HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-01, Page 5K e
Having purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will And
us in the CORNER STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealing and hon-
est values a are of the patronage. The prestnt stock will be offered at
Elousefurnishings, Cutlery, Graniteware; Stoves, Tinware 'and Coal 011
always in stock. Special attention will be given to eiltr
Having had large expertence in cities, we excel in
Furnace Work, Hot Water and. Steam Heating,
Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel
'Siding, Roofing and Metal Ceilings.
Call on us. We shall he pleased to make your acquaintance feeling
Sure we shall gain you confidence.
ear 40140 dr, C:10 Nir
Having moved ,to town to the resi-
donee lately occupied by. Geo P.Wells,
corner Centre and A.lfred ntreets, near
the GTE, I nm prepared to pay the
highest cash:prices for all kinds of Rags,
D IAM 0 ND Rubbers,
&Inn d Hriref:1 ef all kftfd°2,
delivered at my residence, or if word be
left, 1 will call for same.
Opposite Rost Office, Says:
* Fresh Beef and. Pork,
Lamb Bologna
Pickled. Pork Headcheese
Breakfast Bacon Sausage .
Smoked. Ham •Pressed Beef
Side Pork Tripe
Corn Beef ' Pressed Tongue
Spiee Roll, Lard, Fowl, 41c,
always on hand.• -
Our prices arts right. Orders
called for and meat delivered to any
part of the town,
Your 'patronage solicited.
Farmers, it by pay 53 and 0 per cent,
interest on your loans wnen money may
be bad at 5 per ent. Payments made
to suit borrower. Cages low.
Agency Ontario Mut mil Life Aesur-
Rune Company.
At office Friday. after000n and all day
Saturday. •
Macdonald Block, Winghana,
is pure and cold and
. Costs .
lximmE CENTS 4 QVAR'r.
As some are TO --lay. I
Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes; make
you nervous, irritable; spoil your temper; lose
,your concentration.
Volt can't expect to go the er-ten tenor of your ,
way in a shoe that cripples.
"Slater Shoes" are made to fit feet—to cover
every tender joint comfortably—ruake you forget
you have a painy foot.
• They fit the first tittle they're worn, and ever
after, bceause the stretch and shrink has been for
ever taker& out of them while six days on the lasts.
Twelve shapes, all sizes, six widths, all colors,
styles and leathers,
mune and priee, $3.5o and $S.00.
Goodyear welted, strunpecl on the soles with I
.....jawom444.4.0104106.644441111.10001.11444411.1111:011a210444010004.111.444 IMMO ,e114.64111.111
For Sale Only by MOUTH & SON,
A Narrow .Eilestpe. Scott—A.TeKagae That the clerk
Thankful wordwritten by Mrs. Ada notify the collector to have his bond
E. Hart, of Groton, IS. D. "Wee tattoo duly etgned and eamipleted and in
with it bed eokl which settled on illy the hands of the eek by the next
lungs; oeugh eat in nod filially terun-
noted ha Coneuruptiou. Four Doetors eitting of counell.—Carried,
gave me up, Saying 1 mould live hut a MeKagt1O—Soott-- That By-law
short Liam 1 giro loYeole up to my No. 15 be now read a first and isee.
Saviour, determined if 1 could not stay 4 • carried,
with nay friends on earth, 1 would meet
my absent ones above. .My husband Scott—Meyer — That the clerk
was advised Lo get D. King's New 1)s- send he KlniO4s 00011011 A eopy (.4
eovery for Cousumption. Coughs and ,By.law No, 18 and request them t�
4solde 1 gae it t& z1aj,too,c o (` pass a a -Willer one—Carried.
eight bottles. It has cured one, and ,,, ,, ,)
thank Goa I am saved and now A 18441) ilnatice aePort—Laugbian I rill'
an healthy woman." Sold by Colin A, glo, 100 ytle. gravel at 60, $6.00;
Ceumbell, eruggist, at 50 tee, and 8100, i Wm, Mundell, inspecting job on
Guaranteed or price refunded,
, bounden, of Ternberr,y, $1,00; Wm.
121LIIEVALE. Health, repairing bridge on gravel
i oad, 0.f0;8Ww. Roane, 65 yds.
