HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-04, Page 2• , . •
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it. tie
•Autornobile Incluetry.
The eteetrical, trade journals are
paying lanuettal 'attentiou to the
,atitoneenle Induetry, Self propelled
conveyanees are being adopted very
AlitXten4ve1y .in Europe and the
Uniteates, not only for pleashre
but for business purposes. The
Domielon Government apparently
intende to experiment with thein in
coeneetion with the postal serviee.
Toronto has been oelected as the
place whore the new vehiclesare to
be tried Air the colleetion end de.
livery ttf mail matter. Speaking of
the new indoetry the Electrical Re-
view vacs:, "It no longer can be
doubted by anyone who has watched
the de'volopment of the eleetreta I arts
durin-e the lat t weety y ears that
the Idetory of the antoteelete will bo
closely pa ra el to that 0.1, the electric
light, the telephone tin(' toe eleetre
street rikil wav Mt the,e great in-
dustries have started with small he-
ginnings, have grown vale almost
increditable rapidity, gathering
strength as they grew, until to -day
they are among the »mit important
branches of industry. The immense
fiejd fnov the automobile makes it
alitiost Lain that the growth of
this latest application of engineerin,o,•
science, will be as large if - nut larger
than that of ehe other industries
Mentioned above. In Oc coley days
of bo h electric ligh:ing and electric
street railways It was found that
orgartizAtions were ne,essary, and
experience with them has shown
that they were of linmediate and
great benefit to their rteeective arts.
• The same will be unquestionably
true of the National Autowobile
Assoelation, There can be eo reason
alleeeed egalest the formation of such
a society, while every indication
pnints to the importance and, indeed,
to the %.hall necessity of an immediate
gathering ingether of the -various
iniere..ts and their amalgamation
into a powerful organization which
Will be 21, hie tt) advance the. interests
44the automobile in all directions"
Pot:ZU;vey cured by these
Llt•.`..11to Pin&
Theyr..,/so z^elieve Distress from. /Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Too Marty Eating. .A. per.
•feat rctrittly for Dlzziness, Nausea, Drowsi-
ness,t Tat:teat:lc Mouth, Coated. Tongue
Pain in. Cide, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Dowels. Purely Vegetable.
&ran Small Dosed
Metee423 Priced
the fraud tef the day.
See you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and detnand
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
amps and 0 IC
Re Rad a 'Fit.
The merchant uttered a sharp
exclamation and sank back in his
chair. A telegram fell from his
shaking hand. Ills eyes were wide,
his face white, and beads or pewit.-
latiort stood on his brow. The men
In the outer office whispered among
"Touch of heart dise;,.se ?" asked
"No ; the old man can't take up a
' note," said:m(01K,, "I've tketird
rumors &Oat kind," We fellows
will have to be looking '19r another
"Oa to work—he 's echoing- to
The merchant wiped his b .ow,
fetehed a despairing sigh, pielte I Up
the paper from the floor, frowned
and stamped his fbot, asif to summon
all his resolution, placed the telegram
on his desk. end foreed htmeelf to
read the bitter message. Tbis was
"Dearest james,—Please send the
waist for my grosgrain suit at once,
You will remember the no, as it has
revers on the fromage and •chain -
stitched biases on the baek. It is in
tbe lower trunk in the cupboard
beside the back room, ander your
Winter overcoat, it not there, it
must be in the sealed box on the
third shelf in the `front room eup
board. If yon don't find it there it
must be somewhere else. The trunk
keys are in tbe second wardrobe
drawer, unless they were put in the
chiffonnier ; and I think the keys
are in a vase on one of the mantles.
Pack the waist so as to not wrinkle
it ; and, ob James, please do not
swear Your loving wife,"
Always relieved promptly by.
Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild
When you are seized with an attack of
Cramps or doubled up with Colic, you
Want a remedy you are sure will give you
t eller and give it quickly, too.
You don't want an untried something
that Mee help you. You want Dr. Powler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry, which every
one knows will positively cure Cramps and
Colic cluickly. just
a dose or two- and you
have ease.
