HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-08-04, Page 11
VOL. 1424.
Watch for new advt;
next week.
HOM11111 .4, SON.
. ,
Oommeroial School in Canada is the rit
111 Tst
I Am tAit1:2 SixTY Pelt CENT. of the
1 students we enrolled during the
posit year from .outeicle of Strut -
lot d came from° nearer otheebusi-
nese cellegee than ours. Write for
our new catalogue. he the finest
,0 business college catalogue in Oen- tre
e; tide and •represents the Most Pro- ell
te gressive and Best School. iral
-el W. J. ELLIOTT. Prineipal. in
Ataritace Licenses
Issued by rtteiss PAernsore4 No 23,
toria. StreeteWinghena, Ont. NoWitnessee
. , flu
Our Clubbing List.
In Odor to sec() our subscriber's tho trouble et
making two or more romittanoes we Imre made
motels' arrangements with tho publuthers by whieh
We aro enabled to oiler the following publications in
eonneetion with tho WINGliatt TIMES at speolat
low rates from now until Dec, SIst,1809.,
Times and Weekly Glebe, • O. 25
Times and Western Advertiser, . 1 40
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star
and Picture . • 1 75
timed and ranters' Advocate, • 1 90
Times and Iroming, weekly,. • • 175
Times and Montreal Weekly Witnese, • 1 00
Times and rafters' Sun, r • 1, SO
Woes and flatly Globe • 4 20
Times and Daily World • • II 00
Times mid Country Gentlemen, , 2 7o
Thine and Weekly !dell and 'Empire 1 95
%Vitae and Dolly Montreal Ileraid, 2 00
f40thitiel olubhing rates with all nowspetiore and
mageaftu quoted on application.
Addeee en orders to or call at the
111=8 OP VICE
See Halsey Paries advertisement,
Dr. Butler, •of London, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the ern
Wednesday of emelt month from 11,30 nem.
till 8 o'clock p, na., for consultation in
diseases a the eye, ear, nose and throe.
STOCK SEIMIENTs.--aoriday wee a stock
shipping day at the 0 T R depot. Thos
Jones, of Listowel, shipped a car of sheep
to the Old Country Mr M Nichol!, of
Toronto, shipped a ar of cattle to Toron-
to, Lead News Bur hill & Robertson a car
of hogs to Collingw od.
Fine DIVIDEND- dividend of 13g cents
ou the dollar to the reditors of the Corlett
Financial Co., of eeliimay, has been de -
dame. Tbis make a total dividend. of
28e edits to the cre itors, shoh, though
small, is still oonsid rably larger than was
expected at the dm of the failure.
•A TsAcumn'S G on Wonx.-eir. J D
Campbell, teaohne the Delmore sebool
and son of Mr P ter Campbell, of this
town, sent np 10 c ndidaten for Entrance
P S Leaving all e whom passed. Mr.
Campbell is an e rgetic teaoher ad this
record is highly. editable to both teacher
and pupils.
Foomera, MATC .-The Wingham junior
football team we t to Blyth on Friday
last and played game with the Blyth
eArators" (7) T1 e score was 1 to 1- •
boys went over t play, the Blyth juniors
bat upon arrival t tho grounds they hnd
to face a pielted t am from several pots 10
Huron county,
Fen ittle Hector, the horse
that won first oney in the ftee-for-o,11
race here took rst -moeey at Porth on
Thursday of last week. In the first heat
of the race the °median, half -mile track
record, held by the Perth trace, was
lowered to 2.13e. Little Hector won in
three straight h ats, the time being 2.13e,
2.1G, and 2,1:6e.
WatiTno-On short term plan. A. young
man to learn tailoring and cutting. Apply
to Webster a Go, Queen's ploolt, Wing -
Tree Onexem St mere - e Orange
Sentinel and Protes • nt Advocate, of To-
ronto, celebrates its silver jubilee by ie.
dulging init splendi eight.page illustrated
edition, The supple ent is printed on the
best of paper and c ntains excellent eats
of Ring William, II, Quiet' Vietoria,
Hon N ()loam Wall ce and other Orange
celebrities, together with biographical
sketehes of the Medi rethren.
W nbiuc BELLS.
consummated at th
Mrs Jas Wilson, P
day rnorning of le
eldest &blighter, M
marriage to Mr Li
Palmerston &teed..
Wingba After a
to and other plaints
will take up their re
The Trams, along.wi
Fon Sme.-A. two volume Funk &
Wagnalle Standard Dietiono.ry, as good
es new, for sale cheap. Apply at Tines
Natitow ESOule Four visitors from
Seaforth, named' 1'4.trick eleCtthey, Time
Merrily, Martin Mc bee and John Sutherland had a narrow e cape fretn drowning
in the lake at Bayfi d on Sunday last.
