The Wingham Times, 1899-08-04, Page 4Guaranteed or money
cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth,
hardens the gums and
purifies the mouth and
perfumes the breath.
Price 25c. Large Tube.
For sale only at
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday
noon, The copy for changes
mast be left not later than Tues-
day evening. Casual advertise-
ments accepted up to noon
Thursday of each week.
iiitgiyern tants
FWDAT, AUGUST 4, 1899.
Sin CHARLES TUPP'ER sailed from
Montreal on the Parisian, Thursday,
for England.
Art arrangement has been trade
between the leaders by , which the
Boase cf Commons will be prorogu-
ed on Monday next.
AT Ottawa, on Tuesday, Hon.
Thomas Bain, member for South
Wentworth was elected Speaker of
the House of Commons, in place of
Bir James Edgar, deceased.
Or Doukhobors and Galicians 18,-
8;860 have arrived in Canada in one
year.—The Mail.
Which is more than there is to
show for all the money the Conserva-
tives ever spent on immigration.—
Teronto Star.
MR. William Caven Moserip. bar-
rister, St. Marys, has been appointed
Local Registrar Clerk of the County
Court and Surrogate Registrar of
the County of Perth, in place of Mr.
James McFadden, who retired. Mr.
McFadden has been clerk of the
-court for about 40 years or over, and
is a man of about 80 years of age.
THE city of' Toronto has a popula-
tion of over 200,000; the total assess-
ment is $128,000,000; the gross
:city debt is $21,500,000; the funds
invested for the extinction of the
debt amount to $5,600,000; the total
taxation is $2,630,000, and other
revenues are $717,000. In the last
ten years Toronto has spent $56,800-
000, nearly $20,000,000 more than
the Provincial Governmenthas spent
in the same period;
THIS Young Canada of ours scores
well among the maritime powers of
' the world, standing sixth. Great
Britain is first, with one half the
total shipping tonnage existing,
amounting to 9,760,043 ;; United
States,1,837,729 ; Germany,• 1,572,-
085 ;Norway, 1,545,822 ; France,.
801,164 ; Itp,iS", 780,953 ; Canada,
003,782 Tlie total number of Can-
adian, vessels is 3,643, of which
steamers number 1,009, with an
aggregate value of x+20,813,460.
Stu JAnms I'inGA1i, Speaker of the
Rouse of Commons, died at his resit.
dence, Blt.or street west, Toronto,
Monday evening, at six o'cloek. Ten
days ago Sir Tames left Ottawa at
the request of his physicians, and on
Ms arrival at Toronto submitted to
an operation, which resulted in the
removal of a stone from the bladder,
Sir James rallied for a few days
after the operation, and his physicians
expressed the belief that if his
strength would -enable him to hold
out for a few days the chance of re-
covery was good. That opinion,
however, was abandoned Monday,
and Sir James sank rapidly during
the afternoon, dying at six o'clock,
surrounded by the members -of his
family ll1r. Edgar had represente=d
West Ontario in the Commons since
1884. When the Liberels returned
to power in 1896, lie became Speaker,
and was knighted a little over a year
ago, in recognition of bis services to
the Dominion, Sir James Edgar
is the sixteenth member elect-
ed to serve in the present Parliament
who has died since June 23, 1896.
The list is as follows, but not quite
in the order of . deaths: Beehard,
Iberville; Bergin, Cornwall; .Clark,
North Grey ; Cameron, West Huron;
Dupont, Begot; Edgar, West Ontario;
Fauvel, Bonaventure; Caeoffrion, Ver-
cheres;. Gnay, Levis; Ives, Shere-
brooke; Jawissou,.. Winnipeg; Mc-
Carthy, North Simeoe; Perry, West
Prince; Wood, Brockville.
Bed Hot from tate Gun
\Vas; the ball that hit G. B. Steadman,
of Newark, Mich..,in the Civil \Var. It'
caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment
helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen's
Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cut.s,.
Bruises, Burns, toils, Felons,- Corns,
Skin Eruptions, Best Pile cure on earth.
25o. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
Cohn A. Campbell, Druggist.
Ponton's Trial Fixed.
