HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-07-28, Page 651 1�`� �* a �r yy inquiry intra' the ad>nlni;tratiola of ,) � �: t l 'i t iE^ i Chet Y nkOii, t}r fitlareely t4 isaay pasties Without its. addi:tiott to the MSS of •"""' unprejudiced evidence favorable to Itet1DA.Y. _at I,1 „s, 1800, the Administration aneleontrovci'tiug • - Sir iHbbert's charges, evidence eniplc in quantity and quality tosatisfy the country, withoutt the vast cost of the enteanaiSSieln. The latest Prow sur eau Correspondent. proposed ? Ottawa, duty 22. contribution, and one of the Most The statement of the Minister of valuable, yet made public, is a bro. iititll with reference to the •obser- chore from ttae pen of Mr, A. N. C, ane of the regulations prohibitingTrettdgotd,. M. A., of Oxford,. Eng;. the side of intoxicauts in the Militia, whiele is described by the Mail and ,camp canteens was wee timed, ex. Empire aa the best Klondike book elicit and eminently satisfactory, not that hes been published, adding that only to the temperance party, but to "+lir. Treadgeld is a thoroughly coin- al1 reasonable pedicle who have the petent man, 'On deals With his interests of our citizen soldiery at subject "iu a echo and businesslike liearr. The President of the W. C. Way." With such a certificate of character frons such a source the following extract will carry weight one would inaaglue, even with Sir Ribbert Tupper. After setting out in detail the character of the popu Cation of the Territory the writer says ;- •"A perusal of the above will show how plentiful a crop of griev. aures could be collected by a corres- pondent with an appetite for the garbage of a alining oamp, and without that power of 'perspective which is eo necessary and yet so difficult to exercise in hurried letter writing. OUR OTTAWA WIEB. T. U. had written to the Minister complaining that all kinds of drunk- enness and excess had been preva- lent during the London camp, where- upon, the Minister instituted careful inqutried and ascertained upon un• impeaehahle evidence that no ligpor had been sold in the camp at any time. However, in bringing the matter before Pal ]lament, Dr. Borden produced voluminous documentary evidetace to show that he had, from time to time during his encumbaney of the office, taket1 special pains to enforce the regulations which abso- lutely prohibit the sale of liquor within the limits of instruction tramps. It is, of course, impossible to make any regulations that will prevent the consumption of that. by the men when off date and on leave outside the camp limits, but there has been no attempt on the part of Mrs. Tnornle1. the W. 0. T. U. President who made the charges, or any one edge, to prove the statements which she lues. made, although she has been speeitieally invited to do so by tte ilinieter. ODD SORT OF PROHIBITIO1'ISTS. Lt is rather extraordinary to find Opposition speakers and newspapers who have been so exceedingly solici- tious for the Temperance cause and so painfully anxious that the Govern- ment should attempt to enforce pro- iiibitory legislation upon tbe country cinder conditions which every practi- cal mall recognizes would h itu tt failare,—it i t extraordinary, I sat;, to see these folks comp aining be- cause of tbe prohibitory regulations enftrced by the Militia Department, -The Citizen newspaper for instance, tdec'ares editorially that it "falls to see why prohibition should he inflict- ed on 3,000 or 5,000 citizen soldiers when prohibition does not prevail in Canada. A military camp is a town for the time being and when off duty rebs citizen soldier who wants a glass of beer stloaid have the same privi- leges as the civilian. We think the temperance people are taking a mean advantage of Tommy Attkins to en- force prohibition under military law when they cannot get it sanctioned by civil law.' The man who ques- tiol.s the wihdom of excluding liquor from our instruction camps will not I3e univer: ally accepted as a safe tor of experimental farms, all speak i uide on questions