HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-18, Page 61) TUE YINU11AM TIMES,. A U GU ST 83, I.stit). aitutg alit '`td mics esmeteeessesse-e—es.... et, k"ktXDAT, 41,17GUST 18. 18O ) but the Senate itself has thane more I deplored, and that none depreciate it • : to help forward its own refcrination more earnestly than the Govern., by its treatment of the Redistribution tent and the Liberal party goner - Bill, than has been accomplished by ally, in which Sir Wilfrid Laurier Ottawa, August 12. i any other one incident, consented to the Investigation being It is ittteresting sometimes, as well Tho critieisms oiiered by Sir held, when ho had even, precedent profitable, to take a glance back 3 Charles Tupper and other Opposi- and excuse for refusing, and after grunting the investigation the utmost facility was given for the procuring of witnesses and all desired evidence,. reform tliovenients, whether polltical, l much that would not bo listened to social or religious, has been develop. l by :t high court judge. There assn ing repfdly this ,session. Not only I be no question that serious wrong have the leattinp; Ilewapapers devoted • doing occurred in connection with , considerable attention to the subject, l the contest ; this is to be seriously OUR OTTAWA LEITER, .Front our own Correspondent. and compare tine accomplishments of the past with the expectations with Nelda. we look forward telt. It may be remembered by your readers that last Mareh, when on bis way from Sir Parliament, '• _tel often d ` Urs Vietoria G Ribbert Tupper declared, in the coarse of an interview given at Winnipeg,, that "ttere were three -questions to settle divine the ap. proaelting Session ; namely, the re• forth of the Senate, the Yukon Investigation and the failure of the 7digit Joint Commission at Se ashing- ton, but the Yukon affair would be the nemesis which would ring the knell of the Liberal Government." Be further declared that when the gueetion of the corruption of the Yukon officials was brought up, there would be°some interesting develop- ment,. There was abundant Froof then on its way to Ottawa, that all the repudtated cases of ofiieial mal- administration were true, and a great deal more that had never come to light until that time. There would certainly be some interesting developments made before the Session was over, &c." THE PROMISE AND ITS FULFILMENT, Now that the session is over the value of this sapient forecast can be estiraated. As far as the Senate reform is co:.cerned, that has been postponed by mutual consent and not from any lack of desire on the part of the Government to deal with it. F1s to the Yukon ebarges, it will be generally co,hceded that they have not been a success in the part assign ed to them of "the menesis that will Ting the knell of the Liberal Govern- ment." "The abuEiden t proof" 'which was "on its way to Ottawa" last Marcie much have gone astray 3n the wikL; of Algoma, fttr it cer- tainly never reacher] the Capital. "A great deal more that has never conic to light," still remains in im- penetrable darkness. As to the failure of the High Joint Coluiniaion at Washington, Sir liibhet-t would possibly, were he given the opportunity, revise his opinion upon. that etibject as his venera ale father bas already done, for loyality to the family is a dish tinguishing and very protuinent fea• ture of both father and son ; so much so in fact that it is not possible to imagine .t difference cf opinion be. tween therm. It would appear then, that Sir ilihbert's forecast of the sessi'1u that is now over was Lot touch nearer the mark than his lister ie announcement after the general election t.f 18Jfi, that the "Lil•'erai Government could not last six ne Etas." AUT OI.ITIES DIFFER, tionists when Sir Wilfrid Laurier first placed his scheme of reform before the country ; namely, to pro- vide for a joint vote of the House in ease of a disagreement was intended to be particularly cabstto and