The Wingham Times, 1899-08-04, Page 3Kith PILLS
Palpitation, Throbbing or Irregular
Beating, of the Heart, Dizziness,
Shortness of Breath, distress after
Exertion. Smothering Feeling,
Spasms or Pain through the Breast
and Heart Morbid Condition of the
Mind, Partial Paralysis, Sleepless-
ness, Nervousness, Anemia. Gene-
ral Debility, After -Effects of Grippe,.
Loss of Appetite, etc.
Remember Millurn's Heart and
Nerve Pills cure the worst cases
after other remedies fall.
Laxa-Elver Pills. cure Constipation.
UM/ MISM.1111
Sick People Are Sensotive.
Sick people don't like to be started
at, They 'are morbidly seusative,.
To look surprised at the change
siekness has wrought is annoying,
and, worse than that, it is dishearten-
ing and: makes invalids imagine their
ease to be wors : than it is. There-
fore, ton't stare as a sick person, and
don't .land at a back of the bed to
make him turn his eyes round to see
yob.. Always'sit by the bedside, for
the patient feels more at rest than if
you stand up 'tall before hila, And
don't whisper ; don't talk in a low
voice don't follow the doctor or a
caller out into the next room. The
invalid will be . absolutely certain
that you. are discussing him, Don't
wear garments that rustle or are
made of roueh clothing, to chore into
' contact with hands made tender by
sickness, and don't wear creaking
boots or thick soled boots
We, the. Undersigned, do hereby ages
to refund the nonny on n. twenty-five
cex bottle or Ur. bt'ilis' ]Jnalisb..L'ills,
if, after usitits, three.foorths or contents
of • bottle, they do not relieve Constipa-
tion and headache. Wo also warrant
that four bottles will permanently "cure
the most obstinate eases of Constipation.
Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng-
lish Pills are used,
A. A. Morrow, tihemist anti Druggist,
Wingham, Ont.
Colin A. riampbell, Chemist and'Drug-
gist, Wingbatn, Ont.
A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug-
ist Win hag. Ont
t :p rV \ i s 11 A0TOLE'S, S, A.
.. DREAD DISEASE, E, ! and all sorts of fresh fraalts, Mttuy
patients (lave, httaln -quick.' teamed
Wir.d.a.' sounvY Ia WHAM '1'IUOSLi ON by putting the i en fa diet of dee
and milk and tiotlitng erne. if only.
a cat load of green stuff, the i. emnants
F" the folltowinlr tt1'ticle on scurvy, tot' atingle day% marketing on the
trf a� Mich disease so mUel has been James street market, could be for -
heard of late in connection with the
warded to the poor fellows fromthis'
sufferings on to Edmonton. trail, we part of the country who are; strand-
are indebted to the Hamilton Herold, cd, scurvy stitittc u, in thy, far north,
what a boom it. would be, to thein,
VIE TRAIL Alis: sulsisistscso
Those who have read the letters
front. Yukon that have been recently
published in Hamilton papers need
not be told that one of the most.
dreaded foes of the gold seeker in
the far north is the scurvy. There
has probaoly been more loss of life in
the twining camps 'oldie Yukon from
that terrible disease, during the past
year than fl'om all other causes to-
Scurvy is a disease that is caused
by a morbid eonaitiou of the blood.
brought about by the lack. of essen-
tial ingredients in the food. It is
usually caused by a want of frebli
vegetable food, and it is this lack
which accounts for the prevalence of
the disease in the mining camps.
