The Wingham Times, 1899-07-28, Page 2err la Istiatata7 but to eoatieue, UPS Malden Speee 1 .mistake u egteetimg ymAr blood is' 4 tOnY Kip this blvoil pure with ileociail jehe carmen, a young, Sarsaparilla. lontia who WBS born and raised in Constable Dt anly, in charge of the Winghatit, was electA Its xnember canteen of the Norilictest Mounted for &alas in the N. W. T. Legisla.. Pence, dropped: dead. in the canteenture. Ile delivered his maiden at Calgary oa Friday. lie Mie! speech :in the House some few weeks from Guelph.' ago. His many old Winghatu friends will be pleased to hear of his Children Cry for , corning to thefront and we herewith CBAa; from the Regunt West ; give a synopsia of his speech teken "Mr. Connell (Soaria) moved that ti" CIRRI E whereas the farmers of many parts About seven (i'cluelr. on .1.nulay of the Teeeithejes have aueeerea omit evening news reached town that ;Ineonvellence and loss by reason of Mr. David Cochrane, of the ehn- the present elevator restrictions Ina eesaion, was intesing ited had prob. pt by tale Camdian e4eitie ably committed suieide. lie had way vourpitey and the eeno.,ituitiees been in Gerrie during the forenoon ;And monepolles which resulted t'inn and made some purchases, among' these restrictions, and an apparent others some pat is green. Ile then a„,ecimityating railway pulley in started for home and went as far ravor of such combing ions„ there. south as the Pith concession where he fnre, be it resolved that in the fumed and went to Wroxeter where opinion of this House legislation be purchased scine laudanum: He enould be passed by the Parliament then started. home but turned his horse west instead nf east and went as far as the swamp just, at the rest dence of Mr. Ringer. Here he un- hitched the horse rroin the buggy * and lot ir go, backing the buggy into the lenee. All trace of him ceasecl here and when the. horse and buy wero found, letters and papers, whieh he had got from the poetoffice indentified the rip, as his and word was sent to his friends at once. When it was learned that he had purchased the poisoa it was at ' the second that this was practically °nee thought that his body would be found somewhere in the swamp and as the news spread peripte turned out in crowds to search and at about ten o'cioelc the swaalp was full of lanterns. rl'he search was -kept up until abont ten o'cloek next .day when a telegram was received from his brother-in•law at Pinke.ton stating that he was there siek.ln bed. Later • reports conveyed Lite „sad news that tri had Joist his reason. It appear g that he was financially em- barrased and the eontineal dunning of land sharks had driven him crazy. —Vidette. 4.4 Canada eon:melting alt iailroad companies to permit the, right to anyone to build and operate ek vat - ors, warehouses or grain shutes, and to glee all reasonable and flirty dis- tribated facilities to any person to load grain direct on cars. Speaking to the motion Mr, Con - lien said teat before advancing any argument in support of tbe motion he would ask the indulgence of the House for two reasons. „ The first was that he was a poor speaker, and his maiden speech. This elevator question was one of great moment to the people of the Territories. During the course of his speech on the address the member for West Calgary said that he was proud ot his country and proud of being a Canadian. Well, he (Mr. Connell) was also proud of being a Canadian aud'had great faith in the country. There was a bright future in store for the North-West. They had hund- re& of thousands of acres tapable of growing millions of bushels of wheat. They had a great grazing country, and certain sections of the west evere rich in minerals.. With all these re- sources the country might look for- ward with hope to the future. He thought it was the duty of all who stood in the legislative halls of the land to do their duty to prevent in- flueaces for disintegration and anni- bilation, There were such influences at work ; they could. see the band - writing on the tyall. There was the elevator combine. He would like to refer to it. It could be readily un- der.,tuod that the C. 1?... R.. having the herve and sagacity „to