HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-18, Page 7VE)LE AND0 ETC ET( 6/1•6•60.1,66.' 01.6•66 re" • .0 • " J 1 46 t." 1 COPY RI GAT, 1 98_ 13Y1AMMICAN a 1401\1. with Pleasure, mixed, as it seemed to tele, with some misgiving, He had elo Weapon, but carried a basket in QUO hand, and I recognized him as Erastus Brown, Ciolenel Maneley's servant.. "Hello, Mersa Hank I" he said when within speaking distance., 'I'ze been 1 lookin, fur yo'." I "What do you want of me?" "Pze got a letter for ye'. Sole on a • rainute," Setting down bis basket, he began. hurriedly searching his clothing for the raissive, while I looked on more perplex- ed thau ever. A letter for mci Who was the writer, and what could it mean? As the search progressed it became al- most furious. He jammed. a big hand first ander one shoulder, then under the ether, then hurriedly througla the side made .ofcir "Do you know a clarity named Pete who lives in Black Man's swamp?" I asked, with a view of diverting bis at- tention from the subject that distressed him. Erastus stopped short, with a sort of gasp, and stared at me, ' "Why do yo' ask dat question, Marse Hank? Yo' knows dat eberbody in, de world knows dat wuthlees nigger. He's a bad inan. Doan' yo' trust hira," "I must say.L don't fancy his looks iand manner and might have known that you are acquainted with him. Why does lie make his home in the swamp?" My companion must bane thought I was pretending ignorance, but all the same he answered with engaging frank- ness: pockets and into his trousers, repeating "His fader was Big Tom, who ramie( 1 1 the action again and again with greater • earnestnessand vigor, while his =pros- don grew anxious and scared. He crooked his finger in the sides of his huge shoes, took off hie hat, peeped in, and then shook it out, as if the missive might have been hiding somewhere in- side, but. in vain, for the letter could not be found on or about him. "Beats de clebbil, Marse Hank, but I hab lost slat letter sartin suah l'' "Aro you sure it was meant for me?" "NO mistake 'bout it." "Who wrote it?" • • 'MiSs Esther,, and she'll broke my head When she finds I hab lost it. Doan' see bow I could hab been so disrumear- lese.". CHAPTER xViii. The strange thrill that passed through me upon hearing tbo declaration that Miss Esther Mausley bad sent a letter to inc by the hand of her servant quickly -vanished when I came to consider the announearnent. name . e This i The negro believed me to be Mink was amusing -in taw, but I was eager to question the servant about .. t Beyer, for he addressed me as such and the family of Colonel Mansley and saw ' showed it in everything he did and said, no way of doing so. Evidently ho had 1:1is mistress held the same belief whee not a grain of doubt that 1 was the real =she left, bei home and raised the win- Henry Beyer, who, as the accepted suitor. dow of 'my prison aud helped me to es- of Miss Mausley, could impart informa.- cape. Even if Erastus had the missive tion to others. The questions which I with him I could not open it, for it I would have asked, therefore, would leave 'was intended for another person. made me ridiculous' in bus eye. His .My interest centered upon the basket i mistress, having reason to believe I was. at his feet. in biding somewhere in the neighbor- " What have you in that?" I asked. I hood and knowing any personal (length:, : "Dat? I like to furgot 'bout it. Dat's had sent her servant -with f oecland a full ob wittles Slat Miss Esther told me letter whioh, unfoetetaitelk,' be' had' IOSt THE WINGJIAM TIMES, AUGUST 18, 1899. naaserier zee Ince, V= be xneeut to ride de bay to ilea and he'll (loot, too, if he (loan' draw eeip on aim aerie. soon." Wo were approaching the residence of ti.a gentleman of whom we were spealdeg. It was a disappointment to learn that he was absent, for it inters fermi kith ruy plan