HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-18, Page 5•
4,;01..,E vats(
Cheap Valises,
Shawl Straps,
We have a few pairs left,
Women's Dong. Cloth Top Okfords at 75c.
Men's Split Bumtin at 75c.
Men's Cloth Top Dong. Bals.,. Chocolate and Black,
reg. $3.Q0 for $2.00,
All Shoes at reduced prices until Sept. 1st.
40C to $2.00
50C tc, 3.00
I 5C tO 25
$2,00 tO 5.00
Having purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find
us in the CORNER STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealing and hon.
est values a share of the patronage. The present stock will be offered at
Housefurnishings, Cutlery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal Oil
always in stock. Special attention will be given to aur
Having had large experience in citiee, we excel in
Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam Heating,
Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel
Siding, Roofing and Metal Ceilings.
Call on us. We shall be pleased to make your acquaietance, feeling
sure we shall gain your confidence.
114 11.3.41alOr etc .(4rzsagta
" One Grade Only'and That the Best,"
Has been their motto for over thirty
years. Some of the principal features
(which no other buggy has) are
rubber and brass washers warranted
three years, one lever top steel circle, &c
MeLauchlin's cost a lit.le more than
others, but they are the cheapest in the
end. You will make a big mistake if
you don't see our stock before buying.
see,d We can sell You a good ordinary
buggy as cheap or cheaper than any one else. We have them here.
We can sell you anything Jou want in the implement line the same as
we have done for the past 16 years, and guarantee good value. Or if you
want tio Organ, Piano, or Sewing Machine, you will find our stock the best
that money can buy. Prices andIerms all right too. Come in and see us
*anyway. Will be pleased to shove yon through.
Office aud Warerooms opposite Presbyterian Chutch.
T. 11. ROSS.
Destiny Changed.
The "Slater Shoe" is closely watched duce
ing the process of manufacture. Every shoe
undergoes a careful examination after leav-
ing the hands of each operator.
The slightest flaw in the leather or work-
inanship-a stitch missed -a slip of the knife,
only discernible to an expert condemns the
//se shoe that started toward the "Slater goal
to the ordinary;
nameless, unwarranted army of footwear
sold to whoever will buy theme
The "Slater Shoe" is made in twelve
shapes, allleathers, colors, evidtini; size'
and styles. Every pair Goodyear Welt-
ed, name and price stamped on the soles.
$S.60 AND' $0.00.
For Sale Sale Only by.HOMUTH &
Mr. Ira Barclay, of Ypeilanti,
Mich., is isiting at Mr, Win. Messer's.
Three out of four pupils, who tried
the Form II examinations, were sue.
Wesley West, of Woodstock,
is the guest oIhis brother, Rev. W.
J West, M. A.,
Mrs. Chris. Thornton, of Wingham,
spent Tuesday .with ter mother, Mrs.
John Gardiner. tor
Mrs. Harvey and little son, of Tor-
onto, are visiting at the residence of
Mr. George Harvey.
Mrs. Fred McCracken and child-
ren, and Miss Eva McCracken, of
Brussels, are visiting at Mr. John
G ardiner's.
Bobbed the Grave.
A. Startling 'incident, or which Mr.
Jno. Oliver, of Philadelphia,was the sub-
jeot, is narrated by him as follows: "1
was in a twat dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appotite—gradually grow-
ing weaker day,by day. Three physicians
had given me up. Fortunately, a friend
advised trying 'Electric Bitters;'
and to my great joy and surprise, the
first bottle made a decided improvement.
I continued their use • for three weeks,
and am now a Well man. I know they
saved my life, and robbed the grave of
another victimf' No one should fail to
try them. Only,,,50 'Janis a bottle, every
bottle guaranteed, at Cohn A. Camp-
bell's Drug Store,
Mr. Alex, Strong has returned
Home from Manitoba.
Mr. John Martin, of Chesley, was
visiting friends in town
Mr. Ed. Crane, of Owen Sound,
was visiting friends here last week.
Miss Eva McGrath, , who has been
visiting friends here, has returned to
Toxon to.
Mrs. S. A. Seeman and family, of
Sodus, N. Y., is-:Vibihing her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ede ard James, for a
few weeks.
Mr. Geo. P. Nesh has leased Mrs.
Garratt's new brick residence on
Edward street and meved into it last
week. Mr. Davg.1 .Roberts has moved
into the house vecated by Mr. Nash.