construet a greet line of railway, should receive credit for their enterprise. The road was one or the seven wonders rositively eared by these of the world. They bad bound the :Little Pills. . . provinces of the great Dominion, to. They also relieve Distress front Dyspepsia, getherov, ith an iron hand. They Indigestfen and Too Marty Eniing. A per- (the 0. P. R.) had faith in the country fest remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsf- and pr4dieted that cereals would be :less, BadTastein the Mouth, Coated Tongue one orthe principle products of the l'ainin to Side, TOIMD meat They west, and so bad established the ele- Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. vator, system. He was quite willing to admit that grain could not be properly handled without that sys tem. However, everyone had not tbe same faith in the possibilities of the country as the 0. P. R. People ' the Eaud of the day. did net care to invest1 in elevator stoek unless special privileges were See you get Carter's, a.ecorded them, The C. P. R. accord- ingly granted to grain companies ,Ask for Carter's, certain concessions. They refused to allow people to ship grainother than Insist and demand through the elevators, As long as ' the grain and elevator 1 companies Carter's Little Liver Pills. were operating on an :ndependent ..........-______ and legitimate basis, things were in , a satisfactory condition, The C. P., Hard -'working matters that affected the agrieultur- R. at that time took an interest in ist, and their agents were instructed Farmers. twoasse egitvheant af orf a iwr heat. However. I value after some time several ,small grain Loagneers ofhard, never. companies combined and what is ending work makes Kidney known as the Northern Elevator Trouble A common e orn. plaint on the farm. Pain- avy was formed, and to be on a file weak' or lame baeks level with this company other com and Urinary Disorders are panies and dealers combined and the too frequent. Manitoba and Dominion. Elevator DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Companies followed the general ex- atnple. The result of their combines help a farmer to work and keep his health was that the small and independent -take the ache and pain out of his back dealers were forced. ottt of the busi- and give hien strength and vigor. Mr. 'Isaiah Wilhnot, a retired farmer ntfifi. It was admitted that grain living at iati Elizabeth St., 13arrie, Ont., combines existed but the men in it said r said they were formed in the interest et have been a sufferer with kidney trouble of the farmers. The companies iind pain in the small of my Wok, and in both sides, I also had a great dent of neurittglapain argued that they would be able to in ray temples, and wee subject to dizzy Spells. "I felt tired and worn out most of the time. cit down expenses, and the grain "Aline taking Doan's IsZidney Pills, X have had no pain either in my beck or sides. They produeers would be the gainers. Buthavttn1oVedt1Lcnp&ghtpa1xtftomrnVhCad, have removed the,nrit e igiaPairtfront it"- t wrWhat was the rota ? Scarcely bad 't feel at fo•vr ..,-; t.e.se.'s %-on'' arid can thee° mpanies been fatted when the billy r. \ il.i.i, is iosi 8 '. IAN -Pills are the most r.ta,,r„Li.,, vdtity cult, tad. In addition ate independent operators were refused the beet tonic I ever took." ow in the elevator% Er. Connell totAt4Aveti pill* tittIttlis •04101altipatIO*i. eited an instance in which one inde. 0 Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution petilent dealer forced his way into an elevator. Ile was refused bin spew and an order was issued to the elevators not to store his graia. He betight from :the farmers and got them to store the grain in their own names. Presently orders were issued prohibiting the shipment of wheat in the names of the femme. ,The up. shot of the business was that this individual had an interview with the 0, 1.1,, R aathorities and instructions were issued to. allow bun to ship, ,but he was still hampered in his opera. tions. In sante eases farmers go to the elevator nieu with th ir wheat for shipment ; the buyer wiR offer him No 1 price for his wheat but as he wants to take no chances