HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-07-28, Page 5t
T.LA1 ki'S, JULY 28, Lb09,
'' ....4r'f...' r.
Genuine Bargains...
Clearing Sale of Shii't Waists in Ging-
hams, Pique, Muslin and Sateen.
7q.•---32 to 40, were 50c, and 6oc,, for 4oc.
16-32 to 40, were 75c. for 60c,
30-32 t0 40, were $1,00, for 75c,
6•---34 to 36, were $1.25; for 75c.
3-34 to 36, were $1.75, for $I.25.
11 dart> --32 to 40, were 75c, for doc.
Hexing purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find
us in the CORNER STORE, desirous 'of securing by fair dealing and hon•
est values a share of the patronage. The present stock will bo offered at
Uoasefurnishings, Cutlery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal Oil
always in stock, Special attention will be given to cur
Having had large experience in cities, we excel in
Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam Heating,
Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel
Siding, Roofing and Metal Ceilings..-
eilin s...Call on us. We shall be pleased to wake your acquaintance, feeling
sure we shall gain your confidence.
s' '.Ril
i. , _ lie ... }��. ies.
y One Grade Only and That the Best,"
Has been. their motto for over thirty.
tears. Some of the principal features.
(which no other buggy has) are
rubber and brass washers warranted
three years, one lever top steel circle, &c,
111,cLauchiin's cost a little more that
others. but they are the cheapest in the
end. You will make a big mistake if
�.•., lace! R you don't see our stock before buying.
Mrs, Anderson, Miss Anderson
•and Miss Lurie, of Toronto ars visit-
ing I'rirs. Wm. Isbister, of Morris,
and other friends.
and Atre. Will Gardiner, of
Teeswater and Mrs, Fred Mr:Craeken
and children, of Brussels, spent Sun•
day at Mr, John Garaltrer's.:
Miss Maggie McDonough, of Wing.
hath is the guest of Miss Aggie
Miss Iiiary Scott is holidaying at
Miss Maggie Burgess, of Brussels,
has returned home after a few weeks'
visit to friends in Bluevale and vtein.
Mrs. (Rev.) Waliwin formerly of
this place, is, renewing old acquain-
tances here.
Mr. Arthur Knight, of Ripley,
spent Sunday with his friend, Mr.
Edgar Ooultes.
Miss Harris, of Winghatn, visited
Miss Lilly Fluker last week,
A number of Brusselites attended
the horse races atWingham on Wed.
nesday and Thursday of last week,
Three or four old wells have been
struck in the excavation of the sewer
and cellar connections on Main street.
Brussels Voter's List was first post-
ed up on. July 15th, 1899. There
are 115 Voters in Div. No. 1, East of
Turnherry street and South of the
river; 172 in Div. No. :2, West of
Turnberry and South of the Maitland;
and 132 North of the river, 419 in
Brussels School Board has engag-
ed theservices of Miss Maud Brock,
of Sundr'idge, as teacher for the de.
pertinent taught by Air. Welsher.
Miss Brock accepted by telegram and
domes Very highly recommended.
She will begin work after the holi-
The G. T, R. carpenter gang are
pushing the work along at the new
We can sell you a good ordinary
uggy as cheap or •cheaper than any one else, We have°them here.
We can sell you anything you want in the implement line the same as
we have done for the past 16 years, and guarantee good value. Or if yon
want an Organ, Piano, or Sewing Machine, you will find our stock thebest
that money Lan buy. •Prices and terms all right too. Como in and see us
anyway., Will be pleased to shocr you through.
Office and Wat'erooms opposite Presbyterian Church.
station. The • length was' increased
30 feet from -that announced last
week, so thatthe dimensions now
.are'20x80:. Waiting room and office
are level with the track and will be
18x20 feta and 10x20 feet respective-
ly, while the freight department is
atsed to the height of a ear floor and
�.mac..�+e.eo-�+e�4oc�►��+1:.m°°°•�•a �p�a+►oa�.�•�
As some are Today.
'Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes ; n ani. e
you nervous, irritable ; spoil your temper ;
your concentration.
'Stou can't expect to go the even tenor of year
way in a shoe that cripples, ,
"Slater Shoes" are made' to cit feet --to cover
every tender joint comfortably—make you forget
you have tt peiny foot,
They fit the first time they're worn, and ever
after, because the stretch and shrink Etas been for
ever taken out of thein while six days on the lasts.
Twelve shapes, all sires, six widths, all calors,
styles and leathers.
