HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-04, Page 8'k L. E WJNGILAM T1M1 S, AUGUST 4, tS J ,
H'. m01140001 Mra Alex loay rs spending few days.
with friends in Philadelphia,, Pa, and other
1' Mrs Wm Mutton end child, of :Para, are
thA guests of tor pareute, Air and A'Xre
Good Values in Good
John Watt.
i Air Will T if spent a few days with
' friends ru the neighborhood of Clinton•dur'
ing the weeks,
60 inches wide, half bleaehed,1 Miss Mitchell, of 't'Vineham, is visiting
pure linen Table Damask, good friends is awn fora few days.—•Palmers;•
on Reporter.
heavy make, satin finish, at bac. 1 Mies Kate Burdux, of Listowel, was the
t guest Of Mr and Mrs Abner Owens far a
few days this week.
i Alias Kew, who Lae been spending a
Nash. Goods Prices are couple of weeks holidays ire Quebec, return -
Down Here. ed home on Tuesday.
l3anker Telford and baseballret Daley
Those who are wanting cool goods drove over to VRicghaw on Saturday.--
this hot weather will appreeiale get-, Chesley Enterprise,
ting such Mr. Page,
a beautiful variety of cool i formai of the men laving,
and effective Cotton materials at granoletbio walks in .Brussels, spent Sue-
sucb little cost, i day with his family in town.
i Mr, Walter Crawford, of 'London, for-
mail clerk on the L H Le B, spent a
few hours in town on Monday..
Mr. Art Stuart, assisted the Harriston
baseball club in a match played against
Palmerston at Elora on Tuesday.
Mrs A. G Midford and little daughter,
Florence, of New York city, are visiting at
the home of Mr aid Mrs Wm Peasant,
Mr. Jae Anderson, wife and children, of
Pontypool are visiting with relatives and
friends in. Wingharn and Gienannan..
half price to clear hal- Mrs R Proctor, of Luoknow, and Mrs
Armitage, of Grand 1iapids, Mich.,. were
miss this chance. calling on 'Wingham friends this week..
Messrs N A. and Will Farquharson
went out trout fishing on Civic holiday.
They naughtabout seventy•tive. beauties.
Mr Milton Howell, of Preston, at one
special in all lines of fine time on the Tins staff, spent a few days
with friends in Wingham and vicinity this
Mr Thos McClymont, formerly of Me-
Clymont Bros, of this.town, is spending a
few days with old friends in Wingham and
Mr Chas Newton, of Godericlr, and Rev,
W L Newton, of Norwich, were the guests
of their brother, Mr G- A Newton, on Mon-
day last.
Mrs H Briefman and daughter Lena, of
Kincardine, are visiting with relati$es in.
town. Mr Briefman also spent Sunday.
in town.
Mrs Arthur Atkinson, of Winnipeg, who
who has been visiting friends here for son: e
time, left on Thursday for Wingham.
Seaforth Sun.
Mrs Stewart and family, Of Strathroy
were visiting at the borne of of Mr 0 .Gil•
lespie this week. They aro at present visit-
ing in Teeswater.
Miss Fraser and Miss Wright, of Tor.
onto, and Miss Dickson, of Seaforth, were
in town this week attending the wedding
of Miss Gray to.Mr. Wright.
Mrs 5 Manner and daughter Pearl, of
London, were guests at 31rs. J Long's last
week. Mr Moines also spent a couple of
days during the week with Mrs Long. '. ,
Mrs Morton, of London, England, Mrs
Morton, of Brampton; and Mrs Morton,
of Wingham, are the guests of Mr and
Mrs B, Patterson.—Kincardine Review.
Mr Angus, father of our townsman, Mx
Jas Angus, arrived in town on Friday
night from Ireland. Itis over 28 years
since Mr Angus last visited Canada and
he has not seen his son daring that time.
He is over 70 years of age but `looks ashale
and hearty as many men do at fifty. ,.