severe, , especial stress being laid upon the alleged unconstitutionality of the proposal, whieh it was declared was without precedent in the history of the Empire, and therefore could not be entertained for a moment. Possibly if Sir Charles picks up "The Speaker" when he reaches London, he may be induced to reeast his opinion, as he has done more than once this session in dealing with the policy of the Government ; for "The Speaker" observes ; --- "The Joint session is probably the simplest way of overcoming the difficulty in Can- ada a$ in the cowing Australian Federation It is a pity that the large and increasing number of our own Upper Rouse precludes a simi- lar remedy- fur its independence." A PLETHORA OF LEADERS. The closing week of the' session with Sir Charles Tapper absent, has produced considerable evidence that the internal differences in the ranks of the Opposition have not been as entirelc' overcome as Sir Charles Tapper's statenent in Toronto would lead one to expect. The debate on the railway subsides brought out this fact with some prominence, for although Mr, Foster had taken Sir Charles' place as leader of the Left, Mr. N. Clarke Wallace has thought it worth while to assert considerable independence of his leadership, as instance, by specifically opposing the vote to the Canada Eastern Rail- way which Mr. Foster had approved; and inasmuch as the ox•finance minister was following Sir Charles Tupper's lead in endorsing the Gov- erement policy. Mr. 'Wallace and his supporters (for he has not a few) saw themselves in opposition in both leaders. This lack of harinuny among prominent Oppositionists is of more interest to themselves than to the country at large, except that it furnishes a very strong reason for complete confidence in the wisdom of the Government policy. That policy indicates in the most unmistakable manner that the Government has an abiding faith in the future of Canada, and hits the courage of its convictions that this is indeed a growing time, and it is the part of wisdom to en- courage and help forward a healthy and progressive development. 1 E 11IARfCOT I3 OURS. An interview has been published with Professor Robertson, Commis. sioner of Ag, iculture, who has just returned to Ottawa from a business trip to Great Britain. His report of In diff. en;e to the general desire the outlook for Canadian farm and to reaeh the close of the session, the dairy products in the British market Government has dropped the Senate Reform 1tesoletions for the time be- ing, Let it must not be supposed for a moment that the work or reform bas made no progress this session. There c:'in be little doubt in the mind is very encouraging showing, as it does, that the great increase in ex- ports from the farms of the Dominion, this season and last, is nut due to any especial combination of fortuitous circumstances, but is rather the re- of any i+rtreful observer of current suit of the improved standing which vents, that the educational process Canadian goods have gained in the which must acct mpar y all genuine estimation of Old Country consumers. n--- --w� w-----� The intelligent and well sustained !efforts of the Department of Agrieul- i tare to interest the British consumer 1 in Canadian goods, on the one hand, and on the other hand to furnish the Canadian producer with the. •most complete information as to the re• quiretnent of the English ;market, received daily demonstration of their value to.the Canadian farmer ; and in no direction is public motley more i profitably expended, or with a more direct and gratifying result, than in the operations of this department. THE WEST III/RON CASE, The conditions 'leder which the investigation into the alleged ffTadu- Ient praetiee3 in connection with thol West Iitiron election is being con -1 dueted, are certainly not calculated to produce that calm, judicial and unprejudiced state of mind which is sueh a distinguishing Characteristic of a British. eourt of justice, and so essential to a, fair and dispassionate judgement of the ca40. Every pos. fable offart has been made on the part of the Opposition to put the worst co:istruetioe upon every piece c,f evidence, and to dignify as evidence DR. ,.xa rr W. CHASE'S REMEDIES. