HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-01, Page 8• WANT YOUR TRADE. H. N DO Q. jtre have gathered the best stoek brains energy and cash could her. People who do their shop. here say they buy to better ad - 'Vantage and get better goods than Ithey find elsewhere, and we know f yott try' it you, will say the same thing- These departments are es- asuially interesting. DRESS GOODS. New fall aoods. This is the best of our atoeks. The stook is over- flowing with. ehoice goods. Just the kind that are might for by those Who know what's the =rect. styles. SILICS Faubraces a colleetion of the best and newest styles direct from Lon- don and New York. Prices less. Caves yea would think, MANTLES -la,. 0 oat our first ship went of new naanties. First choice is always best, Iteady-made Clothing Stock complete in all the best and • newest makes. Prices right. BOOTS and SHOES You will and this stock „ate.PY -choice in reliable makes.. Carpets & Lace Curtains Always headquarters for choice Carpets and Curtains. spEcT LINES spendiee hia holidays with Wends in Qlifford. lar a Scott and Ur Boa, of Breicdfoot BOit, Of Seaferth, werain town Tuesday on. I*r Wm bn2111622. Robertson, secretary of the Northwesteen fair, wee in Blyth Monday on business. Mae Nate DIelKensio, of Detroit, is the the met of her sister, Mrs W 0 McIver, Patriot street. ?Ilse Edith Walker, of Welehane was visiting filende in tow during the past week.—Brussels Post, firs A McKenzie, of Wingliaro, who had been visiting friends returned Immo last week.—Teeswitter New. Mrs T M Walker left on Monday for Win gimes to visit her on, Mr 0 M Walker. —Ingersoll Daily Chronicle, Mr Elmer Moore was in Toronto last week attending the High Court of the Ancient Order -of Forresters. Mise Alba Chisholm, Miss D Sperling, Mies U Tucker and Miss SI Toque spent Wednesday with friends in Blyth. Alies Nellie Bond has returned to hr home at Wingham aftar spending some weeks in town. --Listowel Banner. Mr Luke King, travelling agent for tbe Catholic Record, London, is spending a week at his one in Lower Winghani. Mr obe Leslie, of 'Winnipeg, i service. It would be the reverse with J -8 '8 the municipality. A private company may occasionally work middling close to contract, but will never go beyond it, and will, never make any • 20' pieces o Dress .Goods, odd me/ -Plain an faney, reg. 40 and • . cent goods, choice for 25c. Choice of our Shirt Waists for 50e. [ Prints and Muslins at cost. Call and inspect our stock at f' f Meincloo's .tv.tt^ ss. Mr ,T E Davis in Toronto this week. Mrs A E.Smith ie visiting friends in mm.s,ks rtir ('bas ic °ore is visiting friends in Ingersoll. 's Mr Writ Moran, of Ohio, was a guest of dl trs Saer's. grs Mason, of London, is the guest of Geo Mason. i,ies Rossi of Port Perry, was visiting str Melndoo's. 4.r David Chamberlain spent Sunday at lnotae in Blyth. S Day was visiting at his home in soli this week. ss ie Hamilton vieited with friends elk -1 cir tvand Mrs E °tette spent Sunday &friends in Ripley. 'era Frank Shore is the guest of Mark. v friends this week. Ct Robb Maxwell is spending his holi- ys /C0,1kaska, D Graham, of Wingham, Sundayed in qlerioh,—Goderich Star. Mr Samuel MoKelvie, of Wroxeter,was in town yesterday on business. Mr Wellington Hay, of Listowel, was in town Illowilay on business. 1.11E WINGHAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 1. 1899. INTIOXPAL 1,1geTTIN.0 To the Iniltet ot Tug Tem Sir,—.The Globe of a recent date contained, a highly important and interesting article en municipal lighting of streets, and houses, which it would be to the interest of every ratepayer in Wingham to read and study carefully. I consider the article rather tong to be published in full in your paper, and feer, deed that your available space V111 not permit me to give even e suln. teary of it. Such franehises are most important, and there is a grow- ing feeling throughout Ontario that they should. always be controlled by municipalities, and never given to private individuals or companies. It is well known that sueh enterprises are money making, and if there is a profit to be derived, certainly the people should have it,oand not any private party or parties.