of appealing dizaot- 1. to hitn. However, I could not think he would he gone long, on Ulm paint of askleg a quo - tion of no special import when Erastus teed en exclamation, and 1 tinned toward him to learn the cram, He had. caught sight of au object is the path ahead and broke into a run for it. saw soinathing white lyiug on the ground Lusa knew wbat it was before be added joyously: "Dar's de letter dat Mims Esther writ fur yo' dat I loot!" And, picking it np:he eagerly handed it to me, "1 dean' s'pose i dean' make no dif- ference; Marse Hank, and, if it's all do j seine to yo', yo' needn't obserwate aeY- t'iug 'bout any losin it." away afo' do web. He war de slave ob Giu'ral Witherspoon and one clay killed his oborseer. He talc to de woods, stew- ed de dogs day hunted him vid and lib - ed clar till he died," "His wife accompanied lahn, I sup- pose?" "Yeas, and dar gen Pete was bohn dar and hob libed der eber since." "What is there so bad about Pete?" "Why, I hab heerd it said," replied Erastus, lowering bis voice to a 'omit- dential key, "dat he ain't nano tpo good to stole chiekens. What yo' Viek ob dat, Mame Hank?" • "It is awetil," I replied,. with a Allude der. have my suspicious thet he is degraded enough to indulge in .suoh wicked doings." • • "I doan' say so rayself, fur 1 nebber hab met him when—dat "You have neS%er aaet " When —da t noise Is el:IMO:foes takes a walk by.moonlight," eiPlained Erastus, with considerable erabaeeass-. 110hanamed Must go to the tdountaiu id n' The world is not disposed to re• !E) t of goods hidden from nub. Dare prove the merehont who keeps his I lie. knowledge. Ile may do tte he pleases Wieh his own Ware% and if he I like talents, folded in napkin, that' .....6•6616,1666660 • 660616666, foolishl cleats to keep them secluded at M eat. is his own concern. Tno world won't run after hitn, and beg him to allow it to buy his goods. The wise and alert merchant, however, hay- ing in stole just what the public is in need of, takes advantage a the advertising columns of a sobStantial trained newspaper, like this Ofle, to bring that tact to its attention. The public is independ.ent. To secure its favors its interests must first be awakened; •then business re'atiens are easily established - to gib to ye'. . She put 'em up fur yo aptaclatoda,ldyzne, ato staak eerpshuanateind y fuar, hyotr ef till'I Houk?"lia b ye' got a, l "Have 1 any appetite left l" I repeat- ed, almost dazed by the glorious tid- ings.a!' Ab, but let rne test the question!" . smustya Erastuspbpeojilaa iu ofd tipowerfuled Marcoh munegrtyh. the basket, and, restraining my eagerness, I gently re- moved the snowy napkin inclosing the 1 pone, the corn cake and the gamo and gazed enraptured upon the contents. There are some scenes too snored to be dwelt upon and. to which the pen can - hot do justice. Let it suffice to say that veben I passed the basket back to the servant he remarked, with a grins "Yo' hain't left a crumb, Mame Hank. Shall I gp and got a oartload more fur yo'?" "I have plenty, thank you," 'replied dignifiedly, "but you must remember that that is the first mouthful I have bad since last night." His eyes expanded, and he twisted his thick lips into form to emit a whistle, "Gorrynation, if dat had been me I'd died two, free days Nei!" 1 looked toward Black Maxi's swamp. Still it gave no sign of life. I "Well, BMWs, now that the hun- „gry has been fed, what do you think I i ought next to do?" "flanged if I koow I Miss Esther had writ it all down in slat letter and said Ss how diet would explauify matters." e And the worried fellow renewed his search for the missing missive, making :it so 'thorough that be removed each Shoe and shook it out, but the former ;bunt had established the fact that it 1. was nowhere about him. 1 1 felt uneasy in remaining near the 'swamp; from which my pursuers were likely to emerge at any moment. "Erastus, Iain going home with you. 