HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-01, Page 4TILE W INU :iA.mr 'TOM ,t SEPTEMBER i3ER 1, is99e t urarantoed or money refunded. THYg1LR TOOTH PASTE eleaneeS,. preserves and beautifies the teeth, hardens the gums and perfumes themouth brea breath. Price 25e. Large Tube. .■ 4 y'@y e 3 s a•A'R1 �� E� $ t�pR��: 1 e+ M,I�I.� �•R . •�•, 7 y 7f �, ry11 !y!{� ! fan n o ¢i4. , i �!I f U. 1 R ORM •+nMll.�!i al, Ar,. Aa.MYbE.��R�Yllia#■�i9�ilRMRRM#�RMRRM R�Ii�R,1MR�IR■#1� iRR �.. RYiN(] iiA]i 1 1Yinitfailna, ,t�tlgilat`,lt, 1899, , STORE. 111Q1I1i1];S, The 'most appaltap.g accident that! :orreeteli by •.'..).cans, k'rottuce Deana., ,. ,`' ll'Qi•I'"1C11GA3 Mr. and Mrs, J• IL Brandon are; w a occurred, ,, loo lb®..,„,•., 1 ss to a 00 TOE '"i1,t111I,R+ Ig In Toronto t@ G. ' ' rontc this week attending the. Exeter has ever knot Llour per , o ad to tel Gu f -r, iTuesday oboist 11.45 a. nah d i a Fall g tii'tiva,t .... ., . 0 us too 115 I aa, axBtoU Mr. and Mrs. R. Confer, of Buffo, T. R. freight train was s un inl3 Oats, ,. f;} l , ” ear off' on .a short spur of the S ub 13arlvy , , • , • • • 0 30 to 0 ,3a ; C ln, we+'e visiting rt J. G. 13'fe s an , • 0 50 to 0 50 ; 'Wednesday J. last. y t and Turkey, drawn Mr, J. fs. Fyfe is visiting friends1 l 14trs W°m l hair, a �a to o w0 1r in Toronto `that runs Into the yard of the u •peas....,,. , „•�• 0 08 to 0 Oi) lerlaod-Innes Company's stave (tteae,, ..,..,..par, s5 0 06' this week. )feuding inili, when T?uvlcs,lsvr pair..,, .,,, e Mr. Ashton Simpson,, of Petrone, lady between 50 and 60 years of btttter..,,• ,•,, ,• ,.•, 0 12 to 0 15` 014to0th; (,� I Sundaved at Mr. Robt..,l,ason s. 1 age, while firming the track, asci Eggs dperatdc rot. ...... ' . ' , ... 1 00 to 0 34 Way peer ton,,. • . .,, •••• 00 to 1 0o 1. ;]lessi s, Clegg St Dames )novo put- !dentally fell in fr int of the train, 1? chased a .et of scale* and have had which passed over the, body_ fru„ ha Pvtataea,l�er burlier, ,,,, 0 s3 to q s ill erlb4 .'ibetn placed at the G,. T. B. station fully mangling her, sevettng yards, 13elgrave This is.a step m;head from the body and crushing the right direction. Ithe arms in a most frightful manner. tThe accident was witnessed by 1 seg era) persons, Her son called to r ow,p ..•. 0 4 to 0 5 Dried Apples, per lb...,,. 40 to 00. wool.,,,,,, . 5 00 to 6 00' Dressed 1008. ,•• ' ' 0 80 to' 0 00, Chickens •..-... .,, For solo only at (i Ontario Pastures Burned. UP, her not to cross the track; but she did not seem to hear • him. Thr CO1.1H A. CAMPBELL'S C I For flft,= miles north, east lied lfamfly are almost wild with grief. j west of Toronto,. farmers are nom-family coroner, held an DRUG Malta. Lr of the dr ouch which has• •- ___. pinningh inquest the fallow"ins afternoon., Tt 1 appears that no blame can be at ---""'—"' J. lasted now for several weeks. The , �` astures are all drying up and the y g • � l ached to the trainman, as they rang gktratrigOm bum FRIDAY. SEPT. 1, 1899. TO ADV.ERVISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this ounee not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left Casual advertise- ot later than Tnes- day evening. to noon ments accepted up Thursday of each week. EDITOEEIALNOTES• THE Liberal convention for West 1 Wella and creeks have in many cases given out, There is a good deal of uneasiness felt as to the danger of an outbreak of bushfires in the northern part of the Province, In case of a large fire being started it is feared that there will not be enough water available to keep it under control. But notwithstanding thepasturage,cattle as a rule, the bell and did all in their powerrto prevent the accident, She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her untimely death, • • Newsly otes. Dr. Cook, a former Clinton dentist, was -drowned while bathib in Late poor s Ontario' on Saturday „re keeping in remarkably good I Mimiro. He had been practising in condition, although the supply of milk is rapidly falling off, and the farmers will reap a considerable profitby the high prices of beet now prevailing. It is stated that