* Private lighting companies get as much as they can, and give as little in return, Their object is always more to make big dividends than to give good. town this week purchasing furniture for bis large store in the western city, N r A 0 Strathdee, travelling passenger and freight agent for the Wisconsin Rail- road, was in town on Saturday lo.st. outlay for any new improvement Mrs Wm Dobson, of the 19th line of ,that may be discoveeed. As a gen- Mori ia, been spending a couple of feral thing it has been found that the weeks wiiii,bse,vvititer, Mrs S Youhill. .dealings between the munieipality Misf .4fsintren, of Stratford, who has 'and such private cooapany ale not bees it guest at Mr P Unbaren's for the pleasant or satisfactory. However, 1.,,,,e, month, returned.horne Wednesday. the private company may be bound. Mr Lo s d Sills has acceptea a situation Questions may arisewhich may Nyitti The Yokes Hardware Co, of Toron- cause friction and disagreements to, and leaves on Tuesday next for the leading perhaps to litigation. In the city. Majority of towns in Ontario what is Mr Chas 0 Stuart, who has been in called the "Moonlight Sehedale," Manitoba and the North West Territories prevails. and private companies often for the past two months has returned honie. fir Ken Messer, of Hamilton, take rather more than a fair advan- tage of it. The geographies say is spending his holidays at his home in that the moot never fails to rise, but Bluevale. He was shaking hands with even at the full it does not alwastr: Wingham friends on Wednesday. give light, for it is frequently o - Mr Jas Clark, of Chicago; formerly of soured by 'clouds, and then the Wingham is renewing old acquaintances streets are in darkness, By the in towes This is his first visit to Wing- municipal system lighte would be ham in 25 years. The changes in town given at all times necessary. Several are very noticeable tobim. towns control their oven lighting Mr Charley McKinnon, half-baek in our with signal success; but 1 shall only '97 and ,sejootball teens. passed through allude to one or two of them. Orillia town on Tuesday last while on his way to ties a. splendid system,. .It gets his home in Port Elgin, where he will re* power from an overhead wire, from main for a few weeks before resuming hie duties as English master in a protniuent a point on the Severn river eighteen down east high school. During the boli. days he bas been touring a -wheel through the ,New England stases and west as far as Chicago welting Buffalo, Albany, 'slew WALKER BROS. & DUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calla at Button Bloek, or Fifth (Igor south of School tIouse. Shop op-. pootte Macdonald Woe. FAR TO ENT. The north half •t con.2, Morris. Apply to E. W. B es, 24 liorcieo St., Toronto; or to Reid, Mogi-un, ARM. F it LE. iThendereigned off two tart lot 10, in sion o Tu Um)* and lot 11 in e Winton 95 oars builchuge ar fenced an• outs' o 1% mile from from neliate: For t tieL. r apply on tho premiss JAMES EL; • for stile hie e foerth coneen- • htsokictimiucegssli0onotacerrn,- All the oeuessary h farms both well uter. Stunted alnisd a0reitupilliers- or to miles &um the 'town. An idea of the benefit the people of Orillia will re. eeive from their new municipal sys. tem may be had from the following York, Brooklyn, Boston, Chicago and comparative statement ofi theold and propos3d new lighting rates Stores, old rates,. 60c• to 70e, new rates 20e to 30e per month. Detroit. While away be played centre - half with Fall Divers in a championship match. He is captain of the football, hockey and lacrosse teeing in the town in which he resides. He received an offer to play senior lacrosse with tile Cornwalls this year, but declined. ANN YOU LOSING, VLE3111 Theo something ifs wrong. To the young it always means trouble. It le a warning to any one, unless they are already too Inc. Scott's Emulsion checks this waste and brings up. yon e weight again. Women as Inventors. Some of the Most valuable as well as important inventions have been patented to women, among whish may be numbered the flist cook stove, a permutation lock having for the 16 e, p. lights for . stores, 3,000 different combinations, a ma °likes, livery, stables, factories and chine for making screws (invented by a little girl) which revolutionized tnat industry, and the valuable Bur- den process of making horse sl3oes, Which resulted in a saving °vat the. 'et a cent per burning hour is (v- oid process of Many millions Of del• litional. The house rate is for the Residences,SO 35 old rates; c to e, 5t Bic 'I', le. APPLES WANTED ,T WIflA1L Tyym Mahler Bros., propriotora of the Wing. hens Evaporator, will. begin operations here as soon as the crop is ready. They will pay the j4gbest inerket prices for all !diode of ples„ according to quality. Paoxers la and Winefalls included. Parti having apples of any kind, large r small quantities, to sell, will find zC.rendy market at the best prices go' why coming to our factory. MAFILER BROM, Propretors. tangling agreement with any indi. viduab or company to prevent us. from at once taking. any steps we may tiPeink necessary for our own advantage, and we should make no delay about it. The matter should be inaractliately taken ha hand, and pusbech to a, finish. I a.m quite cer- min the ratepayers will cheerfully vote the necessary funds, for the pur- pose.