HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-11, Page 8M�41�tIW � MFr#.pYR�fi1..�1��. God "Values in Good. 4nens. CO inches wide, halfbleached, afire linen Table Damask, good Leavy make, satin finish, at 45c. Wash Goods Prices are Down Here, Those who are wanting cool good this hot weather will appreeiale get- ting such a beautiful variety of cool and effective cotton materials at such little cost, Blouses at Less than Half Price. The assortment is complete, both as patterns and sizes. Parasols Atless than half price to clear bal. ante. Don't mess this chance. Boots and. Shoes. Extra special in all lines of fine Shoes. Dress Goods. Very interesting news of value in fine Dress Goods, Silk, Muslin and Prints. Call and inspect. Gloves and Hosiery. Don't miss seeing our Gloves and Hosiery at Mcincloo's PET SONALS. 1 ILE Will GJIAM T1I.�ES, AUGUST 1 Mies Tuolfe le the guest of Clinton friends this week. Mr Geo Newton event Sunday with fricn3s in Goderioh township. Fred Broedfoot, of Seaforth, was a peat at air J A. Cline's this week, Miss Nebel Jamieson, of Blyth, is the finest of Wingham friends this week. £dr herb Wigntman spent last week 1/ with los father and sister in Muskoka. Mrs Wm Beck and children, of Harris• ton are the guests of Wingham friende. Mr A. Morton, of Hamilton, spent Sun. ' diky in town, the guest of his uncle, Mr .1 A. Morton, W Bradwin, wife and baby, Lucille,of Hamilton, are visiting for a few days with his parents, ,Messrs W and 1? Moore were in. Brussels this week completing the laying of the waterworks pipes. Mrs t;tople and Mrs Geo Stem, of West Minister, B C, are the guests of their sister, alas Wm Armour. ' Ansa M'Pucker, of Wingham. is the guest of the Misses Little, Victoria St.- Clinton New Era Mr T A Mills was in London on Sat- urday. Will Baby is spending his holidays in Berlin, Mr A .E Jones is spending his holidays in Rodney. Mrs Jos Golley is visiting friends in London. . Mr A. Nichol spent Sunday with friends in Milbank. lvlr Geo Walker, of Gorrie, was in town on Wednesday. Mr Chester Hogg is visiting frinds in Brussels this week. Mrs Jas Orr was visiting friends in 'Wroseter last week. Mrs S McGee was visiting friends in Goderich last week. Mrs (Dr) Macdonald spent Sunday with friends in Stratford. Mrs L Hanson was the guest of Gode- rich friends this week. Mr Panton, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Wingbam friends. Mrs R M Robinson is spending a month with friends in London. Mrs J E Scott and two children, of Lon- don, are guests at Mrs S Seel1's, Mrs Hill and Miss Daisy Quick, of Len. don, are guests at Mr H Fixter's. eines Maggie Brown, of London, was a guest at Mr M Gray's this week. Miss Mary Kennedy, of Seaforth, was visiting hind in town last week. Mr and Mrs Sommerville, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr and Mrs A H Hall, of De Pere, Wis, are the guests of his father, Mr T Hall. Mrs John Halliday and family, of Xlarriston, are visiting friends in teem, Miss h' McKay, of Teegwater, is visiting n,t Mr Thos Davideon's, East Wawanoeh. Mrs W 0 Stuart and Miss Hattie Stuart were visiting friends in Brussels this week. Mr Ben. Leavens left on Monday last to spend his holidays at his home in Shea bane. Mise Carrie Rankin, of Wingham, vfs- ltad friends in town last week. -Brussels Herald. Mr A Crawford, representing the In- gersoll Packing Co, was in town on Tneiciey. DeJ W Soott, of Senilet, Mieh, was mate friend*In Winghiatn and vicinity haft .Hiner 1r ie. :.elver and little daughter, ]pytrtle, ere spending it week with Luck - ate friends. Mies Lexie Dawson, who has been granted. visiting in Toronto for the past few weeks, A petitinli nes read from the ratepayers has returned home. on the east side of Josephine street asking Miss Martin, who has beau visiting at for a stone sidewalk from the G T 1t tracks Mr Geo McKenzie's, left on Monday for ' to the bridge. This petition was not her home in Toronto. • sufficiently signed but the Council decided Mrs MaVittie, Mrs Mann and Miss to take the iidtiative and advertise it in Marjory Mann, of Toronto, are the guests , the two local papers. of ,Miss Belle Elliott. The Chief also wanted to know who rad %intro' over the water at the dam -Re- (erred to the Fire, Water and Light Cain. mittee, Front the Fire Underwriter's Assoeia- tion re the Inspector's last visit to town, and the condition of our fire protection - Referred to the Fire, Water and Ligbt Committee. From V Vannorman asking leave of , absence for two or three weeke and oiler- ' ening to supply to competent man in hie place, Moved by Mr Manson, seconded by Mr Irwin, that the request of the Chief of Police for leave of absence be granted- Carriect. NNEW BIM:WAI,KB. A petition was read from Abner Cosens asking to have a concrete sidewalk 'Iznilt on the north silo of Patrick street be- tween Minnie street and the lane between t. Leopold and. 