Goodyear welted, stamped on the soles with
name and price, ,$;.S° and $ .00F
,....,......„,„4,,.... J
For Slie Only by HOMUTH SOH.
is .20x50 feet. There will be a bay
window.in the oftiee, thereby afford-
ing the figeat"a view up' and down
Obituary; --The grim reaper has
again been in our midst ; this time
claiming for its vietinr, Mr. John
Hooey, horse -buyer, a, man well-
known over all Western Ontario.
Six weeks ago .he left his home here
and went to Elmvale to buy a load
of horses. After being there a week
he was stricken with disease and his
family were summoned to his bed-
side. After a time, however, he
got SO11e better and the family, with
the exception of his wife and seeond
daughter, returned home. This ire-
provement in his condition lasted
but a short time, however, and he
rapidly grew weaker and at last
passed peacefully= away without a
struggle on Tuesday morning, the
18th inst. His remains, accompanied
by bis wife and daughter and a
friend from Elm;vale, came home on
the night train. His casket was
covered with wreathsfrom his friends;
.one of them from his sisters was
Mr. A. M. 13abb, who hart had
charge of the watchmaking and
jewellery departments in Mr. let.
calf's store at Blyth far the past
twelve years, will open up a jew eliery
and watch repairing shop in the
building ,lust south of D. Ferguson's
hardware store, on the 1st af August,
Messrs Johnston and Scott, men-
tors of the Chisholm estate, have sold
the fifty were lot on Cott. 12, to Air,
Alex. McTCague, for if 1075. We
understand McK.ague wiri use it
as a stock farm. The one hundred,
acre farm, on Can. 11, is i>eing held.
at $5000, and no buyer hos y et ap-
peared whose offer amounts to that
The change of business noted in
the TIlsIES whieh Edmunds tit, Co.
were to .take4dlarge of the htr,:iness
now owned by it'.. N. Tburtt-li has
not materialized. Mr. Edmunds was
here for a week and took stock and
authorized us . to publish the infor-
Dr. 0. A. Toole was at Luckuow i marked with the word "urother." mation given last week.
Monday. The funeral which waavery large- On Tuesday evening uf• i;+ ' rtieek
MissILilly and Master Fred Rogers ly attended, took place on Thursday the School la aid rat ewe . ; •.t:• tie
are suffering from measles. afternoon, when Dia remains were
Mr. Andrew. Seott, of Seaforth,
visited his brother, Mr. Frank Scott
last week,
Mrs. Icing and her grandaughter,
Miss Mary Ring, spent a few days
with her son, Mr. Robert King, of
Goderieh, last Week.
Miss Bickel, of London, is staying
a few weeks with her mother, Mrs.
Mrs. Lowry, of Wroxeter is visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) D.
Duff & Stewart are working at
McGuire's bridge, Morris ; raising it,
putting in new floor and filling the
approaches. They are also repairing
Sunshine bridge,
One of our Bluevale boys, Mr.
Edgar Coultes, principal of Ripley
public school, has done well in his
school work this year. He sent
eighteen pupils to P. S. L. and ten
to Entrance out of which seventeen
and nine, respectively, were success-
ful: This is a good record and Mr.
Coultes is to be congratulated on his
A specialmeeting of the Epworth
League was held in the Methodist
chureh on Thursday eveningat
whish tea was served and a good
programme furnished.
On Saturday morning Mr. W. J.
Duff's horse ran away: L. B. Doff,
who was in the buggy, was thrown
out, but escaped injury. The buggy
was badly broken.
The Royal hotel was visited by
burglars on Saturday night, but
they failed to get anything.
Our school teacher, Mr. A.McEwen,
has succeeded well in the Entrance
and P. S. L examinations this year.
Seven of hie pupils wrote for P. S. L.
and four for Entrance. of which six
passed for the . former- and two for
the latter examination, We congra••
tulate both teacher and pupils
Mies Clara McCracken, of Brussels,
was the guest of Mies Burdette Mc-
Cracken, of the Bluevale road, for a
few days last week.
Flax pulling •will soon begin to
Everyone has been berry picking
fur the last week or two.
The sun -bonnet, of every shape ; �Vbere no farewell tears are shed.
the line'. • .
On Sundae 'evening, July 16th,
Geo,' Dryden, a highly esteemed
gentleman, paid N'ature's debt after.
an illness of two months.. He was
born on the border between Eng
land and• Schtland and went North
when 10 yea+'s of age, to Sutherland
shire and afterwards to Caithness.
For 30 years he followed the avoea.-
tion of sheep herder, being in the
employ of Captain McDonald and
the Dake of Portland With his son-
in leek Walter Innes, he engaged in
farming for 4 .years, and when the
latter carne to Canada Yir, and Airs.
Brydon followed a year later. ivirs.
Brydon passed away 4 years ago.