of public morality.of the outlook fir the craps in Man - Happily fur the country tele young } toba and the Territories as excellent. men who form the bulk of our mil.t Dr. Pletcher who has just returned ria corps appreciate the wisdom of from a trip. through some of the best restriction in these matters and have grain growing sections of the West, aro desire to have any such retrograde declares that the crops are every - step taken as the Citizen suggests, where in first rate condition. Some of those best able to judge say that CALM AND fUSIN'.ESS•L1NE. there has never been a better promise There seems to have been an in- tuitive foresight in the refusal of the Government to concede to Sir Rib- bert Tupper s petulant and irrespon- sib'e demand for a colntnissioit of none too soon, and it is fortunate for the farmers of the West that the deepening of the St. Lawrence can- ills has been . in the hands of so energetic aminister as the Hon. Mr. Blair, for the last t r ee yeas,or it 'I is pretty safe to suppose they would not have been ready this fall as we are confidently assured they will, THEY WOt1LDh'T DO IT AGAIN "-1 thick that every corresponaent who wrote upon "Yukon grievances" and "Yukon scandals" would pro- bably write differently, if he were asked to write again on the same subject, for it is beyond. question that "grievances" and "scandals" were Made on the outside to assume au importance which they never possessed in the Klondike itself.' In regard to certain short comings in the details of administration which he points out, Mr. Treadgold says; —"These sante difficulties must al- ways occur in new placer camps, in intensity proportionate to the size of the camp, but the Dawson author- ities showed singular inability to improve the record office and the postoff`ice. At best they, were both very slow indeed and the nnner who consented to accommodate himself to their methods had to put up with great inconvenience and great loss of time. It is not too much to say that the ineifleiency of those two offices was to blame for the loud talk on the outside as. well as in the Klon- dike about 'official corruption.' Such talk is puerile where the character of men like Major Walsh and Mr. Thomas Fawcett is i, question. There is not a man living who dare openly, suggest that either of them was corrupt." THE HARVEST OUTLOOK. est regards to •local costs, consequent ly any swing in the cost of transpor- tation is so wueh in the pocket of the farmer, and in handling millions of bushelsa. cent or two on each bushel becomes a very large item, The we tern farmer will therefore readily appreciate the advantage thatthe deepening wlttervsay is to lith. Stood ails Ground. "Oen you hollow grind this razor?" asked a custotner who had stepped into a razor grinding establishment presided over by a bard headed man with bristling flair and en aggressive look tart Ms faee, "You. want me to hollow ground, l suppose?" be said, "No, air," replied the other. "I want yon to hollow grind it." "If it's ground hollow, ain't it hollow ground, sir ?" "Do you think you can come in here and teach me anything about my business ? I've been hollow grounding razors for 25 years"-- "No, you haven't, You've been hollow grinding them." "Do you reckon 'I don't know what I do for a living ?" "1 don't care whether you do or not. Will you hollow grind this razor ?" "No, sir, I won't 1 I'll hollow ground it or 1 won't touch it." The customer refleeted a moment. ",gee.here, my friend," he said, "can I have it ground hollow here ?" "Certainly." • And they compromised on that basis,, each feeling that be was a little ahead.