Mrs. •It. N.. Duff is visiting in gravel at 6e, $3.00; 'Yes. Whiteman,
WaWall0S11. • . 6'2 garde g -rave a e $3 72 Mrs
Al rs, Alex. McGee and two childt•en, Ting, 5 vds I Quiross share,
of Vaiparloso, Indiana, are visiting at 6e, l'ae; va II. Fields, 6 Ibs. 8
her sister in-law, Mrs. John Gardiner. inch spik8e; Municipal Woridt
Mise Mabel Melljwain, f Wing.' e• • .1c) roll and set of fors
am, spent a few days with the • etor's jurors, $1,95 ; Peter
cousin, Miss Annie Holmes wbek.;Kioetsch, 30 yds. oravel at 6e, $1.10;
Miss Burgess, of Broekvillo, is the Wm. Henderson, 89 yds. gravel at
guest of Mrs. Collie, . 6 et,, $5,34; Moore & McKay,
Airs. Malcolm and two boys, of ' building bridge on con 6 and 7, lot
Kincardine, are visiting at Mr. John 9,$283 '. O'berle, blasting powder
Robertion's.• • and spikes for Foreclose sidewalk,
• Miss beryl West, of Brussels, and 80.08; Welier & Son, material to
Master Albert West, of Chatham, build sidetValk in Formosa.. Cuirass
were visiting ord. friends in Bluevale 'share, 855.20; Mr. Pahrer, building
during the past week.4 :stone culvert and digging •diteh
*Miss Olive Scott spent a couple of on boundary Culross share as
days in Brussels last week.e4•part payment, 880; Air. Fabrer,
Mr, Ken Messer, of Hamilton, is balanee on contraet, $10 ; Patrick
home for a short holiday, ' 'Lynett, 119 yds. gravel at 22, eta.,
Master Melville Oliver, of Loreles• Culross and Turnberry, Tarnberry
boro, spent Sunday at Mr, John +4) return $1.59 of this account,
Burgess.- 820.18; Jno. Roachroad, cutting
Miss Rose Stewart, of Wroxeter, is. grain and. Moving fence, 85 ; Thos.
visiting Mrs. Annie Altebeson.. O'Malley, building railing and re -
Rev. W. J. West, M. A., preached pairing embankment opposite lot 8,
in the Presbyterian ebureb, Wing- eon 2 and 8, $56 ; Robe Youill,
ham, on Sunday everting. . building bridge on con 4 and 5,
-tt• We are pleased to state that Mrs. opposite lot 12, $125.
(Dr.) Toole is recovering from her • McKague -- Meyer — That the
serious illness, ' finance report, asjast read, be adopt -
Miss -Rogers, o Toronto, is a guest • ed and 'cheques issued in payment,—
at the parsonage. •:Carried.
• Jarvis—Meyer—That this Couneil
For Over Years. do now adjourn to meet again in
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy-11/re town hall Sept. 18th, at 9,30 a. m.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been'
Bn'rroN, Cleric.
used for over :ifty years by millions of
niothers for their children while teeth. The death of Mrs, Hannah Hodg-
ing, with perfect suceese. It soothes the son at the residence of her son John,
child, softens the gums, allays all pain, on the 14th con.. last Friday, in her
cures wind colicand is the best remedy 87th year removed one of the earl
for diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. , Y
Sold by druggists in ,every part a the settlers of the township. She and
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its her hasband, Ralph Hodgson, with
value is incainable. Be sure you ask for their family, rnoved 013 to the farm
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and where she died some forty-three
years ago. Almost exactly ten
years ago her husband, died. She
had been ailing for some years, bat
it was • not until February last that
shewas not able 'to take her meals
with the rest of the family. The
remains were interred in Smith's
cemetery on Sunday •afternoon.
Since writing the above the' follow.
ing particulars have been handed to
Us. Mrs. Hodgson's, maiden name
was Taylor . and she was born in
Saelnville, N. B. She was married
at River Philip, Cumberland Co., N.
S,, in Feb. 1834 and removed to
Ontario in 1856.
take no other kind.
• puLRoss.
Council met • in town hall, Taea.
water, Aug. 21, as per motion of a,d-
•journitent. Members all present,
the Reeve in the chair. The minu-
tes of last meeting were read, and
sustained'. .
elaeliay—Scott —That as the cul-
vert opposite lot 30, con. 3, requires
to be rebuilt, tbet Wm. Jervis have
the same done and also have the
culvert opposite lot 26, eon. 2, clean-
ed out.—Carried: •
Report re bride on gravel road
I engaged Wni.. Beath to repair
the bridge on -gravel road betWeen
lots 15 and 16, -con. 12, for the sum "Circumstances Alter Cases."
In cases at cl, spepsia, nervousness,
of $3.00. The old covering sold for catarrh, rhemtriatisin, er uptionb, etc., the
$1,40, leaving to his credit $6.50, airatimbtant!ea tnay be altered by purify -
G. Scott, mg and enriching the blood with Hood's
Jarvis—Scott—That By-law No, SdreoParilla. Good ePleatue end good
igeatinn, strong nerves and perfect
14 , being 'at.,:by.law to enable the u
henna take the place of these diseases.
reeve and tlae treasurer to borrow ilLOOCI'S Sarsaparilla is America's Great -
Money for current ext eases be now eat MA-niaine and the best that money
can buy.
read a first, second and third time,
passed, signed and sealed.—Carried,
. HOOD'S PILLS cure biliousness,
Jarvis—McKague--That By-law •sick headache.