Toronto, July ?8.- .It is authorita-
tively announced' to day that the Pon.
ton trial will take. place at the Co
bout• 2a1 assizes, which commence
g ss a,1111.
on September 19th; before Chancellor
Boyd. The Crown expects a final
issue at this. trial. evidence in
the last trial was ;filed, It consists
of 1.150 pages, 350,000 wordsfin all.
The Keeper Acquitted.
Mr. Courtney Gilpin, with his
another and sister of Howick, spent
Sunday with Mrs, A. Robertson.
Mrs. Wallace, of Plattsville, form.
erly of this vicinity, called on Mrs.
A... Robertson and other- friends, on
Miss Stephens, of 13ran.tford, is
visiting at Mr. M. Spence's, Morris,
Miss Mary 1''luker, .of Wingham,
spent Sunday at her home in Blue -
Mr. George Hudson hasmoved
into the house lately occupied by
Mr. Chris. Thornton.
Miss idaggie Stowe, of Goderich,
is visiting her aunt, bars. Stowe.
Miss Smillie, of SI alton, a former
school teacher here, is renewing old
Miss Martha Mclllwain, of Wing -
ham, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A.
Mr. John Patterson, of Galt, is
visiting* relatives in the village.
Flax pulling began on Monday.
The prospects aro good this year,
The general "Red Bird" bicycle
agent has been performing in the
village for a few days.
Mr. Thos, Stewart has returned
horse from Wingham, where he has
been ever since .his accident. We
are pleased to see Mr. Stewart re-
covering so rapidly and are glad to
have him among us again.
Mr. White, keeper of. the Bruce
House of Refuge, has been acquitted
of opening a post letter addressed to.
an inmate named. Thomas. Foster.
Mr. A. Shaw (.. 0., counsel for de.
fendant,. argued that. it was not a
pest letter. at all because' there
is a box at' the Walkerton P.
0. into which all letters for BLYTH.
the House are placed, the key being
held by the keeper. He held that once ; Mr. Wm. Young, of Paris, is visit-
or letter is placed there itceases to be ing his old friend, Mr..Hugh MC-
A. post letter, Judge Barrett. upheld Quarrie.
that contention, but hinted that
Foster's reined_! lies in taking civil,
action for 'damages against Mr. White
It is unlikely that the offence will
be repeated, but the. judge: hinted
that after this notice, the keeper
Would not clain that he was acting
thoughtlessly or within his rights.
The Telescope says thsit it'is the in-
tention of the County Solicitor. to ad-
vise the keeper not to open any let-
.ters addressed to the irritates until at
least the bylaws governing the in-
•>ltution have been amended.
Dr.. Yemen, of Stratford, who was
sentenced in Noy., 1897, to serve
three ears in the e Ti`ingston peniten•
tiary, has' had his sentencse reduced
for good behavior, and he will be
released on August 7th.
Investigating science has laid one
more, burden upon the mother who
would put every safeguard around
her bottle-fed baby, Not only the
methods but the manners of cow -
keepers must be studied, as it has
been demonstrated, it seems, that
unkind treatment of Cows swill pro•
duce poison in their milk, They are
said to be affected not atone by kicks
and blows,. but also by loud tulle arid.
profane abuse. Truly life grows
more complex every hour.
en it comes to the {
question of watch repair-
ing, we do not take a ' i
back seat for any man inl
Canada. 0
wiz -Team
wingliain, August 3, 1809.
O errected by P.1.)eans, Produce Dealer.
'Flour per 100 lbs„ ,.,.,,,. 1 00 to 2 00•
Pall W heat .... 007 to .0 68
Spring. Wheat 0 07 to 0 118
Oats 0 28 to 0 30
Batley..,. 1..11.9, 9,,.,,,. 0 30 to 0 35
Peas ............ ......... 0.00 to 0 62
Turkey, drawn , , . , ... , , 0 08 to 0 09
Sites°, „ 0 05 to •0 00
Dunks, per pair . , . , „ 9 40 to 0 00
nutter. . , 0 12 to 0. 14
Eggs per dozen .... 0 14 to 0 14
Wood per cord... , . , . 1 50 to 1 7o
t.ay per ton,.,.. .... 5 00 to 0 00
Potatoes,per bushel, .....11 0 49 to 0 50
Tallow, per lb, .., ,,,,, 0 B to 0 4
Dried .apples, per lb, , , , .... 0 4 to 0 5
Wool .., 00 to 00
D ressed hogs.. 11,,,, G 00 to 6 00
.Chickens..,. 0 30 to 0 30
(intended for last issue.)
