HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-01, Page 2• lily-'E'e,tterued Poultry. Its is ' mplesible to walk through raasirketts a,t, any time without' 11i"li,g large quantities of extremely ar turkeys, fowl and chickens, l t is seldom that one sees a pearly fatleted hog in the market. If it pays to stuff' with corn a hog that won'tnet his feeder five tents a pound dressed, why isn't it g''od bt"sinees sense to neo some of that horn to fatten a bird that "will bring liwixe as much per po'1nr1 ? Mil the Mine corn make twieo As tunny 'pounds of pork as poultry ? It not, it would seem wiser to put the eorn where it will do the most g, od.--- Rurai New Yorker, COTES ITFLE SICK AYAO . Positively cured by these Littlo Pills. They also relieve Distress front Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Ilearty Eating. A, per. feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Dad Taste in the 1' tlauth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TOri D LIAR,. They Regulate the Dowels. ureiy Vegetable. Small Pill. ySmall Dose. 't Substitution i. fraud of Tarlo cay Stt you get (Earter's,. Ask for Carte ''s, insist and dei<nand Carter's Litt10 Liver Pills. Save the Babies. Thousands of `'tem die every sum- mer who cc. Id be saved by the ;timely u-^. of Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild S,.rawberry. EAST WA WANOSH. The Connell met in t°Te council room, August 17th; 18119, Iursuan.t to adjournment. Members all pre. tient, Minutes of last meeting read and passed. A .communication was reeeieed from Wnl, Lane, County Clerk,, stating that the amount r'equir'ed this year from the township far gen. eral enunty purposes, was 014 x6,73. The trustees of 8, S. No. 8 applied for a loan of $95 to pay their teacher who WAS leaving, until such time as the taxes Are collected in the fall, The Treasurer was authorized to pay the trustees the amount asked for, and interest payable on sante to he at the rate of ;G per cent. per annum. Rieherd Leishman w'as present, asking the Connor to do soinething towards assisting rthur Haines to go to some hospital to get his leg, which was broken ipst year, nr w in bad shape, amputated. The Council recommerded that 4. be sent to the Poor House n Clinto for treatment in the mean i ne. "i Robt. Currie, sr., atdireetor of the East Wawanosh Agricrltural Society at l3elgrave, was present, asking the Council to reeonside theconclusion they came to at fast eeting, refus- ing t) give anythi g out or the township funds to ai and assist said society, thought tha anything got up similar to this fo the purpose of causing a competition, and educating the people at large, should be recog- nized and supported. No action. The half yearly statement from the Treasurer, received and field ; showing a cash balance on hand at date of $286.33. Rpolved, tbat in addition to $1456.73 required this year for general. unty purposes, the sum of $3153.7 be also raised oft the township, or payment of township improvements, officers sal- aries and special school rate, in all $4610. A rate of 4p mills on the dollar was struck to rause this amount, and by-law No. 9, '.899, ratifying the same was read and passed. A by-law for the purpose of re- gulating what shall fi lil gutating and den • g constitute a lawful s `i.re fence with- in the bounds of the „ unicipalite of the Township of Est Wawanosh, and another by-law, ; aga in appuint- ing John H. McClinton ,.collet;tor of taxes for the current year, were both daly read and pa ssed. A Humber of accounts, principally for repairing culverts,% washouts and bridges, also for gravel and gravel- ling on the publicighway, etc., amounting in all to $33,72, received and ordered to be paid. Part of the warrantafor the collec- tion of school rates far the present year were also received, when the Connell adjourned till Monday, 25th September next. - P, PORTERF xELD, Cletk. 