HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-18, Page 4' WINUJ.AM ' 'IMES, AUGUST 18, 1819.
Guaranteed or money
cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth,
hardens the gums and
purities the mouth and
perfumes the breath.
Brice 25c. Large Tube.
For sale only at
974ryrrrti '� ,-71sT
Notice of changes must be left at this.
office not later than. Saturday
noon, The copy for changes
must be left not later than Tues-
day evening. Casual advertise•
ments accepted up to noon
Thursday of each week.
ri74talingijam times
FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1899.
gtlatliied to MI it. However, he will
continue to represent ihis coustitu�
envy with credit to himself, to the
satisfaction of every Liberal in the
riding, aud no doubt .acceptably to
many who are on the other side of
politics.—Clinton New Era.
Hole. 1?nw, BLAKE arrived at
Quebec on Friday*.
THE West Ontario Liberal conven-
tion to nominate a successor to the late
Sir James Edgar in the Commons will
be held on September 13;
THE trusts which have been form-
ed in the United States since the
first of the present year have a gross
capitalization of $7,370,783,383.
THE Doukhobors, in the North-
west, are going to have a newspaper.
It would not be surprising to see these
people turn out better Canadians than
the so-called Canadians who have
been abusing them.
THE Canadian Commissioners have
made applications for four thousand
feet more room at the Paris Exhibi-
tion for the display of Canadian
agricultural products, and there are
good grounds for hope that the ad-
ditional space will be allotted.
THE city of Montreal is about to is-
sue debentures to the value of $222,-
0of $50 each and to any one who
00 , ,
will purchase them at par. The rate
of interest will be 31- per cent.
"People who want the bonds," says
a Montreal paper, "will have to write.
1 to the city treasurer saying how
The popular and able represents- many shares they would like. Those
tive for East Huron, in the Dominion who want small lots will be given
House, Dr. McDonald, returned from the preferencesover those who want
Ottawa on Saturday last, and will large lots. These letters will be
now devote himself in the interim to opened on September 15, when the
loan will be divided as per requests
his professional duties. He takes a for it."
pretty active part in parliamentary SIR CHARLES TUPPER, leader of
matters, and is not only regarded as the Opposition in the Canadian House
one of the ablest speakers on the of Commons, who arrived at Liver -
government ,side of the House, but pool Monday on board', the steamer
:as one of the fairest in debate also. Parisian, when interviewed regard -
He is not a man who resorts to per- ing the Alaskan affairs strongly urg-
sonal abuse, believing that more is ect two alternatives, either that the
News 1:+1.otes.
The Grand Trunk earnings, Aug.,
1 to 7, 1899, $513,62S,corresponding
week in 1898, $427,303; inerease in
1899, $+86,232.
It is specially•important to admit
sunshine into your bedrooms if we
woald have our steep as resting and
invigorating as it ought to be.
The oats raised on the London
asylum farm this season, have just
been threshed. They measured 2,700
bushels, the produce of 44 acres, or
61 bushels to the acre, weighing 36
pounds to the bushel,
A Toronto miller writes to the
press advising farmers not to thresh
their wheat too soon after harvesting.
The grain requires time to properly
mature and if threshed early. is like-
ly to sweat, and is worth five cents a
bushel less for milling purposes.
