The Wingham Times, 1899-08-04, Page 6TILE W 1.1A.111 'IDLE A I; L'ST 4 Ist)9.
4(..1 tuqpit ..„1MC5
eltIDAN, ;IDLY' 2s. 189%
from the Chief Canadian Commissicn-
er, who has taken a must optoreistie
view of the situation all alvng,
the statemen that, "at this moment,.
in the last days of the month of July,
the question is not perhaps any Mere
'advanced towards settlement than it
I was in January." Even while ad -
Front one own Crpo�nt rnitting this however Si' Wilfrid
Ottawa, July 29.—The Alaskan adds, "I do not give up hope. I will
boundary dispute has loomed up not, believe because it wonld be too
large on the political horizon this painful to believe for a ni011ient. that
week owing to the somewhat impas- i we earl not settle this question by
stoned speech of Sir Charles Tupper arbitratioe. ,
:in the House on Saturday and the ,
dignified and patriotic: comments of CANADA S HEAVTRADE LOSS.
While Canada naay be excused for,
the Premier in reply. The (accession
was the announcementmade in the showing some impatibnce at the
morning's epers of a elay in the
treatment she is receiving, it is satis
reassembling othe Joint High oom, I factory to realizie that their is cora-
mission, owing to the failure to arrive 1 plete unanmity in the country, and
that the people have absolute con -
at a settlement Utile Alaskan bound-
flei ence in thestatesmar s'iip and ability
ary question. It will be remember.
of their representatives. The fum-
ed that when the adjournment was
made last February it was iotimat most cause for irritations rests in, the
ed., — although eertan prominent faet that time 12 the important fea-
Oppositionists proture in the situation, The Americansto doubt it, '
—that the one and only cause of may be well satisfied to leave things
as they are, for while all means of
trouble was the delimitation of the
Alaskan boundary, and that on all
reement vvas In sight.
other po tits ag
At that time Sir Charles Tupper
thought it necessary to severely
criticise the policy of the British
Commisioners, even his long- exper-
ience in diplomacy having apparent.
ly failed to teach him that, with
only a very partial knowledge of •them. Ir Canada to -day possessed a saparilla, by giving good blood and good ourna ,
the exact condition. • t
trade communication with the Yukon
lie, wholly, or in part, through
American territory, the coast cities
unsatisfactory from every point of
view, for the amendment proposed
by Sir Maeltenzie llowell, did not
se .. ..,1. IYJJ1I;U
yeteeire impugn the principle ef the —
measure bat attacked it linen an int
portant side iseuee—the minor ques-
tion of its constitutionality. Even
in the Commons the Opposition was
very mild and half hearted, and Op
position journals of the more in
dependent type agreed that the bill
was reasonable and fair.
The fact appears to be that. a maj
erity ot the Senators, actuated by
the childish desire to show the Gov-
erement that they were not seated
by the proposal to carted their
powers and eareless, as usual of
the public weal, rejected a necessary
and inevitable •piece of legislation in
a spirit of irrisponsible bravado. Of
course the Government has been
greatly strengthened by this action
in its contention, that, "the present
constitution of the Senate. is incon-
siatent with the Federal principle in
our system of government and is in
other respects defective, and should
be so amended as to bring it int.?
harmony with the principle of popular
1 do not believe there
is a ease of dyspep-
sia, indigestion. or
any stoinueb. trouble
teat cannot be re-
lieved at onee and
permanently eure4
At all drueeistte
25e, a vial. Guide
to Health and Medi-
cal advice free. 1595
Arch street, Phila.
ed, !rased in the winter it will
an excellent preventive of colds, be-
sides being a substitute for taco nos--
meties. No chapping, no roughness
of the skin and no dogging of the
pores will trouble the person who
systematically and regularly takes a
bath or this sort Ordinary table
salt or rock salt will do, but will not
do so well. The sea -salt contains
medicinal proprieties not found in the
others W hether 0110 exercise or not
. ,
of the States are seeuring the.vastthe body Should receive a daily band
"He That A,ny Good Would Win"
bulk of the trade. The question ' bath of cold or cool water, especially
of principle unhappily appears to . Should be provided with good health, le the sutnmer, either upon rising or
have little or no weight; it is a mat , health should rememberthat pure, re, retiring.--Eoweno B. Wart -
and everyone who would have good upon
er oil expediency every time with. blood is the first requieit. Hood's Sae. mAN It) . t.
