HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-11, Page 6TUE NV NUHAM '101E6, , A GO "'.... .
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lines will not. be able to secure t®rest in connection With a be -
q � ` q� �. , ` business at higher rates, the Cama,• affairs of the
Empire ion tt a t Mae our
t sit �: Ulan Pacific will have to modify its cause, as t
jt *4,.•
• •� • t viilue which has largely succeeded, people
,�,.>...-••.••�_^�---~.�^�~• chargtrs tttscr. Such a change in the Parliament represents dod, by the
1 the east adoption of the principle of conceding
FEUD AY, .�.>;iC:t'•ST 11. !t7'JII. existing ctanditlons will ben. t
._•,. ' Tion frit' in excess U in producing',
the few i llliotts that the Government ',log et tl content with the existing ,
From eueown Cerresp.otidNet UU,v pt'(1pOSC$ to ,'rant in railway g
Ottawa, ,:tltlgttsG i>' b,itlles;representative
;system of Government." oeCU 'sl
t tisG body has S c h a
t vm
Ctrl , c sympathy it r, I is
1 t .� t3 . s 1
o- nr p
'Thep ftheUNIQUE ItiDI+I i^a !right to express
:; ttiW western farmer and 1 UL' -
11 equal political rights to every p
ern manufacturer,
anil ge ieVn y to ,
the entire Dominion, f tion of the population, in harinoniz
i tran"CLllents and p
event t.f this week su ' • represen a ash with ,ri
' •. N ,
0 A.
has been the introfluctlo,l. - the efforts of IIer Diajesty s imperial
n r over , tow 0.14 a Some little amusement has been ' the stab gets
resolutions grand ; 111 the It'tC'itl C11't:len lure by a: authorities to obtain for # , r
d ofv rloN ARMY—Capt.. vzGLetaa
on e who. es at
h vlc
1 1, t
i The t Majesty Sal
to on 1! . i • nd.
1 M '!
at h Her Y tna
�] the e � CUtn
b n of n
S 8 I � 8 to l
l e u article t t
1 1 h
SABt ATU f l v�O8S.
ll-a.'1'13OIOIST--I$ev, R. Ilobbs, Pas
or. Services at 11 a ie and t p al,.
will guarantee ! PRESBYTERIAN --Rev. D. P'err'
that my manse Cure
I "tor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p Ln
will cure 00 Per ccnk.
kidney p;pISCOPAZ.t St Paul's—Rev. W m•
..... ......
.40 14
aril PUpL1SUED-••
-Ai TT E—
rte o
4t all forms of ,
complaint end la ' Lowe, teeter. Services at 11 a in and 7
many instances the ' p n, 1 TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STRET
most serious torous etWINCIEAM, ONTARIO,
Bright's dise•1e,cIf o 1 13APT?ST —Rev, W. Freed, pastor.
q t11atn end7pm I
the d seaso s ,, et•r tees a
ouncecd send a four-
aux- I CONGTtli'G,t1.TIrNt8L•-^'Rev, 3. W. Sttbaoripttonprice.$Lpexyear, inndvallo
ounet Aril cit urine.
We will analyze it • C:otiln, vitiator. Services at 11 a nl and 1
MUN`TON. CHRISTIAN On: Column NO 00 so 12 00 400
all druggists, reo a vi5l, Guide tPlhi1 alth
d L elk iu command, Services half At Arch st..
reo. I
�tn G
a a
edit p
and m
aha advise you free 7 p tu,. "`� — -trip-0T _. M
what to do. aFaaa i 1 y• I U mo, i S nip. i I. wo.