accomplished Fry appeals to reason United States should submit the con -
than to prejudice. So popular is the troversy to arbitration, or that Can -
doctor with his fellow.members that ada should construct a railway to
they would do almost anything for Dawson City, thus opening up a
him. This was shown during the purely Canadian line of communica-
past session in, a:little circumstance tion with the goldfields. There was
that transpired, and which is now little doubt, he contended, that the
made public for the first time. An United States would recognize the
important and responsible position force of the Iatter alternative, and
in the Civil Service was vacant would accept arbitration. Otherwise
some of the doctor's friends in the he won favor eoiId f 1 "sthegoldfields
House thought he was just the man
to fill it, and without his consent or
knowledge, or without even finding
out if he wished to retire from public
life, they waited upon the Minister
who had control of this particular
vacancy, and urged the doctor's
claim to it. The Minister imtnech-
ately" admitted that Mr. McDonald
would make an excellent officer for
the position, but as it had been al-
ready promised to another medical
man he could make no change. We
do not wish the electors of Eas;
Huron to think that their able re-
presentative wished to retire, for he
knew nothing whatever of the cir-
cumstance until it was all over, and
was in no way a party to it, but his
special fitness was such that the
members felt hetnot only deserved
the position, bat was eminently
1897 ......... 137,950,253 11£,218,609
1898.... 164,152,683 140,323,053
h''�''•"V� t, 1899 154,3116,373 161,11.2,871
o $ Toronto News :—Mr. E. Gus Porter,
of Belleville, the well-known counsel
for William Penton, the alleged Na
panee bank robber, was a guest, at
' the Rossin House this morning.
is a necessit ', and I When asked by a news reporter if
we can nt>w supply
We hear much about • growing
times, but one of Exeter's citizens
can break the record. In one day
his household — domesticated and
domestic increased with uncommon
rapidity. At 5 a. m. two canine
beauties yelped their way into the
world ; at 4.30 his bovine presented
hint with a prize winner, while at
6.30 he was made the father of a
bouncing boy.
While C. P. R. passenger engine
on the train which arrives in St.
Thomas at noon, was backing down
the main line at the Woodstock
station Tuesday, as usual, an old
man man named. AlexStewart, aged 91
years, very deaf and almost blind,
stepped in front of the engine and
was knocked down across the rails,
and both legs cut off. He was killed
0 P. R. reports from the east in
regard to the available labor for
Manitoba harvest fields show that
4500 harvest haads will come from
Ontario, and 1500 from Quebec and
the Maritime Provinces, making
0000 in all. The first train, which
is from the Maritime Provinces, will
arrive on Friday, and the others a
week later, ' With all these laborers
and a continuation of fine weather',
Manitoba's hart/est for 1899 will be
M1y4i.E M.401 -ITS.
wfaabstn, August 17, 18'99.
.Corrected by P.1.lesns, Produce Deafer.
l! lour per 100 lbs.. 1 90 to ,2 00
Fall Wheat .,,,,, ..,,.. 0 05.to 0 05
Spring Wheat . , .. 0 .03 to 0 05
Oats, „ 0 28 to 0 80
Barley,. , , , . , , .. 0 30 to '0 35
Peas 0 00 to 0 02
Turkey, drawn 0 08 to 0 00
intoes, " 0 05 to 0 00
Ducks, per pair 0 40 to 0 50
Butter,,.., ,., , „ 0 12 to 0 14
Bggs per dozen .. , . 0 14 to 0 14
Wood per cord., . , . , , , , . 1 50 to 1 7o
Ray per ton„ 5 00 to 0 00
Potatoes, per bushel, , , 0 30 to 0 40
Tallow, per lb,,,.,...,.,,.,, 0 3 to 0 4
Dried Apples, per lb 0 4 to 0 5
Wool 00 to 00
Dressed hoas 5 00 to 6 09
Chiokeus 0 30 to 0 30
A strange robbery has taken place
at Joliette Que. Tuesday the station
master notified the Dominion Ex-
press Company that their safe com-
bination did not work well, and that
they had better send men down to
rix it. Men went down, and as they
found that it would take too long to
fix the safe, they decided to bide in the
cellar $7000 which had been sent by
the Banque Nationle. They did
ng „o , hide it, but during the night someone
against citizens of the United States. found it, hence there was great ex -
THE total mineial production of citement Wednesday morning when
the United States last year was
$709,816,000, compared with $648,-
804,000 in 1897. Ganada's mineral
production last year was about $40,-
000,000. It is growing more rapidly,
in proportion, than that of the United
The upward tendency of Canadian
trade is shown by a glance at the
table of exports and imports for the
past ten years :—
Exports. Imports.
