HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-11, Page 3li WINGUAM -I:AM ' AUGUST 11, t99 A Dangerous Ohicketl, Tao Much Faris green. I I\l'QVBL WAX TO.SAIrE.Monost.1 A good story of mistaken identity is told nr the expense of one of our local sperm, who, one Saturday evening;, sleeked ant fur the occasion, visited hie best girl on one of the aristocratic: thoroughfares of the town. On returning home at a somewhat late hoar, be encountered what lie supposed to be a chickenon the sidewalk, and, perh_ps being in an unttmiablc mood, kicked vicious- ly at it, The clteken, turned out to Isea very lively quadruped of the "g;erms mephitis," and defended itself in the n-nitl war, with results some - thin e ome•thin:,• 1, In •, ills•ialt rani to the aforesaid gent'eni;t 's S antiuy bests.—Colling- ars e ests.—Lolling-a rse tn•I,,, }i !se- Messenger. Greets caterpillars are very newer - Ode on eabbrige and cauliflowers, but 1 have noticed that in trying to kill theta several persons have used too. much Paris Green. I have seen it lay in the heart of the cabbage, snaking k dangerous to use. The same may be Seen On the potato 'patch where the poison has been used' so freely • that puultry • have bean killed by eating : it In. sore gardens the potatostalks have been burned with using too strung Paris Green, Be sparing with it,— W C. Searle in the Clinton News la'ecord. i; never afrilict to .:.tarry a pen who likes eats, f Mr. G. 0. ARCHIBALD' S CASE. Didn't Walk for 5 Months, Locomotor Ataxiae Doctor said .�.oco Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Cure a Disease hitherto regarded as Incurable. The case of Mr. G. O. Archibald, of Hopewell Cape, N.B., (a cut of whom appears below), is one of the sever est and most intractable that has ever been 1 I I , reported from the eastern provinces, and his cure by Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills the more remarkable from the fact that he was given up as incurable by worthy and respected physicians. The disease, Locomotor Ataxia, with -which Mr. Archibald was afflicted is. considered the most obstinate and incur- able disease of the .nervous system known.' When once it starts it gradually but surely progresses, paralyzing the lower extremities and rendering its tim helpless and hopeless, enduring; the indescribable agony of seeing himself die by inches. That 'Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills can cure thoroughly 'and completely' a disease of such severity ought to encour- age those whose disorders are not so serious to try this remedy. The 'followingis Mr. Archibald's letter:. Mssslts. T. 11/1n.st RN &: CO, --"I can assure you that my case was a very severe one, and had it not been for the use ot? 1\1i/burn's Heart and Nerve Pilis.I do not believe I. would be alive to clay. I do. not know,exactly, what was• the cause of the disease, but it gradually at%eted my legs, until I was unable to walk hardly any for five months. " I was under the caro of Dr. Morse, of Melrose, who said I had Locomotor Ataxia, and gave me up as incurable;. "Dr. Solomon, a well-known physician of Boston, told me that nothing could be done for me. Every one whir came to visit Me thought I never could get better.. "I saw Milburn's Heart and. Nerve Pills advertised and thought I would try • them anyway, as they gave ro- ve more npiseof helping me than anythingI knew of. "If you had seenme when I starred taking those wonderful pills -not able to get out of my room, an -1 saw ane now, working hard every day, you . wouldn't know me. "" rri ke of 0 'i1 c forP. r n � a e t I a inY Augusta Maine, and have sold sop sub- scribers in 8e days -and woti a fifty dollar prize. " Nothing else in clic world saved me but those pills, and I do not think they have an equal anywhere. " The seven boxes I took have restored ma the full use. of my les and given me strength and energy and batter health than I have enjoyed in a long time." Cr. 0. ARC111r3;r-D.. Hopewell Capo,,N.. 13. Tux NEW METHOD ADOPTED BY TUBI GETMA 'S' SAVINGS BANK. 1 Genian banks have a novel way 1 'of inducing persons to save money.' Instead of waiting for the working; men and women to come to the' bank and make payments, one of the saving banks introduced a few years ago the scheme of collecting from its depoaltors certain fixed sums each week. When a depositor•desires to open an account be notifies the bank, giving his address and the sum he intends to deposit each wee , As soon as be makes his first dep it he Is furnish - cd with a pass ook giving the amount and the date of as inf tial payment, After that the colleetfons. are recorded, by moans of coupon's, but the pass book is necessary when payments are withdrawn. The d$• positor is given a coupon when- ever he makes a deposit, and on it is printed the amount collected, the date and the number of his pass book, In order to insure regular pay. ments, if a coupon is: returned by thee collector as unpaid after eight days, then thebank has the privilege of closing the depositor's account,. The "rate of interest is the same as in other savings banks, and it is said the hanks which have adopted this sten method hostels, nave done so from entirety philanthropic methods, with no idea of malting profits, but rather as an incentive to the laboring classes. In one of these banks last year there were. registered nearly nix thousand depositors. In addition to the', statement' b'y Mr. °" Archibald, we have the enclorsation of, two well-knewn merchantsof. Hopewell Cape, N. B., viz.: Messrs. J. E. Dickson and P. J. lirewster, who certify to'•the . genuineness and,accuracy c,f the facts as given above. - Milburn's Heart and Nerve 'Pills are 5oc. a box,' or 3 for $1.25, at all drug- gists, or sent by mail. ` T. Milburn &' Co., Toronto, Ont. ry LL 'S -GEF L8 The high quality of everyone of Tillson's Cereal Foodshas induced many -rocel's to offer something to their customers which they claim to be just. as. good. If you buy a substitute for •the`'original you are notthe only one: that terse;;•—• use lose, too, by the comparison you make :ecause you won't findthe substitute equal to the advertised qualities of the original. We advertise plaits facts, • but you've got to trust your grocer—it hes square with you he will give you what you ask for.. But /Ou must insist. _ The Tillson Co; q limited, Tilsonburg,:ont. "ITe're richt," says Nathan; "'deed 1 Wilat not to Saye. it's hist me, laird," Do not say, "I can't eat." Take "You trust be a good age now, Nathan ?" say a the Colonel. "I'm no vera auld yet, laird,," was . the reply, "I'm, est turned a hut. - ter." "A. hundred i" says the Colonel,, leasing. "Well, you must be all that ; bttt the idea of a ;titan of a bemired. sitting blubberin' that way -•-,whatever eould you get 'tri, cry about?" - "It was my fabler lashed me, sir," said Nathan, bubbling again; "au be put me cot' so be did!" "roar father!!" said. the Colonel, astonished, "Is your father alive yot y" "Leevin'! Ay," replied Nathan. "I ken that the day to my sorrow," "Where is he?" says the Colonel, "What an age he must be ! I would like to see hint." "Qh, he's up in the barn there," says. Nathan, "an' no in a horrid guid 'humour the Soo either," They went up to the barn together, and found the father busy threshing the barley with the big Sail, and tearing on fearful. .. Seeing Nathan and the laird conning in, be stopped and saluted the Colonel, who, after inquiring how be was, asked' hire what he had struck Nathan for. "The young rascal," says the fath- er, "there's nae dein' wi' him. He's never oot o' mischief. I had to lick him this mornin' for eloddin'stages at bis grandfaither !" :"Two Bute ttte' boys of nine were troubled ;pith wtirma. They would wake in the 'night end vomit t and 9o e.inee werere qite feverish. 1 got a bottle of Dr, Low's --Worm Syrup which gave them complete relief from their trouble." Wire. W tit• Mercel,. Teeterville,. Ont. A 5 Life ' and Health Full Protected in August. WROXETER. Iter . life. ,Anderson left lastweek for a month's vacation at ° Clifton Springs, near Rochester, N. Y. He will be accompanied by Rev. Mr. ;toss, of Brussels. Rev. Mr. Ander- son. of Toronto, will have charge of his work here during his absence. Messrs. T. Hemphill & Son have greatly improved the appearance of their oatmeal mill by'giving it a coat of glint. Miss Alice Walker, of Niagara, Ont.,` was visiting her grandmother, tlirs. Allison Gibson, and other rela tives and friends in the village. ' Mr. Stewart, a former resident of this town, but now of I,iespler, was the guest of Mr. James Forsythe of town. • Dr. B. ' .T: Hazelwood returned from Elmwood, where her has been practicing for the past six weeks. A number of our merchants -bad their, windows lettened by apainter who hails from Hamilton. Miss Tena Smith has secured a position behind the counter in San- derson Bros. & Co.'s general store. We wish .her success as a saleslady. Messrs. Gibson Bros, intend start- ing a limber yard at the saw mill. Mr. Paulin, our liveryman, is now pound -keeper tor Wroxeter. A by- law that cows be Rept in at nights would now bea step in the right rei dl e t on. Miss Chapman, of. Teeewater, daughter of Robt. Chapman, Esq., who wes at one time engaged in the millingg -business fere, is • at present visiting at Mr. John Davidson's. Our council have got the road machine to work and, have graded the street do the south side of the bridge Lind part of Church street. 