HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-18, Page 3s • 4 Good Cher! Courage Yet! Do not Consider Your Case Inc Palno z U;Ti , 9 Works Marvellous Cures Every Day Though ;sou Ines meshed the -eritical time or a hot euminer so. diseased and broken (Iowa in health that your case is considered incurable, we say. "Sick • brothers and sisters, be or guod sheer,. Have (ammo )eti", '.ketine's Celery Compound is a great phyeicia preecriptiou fur the cure of eln °talc and complioated cases of diseases that have baffled Weskit! of the ordinary phveician,- We positively assert that nine out of every ten whom the doctors uannot help will gain health. vtgor and new lire by the use of Paine's Celery Compound. The work of Paine's Celery Compound in the homes our country has been not- ed with wontler,Seimiratiou and joy hy. all classes .or men and W001011. In thousands of eases it has saved life after all other means had failed, To the thousands deep in, disease and suireriug from blood troubles, kidney and -liver cow plaint. rheumatism, neuraliia,dyspepsia and nervous prostra- tion, we honestly point theui to the only source of health that the world can offer -Paine's Celery Conipoond. This great banisher of disease is not iu the expert - mental stege like the vast majority of advertised remedies; it is a true saver of cure for the troublee that now make your ex isteuce miserable. A Natural loghtning Rod. IN ILAN Tligti‘S, AUGUST 18, Ilt,99, • Railway Mileage oftthe 'World. ":Mor ihe Sake of Fun, illftsehietaa courage to See that nearly five In a recent issue (A Archly far Elisenbahntvessett is published an annual statistical table of the rail. Evade of tee world, a few of the fi,gares of wide)) will be interesting. The total length of railroad in the world amounted, in 1897 to 454,730 miles, and in the five years frotn 18911 to 1897 the totat increase was 34,435 miles or 8.9 per' cent. The same year the total length of rail- road in the Unite!' States was 184,- 278 miles, an increase in five years of 3.16 per cent. North, and South America and the West India Islands are credited with over oue half of the total mileage or 236,218 miles, Next to the United States among the great nations is the German Empire. with a total of,29,880 and then fellows France with 25,078 miles, Russia with 25,003 although. if we inelude the Trans- Caape in district of Russia and Siberia, Russia would come third with a total of 28,3c/2 miles, Following era,nee and Russia are Great Britain and Ireland, 21,380 miles; British India, 21;000 miles; Austriadlungary, 20, 008 miles ; British North America„ 16,684 miles, Italy, 0,714 miles, and the Argentine Republic, 9,422 miles. Belgium has the largest amount of railroad in eotnparison with its total area, the amount being 32.2 miles for each square mile of area,. In comparing the countries by the 'length of railroad compared with the amount of population. that they serve, we find .that the colony of South Australia stands first with 52.3 voiles for each 10,000 people, this. result, of course, being due to the comparative Donee' thousand nameare iraterted. May vast amount a aiisohief is done, too, they also be found in the Lambs' bbieocoaini EF:strpirtheee_realeiostobitoto ea7vpeatiheeitor Book of Life on the last great day. ertiptione, dyepepole, indigestion. norv- Many invitations front, Beaton, ousnees, kidney diseases, apd other ail- 1 Minneapolis, Springfield (Mass.), tnents. Thu; tnisoblef, IlefertunetelY- Philadelphia Tormito Stratford Hood's Sarsaparilla. whiele cures all, va.eutta' (India) and 'aller Place; may be undone by the faithful use or 1 r, diseases originating in or prompted 4 have been received, but we are plan. impure blood, ;ing to spend most of the next year A high tree a short distance from a dwelling house often acts as an efficient protector from lightning. The tree is full of sap, and this . snakes a better conductor. than the • dry walls of a* house. It is very rarely the ease that live trees are rent by lig, htning strokes. The rend- ing usually is of some dead portion of the tree, th at the eleetrieity cannot readily pass thrnugh. Hence, the *high tree may have saved the house from being struck by lightning with- out leaving any mark by which the fact would be suspected. • . A poor widow with seven children advertised in a New.Yoris .paper 1' or a teraporary loan of S50, She an-. pounced her willingness to permit' the money lender to "keep the child - Ten a-. security " Craps and Colic AlwaYs relieved promptly by Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild StraWberry. HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver elle, Non- le Canada. We are now in our island home in Muskoka to rest, recuperate and EVA.NGELIZA.TION,* Lstudy, and so help to fit us for the best year we have seen in the work 'YEAR'S WORK of CROSSLEY AND MINTER- THE WELL•KNOWN CAN- ADIAN EVANGELISTS TELL OF of the Lord. Crossley and Hunter. THEIR EXPERIENCE IN A Medicine Chest -is that:awe ap- propriately applied to Hagyarcl's Yellow ICEvvIPOT.ThIPLAND. Oil, 9 can be (eed (externally or taken internally. Cures outs burns, bruises, Crossley and Hunter, the evange- contracted cords, stiffs' joints, painful lists, have sent out the following swellings, quinsy, sore throat, pain in statement of their work during the stomach, kidney complaing etc. Price past year ;- 25 cents. • Fifteen years ago the 12th of July Women Smokers inlesudon. we began our anion evangelistic work in the Town of Essex Centre, The habit oUstnoking (says. InadY and from then until now we have Jenne, writing in the Ladies' Field) been privileged to continue in this which is so common abroad, has now blessed work, holding union services become among many women in in every city in the Dominion, except England quite as natural a thing, some in the Province of Quebec, and and it is not in the least unusual for in many of the towns and villages cigarettes to be handed around in from Atlantic to Pacific, as also in the drawing room after the women Bermuda, Newfoundland andleverai have gone upstairs and left the men cities in the territory of Uncle Sam. to drink their wine and eat their de We are rejoiced and grateful to be sert. Hitherto, it has been mainly able to say that during the past confined to the house, and even the • fifteen years between seventy-five bedroom or boudoir, but within the and one hundred thousand have last two months two cases of women professed saving faith in the meet- smelting in public have come to my ings we have been privileged to hold notice. One day in the Strand a with the pastors and churches. It may be interesting -to not a few sparseness of the population. In the to read a short account of the services United States there are 26 miles to for the hitt Cenference year. After in Richmond Park a woman was en• each, 10,000 inhabitants. In the recuperating for a few weeks in joying a fairly large cigar with her more densely populated districts of Muskoka we began the year's work male companion. These are only on August 14, 1898, in the Town of isolated eases, but they excited little woman, young and pretty, was seen walking and' quietly smoking a cigarette and on another oceassion Europe the figures fall considerably Germany havieg-5.2 miles for each 10,000 .people. , The small increase of 3.6 percent, in the total mileage for the United States is due to the fact that the years 1893 and 1897 were aniong theleast active in rail- lehurch." road construction in the history of Minneapolis was next visited, and the cOuntry, 'the, previous , decade many turned to the Lord, inclucline. having been one of extraordinary the Hon. John W. Aretander, the lucrease, over 12,000 miles; or morelaccount of whose conversion has en - than hal' the present total length of ',couraged so many to stronger faith. railroads in Great Britain, having I We then enjoyed a few daysin meet, been bent in a single year. . .". . ' ings with the churches in St. Peter, after whieh we spent Christmas at ,. • -- . home and. began a month's campaign WORMS cArT,T STAY in People's Temple, Boston, wbere When Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup WO had been just four years before. is used. This remedy is deatbto the It was a joy to us to have on the worms, does not harm the child and is platform in Boston at the Same time nice to take. Contains its own cathar- ticPrice 95, four young ministers, who had been - . ., . converted in our meetings in. other . , aays,, two Baptists from Nova Scotia, To Remove Smoke from Cal- one a Methodist from Ontario and makes more labor. In hot weather ermined Walis. one a Presbyterian from Boston. the cows if allowed tbeir freedom, is very seldom we meet with a record The frequent invitations from the will graze during the evening and of the bravery of our medical men, churches in ew Olin an were at I early morning while dew is on the who far more ofteUhave opportunities Smoke on. calcimined walls may N f dl d be removed by rubbing the soiled was al grass, and will then liedown to digest for risking their lives to save others, placelightfy with stale bread, chang.. length yielded to, and truly it M do Ian call for a. great awl: what they have, eaten. If ,s'arding saye a London paper. Certainly