mote young, cattle have been raised this year than in any other year during the last fifteen years. Toronto for the past seven years an leaves a wife and two` sons. The deaths which have occurred I, in Ontario through drowning .this year have been probably in excess of those of any previous - summer. On Saturday last no less than four persons lost their lives inthe water. dein will be held • A writ has been issued against the BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. T am prepared to pay the highest Dash price for all good butter and eggs delivered at my warehouse i near the G. T. R, G. GILLESPIE. Wallaeetown September Ladies' Home Journal. town of Goderieh by E. Campton, Q. isSept.1� } G acting on be n S e half of John McLean, Sin. Charles Tupper is to return'to ( The September issue of The e Ladies' !claiming c un of damages drowning,of 5OOOMnan- . Mc - London next, I from Buxton on Thursday I Hotne Journal is an neuro y . - tive number. On the first page is 1,Lean's daughter, Catherine, in one of n tId will sail for Canada on given a series of pictures of "The the corporation fire -tanks. Wayside Int of Sndbur3 Town." Henry Ruddell, a prominent cite 4,,..J'THE Landon Ont., papers are ells -1 inade famous by Longfellow. Bar- zenof Morden, Manitoba, has . cussing the purchase of the street ton Cbeyney contributes an instruo- chosen by the 'Conservatives iif the railway property and its operation tive article on "The Young Man anderidvi malto ereprens,t themo i nthe senr. by the city as the best means of the Professions," telling young Geo. Radeell, S. lie i aespecte of putting an end to the present un- how to take up the study of law, fortunate condition of affairs. T Brodhead has architecture, illustrated article HtNlewspapers when considered from 79 A 1 Mild MS MI vs 1: I WILAtr Ti✓t,1 ®v4 l,a OAR.• I'I Wayeb ,WW;aiw0 tit' 0 "�tiR✓ ti+ ' 11111: :1 51 11 II 11 11 PHOTOGRAPHS For good' and well finished photos try M. E. Zurbrigg in the down floor gal -1 ^!; lery, Re has a better collection than ` L l ever in his window. Gives you any. •j� thing you want in the phots line from I C11 the little stamp photo at 18 Photos for 25c to the 16 x 20 size. Also Crayon and Water Colors. Gallery Opposite Presbyterian Church.. M. P. ZIJEBRIGG, Boy wanted to learn Photography. an advertising standpoint, have everything in their favor.' , They reach both thmasses and the classes - and then* :reach them witb a fre- quency that commends itself as a shining virtue to the man who has something to sell. Moreover, a favor- ite newspaper cannot be supplanted in the hearts of its constituents by TRE weekly crop report of the C. on '`The East Side Girl of New York," P. R., received at Winnipeg on and Patti Lyle Collins tells "Why Tuesday, v , statester that the probable bab l e Si x M illion L e tter s Go Astray tray Every ve ry yield per acre of wheat on the main Year. NeltjeBlanchanLUntribufe s line between Winnipeg and Moose her. seventh paper on "Nature's of the flowers Jaw will be from 20 to 35 bushels. Garden a a bloom lin Sept September. An in- teresting page of pictures is present - The Ancien:, Foresters, ed showing "The aoe_ial Side of the Trolley," and there is also a double page of pictures of "The Prettiest Country Homes in America" Julia Marlowe writes of "Dramatic Per- formances by Amateurs." "Bring - inn in the Sheaves," by Japan North- Toronto,Augnst 24.—Officers were elected as follows as the meeting of the Subsidiary High Court, A. 0. F., this morning :—High Chief Ranger, Mayor Mills, Ingersoll; High Sub - ern Chief Ranger, S. H. Kent, Hamilton; Hilliard, is a timely account of High Court Treasurer, _• E. harvesting in the. West. "The Con - Griffiths, Toronto; Secretary, W. lesions of a Worrier" in the unique Williams, Toronto High Court title of a paper by Mary Boardman Senior Woodward, H. 3..Boyd, Lon- don; High Court Junior Woodward, W. G. Scott, Mount Forest ; High o , Senior/Beadle, 0. A. Fish, To- ronto ; High ,Court Junior Beadle, S. A. Morrill, St. John, N. B.; Auditors, F. Abbott, Meaford, and W. Rich . ards, London ; Laws Committee, W J. Vale, Toronto, and D. F. Mae Watt, Barrie; Court Trustees, Sir Charles Tapper, Sir Mackenzie Bowel), Sir W. R. Meredith, Hon. J. M. Gibson, E. F. Clark, M. P., 0, B. Heyd, M: P., H. Corby, M. P., H Ar McKeown, M, P.P., St. John, N. B.' Beckley Powell, M. P., Ottawa; Dr. R. A. Pyne, M. P. P. A GOOD WATGH 1 GH is a necessity, and we can now supply you with one from $4.50 up. Page. The artiele suggests different ways inwhich the worrying habit may be overcome. The Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, D. D., . contributes the fourth article in his series on "The Secrets of a Happy Life." his subject being "Sons of Greatness and. Good- ness." Caroline B. Le Row tells "What it Means: to be a Teacher," and there is a page of pictures of "Attractive Decorations for ' the Schoolroom." Edith Lawrence writes her usual vieaeious. , letter, "The Gossip of a New •York Girl," in which she describes the newest ideas in .fashions from abroad, and Emily Wight bas an illustrated page on "Dresses for Children" A page is devoted to "Twelve Designs for Patchwork Quilts." Francis E. Lanigan tells "How ow Some Girls have Earned Money': in manyunusual but praetieal ways. The fiction of the number consists of the last of "01 Peckham's Opinions" ; "The Dauphin's Swiss" ; the fifth install- ment of Anthony Hope's latest r.y mance, "Captain Dieppe" ; the con- elusion of "My .Stylish Cousin's Daughter," by Josiah Allen'e Wife, and a story for children, "Little Debby's Dinner for the New Parson." The September number of the Journal is also complete in its prat. tical features. Edward )Bok answers many of ids correspondents in a eolutnn of "Problems of Young Men"; Mr. and Mrs. Edward 13. Warman give "Five -Minute Talks on Good Health" ; Maria Parloa describes some new things for lightening the work of the housekeeper, and Mrs. Rorer gives some menus for "Dainty Meals for Small Families." The September Journal is certainly worth having. By the Curtis PublishinT any other sort of•publication which From lot 2, 14, two white p1 lbs. each and t for any inform their recovery 1, Morris, on Aug. weight snout 100 51.00 will be given • , lob will lend to OE, gingham. t Queen's Hote , doing .so e quietly possessed himself of Mr. Cozard's overcoat; which was hanging over his arm., Mr. Cozard's attention was taken elsewhere for a moment, and upon turning around his coat was gone and his friend had -b departed without . saying good-bye. Cozard spent the night at Policy Headquarters in. order to sober up. His pocketbook, with g8 was not. touched,—Toronto Globe. . insures it a .permanency of circula; tion that cannot'be duplicated. Vancouver, B. C., Aug. 30. -Among the fortunate passengers on the steam..Catch, which has just ar- rived from the north, was Kate Wilson, a variety actress, who brought out $150,000 in dust and a quantity of valuable nuggets and jewellery. J. R, Robertson, of New Brunswick, also brought out several thousand dollars and the body of his, brother,.. who died while en route home. Returned Dawsonites report. that the governmeiit•is, commencing work on a sixteen4tille road through the principal creeps at an estieiated cost of $60,000. A gentleman in Galt has been fined $5 and costs for not lilaearding Ins house for scarlet fever. • The accused pleaded bis own case. He claimed he had always been under the impression that it .wt.s tiie'tioe- tor's daty to report a ease, and the health off'icer's td put on the placard. That the householder was expected and compelled to do this was un- known to him. The Health Act requires that both the physician and: the householder should report any contagious • disease, and both are responsible for the violation. It is customary for the doctor to have the proper notice pat up, but should be fail to do so, the householder must perform that duty. With regard to this case the magistrate' held both' liable, but as there was only one ease,there could only be one con- viction, A man named A, D. Cozard came to the city yesterday on an excur- Pion to see the