• t51 ' _August Ladies' Home
n o
railway through her own territory
oess, btiealtflissides givPing strength and courage
into the heart of the gold country by ' to thotasands or women Sv130, before talc- n iVire.t.Ch.a.s1iJotantst,on;Zeawr
111% ver, U.
n;:aritar s'ore wthareealt7and a4er taking
which equal facilities could be given in a it, could not even see any good in '
to her merchants to supply the com- info t° win* three ()tittles or Dr. Wued's Norway Pine
mereial needs of that country with HOODS PILLS are gent, yet effeo- Syrup J. was entirely cured."
their American competiors, the Do.: tive.
\ Beat of the Stars..
• .
If the stars, are the disbant suns
offering criticism, thereon. But with
the faller knowledge which he now
possestes he readily appreciated the
mistake he made. and with a candor
that dues Trim credit he frankly ad
malts that his censure was uncalled
for, and his attitude a mistaken ono,
and that the pohey of the Govern -
Ment throughout was worthy of the
emenitnetts endersation of the country
and should now receive his full sup.
port. Having thus satisfactorily pre-
pared the way, the Opposition leader
proceeded to urge more agressive
action on the part or Canada, first
by providing immediately for a con-
struction of a light railway from the
sea board through all Canadian
territory to Dawson City, and second
hy excluding all but British`subjeets
from holding territory or working
,clainis in the Yukon. The venerable
baronet spoke with considerable
warmth et' the apparent inertia of
the Imperial Government, and con
demiled in scmewbat strong terms
what be was pleased to term its
laissez faire policy, adding that had
'Great Britain been dealing with any
other country than the United States
she would not have been half so len-
minion world possess a trump card -1
that could be relied upon to win the Modern 'Names.
trick,—but that advantage has been
denied ue,thronen the action of the Boys and girls are daubed with which astronomers say they areethcy
Senate in throwing out the Yukon some fancy names now -a -days. The must hp hot as well as bright. Until
Railway Bill. There is small satis- list of students passing the entrance .very recently all attempts to detect
faction in crying over spilt milk,at and leaving esaranations .of the the heat of the stars have either fail-
the same time it is well not to forget . a le Sehool 0. s like tibe. prize
the 'circumstances which have led up . list for a chrysanthemum show, or
to the presentcondition, and while the account of a five e'clock tea at
SA-BleAT11 SERVICES, Pe C 1.1 i: i 0.1,11S3111. (LAMESM.
M. irmnsT--110v. E. Hobbek nee '
or. Services at 11 a at and 7 e tn.
pn itor. terv1es at 11. a ra and 7 p m,
BPISCOPAL, St. Paul's—Rev. Wm.
Lowe, rector, Services at 11 a in and 7
p re. • , TIMES OFFICE, Jostr.Pliente., reeTRe'r le
BAPTIST —Rev, W. Freed, pastor.'
veLeGaitelel, ONTARIO,
Services at 11 u In and 7 p si
.. • i
CONGREGATIONAL .-- Rey. J. W. SubsortptIon. price, SI per year, in adeenges
Gofiln, pastor. Services at 11. a na and.
40 00 i V-" 12 00 4 00.
7 p Me
tioteu 1 l. y r. I 0 mo, 1 3 mo.
()arena and Leek in cenneencl, Services , ont column epo 001 510 00 020 00 88 00
quarter " 50 00 I IA 00 70013 00s
ne 3 p re and 8 p re. i treertise. measured by noNparei sealo. .,
: Half '.
at 3 p ru and 8 p tn,
6 00 i is Oil 2 00 1 00
SALVeeTION ARMY—Capt. McLeod "ne. r''''''
1 - Legal nli othe ,asuat aiii ill
ma° wire in earnmand. Services et 11, a. . I , ' 1'1, Seel" b. $e Per new
foi area nisertion.and 00 per 1105 or each suhaetInerib
sl 'notices 10e, per Ilse for first insertion,'
In mils of the iabove named ohurchea 6,!0n
'. per lino tor each sialsteettent .1 miller '
Sabbath chool is held at 2.30 p m. i A.civertisements of Lost, Vound,Strayertsituatione
' nonpareil, 81 tor 111)111 month, and 600, for ettolt.
