HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-07-28, Page 3t+: W iN (+LtAi'Si. TUBS, JULY 28, 1899
A ARD. veloped, A shall clap ot water to a
quart of cranberries is sutllcleut.
We. the Undoreigned,dn hereby agree The sugar' is added lust 58 tett sauce
to refund the money nn n. twenty-five is taken front the stove.
cent bottle of 1)r, Willa' Itingilsh Dills, A common fault with the usual
if, atter ueiog three fourths of contents
of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa-
tion , and Headache, We also warrant
that four bottles will permanently cure
the moat obstinate eases of Constipation.
way of cooking scrarnblecl eggs is
that they are cooked so hard its- to be
indigestible. This may he obviated
by allowing a tablespoouf,l of milk
Satiest:Lion or no pay when Wills' I • or water to each egg, cooking the
lisp Pills aro used. nti:cture only uutil it is creamy end.
Morrow, A. A. or•row, tlheaiist anti Druggiet,
Winghant, Ont. -,, stirring tneanwinte with a fork.
Colin A,, Campbell, Chemist and Drug- Strained tomato may be' sustained.
gist, Winghani, Ont. for the water or cream and tbe tntx-
.a,. L. Hamilton, � Chernist and Dug- tore served on hot battered toast,
gist, Wtnghart., On,..
The Cookbook. • For Over Fifty Years,
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—M'rs
Raisins are most easily seeded by Winslr,rr'y Soothing Syrup hits been
pouring boiling water over them, let• used for over'ifty years by trillions of
ntothere for their children while teeth
ting it stand for a few minutes and ing, with perfect success. It soothes the
pouring it off. Then the seeds ear, child, softens the. game, allays all pain,
be removed without reueh trouble, Duras wind costo, and is Gha beat remedy
for diarrbcea. It is pleasant to the taste.
it is said that cake that is stale Said by druggists in every part of the
and dry tatty be freshened so as to world Twenty-five cents a bottle, It
seem newly baked by putting it in a
tin, covering the tie with another
pan and leaving the whole in a warm
oven for 20 minutes,
The secret agouti cranberry sauce
is the use of very little water and
quick cooking, Eeight or ten min -
Land In Zontlon,
One ot the surest and safest ways
of becoming rich beyond. the dreams.
of avarice would be to possess a few
acres of land in the heart of the city
of London, or, in fact, a single acre
would make one wealthier than the
luckiest Miner that ever starved in
Johannesburg. This was proved
conclusively the aches day, when the
freehold of 54 Cheapside was sold for
X142,500, or $13, 068,000 an acre!
The highest price ever asked for
Sand, in. London was at .the rate rif
thirteen millions pounds sterling per
acre. The golden spot was Bermon-
dsey, where a few years ago a small
piece of property was offered to the
Southern Railway Company for $0,
250,000. No wonder the railway
company declined to buy.
Coming back to the city again, we
find that the ground around Lombard
street is Worth not less than $10,000,-
10 000 -
00 an acre, while something like
were in winter quarters farther Vegoablea folr l rammer i et,
SiaE WAS SAYEfl! down, For these r was a whirl of socrial events. Dances, americans are undoubtedly the
[Boatels, farces, mum lessicns, classes greatest civilized meat•eators in ttb:s
in German French and telegraphy, world. Of course savages, wbo do
Pt 'lectures ons astronomy and the eir�e. little farming lave few vegetables
aillwe rCliwIltyrWr�r��Y ,-.ofthe blood lee clubs chess G3terptcorn,beansand puwpklus,
oeekercinhs,spirtualism,mockEtitld ltvomainlyonaniatalsthey ■ i trials, autoharp recitals and such capture by hunting and. fleeing, We
kept the columns of the dailies red belie+e a due supply of animal
estore. an Ontario lady til l,ot, Church services were held
food in the winter when the air la
Perfect Health After
Years of Failures with
Other Medicines.