The old gentleman was in his 81st
year, The cause of.death was heart
failure and asthma. Since coming
to this country deceased mtt;de Iris
home with his daughter, Mrs.. Innes,
Mr, Brydon Arts it Presbyterian in t ,rr U cera Iio is
interred in their last resting place in
Morris cemetery, Turnberry.
The early part of Mr. Hooey's life
was spent in Wellesley. At twenty-
five years of age he removed to
Turnberry where he purchased a
farm on which be lived for five
years. After that time he sold his
farm and went to reside in the vil-
liage of Wroxeter. After another
five years he bought another faros
four miles north of, Wroxeter, in
Howiek, where he livea fpurteen
years. Last winter he sold his farm
and came to reside in Clifford. Dur-
ing the last twenty years Mr. Hooey
o'clock. Four names w,,,. etioon
from among I. sixty eigh I, a Hint -ants
for the prince ;,snip of the , se, „ },
the first name t`'ire"t,' tl,,- I.iJl,t,t-
went if he dealt 6s le tale. it at the
salary he applied fol; if lea, the
second, third and fourth el to re-
ceive the appointment hi the erder
given below. The names 01 we four,
in the order of choice, are J. E.
Coumbes, BBelgrave; W. H. Stewart,
Bluevale; J. A. Gordon, Kincardine;
and W. Guggisberg, Walkerton.
Mr. Coombes is thirty three, years of
age and he is ntariitd. Be holds a
second elate professional certificate.
and wrote at the exams in May for
spent most of his time in buying and his professional first, but the results
shipping horses. He was the first are not yet known.
man to ship horses to Manitoba, hav-
ing made seventy-one trips to that Elis Liffe was Strived.
province. He crossed the ocean to
and from Great Britem twenty-seven
times. In addition to buying horses
Mr. Hooey also bought large quanti-
ties of cattle, hogs and grain.
Mr. Hooey leaves a wife, five
daughters and one son to mourn the
loss of a kind beaband and loving
father ; he also leaves seven sisters
and two brothers. The sisters are
Mrs. Wtleen, ..of Milverton ; Mrs.
Clegg, of Listowel ; Mrs, Hastings,
of Milton ; Mrs. liiscox and Mrs.
Bunton, of Teeswater ; Mrs. Logan,
of Carberry, Manitoba, and Mrs.
Forsythe, pf St. Thomas. The bro.
there are Mr. Robert Hooey, of
'Crosshill, and Mr. Tarncs'liooey, of
'Marton. The sorrowing friends
hove the sympathy of a host of
friends both at home and abroad.
Thy gentle voice is hushed in death,
Thy warm, true heart is stili,
And on thy fair and snowy brow
Is resting death's cold chill.
Thy hands are clasped upon thy breast,
We have kissed thy lovely brow,
And in our aching hearts we know
We nave no father now.
Peaceful be toy silent slumber,
Peaceful in thy grace so cow ;
Thou no ra•tre will join our number,
'Thou nu woreour sorrows know'.
Yet neem we hope to meet thee,
When the spark of life is fled ;
And to Heaven with joy to greet thee,
Mr, J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, M .., lately bad a wonderful
deliverenos hem a frightful dearth. In
telling of 't he says: • "I was taken with
Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia.
Iviy lunge became hardened. 1 wa3 so
weak I couldn't even sit up in bed.
Nothing yelped me. expected to. soon
die of Consumption, w het, I heard of Dr.
KIWI'S New I)isco%ery, One bottle gave
great relief, 1 c•wtinued try use it. and
now am well ..nd at•roni;. I uat,'t et,y too r
murk in its praise .'• This n.arlelloua
medicine is the surest and quielasst cure
in the world for all Throat, and Lung
Troubles. 50c, and $I.00, at Colin A.
Campbell's, Drug Store; every , bottle
and color, is quite the fashion ancon ` Volcanic Eruptions
the lassies of the village. ; Ars ttrencf, but Skin Eruptions rou
•t life or joy. Bueklen s Arnica Salve,
fisnirarcies iron Nerve ,:ir rp„ era. m; also Old Rurning and Fever
religion a Liberal iu politics and
was well read on the leading quer-
tions of the day.
• Wiarton. ratepayers by a vote of
92 to 68 decided to purchase the
Robinson Hall as a Town Hall.
Ask your doctor how
many preparations of cod-
liver oil there are.'
He ' will answer, "Hun-
dreds of them." Ask hint
which is the best. He will
reply, 'Scott's Exntalsion,"
Then see that this is the
one you obtain.' It contains
the purest cod-liver oil, free
from unpleasant odor and
taste, ''ou also get the hy-
pophosphites and glycerine.
