HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-07-28, Page 4Or OW 41 I:Wren- The. Toronto Globe has special correspoadent travelling through Western Ontario and writing up the crop prospeets in the various- districts which he visits. The opening parn. graph or his letter trona London last week was as follows ; "A careful enquiry made in various parts of Perth, Huron and. Middlesex counties regarding tbe eondition of the erops and the Willem' prospeets meets with ttei most encouraging answers, Wbatever may be tbe state f affairs in other parts of Ontario, owing to adverse weather eitber in winter or summer, there is no diseburagement here, and the farmers have unusually bright prospects. There has not been the same period, of drouth as elsewhere, and as a consequence everything isin fair eondition. There may be a good deal in tbe method of terming. The farmers here are pro- gressive, and are ready to. admit it on being questioned. On the whole, the condition of the crops in these counties; which are largely devoted to the stock and dairy industries, is soinewnat better than in those to the east, which have been already de- serihed in these letters," Of the fruit erop he said 1—"The apple lands of Western Ontario lie on the slope toward Lake Huron, and have their best creps in Huron county. This is perhaps the most important item in the calendar of the farmers there, and tbe success of that crop means a good deed. There was an abundance of blesaoms in spring, but the cool weather at. that time prevent- ed fertilization and there was in conse- quence a poar setting, The crop,whilo by no means a failure. will be a short one and pre:be* little better than half," Fall apples are coming up very well, but the winter varieties will be short. Thousands and thousands of bar- rels otapplea are exported when the crop is beavy,but not much can be ex: peeted this .year tor other than home consumption. - The smaller fruits are all bearing heavily and above the average. The raspberry bushes were injured echisiderably by the winter, which was the coldest in this section <for twenty-seyen years, but the remaining plants bave yielded richly, and especially so in the new patches. Currants, goose ber ries, cherries and plums are till bearing more than they usually do. The friiit of these counties is said to be very free from insect pests this sea- son, the comment being made that last winter's frost killed them out," These remarks, while perhaps fairly accurate on the whole, . are open to some criticism. We are informed, with 'good authority, that in this dis- trict there will be, a considerable surplus of winter apples for export this year. That splendid apple, the Northern Spy, in particular, is mak- ing a. good showing. True it is an noff" year for apples, but still the yield will put a good many dollars in the farmers' pockets. Whether it is the result of last winter's frost or not, in killing off insects, certainly is this TifItEZ hundred United States edi- tors are touring British Columbia, tbe Northwest and Manitoba. Large editorial parties were taken over the same route last year by the Cana- dian immigration department, with very beneficial results, both to the editors and the department. Saturday Night, discussing- the salary of the Prime Minister, says: -.-- A dishonest Premier could amass great wealth although °in receipt of no salary. We desire no such system as that in Canada, nor do we need to found an official aristocracy by paying excessive salaries. We cannot continue to import these with advantage to ourselves and to the Peerage of Great Britain; but I think that we should pay the Prime Minister of Canada more money than his office requires him to spend. Sir John Macdonald, after his long and valu- able services, died a comparatively poor man whieh was more to his cred- it than to his country's." INDUSTRIES and Iron, London, England; observes that "Canada as a, factor in the world's iron supply, is a new notion to many people, and besides last year's production of 11,- 773,984 tons of pig iron in the United States the experts of the Donlin1011 tnay appear like an item from a balance sheet of Liliput. But they do exist, and along their present diminutive course are expanding at 2, good pereentane, if not yet a large amount. Siticeb1S95 the exports of pig iron from Canada have steadily grown front 250 tons, valued at $6,200, to 2,408 tqns, valued at *31,000, practically three-fourths going to the United States, most of the remainder to Great Britain, and, smalaquaritity to Newfoundland." When it comes to the o question of watch repair. 