The G. T. R officials have de-
. r' .
Bided to build, a new station at
Palmerston, and accordirgly the
workmen continence(' their work
reeently. Thotroof is already finish-
ed, and the rest of the new, building
will be put up under the new roof
some time in the distant future.
When tie children are
hungry, what do you give
them? Fodd.
When thir4ty? Water.
Now use the same good
common sense, and what
would you give them when
they are too thin ? The best
fat -forming food, of course.
Somehow you think- of
Scott's Emulsion at 'once.
For a quarter of a century
it has been making thin
childtlen, plump; weak child-
ren, strong; sick children,
Sdc• Itildtst.6a, :alarmist%
ilCOrt & SOWN'S, Chonistg, Toronto,
A. Thousand Tongues
e3•6•e P• Xelif, $15.40; a jacleson,
Could not exprees the rapture of 84.40; C. Stokes, 89.76 ; 13reeken-
ridge, $3,04 ;V m. Sholdleo, $3,90 ;
W. Turvey, 812,28; Wm, Little,
$6.80; J. Smith, $4; F. geYo, $1.851
Geo, Kirkby, $2.10 ; R. Blair,
Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard at.,
Philadelphia, Pa„ when she found that
Dr. Kingle New Discovery for Consume.,
tion had completely cured her of a hack.
ing cough that for many years made life
a burden. All other remediee And Jas. Shortie, .52;$5 J. King, 70c
cioctore could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Ou re—"it soon reaov.
ed the pain in iny chest and 1 can now
sleep soundly. something I can seemly
remember doing before. 1. feel like
sounchog its praise througismit the
Universe."' So will everyone who tries
Dr. Iiing'S New Doacovery for any trouble
of the Throat, Chest or Lunge. Price
50o, and $1.00 at. Colin A. Campbell'e
Drug StoresEvery. bottleeuarauteed.
Elijah Peva is out with his steam
thresher and has threshed. out a.
eutober'of bares of fail wheat,
Mr, Jos. Clegg has sold 50 acres
of lend, beinglot 10, concession 6, to
Mr. Robert Yung, for a. COnSi4er0
atiOn of $1,250, Mr. Young also
gets a dwelling and a driving shed.
The Council met in the council
room on August 7th, 1899. accord-
ing to. adjournment. Member's all
present, except Mr. Cardiff. Minutes
of last meeting 'read and confirmed.
Code—Jackson—That the Reeve
be instructed to expend $40 in cut-
ting down Maxwell's hill on 3rd line,
On motion el Jackson and Shaw,
Mr, Code wastinstructed to have the
road at lot 4, eon. 7, put in a proper
state of repair,.
On Motion of Jackson and Shaw,
the contract ef digging the Garniss
drain Was awercled to A. McCormick,
of Dashwood, his tender being the
lowest, and the Clerk was instructed
to forward agreement for signature, EAST WAW.ANOSIL
satisfactory security to be given. Mrs. Willie McBurney, of Marnoch,
On motion of Shaw and Oode, Mr. is seriously 111 with consumption of
Isbister was appointed inspector on the throat.
Garniss drain, 65 per cent. to be paid ' Mrs, Hoover, who has been visit
as the work progresses, ing her daughter, Mrs. Fowler, of
On motion of -Jackson and Shaw, Newbridge, has returned home, ac•
the Clerk was instructed to notify cOmpanied by her daughter, Mrs.
the owners of lot 6, con. 6, to have Palmer, of Winnipeg.
their fences and Other obstructions Mrs. James Ferguson, of Bayfield,
removed from sideline adjoining Miss Ferguson and Mary Bell Geddes
their property within 30 days, other are visiting friends in Marnoch,
wise it will be rembved at their ex- Mrs. Peter King is recovering after
pense. her recent illness.
On motion of Code and Shaw, the Miss Jessie D,IcKenzte, of Chicago,
Reeve and Treasurer was instructed is nursing her sister, Mrs. Willie
to borrow six hundred dollars to McBurney; at present.
meet current expenses. Mrs. George Reid is still danger.
On motion of Code and Shaw, the ously ill of blood poisoning.
