sniaebed and the
deh as a result of
o be hoped that the
rot to be crippled in
Try Ringlet Clearing dale, All 10o prints
for 5o. High Class. Organdy Muslim and
(summer dross goods at half price. Ring
pays cash for butter and eggs. Try tlis
sale during July and Aogaet.
CoNOnirea Waits"
contractor far the lay
crate walks, has now
work. Work has be'
walk on Frances iltree
be cornzuenceil as soon
will be seen from. the
another.col mmn, pet ti
sented, asking for two
Walk. It is expecte.
of new walk will be
before the season clo ;
Tretes has returned
sauce of four week
t e Prete r s A
the exist, but on a
compelled to drop
couple of weeks was
of Brandon in reg
we made for home,
Bible for us to prepa
issue, but. nett W:
give our readers' an
far west as Branch),
huff, Winglatn.
r Chas Barber, the
ng of the new con.
a force afmen at
cornmenoed on the
and the others . ill
as • possible. As
council cniputes in
s have been pre
ore new pieces of
that quite a stretch
laid in Winghant
he editor of Toir
o duty, after an au
We made a start.
ation n B et
sear '
Uh to
count Meese were
if at Brandon .14k.
pent in the vicinity
nine health, whet
t bas been ilztpos
= en artlote tor this
-k we will try and
rtiole on the trip as
UCENTS Neill pay for the Times and
the Montreal Herald and Weekly
Star from now until the 1st of January,
1900. Subscribe now and get the full bene-
fit of this extremely low offer. .
Wrxar_t.at's FALL PA n.—The aeeOh,l fall
fair of the Turnberry . griett)turel Society
will be held on the lying Park grounds
on Tuesday Rea We i nesdey, September
19th and.20th. T;e fair this year will
eseal l ab of those y c #former years. The
hall will be lighter 'with electric lights
on the first evens . g, , and a ;splendid
concert is tieing a anged. The second
day's programme ill inolude the follow -
log spacial aft
ing p rao lone :—f -loris racing,
open trot or pace, minute trocar Once,
farmers' trot or p de, and a team hitch -
nig retie; also a Ug of war, between
teethe who are to e residents north atld'
raotdth of the Tut
!moiety is also o
Scheelobi dren
-Contest. ne
aLt tided this yea
tleealtbors to also
large crowd that
the Ittti atol •dill
1 particulars in not
will benheerfully
;nets** the Seer
erry boundary. The
chnli prizes for the
the, way of a writinit
air ebould he largely
truth out, tell your
urtt out end swell the
11 be in Wieghatn ort.
t< this tnentt. Alt
Ton 'with the lair
Mr Win Rob.
1 A YJ YEA:It IN AD y A 'i C
WAxr1:P—Q'1 short term plan. A young
man to learn tailoring and cutting. Apply
to Webster & Co, Queen's Block,. Wing.
Desortleeto.t or Tex s,—One evening; a
little hot in town w :; svatelling a gone
of ttnnfe being ploy:'. by four yet ng
I'(dim SS'ben ilew nt home he said to
We mother, "I saw y teacher knocking
e base ball of er a " wire fence) With e.
A Goon ExAl18i0G.-- check for 6387.50
from Jarvie street B: ptist church, Toron-
to, has been received y the. City Treasur-
er, being the volunta y payment of the
first instalment of tai a on the property,
the congregeticn de 'wing, as in years
past, to avail t%rendsei es of the exemption
privilege applying to urches. A letter
accompanied the obex , renewing the pro.
test of the ct n;reget . n against exemp-
Revue Mzxnp,—A .sinter to is certain
town, in making up t• e rotate one day in
a hurry, got a mar lege abs grocer's
notice mixed so t1 y read as follower;
-"John Smith and Id Quay were united
in the bonds of holy saner -kraut, which
will be sold by the art or barrel. lar
Smith is an esteerue codfish at 10 cent
while the bride b s nioe pig's le •: to
Our customers tell us that " t ue Seal"
Catsup is as good ae a y t. have used
at 25 oeuta a bottle, u van bay two
for 25 cents at N RQnnects N's.
A Sons Areracrzoiq.
Armour are mourn
infant daugbter, Ell
rod early Saturday.
infantust, after an
hours. rhe little
very strong ohild,
health on Friday an
ing the afternoon. The
the sympathy of the
sore affliction.
conclusion of the
Caledoniai`Sea, S., o
a number of the me
home of Mo. John Ad
by Piper MoDonald
Mr. McDonald and da
Kr. McLean kr some
music and Scotch
pleased to note that
proving. nicely and
long until he isabou
his business as of yo.
r and Mrs Wm
ng the loss of their
whose death occur-
orning, of cholera
lime of only a few
ne had not been a
t was in Re usual
was taken ill' dura
ereaved family have
onlmunity in their
RPRI linthe
witness of Camp
Mondays -evening,
bers went to the
eau, accompanied
nd his daughter.