—Youth's Companion. In spite of the exceptionally un- seasonable weather which has pre- vailed in the vicinity of the Capital, reports from the country generally, and particularly from the West are decidedly eneouraging. , The bullet- ins received by Dr. Saunders, diree- for an abundant harvest, The re- duced rates and other improved transpOration facilities which have been secured by the present Govern- ment from the railways have come ITCHING PILES.. Positively and permanently cured by Dr. A. W. Chas's OUT Uii' REACH OP C0MPETIT'1017. Ointment. , The completion of the Soulanges Canal, which is the last link in the Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment is an absolute °halt of improvements giving the seat for piles, and has never been known to fail long desired fourteen feet of water tioturethe worst forms ofthis disease which bas baffled medical skill for ages. way, is of immense importance to This statement may sound rather strong to the Dominion for it will reduce the persons who do not know the superior merits east of transportation from' the iaest- of Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment, but it is per•p fectly true, and heartily endorsed by the grate- ern harvest fields to the sea -board fist testimony of thousands of men and women+ who have 'been cured by itafteryears of suffer- ing, nearly fifty per Gent` The import• and Vetter trying many preparations and mice of this feet to Canadian shippingtonsultingthe tonsultingt best otos.interests may be judged front the Mr. IL 13u11, Belleville, Ont., says.. "I take Yfiea:surs in stating that after thirty years of statement of a Chicago paper recent suffering w w}ith Itching Piles, Dr. Chase's Oint- ly to the elieet that, "the Cost of *tent bas t'tmipletely cured rate. I tried every ti. tide - leeway that was advertised,with little or no transporting lake freight to tide- r t�. benefit, but OS 1 have told different persons water will be reduced beyond the, " affected as 1 was, Dr. Chase's (Jintntent made possibility of profitable competition ire perr Ci stere °' by a n other existing route."The y g i rrie t has a racnrd f tures Chase's rat n h a u I)r: c. ha, is mtrpfaraUeletl in the history of medicine. It is Peculiarity about the wheat; market Waie ritnteed by all dealers, Oral; dtpanson, Iiates *CO., i 3 that the World's Current yokes are , "creates,* fixed in Liverpool, 'withoutthe slight - Rabies Tortured. By flaming, itching eczema, find' :,.ow - fort and permanent cure in Dr, Chase's Ointment, a preparation which has a record of cures unparalleled in the history of medicine. Eczema, salt rheum, tetter, scald head, old people's rash, and all itching skin diseases, are absolutely cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment. Literary Notes. The August number of the Deline- ator is called the midsummer num ber, and presents a complete analysis, by illustration and description, of all that is latest and most fashionable in the world of dress. The special articles of the magazine are charaet• terized by a high literary tone, and the household, social and department- al discussions are onthe usual dis• tinctive plans of excellence. • Order from the local agent of Butterick Patterns, or addiess The Delineator Pablislxing Co., of Toronto, Limited, 33 Richmond street west, Toronto, Ont. Subscription price of the De- lineator, $1.00 a year, single copses, 15 cents, Children Cry for CAST C) R I A,. Household Hints. To rid the house of flies have a window garden of geraniums and ealcealarias, and the flies will not trouble you. Never omit regular bathing, for unless the skin is in an active condi- tion the cold will close the pores and favor congestion and other diseases. When hoarse speak as little as possible' `until the hoarseness disap• pears, also the voice may be per- tnantly injured or trouble of the throat be produced. To keep moths out of the Carpets and rugs keep the room well lighted and tt.ke a little carbolic -acid and water and apply on the edges of the floor and you will never be troubled with moths. Before putting carpets and . rugs away for the summer shake thorough. Iy to- ftee them from dust, then sprinkle with powder composed of gum camphor and powder tobacco. Roll tight and hang them away in clean flour sacks. When going away for the summer see that fine chairs and -upholstered pieces are preserved from dust and Moth by covering theta