Treasurer's half -yearly statement The following intend taking in
was accepted as satisfactory and the excursion to the West on Tues.
flietay next :— George Cunningham,
Ondmotion of Jackson and Code, David Chamney, Charles King,
John Mooney was appointed collector Robert Scott. jr., Duncan McCallum,
at a salary of $85, on furnishing W. J. Naylor and Robert Henry.
satisfactory security to the amount Mr. D. Beecroft and his mother
of $12,000. are visiting friends in Barrie itt
On motion of Code and Shaw, by- present.
laws Nos. 6, 7 and 8, 1899, were duly Miss Bean, of Goderieh, has been
read and passed. hired as teacher of the 9th school for
Accounts were, ordered to be paid the term beginning August 23rd.
as follows :—R. Bb Warwick, repair- Rev. W. T. Hall and family intend
ing scraper, 50e; Beattie Bros„ grav commencing their holidays on Mon -
thing on west boundary, 816.38 ; J. day next.
Gulley, gravel on west boundary,
$7.14 ; J. Golley, inspecting on west
boundary, 53.75; R, B. Warwick,
inspecting on west boundary, $5 ; Dr. King's 'New Lite Pills. Thousands
Jno. McKinnon, gravelling on west, of sufferers have proved their mrachlese
bouudert 872 91 ; Gliaxtt ell grate. merit of Sick and Ner.ous Headaches.
el and lumber, $2,85 ; Dad & Stewart,
lumber on n.,rth boundary, $19.25 ;
Duff & Stewart, rebuilditig Maguire's
bridge and approach, 5102; Duff &
Stewart, repairing 13oddeen's bridge,
821 ; Duff & 3tewart, ° lumber for CROPS /1f, TARIO•
culverts, 829.12 ; R. Oekridge, re-
pairing washout on 2nd line, ; ESTIMATES OP kTIIIS 'YEAR'S YIELD —
D. Richmond, repairing bridge and GoVEllirMENT FIGURES.
=hearts, 813; D Laidlaev, timber
and work on bridge, 85 ; Snell and Toronto, Aug. 16.—The Ontario
James, cutting hills on 4ideline, 810 ; department of..agriculture has issued
J. Brown, culvert, 54 T. Russell, its estimates of the crop yield in the
gravel and repairino•"culverts, 86 ; province for 1899. Following are a
Geo. Saanby, side ditch on west few et the figures:
boundary, 55; W. Farrow, eutirert, PatL wheat—An area of 1,049,691
$7 ; Tno. Bell, repairing culvert, ; acres has been; harvested, yielding
Wm. Duff, tile, 52.10; Shaw and 14,201,314 bushels, or an average of
Messer, ditch and culvert, 511 it: 13.5 bushels per acre. The yield is
Shaw, culvert on north boundary,an abnormally low one.
59.50; A. McCall, underbrushinge Spring wheat—Acreage, 398,726,
87 ; L. Wheeler, inspecting job on yielding 7,087,977 btishels—an aver.
sideline, $2 ; R. Nicholsort, gravel. age of 17.8 bushels per acre.
ling on sideline, 811 ; IL Miller, Barley -490,374 acres gave 14, -
gravelling op north boundary, 515.- 622,922 bushels, or 29.8 bushels per
83 ; D. 11.111offne, inspecting on north are.
boundary, 52; Jas. Irwin, printing, The 2,363,778 acres of oats have
820 ; R. Stubbs, culvert, $1.50; A, yielded 89,542,162 bahhels, being an
Howlett, culvert, 52.50; P. Jaekson, average of 87.0 bushels per acre.
gravel, 89.25 ; Wm. Jaekson, petrel- There are 137,811 bushels of rye,
ling, 820 ; Jas. Itearney, lumber end yielding 2,2",'1,383 bushels — an
repairingculvert, 54.60; jae.Slaurtie, ave!',, .t if; 5 base es par acre,
feneeyiewer's fees, 82 ; 1?. Caracion, in. el UV) a ; yield, 15, -
ditch and culvert, iSe : C. Pollard, 510 67e itt lest. ; 551:ei age 20.9
'gravel:me on teeneteey, fere2.35 ; boshols ;les sic it
Js. Bolgee, itepectingtet east hound. B ti ; -10,485 .1 'res, giving 849, -
arse, $3; li Eteetr, damage, 81 ; 703 oeeliele at /age, 21 bushels
Win. (irnL, pi c ltes ete: Fut' pet' 't •• 5 ev
gravel.— U. Campheli, y ;$1.11 t:•;0Ver —2 505,1:22 acree
Wm. Forrest, 75e ; Wtn, Wray, yleitied 3,408,705, too, an average
53.20; 3. Irving, 54.30; Gee. Grigg, of 1,1 tone per ttere,
A. B. Jackson. $5,76 ; B. Wilkinson,
55.55; Wm, Little, $2.85 ; A. Proctor,
$4,50 ; Jns, Thnell, 86.30; J, Leech,
$3.15; Geo. Praetor, 81.80,
On paotion of Jaekson and Shaw,
the council thea adjourned to meeb
again on the 18th September, next.
