HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-25, Page 61111?, E WIN U' i AM '1'1111Mb., A 1.; 61
° h16 \ 1 q
tgpai+ i 't. lints
linaiAAY> AUGUST d,• -a. 18-.e
From our own Cotonou/lent.
Ottawa, Aug. 19th.
The proposal to place the, .inisters
of Customs and Inland Revenue upon
au equality with other member's of
the Cabinet, in the matter of salary
as well as all other respect, has been
approved by both houses of Parlia-
ment, though opposition to it which
developed in the Senate was only
overcome by the vote of the Speak-
er, The only ttrgetnent which its
opponens advanced that would
appear to have much weight, was
t hat the Liberal party, when in
Opposition, were opposed to increas•
• ins the expenditure le this direction
Opposition have so pe sistently re•
iterated the assertion that tht� Gov-
ov pian
ernnn nt has not kept its Roti -
un erta:1 rs t set some
election d t ' nge, 1
people may believe such to be the
Tiro platform upon which the
Liberal party appealed to the
country in .S[9�9 was that adopted
by the great Ottawa eonveution of
289;1, to which was added the lin-
portant blank (whiell arose under
subsequent developments) of non-
interference in Manitoba. That
V�2 to settle
this lest, promise, viz,,
Manitoba School Question, was most
fully carried out is best demonstrated
by the simple fact that the whole
matter has so completely dropped
out Of sight that many have almost
forgotten the existence of a diffieut-y
whieh three short tears ago threat-
ened to smash Confederation.
The Ottawa platform contained
but the fact appears to bo entirely ten planks,—let us see flow they
p have been respected. The first
lost sight of, that elle wtlrthese dealt with the trade question and
ministers have most materially
in ' existing tariff
declared, "That the
creased since that, time, When it is was founded upon • an. unsound
remembered that the trade of thePrincipal, and that the highest inter -
demanded is nearly a hundred million eats of Canada demanded the
dollars greater than it was three or
lour years ago, it will bo readily
7lndel'Stood that mach greeter also is
the work and responsibilities of these
While Canada does not inspire to
Adoption of a sound fiseai policy,.
which, while not doing injustice to
any elass would promote foreign and
domestic trade, and hasten the return
of prosperity to our people." Not
only was the object in view thus
definitely enunciated, but the means
• be a fighting country, she is not in. by which it was to be accomplished
relined to overlook the fact tilt t she was set forth, for the platform forth-
btllds a premier positiun lathe great- et: declared, "that to this end the
est fighting Empire that the world tariff should be reduced to the needs
has ever seen, and it is therefore, of the bonest, economical, and
efficient government, and that it
should be so adjusted as to make
free, or to bear as lightly as possible.
upon the necessaries of life and
should be so arranged as to promote
freer trade with the whole world,
more particularly with Great Britain
and the United States.
What bas been the trade policy of
the Government since assuming
contpol of the affairs of the Dominion?
Substantial reductions were made in
many lines of importations, and far
more would have been made but for
the artificial conditions that had
been created by the ultra•proteetive
policy of the previous eighteen
years, which made it impossible to
introduce those drastic changes
which the full operation of the
Major Girouard arrived at the principles of Liberalism would have
Capital, prom the scene of his spiel)._ required without "doing injustice to
did work for the .Empire in superin- any class." But that the new
tending the construction of the rail- policy has "promoted domestie and
way in the Soudan. For the first foreign trade and hastened the
time, I believe in the history of the return of prosperity to our people,"
college, ninny more applicants have surely needs no demonstration in
qualified far admission than ea..n be view of the
aceommodated which is the best possi• TREMENDOUS AND UNPRECEDENTED a
be would be
bie evidence that the institution is INCREASE backward step tllarketS of the world, license it woulde a
not only fininga vary definite place
lax the education work iu the Domin-
ion, but also that the parents of our
embryo heroes, have confidence in
the college, its management and
faculty, •
'with satisfaction that the annual
report of the Royal Military College
at Kingston will be received. Can-
• adiars have a right to be proud of
this institution—founded by the last
liberal Government, under the Hon.