� �.-._.; .__._...- do 00 goo 0o szo 0o res— DO
Outram au a t,a tar" xo 00 13 00 7 00 0Q
3 to and 3ptn.
n u 8
e per line
rx sorer. p
n c tl
• tier a
'� other cos
Loudand t
Le,a re chaubse uent
It • e R
rand 3c
per n 9
for first insertion,and p
oat . 90
i,no Inch u 00 3 00 3 00 1
i V
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t l e u 1T
as caused taken ;�� a
M , e t s,
u c,tu P a p
1 a
1 av a
a •� h 1
d 1 1
• aka
onstruetion of rall�t Ty,, l hysterical to � tint w'
Measurea ca
, C � n p
Sr a insertion.Y .
s is no uew thing in evhieh Cha their abode in the Transvaal, , i 3 p ns had 8. p m, {ti'�e i i per line for first Insertion,
?. r of railways Star the Ott day, political rig .heal notices 100, p
sidl nl, ' h "bl eti t lustier). and P d tranches 5 per lino for rnsert r
' beet) 1
but t
• •1 a
in G)vei•nl-r•'►tt, for the g y
f 11 in the country to d cognition h fall possession
let fc .,
's'i. - o
t. t U named tug i n
n In ec1 St t o rt
1 e t above tra
r •• t 'sur } o ab - lrpund ,
w et Lnt a s
the 1'eCOr,I11C GaVeYlltl7t!nt la charged ' measure
.. ____ In each of the "\irerGisemerrta of s , , J
! cath" the In a ition them
may be found necessary
d alley u a f,t h' rtieular a them in the u
s for Sale, not exceeding
60a per subsegnopt month
a s of Level Cultivation, Sabbath Soktool is Held at 2.30 p m. a„ Realness Chances Wanted, not exceeding >i lino
Advantages t t
nonpareil, ;ft for first month, and 50o. for each
_:____�•-•---- pnth
p eters, Thole is tiffs. dtxcing cause Of this pa to secure
last twenty y the announcement of equal rights and liberties'` �---^�'—•'"'
15 florasoB and raim
great difference llorvevtll•, tll:rt, wirers- attack being subsidies. 1 e tit month the land Ut money respecting the railway I , ®� t These terms will (X tl man ' 11ulll � ®®®�tltl
grant has been � >,
trio• it tis oe quid is worthy of the most extravagant
out, without
as in the p ti t
t gift out and Tho wildness of the language Used;
. dour any ► rsM himself,
settee c f sabsi-mood of Sir Charles Tupper
ti eSeILt 1 ,
die quo,
cog 1 ', conditions We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree
accompanied With for the proposal is characterized age to refund the Gooney an a er e y agrls
fes is accumpamblers, t oe Dr, Vvills Enl s
rd , , he desperate nt bottle
of the host vital importance to t 1 and s, "t of ag l ce
One of these conditions is 'and as, "the greatest crime of the lit, sorter using tdoepot reliievef(Consuips.
tha,fcountry, . The Montreal Star is i of bottle, they
that, from the freight charges paid !century,
without doubt the most erl'atleg Won and I3eadache, We also warcure
by the Governniest for the carriage I tette acrobat in Canada to -;that four uottles will permanently
of mails, military supplies, te.c , a sum ! journal the most obsttles oases or Conot+-pation.
equal to three Pel • cent per annumo l day. Between elections it is pictur• Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng-
the amount of the suosidy la esquely independent—in theory l list PATI VIa e used,
,homier and Druggist,
credited to the country. Inas'' but when a campaign approaches! ibe Ont.
as 81,52,257 was paid itoutherods Herod, in its eewtaticOoliu A • t%a Pbell, Chemist and Drug-
motif party. gist,
3.897 8 by the Post Office Depart- `support of the Conservative art Wiugham, Out�remiat and Drug -
months ago the Star rr.. L. Elamiltou,
went for the carriage of mails, on Less than three gist, Winghan., Ont.