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, for disease% of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Bowels. One pili a dose ; 250. a box, Dr. Chase's S'atarrlt Cure„for Cold in the head, Catarrh, Dropping in the Throat, and Hay Fever. 25d. a box, blower frac. 17r. Chase's Oint- ment for Eczema, Salt Rheum, files and ail itching shin diseases. 6o centS a box. Dr. Chase's verve rood, for exhausted, worn- out nerves and thin, •i . ej watery, diseased *s4, blood. pc, alarge box. Dr. Chase's Liver Care, for diseases of the Liver, Jaundice and Biliousness. soe. a bottle. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and'i'urpeit- tiee, a positive cure for Croup. Asthma, lin n. tbhitis and all Coughs and Colds, ssc, a large bottle. At *11dealers, STI1414 GROWING. T host steady sndst substantial ! growth . of the flus friss 1 esourcos o t I he country continues unabated, as is shown by the returns of the revenues of the country up to the end of July. The receipts from customs, excise, the post•ofiice, publie works. (includ- ing railways), and the miscellaneous sources, is in excess of $46,000,000 as compared with $30,000,OQO for same period of last year, and the receipts last year were largely ahead of any previous period. Are Y'ou Bullous ;? A sluggish liver fails to filter the bile from ,the blood, and when the poisonous shatter gees through the body in the circulation, the whole system is tainted and deranged, This le called bilioosnees and can be completely cured by Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, which act directly an the liver, making it healthy and active. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box'. The cheapest medicine in the world. Teasing Young Animals. Teasing of younganimal4 on the farm should never be tolerated. It may be funny ,oto, see the young things make use of their tender horns, and stamping of feet, etc., but as they grow older' and learn to know their strength, they often become vicieus, and then some day in a fit of bad temper they are liable to injure some 'member of the family, os strangers who may happen to•be passing by are likely to be attacked by vicious animals. Give all ani- mals on the farm kind and firm treatment. Animals should be made to both respect and love their at• tendants, but this cannot be accom- plished if they are allowed to be teased. A OARD. We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, if, after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache. Wo also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most obstinate oases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Erig-. lisp Pills are used. A. A. Morrow, t hhemist and Druggist, Wingbam, Ont. Colin A. Campbell, Chemist and Drag. gist, .Wingbam, Ont. A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug- gist, Winghatn, Ont. SLAIN BY A BUG. THE PAThETI STORY TOLD BY SOLEMN MAN. A thin, solemn looking man, with an enormous •mous blackerape ' band around his hat, sat in the eorrider of the St. Charles yesterday doing nothing in particular. Presently a talkative drummer dropped into the next ehair and made an earnest effort to engage him in conversation. The tall elan answered in monosyllables "I notice you're in mourning," hazarded the drummer after several frosts. "Yes ; for ray brother," replied the tali roan, thawing a trifle, "Ah ! indeed!" said the drummer, encouraged, "die reeently, may 1 ask I"' "Yes, sir, last month ; from the bite of an electric light bugs" The drumtuer - was greatly inter- ested. "You don't say so t" he exclaimed, "I had ne ides, they were so poison ous 1 How did it coeur ?" "It's a sad story," replied the tall man. "You, see, I live near