with soft. old muslin sheets. After being Well beaten and dusted, put camphor and then tie brown paper tightly over. To keep moths from furs and woolens line trunks with cedar cigar bons. Pull the boles apart and tack on. With o TIM IS h some iia is or throw them in loosely and lay between your gods. Cigar bones can be had for the asking at any eigar store, and her3a close your house for the summer pnt it row of eigar boxes around the rooms, also in rooms tot usedfor some time. I will guarantee that my Rheumatism Cure will relieve lutn- ba3o. Sciatica and all rheumatic pains in two or three haure, and cure is a few Jaye, AMNION. At all druggistls, 25c, a vial, Guide to Health and Medi cal advice free. 1.605 Arch st„ Phila. RH E1JMATISII He Worked the Grocer, A true stoke of a dog found guilty of obtaining goods under false pre- SAIIBATel ittBRITIAES, ft, k tl ." 1 u.lt le ant n s ALL TUO.DIST—Rev. 1;'. iioixbs, pas. C. co. Services at 11 a m sad 7 .p in. ' PRh.S13YTERIaN—Rev. D. Perrip l --is Pueetellz;tl-- Pa lter. Services at 11 a .no and 7 p lea. EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's—Rev, Wm. Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a to and 7 p in BAPTIST —Rev. W.' Freed, pastor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p in QON'GRliiGA.TIQiii.th -- Rev. J. W. ctoteen, pastor. Services at 11 a in and i 17 p nn.. CHRISTIAN WORKBU.S -,-• Misses Qutratn and cock in a:.iutuand, Services at 3 p Iu and 8 p m, SALV -,TION ARMY --Capt. McLeod aha wife in command. Services at 11 a, rat 3 p ria and 8 p te, In enoh of the above named churches Sabbath Sohool is held at 2.30 p tn. stiff Limbs aha Joints. Nies A. Edwards, Fordwich, Ont., writes: "Last fail my little sister eight. )cars Old, was Isla un with stiff limbs and joints, even her lingers and toes were stiff and she suffered aryatiy. After using .1 -Laggard's Yellow Coil for a time she got perfectly well and is going to school again." Manitoba's Legislature has pro- rageed. .a'Dune•Noo.. , tenses has been recently told. The atintal is very fond of crackers, and bas been taught by his owner to go after them himself, carrying a written order 'in his mouth. Day after day he appeared at the grocer's, bringing Ms master'a orders for crackers until the clerks became careless about reading the docu- ment, One day the man came in and complained that he bad been charged for much more crackers than ha had ordered. There was quite ,a dispute over it, and the next time tbe dog came . in the grocer took the trouble to look at the paper, Ic was blank ; and further investi-, getion showed that whenever the ,deg felt a clewing for crackers he hunted up a piece of paper and trotted tiff to the grocery store.,— Atlanta Constitution, of HAIIIIILION I i• D111'INGHAl'Vt. 1 Capital, 44,404,520. Rest, $1,000,000 iPresident.• -Jaws if da .Vice.Presideut—A. G. Banti,w. i DIRECTORS OOHS PROCTOR. (Bo. RDAee, Ws, GIBSON, la P, A. 1'. Woo»,liir P, A. B. Lha (Toronto), oasiuter—J. T(7RNBUULL, Savings menet—flours, loto 8; Saturdays, 10 to ellowed Dopoaits of 51 and upwards received and interest , Special ) oposits also received at current rates of ir.,•,rest,. ivrafts o„ .great Britain and the United States bought and Hold W. GOR130ULD, AGENT E. II.DIO 'DICKINSON, Solicitor. The minister of a perish in Scot- land was very anxious for an old couple to become teetotallers,. ethich they 'wereia no wise caring about becoming. However, after much pressing, they consented, on eondition that they shonld keep a bottle of the ,,auld kirk' for medicinal purposes. About a fortnight after John began to feelhis resolution weakening, but he -was determined: not to be the first to ask for it. In another week he says to his sponse : ".7enney, wo roan, I've an awful pain in racy held; ye might gie me a wee drrippie, an'. see gin it'11 do me ony gold." "Well, gudenian, quote Jelly, yea e owre late o'askin', for .ever since that bottle cam' into the house I've been bothered w1' :hoe pains a n' it's a'ttune, not, 1" DR. GAUTHIER ENDORSES The statement that Mr. Major owes 110 hie iifa to . . t U CHASE'S Kidney Lever Pais i)r. J. '1', A, Gauthier, of Valleyfield, Que., writes : "I, the undersigned, certify that the contents of tbis letter, in regard to the cure of Mr. Isadore Major, by the use of De. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, is correct." Here is Mr. Major's letter: "'After 20 years of suffering from backache and kidney disease I owe my life to Dr, A. W, Chase. 1 had tried an endless variety of remedies to no avail, and on the recommendation of a friend began the use of Dr. Chase's kidney -Liver Pills. Two pills that night and two next morning gave great relief, and I continued their use until now I am completely cured. 112y friends are surprised and pleased to see me well again, for I spent hundreds of dollars in vain trying to get cured. Before using Dr. Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills my back ached so 1 could not' put on my shoes and couldn't lift eo lbs. tfy Shoulders were sore, had headachestnda bad taste in the mouth. 'These troubles are now entirely gone and what l: Say I em ready to prove. I have told toy friends of thy wonder- ful cure, and many havebeet greatly benefited by using these pills." Dr. Chase's KidneyLiver Tilts are the great- est kidney cure the world has ever known. One pill a dose, ase. a box at all dealers, or I:dmauson, Bates & Co., 1'orontas. Caveats and'rradc.Ivfar obtaln.'d and all patent IC hers conducted for ite214R11 l 1f5R$ My oSteitinihetmmcdiat r a ieinityoft ePatentOECice rand my facilities for aecurifg patents are unsu,pasadd Sand med.ei, sketch oro sOtographof invention wits descripption andstaleletit as to advantagges clalnted. .* .Y'a o7,arpo 4a matte y'ar anopirtion ab to 1 ;r,atEenZabititd't and my lac fet' prosecuting the Application ueIlli stall bo caller* Fero until- lite paten r 011trtaea. "Itotzt*rois vault," tett• teinlag tuft lnformattott beat frac. All COlinattni' ...t co on l t s l a cot:edema ed tomtit t as B lc C e I a t n>y as 0 d Cal. � t FRAM Keel N H. HOUGH 1140 R lily 0011 t s WY.:l1:SDlrz;iil'x*N. Cif,, tri. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes ',Discounted • AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced en Mortgages at .5 pet eentwith prtvilego of paying at the end of any year. Note andaocounta collected. RalmT. McIND00. 'Heaver Block Wineham, Ont This word isour copyrighted guarantee for Purity and Strength when soon on our goods. It marks them the standards for their several .purposes .and Os presence protects on from imitations and in- ferior goods. Look for it. ( Plant Spray; • Persiatio Plant Spray contains no mineral poison— arsenic or Paris Green. Sure death to .all insect life fungi, etc, ifarmless to vegetation. Canada's only relieh1e spray. Sheep Dip Persiatio Sheep pip is a preparation Por the cure of skin diseases and the eradication of -vermin !n sheep and cattle. It is highly -medicinal and does its work with no drastic or imitating effects. Endorsed by leading sheep raisers, Horse Wash' Persiatio Horse weep is a specially prepared medic. emont for the cure of skin' diseases peculiar to horses and for ridding them of all insect, pests and rennin, It has a surpassingly refreshing Effect, brightens the pelt and puts the skin:into a titer. oughly healthy condition. Price 51.00 per 84 man, Pig Wash P.erBiatie Pig Wash is suecessenliv used in 831 eases of skin diseases of Swine, and for destroying nits, lice and vermin generally. heaps the skin in a healthy condition and ensures n healthy appearance in the dressed animal for mart et. • HouseSpray Pouts y Powder. Peraiatie Lien House Spray and Poultry Powder destroy aermin peculiar to the feathered ,tock --on fowls or In sheds,° Act as a disinfectant, destroying germs and purifying the atmosphere. Used liber- ally they prevent roup and kindred diseases.. Purchase these geode from yonr dealer or send to . neared for there, We invite correapondeneo, The Piekhardt Renfrew Co., Limited, Stoultville, Ont. ARLY GLOSI NG Before placing your order for Spring Clothing call and sed our NEW SAMPLES for 1899. We can afford to sell New Goods cheaper than old stock that cost one-half ,more than new and better goods of the latest styles will to -day. cost y , e cl thes .that fit. We make o 'E , 1+1 CO. Queen's Block, V,V1:1ltk PRIDAY MO1 IIV(G ^--d'i TIni-••• TIMI? QPFIGW, JOSEPHINE STRET WING11AM, ONTABIQ. 