W, CLARK, Clerk.
Empty honees are very scarce,
Good sign of presperity.
Mr. and Mrs, Andrews have re-
tarned.from their bolidays,
. Rev, and Mrs. R. S. G. Anderson
are away on their holidays.
Mrs. Flemming and daughter; of
Galt, are the guests of Mr.. R. Fox.
It is reported that there will be
more coal imported this yeas: than
itt any previous year. ,
M, Howey, painter, bas secured
the contract of painting Mr.' Wm.
McKercher's residence on the 4th
eoncession of Howick. •
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Burn,
Scald, Cut or Bruise, Buaklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, will kill the
pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old
Sores, Fever, Clone, Boils Felons, Corns,
all Skin Eruptions, Best Pile cure on
earth. Only 25 cents a box, . Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Colin A. Campbell,
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave you, if you used
They make pure blood aud strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25o. Money
back if not cured. Sold by Colin A.
Uterary /tam •
The September number of
Delineator is called the early Ante
number, and combines an essetti
authoritative synopsia af roabibrOS
latest and most artistic ereatiene,
nureher of literary features of angle
her strength and beauty and la
varlet.of origival discussiote aR
pertinent sealed and housebeld
themes. In this number appears a
delightful story, A Woman's Reason,
by Filen Olney Kirk—a. apriglilly
romance demonstrating, incidentally,
how satisfactorily affinities may be
readjueted. The New Kindergar-
ten Papers, by Sara Miller Kirby,
are taken up again in this
tbe tepie Or the month being liome
Work and Play roe September,• The
article Floral Pillows, by 'Catherine
E. Maxwell, suggests many p'eeasing
possibilities in the construction; of
serviceable souvenirs. Local end
educational features of the various
institutions for women are dieeassed
in. College News by Carolyn
s;ead,the History and Developutent
of Club House a for Women are euro-
rnarizeel by Helen M. Winslow, in
Club Women and 0h'. T yen -
geniality and gur,t1 0. A.5 •A5 ite
the timely hints, in Girl's Intereete
and Occupations,. by Lafayette Me.
Laws. Of special home interest are
the domestic subjects: Some New
Cakes, by Shorlot M., Hall ; Parfai:s,
by A. ; The Artistic Heine, by
Edna S. Witherspoon. In adelitien
are the regular 'departments; Social
Obaervances, Frank Leare-
ed ; Fancy Stitches and Embroider-
ies, by Emma Ilaywood ; The Miln-
er, The Dressmaker, Lace Making,
Crocheting, Knitting,. The Newest
Books, etc„—a treasury, • in feet, of
entertaining and improving house-
hold information. Stipseription. erica
of the Define:ate-eV- a year. Single
copies, 15 cents. Order free] the
local agent for Butteriek Patterne,or
address the Delineator Pa let-hing
Co , of Toronto, 83 Rtehmend St.,
West, Toronto, Oat,
se brirtgville Postordee Robbed.
The news too:nes troll' SO:trine:vine
near Stratford, that some tune during
Sunday night burglar s tffeer,, d an
entrance througl, tlte hide wilidew of
the postolliee there • and turned up
everything that was likely to tientain
eny valuables. They elso pried
open the safe and found a registered
letter addressed t G • Kastner.
They opened it and took the money
leaving che envelope and stamps
lying on the floor. They alto took
some small chnnge and etattite, in alt
about 513, besides a drawer ceutain-
ing some valuable pit te•re belonging
to Mr. Pearson, The wols they used
to gain an entrance were taken out
of Frank Litt's blacksmith shop. • It
is also said they gained an entranee
into 1ir elosee's hotel, but nething
is tniseing there-, 0 snspitions
looking charectera b lye bean in the
vicinity recently trying to eel"
jewellery. When last seen they
were heading fur 'Mitchell. They
appeared to he ebont 30 yeere old
and fairly well dt ee•eld,
The Conservatives of We.st
meet at Dutton on Tuesday,' 22nd
inst.. to nominate a candidate for
the local byeeleetion.