All .three are blended into
one grand healing and nour-
ishing remedy.
ge. aatt s1,on, as druggists.
SCOTT & U0WV13, Chemists, Toroiato.
A month ago a L,ickriow plan
named Muffin was committed fore
trial for stealing a chicken, 1-i.e. was
graven into the care i f ' the local
constable, a Mr. W. J McMullen,but
McMullen had seine cows to rake to
'the pound ,and he tt l lowed bit: prisoner
to help him drive the cows, The
cows soon became separated, and so
also did the eonstablte'and his pi leeri-
er, and as was enteral to expect the
I risoner failed to show up again. in
other woi ds he made his e"t-:tpe, .and
for allowing him to escape the con-
stable was guilty of a grave offence.
Ile was brought over here on Satur-
day to answer to the civil get before
M. McN:a.mai a, .1. P., , yd was sent
up for trial. Mr McMullen is a
highly ret-peetable tmitl, though per-
haps not eery it ell In'st'•ri in his
duties, apt the Lucknow people are
highly int'ensed as his pt u: c'cution,
•- 'VaIkern,•n 'fele-cope.
A Broelcvtlie ,girl named May
Was the result of }lis aFlendid boalth. �;',; Putt+,'.Bruises, Burns, sc..idp,: i'ettnoak, tvlrile playing set; r'aw, fell
Indomitable twill and tremendous an r,gy C le:;;.t,t,t Haud�, Chilblains. Best Pile and had one of tier eyes tura taut by
are not. found where stomach, Lever. clot on , r.rl,h. Drives out pains and
Kidneys and Bowels are out of order, . two's. ,)nth '3�J. a boo. Cora guaran-
If you want these qualities and theme i two :S,1d Lr . CAA' bo . bel] brag -
cess they bring, use Dr. Icing's New Campbell, o-
Life Pills. They develop every power
of brain and body. Only 25 eon is at Colin 1:4.1tON.I.TEii,.
A. Campbell's Drug Store.
Thi, ;•i't" elks Wroxeter, need
GORRIE t rpaii to „•
Mies Lola Ferguson, cf Winglaatn, 1 rriieit•r yt to w411 represented at
is visiting with Gurrie friends. the 1V ieeltatri races last week, -
Mr. S. T. Wilson, of Alvinston, is The woollen trill is being re•
visiting with friends in Gerrie. paired.
Mrs. James Perkins is visiting I•er 11i.•' Elemor Welker was visiting
daughter, Mrs. Williams at Lisle. what Palmerston friends this week.
Miss Alert' Perkins spent last week ' itut,hen Snell, of Godeir, is vis
with Tees water friends, itin:t• witti his aunt, Alrsiesh.
Rev. A. 11,Farney is away for hit Millet'.
holidays. Ile will visit antler the Mr.Wm. Smith, of Ilamilton,i ufilieted. itDarerdisappoints.
parental root` at 1 Iinvale: :Tent at few days with his brothers in h::urnatiern—"t believe hood's Sar.
,, =patina luta no equal for rheumatism. .It
Last week Mr, John Megtlire re the viiloee, has done me more good than any other
t -elves a telegram from pist,t ul;t
i' ,• h Ali'. i' aln-ore and wife, of The Ines- ni d,t':io T have taken" Mac. reelect
Ohio, stating that his son, Welling,. fend were visiting! with theft' sots Iilr. ; :,, 1'.rattaptou, cent.
Ali... H. B. Elliott, of IVinghatn, eould not eat or sleep. Different remedies
a protruding' nail.
"Every Welt Man
Hath His slit Day.
A doctor's examination
might show that kidneys,
liver and stomach are normae,
but the doctor cannot analyze
the blood upon which these
organs depend,
Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes
and enriches the blood, It cures you
when "a bit off" or when seriously
" 2a o11ag!^t 'r Sftrr illy
long Illness, I
' ington, was in the hospital danger h,.rt. f.,<• :t few days. Ct'aa t'ery tveni grid had at clad caU.li i
ously ill with typhoid fever.
i my .r twat thy did not help me but hood's ilarsap>arlila
Mrs. Vittte and her dtttighter, \Ir:. ;y cleat of firs, Jtyhn oartiard hunt JI work?
" ' Mr. ;inti M t's. IIol>bs of Toronto,
.place, are at present in town 'rliitillr, ,
fronds. et.e•r'l .tit., t;t,•sr di; tighter, i4trs. A.
E Paulin.