Toledo, and about a— But perhaps this would bore you?19 "No, no! Go on 1 I'd love to hear it!" "Well, there was a young lady in our neighborhood by the name of Miss Pinkie MaI horson, and she was being courted by a young gentleman by the name of Boggs. One evening aboat a year ago an electric light bug got on Miss Pinkie's neck, and Boggs, being afraid of bug, simply hollered. Before she could get it off it bit her" — "But I thought you said yo brothel"futcrrnpted the drumme THE 1lUNY(?N'S GUit.RANTEE. . t3trosafi' Maerttopttt no to Just Wan* *no I6emeiUea lv.tll Do. I,Iunyon, guarantee* that Ida Itheeinatiant Cure will care nearly All eases et rbeuma- Con in, a Yew honrst that his Dyspepsia Cure will cure indy;ca ion And all stomach ovation; that Iris Iiidacy Cure will cern 90 per rent. of alt cuace of kidney trouble; that lila Ca' tnrrh Cure will caro •-.c t Catarrh ne hatter hew ,,,! %g , �yy sono standtna; that hie Ileadache Cure will cern � any kind of headache in ^ a few rniuutea; that is Cold Cur wi hie fresh up any Coc of cold end 50 Ott tiwoaGh the entire list Ot' reIf y�u mediens, eed At all drngglsts, 25 eeecks a vias, medical adrico write s't'et, ltiuuyon, 1648 Arch at., anila, to thsolu e ly ace, "tin coming to that," said the tall titan. ' tiss Pinkie, g',t uiad and gave Boggs the mnttten, and. may poor brother, seeing a' chance, went to court hes' himself. She eneouraged him to pique Boggs, but when he proposed she said `No' --fiat 'No ;' said she believed he was just Ss timid as the other chap, "To prove he wasn't he went like IV fool and enl!ated, and a month ago yesterday he was killed leading his company in the charge on Geos;oobo, Since then this woman has gone and married Boggs, and they both have the cheek to wear mourning," "But why do you say your brother was. killed by a bullet, like a hero." "The bullet was merely an Wei - dent," said the tall man, waving his band, "a mere incident. The cause was, of course, the electtle light bug which started. the chain d' circum- stances liy biting 'Miss Pinkie on the neck. I fear the affair has prejudie• ed hie against electric light bugs for life, But I must be going, Good day to you, sir." "Who was that fc flow, ,anyhow ?" asked the drummer at the desk. "I don't remember his naiie," replied the clerk, -'but, they say be is the champion amatenr Liar of the middle states." -e -New Orleans Times- Demoncrat. Children Gary ler. SABBATII SEzonoES, ,4 . R. Robbs, pas 3, t (("i ut ! t ni nu MsrTkRODIST or. Services at 11 u In and 7 pal. PRESBYTERIAN—Rev. I? Perna 1 pastor. Services at 11 a m aud7 pal, EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's—Rev, Wm. Lowe, rooter. Services at 11 a in and 7 tem. 13APT1ST--Rev, W, Freed, pastor, Services at ll a m and ? p to CONGREGATIONAL.— •— Rev. J. W. • Golan, pastor, Services at 11 a rat and 7pre.. CHRISTIAN WORKERS --- lvlisses Outram and Look in oc,ataland, Services at B p ni and 8 p tn. SALVx TION ARMY—Capt. McLeod and wife in command.s ervices at 11 0,, In 3lI h P i to and S m to In each of theabove named churches abbath. School is held at x.3O p nr. BAor HAMILTON WING1-3AII/I.. Capital, $1,494,520, Rest, $1,000,000 President—Joax STUART. Vioe,Presidont—A. ti. RASISAY, DIRE TORS JIM Panoroa, 0190. iioAOR, Wu tllnfioN, 111', A. T. Weep, 11. 0, A. B. Ian (Toronto). Oasbier—J. TIHINSUI+L. Savings Dank=.Hours, IO to 3• Saturdays, l0 to Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed Special Deposits also received at current ratoa of it.srest. Drafts o,, Great Britain and the United States bought and sold W. COBBOUzan, AGFIN3 E. L. i)I(;EZNSON. Solicitor, • Money Do Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE It4!ATES Money advanced on Mbrtgagos at 6 pet oentwith privilege of paying at the end of any year. Nair and accounts colloeted. , 11,0E7'. Mct1 DOtl.. ';paver Block Wineham, Ont The; 0tl:ei` Side of the Story. Singleton —What're that, trouble, old man ; you look all broke up