The Postmastelr General has sent
out a circular setting forth that it is
intended to disedntinue the use of the
two -cent purple stamp, and to sub-
stitute a red one in its place. .
44Exampte is Fetter
Tifan Precept."
It is not what we say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does, that tells the story.
Thousands of testimonial's are
examples of what Hood's
has done for .others, and
what it will do for you.
la "I was weak and bad
fagriirills. -tlyspe slit and indigestion
hi severeliOrrn troubled me, lfive bottles
of Rood's Sarsaparilla made rite Well and
strong." ern. Wireeett VAIIVALEBnimant,
Whitby, Ont.
leoAod9reditrIVIsapeadr116111arkb* "Weilioirfahvmaily° taken es s
spring medicine and used need's Pills for
, biliousness and found both madleines very
effective. For impure blood we know
Hood's Sarsaparilla is a good medicine'
11.g. Pwrox, publisher lice, Atwood, Ont,
1 1 4
'" 'NOV& Pisapp"oints
- •
Itasa's Pins crass Ilvtr tins tott.Irritatit*Mitt
only. cathititii toAke-Vitt thirrapitrig.
Daisy Churns
Cutlery and. silverware
Artists' Material
Paints and Brushes
Champion Seale
Alabastme ee Kalsomine
Harvest, Tools and Rope
Mach i ne-,, Castor & Coach Oile
Bicyclesiand Sundries
Screen Doors and Windows
Mr. Ira Barclay, of Ypeilanti,
Mich., is isiting at Mr, Win. Messer's.
Three out of four pupils, who tried
the Form II examinations, were sue.
Wesley West, of Woodstock,
is the guest oIhis brother, Rev. W.
J West, M. A.,
Mrs. Chris. Thornton, of Wingham,
spent Tuesday .with ter mother, Mrs.
John Gardiner. tor
Mrs. Harvey and little son, of Tor-
onto, are visiting at the residence of
Mr. George Harvey.
Mrs. Fred McCracken and child-
ren, and Miss Eva McCracken, of
Brussels, are visiting at Mr. John
G ardiner's.
Bobbed the Grave.
A. Startling 'incident, or which Mr.
Jno. Oliver, of Philadelphia,was the sub-
jeot, is narrated by him as follows: "1
was in a twat dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appotite—gradually grow-
ing weaker day,by day. Three physicians
had given me up. Fortunately, a friend
advised trying 'Electric Bitters;'
and to my great joy and surprise, the
first bottle made a decided improvement.
I continued their use • for three weeks,
and am now a Well man. I know they
saved my life, and robbed the grave of
another victimf' No one should fail to
try them. Only,,,50 'Janis a bottle, every
bottle guaranteed, at Cohn A. Camp-
bell's Drug Store,
Mr. Alex, Strong has returned
Home from Manitoba.
Mr. John Martin, of Chesley, was
visiting friends in town
Mr. Ed. Crane, of Owen Sound,
was visiting friends here last week.
Miss Eva McGrath, , who has been
visiting friends here, has returned to
Toxon to.
Mrs. S. A. Seeman and family, of
Sodus, N. Y., is-:Vibihing her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ede ard James, for a
few weeks.
Mr. Geo. P. Nesh has leased Mrs.
Garratt's new brick residence on
Edward street and meved into it last
week. Mr. Davg.1 .Roberts has moved
into the house vecated by Mr. Nash.
The G. T. R officials have de-
. r' .
Bided to build, a new station at
Palmerston, and accordirgly the
workmen continence(' their work
reeently. Thotroof is already finish-
ed, and the rest of the new, building
will be put up under the new roof
some time in the distant future.
When tie children are
hungry, what do you give
them? Fodd.
When thir4ty? Water.
Now use the same good
common sense, and what
would you give them when
they are too thin ? The best
fat -forming food, of course.
Somehow you think- of
Scott's Emulsion at 'once.
