HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-01, Page 7TU WIN6HAM TIM SI SEPTEMBER 1, 1899.
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COPYRItg, 41
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811BYIAMENCAN ,r51441011
oleo, VMDA my niainene mem. %lee
tPoughtful itostess end provided me
with that which I should litit Imre dis-
vetoed with just then fa' ten tin iee its
TA lig new And ',Level situation I for-
got for the time tbe vigibmtee. at no
great dietauee whe were at
Wo. e
Tite following b r w
making myna as pr
ble. I need hardly re
looted nothing. Bras
door and took posse ou
which Io semi broug eback with a pot- •
ib liae that °Vet mirror, and I sheeted
be ushainit to tell ,how long I printped
in front of the rroe, Oefore ve taring
• Zgrf6igrik. iHard-working
What a Wretch.
Ile Caine 'totem with a serious face,
n/Y it3ite who was all .10alre and 01141001
devoted te 13eWl in ur. instant dat Boniething
able as paggi.• Wfla the Matter. Ile turned his face
attempted to plant
rit 'Out I neg. away when she
()eked at the the warn kiss of greeting ou his lips.
my shoes,. Iler soul sank within her. It was
the first time he had repulsed her.
"George," she efeiel eagerly, "tell
me what It is, Has your love grown
cold ? Treat me frankly ; it is better
o,know the trath than to be kept in
living at 138 Elizabeth St, Barrie, Ont.,
Ile kept his head averted a Minu.te, said
hie lips trena bled, then he said: " I *have been a sufferer with. kidney trouble
and pain in the man of my bac, and in both
"Oh, heavens, FlOrence ! how can
\ on, wear that mask of deceit when WreAr. twIcamaduacazgAealggn'tsn
.1Sinee tahin Doan's Riclney Pins, I have
"But you can't do it unities you, pre- "Re habil got the ammunition,— ex- front my room audeelesceed ng the
elnce him before ine, and you can't do • Valued Archie Hunter, who geimly rub- entire.. The einem girl wile tlaci admitted
that," bed it into himself by explaiping that nie smilingly showed mole the Varlet
It was now a question Of life and the fugitive had stolen big pistol, but with the words:
deatb, and the quaking Afrioan told the • -had no cartridges with Lim, "Miss Esther will he wid ye' in a
;secret which until tlion bail been loceed ''He has used mast of the ehergcs
ing the grim ex -guerrilla, kept his gift- ' any means of del:ending hirnolf." apartments 'which will contain 100
few minutes." ,-
• 1 was iu one of those broad, rooMy
in.hie breast. All the time he WAS talk- and 3331114 14 or eoou will be withoet
tering eyes upon the dusky °pulite-
"He'll get what he wants %rem tleto low,
people with comfort, The ceiling watt
nance, as if he would, pierce him through. , Jed there was an alcove at one side
. N at until the brief etory was told' did derides scattered through the swamp. ' partitione'd with heavy curtains.., The
carpet, pieturee, furniture, piano at one
side and the. brie -a -brae told of tha
-wealth of the owner and the taste of the
ono who presided over the household in
place of the mother that had been dead
for years,
I did not hear the fairylike step until
the young lady, smilieg, but slightl•y
flushed, appeared before nee. she walk-
ed straight forward, with her 'dainte,
band esteeded.
"1 ani glad to weleome you, Mr.
leen:Imre, to our.home and regret more
than 1 tau tell yon that it should be
reticle mien such distressing oiromn-
" You Ilair0 done much to eob it ef He
lower bis gun, The action shoWed "But they don't use revolyers.
km with what he nee E.
"And then he'll go to killing doge
ag'in," was the disgusted comment of
Gabe Horner. "It's waste of raw ma-
terial, gentleraen."
"What do you propose?"
The 'knot of six men Was added to
until all of the original party were pres-
ent with the exceptions a the real Hank
Beyer, myself, Landlord Bulfincb and
Squire Gager. The last to. arrive was
the negro, Pete. He had gone up the,
creek, as directed by Cy Walters, but
went only a little way when he became
• satisfied it was the wrong direction. He
then turuod about and took the saute
course as the veteran; not only that, but
he went farther and discovered the dug-
out, which was caught fast by an over-
hanging limb, uot far frbm where haft
turned it adrift. He spent some time in
looking for me, but, meeting with no
success, made his way to the spot in the
swawp where the othere. were assem-
bled, bei,ng directed thither by the sig-
nals seut out for that purpose.