Many of the ruiners took with them
a supply of; canned vegetables and.
limejaice in the form of tablets, but
it is evident that these were not
sufficient substitutes for fresh vege-
tables and fruits, Persons who use
salted and smoked meats as a chief
article of cliet and who have to en-
dure exposure and fatigue acid bad
hygiene, will always be in danger
of scurvy unless they have a suffi-
cient supply of fresh vegetables r>,r
Scurvy develops gradually. Its
first symptoms are a certain failure
of' strt ng th, breathlessness and men-
tal 'depreSsion.
en-tal'depression. - The face gets sallow
er dusky, the eyes sunken, pains
appear in the muscles of the body
and limbs and gums get tender and.
breath offensive. These are the
early" syinptoms, and many often
pass unnoticed. As' -the disease de.
velopes, the gums 'become spongy
and ulcerated, and the teeth loosen.
and' drop out ; extravasations of
blood take place in the skin and the
membranes, usual swellings which
resemble large bruises ; painful and
destructive ulcers break out in the
limbs; bleeding from the nose, eyes
and mouth are common ; there is
profound exhaustion, with' a 'tend-
ency to fainting fits. Fatal results
ensue when the disease becomes
complicated with 'other disorders
such as diarrhoea and palanon.ary 'or
kidney troubles.•
Even in its latter stages, scurvy
easily yields .to treatment. The
single remedy is fresh vegetable
food, .the most efficacious being pota
toes, cabbage, turnips, carrots, onions
The high quality of everyone
of Tillson's Cereal Foods has
induced -many grocers to offer
something to their customers
which they.claiin to be just as
good. If ybu buy- a substitute
for the original you are not the only one that loses ---
We 'lose, too, by the comparison you make because
you won't find the substitute equal to the advertised
qualities of the original. We advertise plain -facts,,
but you've got to trust your grocer—if he's' square
with youhe will give you what you. ask for. Birt
you 97ULSt insist.
Tho Tillson Co,'y Limited, Tilsonburg; Ont.
In the auwnaer•tiroo running sores and
ulcers aro hard to keen savt'et madwir,an. l
Bathe theta with Burdock Blood iSitl.Hrs
and they will be free trorn odor, 'Pratte
this remedy internally and soon healthy
Herb will supplant toe det'ayiog tissue,
Seo Tilt—
The dish towels and glass linen
are scalded each day and thorough-
ly washed and ironed each week awl
dried in the open air,
Cupboards and storerooms to e
overhauled at least once a month.
Every penny spent be accounted
for in a hook kept for that purpose.
All dusters are heromed and re.
gularly' washed.
The drafts are checked in the
kitchen range as soonas the meals.
are prepared, to reduce the coal bill.
The beds are. stripped and ai.ed
daily, and the clothes placed where
the fresh air can reach them.
A regular routine of daily work be
planned and carried out.
The servants' room be kept as
neat and clean as any main in the
Old rags are not used in the honse
work, but suitable cloths, neatly
hemmed, bo provided.
Is sent direct to the.disers.d
parts by the Improved blv'.t r.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and'Hay Fever. Blower
free, All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo,
' iy s � ✓ L ; � '4. h rito
Pills are necessary but not nice. Cathartics are not confections, The
fewer pills that you take the better, It's aggravating to take pills that don't
and pills that won't, It's soothing to know that when you take a pill it's
the pill that will do the work for which it's taken,
have gained a reputation for their sure results. The pill that will is
Ayer's. For all liver troubles, diseases of the stomach and bowels, sick
headache, biliousness and heartburn, Dr. Ayer's Pills have proven a
specific, and they .
