HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-11, Page 5VIOriettivallelseVitetteleWtSreelfelle
Clearing Sale of Shirt Waists in rig w-
hams, Pique, usli. i and Sateen.
74---32 to 40, were e0e. and hoc„ for 40c.
16-32 to 40, were 75c, for 6oc.
30-32 to 40, were $1.00, for 75c,
6-34 to 36, were $1,23, for 75c.
a�F to 36, were $1•7•5, for Sr,25,
ti dank ---3. to 40, were 75c. for hoc.
.i�" is+f1, {l "L.'114ES, AUGUST 1), t9!,
.JJ:iise,n's'ex'ed by II Q,ZiriarA the, azligIt b(, cati((1.
!bottle iii gi'ti td Qe, 'incl fa14"4 IU;rer5 'bad no time for prospecting, bat
• WING -RAM 1 oNDTKE73,3, with the tesuit that they got a piece
;of gold abatzt twice the size of a pin
INTEuusTri.o xnws rrtoat A MUMBRIl i bead. This,. of course, gave us ail
OF Txlr Ynrymx wise LEFT IMRB xxew heart, but as the winter's snow
IN FEBRUARY, 1898. was beginning to acuunaulate. we bad
to give up tracking and seek o
' , were about
Another greet :discovery has beea quarter to half a mile long; es the
made, .and that too, by a lady in this water was slow we were able to
country. "tlibeaiso fastened its clutches
, � nail tor Bevan years elle with- t�. oft epa.
stand its severest taste utiles further
en cath the Wind river flows into thePeel
inept. For three. re,nths from the 1loclties, and by the time
'shacou;ched iot;eseant
upon l er a l t 1Qty the full length h
hut her vital up we Game to where
organs were undermined d d l W' . o ce
teemed inns A
l I Sh #'► 11 div` and come not! we. got our third load tip th" f
Raving purchased'tbe business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find
us in the CORNER STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealingant bore
est values a share of the patronage. The present stock: will be ffered at
,IIQusefurnishinhs, Cutlery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal Oil
always in stock, Special attention will be given to cur
Having, had large experience in cities, we excel in
Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam Heating,
Sanitary Plumping, Eave Troughing; Steel
Siding, Roofing tdind Metal Ceilings.
Call on us. We shall be pleased to make your acquaintanee, ?eeling
sure we shall gain your confidence,
ePp e
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consnrnp- company had eeturnetl from their
tion, end was so u:ueh relieved on tal:-, trips to the head of the Wind river,
ing drat close, that she slept all night;
and with two #;ottice,hae been absolutely They brought us the good ache that
trued, ler name la Mrs. Lauth ,I, �: we would to able to t
Luther Lots. get over on the
is y is far,
reocrary,.'by purchust'hg of us a bottle of the 18th of Septem ei' our advance
tscover•e a way to
hhQsiwritesx.4 W.O. kI;tinalett & Co, of `Stewart through a pass in the
Bookies tlr ng their journey they
Shelby, N. U. Sold by Colin A„ Curiae Bocl Di
IV -ley washed out several pans of dirt
Your correspondent receive& o
Thursday last, a letter from'Willie
n winter quarters. Oar full force sea
ea to work and moved our outfits G
to Milts up the Wind to a place where
8, there was lots of spruce to build
8, shacks, It was pretty cold walking
g through water at freezing point, It
A took us two weeks to build our
e shacks and .at the end of that time
d we were settled in very comfortable
d winter quarters. Our shacks were
d the nucleus about which others soon
y began to fortn. To -day our .entire
e Population numbers 70 souls. I will
s give you the name of the different
2 companies
I. --"Hurons.'' This is our own,
g In addition we have others. -;-Billy
e George, of Port Elgin, Ont., and
t Jimrny Ferguson; Glaseow, Scotland.
. These two are shaelring with us.
a II,—Dr. Brown's party ; 11 men.'