0 ing, we do not take a back seat for any man in Canada. $ 0 - LARGE, '•:. repairing trade was not • built up by turning out .' • poor work, or charging tr .a] I . .1 Price 25a. Large Tube. a For sale only at i 1 Ili COLIN A, CAMPBELLS Lartialeeltailatan,74Mn, Guaranteed or money refundech MINIM TOOTH PASTE cleanses, preserves and< beautifies the teeth, hardens the gums and parities the mouth and perfumes the breath. nitre SIOUX • "' TUE WINtili.A.M TIMES, JULY 28, 1899. wiped aut. There could not be a tn better time tor appvaling to the country or a better issue on whieh to make it. This is the true eonstia ;tational coaree. It has been tried la gain and again under the like cis mstances ,England. ienand has never been 'known to fail. The lit !Lords there have been unable to with- ff-, stand the strain or will the Senate r re be able to de SQ. Let the Tory a Senators know that their existence rj will be inevitable at stake in oppos- ing the popular will, and the trouble will be at an ord. TIIi WEST HURON ELECTION INQUIRY. Lr The investigation into the West Uurou election, wbleb, for the last week', has been proceeding before a committee of the 1.10LISe of Conamous, hits brought. to light etme frets O ADVBRVISEES, which, timegh not eonclusive of Notice of changes- must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening., Casual ad,vertise- meats accepted up to neon Thursday of each week. • ------- 414c iiva� (lints ent.I33e.Y, 3-en2e, 1800. THE IEDISTRIBUT ION BILL. fraud, certainly afford ground for suspicion. We hope that the en- quiry will'be thorough, and that the report of the committee will not leave room for difference of opinion among honest meta $ir Wilfrid Laurier's action in at once consenting to an investigation of the charges made against Liberal workers was most creditable to him. At the outset of the enquiry there appeared to be a disposition ori the part of zoom of the Liberal members to limit its scope, but the objections made appear to have been witb- The redistribution bill hes been drawn, and little, if any, opposition thrown out by the Senate by n party has been made to the fullest iovesti. vote, says the Weekly San, and it gation. This acno.... on the part of may be taken for granted that the the Government is not only com- mendable, bat it is "good politics," boundaries of the constituencies wt11. It would. have been wrong if a Gov - remain unchanged until after the next general election. As we bave already said, the measure, to us, seemed one to which little objeetion could reasonably be taken. The objection raised that a redistribution can be made only immediately after the census seems far-fetched. Would` this objection have been raised in the. Senate if the bill had come from a Conservative„ instead of from a Lib• eral Government THE SENATE'S REBUFF. THE slap on the face given to Sir Wilfrid Laurier by the Senate in Uneeremeniously •throwirg out the Bill relating to the representation of the people in the House of Commons, ought, we think, to show him pallia- tive measures in dealing with the second chamber are useless says the Stratford Beazon. Be it remember- ed that the Senate took the extreme hoarse of placing its sate on a pro. posal, with which it bad no concern, ais it exclusively affects ,the people's bouse, at the very time the Premier bas the Government Bill before the House of Commons to continue the life of the Senate instead of putting it to an end. The Senate's attitude therefore is one' of uncompromising defiance and. it has no hesitation in showing itself to be a partizan body of an inveterate type. The guage of battle hearing been thus far thrown down, we think the Premier should boldly take it ap and fight the Senate to the end. The Senate ought to be brought to its knees or ..••••••••••••40 risivl,WVit,,,A1011.^4W41046/444) $ WATCH $ REPAIRING $ eminent which used its resourses to panish the ballot box stuffers in Man itoba in 189G had refused inquiry wben Liberals were ' eharged with the same practices, though ,on smaller scale. In acting as lie has done, Sir Wil- frid Laurier has set an example to the Ontario Government. ,While the inciniry into the West Miran election is preceeding at Ottawa,. the West Elgin manipulators are still at large, and it looks now as if the arm of justice would be stayed until the criminals are beyond its reach.— Weekly Sun. NOT118. UR reas o abl e prices. ARK0.of the linister of Panic Werke, bas AX411910H11,4EORTa. Winghem, July 27, 1880. Corrected lay r. tassels, Produce Dealer, Ploar per 100 las., 1 it0 to 2 00 Spring Wheat... 0 07 to 0 GS .4•100 07 to 0 08 Fall Wheat 00111,•maR.V.p. v4....P.V*m 0 28 to 0. 30 0 30 ti) 0115 .... 0 60 to. 0 tia Tureey, drawn 0 08 to 0 08 Geese, " .... s•sts, 0 05 to 0 00 Ducks, per pair 0 40 to- 50 1314tVAN.01., 11•1•1,44 ...I. 12 to 14 Eggs per dozeu, 0 14 to 0 14 Wood per cord.... , 1 60 to 1 7a Lay per ton, . — ... . 500 to 6 00 Potatoes, per bushel, .... 0 40 to 0 50 Tallow, per lb. 0 3 to 0 4 Dried Apples, per lb,....... 0' 4 to 0 5 00 to 00 Dressed hoes,. , . . „., 5 00 to 0 00 Chickens • ............... 0 30 to 0 30 Mr. Joseph Tarte, of Montreal, son 11ALSEY$ received a, telegram from his father thefruit very clean yew: Very little injury was done to rasp- berries along the lake front by the cold last winter, although further in- land more damage may have been done. No Bight to Trgliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always havefriends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health, If she is weak, sickb, and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If eke has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples,,blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Bleltric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidney and to purify the blood. , It gives strong nerves, bright eyes. smooth, velvety skin, rich compleaion. It will make a good looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50e. at Colin A, Camp- bell's, Drug