HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-25, Page 7• E ET r E1c,, eTc. • Pi p oPYRMOAT,QI89ti, BYy!AMERICAN 51 leap to the ground, and saw that 1 has prdy. Wrist tits syp'd�'a'1 me fffered escaped, The raised sash and the mo- _r lady. While my garments had suffered p do's cartel mune, *.�,, �.ittle damage :during my flight thxotlgh tionless form of his stepson explained , " , n„ the swamp my shoes were soiled. I what had occurred, and he bounded to "How do you Isnaw he esu t. ;'•needed clean linen, my hair was we, . lois feet liken a panther, Winchester in 1 „I ow (ciao 1 n knc' 111asse Cy, clat ya' hand, His action, however, failed to aiu't filen? I know it jus' de saute as I f bemgt, and a. throe days'growth of l reuse ,Archie Hunter, who slept calmly beard demanded attention, If 'only had 1 through the stirring iubidenta that iiu- my traveling bag, which presumably mediately followed, It is easy to see l was Still at the inn atAldiue, the neces- t that bnd.i a fnot, ollowed, noso m own aitua- i bury tlletamorp could be selected, l tien'would have been materially °hang• : but it was_ hardly the part of prndeneo t ed. for me to go iu quest of it. The exohaugo of shots in which Cy ' _ i°Gansu I said, stopping short, i and I indulged over the rear foots of with a new inspiration, cant you go j down to Landlord Buifiuoit's and get: ` the garden has been related, as well as the valise I left there?" my own subsequent movements. "No, sae," was the prompt response. When the veteran returned to the ,` "Why not?" I demauded. inn, he crawled through the window t "'Cause it itizi't day." from which he had•:leaped,:and, kicking I' "How do you .know that?" over the chair of his relative, `sent him "It bab boon tuft away." 1 sprawling on the floor and thoroughly "Who took it?" roused hini from his costly slumber. It "•Me." is not necessary to record the exchange "You! When did yon do that?" of compliments. lluoh as Cy blamed his son he blamed himself more. "Din mawhliiu, • . •� over could have iappo 1' "'IylON �'S o ,A' O'UBT Then Se oul.dh't Iny Anything. T nt if Straterd LaUies latoil the shaisantthIe • ted to purchase something that would be a suitable present "for a , Iwar# l+liolten until` they bed gonna soilsla. distnnec in the undergrowth, the white p rum lrudiug. `,Chen he wheeled about was ! 1 and dinniuldetif ' Whitt did yon .swan by telling me Ptak Lila ain't in your cabin?" lady. brought albums 1?ctu expcetecl this and was prepared, With a look as steudy as that of Ilia honks geld pens and pends, AIM questioner he replied: Ica rel ca:;ee bat nothing seemed to "Mersa cly, 1 toltiyo' de troof,e alit, As the last resort, he showed Walters was so angered that he part- thQ, young loan an engagement ly raised. his hand to stripe the inipu- y dent negro, who, recoilinga step, added; citlender—a beautiful little tablet "Dere's a roan eleepin in my cabin. leaf Svi.ic'1 to reword the engagements He looks like frank Beyer, but he ain't ifor each day of the week. him 1" ( "'gaits the fad nbw,"he exclaimed, "What infernal nonsense is this? I've 1 a a he displayed the calender. "Ali hoard it before. It be ain't Hank l3ey t,le caul, young The tater rough out Xo11 bow' abuts Rent d. Nem P lab o Weak 2(41081M, err, . ladies feel the need or them ain'tt Leault guy, eut•he ,..__,__ I' especially during the season." who the is 116?" late sllOp assistant, ',She'll find ft "What 1$ it?" asked tile young WAIL "Au engagement calender,"repl led „ Thisn1 sed in "Host/ oa he se to tic ur it. wartimee," was .his . bitter reflection,. s'M1ss:Hstlo' uint me fur it. T fetch-.. "but it must be because ,I in ;gr9Win , g d dab and yo' nlmbreller and day bcfi3 old 1. likewise am at de house now.''. It was not font tt. fter the iiiciclent and i 'This was gratifying news in every while the two were- dismissing, what Sense, for it not only provided me with should be done to receptive -me that an Mise I greatly expectded,ed but showed a toat unexpooted ally appeared on. the, scone b r home.