we Iiow S ." Sutton, and from there went to St. or no comment, and it seems an in - George and then to Clinton. The dication of a change of Sentimentand pastors and churches in all these public Opinion on the subject of places heartily emulated one another, women smoking i At Shepherd's and very many ViT ere "added to the Bash one can frequently see respect- able girls and women smoking cigar- rettes along the high road. GAINED .50 POUNDS. "I have used Burdock Brood Bitters for Dyspepsia and sick headache. Be- fore I started taking it was thin and run down in health. Two bottles have completely cured me and 801300 then I have gained about fifty pounds in weight." Mrs, Ellen Vaughan, Moulton Station,.Out. • cat Sia .syczeotu. 1rho first volanteared to go awn' I seek end relieve the men who war, Gotham-Come back east to beijowed to have fallen victims to Mb • live, eh? What was the matter with Dugout City? Returned Westerner -Too noisy. Couldn't sleep, Mr. Gotham (to hirnself)-ThAt town must be booming. Returned 'Westerner -I'm not go- ing back there again. I'm going to sell 'nt. Mr, Gotham (a month later) -See here That property you sold me in Dugout City isn't worth taxes, The town is dead and grass growing in the streets. You said. you. left be- cause it was so noisy there you couldn't sleep. - Returned. Westerner (innocently) -Y-e-s. Can any one sleep whit 40,000,000 frog is singing under his window, -New York Weekly, When you are seized with an attack of Cramps or doubled up with Colic, you want a remedy you, are sure will give you relief and give it,quickly, too. • • You doq't want an untried something • that may help you. You want Dr. Fowler's • Extract of Wild Strawberry, which every one knows will positively cure Cramps and • • Colic quickly. Just a dose or two and you have ease. But now a word of proof to back up -these assertions, and, vye have it from Mr. John HaWite, Coldwater, Ont., who writes: "Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wile Strawberryis a wonderful cure for Diarrhma, Cramps and. paths in the stomach. I was. a• great sufferer until lf gave it a trial, but 'now.' have perfect comfort." . • • GOOD NEWS Coughs that stick to you, that other remedies seem powerless to relieve Are promptly cured by Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, Try it, and you'll be con- vinced by being cured, EVIL RESULTS OF THE PIANO, INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN THE CAUSE OF mom QUARRELING AND SUFFERING. ,The piano has been the cause teter- rime. of quarrels that have sundered ancient friendships; has wrecked many enterprises of great pith and moment; it has disturbed the finer adjustments of the cereberal machin- ery in many literary and scientific works, bas driven studims men from their books to the bottle and has stimulated peaceful citizens to the commission of violent crimes, says the British Medical Journal. These are among the evil effects of the piano considered passive, as the schoolman would say -from the point of view of the sufferer. But the op- erator does not come of scathle-s A recent writer, Dr. Wateahodi, thinks that ehioroses and neuroses from which so many young girls suffer may be largely attributed to the abuse of the piano. He therefore urges that the "deadly" custom of • compelling young girls to hammer on the key board before they are 15 or 16 years of age should be pre scribed by public opinion. Even at that age the exercise should be per misted only to those who, in addition to real,talent, possess a robust con- stitution. explosion. It only wanted someone to volunteer for others to follow, an4 the doctor went down in the sago with two or three brave miners. Even these, however, bad their hors. knowing so well that one explOSIOn Is often followed by another, and that they might all 1)0 going to their death. Summer Milking Practice. The practice of bringirig cows up at night is not a good one. is far better to leave them • in. the pasture and milk them there, even though it Chooren Ory for STOR Snap Shots. missies peso If you have to give a man ativio, always give hint the kind he wants. Every old baehelor lies about how somebody else • married his old sweetheart. Every house to have a wedding properly written up, must have a bay window. A. rabber-tirefi fl tf,1 DA mob atienti,,,, o, 1.