Blouses at Less than
Half Price,
The assorttnent is complete, both
aspatternsand sizes.
At less than
ante. Don't
Boots and Shoes.
Dress Goods.
Very interesting news of value in
fine Dress Hoods, Silk, Muslin and
Prints. Call and inspect.
Gloves and Hosiery.
Don't miss seeing our Gloves and
Hosiery at
.e.r RBO. AT,s..
Mr B 0 Bell spent Civic holiday in Lon-
Miss Edith Clarke is visiting with friends
in Toronto.
Mr D Pringle was in Petrolia•for a few
days this week.
Rev Father Gehl, of Formosa, was in
town yesterday.
Mrs P S Linklater visited friends in
Blyth this week.
Mr Geo Mason spent Sunday with his
mother in London.
Mr John McLean, of Teeswater was in
-town on Tuesday.
Miss L Harris was visiting with friends in
Lucknow this week.
Mr ogle Johnston is visiting relatives
and friends in town.
Salient Sayings.
Remember the poor and also try
to fix it so you can remember you
did something for them.
When a novelist writes, "She eyed
him. crossly, it doesn't Mean that
she was cross eyed.
Life should be just enough of a
"grind" to keep the edge tools of the
brain sharp and bright.
The Alaska candtefish is not as
large, but it is Enrich tighter than the
South American tapir.
"The end seat hog" is themen
who came on board first and took
the seat' that his critic would ""jttwp
at" if It bad been vacant,
"Man is the king of beasts," said
a little boy, whose teacher had asked
the question. Evidently he had at
some time seen the interior of a
smoking car,
Old man Kitchen an inmate of the
Bruch House of Refuge celebrated
his 102 birthday on Friday last, hoe-
ing potatees.
Judge Masson, of Goderich, was in
town on Thursday.
Mr E Booth, of Ingersoll, was in town
Tuesday on business.
Mr A Bainton, of Blytb, was in town
Tuesday on business.
Mise Annie McIntyre, of Detroit, is a
guest at Mr D McKinley's.
Mr Gus McLaughlin is spending this
week with Brussels friends.
Miss Wright, of London, was a guest at
Mr G A Newton's this week.
Mrs Cumetinge, Lower Wingham, is
visiting friends; in Gananoque.
Miss ]1annii Martin, of Exeter, is
yisiting with Wingham friends.
Miss Oubliette, of Londesboro, was a
guest at Mr Or A Newton's this week.
Miss Jessie Gray, of London, is visiting
with her parents and friends in town.
Mrsa Molfelvie andM a H Jeffery
s rJ y
Were visiting Mende in Seaforth this week.
MiSS Geddes was the guest of her uncle,
Postmaster farrow, at J3rutsels this week.
Mr * 3 Chapman spent a couple of
days this week with friends in St, Thomas.
Mr and :tire Geo McKenzie are the guests
of Mrs Mc13:enzte'e brother in New York
Mr 1CI E Zurbrigg spent part of this
week with his parents and friends in Lis.
Mut A Burkholder and Master Orville
are visiting with frids in Toronto this
Mr "Wesley Gray, jr, of Cthesley, was
in town this Week attending his Mother's
fittiere r
1,,. vi.,. „r Jj'ordwieh, agent 'felt The
Same 0o., of ingefaoli, was in town an
Night agile at Button Bleak, or Fifth
door eolith of School Bothe. Shop op-
posite Macdonald bloott,.