.Alexander' Mackenzie, and brought
to its highest degree of proficiency
at the present moment, under the.
experienced guidance of Lieut. -Col.
Kitson. Her graduates have dis-
tinguished themselves in many
direetions, both.in military and civil
professions, and it is particularly
appropriate that so gratifying a
gropers as the one which was • laid'
•before Parliament in the closing
days of the session' should be made
publieen the very flay that one of
her most distinguished graduates,
Wellingtorl. ° unty sant.
((leelph nercuty, nith),
At the present time the County
jail of 'Sherrington, situated in this
eity, , is empty, Not to soul outside of
Governor MeNab, Jailer Everson,
and their families, gra ;living within,
its walls or are to be seen or cared
for. Vor a county like Wellington'
this ill something to be proud. of, as
it is the first time since the inception
of the institution that the like has
occurred, It is eery .creditable to a
county of 70,000 people, and shows
that we are no worse, at least, than
our neighbors; other counties may
have their jails vacant at times, but
these ate not as large as Wellington.
The religious and educational insti.
tutions of the county have not been
working in vain, it would appear,
1N eary of Experimenting
With slavers, suppositories and Dint•
meats and dreading a surgical operation
scores andhundreds have turned to Dr,
A. W. Chase's Ointment and found in it
an absolute cure f'oriles. The first ap-
plication brings relief from the terrible
itching, and it is very seldom that more
than one box is required to- effeot .a
permanent cure.
Bogus Butter.
At all r a
d u8
sto -'fie
& cold is danger.
ons. Don't let it
get the start of yen.
A few doses of 1ny
Cold Cure will
break up any for a
of cold In a few
lours and prevent
grippe, diphtheria
and pneumonia. It
should be In every
home and every vest
pocket. It is better
than a life iusur.
auee Trolley.
vias, Guide to t;icelth
and Voll al advice fret. VIM Arch st.. Phila.
A Montreal correspondent writes
us that a capitalist in that city has
been endeavoring to get the consent 1 M r. Lewis ,iohnston of this place was
None of His Business..
A story of illustrating the reticence
of the Seotch regarding their private
affairs is told by Tan 1Siaelatren,
A train was at a railroad station,
when a porter put his head intoa
car and called out:
Any one in this ear for Doun'in
Change tor Doun? Any one for
No one nloved, and in a few min-
utes the train was speeding along,
not to stop agaie for nearly an hour.
Then an old Scotehfnan turned to a
lady ,sitting nea'r.hrr, and said
I'M for Doan, but I'd no .tell that
man so.
Toledo, Ont,
s. •BUATU . SBRVICBS, .1..
:.L.:1'.ttODil$T---Itev, R..iiobba. pas.
or, Services at 1.1 a to end i p tel.
PRESBYTERIAN -Rev. f3, 7?errie
t tt aaar, Services at 11 a m anal p m.
EPISCOPAL, St. paul'a---Bev, Wm.
1.,owe, rector, Serve:ea at 11 u to and 7
13APT1ST Rev.. W. ].treed, pastor.
Services at 11 a m and ' p tit
fxt,tlin, Imator. Services at 11 a In and:
p cel.,
of the Dominion Minister of Agricul taken down H 1th Rreun•atit•to, bad two-
ture to a project for the inanufaeture
of oleomargarine and butterine
that city for export only. The idea.
propounded was to have the material
produced under Government super.
vision as are whiskey, beer and
other excisable artiejes. We under-
stand however, that the i'dinister'of
Agriculture is .firm in his delermin-.
atien not' to advise any relaxation in
the Dominion law which absolutely
prohibits the manufacture, either for
domestic consumption or export, of
this class of material. And as Eon,
Sidney Fisher is himself a practical
farmer, and can speak for the whole
dairy trade of the Dominion, I've
have no doubtthat bis colleagues
will back hire up in the stand he is
taking.. At the ' present time our
butter and cheese command higher
prices in the British markets than•
do similar produets made in the
United States, but how much longer
would this be the case were it made
known to the world that we had re-
ceded from the .high stand we bad
taken in favor of the pi eduction and
marketing of nothing but the genu-
ine article in every branch of the
dairy trade, When we have at-
tained so favorable a position in the
doctors In attendance, was getting no
:butter. 'Three days after he started tak-
ing Milburn's tihetite ttic earns he was
out of bed and in one week was Well and
able to go about.