No Other ],Remedy' earl so EfTectu-
ally Meet the Needs of
1)ebiliated, Weak and
Nervous Women,
every Sunday at 2 p, m. The come cold and bracing.. But as summer
luunity sent two Indians down to heats come on the animal food should
Fort biePherson, 225. miles for the be replaced by vegetables, taking
mail, care so far as possible to eat that
Afterwai'dsscurvybrokeout, some which is most palatable and whose
sixteen eases tieing reported, one nutrition most nearly replaces the
man died and three or four more meat ration. Peas and beans, divest -
eases aero expected to' terminate ed of their skins, wiriest are indigent-
fatally amongst the mixed national- ible and tltoroughly cooked, have"all
ity of Windy City. But this was the nutrition of whole wheat. With
atter the pioneer parties had gone on some one of these every day and
for the Rockies about the end of plenty of fruits and. vegetables, a
December, They had two dog teams man may largely dispense with insets
R e, s , , One of the, grandest and noblest of , during the summer and be healthier
tinct relayed their supplies slows u
value is iuoaluttble, $e sure you ask for medfoial trtumpha ever given to suffer p Y p and happier without thew.
Mrs. Winelow's Soothing Syrup, and $200 a square foot was fog women is P'aine's Celery Compound, the pass. No white man ever went pp
q paid for Y P ,
take no other kind: a medicine that bus saved thousands of upWind river before. Theyro=
every piece of the land between daughters,. wives and mothers of our c eded .slowly up the river 137 miles "An Empty Sack Cannot Stand
James Ross, the wealthy colored King William Statute .and Trinity Dominion. Upright."
to the divide or pass. It was. 60
farmer, of Sandwich East, who was Square, E. G. •
brutally assaulted and robbed on a In Cannon street, in 1880, 600 sq.
lonely road at midnight on Tuesday feet of land was sold for building
utes is loog enough, as otherwise last, is dead. Levi Stewart (colored), sites for 22,500, which amounts to
the bitter taste of the seeds is de- aged 28, Is held for murder, x$37,50 a square foot, or nearly $1,-
650,000 an acre. In the sante year
building sites in Graceehureh.street
realized $95 a square foot, or 64,-
100,090 an acre, In 1886 these
prices increased by leaps and bounds
,in the same street, 1,285 square feet.
of ground being sold for $185,000,
which is $144: per square foot, or not
`far short of $7,300,000 an sere.
Going westward, land becomes
somewhat cheaper, but sufficiently
high to make it no exaggeration to
say that, •metaphorically speaking,
Londoners walk on gold. For in-
stance one could buy an acre in
Pall Mall' for bait' a million sterling,.
but if ground was required in St.
James' Square, or St. James' Street,
1 something like three quarters of a
million would be required for a like
Three years ago the Lord-Leiat.,
of Ireland was letting • his land an
the Cadogan estate in Chelsea. at
Mrs. James Constable, Seaf ortb, Ont., Writes :—" Ever since •I can remember 5250,000 an acre on building leases,'
1 have suffered from weak action of the heart. For some time past it grew constantly with .an annual ground rent of 65
worse. I frequently had sharp pains under my heart that I was fearful if T dm* a cents a foot, Three acres of his
, long breath itwould cause death.
ap going up stairsj1haci to stpptorest, titI regain, property near Sloane street were When thy cljTdrwn mad nors,while
playing/ wou'd be so overcome, sold for ninetyyears for 1$875 000.
nervousness and weakness that I could not do anything ani had to'slt down to regain • '
composure. My limbs Were unnaturally c o'd and I was subject to nervous lieadaches I The Marquis of Salisbury owns 5
and dizziness. My inenrory became uucer tain.and sleep deserted me. • area of land at Charing Cross, which
" I have been taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve P1114, Andes a result am very )50 years back, was leased for gran•
much better. I have irnprcwedinlreal'thand•strength rapidly. The blessing of sleep fing e purposes to ancestors at the rate
IA restored to me. My heart is much stronger, and the oppressive sensation has p A
vanished. I can now go up ,stairs without stopping and with the greatest of ease, j of $2.50 ` an acre for 500 years.
and I no longer suffer from dizziness or hcadacne. It semis to me the circulation of ; 1 These few acres are now worth $5
my blood has become normal, thereby removing the coldness from my limbs, I can
truly say that Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have stone ane a world of good." per foot.