No, 13 being- a bplaav for thepata
pose of opening the boundaryibe.
tween 'finless and Culross, ton."6,
be now read a firet, second and third
time, passed, signed and seated,—
Lost flesh lately?
Does your brain tire?
Losing control over your.
Are your muscles becom-
ing exhausted? °
You certainlyknow the
remedy. It is nothing new;
Lust the same 'remedy that
has been curing these cases
of thinness and paleness for
twenty-five years. Scott's
Emulsion. The cod-liver
oil in it. is the food that
makes the flesh, and the hy.
pophosphites give tone to
the nerves.
$1.50, titirunittN.
SCOTT & DOWNS, thotoists.Vote11t0.
• Irispector J. E, 'rota will Pay an
offidial visit to scbot.l section No. 9
on Wednesday afternoon next.) 'The
trustees and ratepayers are invited
to be present. The inspection will
be over at 8.30 o'elock after whieh
short addresses will be delivered by
the visitors on various matters aris.
hie out of the inspection of the work
of the school,
Messre. Gibson Bros., have been
Making some 'repairs to their cider
1V1r. Thos. Hemphill 'was.in Grand
Valley last week on basiness,
Misses Elda and Letta Hazelwood
Were visit ing friends in 'Mount Forest
•lag week.
Mies A. Sande has gone to St.
Catherines to attend the Ladies'
Dr. W. AI. II. Sainte 15 away on
an extended trip. Ile Will visit
Morainal), New York and other
pines, • •
Mr. Thos. Hemphill has improved
the appearance of Ina residence by a
coat cf. paint.
Mr, Jas. Stewart, of Tomtit ,
the guest of Postmaster Perkin 1
week. 4,,
Miss Edith Perkins has •returned
home from en extended visit with
friends in Owen Sound.
The married men defeated the
Wroxeter nOld Chive" in it game of
butt) ball recently by sevel runs.
Mr, Jas. Walker, of Dungannon,
WWI the guest of his
Mr. David Bradnealt has improved
the appearance •of his residence by
erecting a verandah in front of it
Dr. J, AlcAliehael, of Detroit,
son of the lets Dr. IlleAlichaef, of
this village, accompanied by Mrs.
MeMiehael were renewing acqnaint.
ances in andaround Gorrie last week,
Spain's Oreatest Need.
Mna Cei.via, of Barcelona, Spain,
r at ;kilo,
Weak nerves had caused severe Pains in
the back of his head. On using Electric
Bitters, America's greatest 11lo.K1 and
illeervsecyfTtnggY4 fntioPiej.4Aabtlite
country needs. All America knows that
it cures liver and kidney trouble,
fies the blood, tones up the stomach,
strengthena the nervee, puts vim, vigor
and new life into every musole, nerve
and organ of the body, If weak, tired
or ailing YOU need it. Every bottle
guaranteed ; only 50 cent% Sold by
Colin A. Campbell, druggist. •
100 OA
Ti. Diamond
Ruby and Blue
Benders' Hard ware,
Portland Cement,
• tt. zol.temt.t
Rev, N. ,J. Oaten y.reaehed two
instructive sermons in the Methodist
ehureh, Teeswater, an Sunday. The
topic of the morning discourse was
God's Infallible Guidance, and of the
• evening sermon, What is Eternal
Percy Watson, son of Wm. Wat
son, met with an accident on Satur, The garden party held underthe
day of last week, wbich came pretty auspices of Trinity church at the
nearly Costing hitn his life. He was residence of Robert McMurray, lot
engaged drawing in oats and was onitt, eon 4, Morris, last Thursday
the waggon building the load. Some; evening, was a deeded eaccess.im.
sheaves on the front of the waggon ith'On'ali. the weather had been th *eat -
slipped forward on the backs of the ening and ,.:eery busy time with
• horses and benvvent with them. Thet the farmers therce was 41, goodly
horses ran away and the waggon : crowd present—people eoming from
passed over the young man's chest.iSenforth, Brussels, Wine:ham, Blyth
So far as we could learn no bones I and other parts of theeekntry. The
were broken and he will soon be amount realized was coajlerably
able to be around again. Tile I ever 850. Rev, C. L, Mills alared as
borses did not stop until they reaeh.ehairrnan and a good prograintilOW...
ed the house, but fortunately they i musie was rendered, St. Pani's
did no farther damage, 1 church choir, of Wiogliam, eon -
The new organ in the R. C. church
tributed several numbers to the pro -
was opened on Sunday evening last !gramme,
with =sleet vespers. Rev. Dr. i
Treacy, of St, Mielaftel's cathedral,. • HOLYRGOD.