The close of the session of Parlla-
iloent—actually the fourth session
but for practical pttrpoees the third
Silly, under the present Administra-
tion,—it may be profitable to take
stock in a general way of the
position of the Government in tela•
tion to the platform upon which it
appealed to the eleetoorate in 1896,
thatwe may ascertain to what ex-
tent anti -election promises have been
respected and fulfilled, Tht3 is a
'useful exercise et any tithe, bat par-
ticularly tai just now, because the
Doctors said
in the eomnierce of the Dominion, of
nearly a hundred million dollars in
three years. The trade statistics.
will also prove to a demonstration
that the new policy has "promoted
freer trade with the whole world"
while an examination of the details
will show that increase has been
"more particularly with Great Brit-
ain and the United States." Surely
it is equally obvious to the most
superficial observer that the policy
which has • encouraged the manu-
facturer to vastly extend his opera-
tions, that has induced the merchant
to laueh oat into new Channels, that
bas made it possible for the farmer
to inerease his stock and generally
to improve his holding, may reason•
ably lay claim to being "a sound
fiscal policy.
So far then as carrying out the
undertakings of this first plank,no
t nacre
reasonable man maid ask
within the time that the Govern-
ment has had power to act; it is not
pretended that the work is eomplet•
ed ,much remains to be bu
the Government has shown that it
realizes the neeessity of making
haste slowly, thereby gaining the
But the Notary, Mr. Lemke, was
cured of Kidney Disease in two
months by Dr. Chase's Kidney.
Liver Pills.
is only when thoroughly convinced of the
superior merit of a remedy that public Men
will give their Sanction.
Mr. E. 11. Lenit+e, Notary Public, 16ge
t fotre flame Street, li.fontreal, tells of his re-
iearkable, recovery from a severe attack of kid-
trey disease, When doctors had failed, Dr.
chases Kidney -Liver fills saved his life. tie
wrrizes , "I give this statement, first because it
3s only just that the merit of Dr. Chase's Itid-
mey-Liver Pills should be made known, and
*gain in order that others may profit by my
,Rprperiencz. For years 1 suffered with kidney
disease which doctors pronounced incurable.
'Thanks to Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills,
which i have used for two mouths, I am tont.
*lately cured. 'MI helped me from the first,
write the rum is now perfect."
Dr. Gt
t .� s Kidney-LiverPills
i the kilo y , and through their combined
„ 1
is,lltfcnue<m 111a , kidneys and liver, cure the most
eomphcated d,setse3 of the,e delicate organs.
Owl 011 a chase, as cents 0. box at all dealers,
ear iEtialanson, Bates & Co., 'Trento.
duction of "bogus butter" -in Can-
ada, even for export,,. and we are
glad to learn that: the Dominion
Minister of Agriculture has no inten
tion of proposing any alteration in
the law prohibiting the production of
oleomargarine. In taping this stand
he has correctly interpreted pubic
opinion. Canada stands for honest
butter, cheese, and every other pro.
duct of the farm."-=-Parrner's Advo
01, b t 0 0 tg ni (tA fro
-1 n remaeitse-
B V1,311i liatIDAY AIO ti N1 N , •,,
Ontram tied faookin .cemented, Services
at3p Itualnd8pm, -
SAtV,raTION ARMY--ltlpt.McLeod
ano wife lir oottttuland. Services at 11 a,
w,3pte and 8pm, •
In each of the above Mimed churches
;sabbath School is held at; 9.30 p rn.
Sub ri tiortp rico 1y ort n
&4 1? ll ..°1 perx z,i advance.