1 Which snake Plymouth Twine indispens- able far the Government Farm Service— greatest strength, perfect evenness, ex- treme length, freedom from tangles, purity —are absolutely necessary also to the twine that will do perfect work hi every harvest field. The selection of Plymouth for Government service was not made hap- hazard, but, after the most careful practical' test h.ul thoroughly demonstrated it to be' th'e EES r. Plymouth has qualities peculiar to itself, which cause it to work perfectly where other brands fu,l, , PPIIIEN T PEOPLE PREFER 'PLYMOU ' 0 IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST. Paitg's Mrlt .0111FInfl Makes Sick People Well. 1 The Ze Ontamertglet HMO 'e Samparilla and say, "I ant If the inhabitants and others b angry all the time, and food, never burte meta ted in the development Of Never [say to your blondelende von ate ae Ies.Ontario have'had reason too pl6 tired in the p1orni13g ae at eight. if i in the past thdt they bave bean they happen to be sharp they will tell tyou eelin oo 's i9arsapArrlla cures that tired I gleeted by the rest of Canada t,. teeltnir. 1 certainly must admit that amen, Po net say,`"My face is full of pimples."}have been made during the past Toe are quite likely to be raid by tome 1 mouth,for it bas been difficult tr ono,"' I here's no need of that, for ticcu s Sareaperiliu cures pimples," p:.ek tipa paper that has not had It is improper and unnecessary to say, something to ,tell or some opinion. to "My health is poor and my blood is bad," express .about this magnificent but Mood's Sarsaparilla will give you good little known section of the Provinee, blood, anti good health will follow aS a This suddeo interest and desire neturel conaequenee, for information is of course the direct An African Love charm. result of the Legislative Tour last month and whatever else may be NOTHING MORE. NOR LESS THAN THE the outeortta it certainly can:tot be PI.ESth or A WHITE MAN. charged against the newspaper men A new peril pestes to threaten white peaty , : y that were of the art that the men in South Africa, They are in have been neglectful of their slaty to danger of being cut into love charms the matter. The country is worthy and used to increase the marriage of all the attention that is being rate among the natives. The flesh .of given t 1 it, and of the aid thatwill an European is considered` by toe now be forthcoming, not only from black inhabitants of Natal as a charm Provincial grants already given and powerful enough to compel the love of yet to corns, but a :iso from su ustantial any unwilling maiden. Whet& a assistance voted this session by the young black ruin loves a .maiden and Federal Parliament to' the Ontario his love is not reciprocated, he goes to and Rainy River, the' Central Algoma a witch doctor and asks for a love and other railroads through that philter. Other philters of a milder district• potency having been tried and the. Not only is the district interested maiden still remaing obdurate and to be congratulatedupon the bright - refusing to love her black suitor, the er prosperity which is promising for witch doctor, as a last resort, pre• it in the immediate' future, butother scribes the flesh of a white man. portions of .the Province and of the Murders conunitted for the possession Dominion may well feel satisfied at of the coveted white flesh, while not the substantial aid that is to be given. common, occur from time to time. The day has gone by when public News has been received from Natal Monies can be squandered by the of the hanging at Harding of a witch Government to exploit •wild•eat doctor and his pupil fcir.the murder of schemes for the benefit of a few a farmer natned Kay, The farmer favored supl.orters, but it is still was dragged from his bed at night, reasonable and desirable that public and after being stabbed several times aid should be given under proper with