Toronto, preached the sermon. E. i On Sunday last a large coneourae
cellent music was farnisCed by the ' of people -were in Hot vrood witness.
ehoir.. ling the impressive cermony t f the
.A. JP/rightful Blunder layine of the earlier i•tone ef the flew
!Roman Catholic etieeete (ea,; peg -
Will often cause a horrible Burn, scald,. Salve, i Pie "Me in numbers from Lueknow,
Cut or Bruise, Buoklen's Arpin
• the best in the world,. will kill the pain , 'Ji
esw,,a ter Ffndiurroritiding-distriets.
reacv, of Toronto,
and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, i '/' e Rev. Dr' T
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Pelona, Corns, performed tt.c ceremony and at ter -
all Skin Eruptions. Beat Pile cure on wards addressed the people on the.
earth. Only 25 ots. a box. Cure gua-
ranteed. Sold by Cohn A. Campbell,
Toronto, Aug. 29. — The *eat
Manitoba immigration egencyl re.
ports that about.10,000 people have
taken advantage of the reeent ex-
clusion to Manitoba and the North-
west. About 8,000 of these were
harvest hands, mit of whom came
from Quebec and the eastern part
of the province. There were ver'
few from Toronto and neighboring
towns, the total ntuulaer not being
*nom than sixty. This is attributed
to the fact, that there are very few
men in this part of the country who
cannot now seeure employment at
•Notwithstanding the influx of la
borers, the western farmers are still
writing for farm help. Word was
received from MeGillivary & Co.,
and other Rainy River district firms
saying that 500 urea were needed at
one, It is probable that altogether
fully 2,000 men will be required to
help handle the trona along the
Rainy River Road. 'Prom Winnipeg
the reports of general prosperity are
most encouraging. It was stated
that neatly 3,000 men were em-
ployed on the civic works• now
under eonstructioa, and that the
ntunbee of wholesale buildings being
erected far Outnumbered the record
of any previous year.
It is stated that water is So searce
in some localities that the farmers
will resurrect the horse power thresh.
tra of 20 years ago, as it is next to
imposs:ble, to smut) sufficient water
t) supply the steam engines,
it you notice the Child grindingthe
teeth during sleep, picking the nose, eat-
ing ravenously but not awning to gain
flesh, you may be sure worms are preeent
etelehould not delay giving Dr. Lw'e
Pleasant W tee S u P i 25
nature and meaning of telighm, its
practice and neeeosity. Tbe pastor,
Rev. Father Coteorau, tett g 11 high
mass and thanked tht people for
their generous aid.
On Monday night, Aug. 28, fire
• broke out in the *barn on Mr. Tohn.
Kabight's fat m, ‘411 the first of
Minn), Howick tulip Hee, liar of
tlie season's crop had beat ed, and and in adclitien, con
tained nearly Jan the machinery
• belongi9g to the plat.e, There were
stored 28 loads ( f hay. besides
quantitlea of tall wbeat and barley ;
and the machinery tneluded a thresh-
er and horse -power, a Linder and all
other necessary implements. No-
thing was saved but a couple of
plows. "A horse belonging n. Mr..
Bride, wbo occupies the house, was
burned. The total loss is estitusted
at over $2,000 ; small insurance eine
the ,building. The fire is supposed '
to have been ot incendiary otigin.
"No .Eye Like the
Master's Eye."
You are master of your
health, and if you do not
attend to duty, the blame
easily located. If:your blood"!
is out of 6rder, Hood's 3ar-t,
sa.parilta will purify it, ,
It is the specific remedy for troubles
of the blood, kidneys, boWela or liver.
Heart Trouble -"I had ;heart trouble
for a nuinber of years and different medi-
eines tailed to benefit ine. 1 tried Hood'a
Sarsaparilla and three bottles completely
and perfectly eared mt." Mas. C.A. Pr.tan,.
Waste Bridge, N. 5.
A Safeguard-'tAs 1 had lost five thil-
dren with diphtheria leave my remaining
two children floodlit Sarsaparilla as they
Were subject to throat trouble and were not
very strong. They are now healthier and
stronger and have not since lied a told?'
Mas, W.11. tor,teKta, Petubreke, Ont.
mode enis onto livor %t1424 tho aou•irritatingsad
only ratimrtio to NOM )vita Hooch gamiest -At