HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-25, Page 1tl VOL. XXVII.--NO. 1427. WINGTIAN, ONTARIO. FRIDAY, AUGUST 25., 1899. POSITIVELY NO NEN! • GREAT GLOM -OUT LEAVE OUT THE MEN TRAP IS MUT L. C)0 Woo .1V110 MEANS. The LADIES OF TUE MA,00AllEES request the pleasure of the company the Ladies of Winghani to a sociable in the L 0. Aioelg) FRIDAY EVENING, 25, 1899 Tile meeting will be addressed by RISS ». s. C. • Leave the men reeking the cradles and enjoy a pleasant SOetal evening, Dr. Butler, of Lindon, will be at the Queen'e Rotel, Wingham, on the first Wednesday of each month from 11.80 till 8 oeeloolt p, in., for consultation ia diseases of the eye, ear, nose and thcoat, I. 0. L. cuasio.t excursion to Semite an day last, under the an VA Was a grand sumo Dna end the pleesure was notentert eg in the I Detroit and return we all. Tbsgtend prize, to the handsomest la awarded to Mss Ada The judges were W. i. D McIienzio, of Luc of Blytle, After m through the train, t conelusion, there w nice looking young 1 belles from Ktnoardin and other Oozes, exp eased themselves as well pleased with t e deoision of the jdges. J MoMet accompanied the excursion as chairmen f the committee. Watireo.—A. boy to learn the drug bust. HAMMTON Wioglaana. If ell the stations as larger', ne ether to the harvest exoursi meth the Nerthwest as Wingharn there wi be no seercity of farm laborers in th prairie provinees this year, On T relay morning the busieat sob in t wee the P R station. Very earl particle going away and their friends eo Id be seen going to the station and b ore the train left a crowd of between t had eongratulated whom left on the points on the prair list of those who - us by Mr Beeme agent : - JoeLeitett Gilmoute Jae Beet Allie King, W j Ken :Arbuckle, Paton Jo man, John Dipslev, Keneedy, Tilos 73 a Dormicl, •Mee Wm Lout tit, Moose, Jew Ploolter, David'Rai Min Eliza Peewee Gannett, nos Po Boissevain ; J In Blackwell, Geo BM well, Moosomiu ; Couttes, .1 Currie Peter MTh:steer, Mrs T L Oeoper, tn Mrs J J Rep Remilton, Mrs D Pattereon, Potter, Griswold ; a Ozhow,; Lou Loose Gregor, W J Taylo Wel 000 Irvine, Ca Having resolved, to go out of the - Dry Goods and 4rocery business, We shall at once connnenee selling everything hi these two lines at cost 4n. below, WE MUST &JOSE THEIVI OUT LO L Naws. I Pon SAnn.—A two volume Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary, as good ark's adveetheenent. , as new, for sale obeap. Apply at Teams Mr W Nicht) leen hat, been for building e home A Pecionesseen Sc; een Centre etreee. Me ' eataiogue.deseripteve See liaise CONTRACTS. awarded the °morale for Mr John Cowry Ni chateau now ha eight residevea, Wingbain. I" good A BAD STBTEM.---A who ought to know about, says :—By t merchant is 50, he him in bad debtu t rest of his life, if h haps you know So —By the end -of —Septen-ther. Between now and that tune we shall give the greatest bargains ever heard of in Wingharn. Now is the time to seeure some of theru. First 01130rS gets best choice. This is a great opportuniy; don't miss We shall still cOntinite the Tailr- oring, Gents' Furnishing, and Boots and Shoes Departments with it larger stock than ever before. tit+ HOMUT sot Ii FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 5 11.1 COmmercial School in -Canada is the tf ] Vii CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Vue..troitb, ten. e., ff.! Na.ditt.2' Srrir PER CENT. OLe tuw. 0 rr, stuaents we enrolled during the rxi past year from outsides Cif Stratr 01- nese colleges than ours: Write for ford came frora nearer °Lber bad-. -' Our new catalogue. It's the finest .„ business college catalogue in Can-„fe dlti et ache and repeesents the Most Pro -1;1 gressive and Best School. W. J. ELLIOTT, Pincipal. [i %mom Rig 24 0ArYill-MEMMeArf lYtatriage Licensee issued by FRANZ PATERSOSt, No 28, Vic tale street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. OpEAP READING Our Clubbing List., ye order to sate our stbserlbews the trouble of snaking two or more riniwIttancets we have made epecial arrangementa with the publieheis by whieh we art enabled tosoffer the if:Mowing 'publications in etedniectiori with the W11/011441 /IMES at spacial ow rates troll) nOW MAW Dec. 815t,1809, Tithes end weekly Globe, • itt 26 times end Western Advereeer. - 1 40 ramie and Peony Herald and Weekly Stet end lecture . 