Exhibition. His home is in Sand. Lake, Pennsylvania, and he is 43 years of age. He was some- what surprised when landing at the station to be Met by a stranger, who shook his hand warmly and said he was "so glad to see hiin." Ile was an American, too, he said, and the, two immediately became old friends. Tney went about the city together, and for over an hour visited various. saloons. Cotard paid for the drinks Company, Philadelphia, One dollar's rigid along. lie w uid t length othe stut tie bre er 40kti ,,�,t .11"..,tper year ; ten cents per dopy. BUY from peddlers or ad- vertising fakes. Bet- ter far to buy from. us. We warrant thein five years. HALSEY PARK 1: 11 :111111: lr' 1111 111115 5 11 ONE MONTH AUGUST ---_ONE MONTH LI 1 11 z 511 •I This Sale is on as announced last week and those who corrle first are of course getting first choice.. . No Reserve—all must be sold. Terms Spot Cash or Trade. All goods must be paid for before leaving the store. This is your opportunity, if you ;want Dry. Goods, ; Groceries, Crockery, China, Glassware, School Supplies,' Stationery, Smallwales, &c•, &c., at wholesale prices. • Blue Printed Saone Chinaware at half price. lot: of odds andends at half price. 1115 Ir 11 15 5 5 it '111, Macdonald Block, Wingbi+tn, Ont. I11r - :IIIL7• - - 3e'caEa$_a33-11::nf__ mina' F2c$35 ,uuG■r■oilrGiiuuR# So the falling of the hair tells of the approach of ager and declining power. No' matter hove barren the tree 'nor how leafless it may seem, you• confidently .expect leaves again. And wily? . Because there is life at the MOM. " So you need not worry about the tailingof, your hair, the, threatenedeparture of youth and beauty. And why? Because if there Is a spark of fife remaining in the roots of the hair YfR' 'AIR E Irl: 11118 81118 .8.15 •1111. :11111. il 11.■ neon :1111115 .� Ir : Ii RJNQ SALE T. A. Mills liaz.decided to clear out during the next 3o days bis entire stock of .Spring and Summer Goods. 25 pieces Dress Goods in plain and figured, up-to:date, usual 30e for. ..'........25 Fancy Dress Muslins, were 121e. now - .,...10 Figured Piques, usual 12ie. now,.. 8 10 pieces Cheek Gingham, beauti- ful patterns, usual price 15c. now •.12}11 Plaid White Organdies, Lawns • and White Piques at special re- duced prices Prints, usual 121,e n•ow ...... • .10 Ladies' . Wrappers assorted pat- terns, usual price $1.25, now 1.00 Shirt Waists, usual price.85e.now 60 Look at our. bargain counter in Ladies' Fine Silk and Silk Taf- feta Gloves • 50c Gloves for 40c Gloves for 30 30e Gloves for • 20 20e Gloves for ........ .. ••'.1a Also a range of 750 Kid Gloves for 60 • y • 40 These goods must be cleared out in order to make room for our New Fall ;Goods which are arriving daily.A M I LLS0 will arouse i into healthy actio- ily. The hair ceases to come glor ,of begins you h,is and es othe d to yet' have s book on the flair ait'dd its Diseases. It is free. The asst Advlcte Poem U you iln not obtAltt alt thebenoate ' you cXpooted atom the Atte'ot the vigor. ii,into the doctor about 11. Probe ,ly Hints isl Boma dll5tt%lty vrlth your won• i t i isyd tentdd'rl, h nifty be cushy nn. O. 0, A.T EIt, Lowell, Mau. 6. alp, • . .LOUNGE REPAIRING 1 The undersigeetl is prepared to receive orders• for repairing lounges and matresses. Lounges rel -covered, mat: ceases made over, carpets sewed and laid. Lowest prices and• good workman- ship. Orders pronsptly attended to. Leave orders at my residence, Centre street, next to Wm. Holmes', or address box 54, Wingbam. F • ire. 'WALKER. PELTOWS PUMPS We build our pumps to last for years and have them in price fro $2.50 lip. Brass Cylinders and Galsanized Iron Piping. We havo a full stock of the above goods. Call and get prices when in need of anything in our line • ;WI'S PELTON,y Opp•, I3eatties' Livery 1e LEAD CHER Raving pu , ase he 'butcher busi- ness next t•'• Brunsw 1 am prepared to supply r • e nubile b all kinds of Fresh at Salt Meats, Sa - e, Bologna, 1&o. 0 •ere taken and medelivered to any • art of town. A all solicited. 'Monello. 0. D. PIt1IN IT PAYS' • TO �A+•�»VERTh: IN H TIMES..