4 auto ier'iptton prIee, $1 per year, In aciVanee AI)Vh:8T1shNO IraiLs Stena i Tyr. l U wo. 1 3 Ma. 1 me On: Cehle.n i 500 00 540 00820 00 Balt I( 1 40 001 20 12 Qa Il OR Quarter " 20 00 12 00. 7 00 4 R tone inch a Oa 4 00 I 2 04 ' 700 Legal and other eesitai AOOVcrtiee,00It,So per lino lot 2rs7lnsortioir and 3o per line foreaChsubsequent ineertinn. M0.0301ed by nonpareil eoale. 1.ov,1 notices 10c. our me for firer insertion, 54. per line for each y,tbsugueat aMilk t:. Advertisements of Lost, Ron nd,Strayed, Situation* and Business Chances 1Ventcd, not exceeding 8 line.... nonpareil, 81 for first' month, and 50o, for eacbP subsequent month,. Houses and Farms for Sale, not .exceeding 8 Une. ,. at for that month, 60% per subsequent montb Larger advertisements in proportion. These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or pr longer periods. Advert,seinents and local notices without specific dircottonswith he inserted MU forbid and charged accordingly. Transitory advertisements roust be paid in ad .anon . Changes sm for contract advertisements ust. be in at the by Wednesday noon, to order to appear ff. 13; EL,L)oTT, t'ROPa1N7fOlt, ASB PUBLraus s WINGHAM HOSPITAL. For the treatment of DISEASES Off` W011fENand SURGICAL CAtES of all kinds, For particulars address Medical S pCrinto dent, Winghein, Onti 1 YANSTONE, BAltitISTER, SULI01T011Etc.. Private and Company funds to loan .at lowest rate fntereet. No commission chargee,- Mortgagee, town and tartn property bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver block W1Nc+uan. 3. A. NORTON BARRISTEit, dcc., Wingaun., Ont, L. DICE1NSON, . DAREISTLR, ETC. uoLIOITOR S'0 BANB'Or ,trmatLy0I3. 5f0wa TO r,oAN. ()Mee—Meyer B1gnk, Winthnm 0, CA3LF11lDN, Imams/hot sorrf zTon, cottvaYANOEtt;.&a` Office—Corner Hamilton and S. Andrew etreai;'a opposite Colborne hotel. GOBitnjell. . ONTAuXO, AltTtiUR J. IRWIN, D D'S, 1, D Sf Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pe sylvan!, Dental College and LlcentL,te of the ltksal College of Dental Surgeons .of Ontario. Oftlee over ,`Post Office, Wtngham, J 5, IEROME, L. D. S , DENTIST, PIAS WITH him D. D. Ross, graduate of the 1t. 0.11. S. , of Ontario, and is prepared to do all manner of ' Dental work et reasonable prices. .Beaver Bleck, opposite' the Brunswick House, tvfngham. 1 JOHN ItITCIiIE7 !1 GENERAL IIISIIRANOI WneouAs, AGENT. OHrARro; p DEANS, Jat, WtNOatat, • .L r' • LICENSED AUCTIONEER PUL, „di.. t,OUNfi . OF HURON.. Sales attended ih any part of the Co.. Charge Moderate. JWEN CUBTtf1i, WINOISSM, ONT,,. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Perm Stook . and Farm Impleuaents, specialty. .411 orders left at the Tants Office promptly ettgnt od to. Terms reasonable. , • CX1tAN1) BUNK 11A.1r;WA7c. Toronto end East Palmerston mixed. London and South Kincardine DuPont,• - ARitiyE 6 40 a, m. 8 05 p. m, 330pto1020p.m, S 66 a m 3 nap eat 6; rid a m 11 10 a not l 80 p m 8 00 p, 11 10 a In 6 49a m. 8 .3O p m 3 30 p In i020pm SSOant SOGIBTY 1MIEETINGS. Sr d* SCamp Calodohla, No. 49 mtiet ar -"'the Ant and third Monday in every month, in she `Odd Fellows nasi. Visiting brethren weer, s J. Murrai' Chiot, it Ii' Elliott, aen..See . JOB PRUITINC, , 'NCL11tiING Books, Pamphlets, Potters, 111 rieAde, Cireuiate, dun., dto., executed in the beet atyhe at the art, at moderate prices, and on share notice. Applq or address It, 13. ELLIOTT, T tries Office, Wingham•, BOOKBINW NtL We are ptpaxed to announce that any Woks or btaytaninet left with of for Bindtnppri wta ha"ve ort prompt attention, prices ter ntnd?ng in any Ilse. wilt he given on aPpitahtiou 0 the Tants Oi o.