I and Business Chances %Slotted, not exceeding 8 Ilse
• enbsegeent month.
i Souse's and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 Rue.
sI tor Met month, Me. Per ie
K of HAMILTON thsequent month
ed completely or bevel yielded only
uncertain results.
Within the lest year, however, ex-
are may be willing to accept the re- the . ostrich farm, when t e ehief periments with stellar heat have been
grets of the Opposition leader for ostriches had gathered to vie with naede at the Yerkes Observatory by
his mistakes in the past, his apology each other in displaying their tail Dr, a 1?. Nieliols professor of phy-
will not, uaeoetunatelY, undo the. feathers. One never beard of a sics in Dartmouth College, which
mischief which has resulted from theehrYsantilemulnk
or an ostrich, being seem to have met n fair measure of
partisan action of his Senatorial sup- called plain John or Mary. On sueeess. The instrument used Was
account of this gorgeousness the devised by Dr. Nicholas, and is eall-
I chrysanthemam is called Duke of
1 iarenee or something like that,
The outrageous statement Of Mr. and. the ostrich, probably on account
Taylor, the Conservative Whip, that of the length of his neck, is given a
Sir Wilfrid Laurier had accepted a triple expansion appellation, with its
bride from a wholesale house in this several sections joined together ley
city in return for special favors in hyphens,
in the matter of Government con- Theemodern father and mother do
Replying to the leader of the Op-
position, Sir Wilfrid Laurier spoke
with extreme moderation, and while
admitting that Canada had very
great excuse for irritation at the at-
titude of the Washington authorities,
be urged that in view of the
unassailable justice of our position
Nve should have patience yet a little
longer. There were three ways, the
Prime Minister pointed out, by
which international disputes might
be settled:—by compromise, by arbi-
tration and by an appeal to arms.
The first of these would appear to be
about exhausted, fur the United
States seem to be determined to con-
cede nothing. The idea of war was
•out tlf t he question and consequently
arbitartion alone remained. It cer-
teinly 10 nut encouraging to hear
—Al TIM --
Capital, 51,414,520, Rost, 1)1,000,000
President -4011N taTUART.
Vice-President—A. G. RAMAT.
A. T. WOOD; M. P, A. B. L115 (Toronto).
Casluer—J, TUaNBULL.
Savings Bank—liours, 10 to 3Saturdays, IC to
Deposits of 51 and -upwards received and interest
Special Deposits ale° received at current
rates of ir..)rest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United States
bought and sold
ed by him a• "radiometer." It was
used in eonjunetion • with a silvered
glass trtirrov two feet. in diameter.
So sensitive wae the apparatus, that
it W814 able to detect the heat of
candle at the distance of fifteen miles.
The expe.iments of Dr. Nicholas
strovv that we receive a small -amount
tracts, has had a benificial effect not think their hopeful js effectually 1 o: heat from the stars, though-precise-
wIreh was not contemplated or in. cbristened unless they work a few
tended by that gentleman when he hyphens into his name. If their
uttered the slander; it has given rise boy's family nine is Murphy they
to considerable discussion upon .the will have him ' baptized Alphabet
question of the remuneration which Extension Algernon P. McC. Hyphen
the country should pay its Ministers. Murpheigh. There are names some -
The demands upon the financial re 'thing like that in the list. He is
sources of our pnbiie men are very indeed a- poorly christened fellow
exacting, and the majority of the who hasn't three names and a hyphen
Ministers of the Crown, both Federal to his credit. The girls are more
and Provincial and without regard modett, of course, and they allow a
to party, make very lave pecuniary
sacrifices when they give up their
private business to enter the service
of the country. A man's income is
not to be valued at, its actual cash
amount but with regard to his nec-
essary and legitimate ex penditttre for
it is an axion, requiring no proof,
that and some conditions $1,000
would place a man in afluence, wbile
under different circumstances he
would be poor with $10,000. A pro-
posal to make a substantial increase
in the salary of the First Minister is,
being warmly endorsed an all sides,
for it is generally recognized that a
salary of $8,000 a year is not only
Throws all the Blame on the
Stoniaeh—The Real Seat of
Trouble is the Intestines—
The Permanent Cure is Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. •
It is an old idea, long since exploded that
eligeetion is confined to the stamach, No
modern Scientist denies that by far the greater
/Art of digestion and the More difficult part
IstkeS place in the intestines. This explains
Why dyspepsia is never really cued by pre.
partitions which merely aid stomach digestion
Slid act only on the stomach.