Wederly —You would doubtless look broke up, too, if, you had a mother -in law like mine, and sue— Singleton—iiia ! • The old, old story ; site's coining to speed a few weeks with you, 1 ppose, "ederly (sadl')—No; on the eon - try, she hits been with us two months, and to day stye was coaape.iled to return home.. „the nursed my wife through a had rase, of fever, took care of the baby, . attendr.d .to the household duties, mended my.ulothes and loa.ied me e.5 -on three different occasions. Oh,- 1 tell you that wo- man is an earthy angel if there ever was- one. The Danger ®d. Too frequently overlooked, Dr. Chase's OintmQnt a Prompt and Positive Cure. The suffering caused by the intense itching and burning sensations of piles is only one of the horrors of this disease, for there is always great danger of piles developing into fistula, one of the most disgusting diseases imaginable. Even the great danger and expense of an operation are preferable to running the risk of contracting this most loathsome of diseases. But there is no necessity for asurgical opera- tion for piles. Dr. Chase's Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of piles, no matter of how long standing, or how aggravated the fias may be, so long as piles have not become It is only by rare chance that internal treat- ment will cure piles, But h natters not from what cause they arise, 1)r•, Chase's Ointment will at oned stop the itching and burning, and soon effect a perfect cure. You can use Dr. Chase's Ointment with fullest assurance unit what has cured scores of thousands of cases of discs will cure you, Pot sale by alt dealors, Or Itdrnanson, Bates & Co., Toronto, Caveats and Tradt•Marki obtainers, rind all patent business conducted for MODERATE MOM My office isle the imne slate viclnityofthePatentblticc And myeel Ries for:termring patents and unsutpatted Send model, *ketch or photograph of invention wits description and statement as toadvantngex claimed. MI` Are chrtrge le made AS alt *pintoes as fa yiatentatzlUi ,,/ and v fee for prosecuting the application vonmy MO he crated foe fintil the paten/ •eallowed. "Iavr.,ntotts rurn*,'rcen4 raining full information seat' fret. Alt 0uminu5t• e*t4Ond COustderotI as alma/ AOnidentist. P`RANKK.IN H. HOUGH sit% E tth/044 W.1>:IxVINGi I'ON. Ib. C. SI This word is our copyrighted guarantee for Purity and Strength when seers on our gootts. It marks these the standards for their several purposes and ite presonpe protects yrnt front irritations and in- ferior goods. Look for it, Plant Spray. Persiatic Plant Spray contains no mineral poison— arsenics or Paris Green. Sure death to all insect life fungi, etc. . harmless to vegetation. Canada's only reliable spray. Sheep Dip Persiatic, Sheep nip is a preparation for the cure of skin diseases arid the eradication of vermin in sheep and cattle.. It is highly urrdleioal and does Its work with ne drastic or irritatingeffects. Endorsed by leading sheep raisers, Horse Wash -iS PlIttLIslil'.P-- lalVEiZX FAIDAY MQi1,1111 , +-A'1 THU.•- Till/ S OFFICE, JOSEPHINE $TRET WUNUIAni, ONTARIO. Subecrtptio*t pziue,$1, P0*' yeaar, tl adrance AD.vEtaTISit o SATES aE'acr; 11 yr, 16 oto, 19 mot 11 mo Ons Column $00 00 840 00 020 00 8 00 !•sail ” 40 00 20 Quarter.s 20 00 12 00 I 70 8 00 —np inch 00 -3 00 I 2 00 Lettal ciher sust aret iµso ot 8 0{1 per • fat inaortiouand #o per ling tor each sbsequpnl insertion 11ensured by norrparailscale. uooal noti0ea 10,, per Imo for first ineertioa,, ii., per Zine for each subsequent ansortite, Advertisements of Lost, Found; Strayed, Situation* and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 Rae nonpareil, 81 for Ant tnenth, and 50n. for each, subsequent menial. Houaea and norm for Sale, not exceeding 8 line, EI for gist mouth, 600. nor subsequent month Larger advortisstnents in proporttou. These terms wttl be strictly adhered to Special rates Inc larger advertisements, or Or • tenger periods, ccso3d�lts is edlltducadisv