* The council should place the lightiug and pews': under a board of three or five commissioners. That is what Pieton has done, We have plenty et excellent nem to choose from for such purpose. I might mention a few names:* William Fes - sant, Dr. Towler, Thomas Bell, William, Button, James Cline, Robert MeIndoo, Thomas Gregory and George McKprzie. Those names have just occurred to me at the mo- ment. They are all good men and there are many -others equally gool. Any three or five of those I have namedeto be called the " Light and Power Commissioners oh the town of Wingham," would be g.enerally ac- cepted and every ratepayer in Wing ham have —full confidence that they would Dina their duties with econ- oray and honesty, ancligive general satisfaction and better Cervi?e for. 0 0 0 moomprosommoeprata....ROMPAP.V.... smarksavuuromr...moramasaa........o.phossusawascommeopaam. We will sell.:4„ Th r c ':t ent at greatly reduced prices in. order to unload a heavy stock ...... YOUNG & 'PAULIN HARDWARE MERCHANTS. The Western Fair, London. SEPTEMBER 7th to, 16th, 1899. Entries claws September MIL Space allotted on receipt et entry, Exhibits wilt be unsurpassed,:attractions better than ever. Hippodrome, Chariot Races, Champion Sword Contests, Imperial Japs, Famous Lad, Riders., Workitenowned Gym nests and Aerial Artists galore. Fireworks each eventngsoThe British- and Americans in Samoa," and all ring and platform attvactions. Special ezentesion trains will leave London each evening atter the fireworltes Grounds will be beautifully illuminated.. Send for Prize Lists and Programmes. Ample accommodation has been provided grounds. ILM-OOL. W. M. GARTSHORE.' President. new rates, 20e to 25e Rey mouth. about half vvhat we are now paying. Meter rate, old 7.81 cents per Beades there would beta, large over - hour,, new, a 5oents per hour. In respect to the rate for power purposes, this is the schuddle pro- posed: 1 and 2 horsepower, $30 per ;tritium ; 3 to 5 horsepovver, 627 ; to 13) horsepower, S2A ; 11 to 20 Credit to Wingham that at present it horsepower, 621; 21. to 30 horse- is lighted from an outside municipal - power, 618 ; over 30) horsepower, ity, ythich latter. municipality gets 81,54 with a ten per cent.. discount on all the taxes for its machinery and prompt payment. appanatlis, while Wingham gets not Platen is anotben town under one cent, X believe even the streets mapicipal control, andthe price there of Wingham are used for its wires withont pay. Thisis surely estate of things without preeedent In Ontario, and should not be- allowed to con- tinuo. The matter is important, Who will be the first to move for a change? ana. A RaTeeayert. plus fir the benefitof the town. Everyone will be willing that those commissionershould, be liberally paid for their Services?. With all its naturalt advantages it as certainly no warehouses will be thirty cents per „month per light for the Meat ten, and twenty-five cents for each above !Gnat number. A meter rate Of 3.5 k. Percy Town, of Seaforth, waslars per year. visitieg Ifirst five lights, tweilty-five cents The first patent to a wornan was "Winehran friends last week. 'each per month ; all over five twenty Mie e McDonald, of Teeswater, was visit. granted iu 1808, and since then the cents per month/. For churches and log friends in town last week. number has increased to many thou,. bails, the charge will be ten zents Mr and Mrs 0 Dallas spent Sunday in sands` perenonth'per light. For hotels the These facts -are interesting, not ratisLights on first floor, thirty Blyth the guests of Ur Emigh. only because indicating the rau pid cem cues pr onth l e :— , on second fioer, I Miss Norma Dinsley Spent a few days and almost marvellous growth of this week with Blyth friends. woman's intellect, but also from the Mr and. Mei J II Deemer are holidaying feet that the inventive genuis of in Toronto and other pointe east. woman invades fields, in which one a J• Elliott, V s, of Clifford, has just would warmly, credit her with any returned from a trip to Manitoba. 