'rhisfaet also explain% why Er. Chttee'sEid.
ttey-Liver P1113 have been so remarkably sue.
tiessful as A cute for the worst forms of dyspep-
sia and indigestion.,
1)r. Chases Kidney.Liver Pills act directly
'sm the kidneys, liver and bowels, and give near
tone and vigor to the intestines, and make
then) able to perforfri their 'work of digesting
VA substances en which the Sterne& has AO
Stomach treettnent may do welt enough for
alight indigestion., but if yon have Chronic in.
digestion or dvepepsut of a serious nature you
eon emote by, the experience of states of thou.
Sande who linve been, pefrethently cured by
Sling Dr. Chase3 Itultsey.Liver Pills. One
d c boxieat an dealers or
elnunson, 'Batts &CO., WOMAN
out of proportion to what is paid for
services of far less valhe to the
country, by big financial and eoru•
mercial corporations to their princi-
pal officers.all over the Dominion,
bit it is miserably inadequate to the
actual legitimate demands •topti it,
It is no matter of surprise that the
Premier bas refused sanction to the
proposal to present him with a large
sum of money to augment his present
income, for it would be scarcely
possible to carry sueh a project
through without the development of
conditions which might occassion
eritieism. The very fact that our
publie men are so sensitive of their
honor should give increased impetus
to any proposal that would place
them in a p.)iition that would make
such .saggestion unnecessary.
The Senate has thrown out the
Redistribution Bill contrary to gen-
efaI expeeti on, arid eontrary to its own
intention up to within a day or two
Of the debate which ended in its re
jectiOn. The method adopted wa
mere initial to denote their 'middle'
Christian people evidently get the
names for their children off tug
boats, and from the Indians. A lake
captain will christen a tug with a
name that reaches around it from
stern to stern, such as Bitaminons
S. Puftling, Propellor Cutaway Me-
Dermid, ete. There is reason, how
ever, for naming a tug boat after
this fashion. Also an Indian may
with propriety be called.Man-afraid-
of-pie-crust, or any name like that,
bat Christein parents should be
careful how they -use. the system —
Toronto Star.
Children Cry for
li'or a hand bath (a bath given to
the body by use of the hand only, or
by sponge or eloth) plaee handful
of salt it a basin as ordinarily filled
for washing. Allow the salt to dis-
solve, or hasten the aetion by stirring
with the hand. The water should
be as Witt as you have vitality to
withstand.Mello . ello sottp.6 Bth
athe e
entire body. Do not neglect the
faee and nee in the free toe of thv
salt water. This bath has an eXhil-
arating influence, tones the chaff.
system3 arid gives to the skin a'
healthful condition that amply re-
-pays foe the time and trouble
W.•001113OULD, AGENT
E, L. 1)10 ECINSON. Solicitor.
Money to Loan on Notes.
ly how _much was ilot,' easily determ-
ned.- Both Arcturus and Vega af-
fected the instrument q nite perceptib-
ly, the former star about twice as
mueh as the latter, It is said to he
probable from these results that we
do nut receive from- Arcturus more
heat than would reach ns from a
candle at the distance of five or six
Notes Discounted
Idone3r advanced on Mortgages at 6 pot contain)
privilege of .paying at the end of any year. Note
and accounts colleotod.
note,. MoINDOO.
Beaver Block Winetiam, Opt ,
In his steely of 'diseases f the nerves, Dr.
A. W. Chase flititnistsiers,:c srly every case
the Cause of trouble WaS Mil, per nourish-
ment. abbtitong-tifth of all thelilood in the
human tody M found in the brain, and unless
this b
Iood is rich and pure the nerves cannot
obtain' proper nourishment, and beconte worn
out and exhausted.
Nervous depression, nervous headache,
nervous dyspepsia, loss alsleep and vital force,
lack of energy, are symptoms of weak, watery
blood and exhausted nerves.