, I The value of property in London
I`JXP-LIVER PIiLLS 1URE EVIDeruc COMIS•>t'flPA' ION AND iDYSPEPSIA. has trebbled since 1856, and today
-- the houses within its borders are
Scientists tell you that you
must cool you r blood befnre
'you can quench your thirst.
and, too,.they say most •Cereal
Foods stimulate the energies.
in hot weather, but, they heat .
the Mod. Tillson's Molina. Rolled Wheat is the
one exception—it gives vim, vigor; strength and it
does not add fuel'to the flame because it does not
heat the blood. Best grocers sell it by the. poued.
The Tilison qo; y, Limited„ Tilsonburx, Ont.
Which make Plymouth Twine indispens-
able for the Government Farm Service ---
greatest strength, perfect evenness, ex-
treme length, freedom from tangles, purity
—are absolutely necessary also to the trine
that will do perfect work in every harvest
field. The selection of Plymouth for.
Govt'rnment service was not made hap-
hazard, but, after the most careful practical
test had thoroughly demonstrated it to be
the BEST. Plymouth has qualities
peculiar to itself, which cause it to work
perfectly where other brands fa"l,.
4L iv I.F.u,,I..mu,
This Trade Mark
In cases of debility, weakness, nervi- Neither can
emcees, irregularities, lack of nerve miles from Wind City to the base of,poor, weak, thin blood
force, impoverished, and impure blood, the real mountains. The followed a nourish and sustain the physical system.
constipation and stomach troubles, ver finepass with an easyrade, For strength of nerves and muscles there
Y g rnuet be pure, xiob, vigorous blood.
Fame's Celery Compound is the only re- On the divide the found a stretch Hood's Sarna axilla is the standard re-
liable, true and certnln agent for the Y p p
banishment of di&ease and the establish- of ball a mile to separate the waters paration for the blood and its many re•
ment of permanent health, whi:eh flaw east into the McKenzie
Mrs. Hopper, of T'laornhtli, Ont., one from those welch flow west into the
of the thousands of women wbo sing
the praises of Paine's Celery Compound Yukon, The first part of the west
as a blessing to women, says; ern waters they called Pass river,
With very great pleasure and eats- some of them named it Hell elver, druggi
, 250.
faction I with to add my testimony to The party relayed .all their goods
what has already been said in Laver of through the pass and down the Pass
Paine's Celnr Compound. For a very CLINTON:
river 33 miles, travelling 11Q days, On the 17th instant W. T.
sleeping out when their therinomet-
ors. showed 60° below zero. Dr. Whitely, Collector of Iter Majesty's
Sloan seemed t be rvious to Customs at Clinton, one who ,.has
markable cures and the fact that it does
everybody good who take„ it prove, it
is just what you need if you are weak
and languid.
ROOD'S PILLS do not gripe.sa All
Y p
long tiwel suffered from general debility,
nervousness and run-down system..
Having heard of I'aine's Celery Com
pound 1 determined to give it a trial, a ems a slope
and 1 am happy to,sayy it has done for the cold and seldom wore a coat all played many parts on the stage o
and more good than t can express. For lire and a familiar figure oa our
ten years I doctored with other =idiot. winter. The ice moved out and '
nes without any goodresults; but after they followed it on the 23rd of May streets, passed away, although not
using Paioe's Celery. Compound 1 am : but some of• •thein followed it too 1 unexpeetedly, at the age of G2 years
perfectly restored ` to health, can eat and 6 months. He had been in fail-
well, digestion is good, and my sleep is closely as a boat was swamped and i .
now t'w and
al'wayshe Altogether, na all its dearly earned supplies last i np thstafor
d ng his strong const ntime past, -
Paine's Celery Ccmpound to my friends." under anr fee jam; Tho destitute' 1 tion, he sank rapidly. Ile was most
oues were supported by their com-
om- i attentive to his official duties until a
"HOORIN AND BRUCE.". 1 few days previous to his death, and .
A few miles farther on they struck - was an his place on Friday last, Mr.