Store. O in Paris, stating that he had undet- gone an operation for liver complaint, illAis41444/164V116110611111%411.0i W111011 wad. etieeessfiil. • BUTTER AND EGGS—, WANTED. I am prepared to pay the „highest cash price for all good butter and eggs delivered- at nly warehouse! near the G. T. 0. GILLESPIE. Intabma. The people of St Mary's bave ear- rled a by-law to raise $40,000 for a water works system for the town. It is reported that Mr. Marchand, Premier of Quebeo, will be able to announce a surplus ot $30,000 on the financial, operations of the last year. N We never did; but we have seen the. clothing at this time a of the year so covered with tz.4, dandruff thct it looked as if it had been out in a regular snow- No.needoi this snowsto'rat. storm. As the summer sun. would melt the falling snow so will MORRIS. Messrs R. Warwick, John Elstota, and John Casemore, all residents of the 2ncl line, lost a number of sheep on Saturday night last, througb be- ing worried by dogs. A number were killed, and a number were very badly worinded. One of the dogs that was doing the mischief has been shot. EAST WAWANOSIL Miss McTavish, of Wingharn, was a guest at James McOtee's on Sun- da. preached at Calvin on Sunday dur.1 Rev, Mr, MeNab, of Whiteehureln Ing the absence of Rcv. Mr, Hall. Mita Albarta Rintoul visited her erniain, Miss Pearl Paten, last week, Miss Jennie Deacon is home from Exeter for tbe vaeatiOil. • mirm rinumommogrommier.,r01. rrvorlpolmtopp .m OPIP 440.141.4 iamaniaa aliaaanooi 4aeoaiios 444;6144;4144/411444e4 4414 14 41; !i Peoples Popular Store IS 111 TOC I Pr'TX 1,1 - We want to reduce our stock previoes to stock- .41. taking, and also to make room for fall, and winter Et goods. - A During the month of, AUGUST we will offer our entire stock at wholesale prices. We mean. just what we say, and will do exactly as we advertise. Terms Spot Cash or Trade. Alt goods must be paid for before leaving the store. One month only. We must turn the greater part of our stock into cash in this time. • This. is • your opportunity, if you want Dry Goods, Groceries, Crcckery, China, Glassware, 'School Supplies, Stationery, Smallwaresi &c.n, &c, .massnastimillsearican.,........mtuvlaarta..nneas. ONE MONTH AUCUST. ONE MONTH AUGUST. 1.01•ISTAIIITATTIMILIaRritNATIIITIS 3N. 0_1= FIB :a TR.3 ' Macdonald Block; - Winghsro, Ont. 11131.A EIRM 11 MI a gannet:A melt these fla!e!of4dandruff in the scalp. It goes further than 1.1.. this: itpreventstheir formation. It has still other properties: it will restore color to gray hair '- in just ten times out of every "71 ten cases. And it does even more: it feeds and nourishes the roots of the bait. Thin hair becomes ,s;: - thick hair; And 'short hair be- comes long hair. 1' We have a book on the Hair and Scalp. It is yours, for the asking, 4. Tr yon do not obtain all the benclits yott expected from Mouse of the Vigor. 't• write the doctor abbot it, Probably 1,%• , there is Some difficulty with your gen. eral system ,wiatch may be easily re- ,;" nor c 11, dinars:as. DR. .1. C. A.VElt, Lowell, Blass, ,..srmay by I,: ns.iv T. A. MILLS -for Bargains in Colored Muslins, Organ- dies, Lawns, Linens and Checks. Muslins at special reduced prices. See our line of Colored Muslins, suitable for Waists,. usual 12 I -2C, now IOC. • A full range of Scotch Ginghams, assorted colors, fro• .ra ioc to 15c per yard. . See our White Pique Shirting at 2 OC. Also a line of Colored, usual 12 I -2C for 8c. A large and well assorted stock of Shirt Waists to choose: from at cut prices. Ladies, try a pair of our Summer Corsets. Bicycle Sox .at Cost. 1 LOUNGE ROWING PHOTOGRAPHS The ndeasigeed is prepared ta receive ordete for repairing lounges and matresses. Lounges rs4coverecl, mat- resses made over, carpets sewed and laid. Lowest prices and good worktnane ship. Orders promptly attended to. Leave orders at my residence, Centre street, rod to Wm. Holmes', or address box 54, Wingharn. WM. WALIMR. coattraOt constastat 7. P. 3M1111, sCIENTIVIO EYE SPECIALIST, Or.s.luate Now York, Philadelphia, And Toronto Cuiteges. Call early and avail yourself of hi valuable services, as this is a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested, free of tharge. No guess work but a scientific certainty, Diffi- cult cases a c cu rately fitted. ALL W01U DifAltANTEP,1). Uri IfolV0r can At pelsnito /maims Will be at Colin A. Campbell's Drug Store Wirtgbarn, one day only, A.1[144. Pringle For Photos you should sea M. E. Zurbrign GROUPS A SPECIALTY 'Have von seen the ones he has in his window. Try him, he can give you any- thing in the Photo line you want, Well finished and good work guaranteed. Also Crayon and Water Colors. 14. E. Zliatiatib&Clo Opposite Presbyterian Church. Boy wanted to learn Photography. LEADING DITCHER Having •purchased the bother busn nest next the Brunswick, I am prepared to supply. the public with all kinds of Fresh and Satt 11/feats, Sausage, Bologna, &e. Orders taken and meat delivered to any part ot town. A call solicited. trbonao, 9. D. ritINGLIEL IPELTON'S PUMPS We blind our pimps to last for years and bare them in price from tl..50 up. Brass Cylinders and Galvanized Iron Piping, We have a full stock of the above goods. Call and get prices when h, need ol anything in our line. sT0/109 14111.101V0 Opp. Beattles' Livery*.