It was as a food for blood and nerves that
Dr. A, W. Chase's Nerve Food was prepared.
Its remarkable success in curing all diseases
arising from thin blood and impoverished
nerves is proof that Dr. Chase's theory of feed.
ing the nerves and blood is the proper one;
stimulants only urge on the tired and worn out,
nervous system until there comes a complete
Dr. A, W. ChaSe's Nerve rood Creates new
braiit and nerve cells, and makes rite blood
pure and rich. It restores to the exhausted
nerves the vigor of perfect health. soc. a large
oatort11:elealers, or Edmanson, Bates Sc Ca.,
Caveats and Trada•Marla obtained, end all patent
business; conducted for MODERSTE PEES,My
office le in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office,
and my facilities for securing patents ItTeun surpassed
Send model, sketch of photograph of invention, wit%
description end stetemeat as to advantages claimed.
SIES',No dialyse iv macro fray an-apittiori, aa
sraterttabitity, and soy fee for prosecuting tht.
apetioneen tent tees bo ecititet j'at,
patent 'eallowea. "Levey:tits' Cosner," eon.
raining hal informetionscia free. All 00Militthis
cations Considered as Sirietly Confide/alai.
This word is our copyrighted guarantee for Purit
and Strength when soon on our ,goods. It mark
them the standards for their several purposes an
its presence. -protects you iron) imitatiens and in
leder goods. Look for it
Plant Spray.
Pereiatio Plant Spray contains no mineral poison
arsenic or Paris Green. Sure death to all Insect ilf
fungi. etc, Harmless to vegetation.. Canada's onl
reliable spray.
Sheep Dip
Petaled° Sheep Dip is a,preparation for the cure
skin diseases and the eradication of vermin shee
and cattle. It 'is highly medininal and does i
work with no drastic or irritatinreffeetS. Endorse
by leading sheep raisers.
Horse Wash
Porsiatio Horse wesh is a specially prepared tuedi
wont for the cure of skin diseases peculiar
horses and for ridding them of alt insects pests an
vermin. It MA a surpassingly refreshing .effec
brightens the pelt and puts the Skin:bit° tiro
oughly healthy condition. Price 51.00 per 04 or. 0141
Pig Wash
persiatio Pig West) is euccossfully used In all one
of skin diseases of Swine, and for destroying ni
Hee and yorniin generally. Keeps the skin in
healthy condition and ensures a healthy appearan
in the dressed animal for inerliet.
Hen FlouseSpray Paonly
Persiatic Hen House Spray and Poultry 'lewd
destroy vermin peculiar to the feathered t.tock—
fowls or in sheds. Act as a disinfectant, desteoyi
germs and purifying the atmosphere. tided lib
ally they prevent roup and kindred diseases.
Purchase these goods from Our dealer or send
us direct fot- them. We invite correapoildence,
The Piekharcit Renfrew Co., Limite
Stouffville, Ont.
Before placing your ord
for Spring Clothing call ar
see our
for 1899. We can afford
sell New Goods cheaper th
old stock that cost one -h
more than new and tett
goods of the latest styles w
cost to -day.
We make clothes that fit.
SPX S.A•oata ta. Queetes 13lock.
1.,, so vsniesnuerm IR p 4.porLipo.
These terms will be strietb. adhered to
Spoeie,1 rates ter larger advertisements, or or
longer periods.
Advort.sements and tool notices without opeolfie
directions. will no inserted till forbid and ',barged)
accordingly. Tramotery advertisements must be
paid In advanch
Changes for contract advertisements must be in
the office by Wednesday noon, in order to a.ppear
that week
For the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN and)
SURGICAL OASES of all Wilde. For narticuiers.
Medical superiotendent, Wingbam, Oats
1S.1 VANSTON hi,
Private and Company Lunda to loan at lowest rate'
intermit. No commies= charged. Mortgages, town
and farm properta bought and sold
OFFICE—Beaver Bloolc Waionssi.
'Winghan.. Ont. .
-ID "
soreozeon TO DANE' 01' uatfILTON. morall'' TO,
t '
. LOAN. .