Pete told nothing of his discovery
and remained a silent participant iu
the proceedings. The same was true
for a time of Cy Walters, who, how-
ever, listened oloeely to every word
that was said. He desired to interpose,
but appreciated the disadvantage in
which he was placed. He and his step-
hetbat Pete bad saved his life. "They'll find some way of furnishing
"We must Awl him," was the cone
ment of Cy. "Let' go."
With no definite idea of whither they
should direct their steps, they followed
• the path to the creek, the intention of
Cy Walters being to meet bis two ,
friends and make known the astounding
story he bad jest heard. Arrived there,
• 1 the missing dugout revealed ray method
'of flight.
• \
"This knocks out all the bloodhounds
in the country," remarked the veteran.
"None of them Cali trail him through
the water, mid bas he gone' up or down
There was no way of deciding.
"You may go up the creek, and 1 11
• follow it down He oan't be fin off."
Oh the point of separating, Pete said:
• "Marse Cy, what I jes' tole yo' eim
il sem*, yo' know."
"Of Wino, if you wish it to be'so."
," 'Deed I do. It'll sabe nie lots of
trouble." •
"All right ; ae with you." And they
parted company.
The foregoing shows the injustice
'done to Fete by my suspicious. He had
• never had any intention of betraying
• me, ande played the part of a friend
from the first; but his welfare had be-
come involved with my own in an ex-
traordinary manner, and his lips were
• held unite when be Would have loved
to speak. It required tne ettremity of Jaen were under suspicion because of tee
• , mortal peril to unseal them. escape of their prisoner, and to spring
f I conceded too much to his sa 'the assertion uponbis neighbors t at a
gacity • t.
whenI credited him with discovering mistake had been made by all and that
I was not what 'I seemed would not re-
in the faint star gleam that which es- 1
oeive a shigle believer.
caped (ethers equally clear sighted un- t
Jim Dungan was the most violent in
,.., dwearstragultaarletohfa that
the b leaf, fproamt themy ilniind.inigt i
:• his speech and more than once broadly
place wider the bank in the dugout, 1 i /tinted at treachery on the part of the
jailers; despite the fact that he ran risk
saw Cy Walters steathily searching for •
me, I should neglect no precaution to of being shot in his tracks by the fierce
elude his gaze. tempered veteran, who was never
Meauthne, with the advance of morn- . known to annePt an 'psi* from any one.
ing, the vigilantes began gathering at Dungan's proposal was to gather more
the iian an Aedine, clamorous to ccim- doge and push tho hunt relentlessly mi -
1 pieta the entertainment of which they til I was run down or treed. He freely
expressed his regret for his leniency of
on tbe preceding evehg.
Learning oe the startling proceedings
in the early hours ---though, be it re-
membered, the agency of Miss Maiisley
in the business was never suspected—
they set out for Black Man's swamp, no-
• oompanied by the most ferocious blood-
hound for miles around.
Audesomething also happened to that
brute which eliminated him as a factor
in the solution of the problem.
It was not long after this that what
may be called an adjourned meeting of
the man hunters took place in the depths
of . the swamp, near the creek which
had played an important part in the cu-
• rious ineidents. Cy Walters was pres-
ent, as vitro Gabe Horner and the owner
of theeecond honed that bad. departed
this life. To express it mildly, a vein of
dissatisfaction ran through the proceed-
• ings.
, The proposition was made for several
members of the party to go back and
procure more dogs.
"len opposed to that," called out
.Gabe, who was infuriated by the loss of
the preceding evening mid was eager to
make amends by the most vigorous pro-
ceedings possible:
Cy Walters remained glum and silent
until this course was cleolded upon.
Then be saw that it would not do to
bold his peace any longer. That -hs pos-
sessea high courage was again proved.
by bis notion. Advancing to the middle
of the group, he raised one band with 'a
commanding gesture.