1,75 time and Vermeils' advocate, . Yee unOS and ranting, weekly, . i 75 Moue end. Atentrted Weekly noes, . e. 00 Tinaa old Farmers' Sun, . ISO Vilna and Daily olebe ,, 425 Timm end nay World, • • • SO Tiines end 'Country Gentleman, ,, 2 70 int* and 'Wendy Mall and Empire 1 EC et end Daily mentreal Herald,- g DO lipeelal titthlwing ,rates with Mt newspapers and r*slnce quoted en temptation. A oes altatelereetter tell at the Inans osszloy • vvnitlarik Lasimatia,4agatat.,=====ligg gam,& contract% ter ereetieg nese College, Strto ve at which. are in ign of prosperity. ell-known.rnerchant, wbat he is talking o time the average as money enotigh due suppott hien for the could collect ib, Per - ebbing about it, • G T INSPECT ON.—General A/onager Hays and the office Is of the Graeae Troe1. who have acoompa led hint last...week oh a tour of inspection ver the northern and to all who are deeiro hend or business eo Business College enj for superior work an Term an Tuesday, la the Principal. To RR' PRINTED Its of the departin not be published en A number serve:nest nigh Scheele mase prisons are made some schools use •t middle diyisione, 4ees satisfaction at who pass tie an ad the exoellent condi top of the reed and the to the belief that manner in which tje employees are per the passing Of future the results' sealed and sent o the schools AuCTION sre.—Thee wi public auct' on the pr urday, A.ugus '23th, 18 ne •the three 0. tages 22 situated, on t e c forming their dOtI at= gip LOT roe, Seee.—'1'hat deals:- ableeeroperty on the heath side of tbe Diem:met road, belonging to T E Bowles is offered for de. For terms and particu- lar, aPPIY ts Roue* dc BON. -,,z PAIMWErAlt,- eev titer lielenott bid farewell to his wog egation in the Xi 0 church hereon Sunda naorning last. After the service the oongre titian presented him with a purse of gold a a tartgible reooni. tion of their appreci tibia of his services and of the esteem in hioh he hi held s iiiiii Reuter. -Re left on hursday for his, et. home in London fol wed, by ti e cod wishes of a large oirol of friends. , Bev Father McMenamin, of Idgetown, has been appointed here. SZERWALle CONTR() far Chas Barber has been awarded t contract for leying the ocinerete sedate k in town tor this year at 10:eo per sq ate yard. e Work on the walk on the east side of Shaer etreet will be corameneed t once and the othee wallte, for which by. awe have been paste ed, will be beilt in petition a were prese A. number more pet all of which are bein end the prospeote e., new walk will, be buil . is over. Foomakn Winghain junior footb friendly game on the Priday evening last, r team scoring two goo, hateresting front atar visitors took the first and teen the home td things up, but it was tune that they mime he order that the ted to the • Conneil Holm are out now sufficiently signed that oonsiderahfe fore the summer The Brussels land 11 teams played a home grouqs oA in a tie, each The game we tO finish. The oal in . quick time went in to even et until nearly half ded in locating the oat The second hal started with h g • a rue by the Wingbant for suds but they felled to score. The pig sit n, however, was kept in the icinity of the russels goal and in about ten mintitea be home team added another to their scot The play from thiA out was also in Wing • tina's favor, but just before time Was up 1 e 13rasel boys made a stineesaftil rush a d evened the moe. Witigheen tried bard to break the tie be. fere tirrid Was calld, but Were unsuocessw ftd. The tearnsi line up as follows: POS ION Entirlattif Stephet1800 G Vanetone CoItina B eke Irwin Pearen Kendall Kling ". n lees West W Aikens WU:Kay Borgess • Ainlay BurkholderPeeblee Charaberlaiii Cameron McDOneugh Meerae GItleepie Itoach rt Athens • Lowry Iteforee—tra Gerr 1: oore—An elahoeate I the •Central, Buse , Ont, nail free o secueing alert- rse. The Central ys ' a fine reputation opens for the Fall pt 5th. W .1 Elliott - ,VERENTLY.