an assegai, :i3 thrL was Cut and conditions we the and his body left en the veldt. Part result will be the opening up of a. of the dead :man's neck was cut new country, the more rapid develop away, and subsequently found In the Ment of oui-'national resources, the witch doeror's bag, with other settlement of new districts, and the "uledicines." . The "lread devil" in creation of new markets. It was the the murder was a >.vituh (looter nam purpose or the Legislative va Tour to ed umtanti. With Itiiit was associat• demonstrate that all these conditions: ed bis pupil, Sibalwenf. would follow if the country was only Sibaiweni had not yet taken his given a chance, and it has been the degree es a witch doctor, but Wes purpose of the multitude of articles study mg under Umtanti, who ecre which have been written, descriptive sidercd hire a promising pupil. Tee of that Tour, to put the country two were helped in the inut•tlee by generally in possession of data that ,r,wo men, who seemed to have been world satisfy it also on that point. simply employees of Ucntauti's One only bas to glance at the ofii-,: , college Lf medicine, These twu then tial returns in the gola mining in received life sentences, When d'ustry ' alone to realize this. The present is only about the eigthtli season,that any gold mining records of this district have been kept, and. the figures show that whereas in 1892 the total output was less than $37,000, dropping two year's later to $32,770, in 1896 it had risen to $121,000 and in 1898 to $275,000•; while it is estimated that this year the clar-up will realize $600,000, This is a magnifieent showing in so short a tinge and in the face of so, many obstacles, but it is only an indication of the possibilities of the future. Even now it does not repre- sent the entire resources of the district. There are rich silver de- posit in the neighborhood of Port. Arthur, inexhansrihle iron mines at tli attawi n, Ati k-Oka n and other places, copper in the vicinity of Shabandow- an Lake and further east, zinc on the north shore e of Lake Superior, the biggest Nichol deposits of the world degree. ills pupa, meat.-.,;;. also - at Sudbury, asbestos, black Mead, had a repulsive face, whi'e the other granite, marble and other natural two men, Gotnfi and Untboowa, who deposits of greater or less commercial received life sentences, iiad a pleas value in various parts; net all, per. anter appearanee haps, actually in the Rainy River A police tvc per, who discovered district, but all in Algoma,—that Kaye body lying in the moonlight, vast new section of Ontario which was so unnerved by the ghastly comprises throe quarters of the entire sight it presented, with gaping Province in arena, and will in time become a close ecmpetitor with the eastern quarter in wealth, influence and population.. If you are still enduring the tortures and agonies of disease in this almost un- barably hot weather, your position is one of extreme danger, The enervating enacts of the heated term, that test even the strength and endurance of the ro bust and healthy. must brim you to the very brink of the grave.. unless you take the care and precaution that thousands are now exercising. At this time your safety and life dei pend: upon the use of .L'aine's Celery Compound, a medicine that is giving new life and vigor to the weakly ,nervous and broken down, and that is rescuing 1 Umtanti and his pupil were hanged from death rheumatic sufferers and those 80 native Chief's and headmen were afflicted with blood diseases send liver and kidney complaints. assembled ie order that they might The testimonials sent in weekly by 'see the execution and spread the happy and grateful people paved. from news of it abroad among the natives. suffering and disease are the strongest mire ileitis et, have had an idea that proofs of the marvellous health -giving virtues of the great medicine. A trial when one of Breit has been arrested of one bottle in this season. of danger fur a shelter crime he bee not• been will convince the sink that there is lite killed, but simply befit to some far and health in every drop of Paine's ole place, where he eventually died. Celery Compound, The recent execution was intended as an object lesson. Recently ' a RESULT OF' SKIN GRAFTING. little oltud, which was stolen from its parents in the Barberton district of SD:i1ETITING. WENT WRONG, AND NOW Natal, is supposed to have been taken THE PATIENT MUST SUPPER AN- by the