But now a word of
proof to back up these
assertions, and We
have it front Mr. John
fl awke, Coldwater,
Ont., who writes:
"Dr. Powler'stxtraet
of Wild Strawberry is
wentirrful cure for
r.,Da, ramps
arid ilk the stomach. / was a great
*Lifetree until 1 gave It & trial, but now 1
lave peered comfort."
Of 1,,ocal Interest.
To all who have felt the evil effects of
deranged Kidneys is the assurance that
Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidno-Liver Pills
are meeting with enormous sale and un-
paralleled success in this district. Back-
aches and aching kidneys are fast be-
coming a thing of the past where Dr. A.
W. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pillsare known.
Coe cent a dose, 25c. a box, at all deal-
.A. Scheming 'Yankee.
A couple oft Hullett farmers were
imposed upon a short time since by
a sharp yankee who pretended he
was in quest of thorobred stock.
With one breeder he made a deal
ror the purchase of six head for six-
teen hundred dollars, but no deposit
was made, the breeder thought he
bad corralled a rich eu.stomer and
drove him here, there and elsewhere
throughout the country. They vis-
ited a number of farms, and at an-
other Hallett homestead a thorobred
Durham was bought far seven hun-
dred dollars, a big price, indeed, but
it seems to have aroused no suspic-
ion in the minds of the sellers as to
the bonafides of the purchaser.
According to the arrangements the
stock had to be inspected by a veter
inary before payment was made,
but when the vet. put in an appear-
ance on the first mentioned farmer's
premises he was refused permission
to examine the stock until the price
agreed upon was in sight. In the
meantime tbe supposed purchaser
had gone to Goderich and after run-
ningeup a hotel bill there, which he
failed to pay., disappeared and has
not been heard from since. The
high priced Durhatis .still remain
with the original owners, wl:o have
kept mum about the whole trend-
Ohildren Ory for
The Wrong Poeket.
The other day two ladies entered
a, street car at a time when seats
were a possibility. One was a stout
overdressed. lady, the other was
evidently' ber daughter.
"Shall I pay the fare mainma ? I
have my purse with me," said the
yonng lady, sweetly.
"Oh, no, I'll pay ; I have plenty
of change."
Thereupon she leaned sideways
and commenced the intricate proeess
of searching her draperies for her
pocket.. After a minute or two of
funiblieg, during which her face
grew an apoplectie red, she exelaitn-
ed, tragieally :
"Laura! Whitt shall 1 do? I'ye
been robbed 1 My plum is gone—
my pocket is entirely empty,
Perhaps, madam" said the gen- —
i i The Canada Life Assurance Cortitiernari by her side, in whose pocket Agents:—If Yott want to make !pithy proposes to move its' .head -
she had been rumbling all the time, $2.60 and expenses, daily, handle quarters froth Hamilton to Toronto
"perhaps if yeti search your otyr: "The Light of Life." 1 wit n tbe nett month, and prepara•
pocket instead a tato you. will be} illtAlittlf-GAIIIITSOlf OM, tinot4d, 1 dons are now being made for the
more likely to and your purse." . BATAVrit'OltD, Owr removal.
20 YEARS TORTURE. The Bull and the Rea Wagon.
BonoviLe Lady,. Wboni Baotou
Failed to ROA Oared, at
Last by Boan'attlney
No one who has not suffered fromkidney
disease can imagine the terrible torture
those endure who are the Vied= of some
disorder of these delicate filters of the
body.Airs, Richard Rees, a Well-knownandllighLyrespectedladyQfBeuevifle,
and highly respec ted lady of Belleville, Ont.,
had to bear the burden of kidney comFlaint
for over 20 years and now Doan's Kidney
A writer in Forest and Stream
tells bow two friends of his set oat
to find a certain trout stream in a.
wild region twenty miles from San
Francisco :
Riddle bad imported fr11
om 1308t0,
a Wit express wagon, with the gear
painted bright red. A part of the
route led. them across a pasturage
for wild cattle, and their fist intl.
