HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-04, Page 5iiiwwwitawyve/stwortyvtoa,Sar
Genuine Bargains...
NT itir Pi. rti
Clearing Sale of Shirt Waists in Grang-
hams, Pique, Muslin and: Sateen,.
6114\ .41 1 IMES, AUGUST 4, Ibe x'Jtr
74-32 to 40, , Were
16-32 to 4o, were
30-32 to 40, were
' 6-34 to 36, were
3-34 to 36, were
z z dark ---3 2 to 40,
50c,. aid 6oc., for 40c.
75c. for~ 6cc,
$I.00, for 75c..
$I,25, for 7.5c.
$1.75, for $1.25.
were, 75c. for 6oc.
4:3 11-111M PI. INIT Pk°
Having purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find
us in the CORNER 'STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealing and hon•
est values a share of the patronage. The present stock will be offered at
Housefurnishings, Cutlery,'Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal Oil
always in stock. Special attention will be givento our:
Having had large experience in eities,, we excel in
Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam Heating,
Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel
Siding, Roofing and •Metal'Ceilings.
Call an its. • We shall. be pleased to make your acquaintance, feeling
sure weshall gain your confidence.
� ®
;Z. LT (Ur - - et:
McLaug lin uggies
" One Grade Only and That the. Best," '
Has been their motto for over thirty
years. Some of the principal features
(which no other buggy has) are
rubber and brass washers warranted
three years, one lever top steel circle, &c.
- ' McLauchlin's cost a little more than
others, but they are the cheapest in the
end. You will make a big mistake if
you don't see our stock befcre buying.
, •„'ee We can sell you . a good ordinary
buggy as cheap or cheaper than any one else. We have them here.
We can sell you anything you want in the implement line the same as
we have done for the past 16 years, and guarantee good value. Or if you
want an Qrgare Piano, or Sewing Machine, you will find our stock the best
that money°can.buy. Prices and terms all right too. Come in and see us
anyway. Willbe pleased to show you through..
---SALE . , ,
Daisy Cburias
Cutlery and Silverware
Artists' ]%Tateria
saints and Brushes
Champion Scales
Alabastine & Kalaomine
Harvest Tools and Rope
Machine, Castor & Coach:Oils
Bicycles and Sirndrie+
Screen Doors and Windows
Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Andrews are
away on a few weeks' lrolidaye.
Misses Pearl and Antiie.and Master
Lyal Ireland, of•Blyth, are spending
afew holidays with Wroxeter friends,
Miss Mary Smith is visiting with
Brussels friends.
Messrs. Phippen & Co., of Wing=
ham, have put a fresh coat of paint
on the iron bridge here.
The Misses Smith, of Gr, were
visiting with 'Wroxeter friends last
week. .
Miss Alice Hamilten is visiting
with her 'aunt at Seafortb.
Mr. George Spotton, 'the popular
principal of our nubile school,'. is to
be congratulated on the success of
his pupils at the recent Entrance
Examinations, six having been sue
cessful 'out of seven writing. - Our
wheel. has made excellent progress
in every department eii.te Mr. Spot -
ton took charge.
Office and Warerooins opposite Presbyterian Church.
Beauty and style without comfort
is easily obtainable, comfort with-
out appearance is equally simple.
You never saw an ugly, p.nir of
"Slater Shoes," yet ninny of them
cover. comfortably most unlovely
The combination of these two --
comfort and beauty—are only to be
had in the "Slater Shoe."
Made in led
from actual twelve shines,
tills t widthst 'ths and ss izes,
leathers, styles and 'colors.
Every pair Goodyear welted, n:&' and
price stamped on the sole.
$3.50 Arm *6.00.
For Sale Only by HOMUTH & Sae.
Novas DpilopiL
1 On Wednesday afternoon of last Mr, W, R. Thom
week, John McLean, whose farm is a two months' v
elose to Dungannon, met with a Co iitry
the O
serious accident whereby be will be 1r, J. E, Coombes, of 13elgrave,
A ' O »W LAI)'ii' IN TRENTON RR* prevented .from working for several ataccepted the position a Principal
LEASED FROM SUFEgnitm. months, blr. McLean was hauling .orAr Public School
in his hay, and Was stepping from
SUE fiCTIoPnnu UNTOLD AGONY iaoli the maw to 1118 wagon, when he
STOMACH.TRQTj/ILL'S ANP 8 K II4AD missed his .footing and fell to Ghe
groun wit
ACTI'CS--DR. WILLIAMS/ PINI+'. }PILLS d with.great form Ail Al D.