1 interest much less knowledge. We Walton McKibben leaves nett week fot. would not be surprised that a hat - Clinton to attend, the High ochool. pin, corset, glove -fastener, etee should. ' Sonritt, Angus left thio week for Ripl Y be invented, by WoMen, bat when we where he has secured a situation. Mr JeAt Titnteene, of Toronto, was call» Ing on Wingham friends last week. lltres flettioi Thomson, of podericho is o4 t o in thi mowing sop ti snot town e *reek. tir Ana Mr* J Sapp, of lestowel, were riel2Wing old acquidutances itt town this estrik. to Wilson end ton Chester, Of tektaeti, kr* spending a week with relative/I in twenty-five cents per month ; third floor, twenty cents per month. These, prides are * material reduction on the old ones, besides ensuring a bet- ter service.. Ileretofore, in Piston ail lights ceased at midnight, but under the new system the ineaticiescents Will run all night, and the moonlight schedule which, has operated on the learn that such inventions as tele- streets :win probably be dropped and scopes, malting marble from Pm' the lights kitty -every night ttekil. 2 stone and dams and reservoirs, are a. m, evolved, peopiebegin to be interested. There is no *Joi in Ontario so In Canada, also, women are be coming interested in inventions as is evidenced by the large number of women applicants seeking patents throngt Marion & Marion, of Men. favorably situated alt Wingbaixi•for doing its own lighting, and also for ftirnishing 'electrical power for ma- ehinery. It is a reproach ta tut that up to the present time we have taken no wpm to do air own lighting. We town. Stiff Joints 4 'tears. have the necessary power wholly *r end grit sowillvoweu. of Detroit, Mr. Arthur 13yriin, nntsk iltlio Ont., lltider our own control, and wholly - loco¶l preens father ;is onuses. Write° out fiiiouryea11" leWith...a Wm" Within the corporation. We We for abre and Cotttie , i )3 herr). 4 lief until 1 need those igg of 110 Oar P ftat •Nvt Or, r41-.41. ut tt.e nat attn,h Migrant* Yellow Oil which 'OM her. IiOration, end fortunately no en. That Throatblnag Ileadaeh Would qpicklyeeeve you if you used Ore King's New Life Pills, Thousands, of, sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick. and Nervous Headatebes. They make Pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to -take. Try tbere, Only 25 emits. none); back if not cure& Sold -by Colin A. Camp- bell, druggiet. to convey' visitors to and from the J. A.. NELLES, &orders. PAYS TO CO T� HE CHA.THAlfg. ONT. Canada's. geeatest Sehoolof Shorthand and Busiliess Training RE -OPENS FOR THE FALL TEitivt TUESDAY, STMT. 5th. 23e1Ole 01311.relF1LS SECURED 0001D, POSITIONS in the• seventeen months ending Xmas let, 1899, What'do you think of such a record ? attr are nowin strongrdemand with many of the. leading business houses. Wben we tell yott,thatt this.ratge number secured positions, we are also preparedi to furnish. the list sbowingwitiere they were placed and.with.whons, if interested, writelor it. THE REST SCHOOL IS TAM CHEAPEST IN THE END. ' We -pay the -railway face of students coming from a distance, provided it Mee not exceed+ $8.004 which is the limit of our allowance in this connection. Can semsre good .board for gentlemen at 5100 to $2.50 per week and for ladies at 0R400. Dewing the year which closed J une 80t31s we had pupils in attendance from NewfOuncllandv on the Atlentie, to Seattleom the Pacific ; from Manieoba on the North,to Brooklyn, N, Y., on' the South. There were 133 Cities, Teams and ViI- lageedn, Canada, and five SkiW of the Union, represented with us. Tncenty-three Counties and likstrists mato Cbatham.sent ile 19$ -pupds, Chatham and Kent County alone sent us o er 14 _filings. while Manitoba and the Noah -west' Terris tories- sent, us. six, F WE,GET WE ROLA. Write for harndso gut) of either departwent Mantler. winch catalogue you wank IhteiruA.VCIAlLIN & CO., Chatham, Ont. Sight is Priceless Get your sight tested. It costs not' WE FIT SPECTACLES Scientifically,. Correctly Reasonably. Try us. Tprir Immo NEUL1 !kJ Aim OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. William Cramer became infatuat- ed with Miss Cooper, of Galt, and her parents did not regard his suit favorably. On Thursday the girl's mother flogged Cratner unmercifully While his grins were held by the girl's uncle. The lovers then en- deavored to elope, but the attempt 'was unsuccessful. Cables cotton loot Compound, is onaceisfuer notil %tenthly bt over roll. liken° otter, es xturr,Tentand 11714dalfittlitti'n*L111.1""A`k inAtetione ere dengerons. POW. 1. girt beg .7gro. g ler 2. mailed en tdoelp2 or prioen , The inselr vertigo:07'W .111d. 2 coal siiiiregeguit reeponsoatAzoruggistil 30 Ne. t isle rtt Drugg!st • • • , e• , ``. v. ss /1114 4 tti '•E10.-L---e-svese- SMITH PETHICK FOR CHOICE IMOTHY OUR .•SEEDS ARE PURE. • Our stook,of Cferieral hardware, Paints, Is complete .and, priees right. • , • , , . S ITH &PgTHICK