Drug -
the railways, it will be seen at one° notified all its correspondents by i tt
that this rebate will be a very real 1 confidential circulars that it was Where the Great Forests Are,
absolutely independent in politics,'
one. A table in S..lenee
NO MORE MONOPOLY. 1edttit was quite a mate :;e
suppose that it was a Conservative
Atrother condition attached to the ! paper and requesting them to bear
granting of these subsidies is that I this in mind when writing their
zhe assisted lines shall grant running despatches. Evidently a copy of
not - luded
powers to other Companies when ,ln i this COM1nnnacatrnn was
where the occasion may arrive. The, to the editorial writers, or if it was,
ed with 498,240,000 acres, about
first time such %i proviso was attached !they attached no more importance to 48,000;000 more than the United
• States. India chines next with
to any subsidy in Cent a was in the lit shall the general public attaches
ease of the Crow's Nest Pass Railway to the ,e per's alleged independence. i xtates. ,000 acres. Germany has
and the immense advantage there Be that as it mat , P 34 347 000 acres, France '`�2',4�ti,4W
from to thlt, country lass already Extravagant criticism f the Liberal the British Islands only 9"
been fully demonstrated. It simply
means that where such st regulation
is in force a monopoly is impossible,
and this great desideratum is yet
farther secured by .the additional
condition attaching to some of the
no amalgamation with
that €,
subsidies id1t,
other railways shall be perinitted
except by permission of the Govern-
ment ; while lastly, and perhaps
most important of all the Govern-
ment will secure absolute control
over the rates that inay be charged
by these aided lines.
To a eouutry that has been so
long under the heel of railway mon-
opolies the operation of sueh regula-
• i'em
tions as these, will In
pation from a bondage that has been
crippling development and hindering
natural progress far more than all
other adverse conditions combined.
Even a superficial consideration will
show that they are sufficient to re•
ieive the country of this incubus,
providing they are vigorously and
impartially applied. Several of the
railways to be benefited are so locat-
ed that they will eventually form
'sections of
shows that Can-
ada leads all other countries in the
extent of the forests. She possesses
799,230,720 acres of forest•covei•ed
land, as against 450,000,000 acres in
the United States. Russia is credit-
o isc uen r y
S lino, "+
or to n , .
"There are," says a staff" caries. n tamer advertisements in proportiotr.
be strictly adhered to
w a inserted
erop grown by billing' up to
pendent, of County air t ' Special rates for larger adverticemente, or or
Brous advantages in t11C' Lllethori Of 1 longer periods,
1 Fg r pe iemeats and local notices without specifics
]el el cultivation, Acorn or athero G FI A P/i . i
directions iii n tilt forbid and Char{Ied
the ex•I
tent and in the manner that it Is l Capital, 1,49d;,550, Rest, ,1,000;0 •
chant dB for contract f the office by Wednesday noon, to order to appear •
often done is put in such shape that president-JoDN sTUAaT. thatweek
env light rain falling' on it is carried' 17iggifeBldent-••A• ti, 1tAmBAx.
Pmoraines. MND Rea/mass
accordingly. Tronsntery advertisements mus be
p0 paid in adranen
n adveirtisomentP mist bo lit
atonce to the point farthest,away
troth the centre cf the hill where it
is most needed and byoften, evaporation
not entirely, lost• theo crop
before it is taken up by
growing on the lend, If, en the other
hand, the cultivation has been level
or ES nearly so as possible and the
surface kept mellow, all rains; how.
ever Small, descend at once to the
routs of the growing crop and are
appropriated so as to -gain the full
advantage of whatever 'water falls
upon rite Mut ftsce. Though by seine
dt is supposed , necessary to hill up
about the stalks of curd se as to
allow these roots striking out from
their base near the surface to gain a
hold to support the growing corn, it
is a tact well known by those who
have practised level culture that if
theeultivation is level these rootsstritie
into the soil in . suet, a manner as to
give much better support than is
possible it' the cultivation be by hill-
ing up arrrund the plants."
Scalded Her Hand.
the Star's resent
policy of reasonable and
eouragement of petiole]. develop -
' , 1 2 6 a,-
'000. The table does not include
Africa or South ,America, both of
mens is in absurd contrast to its which contain immense forests.
uncompromisingand unconditional may surprise some readers to learn
support of the late Government dur I that the persentage of forest covered
ing the campaign of 1896, when, land is larger in several European
having nearly doubled both the countries, Germany for instance,
annual expenditure and the national than in the United States.,
was very px'nfut•
debt during its term of office, it
expenditure in ever bot
promised public works and general . For OverFlftt Years. ' Haayard'$ Yellow Ott cored it cowplete-
Y An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs ly."
direction to an wins o ,'tc Seething. Syrup has been Deatas At the Souse of Refuge.