11L11LE WINGUA.A1 TIMES SSE ''TEMBER 1, 1899. There is not a mother who loves her infant but should keep on hand dur- ing the hot weather a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry. There is no remedy so safe and so effective for the diarrhea of infants, and none has the endor- sation of so many Gana- t dian mothers who have bats merits, and therefore speak ' "".11,0eiice. One of these is Mrs. f ones, Warkworth, Ont., who says : .:an give Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild •awberry great prais for it saved my by's life. She was ' utting her teeth rid was taken with di rnco:a very bad. My sister advised me to et Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw eery. I got a bottle and it cured th baby almost at once." getting into conversation with the i colonel of the latterhe eritioieed,CAST° R 1 A their drill unfavorably, especially 1 ( -'- ,---- their want of steadiness, The vo, luuteer colonel wds, a fierce fellow,' For Infants and Children,, i The fare i fatal» . ntil,req,Nunerl011aASsorllrelr"epe..,unt L' ONE BRAVE '11'L.a N. 'WHILE UNDE FIRE. Dr. Williams' -Pink Pills and per - andhe cried hotly, "My .men are aa steady as any regiment of regulars," ,"I do not think so," retorted the eava'rymart, "and if you'll draw f ___ y o it men in order to receive cavalry I'll prove it." I Bridge to Duff a Stewar 1, the bill for The challenge was accepted, and ! wbteh will be laid before you. Mr. the cavalrymen charged down upon Mosgrove reported that he had let al the citizen soldiers. who awaited ,lob of gravelling on 13 line to Wm.1 thrum • in the usual way. Now, re- 1 Churchill at $20; job completed and gul.r cavalry can charge to within recommend payment, Mr. Mitehell; a few feet or even inches of infantry ? reported having let a job of repairs t at full gallop and then at the word ion Linton's Bridge to Duff & Stewart! of command pull up short. The j at $12 per thousand feet of lumber; ll volunteers, however, let their nerve ;council to pay fur spikes; also let al when they saw the ';huge horses ;job of brushing on H+with boundary p' them and to R. Paltrier at 83.1 Mr. Copeland ini; when a reported that he had :net Mr, Jarvis,, tied, all but of Culross council, on boundary line, on his knee, and let a job of gravyf Ming 115 yards, oppobtte lot 0, to Pb' Linnett at 22e per yard :; also welt to ]3elmore re drain and took no action. Moved by Mr. Mitehell, seconded by Mr. Crniekshankt that Mr, Mus- grove meet the reeve. of Morris and arrange to let a job cif gravelling 40 rods of boundary line opposite lots 5 and '6 ; also to ar ,ange with Mr. Isbister to have bloekd ftp tile drain. in Bluevale, near Seott's blacksmith shop, opened.up and repaired, Moved by Mr. Copeland, seconded by Mr, Crutckshank,r that by-law No. 9, 1899, to raise funds for grant to public schools be passed. ---Carried. 'Moved by. 11ir. Mitelieli, seconded `by Mr, Musgrove, Olaf by-law No.., 10, 1890, be passed foil' the purpose of levyingia rate of 21 mills on the dollar on the last revisd assessment of the municipality to meet the gen- eral expenditure for "the current year.—Carried. 1 Moved by Mr. Mitchtli, seeonded by Mr, Musgrove, that by-law No. 11, 1899, be passed,t.appoin ting Paul Powell tae. collector atta salary of $58.00 provided sureties in the sum of $12,000 be given satisfactory to this couneil.—Carried. The following aCoants were passed and checks on ank. of Hamil- ton issued: For Gra el. C Stoke $1.58; T. Musgrove $1'3 38; J. Leech $14.i0, H. Whetter $3.80, J. Wilson $2.46, W. Maxwell 54.04, G. Pocock $1.44, C. Eomuth $462, A. Crofton 85.40, B. Bolt $2.46,1' J. Armstrong $6.12, J, Ansley $1. 