natives for the BRIDE: purpose OTHER TRIAL -•INTERESTING as that fur wibieh they murdered Kay. 31II?GIOAL CASE. Umtanti, the Tactor, who was sotne- Sick Headache --that babe of many a woman's lite is quickly Cured by Lees - Liver Pills. They are adapted to the system of the most delicate and never cause any griping, weakening or sicken - mg. A tuveeile Ielinq lent. . Stories used to be told about the folk in Galloway and the patriarchal thing of a South African Chat les Louis lienschan, of Cincinnati, was Peaet, Ctan t`' ssetl to other nun dors severely burned about the • back, which had nit been brought to light, shoulder' and right arta on February including the Oilier' thee!)Mach We'd 25th. He lay for six weeks in the sister. Ilis face is in keeping with City flospital at the point of death, his character—crafty and Cruel 0' a hut gradually hie horrible wounds began to heal, with the exception of the innitiple wounds, whieh had de- nuded the arm of almost every parti- cle of skin. The stubborn resistance offered by these wounds against all known remedies finally decided the physicians to make a skin graft, As quite a large quantity of cutienle was required to cover so extensive an wounds, and dad only in a sshirt,that area the physicians were at a Loss to he was utas isle to sleep or eat for know where to obtain it. some nitre after, and • et night In this dilemma Ilanschan's sisters awakem•u hi, comrades with screams. volunteered to supply it, and would tart heeds titre [per,ter than one." If „•.. have done so bad -not a brother•in• the orifi sou have ie dull and heavy you law stepped forward and made the heed Hnud'e Sarsaparilla. It will give swine, 'Cinder all known aseptic you prompt relief, precautions enough skin was removed Ilitneate' without :1 a^peas in this from the brother•in•law's thigh to world is litre n bworrl without edge cover the surface. After this the or point—very }, wu}l for show, but no ages they attained to. The tale healing of the wounds went rapirily real n�' r„cite owner. Nuns that `Cplonel Andrew M'Dowall, cin, and the patient was discharged �...�..-.. when he returned from the wars, frons the institution in less than at Constipation, was one day walking along by The month afterward. Myrocb, when be came on an old Recently, however, the new skin man sitting; greetin' en • a muckle taken from Hensehan's relative has stone at the roadside. When he cattle up the old than rose and 'took off bis bonnet, and, diehting his een, it',i!,,,.: ,,:u,:;i.. Said••.., This Trace y�lrtrit sal rd.” 'e welcome hame again, Ceptible. y But one remedy remains, bet tnedlctn6 to 7oti59 n viniotw tt; r' liy their treatment.' t,puo on evdr t est• la• laird." 11 and th tt is to remove the shrivelling• the ltvet sort cure ell avail, lleairlta- pendi.eg n mitt i f money Sea 1h,.t jun get it" begun to eontraet, drawing the arm up so that it has become almost en Indigestion, Dizziness, tirely useless, the contraetion :being Indicate that your liver so gradual that it was scarcely per• is out of order. The Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, All this means prosperity for the east as moll as for the west, for New Ontario will never be a manufaetur- ing distrix t nor extensively interest ed in agiieultu•e. The fernier of the east, therefore, is as much inter- ested as anyone in the opening'up of this country for its progress will as assuredly put motey itito his pocket as if the development was , many- mites any suites nearer hoose. An Interesting Case ;4t ', W. G. Phyall, 'proprietor` ilodega Hai , i;36 Weiliniton Street 'Eset,Torento, ,i iNV i• living 10 Chicago I was in a ltr!ib!e at ape with itching and !Jh erlrt.ar piles, I tried woven' of the best hs ireens sate w se burnt and tertnred il" y >r by h is Wend to r", no put pose Since entYirr,a ire ". c+ronto "Thank ou, said the i;olanal', skin and put other akin in its lace. these ill t teethed of Dr, Chase's Ointrr.t ryt. 1 1. adding;, after a 1,ause ""I safely The operation, if consented to y the g um' f ut or+i` liars irttd hay e+ at' t, tae • Ylif our dealer does not laddie our Twine, white Ply -should isnot- Four face. Arena you' patient, Will be a difficult, 'one find of" , i i I raw ircit,Irii vett(' Duos in tee) r•t�rrl,. or form ' y "' Nathan rii'Cnlloeh l?"' require skllfr l litilld'iti � .:stet' . ' mouth Linder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto. cents. sola by an medicine dealers. f . Ask