Mr' Andrew M. Newlands, a wall Mr, John Bray and son Earnest,
known manufacturer of Galt, did spent p.irt of tot rweelt, visiting ItootlsITN uwitvertea ,h3neeirrfrttteetta4
vllip a teltrao to tAPA Wart 'n rrit i SAT'►TNri
i suddenly, fri�it.ds near zit. :`,latrys,
scot sin noir able to eased to
Must be sold before Aug. 1st,
pa) Everything goes et cost.
Hexing purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find
us in the CORNER STORE, desirous 'of securing by fair dealing and hon•
est values a share of the patronage. The present stock will bo offered at
Uoasefurnishings, Cutlery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal Oil
always in stock, Special attention will be given to cur
Having had large experience in cities, we excel in
Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam Heating,
Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel
Siding, Roofing and Metal Ceilings..-
eilin s...Call on us. We shall be pleased to wake your acquaintance, feeling
sure we shall gain your confidence.
s' '.Ril
i. , _ lie ... }��. ies.
y One Grade Only and That the Best,"
Has been. their motto for over thirty.
tears. Some of the principal features.
(which no other buggy has) are
rubber and brass washers warranted
three years, one lever top steel circle, &c,
111,cLauchiin's cost a little more that
others. but they are the cheapest in the
end. You will make a big mistake if
�.•., lace! R you don't see our stock before buying.
Mrs, Anderson, Miss Anderson
•and Miss Lurie, of Toronto ars visit-
ing I'rirs. Wm. Isbister, of Morris,
and other friends.
and Atre. Will Gardiner, of
Teeswater and Mrs, Fred Mr:Craeken
and children, of Brussels, spent Sun•
day at Mr, John Garaltrer's.:
Miss Maggie McDonough, of Wing.
hath is the guest of Miss Aggie
Miss Iiiary Scott is holidaying at
Miss Maggie Burgess, of Brussels,
has returned home after a few weeks'
visit to friends in Bluevale and vtein.
Mrs. (Rev.) Waliwin formerly of
this place, is, renewing old acquain-
tances here.
Mr. Arthur Knight, of Ripley,
spent Sunday with his friend, Mr.
Edgar Ooultes.
Miss Harris, of Winghatn, visited
Miss Lilly Fluker last week,
A number of Brusselites attended
the horse races atWingham on Wed.
nesday and Thursday of last week,
Three or four old wells have been
struck in the excavation of the sewer
and cellar connections on Main street.
Brussels Voter's List was first post-
ed up on. July 15th, 1899. There
are 115 Voters in Div. No. 1, East of
Turnherry street and South of the
river; 172 in Div. No. :2, West of
Turnberry and South of the Maitland;
and 132 North of the river, 419 in
Brussels School Board has engag-
ed theservices of Miss Maud Brock,
of Sundr'idge, as teacher for the de.
pertinent taught by Air. Welsher.
Miss Brock accepted by telegram and
domes Very highly recommended.
She will begin work after the holi-
The G. T, R. carpenter gang are
pushing the work along at the new
We can sell you a good ordinary
uggy as cheap or •cheaper than any one else, We have°them here.
We can sell you anything you want in the implement line the same as
we have done for the past 16 years, and guarantee good value. Or if yon
want an Organ, Piano, or Sewing Machine, you will find our stock thebest
that money Lan buy. •Prices and terms all right too. Como in and see us
anyway., Will be pleased to shocr you through.
Office and Wat'erooms opposite Presbyterian Church.
station. The • length was' increased
30 feet from -that announced last
week, so thatthe dimensions now
.are'20x80:. Waiting room and office
are level with the track and will be
18x20 feta and 10x20 feet respective-
ly, while the freight department is
atsed to the height of a ear floor and
�.mac..�+e.eo-�+e�4oc�►��+1:.m°°°•�•a �p�a+►oa�.�•�
As some are Today.
'Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes ; n ani. e
you nervous, irritable ; spoil your temper ;
your concentration.
'Stou can't expect to go the even tenor of year
way in a shoe that cripples, ,
"Slater Shoes" are made' to cit feet --to cover
every tender joint comfortably—make you forget
you have tt peiny foot,
They fit the first time they're worn, and ever
after, because the stretch and shrink Etas been for
ever taken out of thein while six days on the lasts.
Twelve shapes, all sires, six widths, all calors,
styles and leathers.
Goodyear welted, stamped on the soles with
name and price, ,$;.S° and $ .00F
,....,......„,„4,,.... J
For Slie Only by HOMUTH SOH.
is .20x50 feet. There will be a bay
window.in the oftiee, thereby afford-
ing the figeat"a view up' and down
Obituary; --The grim reaper has
again been in our midst ; this time
claiming for its vietinr, Mr. John
Hooey, horse -buyer, a, man well-
known over all Western Ontario.