'Minnie streets. On motion the petition was granted, A petition was read from the ratepayers WALKER UN • RTAKER5, WINGHAM. ROS. &c BUTTON Night 01 door soot poslte so_ a at Button Block, or Fifth of School House. Shop op, donald Woolf. ARM TO RENT. , r Th' north Half of lot 13, con. 2, Morrie,' p to E. B. Bruce. 946 Borden St., t nto ; or to Adam Reid, Wiugham. PUBLIC NOTICE, Having tuoved to town to the resi- dence lately ocoupted by Geo P Wells, eornerCeutre and Alfred utreets, near the G.I , I am prepared lb pay the highest cash prices for idl kinds of Rage, Rubber's, Copper, IIorite Hair, Wool Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds, delivered at ney residence, or if word be left, I will call forsanie, 0, GOODMAN. on Francis street asking that a stone walla I be built on the east bide of the street i 1{ iret•class farm for sale or to rent, 126 between the Diagonal road and Victoria . acres, being Lot 33, Con 1, Cuirass. street. On motion the petition was 1luitable for grain or pasture, never -fail - street. two good barns and FARM FOR SALE. raesece co1IMtxree. Miss Annie Anderson, of Blair, Neb, The Finance Comtnittee reported re - was the guest of her cousin, Miss Millie • commending payment of the following Robertson, last week. ' accounts :-.-Geo Mason, supplies, $5.17 ; Mr W McLeod, of New York city, who P Fisher, rent of post office box, $3; has been visiting friends in town, re- ; S Kelley, atone for dam, w20.57 ; G T R turned home on Monday last. I Co, drain privileges, $1; John Hoffman, Mr Arthur Reynolds, of West Superior, j watering streets, $u ; Brli Telephone Co, rent of telephone, $8.25 ; Geo Hughes, Wis, woo has been visiting at his home work- on streets, $15.12 ; H R Small, work Imre, returned on Wednesday. on streets, $3.12 ; W ,1 Henderson, draw - Sire Bonnick and children, of Toronto, ing hose to fire, $1 ; R Ferguson, special who have been guests at Mr J McGuire's, returned home ou Wednesday. Iconstable, $3.75 ; J Clegg & Co, supplies, $10.91 ; T Hall, printing, $4; J McLean, Charlie, son of Mr . W L Smith, has balauae lumber account, $798.37 ; R taken a situation in his uoole's bank at ' Rogers, work on street, $3.12; Button & Wingham.-Forest Representative. I Fessant, water for streets, $18; PI B Messrs Geo Tervitt and I red McLean, Elliott, printing, $31.09; P Deans, draw - of Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday ing hose to fire an,l moving scraper, with relatives and friends in Wingham. 112.50 ; T la win, salary, $l0 ; V Vannor- Miss Taylor, of Toronto, who has been man, salary, $42 ; Wingham Electric a guest at Mr T Bell's for the past Light Co, for lights on streets, $33.07 ; couple of weeks, returned home on Mon- Alex Ross, stationery, etc, $2 ; E° L day. Dickinson., solicitor, $38.40 ; J McKinnon, Mr Jas Ferguson, of Detroit, formerly gravelling streets, $40. principal of the Wingbam public school, The report was. adopted. was shaking hands with old Wingham On motion of Mr Hanson, seconded by friends this week. Mr Irwin, the accounts of James Brook bliss Ida Herr, of Wingham, is spending ed to be peat, $1.25, and John McLeod $5.75, were, order - a few days visiting friends in town. Mrs A bylaw fixing the rate of taxation for Beldon, of Wingham, is the guest of Mrs the year 1899 •at 20 mills on the dollar Carling,, -Clinton News•Record• was read a first, second and third time and Mrs A Stewart, of St Thomas, and Miss McAndrew, of Alias Craig, who have been visiting friends and relatives in Wingham and vicinity for the past month have re- turned home. Mrs D J McPeggar and family, of To• ronto, who have been visiting at Mrs S Youhill's for some time past, left for home on Tuesday. Mr MoTegear spent Sunday at Mr Youhill's. Rev Dr Smith, who has