Mation of mischief was the bearing
clown upon them of the whole herd,
headed by a bull,pawing the ground
and bellowing
I "Ward," said Riddle, "that fellow
t means mischief, We must run for
willtili‘IIIM111111111111 011111111011010111,11111,104,411,
I The men whipped up the horse
pets have cured her when all else faileg. !and tried to escape, but it was use-
Iler husband made the following state- Iless. ; down came the drove. The
inent of her case:
bas been. a sufferer f‘r(oFin°rp2acinY?aint.tshine Ybawelicre, i bull cthe men and barged the wagon,them belong-
capsizedized it
sleeplessness and nervousness and general and threw
prostration. Nothing seemed to help her, iings to the ground. T hen, for pro -
Doctors and medicines all failed, until we ' tection, they crawled under the ve-
got a ray of hope when we saw Doans
Kidney Pills advertised as a positive cure. ; htelet and the ball battered away at
"She begaa to take them and they helped i the wheels.
her right away, and she is now better in ; It happened, that Riddle's gun had
every respect. We can heartily recom-
mend Doan's Kidney Pills to all sufferers, landed within reach. He crawled
for theyseem tostrikethe right spot quickly, • from wecler the wagon, .
slipped in
and their action is not only quick but it is i two cartridges, ' 0.11d the null, at its
more in favor of these !inneRxt charee, was amazed at receiv-
"I cannot say
e couple"of charges of shot in
wonderful pills than that they saved my ,
wife from lingering torture, which she had , the face. The drove stampeded at
endured for 20 years past, and I sincerely the report, and the bull followed,
trust that all sufferers will give Doan's shaking his head, evidently in great
Kidney Pills a. fair trial."
;surprise at the tendency of red wag-
- to
constipation, biliousness II 17:atnoegr. .° off in that disagreeable
LAXAa sick headache and dyspepsia. 1
in a sling,
IRpillact guaranteed
andi The two ftsherulAn returaed to
Pi ELLS Eve Every
ing, weakenin or sickening ;ameffects. sc. at all druggists, 'and the other very much, battered
iabout the face, The wagon was
immediately painted a sober green.
. High Lights.
The contented wan is often a man
with whorn all he kinsfolk are dis-
When a man is henpecked, even
the women who would treat hira the
seine way feel sorry for him.
• The woman who tells you a secret
knows in her heart that you can't
keep it any better than she could.
Cynicism is an indiscreet acknow-
ledgment that life's worries have got
the better of your cheer and courage.
Man is known by the company he
keeps. Woman is known by the
company she .keeps when she enter-
There is a current prejudice
against housecleaning, but every
real woman likes to tie her head in
towel and stir things up from garret
to cellar.
It is more blessed to give than to
receive, especially when your cook
makes better strawberry shortcake
than that sent over by a woman
next door.—Chicago Record.
The Reason He Changed Situa-
tions .
"Did you hear the reason 1 left my
old employers," said a drummer the
other day to a few friends. To this
enquiry ebey alt gat4red around,
fully expecting to hear a good story
as "Tom," (familiarly called by all
his friends)! tilted back in his.chair.
"I answered an advertisement
about a new book "Light of Life,"
as the title struck me ,very fore,ibly,
and I found it contained the story of
the New Testament.. :t•lgether with
explanations of all the more diffieult
portions, thus being a complete Corn-
roentary. It also eleiteins the cone
plete lives of the Apostles; that this
book was really two volumes in one,.
embellished with some of the best
illustrations I ever saw.a The statues
of the Apostles were by the renown-
ed sculptor, Tborealdson, these hale
ing been reproduced and published
itt conneetion with the Sixteen
Masterpieces of the world-famous
Bloekhorst, Hofmann and Halm en-
Inowing that not a famll'
thousand had the lives of the Apostles
or a Commentary, and that this book
would have an enormous tale, and
as my old employers could not hold
out sufficient inducement to equal
the offer or the Bradley. Ga rretson
Co. United, 1 concluded to give up
"drumming," and took hoid of
"Light of Life," I assure you friends
that this change as the wisest I
ever made, and I shall never rejret
it. If you want to make money
easy -and fast, write the Brantford
House for a position like mine.