�lTyhat 1put aan w face on oat- in the person of Gabe Horner' and his tars and sealed my determination to ga pet blooelhonnd. Gabe was one of the most claniorous of. the.,crowd. that •had '• thither a:. demanded my instant lynching. . He But . bewildering had' complication reel was resentful when the decision :of pended. What had' become tof the himselff Dungan, the leader; caused a paetpone- tothe Beyer? Had he presented Sent until the followiug morning. He la yollug woman sincedtheghandffair to went to his home, seine distance hi the last Lite'"?Was she lending a hand to country, eo angry that he dekld'ilot protect him also? It was vain to spccu- °pioion 'ilnte.,o'%er that which was beyond my '}comprehension, and I gave up the at- ` . 1 bad t foot to allow e belief tc escape item;lt. - knots' dat .dat young A1au am somebody iuvalaable -- n else dan Hauk." You "But I seen him noel so did a dozen others early this night down at the tav- ern, We all bad 'a fair sight at him, and i reckon we lora Hank Beyer well 'lough not to snake re mistake about him, Why, you fool, lS owned up that he WAS Hauk ;lust, bol re, the crowd rushed iii ou him„"f { "De scand'lous willain 1 Ile lied about I „I know her and you don't, and . its • He ain't ?auk any more dao ]< am, wane sou to. understand, sir, that she a" He knew baa no s Y Mill as I drew nearer the house a fly to eared in the ointment when I saw • ” think slle would like one? asked than young man, with forced calmness. "I']n cure she would, if she hasn't one Already," said the asslstant. "Well, I want to say to you that she wouldn't," exclaimed the young man, losing control of his temper, nd.I'm. toll , io snide i ain't hint. ' use for an snub. calendar, Cy Walt s was puzzled, the negro well enough to. uirderstaud She doesn't have to keep any records that, preposterous as were his.W+ords; he of her engagements. This is a ode himself believed them. Nevertheless only time she has ever been epg` g l ever h© will his own pe of tions were not shaken• and any man who says s In the llripe of reaching a xolution 3?e` be enga 'ed to anyone else, or that onc\vbere Pote farther do�vli the Hauk she has to put it down on a tablet to to where Gabe Horner and Archie remember, has got to fight me. Hunter were impatiently awaiting their I That's ell there is to that." leader: When the explanation: was made oto ' He had left the shop before the as - them, they received it With scorn. 1- a sistant had sufficiently recovered rain•tsf'denbt had 'been injected into frons his surprise. to explain.—Tits g the mind ok Cy, it was removed by the I Bits violent protests of his'coznpanions, who arould not admit even that Pete believed , W y �'y P d 1°r' 1 o ry for a "•He'll awake pretty soon, and it will take whet., fight- o go lin." Lotting I� Out. best hurry. ball while nye have time," MRS. ELIZABETH ASHTON, Brittania St., says; " I speak a good word .tor Mil- burn's Heart and Nerve Bilis with pleasure. They proved to me a roost excellent remedy for nervousness, nervous debility and exhaustion, and l can heartily mem, mend them." MRs. POLAND, Brunswick Street,. says ; " My husband suffered greatly with ner- vousness, complicated b_yheart troubles. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have that's the history of your linen wban cured him, and he now is wen. and brought here. Not a thing in ollr ,. strong. RETURNED ON TIME. Carefully washed, properly ironed, corrcetly finished and fairly priced particle of his own dcciaratious,,r �� "Hankie there.:asleepp'" aid Archie; . 1 t t t h' We had • es sur y '1'h0y sot .out <to do so, lint C,y oom- ••Did the postman leave anylettei,s, ; polled them to wait at some" distance -I l lir,X o„ , Lhe mistress asked, on. re sleep. With the unreasoning sus while' he •made a -•reconnoissance. +°•if of a t w snau ho to auow a "-that their man gave evidence of being awake, turning front - a. visit one afternoon. apo waren it w3uid,necessitate a'':material •change `,'Nothing buta post•eard� ma'am." eluting the night and that Dungan lead 1 the plan of campaign The threes ' "Who is it from; ,Mary . . instigated it, with my two jailers Obis 1 washing preparations to injure the fibre of the goods and not a thing. LIMA -LIVER Take one at night be- . unhealthy .about our work rooms. fore retiring. Twill PILLS. work while you sleep without a grip or T N Sick Headache, 1T.D. ■ O gripe, curing Biliousness, Constipation