been conduct - finally passed. A by-law to procure money to meet current expenses until such time as the taxes are collected was put through the usual stages and finally passed. A by-law to amend ..,the livery bylaw was passed, provicliteeithat no person- who hires a horse shall refuse to pay for same when they return. , • GENERAL BUSINESS. McKenzie -Irwin -That each member ing the services in the Presbyterian of the Hook and Ladder Company be paid ahured for the past fiye. weeks, has re- 50 cents for each fire- he attends -Car - turned to his home in Toronto. Mrs • ried. Smith,wbo was here with him, accompanied Irwin -Hanson ---That $000.00 be placed him,to the credit of the ..School Board-Oar- ried. Miss Birdie Bugg, of Wingham, is visit- Hinson -Gregory -That the Clerk be ing Mrs W F Vanetone. Mrs W F Van- authorized to sent an account to Geo stone and Miss Fannie were visiting friends Saunby, of Belgreve, for the ase of the at Wingham. Mrs George Dane, of Ham- wheel scraper for the month of June- ilton, and Mies Hattie Staart,of Wingham, Carried. were the guests of Mrs Jas Fox this week. -Brussels Post. Mr David Sanderson, of Wingham, was in town on Wednesday visiting his brother, Mr Isaac Sanderson. Mr J B Wood, of Wingham, was in town on Wednesday and gave us a pleasant call. Miss Carrie James paid friends in Wingham a visit last week.-Gorrie Vidette. TOWN COUNCIL. The regular meeting of the town council was held in the council chamber on Mon- day night. The members present were Mayor Clegg, Aldermen Irwin, McKenzie, Hanson and Gregory. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. costamace roes. From R Vanstone for 'P Bell & Son stating that the stone walk in front of their property on Josephine street and in front of Mr T Bell's residence was defee• tive and requesting that it be put in proper repair. -Referred to Street Committee. From E L Dickinson re the purchase of the water privilege and property. From V Vannorman, chief of the nee company, recommending 1 1. That the members of the Hook and Ladder Company be paid 5U cents each for every fire they attend. 2. That $20.00 be granted to repair lose east No 2. 3. That a new hydrant be purchased. .tri his communication the Chief ex• plained that be had no control over the members of the Hook and Ladder Com• pany as they now stand, If hie recom- eaendation wad adopted he 'would then have theta under control the same as the • Firemen." Irwin -Hanson -That the matter of renting the house at the dam and the water privilege be left to the Fire, Water and Light Committee with power to act - Carried, Council adjourned, FALL FAIRS. • ing spring stables, comfortable dwelliut= house, good orchard, about one mile from school and four miles, 'from Wingham. Apply to Wm. Dawson, Lot 30 Con 3; Culross, or Joespb Dawson, Thorndale P.O., Middle - rex County', Ont. FARMS FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his. two farms, lot 10, in the fourth conces- sion of Turnberry, containing 160 acres, and lot 11 in the fifth concession, con taining 95 acres. All the necessary buildtugs are on both farms ; both well fenced and plenty of water. Situated 1% miles from Bluevaje and 5 miles from Wingham. Forterms and ,par - Menhirs apply on the pkeneises, or to JAMES ELLIOT, 5t "Bluevale. COOD FARM FOR E RTO RE Situated fo being the sout 1st concession o containing on bank barn, 30x28, wi well ad Northwestern, Wingham, .Sept 19-20. Western Pair, London, Sept 7-16. Industrial Fair, Toronto, Aug 29 -Sept 9. Northwestern, Goderich, Sept 26 28. Ashfield and- Wawanosh branch, Dungan- non, Oct 11.12. Huron Township, Ripley, Sept 26 27. Morris Branch, Blytn, Oct 9-10. Huron Central, Olintort, Sept 10-20. Kinloss Branch Agricultural Society, at Lucknow, 3-4. Kincardine, Oct. 10.11. Other dates will be added as received from secretaries. from Wingham, es of lots 23 and 24, e Township of Morris, ndrad acres. Good x40 ood frame house, atone c .::r. The farm ,is. ed for mix' farming, well water: and in good a 9=dition. Price $3,50 , Apply to R. A. GR AM, Ingham. 1Oook's. Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effeetual, Ladies ask your druggist for Cooke Cotton Poet from- ped. 'rake no tither, as all Mixtures, pills and imttatlona are dangerous. Pri.e, No. 1, $1 pper box; No.11,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of priee and two S -cent stoups. The Cook Company,.Windsor' Ont. 08. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists Sit Canada. No, i anti No, 2 for sato by Collo A, Campbell nru/gist ENT... We will self Thor.ld Ce ent at greatly reduced prices in order to unload a Heavy stock YOUNG Ek PACTLIN HARDWARE MERCHANTS. The Western Fair, London. SEPTEMBER 7th to 16th,, 1899. Entries close September 6th. Space allotted un receipt of entry. Exhibits will be unsurpassed, attractions better than ever. Hippodrome, Chariot Races, Champion Sword Contests, Imperial Jape, Famous Lady Riders, World renowned Gymnasts and Aerial Artists galore. Fireworks each evening, "The British and Americans in Samoa," and all rine and platform attractions. Special excursion trains will leave London each evening after the fireworks. Grounds will be beautifully illuminated. Send for Prize Lists and Programmes. LT. -COL. W. M. GARTSHORE, President, J. A. NELLES, Secretary w .I7 PAYS TO CO TU TflE BEST. -- ./f/1 /4, .4" /7/ THC SALE CONTINUE BOOTS AND SHOES For July and August. Comfortable, solid and reliable foot- wear at and below cost. We have all styles suitable• for the season. If you. want a little better article at a little lower price than you expect to pay. come to this store. Space will not allow us to -quote many prices, but note a few of the following': Men's Strong Working Shoes, solid leather, all sizes, 6 to 11, a )0e; Men's Fine Box Calf Bals, Goodyear Walt, worth $3.50, sale price :2.50: ; Ladies' One French Kidd, hand turned, bntteuec3 and and Bals, worth $3.25, sale price 2.50 ; Ladies' fine French acid Vamps aad Quarters with Vesting Tops, Buttoned and Bals, worth $3.25, sale price $2.50 ; alms 38pairs of Ladies' fine Button and Lace Boots which cost from $1.50 to $2.50, sizes 2e, 3 and 3a, will clear the lot at 00e. These are extra values. THE MILK OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY is gy�pure and cold and costs... . • Y . Y . . . . . . . I$REE CENTS A Gal A1; T, J. G. KARGES. TO THE. FRONT SEE WHAT THE DIAMOND PORK SHOP CktiA,.TILADA, ONT. Canada's greatest §6`l,00l of Shorthand and Business Training RE-OPEATS) FOR THE FALL TERM ESDA.Y, SEPT. 5th. =266 OF OUR P ILS SECURED GOOD POSITIONS in the seventeen months ending Jun '1st, 1899. What ao.you think of such a record 4 Our pupils are now in strong =mind with many of the leading business houses. When we tell you that this s;arge number secured positions, we are also prepared to furnish: the list showing here they were placed and with whom. 11 interested, write for it THE B tST SCHOOL IS THE CHEAPEST IN THE END. We pay t railway fare of students corning from a distance, provided it does not exceed $='a0, whioh is the limit of our allowance in this connection. Can secure good board . >r gentlemen at $2.00 to $2.50' per week and for ladies at $2.00. D9ring he year which closed June 30th, we bad pupils in attendance from Nepvfoiihd rid on the Atlantic, to Seattle on the Pacific ; from, Manitoba on the North toa.' r,obklyn, N, Y.,- on the 'South. There were 133 Cities, Towns and Vil- •lagbs in anada, and five States of the Union represented with us. Twenty-three Counti and Districts oittside'of Chatham sent us 198 pupils, Chatham and Kent Coit alone sent us over 160. pupils, while Manitoba and the North-west Terri-. tories ent us six. WHAT WE GET WE HOLD. to for handsome catalogue of either department. Mention which catalogue ant. D. ItleN AUCIILIN eft 00., Chatham, Ont.. Opposite Post office, Says: Fresh Beef and Pork. Lamb Bologna Pickled Pork Tieadeheese Breakfast Bacon Sausage Smoked T-iatn Pressed Beef Side Pork Tripe Cain Beef Pressed Tongue Spice Roll, Lard, Pow', &c., Always on hand, Our prices ane right, Orders called for and meat delivered to any part of' the town. Your patronage solieited, ight . riceless Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. - FIT SPECTACLES Scietifically, Correctly, Reasonably. Try us. , WE J. R. MUNSHAW OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. LAMPS A choice assortment just opened out. We are selling them at prices that will surprise you. Iarvest Tools Refrigerators and Screen Windows at greatly reduced prices. We are headquarters for Threshers' Supplies, Leather Mits and General Hardware, MIS11111 roes sear, S M 1 T H & PETHICK.