For Over Fifty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their claildren while teeth-
ing, with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wind Colic, and is the best remedy
for diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part or the
World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalUable, Be sure you ask for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
An Accomplished Barber.
A famous archaeelogist came into
his club recently, hie erudite count-
enamee ornamented at several points
with. sticking plaster, and there was
a general enquiry among his friends
as to what was he matter. "Razor,"
said the professor, briefly.
"Good gracious i Where did you
get shaved 2" asked oue cif our young
members, sympathetically. •
"It's a strange thing," said the
man of learning. el was shaved
this, morning by a man who really
is, I suppose, a little above the ordin-
ary barber. I know of my own
iknowledge that he took a double
'first class at Oxford, that le studied
in Heidelberg afterward, and spent
,several years in other foreign educa-
tional centres. I know also of my
. own knowledge' that he has contribut-
ed scientific articles to ' our best
magazines, and has numbered among
his intimate friends men of the high-
est social and scientific staliding in
Europe and' America„ And. yet,"
soliloquized the servant, "he can't
'shave a man decently." - e
"By Jove I," exclaimed the young
member, in astonishment, "what is
he a barber for With all these
accomplishments 2" ,
, he isn't a barber," seed the
book worm, yawning, "You see, I
shaved myself this morning."
Seit/ti.0 a 444
is one of the most, torturing and painful
diseases, No one need encitfre torture
filinayv elocriugt:rci sohlmiel bort wRobreut asteiostra'illds
never fail to give prompt reslier from the
pain. 50o, a box, all druggists.'
; A gentleman hi Berlin made the
statement Tuesday that a man Itt
Galt by the name of Keefer, being
some 'relation to the late Matthew
Wilkes named one of his children
after the millionaire. It seems he
Was the only relative to do this and
it pleesed the old gentleman so well
' that when the contents of his Will
were made known a few days ago
the child was fouild to be the heir to
81,000,006. Mr. Keefer now firmly
believes that their is sotnetlitng in a
"Necessity knotva ne law." It is a law
, of Nature that,the blood must be kept
• pure, and Hand's Sarsaparilla does it,
"et el. Leet,Lete
, E
FAC -$11,10.E
Castor% gs pat tip in one-sizo 'bottles only. It
Is not soldln. bulk. Don't allow anyone 03 sat
you anything else on the ulea, or promise that ie
is "just as good." and "inn answer every pup.
pose.if tar See that yea get 0 -11. -S -T.0 -B -I -A,
tipsters 4.4411111&zer .• trey
ate/x/p":"" is or
co mapper.,
The Sao-
Thousands of Young and Middle Aged Men are annually swept to a Rremature_grave
through ear y indiscretion and later excessee. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood
Diseases have ruined and wreaked the life of many a promising young man. "Have yon
• auy of the following Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired m Lmorning; No Ambi-
tiont_Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable,. EyeE; Blur; Pimples on
the Face; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggarll ooking; Blotches; Sore
Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Distrusttul and Lack of
Eller ty and Strength. Our NeuAfets4pd Treatment will build yon up mentally, physically
and sexually.
Chu', l'^rier.on.
"At 14 years of age I learned. a bad habit which almost ruined
-me. 1 became nervous and weak,: Illy back troubledme. I could
stand no exertion. Head and eyes' became dull. Dreams and
drains at night weakened me. I tried. seven Medical, Firms, Ricc-
i' .:LZI trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. Thor gave me
no help. A. friend advised me td try Drs. Kennedy a germ. They
sent me ono mo'nth's treatment and it cnrecl me. I coull feel
myself gaining every day. • Their New lacked Treatutene cures taxa
0..rtat an on.: in all e lse They have oared many of my friends."
