HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-11, Page 4•
111 i b:.11.
Guarjlute>e'ci car money
I refunded.
cleanses,. preserves and
beautifies the teeth,
hardena the gums and
purities the mouth and
perfumes the breath.
Pmeo 25r'. Itarge Tube.
Fur sale only at
Nearly all the lizx has been sold
I for green tow so there will be no
spretlding this year.
;,; 'ass Mary Seutt has returned
Ili! from her visit to Seafort .
Mrs.'Geo. martin and on, Gietlt'ge,
sa !of Warren, Ohio, visited Mrs. Martin's
p sister, Mrs. R. N. Duff, this week.
Mss Maggie Stowe 11as returned
Ere; to her home fn Godcrich after a few
li i weeks visit to friends in Bluevale.
k a A very successful lawn social was
i held by the Willing Workers of the
Methodist Church, Bluevaie, at the
residenee of Mr, W. J. Johnston,
Morris on Thursday evening. Tea
and refreshments were served and a
ood proeratnnle was famished A
" "i ' ,`tlii'PBELI. S r` surrounding eOuntry'ber of people
n defrom towns weree
1 Ditt G :i.Toiti;. r
es 'present. The receipts amounted to
[- $•10,
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday
noon. The copy for changes
must be Left not later than Tues.
day evening. Casual advertise-
ments accepted up to noon
Thursday of each week.
7:14c nintgairt trims'
b'RIDA.Y, t3,ueUST 11, 1899.
HON. Tno;tt,ls BAI , member for
South. S's entworth, has been elected
Speaker of the House of Ccmnons,
in place of Sir James Edgar, de-
ceased. Mr. Bain is a farmer, an
old parliamentarian and one who
will grace the high position to whieh
Ile has been called.
T1n1 West Huron election case
will not be coneluded until next
session, so far as the Committee on
Privileges and Elec:;ions is concern-
ed. At Tuesday morning's sessions of
the committee it was agreed to follow
the precedent of 1891, when the case
of Mr. Wee. German, M. P. for Wel.
laud, was traversed until the follow-
ing session. In the meantime, Messrs.
Bordon. and Russell, representing re
speetiveiy the Conservative and
Liberal interests. The committee's
report was received by the House oil
Wednesday without comment. The
report merely submits the evidence.
The ease being incomplete.
I. .U. O. F. Officers.
The following are the officers elect-
ed at the Grand Encampment, I. 0.
0. 1?., of Ontario,held in Toronto this.
week:—Grand patriarch, Wm. Pot-'
ter, Chatham; G. II. P., L. Ferguson,
St. Thomas; grand scribe, M. D.
Dawson, London; G. S. W., F. Jef-
frey, Chatham; G. J, W., E. J.
Spackman, ;Exeter; grand rnarshaI,
L. B. Cooper, Belleville; G-. L S., 3.
,Breen, Windsor; G. 0. S., J. Saund-
ers, London; representative to grand
lodge, S. R.I.,aw, Guelph.
There are 1,015 names on the
Clinton voters' list,and of this number
300 are eligible to serve as jurors.
The twenty-second annual meeting
of the High Court of Ontario, Inde-
pendent Order of Foresters, is being
held. in Niagara Falls this week.
dt' ,401 4,'i 0>w io
A V/ OL✓
is a necessity, and
we can now supply
you with one from
$4.50 up.
from peddiers or ad-
vertising fakes. Bet-
ter far to buy from
us. We warrant theam
five years.
a'Yotx May Bend the ZuplInG., but
not the Tree."
When disease has become chronic and
deep seated it is often difficult to cure
it. That is the reasou why it la best to.
take Hood's Sarsaparilla ween disease
first shows itself --in pimples, headaches,
indigestion, or other troubles which tell
of poor blood. weak stomach or disorder-
ed litieror kidneys, Thlsgreat medicine
regulates the whole system. It never
ROOD'S PILLS are the favorite family
Mr. Will Smith, of Swansea, is
spending a few weeks at Mr.
Master Alex Ross, youngest son of
J. F. Ross, had the misfortune to fall
Off a straw stack, breaking his leg
below the knee. •
W. B. Crisp is spending his boli -
days in Walton ant* Brussels this
Mr, S, Woodman is 6n the sick
list, but we hope to see him out again
in a few days,
The Sunday School excursion to
Coderich on Wednesday last was
well patronized from 'this locality.