Mr. D. Beecroft of St Thomas, is
spending his vacation on the 9th.
Miss Mary Porterfield,of Marnoch,
has returned after spending a number
of weeks with her sister, Mrs. James
F guson at Bayfield.
Miss Hannah Agnewwhas returned
t Philadelphia to resume her duties
in the hospital after spendi g a couple
of weeks on the 9th con
Mrs. McKenzie, of Brucefield, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. William
McBurney, at present.
Miss Maggie Nixon, of Wingham,
visited Miss Edith Henry the past
Miss Crown is visiting her cousin,
Miss Carrie McGee.
Miss McTavish, of Wingbasn, visit-
ed Miss Lizzie McGee the past week.
Mr. John Campbell, of'Wingham•,
after. his severe
is slowly recovering
Miss Alice Hoover,. formerly of
Marnoch, was' married.: at her sister's
Mrs. Fowier, of Edmonton, Ala., on
T slay last.
t he five-yea.r•old son of Mr. WM.
bobye,- of Westfield; died in the
Hospital for Siek Children, Toronto,
on Sunday Morning. The little
follow was a patient of the hospital
for the past Year, suffering from bon
disease, which was theuse of death
His body was brought' here Tuesday,
forenoon and then taken to his
father's home.
repairing gg trade was not
0 built up. by turning out
poor work., or charging
unreasonable prices.
Achievements ot Admiral Dewey.."- the wont's
greet natal hero. 1iy14furat Itelstead, the IIIc.
tone friend and admirer Of the nation's idol. Rig.
Beet and bast book ; nvor A00 pastes. Sat) inches ;
r• early 100 pages halite liIgstratIens. 0 Iv SI 60
14nnrn,oue'den,and.• Big romrntesione. Outfit tree.
thanes of a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominica
Company, 3rd Floor Caston 131t1;r., Chicaga.
Mrs. Tait and baby, who have
been visiting friends in St. Thomas`.
and Mnncey during the doctor's
absence in New York, returned home
on Wednesday. •
The voters' list for the village has.
just been issued.. There is a total of
324 voters on the list, and of these
78 are eligible oto verve as jurors.
Two hundred and one persons are
entitled to vote at both municipal
'elections and elections to the Legis-
lative Assembly ; 92 are entitled to
vete at municipal elections only, and
31 are entitled to vote at elections to.
the Legislative Assembly'only,
A quiet wedding took place at the
residence of Mrs. Robert Higgins on
Tuesday noon when her eldest
daughter, Miss Marion B., and Mr.
David McCulloch, of East Wawanosh,
were joined in wedlock by Rev. A.
McLean, .
Br. Tait, whobas been studying
in the gew 'York hospitals for the
Past six weeks,returned home Wed.
nesday. The Dr. will now make a
specialty of the nose and throat, and
all diseases of women.
Mr. A. II. Plummer, who recently
resigned the principalship of Biyth
school, owing to ill health, was very
kindly remembered by his former
papils'on Friday evening. Re was,
presented with two easy chairs, a
copy of Longfellow's poems and a
copy of"Beautiful Gems," aecorn-
panted lby an address. Miss Lottie
Bentley read the address, and Miss
Edna Carder and Mr. Frank Ander-
son made the presentations.
. I am prepared to pay the highest
cash price for all good butter and
eggs delivered` at my warehouse
near the G. T. R.
The body of Duncan McMartin,
for 25 years turnkey of the jail at
Cornwall, was found in the Black
River. •
Pour Stratford hotels have been
deprived of' their licenses for not
making repairsordered by the
License Commissioners.
Rs Your
rAtel0 fiche
Aro your rleivco 'weak?
Can't you sleep well? Pain
iii your back 5 Lack energy?
Appetite poor? Digestion -
bad? Boils or pltnpies?
44 Ttxesa are. sure. signs of
po :somal
a rrc^_1 whet poisons?
From poisons that are e1-
vi„;,=n found in constipated
L•c reh..