Beaver river, came down it 30 utiles I Whitely has been a continuous resi-
and then were on the north fork of , dent here for some 17 years, and
the Stewart. Down it they came !during the whole of that time was
The retreat of Agamemnon's ten 100 miles and then met the south l highly respected by the citizens, and
thousand Greeks from Persia to the fork and glided out on the main 1haled the 'lton'orabIc position of Gol-
sea, was.not: a more perilous under- Stewart. They had not canis met ' lector of Custom"s ever si 7de'' 1892.
takieg than the march from Ed- over 70 miles (Joan the{Stewart l He t4 as a :man of refinement and
montoz to the Yukon River. The when they sighted the Fraser falls,
families of Huron and Bruce coml. These are a succession of cascades
ties in Northern Ontario, have been about 30 feet in height in all. From
famous in Canada for their numbers,' tbe falls to the month of Stewart
and the children for their hardy river is about 200 miles. Although
adveuturous spirit.. They are to be thirteen days on' the way from the
found in large numbers all over the Rookies they could have came in
known world, and' when the north six.
pole is located no doubt a representa- Beaver river, one • of the upper man of worth and counsel ; lie will
tive of these counties will be found branches of the Stewart, close to the be greatly missed and the vacancy
calculated to be worth some two to have put his location post on it Rockies is a sluggish, navigable will long be felt. Deceased was
hundred and fifty millions pounds long ago. stream. born in Goderichtownship, in the
sterling, and the land on which they There arrived at Dawson a few On the east side of the Rockies year 1836. He leaves a wife,four
are built is valued at not less than days ago a number of meat who had immense herds of caribou move over sons and one daughter to mourn his
six hundred million pounds. hcome from Edmonton. They were: the hillsides until the whole lands- dep•)rtnre. In religion he was a
Upon the latter sum the landlords Huron Party =A. G. McGregor, cape is alive with them. One of tbe Methodist and politically a Conser-
receive about twenty-five million Dr, Sloan, A. C. Alexander, W. N. party, Carl Brown, shot 45 caribou. vative. The funeral, Wednesday
pounds annually in rent; and, sooner Gray, J. W. Snell and Howard Mc- Sixteen of the party ate 32 caribou. was a large one, all classes of the
or later, under the leasehold system, Greedee. On this side if the mountains the community turning out to pay their
house property of enormous value Bruce Party :—Dr. J. E. Brown, caribou were scarce but moose were respects to the memory of the depart
will come into their bands. W. J. George and Jas. A. Ferguson. plentiful. They killed seven. On ed. lieu, 13, Clement conducted the
The owners of London include all Bay City, Mich., party :—Capt. the trail from Edmcntou to Swan services at the home and the grave,
sorts and conditions of men and Carl Brown, Meade Beaudette, Oliver Hills they lost 35 limes mit of 48. -New Era.
women, from Dukes to shareholders Carter and Wm. Pearson. They all condemn the Edmonton
in betiding societies and owners of Fargo, Dak., patty : —Jas. V in• Bulletin tor praising up this route. An Irishman's Will..
single tenements, These small own. 1 cent,. Fritz. Thiele and Ino Lanolette. John Bauret died at Simpson, 25th
ers number about 200,000. But the The last ones came by Athabasca Tune, and T. G. Orchard on reel In the name of God, amen l I,
great bulk of the rental of the met• Landing, down that river, the others river on the 8th Sept. --Yukon Sun, Tim',tliY Doolan, of Barrydown-
ropolis belongs to comparatively few came across country to Swan Hills: Dawson City, June 13th 1809. decry, ill the County of Qlare, farmer,
lieople. These parties left Edmonton in Feb- being sick and wake on my legs, but
ruary and March, 1898. They push. of a sound head and warm heart—
ed through to the Peace river with • Woman's Troubles glory* be to God 1—do make this my '
seven horses aid sleds, 400 miles
taking them from four to sitz weeks.
They built boats on Peace river,
went down it, leaving first week in
May. Passed dodvn Great Slave
river and over Great Slave lake to
beginning of Melenzie river. Voy'
J. H. Ha11, a well•to•do farmer of aged down it to the Peel and then
Palgrave, committed suicide . by tracked boats up the Peel, prospect"
shooting himself,, near Georgetown. ing. as they moved. It is a swift,
bad river navigable for about 65
"Keep the head coal and the bowels miles from its mouth. It was aq the
open," is sensible advice . to follow this
warns weather. If the bowels do net
move regularly, take Lasa -Liver Pills.