"Geutlemen, I've listened to every
word that has been said hare. 'Jira Dun-
gan throwecl out a slur or two that it
won't do fur him to repeat. I let 'em
go 'cause I see he was excited and
didn't weigh hie words, but he mustn't
speak 'em ag'in! If be had only said
that Archie and me was the two all
firedest fools in Mississippi, I'd have
took off my hat and said 'Amen,' bet
that% all. Gentlemen, since sun up I've
larued a thing, which you oughtar know.
It's this—the chap that you're hunting
furain't Hulk .Beyer!"
It proved as Oy feared. His assertion
was reeeived with scornand anger. Not
, even his own ,stepson would accept it.
His words seemed to have added fuel to
the, fire and intensified the &termite -
tion of the others to .piishthe hunt eoi
me with more merciless rigor than ever,
Oy Waltees, however, was not the man
to yield a position when once taken,
and it was bectieee of his stand and the
words he mid laid the declaration he
made that whee I looked bade at Black
alau's swamp it gave no sign.
Breaths Brown, my colored eompan-
ion, parted company with nie after we
had fairly entered upon the granites of
•Ceionel letansley"s residence, and I stop-
ped upouthe Porch aline. /lied scant-
ly sounded the heavy polished knocker
when the door WAS opened by a tidy
looking colored girl, whose manner
showed that I was expected.
"I'll show yo' de Way," she said,
preceding hie up the broad winding
stairs to a large room on the left Whose
door was 'open. When I bad passed
throogh, and closed it behind me and
looked arbund, was us much intpriseil
as delighted. It was not because it Willi
furnished in that taitteful, etelefortable
,Inatarier for which the old southern
homes are noted but that' I saw nryown
Longbow's of harcl, never1
ending work makes Kidney
Trouble a common emu -
plaint on the farm. Pain-
ful, weak or lame backs
and Urinary Dieorders are
help a farmer to work and keep his health
—take the ache and pain out of his back
and give him strength and vigor.
Mr, Isaiah Willmdt, a retired fanner
,T know all ?" feet 'area 'and worn out most of thtrtigie.
VIII what?
."Spare me 'the sad. recital," he
Continued ; "there are some things
better left unsaid."
eI will not spare you ; I insist fle.
knowing what you mean, Some
perjured villain has abused your
"Alas. nu!" he said. "I was an
eye witnees of it all. I was there
and saw it."
"Saw what ?" she dried. "What
have you seen ? Are you mad ?"
"Calm yourself, madam. I saw
you—you, my Wife—when you did
not think toy eye was on you. You
were down town mingling with the
,gleldy •throng. He was hurrying
unpleasant featuree," I replied as I. Q n , you beekoned to him, you made
rose to my feet, "and I am unable to telegraphie signs until you attracted
say bow much I thank you," his attention."
her mat and without the least trace of 1 p
"You. see I know all," he continu
9nabarressixtent, thoegh the color of her •
wonderfully attractive features was Cdi did this in a public street,
heightened, "our resemblance to the with the eyes of the passe rs by upon
guilty person is extraordinary, but door yott. At 'first. he would have ,gone
tint justify any ono in holding yon re- 1on and disregarded you, but you
were importunate. You caught his
"It IS Sileehingi " She Baia' resuming "Morella' powers !" shegasped.
sponsible for his crimes. 1 wish yon
would tell mo about it." •
Thus invited, .1 went over the history
from the time of jay arrival in Mies's-
eippi until the present bour, she listen -
Peg with a close attention that was em-
barrassing at times', theugh flattering in
a higb degree. When I gave the partic-
ulars of my purchase of her own horse
from the stranger, she compressed her
thin lips and a peculiar light shone in.
III hock or sides. 'lite
had no pain eit er
have removed theneltraTgla pain from inybeaci,
also the tired feeling':
"I feel at least ten veers younger and can
only say that Dogn's ItitineyTills are the most
remarkable kidney cure, and in addition are
the best tenio 1 ever took."
7Littlas-Liver euro Conntipatiorto
eye ; you bedkoned and smiled; ou
went ClOWIL the street together." .
'Tts false, aS false can be."
"Mutate, it is too true, I tell
you I saw it."
Then she sank upon the sofa.