„,,,„11 1, „i. plug hat, Nearly .f Lim have "Cottage Hoo.to" -vane 010 1.,,en of a build me. A pretty al ;0,v. • 1... to dress pret enti a homely 0,e hardly ever /: • • Anybody v. is, will send a measly, little wedding Itt esenr, is ton small to enjoy life. * Every bald headed man feels at liberty to twit everybody else who is bald-headed. Most men's idea of taking care of a baby is to feed it all kinds of things it ought not ti eat. The time to buy anything cheap from a bov is when be wants money to buy fishing tackle. When a bad tnarriage turns oat, just as people predicted, there is not a word to be said abotit it. We dor.'t see what a woman wants with a husband who ean't make a living. and, is ugly as sin, besides. A young married man thirks carry- ing old stove pipes will make folks think he has been married a long time. EIRA.VE DEEDS OF DOCTORS. THEY ARE SELDOM HEARD OF, BCT THERE ARE PLENTY INSTANCES. We are generally kept well in fumed of the hereic deeds and dar- ing of our soldiers and sailors, but Sur - they become soilad. This may make effectual door was opened unto us ; of cows ie done at any time in stint- have All been told bow gal ant m- ing the pieces of bread as soon as ace n , the soiled 'spe't a little lighter than end one of the greatest, if not the mer it should be in the middle of mhe goon Hugo at the storming of Darg- the surrounding surface; in which greatest work of our lives, waa wit- daY• hai 'saved the life of a wounded case pass a piece of ebeesecloth light- ly over the wall, working toward and over the light part, as this will take a little of the color over, and so shade up to the light spot that 9 will not be noticeable. -Maria Porloa in the August Ladies' Home Journal.' nessed in St.John's and Carbonear, En iish Spavin binitheut • remove • ql" soldier who was bleeding to death. where over eigtI heen hundred (1;800) bard g soft ousedLflP4nntl we only knew of this heroism sought the Lord in seven weeks and Blen:slishes from horses, Blood Spnvin, when it was more than twelve months old, and when we had sereamed ourselves hoarse about in finitely less heroie clods, And who ever,hears ,sf the bravery of country practitioners ? Yee met e as e deeds el their honor which would oast a shadow epon malty uf the deeds done by stltliers and sailors At the mention of whose mashes we raise our hats Slime tint.' ago a young doctor in a small village in Scotland wit - called out of his bed in the middle of a stormy night to be told that s woman who lived five or six mile away, was- dying ; would he go tn her'?. Of couree he would, and he dressed with 'all possible hake, leav- ing a warm. bed, fur five mile -walk in the blinding rain, for, as luck would have it, he had lost his horse the day before. After traversing three miles of sodden moorland, he • For Over Ping Years, A.n Old itert Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow' s Soothing Syrup has been used for over 'My years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth- ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child,.softeas the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleastint to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the i' World, .Twenty.five centa a bottle. Ito 1 value is incaluable. Be sure yoti ask for IVire. WinslOw's Sobthing Syrup, and take no other kind. a day. We do not adopt the practice of scattering cards, and gathering up You need hesitate no longer about eating • "Porridge" for breskfast because Ti]lson's Flake Barley is light, .delicate, and wholesome, and DOVIS NOT IEEVAIr Ti] BLOOD With milk or cream and a little sugar it is delicious --the Ivor distinguishes it at once from the °Min iry ' food, Her' "good news" for • infan-s invalids% and those of weak digosi ifin Your grocer sells Flake Barley by the pound, but be sure and ask for "Tillson's." . The Tinson C�.' e Limited. tileenburg, Ont. a • Ourl?e, Splint., Ring Bone. $•vseete , Stifles, S'praines, Sore and Su take Throat Coughs, etc. Save 450 by use t. a large number of names of those ooe bottle. Warranted the most wonder - who have been little moved, but ful BleruisleCure ever known. Sold by persons must come out publicly and , A, L. Hamilton. confess their decision to be real ' Underdraining the Orchard. Christains, or earnest seekers. This . be manifest when we intimate Locate drains midway between that over eleven hundred (1,100) rows of trees. The depth of the united with the Methodist ehurchesidrains should be from four to five feet,. in tbe above named cities, and htui- I not less than four and as much deep. dreds of the others are now members I et as the outlet and convenience of other chiirches in these cities, or in the outports. We returned to Boston in April, and held services in Dudley Street Baptist Church, whieh wag a mem- bership of about one thousand. The Baptists are strong in the New Eng-, between the rows and as much as. land States and are very cordial and four feet and laid with five or six elical 'We as members of a inch tile, the roots of the trees will will allovv. The tile should. be two or three sizes larger than would he necessary to use in ordinary land draining, to give aeration to the soil, and not be liable to Obstructions from Mall roots. If the drain is midway rt.