.$ 89.189,167 $115,224,931
96,749,149 121,858,241
98,417,296 119,967,638
113,93,375 127,406,068
118,564,352 129,074,268
z 117,524,949 123,474,940
113,638,803 110, 7 81,082
121,01,3,852 118.011,508
the defence 'amid, have anything
you with one from
new to offer at the next trial, on
September 19, Mr. Porter said that,
$4.5o up. so far as he knew the defence would'
have no very new evidence to offer.
He was confident that the case for
1 O N T the defence was strong enough to
1 secure ]silly Ponton's acquittal. Mr.
B U 1 Porter thought that the evidence of
the Crown's star witnesses, Pare and
Hoiden, would be somewhat damag-
ed by their fright from Napanee
jail, He was uncertain as to the
course the Crown intended to pursue
at the next tri'tl in regard to whether
or not Pare and Holden would be
plaeel in the witness box, but he
discredited the statement of the
CI own Attorney that poach had
consented to a change of venue and
that his trial would also came oil' at
Coburg on the 19th pias,
EG G,S ---- -
I am prepared to pay the highest
cash price for all good butter and
eggs delivered at my warehouse
near, the G. T. R.
the loss was discovered.
The Hanover Post. says :—"During
noon hour Saturday some party• or
parties tampered with the two engines
in the,works of the hnechtel Furni-
ture Co., with the result that the
main engine could not be started up
for about an hour and the auxiliary
one m the north wing, from which
some of the parts were taken away
and could not be run until Monday.
Sappily the damage was noticed be-
fore attempting to start up, otherwise
a serious accident, dangerous to life,
might have followed. Undoubtedly
both engines would have gone to
piecesa wrecking both buildings in
which.•they stand and probably have
killed employees in the neighborhood.
The fnattpr is being quietly looked
into by our local detectives and the
guilty ones if discovered will be
prosecuted. A reward of $20.00 is
offered by. the 8r'm."
What might have proved a fatal
accident happened in the basement
Of Mr. A. J. Babb's store in Millbank
East Saturday morning. Mr .Roland
Glover, clerk in Mr. Rabb's store,
undertook to clean the gas generator.
In order to ascertain whether or not
he bad completed the job, he thought-
lessly lit .a match. The result was
a terrible explosion in Mr. Glover's
face. When help reached him a few
moments afterwards his hair and
coat were in flames, his faee and
eyebrows were burnt and he was
totally blind. He was carried to his
home aeross the street and medical
aid summoned, and every relief that
coixld he given the sufferer was
speedily rendered, At present writ-
ing Mr. Glover's condition has slight-
ly improved, while his sight has
partially returned. The entire coin.
inanity vein hopes that Mr. Glover's
recovery may be speedy, as he is an
obliging clerk and a very promising
young man.
from peddlers or ad-
vertising fakes. Bet-
ter far to buy from
us. We warrant them
five years.
For good and well finished photos try
M. E. Zurbrigg in the down floor gal-
lery. He has a better collection than
ever in his window. Gives you any-
thing you want in tha photo line from
the little stamp photo at
18 Photos for 25c
to the `16 x 20 size. Also Crayon
Water Colors.
Gallery Opposite Presbyterian Church..
Itt..E. tuRBIRIGG, •,
Boy wanted to learn Photography.
A Harriston Blaze.
Fire broke our on Saturday last at
8 o'clock in the Targe frame residence
of Mrs. J. 0. Boyd, Mill street.. The
blaze was first noticed in the roof
over the kitchen, and spread up'to,
the centre portion of the building.
The firemen were promptly on hand
and kept the tire in check. The
place is owned by the Chance estate
of Guelph, who will lose three or
four hundred dollars. The contents
were nearly all saved.
The ratepayers of Mitchell are to
vote at the January election on the
important questions of whether cows
shall run at large during the summer.