—The ie - tai examination well mese after this year. have. been made by , who say that oom- between eehoole, and e number of students rtisement. This leade e end of education is atninations. In the f etude school to the headmastere af be void by ism on Sat - 0b • ie Oi& p Iota 20, 21 aid ner of John and Edward streets, i te town of Winghain; also a butener bus Any part or all of the real estate .r 1). otter business can be purchesed p vate1y1) ore the dey of sale. Ter --On real state 10 per Sent. of pu age pre on y ot sale, Warm in 80 days. For terms on butcher • imbues pply to D Ingle. Trump ox.; Rye,—The Bell Telephone Conm 1.141Ve 'announced a ohange in the ri es which makes a material reclucti• in message rates between six o'elo h p in and 8 a ro, Formerly the rate were'exactly the same for night messages ,but under the new order all messages over 25, cents shall go at half rate, previ. :d thd half is not under &anti. In ot er words,a. subscriber e id talk live mi it -es with a friend in orouto between 6 p ni and 8 a in for 25 tents inateed of 5 °tante, the regular fate. Supposing the rat is 85 cents, it is re: ditoed to 25 cets, The charge practicelly only applies to lor. distance rates. ATPOINTRD G T ,A.ONNT. —*Mr John Smith, who has be the position of bag - gagman at the G Rstation here for the past fourteen year, has been promoted to the; position of 8 tion agent at Ethel. During INIISmith' residence here he hag, by his kind and ole iging disposition, mule many friends, e ha's been a faithful employee of the ompany and the pro* motion could not • given, tet any one more diserving. His many friends here, ai. though sorry to se him leave town, will be pleased to hear 1 his Sildcesta in Beene- ieg the more reap neible position. Mr Smith left on We elute,' to take his new duties, Mr. jas Gall, of Lucknow; will take his piece at tl station here.. at Villa on Tb 1809, a followin erly four a said Village the premises and lath mill w ORTGAOS: BALE.,—There Will he blip stIntiOR on the, prerrii trot FordWich,in the County sties,. the 81st day of A three o'clock, et valuable property d$ of Park let f Fordwioh. first ala sten hetet power engi an boliers, with mode running order; • ittaehinery,ealthS. revolving bed plan nioulditsg tea inte ads saws and cu off tables, and temper; geed tram story dwelliu house, with wood house and sable' a, dozen of Brussels. Terms Try Xingse Clearing Sale, All 10c prints money for 50. High Class Organdy Mustin% and in 80 tunneler dress goods at half Woe. Xing For pays mob Inc batter and eggs. Try the ftp sale during July and Angtist. • St tf 0 13Ergo, Wingintra, ffered s in the ftlurou, net, A D, moon, the The west. No 22; in the bore are upoe frame sawmill oiler house a go two 35 ltdree power aehinety, all in geed ull line ot platting Iiittrierd matcher, icier sided d 8aWw sand drum grouted 1/ tobett ,and tnobed; of Pod aino ball/ e driving sheds, a d about et elate bearing fru eteee,, ale: -1.0 per gent. Of p chaos ton on day of sofa and the b lance ye when poseesedot will he Veit' rtbar particular* and informs, "on o the underaignerl or to far A S. et Fordwiels. 3 A }torten, Vendot (Ater. Data 24th01ittly41.84 • Ati - :tile fifth annual Detroit on SAW- pices II)f L 0 No s. The weather was f the excursionists ast. Prom Sande to greatly enjoyed by diamond ting, given V on the train, was Loag, of Winghein, teeeling, of Exeter ; now; W W Tamlyn, king several tripe judges omen to a re a great many liee. Several et the , Luck/low, nese. Apply to A tf arr ran Tug Wes along the line contrib o and three, hundred eeventereseven of rein e ,,, different „ ()flowing is kindly furnithe , the genial 0 P /1 Mies resiteh, Fanny gs, Alfred Marriott, edy, Rithard Peek, W ibtOn, Chief Vannor• Ts McDonald, Alex Oy„ John ele. spay, Nelson 0.A. CoET, ALSO 81 Ey Godkin,Delereerie; D. Brown, Mrs Jobe Robb X Brown, lie, Methoen ; Ceas Ittrell, Mrs G 13 1)Iek. Joe Hodgson, ()bee Eatevan ; Ilay, t Mound ; ,T L Cooper, t Roo t, Miss Hood, as ("owlet), Gretna; Perdue, Binscorth 2atterso», Wm es Ill teller, Ire, Etcher, Elm Creels ; Wm Mo- , W P Deacon, Neepa- berry ; Ne/lie Baxter, Pepdstone ; John 1\ artin„. Sieliti ; 'rhos Kinuhau, Win Kit limn, Patrick Waist', nd King, Vic den ;J Gray, Mary Rad, oliff, Brandon ; Be earn Gra, Reabure I David Johnston, erteey ; Willie Mu- D'onad, Illargaret inn, :Ars Iloht Mc- Donald, Shoal Toils ;-18 Nion, Kewvoy ; Miss Gerta Russel , , Gingrist, James Irvie, Dauphin ; J Robbs, Regina; John Beid, Nesbitt Lucy 2almer, Winni peg ; Lester Adams, Portage la ,Prairie ; W Haltead, Morrie $1 A YEAR IN ADVAJ ADDBBSS AND P A number of the Smith met at the night, (the eve of his and presented