Six weeks ago .he left his home here
and went to Elmvale to buy a load
of horses. After being there a week
he was stricken with disease and his
family were summoned to his bed-
side. After a time, however, he
got SO11e better and the family, with
the exception of his wife and seeond
daughter, returned home. This ire-
provement in his condition lasted
but a short time, however, and he
rapidly grew weaker and at last
passed peacefully= away without a
struggle on Tuesday morning, the
18th inst. His remains, accompanied
by bis wife and daughter and a
friend from Elm;vale, came home on
the night train. His casket was
covered with wreathsfrom his friends;
.one of them from his sisters was
Mr. A. M. 13abb, who hart had
charge of the watchmaking and
jewellery departments in Mr. let.
calf's store at Blyth far the past
twelve years, will open up a jew eliery
and watch repairing shop in the
building ,lust south of D. Ferguson's
hardware store, on the 1st af August,
Messrs Johnston and Scott, men-
tors of the Chisholm estate, have sold
the fifty were lot on Cott. 12, to Air,
Alex. McTCague, for if 1075. We
understand McK.ague wiri use it
as a stock farm. The one hundred,
acre farm, on Can. 11, is i>eing held.
at $5000, and no buyer hos y et ap-
peared whose offer amounts to that
The change of business noted in
the TIlsIES whieh Edmunds tit, Co.
were to .take4dlarge of the htr,:iness
now owned by it'.. N. Tburtt-li has
not materialized. Mr. Edmunds was
here for a week and took stock and
authorized us . to publish the infor-
Dr. 0. A. Toole was at Luckuow i marked with the word "urother." mation given last week.
Monday. The funeral which waavery large- On Tuesday evening uf• i;+ ' rtieek
MissILilly and Master Fred Rogers ly attended, took place on Thursday the School la aid rat ewe . ; •.t:• tie
are suffering from measles. afternoon, when Dia remains were
Mr. Andrew. Seott, of Seaforth,
visited his brother, Mr. Frank Scott
last week,
Mrs. Icing and her grandaughter,
Miss Mary Ring, spent a few days
with her son, Mr. Robert King, of
Goderieh, last Week.
Miss Bickel, of London, is staying
a few weeks with her mother, Mrs.
Mrs. Lowry, of Wroxeter is visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) D.
Duff & Stewart are working at
McGuire's bridge, Morris ; raising it,
putting in new floor and filling the
approaches. They are also repairing
Sunshine bridge,
One of our Bluevale boys, Mr.
Edgar Coultes, principal of Ripley
public school, has done well in his
school work this year. He sent
eighteen pupils to P. S. L. and ten
to Entrance out of which seventeen
and nine, respectively, were success-
ful: This is a good record and Mr.
Coultes is to be congratulated on his
A specialmeeting of the Epworth
League was held in the Methodist
chureh on Thursday eveningat
whish tea was served and a good
programme furnished.
On Saturday morning Mr. W. J.
Duff's horse ran away: L. B. Doff,
who was in the buggy, was thrown
out, but escaped injury. The buggy
was badly broken.
The Royal hotel was visited by
burglars on Saturday night, but
they failed to get anything.
Our school teacher, Mr. A.McEwen,
has succeeded well in the Entrance
and P. S. L examinations this year.
Seven of hie pupils wrote for P. S. L.
and four for Entrance. of which six
passed for the . former- and two for
the latter examination, We congra••
tulate both teacher and pupils
Mies Clara McCracken, of Brussels,
was the guest of Mies Burdette Mc-
Cracken, of the Bluevale road, for a
few days last week.
Flax pulling •will soon begin to
Everyone has been berry picking
fur the last week or two.
The sun -bonnet, of every shape ; �Vbere no farewell tears are shed.
the line'. • .
On Sundae 'evening, July 16th,
Geo,' Dryden, a highly esteemed
gentleman, paid N'ature's debt after.
an illness of two months.. He was
born on the border between Eng
land and• Schtland and went North
when 10 yea+'s of age, to Sutherland
shire and afterwards to Caithness.
For 30 years he followed the avoea.-
tion of sheep herder, being in the
employ of Captain McDonald and
the Dake of Portland With his son-
in leek Walter Innes, he engaged in
farming for 4 .years, and when the
latter carne to Canada Yir, and Airs.
Brydon followed a year later. ivirs.
Brydon passed away 4 years ago.
The old gentleman was in his 81st
year, The cause of.death was heart
failure and asthma. Since coming
to this country deceased mtt;de Iris
home with his daughter, Mrs.. Innes,
Mr, Brydon Arts it Presbyterian in t ,rr U cera Iio is
interred in their last resting place in
Morris cemetery, Turnberry.