They went out for a 4ow and the boat was
capeizsd, A. uuaibo4 of Indy vieltors, ttho
were on the shore, ass Led the unfortunates
out by throwing hoe de into the water
which they clung to a d wece carried to
the pier.
Tins Hons.'
troubled with this ag
upon then cattle WO r
lowing receipt, which
fug operation upon th
Cluelph for the past tw years ; "To one
gallon of Ash or good t tiller's oil, put in
four teaspoonfuls o qrllde Carbolic Acid
and spray the animal tjwine a week," This
preparation has the Iepnbation of never
failing to acoomplielJ its purpose, and is
absolutely harmless t tire cattle.
HOUSE MD LOT eon eteme.-That desir-
able property on the south aide of tne
Diagonal reed, belooging to T Bowles is
offered for sale. For terms and particu-
lars, apply to Hoteen & See. '
Acomexe`To Jon McLever.VOn Mon-
day shortly after a/ on a serious accident
befell our townsman Mr. John A. MeLeo.n.
He was up in the tof of the saw mill look-
ing for a piece of 1 mber and lost his
hainalce.and fell to t e floor below. In
falling ho hit a large ece of timber which
come down with him lighting on his leg
and breaking it in tw places just above
the ankle. He ale sustained eevire
bruises about the sboul ers and armArle
was immediately remo ed to hie home.
Two physicians were s namoned end the
fracture reduced. The accident will lay
Mr MoLieen aside for se al weeks.
Mae' Foe Boxer. he editor of the
Toms leaves town ett onday next for a
few weeks leolidays. We intend taking
in the Canadian Press seociatiores exour-
don to the Padfic Co et. ' During our
absence the affairs of t re office will bo in
the hands of Mr W .7 Elliott, of the
Ingersoll Otr9iole. a d formerly of t4e
Trues staff.terMr tt will be pleased to
receive orders for adv rtising,job printing,
' etc, end is empowered to receive money
title on snbacriptions �r Otherwise, and
give reoeipts for same Our readers can
1 i 6 hi i Iii kb i
o those who are
'Iterating little pest
commend the fol.
as been in success -
Model Farm at
pretty wedding Was him any items of n we that they may
residence of Mrand
have: t'poneur re urn we will, give our
merston," op Wednes--,;readers a general outl ne of the territory
t week,.
'when theii' and places visited do ng o r absence.
rgaret *ins united in '. ' *
eoln Herobly, -oe the PAlLILY GATIIEBIN rhhome
e of Mr.
Mills and formerly of and Mrs M Welker, f East Wawomose,,
of family go.thering
edding tour to Tont- •
Saturday nI last we k. Mr and Ars
ast the young couple
, ealker have a famil of eight sons and
deeee in peemeeeten
the maty wingeoen one aeugliter and all be sons gathered at
the Id hotne o the bove day ad spent
ether. A. groupe
friends of the gro tn., wish t a young
couple a henry wed ed life. , very plea -Bent time t
picture of the patty
A Femme Wreen neee.--The 'following ie thegroupe eeiee 4
extracts frees a tette received by Mr r) M
Gordon this week, fr in Mr le J Bleekeeell, gather with tilde wi
and Mrs Walker, sr
of Oakland, Colter la formerly of, the eight eons are t -ea
Winghern foundry, 01.' bo read, with mter. the firm of Walker
est by our readers i "Elieleeed reit will ; tun derilers and no
please find express o der for 05.00, to apply
F, Winghatte 1 se by the - ,,,, hllaill, Liberian et
on my dues to Cour Maitland, No 25, "u v wee, Toronto ; Jo
MI" filet the Pollee Fore°, ana
Court attended Div ne Serviee in 0, body • and George, ef, Best
ono. week evening. 1 would liked te•beve
been with thett. Leaving your town sol 1V4"IN' ° 331314g
soon after joining tie Order, 1 bed but in ()Vent took p
little chanee to study the special featuees i morning at the red
of it. I am diddled, however, te bave rnyi Petrick street, it li
insurance plead n 0. verde Ottiladiall . his el ""4" r' 11°e° 146bettri°111 to
Order. I have t ore confidence in things t Mr G W Wright, of nawkeshary. The
Canadian than for My.' i have eot get : eereteene was Pod tined by lee* 15
as taken, the number
, which included
and the eon
es and children. he
W and, Wesley, of
ros & Batton, eurni.
ertakers, Wiegho,m ;
he Parliament Build -
of the Toronto
mins, Ina°, Elisha
getiet but interest
00 on Wednesday
etee of Mr AI Gray,
ing the marriage of
homesick to got h ck to Wingham. Every- : Pare) in Yee Peeeene• of the itorneeiate
thing is eatisfactory here and. family well,' relatives.W., Mr G bery, of idertiord,
Kind regards to W ngharn frit s." I n/tleiarodse grooms an and eifitse Maggie
teasel were eurprise on. 6 .eeeee ee Gray, sister of the b ides ted in a, like.