Prom the Courier, Trenton, Ont.-
Some years ego we reported the
case of Wm. Piekering, Trenton, be-
ing cured of locomotor ataxia. He
was not able to move and was con-
fined to his bed for weeks, Upon
advice he tried Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and immediately obtained re-
lief'. He is still free from the terrible
excruciating affection, .and enjoys
active robust health. We have just
learned of another positive cure
through using -'Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. It is the case of Miss Cassie nesday, July 19th, at the residence
Way, who has been an acute s ffer- of Mrs. Whyte, Elora road, when her
er from that common foe of'h
and the foundationfor
ills, dyspepsia. For
years -Miss
agonies with
in the stout • .She triedseveral and Miss Annie Whyte assisted -the
doctors without any material benefit. -bride through the ceremony, which
A year ago she came to live with a ( was perfot med by Rev. S. Young, of
friend in Trenton, Mrs. W. L. Derby- Clifford. A large number of friends
shire, and was so reducedthat she of the contracting parties were pre -
could not sit up an hour. She fear sent and the presents received were
ed her trouble would drive her crazy. numerous and costly. We. extend
She was advised to try Dr, Williams' !congratulations to the happy young
'Pink Pills. She replied that she had couple.
used a box before and they had. done i Herbert Wilson, cheesemaker, of
her no good. It was urged that she `Springbenk, Hewlek, had a narrow
could not hope for relief from one 'escape from injury by the explosion
box and she commenced them again. of a can of gasoline whieh he carried. -
She continued using the pills through- from Winghatn in his. buggy. Some
out the year with the result that she of the fluid leaked from the can and
has completely recovered her health. on bis arrival home he approached
Her appetite is good, she has gained 1 the rig with a light with the result
flesh rapidly, and is able to attend to that his buggy was considerably
all her household duties. She volun- i damaged by an explosion. Luckily
Brave Ben Jaf!'zui i •
'Victims to $toniaob, ITt'ei' r„r,l Isianey
troubles as well as women. and till , feel
the result in loss'of tippetrrx, poisobs in
the blood, backache, nervonsness, head•
nobs and tired. listless ruu-,lawn feeling,
But there's no need to feel Like Haat.
Listen to .T. W. Gaitiwner. lily, elle, ind,
Ile says: c. i 1eet.ric k;itterc; are just .the
thing for a man H•hri, he u- ell run town,
and don't care whether he lives or dies.
It did more to give . me, new.
strongth anti. gotul • appetite than
anything I could take. '1 Gun now eat
anythiutr and have a new 10,.0a en.ltfe.”
Only 50c. at Colin A. Utunpt ll's, Drug
Store. Every bottle guaranteed.. •
t a meeting
of the Board on Tuesday evening of
last week, the following assistants
were appointed :--Miss Colvin is to
take charge of ;the ?nd department
was soon on the ground, when it was ata salary of 1250 t Bliss Sharpe, the
discovered that Mr. McLean's collar 3rd department at $240 ; Miss Why -
bone was broken. ard, the 4th department at $235.
Working Night and Day During the last twenty-tw r years
The busiest and mightiest little tiling
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every Pill is a sugar-coated
globule PE bealtb, that °bangers weakness
into strength, listlessness into energy,
drain•fag into mental power. They're about the non a earance of the
wonderful m building up the health. pp
Only 20o. per box. Sold by Colin A. street sprinkler. ,They claim that
Campbell, Druggist.. the Council should provide the wafter,
The duet is very thick and annoy -
HQ W ZCI. ing.
A happy event took place or Wed, Mr, Robt. Scott, an old Teeswater
boy, now teaebing near Bambery,
Waterloo Co., sr exit Monday last :n
the village.
Teeswater Public School has bad
eleven principals so- that the average
term of a principal in our sehooi is
just two years,
The merebants are conpiaining
ny other
arly eight.
tiered untold
adaehe and pains
daughter, Miss Margaret, was united
in the bonds of matrimony to Mr.
John Drummond, a prosperous and
well -to do farmer of Howiek. Mr.
Alex. Drummond anted as best man
Mr. and Mrs. ,John ,Maguire are in
Ashtabula, Ohio, at the; bedside of
.their son, Wellington. '
Roe Bros• shipped rt car 1 ad of
horses to Mar,itohati fuer. week..
A. .J. \ic•.fay, of
gueeis of 1)r,- and
role, of-\1-ingharn,
v itis ijUn k friends
Ins is spending the
at. Owen Sound.