Dr. Brown is from Stratford ; some
y of his men are from Ottawa and
e Chicago. III. — McGinnis' party,
t Montreal ; 6 men. IV:—Fred Pey-
g sant and. Ralph Criebton, Halifax.
s V. --Dick Feltham, Springfield, Illin-
e ois. VI.--Dr.VVatel'manand Drench,
a Chicago. VIi.—Peacock and Bar-
d. clay, Dakota. VIII.—Gook Bros.
f and McGinn, Michigan. IX.—Mit-
e ehell-Merril party in which is Jack
n Patterson, a son of Patterson, the
d Lieutenant- Governor of Manitoba.
e X.—Putman's party, Nev York.
f XI.--Hendrick's party, Dakota.
e Besides this there are several
, others that might be termed "unat-
tached." . We are "At Borne" on
Friday *evening, having a concert f
N. Gray, one of the ICiondikers wl
left Winglram in February', 189
It is dated November lath, 189
We give you herewith the foltowin
excerpte-"Oe leaving Mahone
on the 20th of July, 1898, to .coax
up the Peel river, we hada goo
breeze for two days and we wile
about 60 miles. We then tracke
our boats for about forty or fift
miles to a. point on the Peel, wher
it branched off into several channel
of which the largest was not over 1
or 16 inches in average depth. Fron
here` onward our big boats, drawin
about 18 inches, were of no more us
to us ; so• we set to work and eu
them down into smaller boats draw
ing from 10' to 12 inches; aecortlin
to the ioad placed in thew.
During this part of our journe
we had to make treble trips in th
tr:tnsporation of our outfit can accoun
of the shallow and swift runnin
water. To say that we worked i
putting it very miiei, The whol
river from the 100 -anile point is
regular succession cf rapids, an
each rapid meant the doubling o
our crews- in passing it, l3efor
going any further I may mentio
that not less than two crews sboul
'start up a mountain. stream, so w
joined the Aliteliell- derrit party o
Choybeggan, Michigan. This read
a total of 18 hien in the two parties
We were accompanied by an Indian
guide, a faithful .old fellow wearing
the . apparently civilized name o
tr.:11 JEkil C3).
a Andrew Bounetplume But ou
„• v.
f. songs and music consisting of cornet
✓ autoharps,guitar, flute and mouth
an. One evening we bad a mock
lel ; it was very funny. We tried
a fellow by the name of Jack White
. for insanity. 1 was appointed police -
t man. I arrested him and brought
t him forward for trial . Hon. Judge
ltlorse, of Chicago, IIl., acted as, edge
and Patterson and Coatsworth acted.
as lawyers,,.
A gloom was east over our little
citeeby the drowning of Tim Orichard,
Dr. Brown's party. This happening
took place on September 8th. An
event of this kind • is particularly
mournful, for, in a wilderness one
'thinks a great deal more of his fellow-
man than ordinarily.
As ter the•remainder of our party
we are all in excellent condition.
Clem Alexander -must weigh at least
180 lbs. Doe..Sloan and Mac. say
that I must be over 200.
At present we are busily engaged
in making sleighs and tobogans for
the transporation of our outfit to the
pass, a distance of 110 or 120 miles..
We shall not set out until about the
lasts of February, 1899, Our day-
light last from 8.30 a. m. until 3.30
p. m. Regarding the cold in:this
f country. it certainly is exaggerated,
We have had it42' below, but it did
not seem to' be any colder than in
Ontario at zero with a wind blowing.
The northern lights here are very
beautiful and aided also by the light
of the moon one could easily travel
after night if necessary. Regarding
game in this country ; it is very
plentiful, especially grizzly bears
and caribou, The meat of the
grizzly is finer than any beet I ever
f progress was still' slow its we had to or
• go over all the ground three. times. tr
We were travellingall this time
in a state of uncertainty, being en
tirely ignorant of .the country tha
lay before us. So after going abou
50 miles further tali or about 150
miles from Port elePeer.on, we de.
Bided to despsttoh an €dt•arice com-
pany of si* nen to find out s(;inething
defir►ic> of what was >ihead of us. In
this 'company Dcc. Sloan and Me.