A. VEllir Sunoer e°DetEe:TbrItgue'reeMiteaicaleleatme5;y°Thiertti3iegs lit' act artit'Inirldl beildinf °Ikrtvrilit.11111:11 oildbrileflon:' °i' aCtlialti:64LJ brtrirdiiiinieasi
had been at the. 1,00,61 horavatt of white swot peas. Alter tee
Of her sow:in-1sta, r John „MeLean, dat. ceremony i g company partook
to hear est the de
which took place at
morning. Pere Gr
ing Monday afterneon and itptetteed in her 'et err ereh°rata wed 411112"' Mr and
morning her busby d heard her Moaning train for a trip • Toronto, Niagara
usual health the evening. Early in the Mrs Wright left en the 1 Oveloek 0 P
ill bed and she ap eared. te be choaking. /thd 11:41rItti att°t
resident of Winghatn
ars, mad has been a
the teeobine lteff of
where 'the wive hied in
both by tettoberd 0,ed
moon* friendi wlU join
her a loog and
Before 110 ooul4 jItoPUro assistance the they will reside i Hawkesbuty. The
131d1t is supposed that the e
y the accident which for 15,flun'ber
may have had aamd„ value; member
entdden death. Mrs! the .pu13* wheel
respected by a taro I the highest. rep,
years, Throated !Lb* TJ755
spirit had fled.
shoelt, occasioned
befell Mr Mo1.4ean
thing to withi±e
Gray was n woman
circle of friends ar
Wingham for mt
leaves a husband
eerie and daught
sympathy of th
sudden affliction.
haen ad beredident of aoh°1"*. El"
int*Votbas rough
re, eeito will have the
I Cuso 1tmeursou elm get thTrues
ral family of graWil: lip
oettunataity ha their anii, Weekly Glededearth the end of 1809
for 60 *sure. r
FAST Itilnige.- On T11131)&4. morning
Violet Beattie timed j W Reeder' on a
trial against time fo straigetawaY.
which was ridden i 20e swamis in spite
of n stiff bead win John rides the Wel.
loud Vale Co's ePe feet Racer" for wbleti
Jno Clegg es Co are (eel agents.
Excunsere •cemnses.-The excur.
sion to lebentrdine eesterciay, meter the
auspice) of the Exet r Masonic feedge was
largely patronized. 'Then the train reach-
ed here over six hi ndred had been sold
along the line, etween seventy and
eighty tioltets were so 3 here. A. lime band
accompanied the excl rsioniets.
AeTeureit Nem Lem were-Wercl was re-
ceived Monday at ti e Provincial Board
of Health offices, Tor nto, of the death of
four bend of cattle rona anthrax near
Listowel. A bacterio °d�1 examination
of the spleen of one o the cattle had pre-
viously demonstrated he cruse of death,
and oubseterently the nnouncernent came
that anthrax had prow d fatal to four ante
male. The local °Met tis are bong relied
upoh to take precentio
ters in the various divi
ships 'should see to It t
thistles in their respe
cut at tsetse. Th
liable to a fine of $19
tended to during the
any farmer who is in
seed blown on to his
cute. As the pat
many divisions; have
matter, the verioes
that it is done at on
xy measures.
'ens in the town -
at all weed.; and
tive divisions are
patimuteters are
f this was net at.
onth of July, and
anger of having the
roperty can prose.
masters, in a great
not attended to this
trundle should see
Campbell's. Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to,cure headache.
-The summer hol clays are half over.
--Ausiust 10th is lifford's civic holiday.
-Secure the T11TEB till the end of' the
years; only 40 cents. -
6 A CENTS for the Times and Weekly
%.1 Glebe until January, 1900.
-Quarterly cervi es will beheld le the
Methodist eherch oI Sunday next.
- Camp Caledon re, Sons of Scotland,
will meet on Mond(y evening next,
BicyCles special 3 only* gente at cost
prices, John Clegg & Co.