Water entertained
time with bagpipe
ancing. We are
r. McLean is im.
will not be very
gain attending to
FLyterrrurr; Jouny L.—The 'August
tuber of the Cana �an
n Furniture
Upholstery Journal t: Called the Coated -
station number, and s a credit to the
publishers, The fo owing with refer-
ence to the Wingharu footorios appears
in its columns :—"Th Thos Bell & Son
Manufacturing Co, L' , have had a re-
markably busy treason and are showing
some elegautgoodsfo the fall trade...,
The union Furniture o,we understand,
are doitigtheir trade tow on oar load
lines. The North est business has
grown immortally
thepast two
years.... Messrs But n & Fessant, tbe•
chair men, have bad busy year so
far. and have made ; large brick ad-
dition to their Liotory to better enable
them • to handle tb r growing trade.
They have anumber f new chairs for
the fall trade ... , Mess s Walker & Clegg,
the upholsters, have rented two floc re
of Button & Fessant'_ new buiiding,and
are making their own runes. This puts
them in a much bette position to handle
tseir growing trade.'
25c PES LB.
"Genuine Imported" Engli: • k alt yid.
egar is what you ab' Id , Be for your
ptokies, N A Farqub on Celia it.
Lew RMACChnses,—•WaS Irvine, Deputy
Supreme Commander f the lady Macca-
bees, who bus beers n rking intown in
the intermits 01 the a ve Order for some
tire, brought. the .car alga to a close on
Tuesday of this week. !hiss Irvine has
met with a,,lcndid a scew white t ere,
many new meinbera sing added to the
Order. On Tuesday it t.ernoon the ladies
held to, sociable prior - to Miss Irvine's
departure and prose ted her with a
handsome sterling oil r bracelet.. The
ladles of town intend to continue the
work and expect to 1 rgely increase the
membership before tb end of the year,
Campbell's headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
-.Iiead.tbe wive( ti g columns of the
--Bail's factory was o'osed this week for
a few days,
School Board etiug on Tuesday
weaning next,
"-Read r'Special ffers" in another
column of this issue.
--Secure the Tams till the end of the
years; only 25 cents.
--Mr D Stewart set ped a car of lambs
to Buffalo oa Tuesda
-Regular meeting f Court Maitland, C
Q fi', this (l:'riday) eve ing.
—The Hepworth J urnal, a 50 cents a
year paper, has ceas tq exist.
--C C Hanna had a foot sprained bad-
ly while wrestling. o bad.—Com.
--Tell your friends about our speoial.
offers. Particulars i anothereolumn..
--Messrs McGrego Bros shipped two
cars of cattle td Liver col on Monday.
IT -Private sale of ouseliold furnoture.
Seta advertisement in nether column.
rnstrations were in
on Monday iast.,
Review, Lucknow
Gazette are holiday.
-Labor Day de
Oiler at`sevei;al pian
-The'q IGincardin
Sentinel and Mildma
ing this week,
—Wingham fall fai
and 20011. The fai
ever this year.
—Farmers are now
fall plowing. The gro
condition to work.
Have you seen the New
Patterns in Dinnerware at N
l+on' hina House.
Mr B A Gratia
Davis' office have rece
of paint thts week,
—Mr Jae IdoKelvie
booth privilege at bol
Belgrave fall fairs.
Sabecrfbe for the T
on September 19th
will he better than
busy with their
nd is in excellatft
S poi Cad
Farquhar -
store and Mr Ii
ved a fresh coat
has secured the
Wingharn and
35 CENTS for the *1111E5 arid Weekly
Globs until J:. nary, 1900.
—Dr Roes b, "t ken en interest irk
the Jero a %enta Fraotice and the
public •. look f r aatisfaatiop in alt
manner of dental ork:
Departmental store catalogues are
again on the move. 'upport the merchants
of Wingham ; they an give you as good
value as any depar ental store.
Import Glass -5,1)00 feet double, single
and fancy glass. Jxo Oenee & Co.
—Thad W ti L: vitt, who will ber
remembered by m ay of our readers,,
has been appoint:; by the Conserve..