G t egor r'f our owe party, were
ti i
" One Gracie Only and That the Best,"
Ens . been their motto for over thirty la
year's, Seine ('f the principal features
(which no other buggy has) are
rubber and brass 'rashers warranted
three y ears, (.rte lever top Steel circle, &e,
1t1c7.^t:cline's cut a litsle more 'thee
others. i'tit they are the cheapestin the
erid, Y, u vaill .Make a big mistake if
you den's Fee astock before buying.
can swell you .a good ordinarydueller
buggy as cheap or than a„y, one else, We have theta here.
We can sell you anything yon want in the irnplernent line the same as
we have done for the .past 1(i years, and guarantee geed, value. Or if you t an Organ, Piano, or Sewing Machine, yoti will tind our stock the best
that money can buy. Prices and terms ell Kola. too. Come in and see us
anyway. Will be pleased to shoe: you throb• le
Office axed Wareroorns opposite Presbyterian Church,
The Stamp o Security.
On every ",Slater Shoe'', put there by the
makers as a guarantee of wear value -= a protec-
tion against extortionate -profits.'
Many men would readily pay more for a
"Slater Shoe ” were clot the price stamped on -
the sole — this stamp gives the actual market
value of the shoe determined by the n18 ittfac-
hirers. ,
Its 3.1. u -. .0
Made in twelve
foot -model shapes, all
.sizes, widths, leatli
colors and styles. Ever
year welted.
r pair Good -
$3,50 and $5.00.
o Sale Dalt b Op N.
cconipanied by four others of the
liitehelI-Mt rat pat ty, and the Indian
gticle. .Theyestarted out en August
18tb, to kind* ;with thein a skin boat
and about 2000, lbs, of :.upplie. We
were left to snake suelr progress as
we could until their return.
During ' their absence we had
some exciting times while tracking
and crossing the river, which is very.
croaked and contains many large
whirlpools. By exercising care in
crossing these we ion no danger and
rather enjoyed .it.
200 utiles from McPherson we
came . upon what is known as the
Ramparts of the Peel Here the
river narrows" down to' About 75 or
100 yards ; en either sido perpendi-
talar cliffs rise to a height of 4 to 5
hundred feet. These narrows, as
Some cough mixtures
smother the cough. But the
next breeze fans it into life
Better put the cough out.
That is, better go deeper
Doe. Sloan
w York,
Pherson o post the letters of the
and smother the fires of in- Ne
flammation. Trochee can. me
not do, this. Neither can pa
plain cod-liver 'oil. ha
But Scott's s Emulslon can. Blo
d M. E, Putman, of
rt in the morning for
The glycerine soothes and
makes comfortable; the,hy-
pophosphites give power and
stability to the nerves; and
the oil feeds and strengthens dill
the weakened tissues. 'alt
sta. mut $,,00; ati druggists., Iia
S''cO. r'r & SOWN% Chmmtsts,Tororits, J the
Vats ail
Our . , S i, n ,re, Sweeney,
Stil s, rat les , ore and Swollen
s ,
11 a 1
t, u i. t Save$li0 by us:� of
o = bottle. emoted dittoed wonder.
f !Blemish Cure ever known, Sold by
L. Il'aawiltoe.
The t„ 1', R, Unaptly announces
t they are advised by agents
,ng the western division thi tfi3OC0
rvesters will be required to handle
erop this season in the northwest
Connell met aeeording to adjourn
meat. Megabers all present; Reeve
in the chair. Minutes of Iaist meeting
read find approved,
Treasurer's statement showed bal-
ance on hand, $107.44. The •esti-
mates for the. year were strucl at
$2,275,. The county rate was struck
at 1 5.10 mills on the dollar. The
township rate was struck at .2 mills
oil the dollar, anti by lbws drawn up
confirming the •sane. •
The Reeve and Treasurer were
empowered to:borrow the sum of
four hundred dollars for four months
for. township purposes.