he will 'only grade it No. 2. The farmer, bow'nver, Can- not get Cara and he. may want money. He therefore again approaches thb .elevator man and asks bim what be will buy his )vbeat outright tor? He :Is told lie will be given No. 2 pele,e, "Ohl but you said you would give fue. No. a," says the farmer,. and ten tile elevator man tens hitn that the offer was made a .few days 14e• vioualy and he must ba eonrent with a lower grade: now, and the farmer has no choice but"to accept: Every gentleman 'in the Hhese knew that in 1895 there was a large crap all over the territories but the average price paid ir wheat was only per bushel.' The Canadian Pacific Railway company charged 49c per bemired for icansportatiort to the seaboard, So taking•elevator charges lute consideration, ,when two: cars of wheat are placed upon the track one .of them went to: the C. P, R. to pay for transportation. The grain com- bine bad grownr. into the railway company. It was the duty of gen- tlernen reWesenting agricultural au. wefts in the House to have the mat. ter threshed out, and iv would be seen if the Parliament Of Canada took an interest in the welfare'of the people of the west: What they were asking _for was .that every man be' given equal privileges to handle grain. That would be the only Ening which would give legitimate competition. If the elevator mon. opuly were broken it would not take the' grain trade away from the elevators. The farmers would ' be ahead to pay one cent per bushel to ship through an elevator, The great ohajectinn was the exceseive dockage. If intlepeactent men we're able to go on the market, the elevator nom panies would not take more. than was absolutely necessary for their awn protection. (Applause.) • • Victoria Harbor, Ont. 11r. Joseph Currie, a respected citizen of' this place, was so bad with .rheuma- tism that he could not attend to his work. Two boxes of Milburn's Rheumatic Pills have effected a complete cure. ge Marveled Much. That Seoonel Clhapter. The new paetor was preaehing his first sermon. In the middle of it he stopped abruptly and said : "lIow many of you have read the Bible?" Fifty hands went up, "Goad," said the pastor. "Now, how many of yeti have read the seemi chapter of Jude Twenty-five hands went up, A wan smile overspread the di. vine's face. 'That's also good ; but when yon go home read, that chapter again, and you will doubtless learn some - 'thing to your interest.' Were is only one chapter in the book of Jude.— Gathrie (O. T.) Leader. Orchard and Garden. .,4•4 4.444!. Unfraitfal orchards, a a rule, are so because tbe soil is ,deficient in plant food, In all transplanting i is essential that the soil conies in ontaet with the roots. 0 Fruit trees may be panted in the yard. for ornamentanci for fragrance las well as for fruit. 1 The best raspberries' plums and 1 pears have been grown. Where poultry 1, has been allowed to Trees must be fed :east as any !other plant is fed. Many an orchard ia eitnply starved to deap. Cultivation in the etOhard while the tees are growing tends to induce the roots to grow deepeii. ' To cause a quick, st6ng growth of roses and carnations Use nitrate of soda. solution in waterink. Thinning out of the wormy and imperfect specimens of 4u.lt should be done as. soon as they pan be dis- tingnisbed. Set a pie of stiff cardboard or bend a piece of tin around cabbage and tomato plants as a protection against cut worms.—Excha,nge. He 'had been electeci member for bis native county and had come up to the metropolis to take his seat in the house. Ile was a modest, retir- ing individual, and felt quite over- awed as he stood differently in the lobby among a throng of the ordin ary members. "Well, Mr. G--," said one of the legislators near him; "and what are your impressions of the house ?" "To tell you the truth," replied the'new member, in sone confusion, "I wonder how 1 got here !" A week after he made a speech which astonished there, and the same member buttort holed hire, again after the debate. "What are your impressions of the house now ?" was the question, "Getting to know us, eh." "Yes," quietly replied Mr. G -- 'and now I wonder bow you all got here!" lie was not asked about his im- prePsioris after that.