For a quarter of a century
it has been making thin
childtlen, plump; weak child-
ren, strong; sick children,
Sdc• Itildtst.6a, :alarmist%
ilCOrt & SOWN'S, Chonistg, Toronto,
A. Thousand Tongues
e3•6•e P• Xelif, $15.40; a jacleson,
Could not exprees the rapture of 84.40; C. Stokes, 89.76 ; 13reeken-
ridge, $3,04 ;V m. Sholdleo, $3,90 ;
W. Turvey, 812,28; Wm, Little,
$6.80; J. Smith, $4; F. geYo, $1.851
Geo, Kirkby, $2.10 ; R. Blair,
Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard at.,
Philadelphia, Pa„ when she found that
Dr. Kingle New Discovery for Consume.,
tion had completely cured her of a hack.
ing cough that for many years made life
a burden. All other remediee And Jas. Shortie, .52;$5 J. King, 70c
cioctore could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Ou re—"it soon reaov.
ed the pain in iny chest and 1 can now
sleep soundly. something I can seemly
remember doing before. 1. feel like
sounchog its praise througismit the
Universe."' So will everyone who tries
Dr. Iiing'S New Doacovery for any trouble
of the Throat, Chest or Lunge. Price
50o, and $1.00 at. Colin A. Campbell'e
Drug StoresEvery. bottleeuarauteed.
Elijah Peva is out with his steam
thresher and has threshed. out a.
eutober'of bares of fail wheat,
Mr, Jos. Clegg has sold 50 acres
of lend, beinglot 10, concession 6, to
Mr. Robert Yung, for a. COnSi4er0
atiOn of $1,250, Mr. Young also
gets a dwelling and a driving shed.
The Council met in the council
room on August 7th, 1899. accord-
ing to. adjournment. Member's all
present, except Mr. Cardiff. Minutes
of last meeting 'read and confirmed.
Code—Jackson—That the Reeve
be instructed to expend $40 in cut-
ting down Maxwell's hill on 3rd line,
On motion el Jackson and Shaw,
Mr, Code wastinstructed to have the
road at lot 4, eon. 7, put in a proper
state of repair,.
On Motion of Jackson and Shaw,
the contract ef digging the Garniss
drain Was awercled to A. McCormick,
of Dashwood, his tender being the
lowest, and the Clerk was instructed
to forward agreement for signature, EAST WAW.ANOSIL
satisfactory security to be given. Mrs. Willie McBurney, of Marnoch,
On motion of Shaw and Oode, Mr. is seriously 111 with consumption of
Isbister was appointed inspector on the throat.
Garniss drain, 65 per cent. to be paid ' Mrs, Hoover, who has been visit
as the work progresses, ing her daughter, Mrs. Fowler, of
On motion of -Jackson and Shaw, Newbridge, has returned home, ac•
the Clerk was instructed to notify cOmpanied by her daughter, Mrs.
the owners of lot 6, con. 6, to have Palmer, of Winnipeg.
their fences and Other obstructions Mrs. James Ferguson, of Bayfield,
removed from sideline adjoining Miss Ferguson and Mary Bell Geddes
their property within 30 days, other are visiting friends in Marnoch,
wise it will be rembved at their ex- Mrs. Peter King is recovering after
pense. her recent illness.
On motion of Code and Shaw, the Miss Jessie D,IcKenzte, of Chicago,
Reeve and Treasurer was instructed is nursing her sister, Mrs. Willie
to borrow six hundred dollars to McBurney; at present.
meet current expenses. Mrs. George Reid is still danger.
On motion of Code and Shaw, the ously ill of blood poisoning.
Treasurer's half -yearly statement The following intend taking in
was accepted as satisfactory and the excursion to the West on Tues.
flietay next :— George Cunningham,
Ondmotion of Jackson and Code, David Chamney, Charles King,
John Mooney was appointed collector Robert Scott. jr., Duncan McCallum,
at a salary of $85, on furnishing W. J. Naylor and Robert Henry.
satisfactory security to the amount Mr. D. Beecroft and his mother
of $12,000. are visiting friends in Barrie itt
On motion of Code and Shaw, by- present.
laws Nos. 6, 7 and 8, 1899, were duly Miss Bean, of Goderieh, has been
read and passed. hired as teacher of the 9th school for
Accounts were, ordered to be paid the term beginning August 23rd.
as follows :—R. Bb Warwick, repair- Rev. W. T. Hall and family intend
ing scraper, 50e; Beattie Bros„ grav commencing their holidays on Mon -
thing on west boundary, 816.38 ; J. day next.