Office—Meyer Block. Winghatn
i M • G, CAMERON' . '
:t 1
Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew strostl
opposite Colborne Hotel.
Gonemorr, ONTARIO.
5* ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D 11 S, L D Si.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Ponosylvania.
Dental Co/lege and Licenti..te of the Royal College.
of Dental Surgeons of ()aerie. Unice over Poet
)f Office, Wingham,
,s ._,....
V. him D. D. Ross, graduate of the R. C. D. S.
of unterio, and is prepared to do all manner of
Dental work at reasonable pricle, Beaver Block,
opposite the Brunswick House, Wingham.
s) •
a . ,
Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge
' Modeeate. „
ev . .
)n ,
s_ jitlIN CURRIE, Wnzokutt, Gift.,,
s Sales of Earth Stock and Farm Implements
'' specialty.
All orders left at the Tants ofiloe promptly atten.f
ed to. Terms reasonable.
_ -
IMPART Artitrvn
Termite and East 0 49 a. m. 3 05 pon
8 30p m 10 29 p re
Palmerston mixed 8 55 a m, 3 05p rr
Lortdonand South 0 53 a m 11 10 a it
8 3e p m 8 00 ei na
libloardiue 11 10 a m 6 49 it, rr
3 30 p m 8 80 p ix
.1•' 10 •2o p m 8 3C1 a et
0 ft s comp coiodoolo, NO. 40 meet
O. U. N.—the first and third Monday le
every month, in the odd yaws Ilab. Visitina
brethren Wolcem. 3, Murray Chief. R 1
Elliott, Rtia.Sse
TNoLUDING ttookt, Patimblets. Pesters, 0 I
e.r JL Reads, Circulars, &a, Sm., executed in thebee
tvi etylo of the art, at moderate prime', and on ilhOr
111 notices. Apply or address
• T ass Office. Wineham .
We are pleased tb announce that any ISOM e
• 1 ?lag/wine* left with us' for Binding, will hej1
wilt be given on antillet.tion o the Tarts Orlioe
,of My Vico uuti
'that caught zr
•ene corner. 1 si
dapped to pre
against the prig
ing myself dew
14 Is easy for
en at the tim
thoughts. upon 1
eileep. It was
sunrise, aud I 6
for ray rnistak(
He had promise
X was in too file
dieuce to my n
consequence wts
considerably be,
1 wished to awl
Although. Me
light the loft, th
and crevices bet
-the opening thr
projected. The
. risen, and te h
known the fact
bad supposed..
' "This ia ser
riedly rising tp
taken the trout)]
ing. I listeued,
one moving bele
viction that sot
strengthened w
der and found E
"He's up to
tered, proparine
Yes, the Cabi
. one except my
name of Pole s
was no Moon%
laid everything
when I clinabed
hours of the m
latelastring hunt
reit any one wh
1 was hungrj
particle of food
to denote that;
mouthful fbr hi
water sat on a s
nee and 1 dipper
took a refreshix
nse of it to lav
drying them u
My toilet Artie)
Tem Bulfinch it
Then, with a
-prised myself, I
t The three chars
' trimly wonder(
1 have to appeal t
No doubt lini
the negro intent
why had he fa
promised? I wtat
be had not robb.
accounted for 1
be intended to d
white men who
This 'fancy be(
,,when I reflected
' objeet of suspid
cause of his nun
property. In wl
Could he square
by delivering in
had gone forth t
with them, and
so would bring t
I should have bE
a trap. '
I stepped to 11
right and peepei,
ing stretched a
showed no sign 1
t same view mot )
site 'window. T
and looked alone
we had come tt
too, was equally
the chickeuswer
i ing the ground it
fast, as much at
. rightful owners.
reeling that
Was cf value, I
open, stepped fet
me. A hurried
failed' to alum at
i .
alarm, Mid A S11
, path toward the
I' had been loft.
' There was dart
any moment. 1
to charge him di
false and 11 118 I
ed to detain um
Intsining ebargm
hint, but 1 reaol
sight of Woe
1 bed patted, c
to take, when 1
Voices in the tall
the toudds Judie
%Viler° I Idea& I
at least were
4 1
ef the trail etc
(lends suntlergrow
Me ludas the pi
the path. Draw.-
Aia......1, wta . .1.1* ......,.