J. D. Ikekson, l;•. A..."1 Pr.itigara
Falls, is pendingA of his vaco- tion
Mr. and M
Toronto, wer
Mrs. Tuck, la.
Miss Clamed,,
spent .a few ct
!ast -week. `ey
Miss Edit: 1.k,
holidays w14i friend
with friends epe e
i14r. es
terns Sruith, 'of til-ollrtston, /il uesdaymorning of last week, ' ,
Mass.,; is spending. • to few d4 ,, under g brook. He was born in North. East -
the parental roof -here, Robt. Warwick,"of the 2nd lineXmet hope, Perth Co., and moved to Grey
with a very painful accident, hile about 18 years ago, when be built
'""'"'''""''"""""'"""'7`= •drivin from the barn to the road
--""e----- 1=�--- `"' g the lime kiln at Hranbrovk, now
t `Tile Thorn Comes Forth the horse took fright at the upraised owned by V. Gramm. In the year
Beats the ondike.
Mr. A. 0. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex.,
has found a murevaluable discovery than
bas yet been made in the Klondike, ' For
years he suffered untold agcuy front
Consumption, accompanied by htlhmor- -
rages; and was absolutely cured by Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. He declares that -
gold is of - little value in 'Compariso
with this marvelous cure; would have it
even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle.
Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and
lung affections aie positively cured by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump-
tion. Sold at Colin A. Campbell's Drug
Store. Regular size. 50 cents and $1:00,
Guaranteed to cure or price refunded.
Miss Tennie Moss, of Dandass, is
spending a few days with Misses C.
and K. Clark, ,
Mr. Wm. McDonald recently• made
a trip to Blyth to deliver a horse.
tarily offers this testimony as a tri -'the can had been removed from the which he sold for shipment to Mani-
bute of gratitute for: the benefit she buggy before the explosion otherwise toba,
has derived with the hope that others; there would have been a serious ae- Mr. Neil McDougall, the west end
suffering as she bas, may be induced' eident, thresher, has added a traction engine
to try this •bealth restoring remedy.l • to 'bis threshing outfit to better en-
Mrs. Derbyshire adds her testimony! BRUSSELS. able him to compete with his brethern
to the correctness of the statements .
of Miss Way. 1 The School Board of the Wallace- of that fraternity.
burg R. C. Separate Sebool, has en- ' Mr. John Thacker, the wide awake
Allow me to add that for four or 1 gags P. Weishar as Principal for thresher, in o; der to keep up with .
five years' the editor of this paper the next year. Mr. Welsher has the times is having a duster put on.
has suffered from an itching rash '• taught the second Department of his machine which will be much cap•
that attacked allhis joints and all Brussels Public School for the past preeiated by his patrons, no doubt.
the ointments within reach failed to 1
' year suceessfhly and resigned to Harvesting has been pushed with
banish it. He took Dr. Williams'
I better himself financially. such vigor during the favorable
Pink Pills last year and is nearly well,: The following officers were cleated weather of the past week that every
Dyspepsia, rheumatism, sciatica, � for the current term in connection thing that l.r ripe has 'been safely
neuralgia, partial paralysis, loco- - ,
motor • ataxia, nervous lleadaehe. I with the Epworth League of Brussels housed, and quite a number are
nervous prostration, kidneynsh trouble Methodist church :—Hon. President, preparing to thresh, Councilman
and. diseasesprdepending upon humors • Rev. John Holmes • President, Miss John McKague taking the lead in
Minnie McNaughton ; 1st y ice• Pres., this respect, having the job done on
in the blood, Such as scrofula, chron I Miss Minnie Moore' , 2nd Vice, Miss. Monday afternoon: Hereports about
ie erysipelas, etc., all disappear be ,
fore a fair treatment with Dr. Wil- E. E. 'Herr ; 3rd Vice, Miss Carrie 30 bushels per acre of fall wheat,
firms' Pink treatment
They give a I Hingston ; 4th Vice, W, J. McCrack- which is very good considering the
healthy o•low to pale and sallow en ; Recording Secretary, Miss Mag- severity of the past winter.