-Next Tueeda evening the School
Beard will hold it regular monthly meet-
--A oonple of It liens diecoureed'sweet"
11111810 on the stree e of the town on Tues-
- The regular na thly. meeting of the
town couneil will be held on Monday
evening next.
- The Winghain ase ball dub played
a game at Einem ine mi Friday last.
Enough diet!
• We gnerenree "Dempo" to cure,
sore or sweitting feet oc money refunded
Campbell's drug store. ,
- Listowel B uner, Chesley Enter.
prise and Palmersto Spectater are taking
their annual holide this week.
-Grapes promis an enormous crop in
Essex. Essex is th greatest corn.growtng
county in Canada, d the yield this sea-
son will be very he vy.
-The Toronto G bo of Thursday of last
week contains a 1 gthy article dealing
with tbe Huron? p aye trip to Dawson
City, also a map el owing the route. The
evade is much al ig the same line as the
one given in the Te es of last week,
CENTS %veil pay for the Trams till
January let1-1900.
That's the way we test
tisually the eyes differ in sight.
A glass' which suits one injures the
other, and ultimately both suffer.
We use modern appliances, and the
greatest are t Oid a misfit.
k misfit would hurt your eyes and
our reputation.
-1± is reported th the total numbeof
fatalities in the A.m rieso army in the
Philippines up to Ju e 2nd is 730,
-Tbe front's of t stores occupied by
N A Vauquhareeu tad Mists Boyd have
been treated to a fro 13 coat of paint.
-A new gravel w lk is beIng put down
on the Diagonal E cl from the Bank ef
Hamilton to Beatti Bros' livery stable.
-J J Elliott, V S, of Clifford, well
known in this Yid ity shipped o, car load
of horses from Cliff rd to Manitoba, last
Dr. Macdonald Is now permanently
at home and e843. be consulted by
his patrons'.
-The Wingham gg merehents shipped
•a car load of eggs to British Columbia laet
week, Another c rwifl be sbipped this
'-The members
Chosen Frieecte,
friends, will hold
next Tuesday even
-The thermonee
day morning,wbieh
frost mark that ha
of July for some y
-Al Clevelan
Canadian pacer,
mile of the year
the distance in 2,
-The Brace
Walkerton,. has oh
Namara is the ne
assume control ne
-Mr Edivard
the gravel reed ne
the TIDIES office
which measured 5
• -Messrs John B
stove and anware
are having tue i
beautified with a fr
-The Madsen
berre., offered for
the Brenswicit ho
to Mr James Hirt
-The wholesale
eteare vefthereede
sentatives from A
The "drummers" w
during that time,
Try leing'e Clearing Sale All 10c prints
for 5o. High Class Organdy Muslins and
summer dress goods at half price. Ring
pays cashier butter and eggs. Try the
sale during July and August.
tf 0. Eon, Wingham.
- The general age t for the Sharples
Cream Separator we in town flat& week
and made arrangern nts with Mr G A
rater put in his store
f Wingham
along with invited
picnic on the fiats
er registered 60* Mon -
is said to be nearest the
been kl1C1W11 at the end
on Tuesday, the
e, paced the fastest
Oompetition, going
• erald, publiehed ab
nged hands. Mr Mo.
proprietor and will
t week.
ines, who resides on
r ,Wingham ; sent into
veral stalks of oats
t 11 inches,
gg & Son, the new.
en in the stone block,
terior of their store
sh coat oepaint.
60 dare faun in Turn -
le by public auction at
se on Monday, was sold
. The price paid was
grocery and spice deal.
their. travelling repre.
gust 7th to the 21st.
11 enjoy their vacation
Newton to have sep
hero for inspectioe.
-The twelfth ann 1 convention of the
Bruce County Wome 's Christian Tem-
perance Union will held in the Town
Hall,•Faesley, on We nesday and Thurs-
day, Aug. 10 and 17.
- Tuesday was mancipe.tion Day.
Sixty.five years ago t e Imperial Paella-
ment of Great Britain eoreed that slavery
in the British posoessi s must be abolish-
ed, and so it has been er since.
.-The prize list for e Turnberry Agri-
cultural Society's 'fall, show, to be held in
Wingham on Septemb 19th and 20th, are
now in the. bends of to printer and will
be ready for distributi in a few days,
A boon to the eel(
again. T P Smith, E
in Wingbarn at Colin
store on Thursday, Au
only.' /f you have an
sight it will pay yon
Examination free.
ed ; he is coming
Specialist, will be
Campbell's. drug
ust 10th, "one dey
defeot in your eye
call atid see him
. •
1 early.