- a-. • ...411114•146.— , sister ehttreh, by the invitation of the not likely reach the drains in sufhei- pastor, sat down with bim and his elft numbers to seriously affect the came to a streatn, and to his surprise people at the Lord's table.. After a drainage. The deeper the drain the found the only bridge for miles had .0 fat month in Boston we retarned deeper the roots will penetrate the' bt en destroyed by the storm. With - w r he swam the stream, reaching the farther bank Toledo, Ont. Mr. Lewis Johnston of this plane was taken down with Rheurnattsw, bud two doctorsvin attendance; was getting no better. Three days after he started tak- ing iVlilburres Rheumatic Pills be was out of bed and in one week wee well and able to go abotlt. Thinning Tomatoes Inersases Size. Twenty fie e tomato plants at the Arkansas Experiment Station were grow n in well e.ultivated soil which had been fertihzeti Hires years before for vegetables of various kinds. Bef.tre the crop of tomatoes was plaeteel it was gives s' free application 1 r Anniereisi 1' • Mine, Tli6 Wesel le , cluster et •-• s• •1 %;LIO`t .,ff with a 1,1 k",is• were lied to stakes slid sprayed occasionally with Bordeaux mixture. With another lot the treatment was the same except that not more than two or three fruits were allowed to grew upon one chute. Thinning A as done when the tomatoes were or of an inch in diameter. The deficient rainfall and high tempera. tures in July affected the: thineed plants less than those not thinned. The results of these tests were great- ly in favor of thinning the fruit . so far as single specimens are concern- ed. The average weight of a single tomato on a thinned plant was about 15t ounces, while on the plant not thinned average weight was only 61 ounces. Taking the total amount of fruit produced per vine, however, it Was shown that when the fruit was not thinned each vine produced about 10,!,, pounds, 'while where the fruit ‚.‚.as thinned each vine produced only 91. pounos. The better appenrance ot the thinned fruit and, the smaller amount of waste makes it advisable to thin, wording to C. L. Newman in Bulletin :ill, out hesitation, ho eve , to Canada, and held a series of union subsoil, If the drains were eig,it services with the Presbyterian, Bap-, feet deep the earth midway between tis! and Congregational churches 10 the drains and directly under the Pella St. ObarleS, Montreal, during rows of trees would be affected as the month of May, and then closedi deep as seven feet in a few years' the year's work in union meetings time, and the roots of the trees will in the Town of Arthur on Sabbath, ,i penetrate as deep as the subsoil is 2nd inst. , ' drained within a reasonable lint. We joy in God that Ile has in say then ten feet, possibly in every plate we have been privileged' Trees so deeply rooted are the best, to visit given the churches a great !secured against inlay from the ex - revival. We keep a yearly souvenir tremet of the weather. With the book, in -which the secretaries of the sufficient underdrainage of a fertile, meetings record the names of those I retentive elay soil, the intelligent who publicly profess to enlist on the' orchardist with persistent energy is Lord's side, and in counting the master of the busines. -Orange Stidd tableS we thank God and take lamer. with the water pouring from every garment he wore. He arrived at his patient's cottage aching in every bone, his limbs almost contorted by emits. Having relieved the woman of her sufferings, whieh were not serious, though acute, he returned to his home, going a long detour to eross the stream, and went straight to a bed frotia whieh he wits never able to rise to amept the thanks of the woman "whose sufferings he had assuaged at the. cost of his own life. On the occasion of a terrible eolliery accident, 9 Was a young local doctor • Headache Ts often a warning that the liver is torpid or inactive, More 8010113 troubles tray lotion?. l'or a prompt, effielent cure ot Headache and all liver troubles, take Hood's. Pills While they rouse the liver, restore full, regular action of the bowels, they do not gripe or pale, do not irritate or inflame the interred organs, but have a positiVe tome effect, 250. et all drUggiete or by mail of C. Lilood & Co., Lowell, Mas!