IAlI E11Ti131110 RATES.
"' 41.1,1,,1 "1 y r. i is mu. I,• ;3 mix. 1 1 t> ti
On: Gclutr.0 Soo 00449, 00 $s0 00 0 441
l ult " 40 00 2n 19 00 4 00'
.attar $0 00 18 00 100 dltr,
t e 41
n nc 1 s . £ _
00 30 _
I: 00
{ yacht and other' cat:hth tairtiselneat, s6-134 line•
for 149, insel'tion,and So per line foranohsttbeequent'
imertirur. Measured by nonparall scale,
lord notices 1Qu. perlll,o ter first insertion,
per lino for cath subsequent urser'ticr.
1 Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Sltuetlous
and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 line
nonpareil, $1 for first mouth, and 600. for each.
subsequent month, _
1 IIotuma and F1u,os or Salo, not exceeding 8 line.
41 for 1itst month, 600. per - subsequent- month
Capital, 51,401,520, Rest, 111,000,000
eassaunt- cue eraARI'<
Vtee•PreeielOnt—A, t . nxMsAt.
,JOAN P,noroa, ciao. Roam, WA OIsaow,. bI P,
A. T. %Voon, I1. P, A. B. Liss (Toronto).
Cashier—J, TURNBULL.
$avinlza Ballet—Uours,10 to 8; Saturdays, io.to
Deposita of 81 and upwards received and interest
Special Deposita also received at cutout
rates of it.irest. - . -
Prafts or, great Britain and the United States
bought and cold
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
The Waved Band.
•V'ery charming is the summer girl
in her pale bine shirt waist of pique
trimmed ai ound the shoulders and
down the front with a waved band
of white. This may be of .pique or
of some [!kite sheer fabrie or of
needle work; hut it distinguishes the.
"swell" shirt waist of 1891) front the
sister garment of ":yesteryear," If
the entii £t frock is of pique, the same
arrangement of a' waved baadmcon-
tinueii as a decoration on the shirt.
It comes down from the belt on the
left, side, a;td about the lime of hem
fencirelee the skis t, It is a very
pretty finish for c,,l,)red pique.
"kle that is warm thinks' all Eo" but
many people ars always c ]lei b0,: tuSe of
poor blood. They need kIou.l's Sar-
Money to Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on Ifrortgages at 6 per oentwit h
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note
and accounts collected, -
Ii t)TsT. MoINDOO.
Beaver Block Windham, Ont
This word is our copyrighted guarantee for Purit;
and Strength when seen on our gouda. - It mark
"them the standards for their several, purposes an
it§ presence protects you from imitations and in
fetter goods. Look for it. -
How to-Infiuenoe Your Neighbor.
Nothing influences a neighborhood
for good equal to .a thorough going
live farmer. Good fanning is as
catching -as measles and the influence
for good that one man can ,exert is
past nleaoui e ' Is . your district
being elevated byyour methods of
"To Throw Good „NLoney .After
Will but inerease my paid." It you have
thrown away money for medicine that
did not and could not enure, why should
you not,, now begin taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla. the medicine. that never
disappoints? Thousands of people who
Were in your condition and took .Hood's
Sarsaparilla says it wag the best 1nv£'st=
went they ever :made, for it brought
them health,
' HOOD'S PILLS cure sick hef;daohe,
indigestion. - ,
Sheathe No'VOlties for the House.
Eleetricity for heating Is BOW in.
troducd in many houses and the
kitchen outfit is almost complete.
confidence of the business eommut i One can cook Without heat,dost or
ty, whieh has with marvellous appre-
ciation responded to the .improved
condition of affairs. I wilt consider
the other planks of the Liberal
platform in my next letter.
smoke in the neer electric kitchen,
they are easily manipulated where
electricity enters the lionise, ' T3y
attaching' a wire to the nob or, the
small implement heat is - quickly
communicated to it, 'Very little heat
is given to the surrounding air by
Children �" for the fluid and one can cook in a small
kitchen with alarge electrical range
rk without experieneit1g-any appreciable
discomfort from the temperature.