and Dyspepsia, and make you feel better in the morning. J pp. gents, far up the road the figure of moan who Gabe l new`that the majority of the was evidently watching the residence slob were with him, and to forestall of Colonel :Mansley, on the lookout to any treachery he set out with his dog 1 see whether I appeared there. It must ror the inn so as to be ready to take lay '` have occurred to mauy of the neighbors trail if anything of the kind should oc- t that I was likely to go thither whenever cur. He arrived to have his suspicious I believed the pursuers were thrown verified, but Cy • trail. With Colonel Mansley absent there was do one left to defend the place 1 against the mob, with the exception' of the servants, who could not be counted 'bloodhound took my trail, and the three tlt upou for effective work. True, I had a lien followed. hotfoot. 1 revolver, with two of its chambers load- As the reader has learned, something ed, and probably there were additional happened to that brute at the clearing firearms in. the house, but few buildings in Black Man's swamp, anclfor the time in might have little faith in. "Pete rs truth- I x '!Anel do you =think I'd read it; thiness. mud: honesty, but.tliey, •know him , ma'am,?" answered the girl, with an too well to.fear. may treachery on his injured• ale: ' ' ' part. . He would ; be at their mexoy if • :.,perhaps not. But any one wha he tried anything of that -nature -Thea" sends me a message on apost-card.' 15 explained'his course en' fee g'r'ound of elthel stupid es ampertiment." sympathy;fer the hunted; fugitive,; �� Just before reaching the spat )hate -: "You'll " excuse toe, ma'am," t'e- i• l to a In.rned the girl, loftily, . "but that's a' nice way to be talking .about your own mother 1" --Sydney Journal. i and ,Archie wore so the atgoitt`was Indere i' Cy came roused that he eould not avoid holding halt, and a strange conversation began,. them guiltlese in the matter.. The pur- the inurniur.'of • whi'eli•I heard- from"l:ny suit was organized evithout delay.The...biding place a few paces away, though. unable to oatnh any of the words spoken. I ' �'OOtZ's 'PitOtlp}dOd�l1(3, It was apparent from the questions of I Before., After. being the hunt had to be pushed with- out his aid. Tho pursuers knew they' were near the home of the negro Pete, .and, still under the belief that' was Hauk Beyer, suspected I would apply to him for cry wag over. i the line Lud y until shelter While Archie and Gabe remained in the background Cy went forward to find out whether such was the fact The old habit of caution on 'the part of Cy came back to him. He knew that if Hauk Beyer had taken refuge in the ncgro's cabin he would make a hot light before yielding and would: probably re- ceive the assistance of Fete himself:' Sbould.that occur the little uarty would are more defenseless than the old fash- lobed southern mansion, with its low roof and broad spreading rooms that • cover a great area of ground. There were a dozen avenues through which an. entrance could be forced, while 111 case of an effective defense ou the part of hallo, score of brave men and nothing as as easier than to apply the whole structure to ashes. This extremity might appear inlprob- able; but nothing is so unreasoning and merciless as a mob, which will proceed Cy -Walters that Pete ball suoebedecl in raising a doubt again in his.. mind,- though it was an infinitesimal one.: "Pete; you still insist that the young man in your house is not Hank Beyer, do yon?" teed re-enforeements ;before reducing the two to terinls. -At daylight Pete, in a000nlit a with his promise, climbed the ladder in bis cabin to rouse me, but when he observed how calmly I was sleeping decided to Lease Me alone until breakfast was .ready. 'Accordingly he descended the '1adder'With that purpose in view wheli `he.ivas•startled by a knoclfon the door: Drawing it ,inward, he saw Cy Walters, Winchester' in band, standing before 4 - .1 rectatied tp (zn.d sounded it. . to any length rather than bo balked of its vengeance. It looked as if all de- pended upon the promptnesswithwhich Colonel help olon0l Mansley could secure t b of which he was in quest. ', Still debating the right thing:tp do; I .entered the grounds eif thee old inausion andpresented myself at the front door, Where rested the huge brass knocker. 