The following cheeks were issued
--0, Donnelly, grading and gravell-
ing, "23,50; Win. Symmington, 10
cords gravel at ;L2Q per cord,.
$1M.50 ; Jno. Willard, inspecting
work at S. boundary, $i.50 ; Miller
8t Agnew, grading and gravelling,
$51; Ed. M, Roberts, cedar for cul-
vert, 40e; Wm, Milligan, gravel
&monist, $23.70; Barry McQuillin,
gravel account, $6.82'; Jno. Camp-
bell, gravelling, con 2, $12.3`2
Walter Campbell, opening gravel
Pit, $3 ; James Foster, gravelling
and gravel account, $15,11.
Couneii adjourned to meet on
Monday, the 2nd day cf October, at
10 o'eloolt.
W. $, MoCnosTIs, Tp, .Clerk, •
Glos•i,ous News
Comes from Dr; D, 13. Cargile, o$
Washita, L T. He writes; "Four bottles
ofElectric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer
of scrofula, which bad caused her great
suffering; for years. Terrible sores
would break out on her head and face,
and the bast doctors could give her bo
help; but her cure is complete and her
health is excellent." Tele shows what
thousands have proved,—that Electric.
Bitters is the best blood purifier known.
It's the eupreute remedy for eczema, tet-
ter, salt rheum, ulcers, bode and run-
ning sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys
and bowels, expels poisons, helps diges-
tion, builds ui, the strength. Only 50o.
Sold by Colina A. Campbell, Druggist.
Every bottle guaranteed.
The death of 'David Lowrie, aged.
74 years occured on Wednesday, of
last week. . The funeral took place
to the Gerrie cemetery. on Friday
Mr. Jos, Eaton, who has been iu
the employ of Mr. Isaac Sanderson
for the past year and a half. left on
Thursday for his home in Conn.
Joe intends going to the west on the
first excursion. He is a jolly good
fellow and will be missed by the
young people of Gorrie.
Mr. David Roberts, of Dungannon,
has moved his family to town.
Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Crasby, .of
Woodstock, were visiting friends in
the village this week.
idr. and Mrs: T. H. Walker, of
Ingersoll, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Walker this.week.
Ile Fooled The Surgeons.
Ali doctors told Renick Haamilton, of
West Jefferson, 0., lifter suffering 18
months from Rectual Fistula, he would
die unless a costly operation was per-
formed; but he oured himself with live
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best
Salve in the World, 25c. a box. • Sold
by Cohn A. Campbell, Druggist.
A special meeting of the council
was held in the Town Hall, 'Tees -
water, July 31st 1899, at the call of
Reeve, the members were all present;
the reeve in the cbair, The minutes
of last meeting were read and sustain
Jarvis—McIKay — That as the
Orange Bridge requires repairing;
that Graham, Scott and Jno. Mc.'
Lague to .have the same done to have
it safe to travel, also the Bridge on
the Gravel Road at the 13th Con,
Mcltay--Jarvis—That John Me-
Kague have the old bridge at Lot
28, Con. 8, sold to be removed as soon
ias convenient and suitable ' for the
i cox traetor, also remove jam in river
i opposite Lot 28, Con. 8.—Carried,
McKay -Jarvis - That By -Law
No. 12 be now read a first, second
and third time, passed, signed and
sealed in open council.—Carried.
liicl :ague_.. lileyer- .-That the Clerk
send Jos. Waddell a notice by
registered' letter to have his fetice
on liomrdtzry reproved within five
day's, as the Council has appointed
1Vni, button, i+tsq., to remove said
fence jointly with. a representative
'DOM Kinloss At his expense, ',if not
removed by that time —Carried.