•tive party as one 'f its organizers,
—At the annus' meeting of the Can-
adise Furniture i anufaeturers, held in
Toronto this wee , Mr. 'Thos.. Bell, of
town was elected ice President of the
- A copy of the +auphin Press of Sept
1st is to hand. at t e Traces office. Protan
we learn that ibis: Gertrude Russell, who
recaptiy left here, ,as arrived safely at the
home of her raren :.
-,-Anything of upreme importaneein
connection with a ;reat.paper has en nn
doubted interest £ the .public, . One of
the great events ' :at is attracting wide.
spread attention i the great improvement
in The Family H raid and Weekly Star,
!Montreal. * Th paper has been enlarged
to 192 columns a eek. To think of such
a paper for the pr ce charged is enough to
take one's breath away. The Family
Herald and Weekl Star, with its circula-
tion of one 'hucdr d end nineteen thousand
a week, long ago ':rued out a place 'lfor
itself away up Bove anything in the
history of Canada: Now it has stepped up
to a higher and t' are commanding emi-
— anis and Montreal
Family Herald and' We kly Star. 35 cents
till the end of the year.
—The Manitoba whe t harvest is about
over, "Threshing is in order in all Barts
ot prairie province
turn Cochrane Jo
d�buyspurchasethe property
pied by them as nimbi works.
—Joseph Kidct, of Goderich, has been
appointed grand organ zer of the 0 M B A,
to succeed the late W Killaokey,
—Many of our at' ens are enjoying the
sights of the Toro to Fair this week.
London fair will be a attraction for next
We guarantee "Dempo" to cure tired,
sore or sweating feet or money refunded.
Campbell's drug store.
---Ae.cornodation 10 one or two gentle-
men boarders in a rivate dwelling can
be had by applying o box 188, Wing-
hani or at the Tom office.
afr X) hush Ila she misfortune to
spill a quantity of ca bolic acid on one of
hie Iegs bne dayth week. Mr Xtnsh
has a very sore g and cannot ove
about without Lite id crutohea.Pp
--The besi Curie
is adopted in eac
man acts as reeve
man and cala000se
hickory is more
ordinance le one that
family, where the old
council, I
n litw atbh.
keeper, and where good
o be respected than the
br. Macdonald is now perrnanentl r
at horde and can be consulted by
his P:..o
tr Its.
---•A, deepatelt fro Vancouver, 13 O.,
dated Angnst 24th, a a; Two weeks ago
Annie Nelson retired a rest with a bottle
of carbolic acid beeid her. The, morning
the door was forced Deo, and the police
found the remaino the 'tvoto*u in an
A full line of Spikes Always edvanee'd state a eeompositiote. tier
'rest name vont 'eve lost. She eluate from
,neer Exeter; On
iCl stoIC.
cavil - 120TE:3.
Rev 0 L Mills,, of Blyth, preached its
St Paul's church ere on Sunday last.
The Wingham istrict convention of
Epworth Leagues 111 be held in Tees
water ont
Oc ober th.
The regular Sept: tuber meeting of the.
Presbytery of Mait • nd is postponed tiff
September 27th at 0 a no, The meeting
will beheld in Win ham.
The pastors' and deacons' coeferenoe
of the Walkerton ssoctation or Baptist
churches will nose' with the church in
Kincardine, Septet, ber 25th and 26th..
Sacramental sere ces were held in the
Presbyterian oborcl on Sunday last, Rev.
W J West, of Blue ale, conducted the pre.
paratory services Friday evening of
last week. •
thanksgiving se fees Will be held in.
Bethel church, W iteohuroli circuit, on
Sunday, Septemb r 10th. Rev A E
Brown, B A, of Ke weed, will preach in
the morning and evening, and Bev R
1%bbs, of Wingha , in the afternoon.
An installation service in oonnectiot
with the settlemeu of the key J W Gann
as pastor of the •ongregational church
will be held on Mo day evening next, Sept
ilth, at .7.30, in e church. The Rett
Burford Mord 13oolte, , f London, Zng, will
e'htt in
r ac feo staff: ion sermon. rmon,
Betts A.17
McGregor, B A, o Toronto ; McKenzie, of
Stratford ; Matt elly, of Listowel, affil
John A Mair, of owiek, will take part in
the servtee. T e ministers of the town
are requested to e present to apea'k
word of recogniti viii
to defray expend= = will be taken up. Come.
Everyone weieo
Then something is wrong. To the
young it etWaye mealed trouble. It is rx
Warning to any one, unless they are already
too fat, Scott's Emulsion checks thug
waste and brings up your weight