The early part of Mr. Hooey's life
was spent in Wellesley. At twenty-
five years of age he removed to
Turnberry where he purchased a
farm on which be lived for five
years. After that time he sold his
farm and went to reside in the vil-
liage of Wroxeter. After another
five years he bought another faros
four miles north of, Wroxeter, in
Howiek, where he livea fpurteen
years. Last winter he sold his farm
and came to reside in Clifford. Dur-
ing the last twenty years Mr. Hooey
o'clock. Four names w,,,. etioon
from among I. sixty eigh I, a Hint -ants
for the prince ;,snip of the , se, „ },
the first name t`'ire"t,' tl,,- I.iJl,t,t-
went if he dealt 6s le tale. it at the
salary he applied fol; if lea, the
second, third and fourth el to re-
ceive the appointment hi the erder
given below. The names 01 we four,
in the order of choice, are J. E.
Coumbes, BBelgrave; W. H. Stewart,
Bluevale; J. A. Gordon, Kincardine;
and W. Guggisberg, Walkerton.
Mr. Coombes is thirty three, years of
age and he is ntariitd. Be holds a
second elate professional certificate.
and wrote at the exams in May for
spent most of his time in buying and his professional first, but the results
shipping horses. He was the first are not yet known.
man to ship horses to Manitoba, hav-
ing made seventy-one trips to that Elis Liffe was Strived.
province. He crossed the ocean to
and from Great Britem twenty-seven
times. In addition to buying horses
Mr. Hooey also bought large quanti-
ties of cattle, hogs and grain.
Mr. Hooey leaves a wife, five
daughters and one son to mourn the
loss of a kind beaband and loving
father ; he also leaves seven sisters
and two brothers. The sisters are
Mrs. Wtleen, ..of Milverton ; Mrs.
Clegg, of Listowel ; Mrs, Hastings,
of Milton ; Mrs. liiscox and Mrs.
Bunton, of Teeswater ; Mrs. Logan,
of Carberry, Manitoba, and Mrs.
Forsythe, pf St. Thomas. The bro.
there are Mr. Robert Hooey, of
'Crosshill, and Mr. Tarncs'liooey, of
'Marton. The sorrowing friends
hove the sympathy of a host of
friends both at home and abroad.
Thy gentle voice is hushed in death,
Thy warm, true heart is stili,
And on thy fair and snowy brow
Is resting death's cold chill.
Thy hands are clasped upon thy breast,
We have kissed thy lovely brow,
And in our aching hearts we know
We nave no father now.
Peaceful be toy silent slumber,
Peaceful in thy grace so cow ;
Thou no ra•tre will join our number,
'Thou nu woreour sorrows know'.
Yet neem we hope to meet thee,
When the spark of life is fled ;
And to Heaven with joy to greet thee,
Mr, J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, M .., lately bad a wonderful
deliverenos hem a frightful dearth. In
telling of 't he says: • "I was taken with
Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia.
Iviy lunge became hardened. 1 wa3 so
weak I couldn't even sit up in bed.
Nothing yelped me. expected to. soon
die of Consumption, w het, I heard of Dr.
KIWI'S New I)isco%ery, One bottle gave
great relief, 1 c•wtinued try use it. and
now am well ..nd at•roni;. I uat,'t et,y too r
murk in its praise .'• This n.arlelloua
medicine is the surest and quielasst cure
in the world for all Throat, and Lung
Troubles. 50c, and $I.00, at Colin A.
Campbell's, Drug Store; every , bottle
and color, is quite the fashion ancon ` Volcanic Eruptions
the lassies of the village. ; Ars ttrencf, but Skin Eruptions rou
•t life or joy. Bueklen s Arnica Salve,
fisnirarcies iron Nerve ,:ir rp„ era. m; also Old Rurning and Fever
religion a Liberal iu politics and
was well read on the leading quer-
tions of the day.
• Wiarton. ratepayers by a vote of
92 to 68 decided to purchase the
Robinson Hall as a Town Hall.
Ask your doctor how
many preparations of cod-
liver oil there are.'
He ' will answer, "Hun-
dreds of them." Ask hint
which is the best. He will
reply, 'Scott's Exntalsion,"
Then see that this is the
one you obtain.' It contains
the purest cod-liver oil, free
from unpleasant odor and
taste, ''ou also get the hy-
pophosphites and glycerine.
All .three are blended into
one grand healing and nour-
ishing remedy.
ge. aatt s1,on, as druggists.
SCOTT & U0WV13, Chemists, Toroiato.