"All Over" Wxth. mini.
For hot weather use the electrical
output is unsurpassed and is bound
"The patience of Job" Was to ' great to come into general use as electricity
becomes more popular as an e1onlotrlic
household agent, The small elec.
Utensils cos from x
.e t1 errs t m
triad cooking t
in its wary,
That our stock of forbearance
teems small,
over Troii
h alio r x
Foralthough e ryaselec-
r to *50 a p1eWe, but a complete ere
the say, i
y Y, triose kitchen otttfle can be obtained
Yet he never boiled over at all. at from $100 to $200.
Is the result of Overwork and an
Exhausted Nervous System. - Dr.
A. W. Chases Nerve Food creates
New Brain and Nerve 'Tissue.
Business and professional men, accountants,
Stenographers, teachers, students and allbrain
workers know only too well what it means to
have the brain so tired but that concentratiotr
of thought is almost imprlssibte.
One-fifth of all the blood in the Humeri body
is found in the brain, and unless the blood is
pure and rich the brain becomes exhausted for
Want of proper nourishment .
Za. A. W. Chase's Blood Food creates new
brain and nerve tissue, andproduces rich red
blood, " the vital fluid" of the body.
All brain workers quickly reeognixc the merits
Of this great food cure, and after a few •doses
enter on their work with new energy and ambi-
tion, -
Brain fag is bnitnown to pet ons Whose brain
and nerve have been invigorated by the use of
Dr, A. W, Chase's Nerve Food, which is for
sale by all dealers at sec. a bee.
Th. Chase's New Book, "The Drs or Life
and How TO Cure Them," Sent free to your
address. Edmanson, 13ates & Co.,''oront°.
Plant Spray.
Persiatic Plant Spray contains nc mineral poison
eremite or Paris Orson. Sure death to al insect lif
fungi, etc, _!armless to vegetation. Canada's one
reliable spray.
• Sheep Dip
Persintio Slxeep Drp le a,Preparation for tho curd
skin diseases npd,tho.erildication of vermin in shoe
and rattle... It is highly medicinal and does ii
work with no drastic orirntatleg effects. Enderse
by leading sheep rarsels..%
Horse Wash
Porsiatic horse Wash is a specially prepared tnedi
hmone for the ' cure of skin diseases peculiar 1
horses and Inc ridding then of all trisect, pests an
"eriniri, It has a surpassingly refreshing effec
brightens the poli and. puts the skin:into a the
oughly healthy condition. Price $1.00 per 34 us, ca'.
Pig .Wash
PorSlatio i'ig Wash is successfully used in ail Das
01 skin diseases of Swine, sad for destroving nil
lice and vermin generally. Keeps' the skin in
healthy condition and•ensuresn healthy appearan
in the dressed animal for market.
• Powder.
Persiatie` Red • 1Youse Spray and .PouitryPoWC
destroy vermin pecuiiar. to the .feathered :etock—
fowls or in sheds. Act as a, disinfectant, destroys
germs and.purifying the ettmospliorg.. Used libt
ally they prorout pup trod kindred diseases.
Purchase these abode troll your dealerior'tlend
us direct.for.them., Wo invite correspondence.
The Pfeil hardt Renfrew Co.5 Limite
Stouffviile, Ont.
Caveats and Trade.Marki obtained, and all patent
business conducted for )IODESv1I: FEES. My
office is in the immediate vicinity of the PatentOfiice
and toyfacititias for steering patents areunsurpasued
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention with
description and state:neat ns to advantages claimed.
* 1iroder rdeiamade 'far areopinion deito
patentability,end wiv fee for prosecuting the
applies/ton 'mitt vaot ,e cIlied tar anti Rho
patent t allowed. "INvestoas' Cams," con-
tainingtuft infernationteat free. All QPn►mgnl.
callans Consldared es atrtctly rontldcatial.
1' 95. oask WASI1I'J i'1'ON. gs, tf.