'Mead on." "1 guess .dat's what Miss Esther ex - Vote from do way She looked at me ' when she headed me dat letter." "Don't think any more about it," 1 letenarked, with an odd pang of jealotiPor ;that SO unworthy a person should he the iteipiatit a a missive from the dainty $i*nd of 0010nel ManaloYia oalY danci. hr. "Beats de debbil!" =uttered Eras- firiallY giving up the hunt through laid clothing and aenntheizing the ground ilta he walked onward, with ine beside Lids. tatiluatt oltmatrin avatar fesv sten- • ' 0 ,AN.Jet . AA, Sweethear:s and 'Wives. '1 ertainly shall make no mentier• If sweethearts were sweet lutarts always, of it." , Whether as maid or wife, Atid, to slow my indifference, I was . No drop would be half so pleasant on tbo point of 1,31ecing it in my pocket , In the mingled gift of life. OnOpened when a parclonal4:, curiosity led see to ook at the address written la. But the sweetheart has smiles and blushes l a dainty hand. The name, instead of: When the wife has frowns and sighs, being "Henry Beyer," was "Mr. Ed- And the wife's have a wratful glitter ward Kenmore." 1 For the glow of the sweetheart's eyes. Miss Mausloy had written the oom- If lovers were lovers always, manication to me 1 I The same to sweetheart and wife, ----- CHAPTER Who woule change for a future Eden • XIX. The joys of this checkered lite? With feelings that caunot be clesorib- on the way. There were other points,. however, upon which it was safes to.qtaestien the: African. "Erastus, what made you leave me so suddenly last night?". "Ye' knows, Marse.taank. It Wei' 'flO cry ob dat bloadhound.". "Bat ho was looking for me, not for you.'' "I know date but 1 war wid yo'. Dem critters sometimes get Vings mixed, and he might tuk me fur yo' - and not found it out till he bad chewed me up." "Have you seen anything of the clogs and men today?". "Seed a.party go by de house, but day didn't stop. Dey had a dog wid 'em. Miss Esther seed 'em; too, and she turned white as def. Den she writ clat, letter and put up de stuff to eat and told mo to try to hnut yo' up. Gorrynation, I didn't know whar to look fur,yo', but I jes' due ahead till I happened to see ye', and 'dun I nearly nwung my arm off tryiu to hurry. yo' up." "Iles Colonel Mansley said anything in yoar heating about me and the affair of last night?" The face of the African became grave, and ho lowered his nice - "Dar's sonaothin gain ort,, atween him and Miss Esther dat gits me. Dey ed I read my own name on the envelope, But husbands grow grave and silent, whioh Erastus Brown, the colored man, A.nri care on the anxious brow handed to inc. Until- that moment I Oft replaces the sunshine that perished had net droallied that itvyas not intend- ; With the words of the marriage vow. ed for tIank Beyer, but 1 was mistaken. , It was for Inc and no one else. Happy is he whose sweetheart a Brealiiii* the envelope, I read the fol., Is wife nd sweetheart hall ; lowing: Whose voice, as of old, can charm biro; 1 Mr. Edward 'Kenmore: Whose kiss, Os of old, can thrill; 1 have learned the dieadful mistake that was Who has plucked the rose to find ever made hist night regarding yourself. The peo- Its beauty and fragrance iecrease, plo believe you to bp a criminal when you are an honest strangerin this neighborhood., Nev- As the flush of passion is mellowed ortheiess the law is powerless to protect you. In love's unmeasured peace. for the time being, and your only safety lies in holding yourself beyond roach of the mitt- Who secs in the step a lightness; guided inen.until stops can be taken to estab- • lish,youridentity: My father is doing his ut- Who finds in the form a grace; most, but he may not succeed in time. Know- Who reads an unaltered brightness ing that you must be in nod of food, I have = In the sweetness of the face. sent our servant in (meet of you, bearing this note of explanation and with little hope that he will succeed. in delivering either, •Siiould I. he do se I desire to say to you, speaking for He Didn't Laugh. you. will be given a cordial.weloorne under our Stranger—You are the only gentle - my father, Colonel Mansley, and myself, that : roof and will be defended to the last; . : - • ' EsmOsa IIANSLET. man in the room. HoW eharlicterietic, this letter Of a Guest—In what way, sir? true sauthernavoman I And how char- Stranger—When I tripped in the asferistic, too, of her 'salient father, the danee, and went sprawling on the Confederate veteran! ' Having ' become floor, tearing my fair partner's dress, satisfied of: the truth and my grieyoh gno. .you didwenretohtlite onlyugi.ione in the room peril, they were readyto defend Inc never aeon, me and I had tion eichauged Guest—The lady is 111V wife, and the death, minx though the parent had I paid for the dress. . a word with the daughter. It Was sell- cient for them to lcuow that an irrepara- "-----"'""'-"'--=—=----!7=--- ble wrong impended for their sympa- And yet as i Nve3.ked.elowly forward Wood's nosilliodino The GreaEng t lish Remedy. bside the colored sevant, to Whose thieS to be enlisted, Before. After. a e ' Sold and recommended by all chatter I gave no bead, a labyrinth of druggists in Canada. Only reit. ped before me. Despite paekageg guaranteed to cure all .perplexity op forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse able medicine discovered. Six her chivalrous . feelings toward me, it or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- ' it..il ilVident that she loved the uneCorthy baeco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt -chief and trouble. There is no fathom- . °reef PtrojeCleCuorlie,' l'apa°Inkapghle'eStS1' s fi rxee55to. aOneny wadaleas' gess.e The Wood Company, Windsor,Ont. Hank Beyer, the cause of all the anis- womatos lieitt, and, nhouid it,091,30 to a DrSuoglgdinWinghe ist, m. by Colin A. Campbell ing the mystery and oentradietions, of a , choice' between sacrifioing The or hnn. whioh would she choose? 'With that Willful unreasonableness often: monis : fasted. by a bright Weirton,. Wotild ,sl.le ' hot bo ruled by her emotions and her, affectiou? The problem was beyond my solution, and my footsteps lagged, for I Wes uncertain whether to go an or tura aside and neek safetk Withoat • hunarail ae, • bel 111Po. de"UbteColoesel Meeeley had ridden ',,. Tan= MARKS , . 1 .1' .4 With headltinghaste in 9:uest of help to : DESIGNS protect inc from lynching. Greatas was t qnAtenzioine sending a sketch and description ma.? ascertain our opinion free whether an COPYRIGHTS &c hie personas: inguenee in his -own neigh., . tions strictly confidential. liandlloolet on rateirit sentfree. oldest agency' for securing patents. 1 invention Is probably patentable. ounnsun s.• borlaood, be must know that a mob is ' Patents taken thronab Munn 4b Co. receive not aineuable to reason, and with the speLic at no. ige,A7.1tth.ou..t charge, in the people roused to exasperation against 'Citillifilk. C )1 .ericaio give uo heed to his pleadings. While 1 a n o aur , cAnletniodsomfelyilluOtrated vestal.. Ymrgest ohs we for my supposed crime they would standieg alone he could rauke but a weak scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a defense against the infuriated yeomen. i .1 year: four Months, $1. Sold Ilan newsdealer& True, if he could convitee his friends MRrUNN & Car lawadwgY' No York arno. niisq. I .5 -V' 9t,. s Ny'ahinoton. D. C. What dyspeptics need is not arti- ficial digestants but something that will put their stomach right so it will manufacture its own digestive ferments. For twenty years now Burdock Blood Bitters has been permanently curing severe cases of dyspepsia and indigestion that other remedies were powerless to reach. Mr, James G. Keirstead, Conine, Kings Co„ N.B., says : "i suffered with dyspepsia for years and tried everything I heard of, but got no relief until I took Burdock Blood Bitters. "I only used three bottles and now I am well, and can eat aneat, which I dared not touch before without being in great distress. I always recommend B. 13. B. as being the best remedy for all stomach disorders and as a family medicine." s Lea v e Orders at Carr's Peed Store, k RETURNED ON TIME 6666•6666,666666,6 Carefully washed, 'properly ironed, correctly finished and fairly priced.