The undersigned offers for sal
two farms,. let 10, in the fourth
Pion of Turnbero, containing
and lot 11, in the fifth eon
tainia0 95 acres. All ie necessary
buildings are on hot f ins ; both well
fenced ind. henry oy ter. Situated
13,a'"uiles from Bl vale and 5 miles:
from Wingham, For terms and par-
tienli►rs apply on the premiees, or to
5t Bluevale,
0 nares,
eon. con -
Situated four miles from Wingbam,.
being the south halves of lots 23 and 21,
1st concesaionof the Township of Morris,
containing one hundred acres, Good
bank barn, 60x40, Good frame house,
3048, with stone cellar. The farm is
James Bowman, sr„ of ClairviUe, well adopted for ruixed forming, well
t d din good canclition Pripe
$3, A
500. Apply to
day, aged -67, He was . born on the R, A. GRAHM,
farm on which he lived until his Wingham.
The Sanford Manufacturing Corn- AN. ITEM OF INTEREST.
pany announce in a circular that the:
death of the Senator might mean a interest on your loans when money may
loss to Hamilton, Ont , from a busi be had at 5 per cent. Payments made
ness point of view. • ' to suit borrower. Charges low,
Hon. Peter Mitchell is out and A'g0ney Ontprio Mutual Life Assur-
about as usual, His physician states slice Company.that beyond taking' necessary care Saturday.
of his health, Mr. Mitchell's recent
illness will have no effect.
a pioneer of Peel county, died Taes- wa ere na
Farmers, why pay. 5% and 6 per cent,
At office .Friday afternoon
An Exchange says :—Some notion
of the bus siding propensitieiof Lon-
doners. may be gained from these
figures given nut by the secretary of
the General Omnibus Company ;—
Their 1,300 buses carry 19.0,000,000
passengers a year (at an, average
fare of 11-d), and run 29,000,000
miles. The yearly receipts are
£1,200;000. The 15,331 horses con:
sume 250,000 payters of. provender
every year at a . cost of £328,000.
The number of men operating :this
br'afiie is 5;000. The ticket system
saves the company £100,000 a year..
It may trot be generally' known that
we owe our. oinnibits system to
France. It was a French company
which introduced buses in London
in 1855, and one of the original
French directors is still on' the boat` d•i
of the L. G. 0. 0,
Since meeting with the accident which
deprived me of one of my legs, 1 have
received many favors from numerous
friends. and I take this opportunity of ex-
pressing my sincere thanks to all who, in
any way, have aided in my restoration. I
hope that all will be fully recompensed in
this life, and that all will at last in the
ana all day
Macdonald Block. Wingham.
cipahty of Wingham,
of Huron.
persons seen
Sixth Sections
List Act,” the c
Sections to be so t
ed of the list made p
of all persons apps
vised Assessment
cipality to be enti
;Municipality at
0+ 0
is hereby given -rat Ihave
'tted or deliv -red to the
'oned in tl e Fifth and
f the I ntario Voters'
es -quired by said
n= . itted or deliver -
anent to said Act,
by the last re -
the said Muni-
te in the said
or members
y, and at
said list
t Wing -
11 o
ed to
of the Legislat ve Assem
Municipal Elec,ions, and th
was first poste • uu at my office,
ham P. 0., on ' be
28th .say of July, 1899,
and remainthere for inspection.
tors are ca edupon to examine tai
and if an omissions or other error
found th rein, to take immediate p
i ceedink: to have the said errors correc
' BORN- I ed ace. •ding to law.
Vt vacs—ln *Ingham, on Augpgt;3 d, .Dat et this 28th day of July, 1899.
t e wife of Mr. F. Angus; a sonY J. B. FERGUSON,
Loss -In Winghnm, on July 31st, to Town ► erk.
•e wife of Mr ,7 D Long ; a daughter?t i
MoBurt'FY- In East Wawanosh, on
July 23rd, to the wife of Mr Wm NIa-
urney ; a daughter
RUTHaax'orD--In West ''awanosh, on
- 25th,Ruther-
he wife of Nle Dan R
ford ; a .song
Wr iar.-1n Teeswater, on July 29th,
the wife of. Mr. Jos. Weigl; a daughter.
WevTooic—io Mimes, on July 31st,
the wife of Mr. Pim. Whytoelk, twins, l
bot boya.