—London Ane- wers. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup wes-the tirst and origihal "pine" prepara- tion for coughs and colds. All others having the name "pine" are siniply itn. itations, some of them worthless. Bob Ingersoll recently was talking with an old eolored woman in Wash- ington upon religious matters. "Do you really believe, minty," he said, "that people are Made out of dust 2" "Yes sab ! The Bible says it is, and so I b'lieves it" "But what is done in wet weather ; when there is nothing but Mild," "Den 1 &pacts dey make infidels atf sich truck," .4444.4444.44,4 Worms.-Thesa pests of childhood are readily expelled by the use ot Dr. Low's Pleasant Wortn Syrup. It, is simple, safe, effectual, and contains its own cathartic.. Price 25c. If the -water of your cistern has a disagreeable odor, you mayget rid of it either by forcing air into it, by stirring it thoroughly or by adding borax and alum at the rate of about three ounces of. each to the barrel. A combination of these three methods is admirable. When the cistern be- comes empty from the lack of rain, give the sides a thorough scraping and take out everything from the bottom. If it can be made pretty dry the addition of fresh lime and a coat of whitewash , will also help. Keep your eisteru clean. AoRNTS Wt'- Volt "TDB 1.1Pr. ADO Achievetnents of admiral Dewey," the worlo's grettt haVal hare. By Murat Halstead, the life. JOng Priem, arid AdMirer Of tho nation's idol, Dig - gest and best book • over 600 pages, 8x10 inehes nearly100 page* halftime ilinatratIoni, Only ti1.64, Eitellts0aS dadiaad. flltg odnunlasielifi.- Outfit free. Chance of a lifetlitie, Write gulck. The Dondition CW111301)4 8rd Meer Caston Illdgs, Ottitvigti. The Reason He Changed Situa- tions. "Did you hear the reason ilea my old employers," said a drummer the other day to a few friends. To this enquiry they all gathered . around, fatly expecting to hear a gricid story as "Torn," (familiarly called by all his friends), tilted back in hie chair, "I a.nswered an advertisement about a new book "Light Of Life," as the title struck me very,forcibly, arid I found it contained the story of the New Testament, t-igetber with explanations of all the more difficult portions, thus being a complete Corn, mentary. It also contains, the com- plete lives of the Apostles; that this book was really two volumes in one, embellished with some of the best illustrations I ever saw. The statues of the Apostles were by the renown- ed sculptor, Thorvaldson, these hay: ing been reproduced and published in connection with the Sixteen Masterpieces Of the worktfamons 131oekhorst, Hoftnann and Hahn en- gravings. Knowing that not a family in a thousand had the lives of the Apostles or a Commentary, and that this book Would have an enormous sale, and as My old employers could not hold Out sufficient inducement to equal the offer of the Bradley.Garretson Co. Limited, 1 eoncluded to give up "drumming," and took hold of "Light of Life." I assure yoa friends that this ehange was the wisest I ever made, and I shalt never regret it, If you want to make money easy and fast, write' the Brantford House for a position like mine. Agents:—If MI want to make OM and expenses, daily, handle "The Light of Lite." BRAIZEY.GARRETSON OM, TAbaited,L ntrOgn,,ON • lU.,14411iMt. ..„,,,tmuomminiptittlipiiiiimmovii.ou..,„.„ ,1 ... - - r.0Pv.ROPS 7 , I - _- cASTUm - AVegetablePreparationforA,s- ' SiMilating theToOnnedRegula- tiug the Stomachs andnowels of T;I:‘ 1164,,V,t Preemies Digestieu,Che,erM- ue5s and Rest.contains neither oputtiviorpttine nor Mineral DIOT N.AlicOTIC. -----•.,44.444444.••••4 :----; ri:"."---":17 il ..litorpo grad 12rSilitalr4PIZIZWR ' rompkii 1 Sea - ' ifbativi Asolorro Sas -, 4n See ..fra r I bppermiot - .B.corOovialoSiZz, * P&p:Seed - Cloilkd Sugar • AperfectIlemedy for -Constipa- tion. Sour Stoutach,Diarrtioea, Vtiorne$,Convelsionsireverielt- / and LoasozStrzE -raf.sitvtite Signature Or eia/-/tWe70/. f , NEw Yortii. • .- ..41"45`4,:s[,'.;‘,:,:si " .s-'• cr rq: i..' . . ...;*.•-jk 4,04: . 4;c4 441444 il it EXACT COPY OF WR4A PPE R . . • tZT •: • "ST"."' -Son, SEE THAT THE FAC-StIVIiLE SI/JNATURN 0 44"•--"-', 1.1 IS ON TIM WRAPPER 01, Ey.