One hundred and tbirty-six portions
went by train and a great mans
drove. All report having a good
day's outir;g.
Mr. Onimette is ?having a cement
floor put in his cellar this week.
Messrs. Bell & Riddell are doing the
Rev. Mr. and Aire. Couplana took
a trip to Delmore this week, to visit
Mr. Coupland's brother.
Mr. A. Jamieson had a narrow
escape from having his house burned
on Tuesday, It caught from the
chimney, but was soon gotten under
control by Mr. Jamieson.
Don't Tear Down—Build Up.
The ofd -fashioned theory of tearing
down disease was entirely changed by
the advent of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
brood, which cures by .creating new rich
blood and nerve tissue. Thruugh the
medium of the circulation and the nerv-
ous system they strengthen and invigor-
ate every organ in the human body.
DISTRICT--I31n 4 41'?ER. MD,
The steamer Alpan has just re-
turned from Alaska with 165 pas-
seugers and about $200,000 in gold.
Most of the I/assengeers were frons
Dawson. Ila,ns Helgessen, M. D.,
who has returned from the Atlin dis-
triet, says it is turning out phenom-
enally well. There ds a steady
stream of gold dust into the banks
there, and as a result of,Commission-
er Graham's first five days' +eollee•
tion of royalty, 1,700 ownees of gold
was revealed, with some of the prin-
eipai mine owners to hear from.
A party of three Frenehmen have
taken out a slab 18 inehes by 10
inehes of native copper off an ex-
tensive ledge at the soathe.n extrem-
ity of itlin Lake.
The dead bodies of Edward Eck.
Inger, his wife and their three year-
old daughter were found by neigh-
bors lying on a bed in the Eekinger
dwelling, three miles from Canton,
Ohio, Wednesday. Mrs Itlekinger
seemingly had shot her husband and.
daughter with a shotgun and then
Committed suicide. They had quar-
relled frequently, and had agreed to
a separation that was to have begun
Per Infants and Children.
$ kthr
A.:11^111/6.4114 1,11,4,44/1,46 41 .
Ai lb
.T trl't Witt
News 1V rates.
Master Arthur Davis, of Mitchell,
had i. ekieken collie out of the shell
recently With two bertha and three
Chief of Pollee Sommers, of DIY alt
received the sad news last week that
his sen, JTaiues, w110 was residing in
Chicago. was drowned.
The first white man to inhabit the
Bounty of Bruce is said to have been
Rev. Dr Hurlburt, a Methodist
tnissionary, who preached to .the
Indians at Saugeen, in 1830.
If you, are bitten by the kissing
bug and your lips swell up, dou'.t
get frightened and think your going
to die. Prompt application of ordin-
ary household animonia will relieve
the pain and obviate ail bad :ef'eets.
On Sunday, 3G people were
drowned at Bridgeport, Conn., by a
trolly car flashing from a. trestle. On
the same day twenty people were
drowned at Bar Harbor, Me , . by
the smashing of a gangplank on
wbieh a moved was crossing from the
wharf to a ferry boat.
All the hotel keepers in Khmer -
dine, except the Royal, appeared
before flee Magistrate of that town
on Monday morning last for selling.
liquor during prohibition hours.
Two pleaded guilty and were fined
l25 each. The other two put in a
defense and their eases were dis-
Two Walkerton men have started
a factory for transforming bad but-
ter into goad. The bad butter is
melted into oil and mixed with cream.
The mixture then flows tht'Sougb pipes
to a machine which turns at the rate
of 7500 revolutions -a, minute,
Certain chemicals are used to de-
odorize the butter.
1tAll IL' I T, 112.1.4.u,t',Tci.
° t i+ itjaai.
t E'.h.itir, Aui,•itrlt 10, 181?0.
Curreetr,r bs i'. 1Jeaus, f?roaut:e Dt al,,r.
%`'dotty per IJU fuer l 90 to
:47 to 0 lit;
07 to 0
2$ to 0
tar to 0
110 to t]
08 to 0
Uilto 0
1,411 }littat • ..<.........