g y the death of Mrs. Geo. 11oKen
zie, which occurred on the 18th, ult.,
another of the ilei settlers has been
called away. , Hleceeeedsiv-as.,yu�t:n-» a
kSil si�r1s soli r'erMitrancls. ant ssw s
t'i erefore� %i3 years of age, and ad
sh`+klj.v:d buta.shor:t time longe.she
Nvoi dd have t'eeii: able to cel iterate
the fiftieth anniversary of her marri
age. Iii' S64 she, her bnsh'nd and
six childreemig ated fotie conal
try, nettling 'n the':towns ip of West
Wawaanosh,. end 'residi g the, e fur
ten years, wh •e they;„ were further
blessed by an a dtti : al trio to their
family. Afterw' fithey removed
to the ' neighborin
Those�,, ', ao
Which make Plymouth Twine indispens-
able for the Government Farm Service---w-
greatest strength, perfect evenness, ex-
treme length, freedom from tangles, purity
—are absolutely necessary also to the twine
that. will dd, perfect work in every harvest
field. The selection of Plymouth for
Gov rninent service was not made hap-
hazard, but, after the most careful practical
test had thoroughly demonstrated it to be
the BES'`. Plymouth has qualities
peculiar to itself, which cause it to work
perfectly where other brands fan,
township ot, Asta•
field, and there,' th..ey>=finall " nniclr
theip..homm 'ae'w s of a mild and
gentle disposion aer diligent in
her duties, • nd those -who came in
touch with Ther every dray life will
feel whatloss t. ey have sustained.
In religi .ii she iv, as a Pajesbyterian
and for?liiany yaears,was , member
of thatrchurch,'which sheattenrted
regul Orly till ilhhealth deprived hint
of tht privilege.: During her illndss
she Suffered much, yet she bore it
wi'tt patience, and even in the a ons'
ofdeath she.. was slowly repeal lug.
pa sages of psalms till within a few
hours of the end, when her voifse
aasa . Funeral as;ervice was conduct-
ed by the Rev. 1`'. A, McLennan. on
Thursday, 20th ult., after which the
proc essi left for the Kinloss ceme-
teryhe bereaved }husband and
the sorrowing children aid friends
have the sympathy of the surra and-
ing community, .
as they have cured thousands of others whose testimony is a matter of
xecord. Ayer's Cure Book is sent free by Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mass.
Send for it if you want to know more of the power of these pills than is.
proven in the following testimonials.
This Trade lvi ark is
on every Tata.
See that you get, it
" I suffered nearly all my life with bowel complaints, enduring much pain, and I tried
almost all the cathartic remedies advertised in the newspapers, without obtaining permanent
relies until I used Ayer's Cathartic Pills. The result obtained from the use of these pills
was wonderful. They not only gave immediate relief but effected a permanent cure."
R. C. STODDARD, Delhi, Ont.
" I was ill'for some time with liver trouble. My back ached and my shin turned as
yellow as saffron; I became unable to do any work, and at last was confined to my bed too
weak to move without assistance. I commenced the use of Ayer's Pills and less than half
a box cured me. I owe my present, good health to their use, and I am never without them,"
\VM. OAKLi Y, Lobelville, Tenn.
"I have used 'Ayer's Pills with excellent results for constipation. I find that they do
not gripe nor purge, but do give relief." CHARLES R. WRITE, Pittsgrove, N. J.
"I have used Ayer's Pills since 5845, and consider themsuperior to all other pills on
the market. I always keep them in the house in case of emergency, and at one time they
.cured my wife of dyspepsia. I have found them good for all diseases caused by the
Southern climate." A. L. JONES, Elizabeth City, N. C.
' `'If your dealer does not handle our Twine, write Ply-
mouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto.
Scalded Her
Mrs. T. Planna,naker,Frankford, Ont..
sa; t•: "1 scalded my hand very badly
an 1 thin took cold in it. It swelled and
was very painful, but halt a bottle of
Hattyard's Yellow Oil csred it complete-
01' THE DAY.
"Children cannot keep still long at
a trine, and a quiet drivo inthe
country, a walk through fields or
woods, a stroll through orchard or
garden,. are all in harmony with the
spirit of the day," writes Emily D.
Striebert, of "With the Children on
Sunday,"in the August Ladies' Borne
Journal. "There is no better day
, than Sunday in which to think kind
ly and lovingly of others. Let the
children gather flowers for same old
lady, autumn leaves for za sick friend,
nuts for 'a playmate, or a collectio
of leaves of different sorts to surpri e
papa with their botanical knowledge.