A month ago a L,ickriow plan
named Muffin was committed fore
trial for stealing a chicken, 1-i.e. was
graven into the care i f ' the local
constable, a Mr. W. J McMullen,but
McMullen had seine cows to rake to
'the pound ,and he tt l lowed bit: prisoner
to help him drive the cows, The
cows soon became separated, and so
also did the eonstablte'and his pi leeri-
er, and as was enteral to expect the
I risoner failed to show up again. in
other woi ds he made his e"t-:tpe, .and
for allowing him to escape the con-
stable was guilty of a grave offence.
Ile was brought over here on Satur-
day to answer to the civil get before
M. McN:a.mai a, .1. P., , yd was sent
up for trial. Mr McMullen is a
highly ret-peetable tmitl, though per-
haps not eery it ell In'st'•ri in his
duties, apt the Lucknow people are
highly int'ensed as his pt u: c'cution,
•- 'VaIkern,•n 'fele-cope.
A Broelcvtlie ,girl named May
Was the result of }lis aFlendid boalth. �;',; Putt+,'.Bruises, Burns, sc..idp,: i'ettnoak, tvlrile playing set; r'aw, fell
Indomitable twill and tremendous an r,gy C le:;;.t,t,t Haud�, Chilblains. Best Pile and had one of tier eyes tura taut by
are not. found where stomach, Lever. clot on , r.rl,h. Drives out pains and
Kidneys and Bowels are out of order, . two's. ,)nth '3�J. a boo. Cora guaran-
If you want these qualities and theme i two :S,1d Lr . CAA' bo . bel] brag -
cess they bring, use Dr. Icing's New Campbell, o-
Life Pills. They develop every power
of brain and body. Only 25 eon is at Colin 1:4.1tON.I.TEii,.
A. Campbell's Drug Store.
Thi, ;•i't" elks Wroxeter, need
GORRIE t rpaii to „•
Mies Lola Ferguson, cf Winglaatn, 1 rriieit•r yt to w411 represented at
is visiting with Gurrie friends. the 1V ieeltatri races last week, -
Mr. S. T. Wilson, of Alvinston, is The woollen trill is being re•
visiting with friends in Gerrie. paired.
Mrs. James Perkins is visiting I•er 11i.•' Elemor Welker was visiting
daughter, Mrs. Williams at Lisle. what Palmerston friends this week.
Miss Alert' Perkins spent last week ' itut,hen Snell, of Godeir, is vis
with Tees water friends, itin:t• witti his aunt, Alrsiesh.
Rev. A. 11,Farney is away for hit Millet'.
holidays. Ile will visit antler the Mr.Wm. Smith, of Ilamilton,i ufilieted. itDarerdisappoints.
parental root` at 1 Iinvale: :Tent at few days with his brothers in h::urnatiern—"t believe hood's Sar.
,, =patina luta no equal for rheumatism. .It
Last week Mr, John Megtlire re the viiloee, has done me more good than any other
t -elves a telegram from pist,t ul;t
i' ,• h Ali'. i' aln-ore and wife, of The Ines- ni d,t':io T have taken" Mac. reelect
Ohio, stating that his son, Welling,. fend were visiting! with theft' sots Iilr. ; :,, 1'.rattaptou, cent.
Ali... H. B. Elliott, of IVinghatn, eould not eat or sleep. Different remedies
a protruding' nail.
"Every Welt Man
Hath His slit Day.
A doctor's examination
might show that kidneys,
liver and stomach are normae,
but the doctor cannot analyze
the blood upon which these
organs depend,
Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes
and enriches the blood, It cures you
when "a bit off" or when seriously
" 2a o11ag!^t 'r Sftrr illy
long Illness, I
' ington, was in the hospital danger h,.rt. f.,<• :t few days. Ct'aa t'ery tveni grid had at clad caU.li i
ously ill with typhoid fever.
i my .r twat thy did not help me but hood's ilarsap>arlila
Mrs. Vittte and her dtttighter, \Ir:. ;y cleat of firs, Jtyhn oartiard hunt JI work?
" ' Mr. ;inti M t's. IIol>bs of Toronto,
.place, are at present in town 'rliitillr, ,
fronds. et.e•r'l .tit., t;t,•sr di; tighter, i4trs. A.
E Paulin.
Mr' Andrew M. Newlands, a wall Mr, John Bray and son Earnest,
known manufacturer of Galt, did spent p.irt of tot rweelt, visiting ItootlsITN uwitvertea ,h3neeirrfrttteetta4
vllip a teltrao to tAPA Wart 'n rrit i SAT'►TNri
i suddenly, fri�it.ds near zit. :`,latrys,
scot sin noir able to eased to