6. Far dam ass—Ira Eteher $2, H. Wheeler $2.00, J. Breckonria $1.00, Wm. Churchill $20.00, gratelling on the B Line—R. Palmer $3' brushing on 1-iowiek boundary; J."'Burgess $50, part salary ; 3. Weir $5 75, repairing culvert i• Daff & Ste. art, $52,63, lumber and repairing b idges ; Thos. Rau $1.00,, advertisin ; Municipal World $1.50, statutes; . Nicholson. $4.75, repairing Gemini 's bridge. 1bMo"ved by Mr. Copela d, seconded by Mr. Mitchell, that t1i,is council do now adjourn to meet paMaguire's hall, Bluevale, on Monday,. 'Sept. 25, at 10 o'clock a. m.—Carried. JOHN Buaai3ss, Clerk. sir t 1 thundering down up showing no sign of stead few yards off. They one man, who retnaine with bayonet leveled. His colonel, enraged alt the others' flight, approached the hero and, tapping hire on the Haack, cried: ""I'ou are the only brave man in the regiment. You scorned to run." "Yes, sir," gasped the hero. "I had my fit stuck iota hole, or I shouldn't have waited."— Spare Moments. Mak an! Nthv1 THE CONDITION OF A YOUNG LADY OF WELLAND. SUBJECT TO FREQUENT HEADACHES, WAS PAL•II AND EMACIATED AND GREW, SO ILL SHE COULD BARELY WALK. From the Tribune, Welland, Ont.: Miss Hattie Archer, of Welland, an estimable youn. g lady, whose acquaintance extends among a large number of eitizens,of'the town, has the ,following to say reg:rding, the virtues of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People:— the fall of 1897 I was taken very it . • At this time the least exertion' caused great fatigue I was ne vous, weak and debilitated:. My appetite was poor and I was attacked with frequent sick headaches. I Igradisally grew worse until I was soi weals l eorkld barely walk through the house.. I wtis very pale and temaeiated and finally became entirly .incapacitat- ed. Various medicines were resorted to but gave nt, relief. Later T was treated by two of the ;best physicians 01 the town. One said my blood was poor and watery!. I followed his advice for some thine but did not improve. 'ben the second doctor was called and he said he could help me, but after thoroughly testing his medicines without bencgat,. 1 gave it up and despaired of ,ever getting well. My grandmother had been AND THE REASON HX STOOD FIRM reading at that time much about suaded me to try them: That was 5 A battalion of volunteer infantry about January, 1898s From the vcas drilling in afiel when a regi first the results were rJail'y marvel- yr re filar cad] rode bv. imus, being far beyond'" my irlends men, of g ry expectations. Aftesi tasking five boxes I can stand morfatigue than I could for two years, ;I have gained weight splendidly ;. Ian take my t The colonel of the eatalry halted his men to watch the volunteers, and, 'F Mrs. lames Constable, Seaforth, Ont., writes "Ever since can rernemtier have ,s/mitered from weak action of the heart, For some time past Crew constantly worse. I frequently had sharp pains under my heart that I tcasfe " rut if I drew a long breath it wattle cause death. In going up -stairs Ihad to stole tohestand regain 'breath. Whenmy Wears'n made a noise while playing I would be sdovercome with :nervousness a•d tv aknees filet 1 Wald not de anything and had to sit • ownto regain .cam sv"r.•. My ltai•is ww'e unnaturally coed and 1 was subject to ne ous headaches .arid dizsi.i •Ss, ;pry nr.•mory .became Uncertain and sleep deserted m "" iWO t .' t taking" MINIM'S 1leart and Nerve pills, and as :result am very 'nutat hotter. i t, tr ittllirctvcd in health and strength rapidly. TI 'lessingoftR1eejs isr..dared to Mo. My heart is much stronger, and the oppres stnsati6a has vstnisl. n . 1r esn "v as tr'.etairs without stopping and with the neat tofCase. aria t t :t . 10,1;r r • uif r i'• •••r r: z7."•• •••••4fir lrettirlache. It Seams to me t , culatiortof iffy i• • t h •s F,,., .:'c r, aril, t! •.