Extent which would have swallowed 1 y millions of _
any times the number of used for four overf
ywhile eeth-
Alexander nder 1'u te.
A. T. WOOD, M. P, A. B. LEO (Toronto). 1
Cashier.: -3. TURNBULL.
Saviaas Bank -Hours, 10 to 81 Saturdays, l0 to
Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest
allowedlai I,opasit s also received at current
rates of sf teat
Draft1 nn .teat Britain and the United States
bought and Sold
38. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
Money' to Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced. on AIortgagesat 5 pe, oentwlth
privilege of paying at tho end of Shy year. Nott
and accounts collected.
1IOi3T. Mcz
• Ont..
,- fid
r. k
Site ,
r hat a
(says; ••1 scalded toy -hand rry
and thou to tk cold in t hit It
taw bot leled ndd
Deaver Block Wingham. Ont
A e. a Foote. who lived. for
many years at iii•ncelield, but for
the past year or so has - been all in
mate of the Hcitme of Refuge, died
on Friday of last week, aged eighty-
one Friends had the remains in-
netrl Y
tented in,
Saturday. Another inmate, Richard
Stanla.ke, formerly of Exeter, died
on Tuesday, aged 83 years. The
remains were interred in the Exeter
'cemetery. The deceased was a res-
ident of this county for sixty-five
years anti was at ono time in Com,-
fertnlilo ei•eI1Meta neee,
uy +11
millions that this Government has
The sudden and unexpected. death
of Sir James Edgar, speaker
House of Commons of Canada,
created a profound sensation at the
Capital when it became known on
Monday night. While the end was
unexpected, it was known when the
Speaker left Ottawa two weeks ago, Don't nag•
that lie was a very sick man, in fact i Don't gossip before children.
be had not been in robust health for Dont't refer to you wife as o `the
two or three years, . still it had been old woman."
hoped that complete rest and the bestDont't use slang or profanity be
medical skill that the country could I fore your children.
afford would restore him to at least I Don't get into the habit of sewing
comparative health. • on your own. buttons. put
mothers o
ing, with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colic, and is the, best remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to heoftast
Sold by druggists in every part
. '
world. Twent
yfive cents bottle.
value is incaivable. Be sure you ask for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Don't for 'Warmed 'People.
for when the Rainy River Railway,
the extension of the Canadian North-
ern to Prince Albert, and the new
line from Edmonton towards the
Yellow Plead Pass and the Pacific
coast are completed. there will be,
by land and water, continuous trans-
portation facilities during the season
of navigation from the wheat fields
of the far West to the ocean ports in
the hast. Over this line the Gov-
ernment will exercise control of the
grates, and inasmuch as competing
creamed 0 . •
nn l'
Itching, Burning
Tortures' of .. +
Eczema on the Sc
Deceased who was not an old m
—for he had not completed his third
score—had always been an ardent
politician. His first appearance as
a candidate was when, at the age
thirty he unsuccessfully eon es
Don't keep tirarping on the sub)
of "mother•in-law."
Don't forget the promises you
made when you were married.
sectfully of their elders.
though he won the seat for the
Don't let your children talk disre-
Tor tno treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN and
SURGICAL CASES of au kinds, For particulars
address DR J 1' KENNEDY,
Medical Superintendent, 11'ingham, Onti
.Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate
interest. No commission oharged. •mortgages, town
and farm property bought and sold
OFFICE -Beaver Block WINouAlt.
This word is our copyrighted giiara tee for
and Strength when seen on aur goods. It marks
them the standards for their several purposes and
its presence protects put from imitations and in-
ferior geode.' Look for it. ,
Monk for the local Legislature, It p Don't leave the house in a temper. will upset your whole day.