N4epoeo YN Yotre.twel.ent aKI eeti emve4t.MM,let...ra. of .4M4la/MII4IrreotYYlYyeir elrMr rTh RAAVAAl ll
1,.i,^4a�„AYYY,I.NYMN4YrYYYYY/14YYYYY oYYDYYYYNYNY/....4 YYY:,..foir 44iti#MINImw;4Y4014,4 4YYM14 *it lvotit41-
00 -
Spring ;fled 0
Oats. 0
Ii.e.lty..... 0
I'toa..... ..... •..•.. ,•.,., a
Tetilie>, drawn 0
.Per etla, .. . 0
1)aolte, per pair I! ^x4 to 0
!!utter ., 0 12 to 0
12ga uor dozen. ..., 0 it to 0
Wood -per torsi t reef to 1
Hay per ton,........ 5 u0 to 0
Potateei,, nor h,ts ted, .... 0
Tallow, pt:r i},., <........... 1)
l)rie•l ripples. per lb ,. 0
»i -id 1111r,'
Chicken • 1 0
40 to 0 50
3 to 0• 4
4 to 0 5
00 to 00
100 to 0 00
50 to 050
q�a'"p�^4*!'14.42.A1/],dit. 3�a.'�E{i•'{'�4p&q � `/712jb/�@P1�0A qIS �q / gip �p y� s (@�
' 11 W!, V 6, VGI "� Y V/ r `t be `* �4• it `i,' •V '4.. Vi+' 43,1 / VY 4 '#Y Y' CY •4(
h' 't rotNSP tw"W•^CdO3r�s+ kl/t.^WEV T ./4141, t�+
I am prepared to pay the highest
cash price for nil ,good batter and
eggs delivered alt- my warehouse
near the 0, T.
Partnere, whvj)tlr 01.6 and 0 per Dent,
rutere4t on your inane wnep money may
be had at 5 per eeut. Ps yineuts made
to suit borrower. ChalTves low.
.Agency Ontario ;Mutual Life Assam-
! anoe Company.
At office Friday afternoon and all day
Macdonald Block,'Wingham.
This Sale is on as announced last week and those
who come first are of course getting first choice.
No Reserve—all must be sold.
Terms Spot Cash or Trade. All goods must
be paid for before leaving the store.
This is your opportunity, if you want Dry
.Goods, Groceries. Crcckery, China, Glassware,
School Supplies, Stationery, Smallwares, &c., &c., at
wholesale prices.
AMtrinaldo has appealect to the
powers for recognition of "Filipino
independence" in a document dated
from Tarlac, July '27th, and signed
by l3oencamrno. It has been re
eeived by all the foreign consuls in
Manila, with the request that they
forward it to their respective gov.
ernmeats. •
During the present year fifteen
women and girls have been burned
to death in Michigan, while using
kerosene to quicken fires, and ten
have been horribly burned and dis-
figured for life, but the average
hired girl will continue to toy with
the deadly oil can with the same
nonchalance as of Yore, It's easier
to dump a quart of coal oil into the
kitchen •stove than to split kindling.
On Sunday Michael McCarthy, an
inmate of the House of refuge, "pass-
ed in Ibis checks." He was sixty-
seven years of age and was admitted
from the township of Stephen. The
remains were taken to Goderieh
where they were interred in'conse•
crated glroued. Wednesday, John
Garrigan ehufZled off this mortal cpil
at the age of 69. He was one of the
first hateh of inmates. Nobody
claiming the remains they were laid
away in the Potter's Field.
There is an interesting fight
ahead between the druggists of the
Province and the liquor license hold.
ers as to the right to sell extracts of
malt, The Council of the Ontario
College of Pharmacy, now in session
at Toronto, bas received a letter
from the License Holder's Associa-
tion, stating that the extract is an
intoxicant and need as a beverage,
and that the license holders will
Make application' to the Provineial
authorities to so Change the law that
the sale of the extract will be
brought under the regulations of the
license department.
Wm. Giles. and Wm, Clement
arrived home in Paisley, from the
Klondike, on Tuesday- week, Dote
hien are in splendid health.., The l
McArthur brothers are also down
from the gold regions and are ex-
pected home in a few days. They
went to San Pransiseo to dispose of
their gold. Neil iti'Cctillop bas also
returned to his home on the 4th of
Ielderslie and the retraining members
of the ares who have been working
the McArthur claim are all. on their
way florae. From what we eau
learn the men have done fairly well
on their trip. They have been away
s'nce February, 1898,
AGENTS N't8 wA" rr:ri i o:e '1'1141 LI i AND '
A Lleteroorde of AdrIirar "v." tho writhe!!