•ctoy removinthe coldness from nibs. Learn truly say that Milburn's s.c.ar t and .Nerve Pins have done inc a wog • • d.'' t 'LAXA LIVER PILLS CORE CH*ONIO OOtNOTIPATICIN NO MI food with a deli st7A, ghtf'relish, and again feel cheerful, healthy and strong. I would farther say that the ebaege is wholly due to Dr. Williams' Pink Pitts* I hope that my testimony will prove beneficial to other girls similarly afflicted. The experience of years has proved that there is absolutely no disease due to a vitiated condition of the blood. or shattered nerves, that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will not promptly erire, and those who are suffering from such troubles would avoid much misery and save money by promptly resorting. to this treat- ment. Get the genuine Pink Pills I every time and do riot be persuaded to'take an imitation or some other remedy from a. dealer, who for the' sake of extra profit to himself, may say is ";lust as good." Dr. Williats' Pink Pills core when other medi- eines fail. TURNBERRY. Minutes of last meeting held Aug. 21st,1899. Members of council all present, the Reeve In the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed. A eomm'antea. tion from the County Clerk re Town- ship rolls, was read, Beportst— he Reeve reported that he bad let a job of repairs un Jobb'8 FEW MEN ORIGINAL: Did you ever notice how few people are original hft things` they say and do ? I"'or lust nee, one man. makes a fyrtnne OR of a simple thing ; immediately . hundreds of others try it. This is'humen nature. While it is gratifyin lobe the "first man" to bring out ilea, the great mass must be Conten to follow their leaders. There is o e line that is: always original, ho ever, atld that is the business of t e Bradley:Gar- retson Co., Limited, of, Brantford, Ont.,becaase they eo tinnily bring out publieations, toast* the times. and seasons, thus their agents are kept steadily at it nd make big money. In fact, no o her occupation is more honorable, h aithfal, lucra- tive, or offers half a many oppor tunities for promotio . It is a life sehool, Many men d women in Canada to day, testif to the truth, fulness of his claim in fact„ it is] conceded on all hends, that Mae! year's experience WI h title rim is; worth more to any youngmart or woman, than two or"three years at i College, from an e• eational point of slew, and finanef. , ly, it is all that can be desired. J1),regetabiePrcpzr t'cufor.As- silnllating theyoc.i eadReg ulxi- lting the Sknacks er.d..30Wcls of AFyS t' ATE •!' VC411,x••I..' Y Promotes Di estton,Cheerful-' tress andl3esteonti ins neither Opmtn,Morphine n r Mineral. NOT NATIC 0111C.. 7AxSpeat' Old .E S2111':J:r/ "t...' 41x..1 curio legmlivao41•74 -• Halve Seale ,7ipp:trtint .Bc Gtraena6 fa?s 1157,74• fieett ('hzthtd &tour• . 1i'iteto - crit,1'Yna A perfect Remedy 'or Cons tipa- tion, Sour Stou'.aeb.Diarrhoea, Worrns,Con ulsio s,Feverish- F7ivas :rind Loss F SLEEP. rat.einule Sian etre et C22 a/-✓' fecce ii < NEW YORK. SEE T,. 'AT THE FA:-SJ:oftiLE $X' NATUR i ..-0 t. IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE Or exam- COPY Or • Castorla Is put up in ore -size bottles only. 'It. is not sold lit bulk. Don't allow anyone so sell you anything else on the _ilea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose." un.pose. " Ece that you. gat The tat - 11P A PPEA at-.'PAPPEA simile 5:1 etetatee is on evtry wrapper. Agents ".--'Did y . ever think of WEAK' ' ERVOUSA.9ISfASED MEN; Thousands+o4' Y4unq: aetd' 3fiddle Aged Men.are• annually -swept to.a premature grave through early•.ind seretion• and later excesses.. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood Diseases have ruined. and wrecked the life of many epromistng; y;oang:• man. Have you any of the following Symptome: Nervous and Despondent, Tired in Morning; So Ambi- tion• Memory Pool Busily 'Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes. Blur; Pimples on rd Looking; Blotches; Sore Restless; the Face; Dreams Pool' • Drains. at Night; Rwt a .. Haggard Throat; Hair Loose , Pains• in Body; Sunken Eyes•. Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of Bnerry and Strength. OUn• iem+3Attiv'o'd' Treatment will beakd vouiup•mentally:, physically and sexually. Chan. Patterson. „a DRS. KENNEDY 86 KEEN ohne "'At t years of age I learned: a bad habit tahfete aiirrost ruined et • , became 'nervous and weak.. My back tronbledmei. I could d' no. exertion. Head and eyes became: dull. Dreams and 'tins! at night weakened mer. 1 tried eeven:Dtedica1 Firms, Elec- trim Belts„ patent Medicines and Family Doctors.. They gave mo no.help. A friend advised me to,try Drs.If;ennedec & Komar'. They sent. me, one m'onth's treatment: and itcured pie.. I could feel myself gainiuig every day. Their New• ,1iettlo:i• 'Treatment cure: when 9ureu tai. one au'a tu, all else, fails." They have cureditiany. of my friends."' Pr.Iton`ton. lltii444 N 114 A i s T a t1)1 M112 11®DED. Corea a yc..,:,ago. Capt. Townsend. "'Some 8' years ago, T contracted a. serious; constitutional blood souse. Iwent to. Hot Springs tetreat forsyphilis. Mercury almoot 1 led. me. After a. while the, symptoms again appeared. Throat b o. sore, paid ia.limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, to as of hair,. glands enlarges]:, etc- A. medical friend advisod Drs. ii dy & Korgan's Nosy Method Treatment. It cured me, and I have ha no symptoms for five years. I am married and happy. As a do r,. I heartily recomendit to all who have this terrible disease- op Mt."' it will oradicate,tbta poison from the hlocd." 15 YEARS IR DETROIT. ISO.00O CURED. • tta. for affi • foe' `• Ito Idet and (luted ill ilial. Our New Method Treatment never fails in coring Diseases of mor. It strengthens the body, stops all drains:aml:losses; I,usrifiest,the bloody clears the brain, builds up thenervous and sexual systems andvestoreslost Lg.itality totbebody. Witte•Guarantee to Cure Nervous tnehtlity,"railing lstanhoeZl, !ayp tatiia,,Vstrie ele, •strIctare,Gleet, Vstn,aturtal surcharges, Wea , 4srt a an Alla Kidney stunt Bladder G, iseases. I am'33' yoars•rif ago,: and rn•irried. When young I led a life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble me. I became wear and nervous. My Irtdneys became ted and 1% fearediBrigbt's disease. Married lif • was nnsatle- ryandnsykkome.unhappy..I tried everything -all failed till k treatment, from Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. Their N•'w od builtmw n: mentally, physically and sexually. f feel alike a meninx every respect. Try them." NO Karnes Used Without Written Consent of Patient. . fj l Drs. Kennedy & Keegan aro the leading specialists of s E !MBE America. They gaaruiteo to onto or no pay. Their repu- tation i..1w 7, RRR/// 4 aand fitteen years of bntiness are at AntraYou ran nariek. Write them r an honest opinio•i, no matter who trotted you, It may save yotuyeats of regret en 'suiforing. Char -es reasonable. Write for a Q•ueat:ion List rid Book I ee. Consultation Free. DRS. KENNEDY & {ERG A , Deus tl, a ur: ONFY To PATEN Good Ideas maybe ' cured by our aid. Address, i THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, tad. WE MAKE y, and nd handling' Italy fat .t; work "rhe Culvert Pi d a;7 Light of Lite" ? f not, ]tow is a_1 Alt size's ,grain 4 D„ 1u x4 li..' ..itv good time to star . $8.00 n day r•„'1ita,•"•rt, r sure; some Mit • e w (!e a . Experience or cRpi al unnecessary. u fait/ll,I;E '.a, ali:ICTOON oar, United, THE O T t t that.. r I S PIP Cfl GSA LOGSI highest eash prices paid for all kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph Poles, Cedar posts and Shingle Rona delivered in our yard; ° CUSTOM SAWINC, SHINGLE CUTTING, dor.: ,itt lowest prices and satisfacttoit guaranteed. Call and get prices be- fore disposing of your timber. yyy p ..wN ry,4rW (3O p fir, i . , .a{/a, ( ' t{ ',, •t t ' A • •{t. &/ )i j .L7iiAt 'i olt•1'i, ON r. 1..7. At1¢l."HSO J' Tr ' J" MoLIIA ..• S1./+M. salmon]' A'r lemma '1 lterN ftp