WRIOAT—GRAY—At the residence of ees County, Ont,
the bride's parents, on Wednesday. Aug-
ust 2nd. try the Rey. D. Perrie, Mr. 0. PUBLIC
W. Wright, of kiawlresbury, to Miss
Helen Robertso eldest slaughter of
Mark Gra yi Having incurs YLIk:—Ji1HNtTON--At the minister's dance lately own
corner 1}�
residence, Patrick at,. on Wednesday,
August 2nd. by the 'Rev. ,1, W. Gollin,
Mr. Hugh Wylie, of Howihk township,
to Miss Maggie Johestoi,, of'fdrnberry
We will sell
Thor.1d Cement
at greatly reduced prices in
order to unload a heavy
We have a Top Buggy, Dore's
make, almost new, which we
will sell cheap.
The Western Fair
SEPTEMBER '7th to .th, 1899.
Entries close September 6th.. Sp a al ted un receipt of entry.
Exhibits will be unsurpassed, attic. ons better than ever. Hippodrome,
Chariot Races, Champion Sword Co t-= e, Imperial Jape, Famous Lady Riders,,
World renowned Gymnasts and Aerial Artists galore, Fireworks each evening, "The
British an l Americans in. Samoa," and all ring and. platform attractions.
Special excursion trains will leave London each evening after the fireworks.
Grounds will be beautifully illuminated.
Send for Prize Lists and Programfnes.
112. -COL.. W. M..GARTSHORD,,
First•class farm: for sal. or to rent, 126
Cres, being Lot .:'3, on 1, Culross.
uitable for grain • r • acture, never -fail -
ng spring water, 'o good barns and
tables, comfortable dwelling house, good
orebard, about one mile from scbooI and
our miles from Wipghapn. Apply to
Wm. Dawson, Lot 30 Cfrit,3, Culross, or
Joseph Dawson, Thornfl) ;e P.0., e.eal
NOT' the resi-
For June and July.
4.` Wells,.
Abad by 'Geo' near
b chest ash r j05 prep$ rd's , gee
Rubbers, Copp..'e gralll;inds . \Wool
Pickings, iron Wand Mott e Ilait,nds,
delivered. at y res al of ail i be
left,i will call lorea� epee, or rf � W E
MaCGLT.noa—HIGGiNs—At the repi•
deuce of the bride's mother, Blyth, no
August 1st. by Rev A McLean, Mr
David McCulloch, of East Wawanosh. to
world to come, receive from the Divine Miss Marion B, eldest daughter to the
Master, the blessing words, ""Well done, late Robert litgaios.
good and faithful servants, enter that into wl26t,h y the LY—In Palmerston, on
the joys of faithful
Lord." July 26th,'by the Rev J M Aull, at the
residence of the bride's father, Margaret,
Yours very eincerely,
Tsonras STawanr.
Then something 15 wrong. To the
young it always means trouble. It i a
daughter of Mr and Mrs Jas Wilson, to
Jai coin Hembly.
�� --I Wingham, on August ust 1st
t -'i AY n W , g
R g
Fiances.awite of Mr. Wesley Gray, aged
62 years.V'
warning to anyone, unless they are already MoNxottor..—In Brussels,. on July Met
too fat. Scott's Emalsion checks this Andrew ,McNichol, aged 57 years, 3
waste and brings up your weight months and 12 days,
again. •+ :
Waiter�Cariton, jr., aged 26, a Cook'13 Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
well known threasher, dropped dead io,00aLadies:8afe, effectual. Ladies ask
at Brampton while at work, your druggist for Cooks Wes teat C.s-
• p.u,Id. Take no othhez,as all Mixtures, pilib and
Contractor Gram of Toronto has tmItstione ere dangerous. Prise, Ifo. 1, $1 pp�er
r de Cees siren er ;8 er hoz. No.
n o ren
London waterworks dam at a coat Off Nos.1 land 2sold oidarecommended"ali
t Canada.