Ii the contents of the
':c = I-- r.: o not removed from
^:. a boy each day, as nature
in nded, those poisonous
s:.•.h tancea aro .to. -:be'
..;t.,orb_d `10 blood al-
� a.
s: , 3 cuing . suffering and
frcquentiy causing severe
There is a common sense
cure. •
r tit n: •,YFi.' o-' �r fir, .
They daily insure an easy
and natural movement of
the bowels.
You will find that the use of
with the. pills will. hasten
ecovery. It cleansesrthe
blood from all impurities and
is a great tonic to the nerves.
• Write Atha Lithetor.::.c .:
Our Medical Department has one
the most eminent physicians in
the Unitod fltatot.. ;Fo11 the doctor
it recolhyou
the aro
st medlrcai advice
'without cost. Addross,
Dit, J. 0. AYER,
Lowoll, Mass.
oowitomf COMING commaI
Graduate New Yerk, Philadelphia, and "Toronto
apti,.al Colleges.
Call early and avail yourself of hi:
valuable services, as this is a rare
opportunity to have your eyes proper-
ly tested, free of charge.No guess
work but a scientific certainty, iMfi-
eult cases accurately fitted. ALL
401 neve* ea11 nt private houses.
Will be at
Colin It Campbell's Drug Store
Wirgbarn, one day only,
HVi1C 0,41)A"it1, IJ Y 10th.
'Pt4.�1¢l*u ■ u ! b Y •!4 � !!!'?�!!r ■ !lYryXq a Y Y¢I�!lYXX!!4tl Xtl4tl iP
rr,ll�i riX}iiM�iMR�rrY,iiriY.iY�urrr.RarYYYriYi4iRlR ! Y r MS' RR�A�
• Wv41,1•4e-WeV0.111,11,1t
eitilAtit/MilkASIWIVIN....44,4:011(9rIVAN,Al,1* At,
Lt w,
This Sale is on as announced last week and those .111111:
who conie'first are *Of course getting first choice,
No Reserve—all must be sold.
Terms Spot Cash or Trade. All goods must
be paid for before leaving the store.
This is your opportunity, if you want /Dry
Goods, Groceries, Crcckery, China, Glassware,
School Supplies, Stationery, Smallwares, &c., &c., at
wholesale prices.
Blue Printed Stone Chinaware at half price. A Pa■
- YI41111.
ot of odds and ends at half price.
Macdonald Block,
ffMBE YyY..YaroR.Y
Wingham, Ont.
eXRRYnY r!DXR.R.r•rn�,
1111. , ,
T. A. MILLS for Bargains in Colored Muslins, Organ-
dies, Lawns, Linens and Checks. Muslins at special reduced
prices. See our line of Colored .Muslins, suitable for Waists,
usual 12 I -2C, now IOC.
A full range,of Scotch Ginghams, assorted 'colors, from
toe to 15C per yard.
. See our White Pique Shirting at 20C:
Also a fine: of Colored, usual 12 I -2C for 8c.
A large' and well assorted stock of Shirt Waists to choose
from at cut prices. . •
Ladies, try a pair of our Summer Corsets.
Bicycle. Sox at Cost.
-The undersignedis prepared' to receive
orders for repairing lounges and
matresses. Lounges re-covered, mat-
reesee made over, carpets sewed and
laid. . Lowest prices and good workman -
Oil). Orders promptly attended to.
Leave orders at my residence, Centre
street, nest to Wm. Holmes', or address
box 54, Wingham.
WM. WA?.aiiHE.
Baying purchased 'the butcher busi-
nes'e next the Bruaawiok, 1 am prepared
to supply the public with all kinds of
Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausage, Bologna.
&e. Orders taken and moat delivered
to any part of town,
A 'call solicited, 'pltoneNo. 0.
�. Pitt10114LII.
Por Photoa youshould see
M. L. Zurbrigg.
Have you seen the ones he has in hia
window. Try him, be can give you any..
thing in the Photo line you want. Well
finished and good work guaranteed.
Mso Crayon
11Y► and Water Colors.
Opposite Presbyterian Churdh.
13oy wanted to learn Photography.
We build our pumps to last for
years and have them in prieo from
$2.50 up.
Brass Cylinder ..and Galvanize
Iron• Piping.
We have a full titodk of .the above
Call and get prices when in iced
of anything in our line.
Opp. Beatties' Livery.,