= BOTTLE. OF CAS IA 01.010311MOWISOIMM.....n•ISION.RVeamoz.4Na castoria is put tip in one -size bottles only, is not sold in. bulk. Don't allow anyone 40 Bali you. anything else on the plea or Falba 'that it is "lust as good" and. "Will answer every pnr- poic.” Oir Bee that Ton oat 10 -.4. -&11 -0 -B -T4. tisatnttootr ° Tbo no - men - • orrovppon, • WEAK, NERVOUS DISEASED MEN 260,00« CURED IN 2OYEARS. ga-CURE. :,LIARANTEED OR iito PA Y . min IN GOLD FORA CASE WE : - CANNOT CUlt OP SELF-AI3USE, MISSIONS, VARICO- CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT- URE ULM*, :SYPHILIS, STUNTED 0 PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, IMPOTEN;. CY, NERVOUS DEBILITY, UNNAT- URAL DISCHARGES, ETC. The New Method Treatment is the -. .14 „0. Greatest Discovery of theAge w nal*. FOR CURING THESE DISEASES irlionsands cf young and middle aged num aro annually swept to. a promature grave through. EARLY vOi5dRETIONS, EXCESSES, AND; BLOOD D1SEAse$. If , - ,•;,; you have any or thiVrollowing symptoms consult us before it is too late. Are you nor- 7*.k vous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under .1% them, wealc hac1, kidnrys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and 4 . losses, so(UmonSj5 urine, pimples on the face, Oyes Sunlcon, hollow cheeks, careworn • expression, poormoinory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired morn. • ", Mrs, restless nirdits, armeable moods, weak manhood, stunted organs and Drente. lure decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat oto. YOU HAVE ,z..3EPIIINAL. WEIIKNES$1 -OUR NEW METHOD THEATMENT alone can ri cure you, and snake a man of you. Under its influ- ence tho brain becomes active, the blood purified ; so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervous - nese, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright. the face lull and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and sexual systems are inrigorated; all drains .1, cease -no inore vital waste from the system, The various Organs become natural and manly. You reel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be , amours. lVo invite all the afflicted to consult us confidentially and free et charflo. Don't lot quacks and fakirs rob yea of your 14r� earned dollara. s We will cora you or nopay. •. 11 LAS 'YOWL B 00D B1N DISEASEM SYPHILIS is the most prevalent and most serious BLOOD disease. It saps tho very life blood or the • victim and unleesrentirely eradicated front the sys- A , tom will sliroct the bliSpring. )3oware of Mercury. linR1wIT.AUY:TILbol) DISEM t It only suppresses the symptoms -our NEW METHOD positively cures it for ever. YOUNO OR MIDDLE-A(1ED MAN -You've led a gay lito, or thdulged in the Niles ot youth. Sell -abuse Or later excesses have broken down your systole. 'You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, physically and sexually you atG AOt the man YOU Used to bo or should N. Lustful practices roap rich harvests. Will you hoed the dRaEngAeOr s Eig Rnails.Ate you avt;tun? novo you lost hope? Aro SOU con tempi atinginarriage? . Has your blood boon diseased/ Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treafed you, write for an honest opinion Pro° Of Charge. Charges reasonable. Books tree -..The Golden 'Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. )8Setl etEooken'.D laeasGs°!V°nr'Vee '0-fNigSUBE3411HOUTwiirENConeNT.PfllATENoedIOI ase t C .0 . Nonames%atesore0pOd.evorything , confidential. Quest* list and cost of Treat- ment, FREE. DRS ;KENNEDY & KERGAN y DETROIT, MICH. No. 148 SHELBY ST MOM TO PATENT Good Ideas tnay be secured be our aid, Addrwas, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. Wi Sewer and Culvert Pipes 41,1minnominKtit.i...L.k.rommiimis•4 LOGS -I LOGS! • Highest wish prices paid for all kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Botta delivered in our yard. CUSTOM SAWING SHINGLE GUTTING. All Sikes frotn 4 in. as Its1 in. Also done at lowest prices and satisfaction WRt Iguaranteed0 Call and get prices be. DIE ONTAititiMil PIPE gore disposing ot your timber. 2 A6E.LAIDtite. - McLEAN az SON ationv AT Intatoti, Vo7a0NTO - —