Federal House the following year. Don't imagine
o yours is the
defeated by a narrow majority at
He did not sit long however being only baby on the face of Don't neglect to raise your hat
•the earth.
the general elections two years later, when you meet your wife out of.
not returning to Parliament till i doors. '
Don't be' afraid to apologize even
if you have not been the cause of the
Don't allow your children to know
that you have ever had occasion ft r
Plant Spray'• ,
Winghere. Ont.
E. L. exexiNSO\,
some/Ton TO BANG Ci AAUfI1.TON. ,ldat:}CY TO
Office -Meyer Bleak. Wingham
gorsiatio Plant Spray contains no mineral poison -
arsenic or Paris Green. Sure death to ail insect life
fungi, etc, Harulass to vegetation: Canada's only
reliable spray.
Sheep Dip.
Persiatic Sheep Dip is a preparation tor the cure of
skin diseases and the eradication of vermin in sheep
and cattle. It is highly medicinal and
work with no drastic or iritatiug effects. 'deo. it
by leading .sheep raisers.
.Horse Wash
Some of the cures effected by Or. Chase's
ointment are more like miracles than anything
else, The case recorded here was one of the
xvotSt ever brought to the attention of Toronto's
best physicians, and when doctors gave up all
hope of recovery Dr. Chase's Ointment Was
'Successful in producing a perfect cure.
Mr. James Scott. x36Wright Ave.,'rorontn,
state;: "My boy Tom, aged ten, was for
dearly three years titillated with a bad form of
Eczema of the scalp, which was very unsightly
and resisted all kinds of remedies and doctor's
treatment, Ilis bead was in rt terrible state.
We had to keep hint from school, and at tines
his head would bleed, and the child would
Scream with agony. For two and t half years
we battled with it in vain, but at last found a
turn in 1)r. Chase's Ointment. About five
boxes were used. The original sores dried up,
' , the skin in its normal condition; To
when he secured a seat in a bye-
election in West Ontario, the con-
stituency which has retnrned h
each general election since. He has
always been a strong party man and
has never spared himself in the work altercation,
which an active political life neves. . Don't take the words out of each
sully entailed. when
thefm ewi other's mouth while telling a story
election as Speaker when the new `
Parliament met in August, 1896,1to third persons,
was a tribute to his general popular. I
ity ; his courteous and impartial eon -1 't h i %d re l'1 Ory for
during the last three years s m
t- in which he was held .
to the regret his death hoe occasion -
, An exchange pictures a small bay
duct in that responsible position i , x T R g A
h • inereased 1 '^
the estimation
by Parliament, and adds poignancy Cruel.
while using Dr, A. W. Chase's
Nerve Food.
There comes a critical: time intllelife of every
woman when the bud' of girlhood is unfolding
into the full blown flower of WO to a n h ood.
Mothers at this time should carefully guard
their daughters' falls victim tofor t insidious diseases
s is a time when
many a girl
which make life a misery s in back and
Loss of flesh, headaches, pains
side, nervousness, irritability. dull eyes and a
pale, sallow complexion, these are the symp-
ymptoms that warn you to use Dr. A. 'IVa. Chase's
Nerve Food.
The blood is impoverished incl the nerves
require nutrition, Nature must have :assistance
and there is no better way to hclp nature than
Food. by using Dr, A. W • Lhasa It s Nerve
is a food for blood and nerves, and creates
rich, red blend, solid flesh and new nerve tissue.
The color will return to the cheek, the bright,
ness to the eye, and increase in weight will tell
of solid advance in health.a box,
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve rood,
At alt dealers, or )8dmanson, Bates & Co.,
Office -Corner Hameton and St. Andrew streets
opposite Colborne Hotel.
. tI _
Porsiatin Horse wash is a specially prepared medic-
ament for the cure of skin diseases peculiar to
vcr ninon Ifor
has aridding
surssingly refres
brightens the pelt and puts the skin' -into a thor• .I TOEN 'RITCHIE,.
mighty healthy condition. Price 51.00 per 34oz. ean, I e
Pig Wash I
Porsiatin 'Pig • waah is successfully used in all rases
of skin diseases of Swine, and for destroying nits,
lice and vermin generally. Beeps the skin in ea
healthy condition and ensures a: healthy appearance
in the dressed animal for market.