him accompanied I,ty an e and a set of table line address: Itot )(mu Swam, Dort asorellaw—iro, y ur friends and co-workers of the Winghan) Dept's; c And Sunday school, having learned with, refer( that yourself and family are !Mut to remove frot Witigham, we desire to express our • sincere so . at the approaehing separation, and to armors qu that our beat wishes end payers shall follow 3 ; also to allow the esteem in which yen are Id for your worth's suite. Yen have shown yourael a most constant friend, and faithful woekt.r tor t church here, We dhow that nothing, but intense 30rotIon to the cause in. duced you to accept the triple duties Of Deaeoer church Treasurer and 'mutiny ohool Treasurer. We are glad that the ceded strength has been Olvinely vouchsafed. Y' annual atetementa were always satisfactory an the' neatly -kept books attested to the fact that our work teas done. We hellerve that bath yo roll and Airs Smith will coetinne to use the tater ts God has giyen you to exalt His Word and ily hie teaching in -your new home et you have here, Thoughts of the Inspire, Hon, Wee counsel and w elig,htful intercourse will dwell in our memories w yott are ;rens. In say- ing good-bye to your few ly we again express regret et your departure from a, and ask you to accept the dinner set and set of able linen as a token of rememoerance and of tie appreciation 'of your services and our love for you. We assure you that our prayers shall (WNW , on to your new sphere of labor, that God may con Inue with you and , work through you Unto the e d. Signed on behalf of your tritunds in the Oho h and Sunday achool, lr 011.1SN AR, Mr Smith, eielthou h taken csompletely by surprise, OW& a eeling reply on be - wile. Ile thanked kind words cinatained for their eandsome ning was then pleas. intercourse, etc, and at seaeonable hoar d Mrs Smith every home. EDENTATION, iende of Ur hien J.-1 We Tuesilay parture for Ethel), with an address, aborate dinner set Following is the half a himsolf end hitt friends fee ehe in the addreste end a • preseats. The ev anely spent in Boole the party broke up again wishing Mr a success in their ne ABB TOU LOS= G 15'1911 I Then sornetlitng is wrong. To the young it always means trouble. It lit% warning to any one, unless they are already too fat. Scot's Etnalsion °hooka this waste and brings up. your weight again. One eye ata' time That's the way we test. Usually the eyes difftr in sight, A glass which suits one injures Th6 other, and ultimately both suffer. We use modern appliances) and the greatest care ter avoid a msfit. misfit would hurt your eyes Our reputation. J. E. DAVIS, DouGGIsT AND OPTICIAN, PeleNtE NAL. MIELE . The maide* of. and Mee Win Netterfielci, LoWer Vin-iliam was the scene of a happy ev nb on Monday even- ing last, when their youngest doughter. Miss Emma a, was nited in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr IV 3 Cooper, of Maville, North Dltota. The nuptial knot was tied by th Bey R Hobbs in the preseucte of the immediate relatives a,nd friends of the contracting parties. The bride looked c arming in a costume of pure white and •arried a bouquet of white roses. The b idesmaid, bliss Lizzie TIoinuth, was also c ressed in white and carriecl white rose Itir W p Pyle atistetecl the groom. The ceretacmy and congratulations over the guests were in. vited to the dinning room where a sump- tuous wedding dinne was partaken nf alter which a social even tag was specit. The brute was very popt 1s among the young people ef the row especially in the Epworth League ef the Methedist church in which she Wee • consistent worker, bolding the office of Vice President at the titne of her marraele The groom is a eon of Mr Them Coper, formerly of thie town, and now ho .s a responsible posi- tion in one of Ib banks in Ida,ville, The nuniber of nsefit and costly presents received by the brid attests to ber pop- ularity, among the being a gold watch and chain from the • embers of the Ep- worth League ace° • pa,niee by an ad. dress. Mr and Mr Cooper lefe on the early train Tueaday orning for Illavell, where they will resid:. The Toms joins with the bride's ina.y friends here in wiahing them a le g and proseerone journey through tife. Followieg is the address from the Bp orth League To Miss nY144. Iwtitrrarretstm Dna Fa Esc --We, the embers of the llipworth