-Before placing your ord.
for 'Spring Clothing - call at
see `our
lM:.YY:' a�IYt
for I899. We can afford
sell New Goods cheaper the
old stock that cost orie-h�
More than new and bett
goods of the latest styles w
cost to -pixy,
We make clothes that,fit,
queen's 13lock.
...motor advertfsalnents 111 proportion,
• Teets tcr,ns %rut be strictly adhered to
Special rates ter larger advertisement4, er or
longor periods,
Advort.sements and local notices without Oneonta
directions. will be inserted till forbid and charged)
accordingly. Transitory advertisements rover be
pard in ad,'anes -
Changes for contraotudvortisements host be in
the OIttoe by Wednesday noon, 10 Qrder t0, appear.
that week
Li. B. ELLIOTT, '-
Paoearsvoa ANA Poawsmci4
For the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMENand
SURGICAL CAUS of all kinds, For' particulate,
address ,
McdlealpSoperhte dent, tp gham, Oati.
Private and Company funds 1Q loan at lowest rate
interest. No ooulmieslon chargee. - Mortgages, town
and farm property bought and sold -
°P'PICE—Beaver Sleek NnneuAet.
Wioghan,w . Oat,
t1OLIQimon To. B4 111 OF BAnui.,Toli.- .Dlotrti TO
Office—plover Bleak. Wingham
s = Air (i. CAMERON,III
1 .
Office—Corner iinm;lton and St. Andrew streets
opposite Colborne Hotel.-
Oonaaton, - • Cesium
1' A J(T11UR J. IRWIN, D D 6, 1, p S,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of tha Pennsylvania
Dental College and L10°11 :to of the Royal' College
of Dental Surgeons - of Ontario. Otiiee over Post
A Office, Wnighant, - - .
a •
8..1E110//1E, L. D. S., DENTIST, HAS WITH
. Sim D. D. Rees, graduate of the B. C. D. 8.
of Ontario, and is prepared to do all manner of
Dental work at reasonable prices. Beaver Block,
c. opposite the Brunswick House, Winghanr. .
r. 1 J Ol3N RITCHIE,
WINonais Oitrtnto
ee ic)DEANS, JR, WlNG1iAM,
Sales attended in any part of the Cc. Charge
iloderate. - ,
an ‘
rr j *HN' CtTBZ 1'S;WusoxAst, ON,ii.,,
Sale's` of Pattie `Stock stat.' i''atnl Inipl4mente
d, specialty.... .
All orders lett at the TtMats'bilico promptly attea.1
ed to, TQrms,reasenablo, .
' •, ra•B'AN D 6it.t .i7NIi- ItA1LWAY.
, 44 Cr 1a- r•--
Ia7; AUT Aitnlve
06 p. r
Toronto Last 6 49 a ni sr
._.,-, ...8 00p m 10 40 p n
Palmerston mixed 8 55 a m 8 05 p n
ondon n So 6 10 tx
"".t 'nth" 83 a .tel '11
'i aw
3.3t'pm 800pn
•Zineardiiie , `, s 1i"10A ,m 6 40 a n
' 3 Sep m s 30 p nc
..r 10 20 p tri , 8 30 a 1r
La ---
- .... 1)2(109 Caledonia No, Oeet
0, D, K., the first and thiil Meet Monday it
' 'every mdI1thyrn -(1100,10 l'ellowe Hall. Visitinc
brethren welacte. -J. iriurrIty Ohlef. 11 I
Elliott, Rec . 5f:
.. _
t0.• - :
of NCLUt)ING Books, Pamphlets, restore, II
err heads, Clradnrs, &e,, 4cc.,: executed in the boa
. style of the art, at moderate prices, and on ebur
Ill notice. Apply or address
Il, B. ELLTO`rt
'P ass Office, Wincthate ,
We are pleased 10 announce that an Hooks o
•aJ Meg/taines left with us for nindtn r, wlf have ou
t. ,i a e-! ,wa Olive.wr i. in..r •M1
wl1117 g otr aopiloatioit o Lite Tcxiis t5t9ae
c. ...tet