Gulley, gravel on west boundary,
$7.14 ; J. Golley, inspecting on west
boundary, 53.75; R, B. Warwick,
inspecting on west boundary, $5 ; Dr. King's 'New Lite Pills. Thousands
Jno. McKinnon, gravelling on west, of sufferers have proved their mrachlese
bouudert 872 91 ; Gliaxtt ell grate. merit of Sick and Ner.ous Headaches.
el and lumber, $2,85 ; Dad & Stewart,
lumber on n.,rth boundary, $19.25 ;
Duff & Stewart, rebuilditig Maguire's
bridge and approach, 5102; Duff &
Stewart, repairing 13oddeen's bridge,
821 ; Duff & 3tewart, ° lumber for CROPS /1f, TARIO•
culverts, 829.12 ; R. Oekridge, re-
pairing washout on 2nd line, ; ESTIMATES OP kTIIIS 'YEAR'S YIELD —
D. Richmond, repairing bridge and GoVEllirMENT FIGURES.
=hearts, 813; D Laidlaev, timber
and work on bridge, 85 ; Snell and Toronto, Aug. 16.—The Ontario
James, cutting hills on 4ideline, 810 ; department of..agriculture has issued
J. Brown, culvert, 54 T. Russell, its estimates of the crop yield in the
gravel and repairino•"culverts, 86 ; province for 1899. Following are a
Geo. Saanby, side ditch on west few et the figures:
boundary, 55; W. Farrow, eutirert, PatL wheat—An area of 1,049,691
$7 ; Tno. Bell, repairing culvert, ; acres has been; harvested, yielding
Wm. Duff, tile, 52.10; Shaw and 14,201,314 bushels, or an average of
Messer, ditch and culvert, 511 it: 13.5 bushels per acre. The yield is
Shaw, culvert on north boundary,an abnormally low one.
59.50; A. McCall, underbrushinge Spring wheat—Acreage, 398,726,
87 ; L. Wheeler, inspecting job on yielding 7,087,977 btishels—an aver.
sideline, $2 ; R. Nicholsort, gravel. age of 17.8 bushels per acre.
ling on sideline, 811 ; IL Miller, Barley -490,374 acres gave 14, -
gravelling op north boundary, 515.- 622,922 bushels, or 29.8 bushels per
83 ; D. 11.111offne, inspecting on north are.
boundary, 52; Jas. Irwin, printing, The 2,363,778 acres of oats have
820 ; R. Stubbs, culvert, $1.50; A, yielded 89,542,162 bahhels, being an
Howlett, culvert, 52.50; P. Jaekson, average of 87.0 bushels per acre.
gravel, 89.25 ; Wm. Jaekson, petrel- There are 137,811 bushels of rye,
ling, 820 ; Jas. Itearney, lumber end yielding 2,2",'1,383 bushels — an
repairingculvert, 54.60; jae.Slaurtie, ave!',, .t if; 5 base es par acre,
feneeyiewer's fees, 82 ; 1?. Caracion, in. el UV) a ; yield, 15, -
ditch and culvert, iSe : C. Pollard, 510 67e itt lest. ; 551:ei age 20.9
'gravel:me on teeneteey, fere2.35 ; boshols ;les sic it
Js. Bolgee, itepectingtet east hound. B ti ; -10,485 .1 'res, giving 849, -
arse, $3; li Eteetr, damage, 81 ; 703 oeeliele at /age, 21 bushels
Win. (irnL, pi c ltes ete: Fut' pet' 't •• 5 ev
gravel.— U. Campheli, y ;$1.11 t:•;0Ver —2 505,1:22 acree
Wm. Forrest, 75e ; Wtn, Wray, yleitied 3,408,705, too, an average
53.20; 3. Irving, 54.30; Gee. Grigg, of 1,1 tone per ttere,
A. B. Jackson. $5,76 ; B. Wilkinson,
55.55; Wm, Little, $2.85 ; A. Proctor,
$4,50 ; Jns, Thnell, 86.30; J, Leech,
$3.15; Geo. Praetor, 81.80,
On paotion of Jaekson and Shaw,
the council thea adjourned to meeb
again on the 18th September, next.
W, CLARK, Clerk.
Empty honees are very scarce,
Good sign of presperity.
Mr. and Mrs, Andrews have re-
tarned.from their bolidays,
. Rev, and Mrs. R. S. G. Anderson
are away on their holidays.
Mrs. Flemming and daughter; of
Galt, are the guests of Mr.. R. Fox.
It is reported that there will be
more coal imported this yeas: than
itt any previous year. ,
M, Howey, painter, bas secured
the contract of painting Mr.' Wm.
McKercher's residence on the 4th
eoncession of Howick. •
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Burn,
Scald, Cut or Bruise, Buaklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, will kill the
pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old
Sores, Fever, Clone, Boils Felons, Corns,
all Skin Eruptions, Best Pile cure on
earth. Only 25 cents a box, . Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Colin A. Campbell,
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave you, if you used
They make pure blood aud strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25o. Money
back if not cured. Sold by Colin A.