'Without hesitation I. reached up and sionuded it. I had crossed the Rubicon, and it wed too late to turn book. d A?T.lilft et boo it is near to -digress inn tes. few rin for a 07 Walters, the ex -nation -and ter- rible o -bible raider, was never more enraged Bean, when he opened, hie e+es in the tier moi $ 0 .AXE 1$ at 41difaa; tato ni Y the blight noise routes k ►mit", +11T`l The veteran looked cal}n.y in the face o%the agitated African t%nd asked in a ttarded u±alertone ' pis he' '01)1ifairs, T'o'te?" ,,.W3~ft. diet?" "-'You know•Who i-n'erm—Hank Bey- er.'' No, sae. He, ain't up dere.". "Nouse of lying, Pete. I'know iie'i' !Crete.'' "I tell yo', lVfarse Cy, he ain't dere. If yo' dose' b'lieve what I says, go up ,t1,q ladder i.,1d see furyo,l se,f This :sounded bite but the alyl solder knew Mb nit1 mh tit wan'to gibe ui> ne.My 11il such 'tli'1 invitation to blond 'drat brains without risk to himself. ."Is , asleep?" ani sleopin,re plied Pete , fairly caught by the queatibu. cy looked grimly at hini for it: moment, and then, lowering bis yoke to a whisper, raids "Come with .me. Bring, youp gun along." Without , protest the: nem *erne$ iiback v hS `o ked stepped id �e s e m � 1 back' within the tooth, P ppw• rifle from where it was loaning in the I pa fi • 'Meted, e-�e f ta�lit ttik. Corner and followed ttto.ntan eca;ose the •I , ''n M• peel cy, feel raves tel clearing:. over th0..path that ir6 itd`itlie.:.` mos litl't Hnisit'3 ,.'aelettnhere his dugout lay. ]~7o�N!Walt dor "1 dean' obsist, Marse'Cy. I knows it.• "Then yon must have some reason } Sold m W ingharn by Colin A. Campbell for saying so which you haven't told Druggist. me What is it?''- • The Great English. Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- ably medicine' discovered Sir packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- pdceo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will please, sin will 'She Pamphlets WeodlO mpany, Winaddress. so , Ont. P pete•had a. reason,Schidk he had not i f ca`i.;,4. have removedethe fast uncertainty from his questioner, but he lacked, the our:- age our- age to explain its. nature Instead''he prevaricated: "Haven't I expltiniiied dat when yo'' knows a thing yo' knows it? Ain'•t dat 'nough, Mersa Cy?" "No," replied tbe•disgustedveteran. "You've been lying from tha first. Lead the way back to your old oalAll, If you 'try any trick, I'll shoot you in your' tracks March t'' CHAPTER XXI Cy Walters bad never ligan poonsecl:. , of possestiing::k':i,atlnie le tbnxlper and it will be adinitted that leis oseriende :during the previous night was of a try ing nature. His rasping trials continued. It was not to be sttppeeeti"'thA the fugitive Believed to be .sleeping up stairs '�v;Atild fire`• well, ;kt. enemy with- out " warning; and ^therefore Cy's ap- proach to the cabin was unhesitating, though made ''Witteemit' d As the two � stepped across the threshold the white Man said in a low, poicei "Go up the••.laddelseci '>TReil Hauk I want to speak with^'hy`m.''''.' "Yes, sob,", replied,$ete,•�promptly Obeying. It 'requited' liul ts few steps be til ton h tbe g when his head app, .. opening. Otte' glance.tVas "sufficient, Turf -Aug his frightened face toward 'the vetorati below, =h0. gasped: "He ain't here." "'W!tore. 4ln e '. edtV"a �.'1 hatl. thquder down and let me see for myself " A 4. The trembling, negro doscended,,aud the 'other reekiesslyclimbed -the rdL nd� i d- " .lYot h i It The next sbcbiscl he says tligt spoken the truth. 13tgWti Ile tame, and h11f Most dnigerotts°?near' l /O,Say' • your' pray?etre•,`'r he:.ilaidi Wlth !tearful significance. "1'Il give YOU -five Minutes and 4.a ipioe" - -• .. named and which had he,done soyvould 50 YEAF S' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS • DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone Sending a sketch and description mar qutakW ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable: Communes• Lions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents Sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. 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