Doctor of Dental Surgery 'of
Dental. College and Licentiate of
of Dental Surgeons Of Ontario.
Office, Wmgbain
the 'Pennsylvania.
the Royal College
Ofilee over Post
+ him D. D. Ross, graduate of the It. C. D. S.
of Ontario, and is prepared to do all manner of
Dental work at reasonable prices. Beaver. Blocky
opposite the Brunswick blouse, Wingham.
Hen tiottseSpand
Persiatic Tien house Spray and Peultry Powder
fowls orcin shedmln s. Act saeculiar to t isinfectanthe ,ld destroying
germs and purifying the atmosphere. Used liber-
ally they prevout roup and kindred diseases.
Purchase these geode from your dealer or send to
us direct for them. We invite correspondence,
The Piekhardt Renfrew Co., Limited,
Stoufiville, Ont.
ed. t ns. I with a hoe in his hand saying in-
SY,MPATIXY \ITII THE U1J'LA1gi) • sinuatingly to his father :
The enthusiaslil and unanimity , Say, the fish are biting like every
with which the Commons adopted thing down in the creek.
the resolution of sympathy with the Well, sonny, says the father, reas
I;itlanders of the Transvaal was suringly, you just keep on hoeing
evidence of the reality of the Iris• potatoes and I guess they won't bite
perialisin which has grown to such you,
options within the last Bear River, It
sterling prop Mrs. Chas. d'uhnston,
few years. Such action on the part S, writes: "I was traultted with hoarse
say it s of pleasure se testify to the Sties and sore throat, and after to in
fru .ts Dr, Chase's Ointment 14 putting it of Elle Canadian prlrlialllent was
ttl+y, Clee" - particularly appropriate not only as three bottles et Dr. �Vootl'ANurway Pine
Dr. c'1ia',r s Ointment, it alt dealers, or a seemly recognition of Canada's in- Syrup I Was entirety cured."
rltdnaansun. Dates tc'Co.,';.tomo,
aveatsgrid '1'rado•riark' obtained and ell patent
business conducted for MODERATE FESS, My
ofaceis in the immediate v'iclnityofthe, Patent Office
end niy facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention with
description and statement es to advantages claimed,
pore D cbitittolan*natio for
n f r opinion,
o eru�+g tthe
Sup le tR6tltCpi
appticat•an n0itft not en caned for until itAd
11rtfont t aitoteed. +'Itivr.* Toas (loin*," con.
wining fail information seat free.. Ali Cote aatnt+
catlonS Considered M striCtl3 conndonilltl.
DEANS, JR., wieee AMi
Sales ,attended in any part of the Co. Charge
719HN CURRIE, Wixoaenr, ONT., .
Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements
All orders lett at the TIHEB otilco promptly attend
ed to. Terms reasonable. •
6 40 a. in. 8 05 t3. nt
330pm 10 20 p
855am 806pm
6 53 a.n111 10a m
30 p n2 soap m
1110ani G4GSItI
3 30p m d 80 p mm
x.—.10 29 p m s 3o a, m
Toronto and Bast
Palmerston mixed
London and South
Before placing your order
for Spring Clothing call and
see our
for t899. We can afford to
sell New Goods cheaper than
old stock that cost one-half
more than lleiV and letter
goods of the latest styles will
We make clothes that
Queen's Block,
Camp Caledonia No. 40 meet ,
SO S - -'the nest .1114 third Monday to
001.0 month,Rin .he Odd Fellows Heil. Visiting
brethren weleetu, J, Murray Chief, II I3
Elliott, Ron. -Sha
IN TT Ad , Circulate,ia40., rim. ° ilteda10 the b et
style of the art. at moderato .pylons, and 0n short,
notice, Apply of eddrese
it, n.1:LIAOTT.
T st14a'Otlles, Windham
We aro Mewled to announce that an Rooks or
Magazines left with us for nindin , ffilng aThr
prompt attention.
on AppliOhtt8 ioro that Timm Mon