What does your mirror say?
Does it tell you of some little
streaks of gray? Arc you
pleased? Do your friends of
the same age show this loss
of power also?
Just remember that gray
hair never becomes darker
without help, 3�vvbile dark hair
rapidly becomes gray when
once the change begins.
Vi or
will bring back to your hair
the color of youth. It never
fails. It is just as sure as
that heat melts snow, or that
water quenches fire.
It cleanses the scalp also
and prevents the formation of
dandruff. It feeds and hour,
ishcs the bulbs of the hair
snaking them produce a luxu-
riant growth. ' It stops the
hair from failing out and gives
a fine soft ousels to the hair
as well.
'We rt :,colt on tho /Tait ens
Sea1p let .eel, you t,:ay obtain ire°
noon, re in :at.
if you do not nbtalaltttho bene!i'a
Fou expertr4 from the nae of ti.e
"Vigor, Kr:'• t".,o ]snetor about It.
Atblrcee,On. J. r.AvLfl'
Lowell, .. 48.
�IgSIIIIt i I r rrRl { I��_� �g 044. 40.11. .. is a a8
..: . !. rMr Mu M�+ UMMri� i 5M PMMM40 4 '�"`
11riR+'bWV"1~1+Ar i�lr0do" '1t✓b�► ba=
This Sale is on as announced last week and those
who come first are of course getting first choice.
No Reserve—all must be sold.
.INN ■
•u wl■.
:N. i1l.
r°. Terms Spot Cash or Trade. All goods must •;;
:i•ni • ul
be paid for before leaving the store.
This is your opportunity, if you want Dry
Goods, Groceries, Crcckery, China, Glassware,
School Supplies, Stationery, Smallwares, &c., &c., at
wholesale prices.
ie Blue Printed Stone. Chinaware at half price. A =IISS
lot of odds and ends•at half price.
Macdonald Block,
Wingbem; Ont.
T. A. Mills has decided to clear out during the next 3o days.
his entire stock of Spring and Summer Goods.
25 pieces Dress Gocds in plain
and figured, up-to-date, usual
30e. for 25
Fancy Dress Muslins, were 12.1c°.
now ....10
Figured Piques, usual12c. now..
10 pieces 'Check Gingham, beauti-
ful patterns, ,usua), price 156.
[Ow 12
Plaid . White Organdies, Lawns
and White Piques at special re-
duced prices
Prints, usual 1211e . how 10
Ladies' Wrappers assorted pat-
terns, usual price $1,25, now 1.00.
Shirt Waists, usual price 85c.now 60
Look at our bargain counter in
Ladies' Fine Silk and Silk Taf-
feta Gloves
50e Gloves for
40c Gloves for 30
30e Gloves for .,,. 20
20c Gloves for 10
Also a range of 75e Kid Gloves
for 60
These goods must be cleared out in order, to make room for our New Fall
Goods which are arriving daily.
The undersigned is prepared to receive
orders for repairing lounges and
matrasses. Lounges r, -covered, mat-
resses made over, carpets sewed and
laid. Lowest prices and good workman-
ship. Orders promptly attended to.
Leave orders at my residence, Centre
street, next to Wm. Elolrees', or address
box 54, Wingbam..
Having purchased the butcher busi•
ness next the Brunswick, 1 am prepared
to supply the public with all kinds of
Fresh aud Salt bleats, Sausage, Bologna,
&c. Orders takett and meat delivered
,to any part of town.
A tall solicited.. '.PhoneNo; 9.
U. FlllvlN(rrL
We build our pumps to last for.
years anis have them in price from
$2,50 up.
Brass Cylinders and Galvanized.
Iron Piping.
We have a full stock of the above
Call and get 'prices when in need
of anything in our line.
.11-0111N WILTON,
Opp, l3eatties' Livery
-.•.„yrN,4,a*6HINE,Y,"I, .11,"Ai_ k,.aeisielowerwinello,,,p„ym",