X44•,000, responsible Dzaggis s Stt
Mrs,1 anYl No. 2 for sale by Colli, A. Ca,Yrpbtll
James Boyle, of Guelph, has sold nraeel.t
his trottingmare Nellie B., byLer- ,
aine, to Mr. Buskin of Goderieh for Tilt MILT
the Sum of $300,
z. i .te,io g e p
secured the contract to build the i or E; manedon zeoeipt of puce a d tr► t
Henry S. Harrod's mother object
ed to him marrying iti 1886 when he HOLSTEIN D A I Rel
had procured a license to wed Mattie
8.. Waggoner, at Lima, OMo,'*o they
waited a little matter of 1 ,ears,
and have Just been united at Wapa-
koneta, using the old ifcei .
is pure and cold and
costs.... NW i r. Y.. M . . 4,
Comfortable, solid and reliable foot-
wear at and below cost. We have all
styles soitabl'e for the season.. If you
want a little better article. at a little
lower price than you expect'to,pay. come
to this store. Space will not allow us to
quote many prices, but note afew of the
following: •
Men's Strong Working Shoes, solid
leather, all sizes. 6 to. .11., at 90c; Men's
Fine Box,. Calf Bels, Goodyear Welt,
worth 03.50, sale price $2.50 ;.Ladies' fine
FrenohKidd, hand turned, buttoned and
and Bals; worth l 3.25, sale: 'price $2.50 ;
Ladies' fine French - Kid Vamp and
Quarters with . Vesting Tops, .l3 uttoned
and Bale, worth 53.25, Sale price 52.50 ;
also 33 pairs of Ladies'- fine: Button an a
Lace Boots which cost from $1.50 to
$2.50, sizes 2i, 3 and'31, Will clear the lot
at 90a
Opposite Post Oface, Says :
Fresh Beet and Pork.
Lamb Bologna
Pickled Pork Headcheese
Breakfast Bacon_ Sausage
Smoked Ham Pressed Beef
Side Pork Tripe
Corn Beef Pressed Tongue .
Spice Roll, Lard, -Fowl, &o.,
always on hand.
Our prices are right, Orders
called for and meat delivered to any
part of the town.
Your patronage solicited.
, These are extra values. DEN PallE Z112,
Sightis �� riceless
0 ATT.91exaU1VI
Pupils are in ,attendance at
Prom the Atlantic Coast to
the Pacific Slope.
133 Cities, Towns and Villages in Can-
ada and the United States, during •the
pill; l; year, sent us nearly 300 pupils,
TTh:ke are now 23 Counties end.Districts.
in Ontario, 5' States of the Union to-
gether with Manitoba, and the North
Wset Territories represented.
Over 200 of our pupils have been plea.
ed in good positions since Jan. let, 1898.
We recently had four calls within
three weekb to supply teachers for other'
business colleges.
Among those who have accepted posi-
tions lately, are: --Jennie Bateman lie
Steno. and assistant b,lok-keeper, Walk-
erville Brewing Co.; .Annie McRae, as
Steno. end assistant book-keeper, Milton
Pressed Brick & Sewer Co.; Catharine
McRae, as Steno., George Angell, Whale
stile Art Supplies, Detroit, Mich • G
Cartwright, as' Steno., withNort,b Atli^-
erican,Life Assurance Co, Toronto.
The spring term is one of the beat
Reasons of theyear for making a star
' Enter now. D.1b CLACHLAN & CO.
Chatham, Ont.
Get your sight tested. It costs nothing.
Scietifically,r�rectl Reasorl:abl�:
Try us,
is admitted to be the best made. We sell at cheap.
We a headquarters for re
See our Graniteware
artiest Tools
Threshers' `Supplies, Builders' Hardware.
Harvest • Gloves, Etc.
Out aim is always to give our patrons good, honest value.