Nt } ai ncrn. Y) t 4 .
T t trrct rrnl tr.a�l '
, lav iif•• `
�ml Friend 't d o l r
t ri dei a nB tilt' ilatlon'n Ido] r;fct• •
MrAe Ind beet Look • otter 510 T,,U.'8 4Sx10 )n. -ho ; I
t , ariv 100 itaa H h elft mit ilhtstrnti ma, truly k1.f,0,
t.rnt'.u4 &mod. Tii,r 0511111893)n8. Oath free.
1 ileum of a :triune. Write,Tnir-la. The 1) i onion
company, : rt Moor Caxton bldg., Mewl.
Blue Printed Stone Chinaware at half price. A
lot of odds and ends at half price.
1.` s S . tr
.,e.eerse =_. _._Pee. _ee
• It is said that 258 bicycles have
been sold in Goderieh this season.
. This means a left of money.
Mr. Becker, of Belfast, Huron Cp.,
hes.been engaged Pripcipal of the
Listwel puttee ichnnl, fn succession
to B. Rothwell, resigned, at a salary
of 6575.- Ile fields a first. .class
Macdonald Block,
„4;;'4.YYYor.YYn.o44YrrYY44.wa ,�
4L'•!=>"a� s =@ ce��n?'<VEL`= c ='a'-eQ ^ 9
You feel the blood rushing
But what kind of blood?
That is the question.
Is it pure blood or impure
If the blood is impure then
you are weak and languid ;
your appetite is poor and your
digestion is weak. You can-
not sleep well: and the horn-
ing finds you unprepared for
the work of the day. Your
cheeks are pale and your com-
plexion is sallow. You are
troubled with pimples, boils,
or some eruption of the skin.
Why not purify your blood?
6117.3 isigt*1444.44
T.'A. MILLS for Bargains in Colored Muslins, Organ-
dies, Lawns, Linens and Checks. Muslins at special reduced
prices. See our line of Colored Muslins, suitable for Waists,
usual I2 1.2C, now roc.
A full range of Scotch Ginghams, assorted colors, from
lac to 15c per yard.
See our White Pique Shirting at 20c.
Also a line of Colored, usual I2 I-zc for 8c.
A. large and well assorted stock of Shirt Waists to choose
from at cut prices.
Ladies, try a pair of our Summer Corsets.
Bicycle Sox at Cost.
The undersigned is prepared to receive
orders .for repairing lounges and
matresses, Lounges re-covered, mat-
resses made over, carpets sewed and
laid. Lowest priees and good workman-
ship. Orders! prornlitly .attended to.
Leave orders at my residence, Centre
street, next to Wm. Holmes', or address
box 54, Wingbam.
will do it. Take it a few days
and then put your finger on
your pulse again. You can
feel the difference. It is
etrongcr and your circulation
better. Send for our book on
Impure Blood.
If yen taro bilking, take
Aycr'o ?ilk. They greatly
aid the, - ar npaiilla, They
eure cenesnletioreaRG
Mit Lot uti tri: "r "*i;:stlitzi
} �x 1 t h
� n tat c l l v rti ti,ai
in yo.n t i, rlit�eteeive lei
4.t402L 1,1,24. t ATnrr.
f,wl )1, Mese.
w rs
Having purchased the butcher busi-
ness next the Brunswicg, I am prepared
to supply the public with all kinds of
Presh aud.Snit ;Moats, Sausage, Bologna'
&c.r,. Orden e taken and
meat delivered
t od
to any part of town.
• :1 call solicited. 'PbuteNo. 9.
D. l'ItTi:'SG'GLE,
For Photosyou should. see
M. E. Zurbrigg.
Have you seen the ones he has in hie:
window. Try him, he can give you any-
thing in the Photo line you want. Well
tinished and good work gueranteed.
Also Crayon and V1 ter Colors.
I1L lta. L[iI`Ilt1Ci'.Idrr(il,
Opposite Presbyterrau Church.
Boy wanted to learn Photography,
We build our pumps to last for -
years and have them in price front
$2.50 up.
Brass Cylinders and Galvanized
Iron Piping.
We have a full stock of the above
G'It in
of anything in our line
.i(11111 r.1:LTON,
Opp. Nettles' Livery