The diamond tears ,began to come
through her fingers. Helplessness,
indignation and shame were sti ute-
her lustrous eyes, bet she did •
not letter . glmg together in her soul. Sudden
word. '
"We were both etraok by our mutual ly she looked up.
resemblance," I added, "tbortgh neither "Perhaps, sir, you will tell rt.e
made any reference to it. It was strik- weo he was." .
ing, even atter he had removed his inner "Cei Wilily," replied the wretch.
lied& preteeree'
.Is own tinireal. "Bank has already
killed two of the hest hounds in the
country, and he'll shoot every one wo
;end after him. Wo don't need 'em."
"Itovi shall we ,work 1t then" de-
roanded the owner of the last deftmot.
"'rho swamp is so big that he can hide
P for 4111011th."
"Ile was the conductor on a street-
71V°' Aff4r• 'Wood's Phospbodine,
The areal English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Six
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of SexuaA Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package Si, six, ss. °nets/it *ass,
six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Sold in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell
stt,: - EXTr'EUZ:1---INCE
She italhect straight fortearci with, her
datnty hand .emtended. -4 TRADE MARKS
tache, and 1 identified him aniong the -e DESIGNS •
crowd last evening that swarmed into &O.
Anyone sending a Sketch and description mig
the dining room of the inn." . quickly asaertaln 011r opinion free whether
"And yet you say no one else suspect- tttiljggw,peTrAbeiTottex,itativg.0.00,gyeainet
cid it.'' • sent free. Oldest agerrifol'iliecliii.rigttencu.=fre
"So far as was able to judge, no one $refett ILO e.
Pat tenet taken _t g
is without cargo, tho
did. When I accused !aim, be met the sceintifi
. .
accusation jauntily and was cunning , c roman.
enough to speak in a disguised voice. Ailianittigoaellglzrztig Viel;rat
Be had also changed bis dress and thus ear: four months, a by newBdealers.
diverted :suspicion frozu himself."
WON & CO "inmdwaY, New York
"It was most extraordinary, and .yet Breed, cage. tkp V st., Washington. n. 0.
perhaps it was not, when yoer senneezonsasseeineesoiti
fill resemblance to each other is mite&
Yew. appeal to them for time ought to
have beat heeded."
"Nothing is ee unreasoning AS a ./
mob." '
"Nor so cruel. Yvon now you are in
clanger. They expect you to come Marc,
and will follow you.. I hope tither will
soon retura.;'
For the first time see showed nervous-
ness, and, rising feoin her chair, walked
to the window and looked clown the
highway. Nothing was observed, and
• she returned to her gem.
11s heard of it lase evening, and
aortic' scarcely believe it. There b as Deli-
er bead a lynching in this part of the
state, and it would have been horrible
had an innocent man been the vietim.
Colonel Mansley's first belief was that it
WAS Mr. Beyer who had taken his horse
and been caught at it, and Nawar augry
enough to express the wish to take part
in his trunishroeut. Ile, however,
changed his mind."
1 Was hOpefal that there would be
some ettplanathen 4:4 her isit to the inn.
My curiosity was to know whether that
remarkable call was made muter the he -
lief that the veal Hank i3eyer Was in
peril or whether from 'the tint it had
traveling bag resting oa the ewe at one boa but to "" a gautila„.„
Carefully washed, properly ironetil
correctly finished and fairly priced
that's the history of our linen when
brought here. Not a. thing in Qat'
washing, preparations to injure the
I fibre of the goods and not a thing
Unhealthy about Bur worooms.
Leave Orden atCerra:Feed Store,
When you want of
whether it be
Large Posters
Horse Route Cards
Letter Heads
Bill Heads
Wedding Invitations and
Visiting Cards
Business Cards
Note Books
Receipt Books
Or any otherkind of Printing, you can
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Don't Hend a Dollar
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You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
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Young, Middle Aged & Old'Men
Ir you. are suffering front any cometieee
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Nidticys, Blood or Verves. ctinsuit ut,
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I 'om
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' lefifCl$401‘24010806114841411411•41H1der.
If you don't find this sort of
Ripans Tabules
At the Druggists
8end Five Cods te Amen Cnaurcia, Cotakr044:11411
Spruce St., New York, a* they will 'be sent to you by *ifts tiN
12 cartons Will be mailed for et cents. Tee, chances lire tea lb
me that Ripens Tabula& are the very medi Alas you aeoj.