They are small in size, easy to take, and
do not gripe, weaken or sicken.
Thomas Connors, of Stratford, was
struck by freighr, train No. 91, west-
bound on Thursday anti was picked
up unconscious. He was taken to
the hospital and may recover.
education, hospitable and companion-
able at all times, and those who had
the pleasure of his acquaintance
found hini so• lie was a writer on
the Godericb Signal for some time,
wielding a pen of influence and
weight, and could attend to witty
and spicy •matters also. He wash
Permanent Cures. '
The great number of oases published
lately showing how Burduek Blood Bit-
ters cures permanently, such serious
diseases at Cancer, Sctofula, Salt Rheum,
Erysipelas, Running sores, ete, has ab-
undantly proved that when B. B. B.
cures, you're cured to stay cured.
McKenzie that they used a whaleskin
boat and found it the toughest of
articles for that purpose. During
the journey they saw the sun e:faetly
north and the sun and moon close
together iii the heavens at midnight.
The lower McKenzie opens about
the middle of June and closes about
the middle of November.
The party tracked tip the Peel
Are usually the result of an exhausted
nervous system which can be fully re-
stored by the t,ee of Ur. A. W. Chase's
Nerve Food. Women made nervous
and irritable by the wbsting diseases
which drain their system tind new life,
and vigor, new energy, in Dr. A. W.
Case's Nerve Food, ttie «arld's greatest
blood sed nerve builder,
Charles Clerk, of London, who was
assaulted last April, died on Thurs-
day after a long illness, Frank
Cahill ,and John Metotlald are await.
Ing trail on a charge of committing
the assault,
last will and mild and new testament.
First, I give my yowl to God, wben
it plazas him to take it—shure, Y,a
thanks to me ; I can't help it then—
and my body to be buried in the
ground at Barradownderry Chapel,
where all my kith and kin that have
gone before me, are buried. Pace
to their ashes, and may the sod rist
quietly over their bones ! I3ury inc
near my godfather and my mother,
who lie separated altogether at the
other side of the chapel yard. nave
the bit of ground containing tin
acres—rare ould Irish acres—to my
eldest son Tim, after the death of his
mother, if she lives to survive him,
Iviy daughter Mary and her husband
Paddy O'Regan, are to get the white
If yout liver is out of order, causing sow. Teddy, me second boy=, that
Biliousness, Siek Headache, Heart,. WAS killed In the war in AYnerikav,
burn, or Constipation, take a dose of might have got his piek ,,f the
Burglars at 13obeaygeon took eat river 22'5 miles and went, into winter,� poultry; but, as he is gone, I'll lave
lery and silverware from A. G. I3ot- quarters on Wind river, whish is theoo�si% than to his wife, who died a wake
turn's hardware store 'mod left $500 third south branch of the Peel river, before him, I bequeath to all loan
is in the safe, the Floor of welch was There they remained from 20th Onretiring, and tomorrow your di- kind the fresh air of heaven, all the
on every nut, partly blown ofl. September until tile middle of Ile- gestive organs will be regulated and fishes of the sett, they ctak
an e and
See than you get it ` ,
vl, , Cry x lcenaber, building alibis, sleds andyou will be bright, ar`tive and ready all the birds of the air they own
,1 l i�,,' .,1 i Tf �' lY" ' los satin for any l:fnd of work, This has shoot. nave to i'cie'r Raf'serty ft
prospecting, g been the experience of others; it
11:1 -'If your dealer does not handle oils. Twine, write Ply- -.. •,1 ..r `.•. 4, , < ' .- 4,'� t Some '15 miners gathered at what will be rms. HOD'S PILLS'are pint of potbeetl I scant finish and
mouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street, 'T'oronto, , .: ,,,) l,t f they called Wind City, and '25 more old by all medicine dealers, 26 eta. may God be inerel€til to him,"