loand local specific i accordingly. Transitory advertisements moat be paid in ad.lancrr Changes for contract advertisomente must be to the entice by Wednesday noon, to order to appear - that week PorsiatieHorse wash isa specraliy prepared medic. amens for the cure of actin diseases peculiar to horses and far ridding: i:hem of all insect, pests andt vermin. It Ilea surpassingly refreshing effect, brightens the pelt and puts the skin!into a they t r -('CEN RITCIIIEr roughly healthy condition. Price 51.00 per 34 es, can. tl H. I3, ELLIOTT, PROrallITOR AND Pusraei s . WINGHAM HOSPITAL. For the treatment of DISEASES Olt' wOM$Nand+ SURGICAL CASES of all kinds. For particulate • address DR. J, P. KENNEDY; Stoical Superintendent, \\Ingham, Oat:: 11) VAGSTONE. 1V BAtaISTEft, SOLICITOR, Eta, Private and Company hinds to loan at lowest rate, interest. No eoniniissron charged. Mortgages, town farmproperty bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Biotic WIMOnna. J. A. 510IlTQN Il UtJi.ISTER, ho., Wnaghum, Ont - u. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO I1A.IIs, O1' IfAt8If.TON, W Oa cv TO LOAN, Office—Meyer Blonk-1t:Ingham M i1. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, BCE,, OtliCe—Corner, Hamilton and St. Androw streets opposite Colborne dotal, Coliseum, ONTARIO. AUTHOR J. ' IRWI;v, D D S, h: D S, Doctor of Dental Surgery of 'site. Penneyivania. Dental College and Licentiate cf the Boyal. College• of Dental Surgeons of Ontarlo, OlflCo ovet Post Othee, W,ngham: rS, JEROlnt, L. D. 14, DENTIST, iIAS WITIi • Mtn D, D. Boss, graduate of the 11. O, D. S. , of ,Ontario. and is prepared to do all manner of Dental work .at reasonable prices, Beater Block, opposite the Brunswick House, ii'inghui. Pig Wash w ;HOUR Porsiatie Pig traah is snecessinlly usedin all cases of skin diseases of Swine, and for destroying nits, GENERAL .CNstlitANCE AGENT ONTAlttd, lice and ycrmm generally. heaps the slcln in a healthy condition and ensures a healthy appearance in the dressed animal for maria. Hen House Eula Poul r t y Powd Pcrsiatio Hen House Spray and Poultry Powder destroy termin peculiar to the feathered ,thele—on fowls or in sheds. Act as a disinfectant, destroying germs and purifying tits atmosphere. Used Hirer-, ally they prevent roup 'aid kindred diseases. • Purchase these gbods front your dealer or send to us direct for them. We invite eorrespondenoo, The Pickhat'dt Renfrew Co., Limited, Stonfvflie, Ont. EARLY GLOBI N Before placing your order for Spring Clothing call and see our NEW SAMPLES for i899. We can afford to sell New Goods cheaper than old stock that cost one-half' more than new and better goods of the latest styles ,will cost to -day. We mahe clothes that fit. •-1 E S ER CO. J. . DEANS, JR„ WINeaAhr, LICENSED ATICTIONEER XiUk .'gdE COUNT Ola' IIURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. � vex CIJRItIE, Wrsemr,r, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIo,ihEER. Sales of Farm. Stock and Farre Implements. specialty, ' • All orders left at the Tanta Wilco promptly attend ed to. Tema reasonable. GRAND This `iX RAILWAY. rah"�aIrI AMI/vam 6 49 a. rn. 3 05 p. sir 8 80p in 10 20 p rit 855am 305pm O58'5.nt1110airr 33Cpnt 800pm 1I 10 Et ray fi 49 a In a OO p m 8 30 p 10 29 p In 8 30 a to Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London awl South Kincardine SOCIETY MEETINGS. NGS. tt 0 �r -„C4mp Caledonia, No. 49 meal * • i?• the llrst and third Monday iii. every ni0nth, in .he Odd Fellows Mali.. Vieltla# bretfiren. %Weems .1. Murray Chief. H Ii tililott, ltem.See • JO PRINTING, NULt1DING flocks Pamphlets, Postors, 132 Meade, Circulars, deo., dee., executed its oho best style of the art, at uiodcrate prices. and on Bbofl hoticn. Apply or address II, B. Remora Tots Office, Winghain , BOOKBINDING. We are pi.esed to announce that any Rooks or 7 Muaazlneo lett with tut for Binding, will have our Qnueetl's Meek. will hes given oin application o the rooe Ofilet e