Dr. Moulton,
MIPB7 11'1'1E13.
"Some 8 years ego I contracted a serious constitutional blood
disease. I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost
idlled me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat
became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotshes, oyes red,
loss of hair, glands 43nlarged, etc, a. =Weal friend advised Dm.
Kennedy & Kerganssii"ew Method Treatment. It cured me, and: I have
had no symptoms for five years. ten marriedend happy. As a
doctor, I heartily recomend it to all who I is ye this terrible disease—
Cum,. ajagailis." 'twill eradicate the poison from the blocti."
"I nm 88 years of age, and ni mica, When young led a
gay me, Early indiscretions and tater excetsses maid* trouble
for mo: I became 'mak and nervous. My kidneys became
affected and I feared Bright's disease. Idarried lif was unsafe.
factory and my home unhappy. I tried ever/tiling—all failed till
'4 4.4. I took treatment from Urs. Kennedy and Kergan, Their flaw
` Method built me up mentally, physically and sexually. 1 Zeal
and act lilts a man in every respect. Try them."
lio Names Used Without Writter
Consont of Patient. • •
Our New Method Treatment hover failcortncri
Esonsea of mon.
re latitens the booy, stops all
drains and losses, purities the blood, clears the brain, ['Lis up tho nervous awl sexual
systems and restores lost vitality to the body.
we Guarantee to ettre Nervous nebillty, Failing Manhood,
sypW woorieocele, 4/. trice tare, Gloat, ihntatural diSehargea,
Weak 0.'arts anti all Kidney and Madder it laeasea.
R NIF BErt tartroretdTilirldCayrettoft =soar itircep.g. srtlatIt. on
, Dre, Kennedy Za Keratin are the leading (medalists of
ran no risk. , Write them for an honest opiniori, as matter who treated. you. It may
save yon years of regret and suffering. Charges resionahle. Waite for a
glilleStltDr1 Eist and Book Free. COnSultation Free.
.4 ,,,,, ;,;.• '
ii•arafham•me.....vor•nanimeemtded46,111.r........momousomo' Veweenentecumna,....glinennwitestant
To PATENT Good Ideas
,efip LOGS!,
G- S
may be secured'bY
THE PATENT 550050,
our sid.
flaithhere, Md.
Sewer and
Culvert Pipe
01 StZ191 trona 4. 11, 1,, 24 Is,. Also
Wftatr= 1,0•R
Highest cash prices paid for alt
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts
delivered in our yard.
done at lowest 1)11008 and satisfaction.
guaranteed. Call and get prices be -
tore disposing of your timber.
THE ONTAP15 PIFF pitar .,tio A vet
360 -1-;' I .121.01.1'. .P.111.174 ik SON
.; C'A ''''' '' ' " 4 . +'
t, 4Z
1:.•,4, '.., , ' 4.k ,,,,,
;‘.. 'fli,,V.,•0 41'
.k‘,. ., ; ,
simitating theFoodeudReguta-
ting the Starnarks andBowels of
tiritt,53,tVGittO!...., ,-
Tic .
nese andllesteontains
Opiuni;Morpitine %tor
limp 'NAB c 0
12erf,e c , Old .71rSil IVIILLPfie...1?
AmAirs t‘e.01-
slix.,Vennes +
Raid& Sae-. •
.inite&ed .
ApPermint ..
RE rank•zateSodv •
Aim, Sred •-•
(204di.:sd Sugar .
ilitiztiveriP Nartv
Aperfect Remedy for
tion, Sour Stomacti,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convulsions,reverish-
• r:vss andLOss OF Sr4EEP.