On the ;ante principle let them work
r'or child, en's hospitals and asylums,
t'ur mission schools and missionary
hnx e . Let thein make scrap -books,
cut out pictun s and stories and
arrange thein in envelopes or boxes.
]aunty all theta pastimes with loving
thoughts of the dear Father in
Heaven, Who wants us to be kind
to His other children who are poor,
sick and neglected. One of the best
of influences over children comes
with loving care for plants and
animals; therefore I should let them
water garden beds and house plants,
-trim up the canary's cage, make a
warm, soft bed for the kitten, and
feed the rabbits and chickens. Let
children make Sunday visits to the
old, the sick and the poor, Let them
write or dictate letters to grandma
or auntie, to some shut-in friend or
old nurse. Music isalways a. delight
on Sunday afternoon, and shi uld
never be left out of the program."
The Phillipitles have lateht agri-
ettlttiral possibilities, but it promises
t,o be some tints before a large crop
t,f pias and hominy is re,porto..i from
t.het e.— L..' , W. Bulletin.
‘01011.4 w,ivrro-.POI{ "TIT% Lin AVD
\ a,,tentents nt Admiral Covey,” the Nr 00(01
fro 1n4. moat hero liy ttnrht ttelstetul, the lite,
Ione friend and edanirer ni the nation's Idol. Big.
,et and brat book • over 680 peen. sac, mulles
nrnaly 100 p:asos 11 ilftone inuattatlnns, th,ly 51.60.;
i:,.a,rn,ona demand. Tar nnamisslons. Outfit We.
ti„ sues of a lifetime. write quiet:. Tito n,,mh:ran
tlrnpa,ly, Srd Floor Caxton Mag., t;0ieu,to,
Tha Montreal Gazette of Monday
says :—".Mr. C. ' allee, of the Queen's
Hotel, has returned from a fortnight's
trip in the Muskoka district, during
which he completed. the purchased
of the Hotel St. ,Joseph, on Lake
Huron, and some 23 miles from
Goderich, Ont. The purchase also
includes a large tract of land, wild
and improved. The price paid for
the whole is $50,000. A new wharf
is in process of construction at St.
Joseph, and railway communication
is contemplated. When these are,
completed, St. Joseph, it is anticipat.
end, will he a very pnpllier resort.
Sick Headache—that bane or many a
woman's lire is quickly oure.l by loofa.
Liver Pills. They are adapted to the
system of the most delis„tet and never
Milne any griping. we,lk•• ling •hr eieken•
of picric acid and fuschine was placed
in a metal case for holding gold, and
a few napoleons were placed on top.
In order to get out the gold the met.
al case had to be held upside clown,
and then of course, the chetn]Cal pre-
paration would run out and stain the
thief's band a bright and ii.delible
yellow. As soon as some of the gnkt
was missed M. ' Cornette suinniOned,
all the servants to his presence. The°
valet's fingers betrayed him. Real-
izing izin the uselessness of deeyir when
caught yellow handed he et nfessed
and was duly locked up.
No man should Le hopeless so
low as he h:ts two good, honest;
friet ds--- hie hands.
When a man feels all cut tip over
sonethin , dales he realize the erne -
ties of vivisse ion?
Caught Yellow Handed.
A rich American, residing in the Hood's Pills
St, George's quarter in 1'ctts, had Are prepared from Na.
hcen for some time put 1 hrl t letirn
and money not left loul~rrt up disap-i while gent
geared regularly. M. Cornette, the i and efficient. . They*
emissaryeissary of police, was informed sow
or the robberies. no found it would mouse the mer
be impossible to keep an effective
'watch on the bed room where, the
thefts oerurred, but he adopted a
stratagem which turned out success-
"A' small vial eontaintng mixtUtt s
s mild latl+v�
of syst�maiio thefts. Bank notes
tures e are
.able said
Cure Sick Headache, I3i1-
iousnesst Sour, Stomach,Sold
everywhere, /sc. per box.
kre»Atedb3 C.I.nand&C0.,LOWeii,1'.