— that's the history Of emir linen when brought here, Not a thing in our washing preparations to injure the fibre of the goods and. not a thing unhealthy about our work rooms. T. D. LONG ........6,66.666.6....666.4.6”•6.6AIMAlatotl,,..,••41643•1666/6666,6666,6666.6666.6666.6 Me meetly handed it to tries had a long talk togeder clismawhniti, and den he had no saddle de big bo bang, and he jumped on his batik and rode away like de deblail." "Where was he going?". eo YEARS' EXPESPIIENCE. vorianaanseaaaaaeetteme.30% beyond the immediate vicinity of the . eel real situation, he might otganize a force that mild defy the mob, but to do that "st; required at least several hours, and my tls 'fate must be decided in the meantime. turned about and .8h -idled the swamp now at a considerable distance to the rear. Still it gave no sign. What could 1 it all mean? Where were those wee and I their bloodhouiide that were so clamor- i ous for my death? I was now in the open and offered the most inviting op- portunity' far destruction, but they made no attempt to do me berm. We and now advanced ho fat that tho, • broad,. spaciotte, residence of Colonel Menden surrounded by trees, was in eight, with the winding Highway in front, "lad 1 desbried Cuy of my relies whets1 clot my last searching look to the Year 1 should have changed tuy Zine of flight se as to pass to 4Jewsido of the dweiling and grounds, while sought safety somewhere eine, but With the coast tic:wit seemed that it Wag my duty to call at the dwelling and pev- a:Melly Wank Mlsa aianaley for what elm had already done and for the inter- est sire ahowerl in my welfare. rifling mattere intim& na the meet mlilmentotteneeationu. Z looked. down at ene clothing nod felt that hat in NERVOUS, BLOOD PRIVATE & SEXUAL DIS- EASES, MEN Se WOMEN. ,#, 0 N E et_ When you want a fine line of Printing, whether it be Large Posters Horse Route Cards Dodgers Circulars Letter Heads Bill Heads Envelopes Wedding Invitations and Announcements Visiting Cards Business Cards Note Books • Receipt Books Or any other kind of Printing, you can get the best work at the most reasonable price at T 'PHONE .4. E TIMES WINGHAM tes ONE GIVES RELIEF. len* a Dollar for edicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five CentsIS0r$ 11 . Pus up plumply to gratify the =land preterit asmond, for a low Odra Young, Middle Aged & Old Meal eitveeemestuesetitestoetoelede . Tr you are sufteriug from any eottipnea- tion of tile Sexual System, Madder. W eillee. We cure all sveaktiess, Nervous Kidneys, Blood or Nerves, Consult us St i Waste, Secret Losse.s, Nightly Drains, Sex- • • nal Deelbse, and make marriage possible. ,i0 • Risher Peor—One Dollar. NO INCURABLE CASES TAKEN; i We guarantee to .cure—Varkoceles ,Emis- stens, -Stricture. 'Meet. EYellailit„,ilepotelicf.t i unnatural Discharges. all Privets. Instrous.,tine Elamite Messes of Matt and Wanton. von. w saltation free. question Listier Horne Trent- 1 Mint frbe.,-80olts Free. bOUAR DOC1OR 47"""" 'en"' Detroit, Mloh. If you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabules At the Druggists $end rive Cents to Tsta IttrAtte CitutteLt. Corarktet347 IS Spruce St., New York, and they will be sent to you fattest!' W cartOrta will be mailed for 48 emits. The chances and AI fh Itipoots T abut et ere the 4tary medloinei rat toot