Jarvis—Meter--• i✓ortimzittieatitr..',.
received from the County Clerk with
reference to the assesment being
taken every three or five years in
Daisy ola.urne
Cutlery and Silverware
Artists' Materiel
Paints and Erusbee
obaxnpion Scales
AIatbastino & 1£alSoraiuo
Harvest Tools and Rope
Met:bine, Castor E Coi,t:i. 0111,
Bicycles and St,r1dracaa
Screen Unrnat anti Windows
�.... .........., ., ,,,.o.r ,,...,.,,M:..,Ir-.
rural rtluitieipalitie::, r'nt
notify the Cultists, Clerk Jitxt trail
council is in favor a making the
change.-.- Carried,
Scott-,- Meyer — That MaKague
have notices put up stopping travel
over the bridge on 8th Con., over
Teeswater Riser, is the bridge ia
not safe for heavy traffic, and that
he have sone obeli action placed at
each end of Bridge, a fence, or sortie -
thing of that kind, to atop travel un-
til the contractor builds the new
bridge which has to be tip by the
2,5th of September Carried
• LI'J:r=1AL 1r$PuBBr
P, Blubry, 59 yds iso tat el tlete,$3.54;
Geo, Sham,' 90 vd: grit vel bets, $5.40;
A, Butcbart, printi:,g genera.t By -
La w
5 -Law 200 copies, 80 pat ministers by
law and Court of Re‘ Wen, sand 200
Voters' Lists, 32 pages, i30 5,0;
Mrs. J. nig, 12 yds gra vet Ge., 72e.;
Complete contract Bette Ont Statutes
1898 99, Municipal World, e1.75.
Scott-Jarvis•—That the Finance
Report as just rend be adopted and
cheques issued far the satl,t: -Carried..
Scott—Jar ti:is Council
do flow adjourn to tut -et on August
21st at 9 a. M. --Carried,
CHs. BUTTON', Tp. Clerk,
The Appetite et a Groat
Is envied by all pour riyapeptiee whose
Stomach and Liver rue out of order.
Ali such should know that Dr. King's
New Life Pill", the wenderfut Stomach
and Liver 1ien,i•ciy. gitr r, soectiid ap-
petite, Found digketivu -sod a regular
bodily habit that insures perfect health
tiud creat eneigy. Oil; .'e, at Colin A,
Campbell's Drug Storr,
Mr. and Mts. John :Buhler •spent
Sunday with Mrs 'nets
Walter J. Scott, < t I t �.fde, a
fo, wer resident of chis 1.4..ce, was
rencwieg acquaiu+or t•cs r i€ �ttnda:y.
Ben. Anderson, re' Ptiilxdt=lrhia, is
holidaying at 1`'irtl►it' An(l ;a.itiz's.
Last Slat,butf, «J,. quirt teliy° meet-
ing in tee Sloe= dlt, cieiree here.
Win, Bon(, cont,,i:t,i', reit• poorly.
Oter 170 ticket v.we' +•itt bare
for the eXcur,iun t ' t f, ,lar is It last
Apple I,u: ers :art• scouring the
countrt in qut'.t (af #t uit The prices
do not, 1.e0111 to he tar thin yet, but
we hear of ei be per hisi. all round
for sotue oret'atds.
"Great Haste is Not
Always Good Speed."
Many people trust to tuck
to pull thern•through, and are
often disappointed. .Do not
ditty -dally in matters of
health. With it you can,
accomplish miracles. With-
out it you are " no good."
Veep the liver, kidneys, bowels and
blood healthy by the use of Hood's Sar-
saparilla, the faultless blood purifier-.
Rlteunnatlem-•" 1 had acute rheum*,
Om In my limb and toot. 1 commenced
treatment with flood's Sarsaparilra and
Hood's fills and" in a short Cline gives
cured.'' WttxrAst Pfsintsrr, israutford, Ont.
Sorofula-y" I was troubled with scrofula
and iropure blood. A rut ott my aria
Would trot heal. hood's Sarsaparilla was
recommended and after /had. taken three
bottles 1 was ~cell." DAr(raalto»xrdoxr, 523
Treauley'Street,'1`oronto, Ont.
i odt i+tils dere direr 1114 the. ran Irritfttnar Mri t
naly + etttt i tYa to tat , 't Ill, it,x d a RlirIaiiMtlfl ,