League of the Ilethodlst C molt, wish to exprea.4 our Sorrow at towing to per With you. It is scarce- ly necessary to tell you the we will miss sou very much in our League theetin s as well as in. the Week connected with It ; as for number of years you bare been ono a our n,o t faithful and efficient °Item and your work us Vide Prssieent ot the visiting and roller departirli nf our highest praie, and departure trona among uw y other part of our bleater's your presence. As a eligi wc",uteiZt"rwrottfd air Voull use it uuty always Olt lenfomdtn I I: unload: you atd the ono w Mu you have termini tot you "that our time are in Geffs hands," inYp°e1aVginInPestTiopfiltho ew who 'id V etninthtehehttPenid" tlThantle of the Meat High, The L and us when We Ore soave signed On behalf et fhb tell ILLERS INSECT POWDER POISON PADS STICICY FLY ALL FRESH AT MORROW'S ' DRUG STORE. PRES.BYT.WR OP MAILAND. The regular Sep ember meeting of the Presbytery of M itland will be held at Wiegharie oa Wed esday, September 27th, at 10a instead f September 19th. The change has beep Ma e m order to accommo. date Rev Dr °trap el', who will visit the Presbytery on tbat late in the interests of. the Century Fund. A, special ineetin of the Presbytery of Maitland will be h Id in Knox College, Ripee; on Monday etegust 28th. et 1 p tn, tor the purpose of dealing with ther reeignetion of Bev Colin Sieolair of tbe pastoral charge of nox church, Ripley, and Knox church, evie. Jaren 11140Nim, Clerk., Next Lord's da will be the flea anniversary of Past r Freed's settlement as pastor of the B 1st church it thia ptace Appropri sermons, both • inorniiii4Vtid even ng, will mark the. occasion. The Pastors' and means' Oonfereneet of the Walkerton Association of the • 13aptist Churches, V, meet with the church in Kinceircli e, Sept 25 and 26. A good prograoame is being prepared which will appear due season, Pastor amilton, of Pal %ton, formerly al this place, is presid nt. At the last conve tion of the Baptists of Ontario and Que ec bald in Toronto May last, it wa8 de ided to inaugtxrate a Forward Moven), nt in lelissinas to mark the close of t e present century. The amount propos el to be raised is a little more than doe le the sura usually raieed in one year. The social and lawn party held at the hones of Rev John W Goffin, on Tues day ' evening of last vveekwa a gratifying success. There eves a large at dance and a very pleasant time was ape about the house outside, and inside the onse from parlors to kitche. Ice-cree, and sake were - dispensed with—they ppeareu and appeared. .A. good r rogramtne of vocal and instrumental rausi interspersed with readings and recitation was given. Pro- ceeds devoted to gener I church purposes. ItIr Goffin has recei ed a call to the pestorete of the Con tegatiOnal church e ere In course of Sept llth. Veva on, England; A 10 nto ; Rev McXen- elly, of Listowet ; OE Boltn, of Garaf aa, and John A. Moir, of Ilowick, ar expected to be present to take part in the proceedins,. Tea will be provided the basement of the church from 5 80 to .30 p in. It iit now eertam that Bev M•Wean -wood, whose able lecture on Where weare at" was so highly appreciate , will be with us r. Further par - ad instediation servic prepara tion for Monde Burford Rooke, of Lon DctoGregor, PI A, of To zie, of Seaforth ; Matt to lecture again in Oeto cabers later, PALL P S. t OsOoeistty Is WOrtity ta though we regret your we are glad that an- irynrd will benefit by Wren of our Apprecia. we 41,8k you ter seeent X VET In mita western, Winghatn, Sept 10.23. estern Bair, Londn, Sept 746. datrial Fair, Toronto, Aug 22 -Sept orthwetern, Gederioh, Sept 20-28, thfield and Wawanosh branch, Dungan non, Det 11 12. aron ownship, Ripley, Sept 20.27. btria Beettch, Blyth, Oot 9.10. uron Central, Clinton, Sept 10-20. inloat Branch Agricultural Society, at Zueluto, 8-4. inistraine, Oet, 10-11, ameraton, Sept 20,27. llin/ton North, flarrisiort, Sept 27.28. ilverton, Sept 28 20. , orthPortii, Stratforde Oct 11.3. t'd thou cd ono ircipt unother" 15 Vhanza nAtt, r*o, &USG PACS,. Sea. 1 Goop Ain Txtz Twmolt No oiga has ever been inkle to equal the Laudon ige, They are thoroughly] good, pue, healthful, aomatic. Vet* get:nothing but clean, Pure tobaco,free W- -from any nttiBobil Havering, and they ti one only S bat* nt 3 bricieivies. 1,0"