Uterary /tam •
The September number of
Delineator is called the early Ante
number, and combines an essetti
authoritative synopsia af roabibrOS
latest and most artistic ereatiene,
nureher of literary features of angle
her strength and beauty and la
varlet.of origival discussiote aR
pertinent sealed and housebeld
themes. In this number appears a
delightful story, A Woman's Reason,
by Filen Olney Kirk—a. apriglilly
romance demonstrating, incidentally,
how satisfactorily affinities may be
readjueted. The New Kindergar-
ten Papers, by Sara Miller Kirby,
are taken up again in this
tbe tepie Or the month being liome
Work and Play roe September,• The
article Floral Pillows, by 'Catherine
E. Maxwell, suggests many p'eeasing
possibilities in the construction; of
serviceable souvenirs. Local end
educational features of the various
institutions for women are dieeassed
in. College News by Carolyn
s;ead,the History and Developutent
of Club House a for Women are euro-
rnarizeel by Helen M. Winslow, in
Club Women and 0h'. T yen -
geniality and gur,t1 0. A.5 •A5 ite
the timely hints, in Girl's Intereete
and Occupations,. by Lafayette Me.
Laws. Of special home interest are
the domestic subjects: Some New
Cakes, by Shorlot M., Hall ; Parfai:s,
by A. ; The Artistic Heine, by
Edna S. Witherspoon. In adelitien
are the regular 'departments; Social
Obaervances, Frank Leare-
ed ; Fancy Stitches and Embroider-
ies, by Emma Ilaywood ; The Miln-
er, The Dressmaker, Lace Making,
Crocheting, Knitting,. The Newest
Books, etc„—a treasury, • in feet, of
entertaining and improving house-
hold information. Stipseription. erica
of the Define:ate-eV- a year. Single
copies, 15 cents. Order free] the
local agent for Butteriek Patterne,or
address the Delineator Pa let-hing
Co , of Toronto, 83 Rtehmend St.,
West, Toronto, Oat,
se brirtgville Postordee Robbed.
The news too:nes troll' SO:trine:vine
near Stratford, that some tune during
Sunday night burglar s tffeer,, d an
entrance througl, tlte hide wilidew of
the postolliee there • and turned up
everything that was likely to tientain
eny valuables. They elso pried
open the safe and found a registered
letter addressed t G • Kastner.
They opened it and took the money
leaving che envelope and stamps
lying on the floor. They alto took
some small chnnge and etattite, in alt
about 513, besides a drawer ceutain-
ing some valuable pit te•re belonging
to Mr. Pearson, The wols they used
to gain an entrance were taken out
of Frank Litt's blacksmith shop. • It
is also said they gained an entranee
into 1ir elosee's hotel, but nething
is tniseing there-, 0 snspitions
looking charectera b lye bean in the
vicinity recently trying to eel"
jewellery. When last seen they
were heading fur 'Mitchell. They
appeared to he ebont 30 yeere old
and fairly well dt ee•eld,
The Conservatives of We.st
meet at Dutton on Tuesday,' 22nd
inst.. to nominate a candidate for
the local byeeleetion.
The Postmastelr General has sent
out a circular setting forth that it is
intended to disedntinue the use of the
two -cent purple stamp, and to sub-
stitute a red one in its place. .
44Exampte is Fetter
Tifan Precept."
It is not what we say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does, that tells the story.
Thousands of testimonial's are
examples of what Hood's
has done for .others, and
what it will do for you.
la "I was weak and bad
fagriirills. -tlyspe slit and indigestion
hi severeliOrrn troubled me, lfive bottles
of Rood's Sarsaparilla made rite Well and
strong." ern. Wireeett VAIIVALEBnimant,
Whitby, Ont.
leoAod9reditrIVIsapeadr116111arkb* "Weilioirfahvmaily° taken es s
spring medicine and used need's Pills for
, biliousness and found both madleines very
effective. For impure blood we know
Hood's Sarsaparilla is a good medicine'
11.g. Pwrox, publisher lice, Atwood, Ont,
1 1 4
'" 'NOV& Pisapp"oints
- •
Itasa's Pins crass Ilvtr tins tott.Irritatit*Mitt
only. cathititii toAke-Vitt thirrapitrig.