b gie Mooney ; Corresponding Secre- The voters' list for the, 'Township
complexions, and build up and renew : tary, Miss Josie. Buchanan; Treasur- of Culross. Has been issued: The
the entire system. Sold by all deal- 1 er, Jas. Thomson ; Organist, Miss list contains the names of 761 persons
ers or sent post paid at ,50c. a box Dolly Baeiter,, entitled to vote at municipal elections
or six boxes for X2.50, by addressing � The people of this locality were and elections to the Legislative As
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. ; greatly surprised on Friday evening, sembly, 117 entitled to vote at muni
Broekviile, Ont. Do not be persuad- July 21st, to learn of the decease of cipal elections only, and 50 entitled
ed to take some substitute. i Andrew McNichol, who lived on to vote at electionsto the Legislative
1 Elizabeth street, as he was about the Assembly only. The list of jurors
'had beenl� n .failing health fr mr an near uM . John 45Whacker threshed 38
A garden party wiil be held at internal trouble for which physicians bushels of good clean wheat for Mr;
the residence of Wm. J. Johnston, could do little or nothing, although John.MK of the 7th concession
sr., let line, this (Friday) evening, the best were consulted. Deceased in 2 hours and 40 minutes, on Mon -
under the auspices of the Willing was a former well known resident of day of this week. This was the
(rev township, living near Cran• yield ct 11 acres. Thirty bushels
kers. of the Bluevale circuit.
an acre is not a bad crop;
- With Point Forward."
rhe thorn point of disease
is an ache or -pain. But the
top of the buggy, and dashing down 1$70 the subject of this notice was
the !tine, came in contact with the united in marriage to Miss Jessie
gate post. The driver was thrown eleTavish, of North Easthope, and
out, receiving an ugly wound on the she with four sons and five daughters
had. The doctor being called in, survive. Mr. McNichol was a Con-
found it ne ssary to put in three ser'vative in polities, 11e was a
blood is the feeder of the stitches ' patient sufferer and passed away
whole body. Purify it with n Monday of last week, George very quietly. Ile held to the Pres
'Pearce, 7th lineehad his new barn bvterian church and Rev. D: I. Me=
Hood s Sarsaparilla. h t
Kidneys, 'liver and stomach `will at
once respond? No thorn in this point.
Severe Pnil•le--" I had severe pains in
my stomach, a form of neuralgia. My
mother urged pie to take Eond's Sarsapa-
rllla and it made me wall and strong. I
have also &mit to my baby with satis-
factory results. I stn glad to recommend
Hood's Sarsaparilla to others." Mins.
.Tons LA PAen, 240 Church St,;Toronto,ont,
Coltiplete ElcltauatIort--" Atter treat -
meat in hospital I was weak, tiara able
rtrised. Mr. Mains dui the tame inn, his former pastor at Cranbrook,
work and-everyth., Ii g went together eonducted the service on 'Sabbath
like eloek work.YSides were chosen afternoon, July 23rd, it was under
by Arthur Cronin and Neil Taylor, the auspices of the Canadian Order
Mr.. Taylor won. by all the rafters. of Foresters of which Mr. 111eNiehol
A bad, beat. The day was a very was a charter member at. Cranbrook,
hot one and ;the men felt it badly There were 54 members of the C. O.
among the timber, Both Captains F. in the peocession and .Jno. Wilbee
had good men. Mr. Cronin's plate was the ,Marshall. Mrs. McNichol
,was a basswood, full length, anti antt family have the sympathy of
to walk, 11fy blood was thin. I took cod's Mr, Tar>lor's was a spliced one. 'rhe the community and they in turn
f 11 d gained 20 lbs
Sarsaparilla until
the arr gi1 ne
It also benefited my wife." Arrays Mir:r,s, racy, was a .lively one. Barn is desire to return thanks to they Forest,
Dresden, Ont. • 4:1254 feet.' et's and many other friends for their
Mr, Wm. Jewitt, of Brussels, has lcindne .
already been through the township
ill connection with the apple haying Health office statistics show that
business. He purchased 5,000 an average of only one eigth per
rread'N Inns cure river illy; th0 nett•irrltMinshnit barrels last year and hopes to exceed cent. of the deaths in 1)etroit occur
ply oatt,nrtic to telco *with H0-1.' 'n areppNrti a. that quantity I1e:tt i • •from e0llstttnp on.
Y_.r fall f ti
Dr. John Me ay, ex -M. P. P,, of
Woodville, was nominated by the
Liberals of North Waterloo as their
candida.te•for the Commons.
Keep in mind that Scott's
'Emulsion contains the hypo -
phos phi t es,
These alone make it of
great value for all affection
of the nervous system.
It also contains glycerine,
a most valuable, soothing
and healing agent. Then
there is the cod..liver oil, ac-
knowledged by all physicians
as the best remedy for poor
blood and loss in weight
These three great remedial
agents blended into a creamy
Emulsion, make a remark.
able tissue builder.
e. ta, Ntl drti;glsts.
sC.'oTT ,'.ifn,r 1$. 1".v 1':f*.