— —
Tac Simile Signaturc,of
• 1.4.:,"r. :1, ;,-,44130,=
"et el. Leet,Lete
, E
FAC -$11,10.E
Castor% gs pat tip in one-sizo 'bottles only. It
Is not soldln. bulk. Don't allow anyone 03 sat
you anything else on the ulea, or promise that ie
is "just as good." and "inn answer every pup.
pose.if tar See that yea get 0 -11. -S -T.0 -B -I -A,
tipsters 4.4411111&zer .• trey
ate/x/p":"" is or
co mapper.,
The Sao-
Thousands of Young and Middle Aged Men are annually swept to a Rremature_grave
through ear y indiscretion and later excessee. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood
Diseases have ruined and wreaked the life of many a promising young man. "Have yon
• auy of the following Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired m Lmorning; No Ambi-
tiont_Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable,. EyeE; Blur; Pimples on
the Face; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggarll ooking; Blotches; Sore
Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Distrusttul and Lack of
Eller ty and Strength. Our NeuAfets4pd Treatment will build yon up mentally, physically
and sexually.
Chu', l'^rier.on.
"At 14 years of age I learned. a bad habit which almost ruined
-me. 1 became nervous and weak,: Illy back troubledme. I could
stand no exertion. Head and eyes' became dull. Dreams and
drains at night weakened me. I tried. seven Medical, Firms, Ricc-
i' .:LZI trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. Thor gave me
no help. A. friend advised me td try Drs. Kennedy a germ. They
sent me ono mo'nth's treatment and it cnrecl me. I coull feel
myself gaining every day. • Their New lacked Treatutene cures taxa
0..rtat an on.: in all e lse They have oared many of my friends."
Dr. Moulton,
MIPB7 11'1'1E13.
"Some 8 years ego I contracted a serious constitutional blood
disease. I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost
idlled me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat
became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotshes, oyes red,
loss of hair, glands 43nlarged, etc, a. =Weal friend advised Dm.
Kennedy & Kerganssii"ew Method Treatment. It cured me, and: I have
had no symptoms for five years. ten marriedend happy. As a
doctor, I heartily recomend it to all who I is ye this terrible disease—
Cum,. ajagailis." 'twill eradicate the poison from the blocti."
"I nm 88 years of age, and ni mica, When young led a
gay me, Early indiscretions and tater excetsses maid* trouble
for mo: I became 'mak and nervous. My kidneys became
affected and I feared Bright's disease. Idarried lif was unsafe.
factory and my home unhappy. I tried ever/tiling—all failed till
'4 4.4. I took treatment from Urs. Kennedy and Kergan, Their flaw
` Method built me up mentally, physically and sexually. 1 Zeal
and act lilts a man in every respect. Try them."
lio Names Used Without Writter
Consont of Patient. • •
Our New Method Treatment hover failcortncri
Esonsea of mon.
re latitens the booy, stops all
drains and losses, purities the blood, clears the brain, ['Lis up tho nervous awl sexual
systems and restores lost vitality to the body.
we Guarantee to ettre Nervous nebillty, Failing Manhood,
sypW woorieocele, 4/. trice tare, Gloat, ihntatural diSehargea,
Weak 0.'arts anti all Kidney and Madder it laeasea.
R NIF BErt tartroretdTilirldCayrettoft =soar itircep.g. srtlatIt. on
, Dre, Kennedy Za Keratin are the leading (medalists of
ran no risk. , Write them for an honest opiniori, as matter who treated. you. It may
save yon years of regret and suffering. Charges resionahle. Waite for a
glilleStltDr1 Eist and Book Free. COnSultation Free.
.4 ,,,,, ;,;.• '
ii•arafham•me.....vor•nanimeemtded46,111.r........momousomo' Veweenentecumna,....glinennwitestant
To PATENT Good Ideas
,efip LOGS!,
G- S
may be secured'bY
THE PATENT 550050,
our sid.
flaithhere, Md.
Sewer and
Culvert Pipe
01 StZ191 trona 4. 11, 1,, 24 Is,. Also
Wftatr= 1,0•R
Highest cash prices paid for alt
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts
delivered in our yard.
done at lowest 1)11008 and satisfaction.
guaranteed. Call and get prices be -
tore disposing of your timber.
THE ONTAP15 PIFF pitar .,tio A vet
360 -1-;' I .121.01.1'. .P.111.174 ik SON