-Tlae machinists.1 the Grand Trunk
Shope, Port Huron, w nt on strike Tun -
day. The troubles we mused by an non-
union Matz being pia to work in the
'shops. Every branch of the Internation-
al Machinists' Assoei dot and the 41TIlal.
go.mated Association of Engineers Who
have men in the 0 play of the Grand
Trunk have been no ided and the strike
will probably extend ver the entire syse
tett '
WHIM ALL attoitO
itt a noticeable tact that nearly every
man yod meet smokes the Itturion vigae
that .1 Motelvie sells for five cents, The
landon 'beats them ell-
leA.L.e.• riktits.
Northwestern, Wingham. Rept 1140,
Western Pair, timulon, Sept
Industrial rair, To onto, Aug 20.Sept 0.
Northwestern, GM rioh. Sept 26.28, • :::,
Ashileld and Waw nosh branch, bungen.
tier), Oct 1I-1.2.
Hawn Townsitip,Illipley, E.,lept 2641.
Morris Drench, lityth, Oot 0.10,
/Caron Central, -Clinton, Sept 1.14-0.
Other dater will be *died as rotated
trona iskorebarioa:i
Rich in Diastase,
therefore an excellent
restorative where
digestion is weak.
4 LAROII 0I1OWD or xcusaromsTs VISIT
ooDesicg-TE WM:MAUD 11
Wednesday was \ Ingham's Civic hall -
her favored the pro-
xooters of the Union Sunday School suer.,
sion to Goderioh an. it Was 5 swami).
A. train of eleven c.. elms left the etationi
here with 748 peep)on board to spend
the day on the sh e of lake Huron.
Belgra.ve, Blyth, Loi desbore and Clinton
contributed a nun be to the crowd. TWO
extra coaches had to' be pot on at Lender-
boro and wbep the train reached the
county town thereew s on board 1,090
pleasure seekers.
The bag crowd w re let off at the
'station and at one Etude their way to
the lake shore where the time was spent
inboating, etc. The nly attraction, for the
large crowd-excepti a few small boata
which -accommodated bout one hatdred of
the orowd-was the baseball match. The
game was played o the' agricultural
park, Wingham Winn ng by a score of 25
to 15. Between 300 nd 400 lovers of tho
game were present to witness the play-
ing which was a very poor exhibition of
bell. Errors on b h dace were more
numerous than base hits. Had the
Wingham team given their battery good
support the Goderich score would ho.vei
bean much smaller. Up to the sixth it
looked as if Winghata was going to get
the worst of it. Pe nington was ham-
mered all over the 1 'in this inning
and assisted by errors in the field Wing -
ham riled up six run . Tbis gave them
a little ginger and t y blanked Gode-
rioh lee their half, McHardy replaced
Pennington hi the venth but he was
very wild. The fir t two men up were
bit and the third too rst o a balk.
Stuart followed with a hot itner which
could not be healed nd the "halms."
went np. Before the were retired eight
men crossed the plate Goderioh took
their inning and ade a desperate)
attempo at a garde° finish but gooa.
work in the field, eep daily in the box;
retired them with onl two runs. Joe
(Iowan and MeLaughl n, formerly Cana-
dian league players., acted as umpires
And their deeisions ere judicious al-
tbough the Gorierie1 .oys did some kick-
ing on the balls an. strikes decisions.
Winglintres pitcher had a slow bell
which made the t oderich boys look
"foolish." Invade. ly they looked like
balls bht they would "out the plate" and
the batter would "ge angry."
The game was cal ed at the end of tho
seventh innings to • now the Wingham
boys to catch the exc rsion train for home.
The sore
Witighant ... 0 6 1 0 0 0 8-25.
Godertch . .... - .1. 0 5 2 0 0 2-10.
Goderich, as well e every town, has its
tough element. ben the Wingham
crowd were leaving the park a number of
homiltune lined up a one side of the street
and "showered "rocl ," A number cf peoele
were hit by the tlyi g stones. Little George
was 'Amok rt the head with a big
stone itud knots& uncontekitte. Such
rowdies should b severely punished mai
had Ste gang tot 'took to the woods" they
WOW ootainly teeeived it.
The train left I .deritit about 1.50 on tist
retort journey. The accommodation veal
Itntlted 0.tra a 1 go number of tired ex-
eurtelotaide war tted to etena up ail the
Ivey home.
fill the liusin ss plucks a the kora Werfet
(dosed during a day end Ore town Ma
almost &ea
day. Excellent we
4 .4` ". 7
es, •