HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-07-21, Page 5a 4', W t* liti1 4.a t ' MES., JULY 21, INA HANNA'S ORDERED cic.thiug Tra de has. doubled this season. 400 -Ulla. Good Cloth, First-class Trimmings and a Perfect Fit. GENTS ! Before buying, call and see the largest stock of Broadcloths, Worsted, Serges and Tweeds JOH ever shown in Wingham. .. HANNA Jno. Having purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find Cas in the CORNER STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealing and hon- est values a share of the patronage. The present stock will be offered at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Uousefurnishings,`Cutlery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and Coal OU always. in stock, Special attention will be given to cur TINSNlIT d EPT. Having had large experience in cities, we excel in Furnace Work, Hot Water and Stearn. Heating, Sanitary Plumbing,Eave Troughing, Steel Siding, Roofing and Metal Ceilings. tall on 'as, We shall he, pleased to make your acquaintance, "feeling sure, we shall gain your confidence. t7 .,'etz, ,4:3141141 McLaughlin1♦.ug ARE THE LEADERS. One Grade Only and That the Best," ies Has been their motto for over thirty years. Some of the principal features (wliieh • .no other buggy has) are rubber and brass washers warranted three years, one lever top steel circle, &c. McLauehiin'scost a littIemore than they 1hdW \ t4;„lt,/ others, but are the cheapest pest in the `., end, You will make a big mistake if rr you don't see our stock before buying. e We can sell you a good ordinary 'buggy as cheap or cheaper than any one else, We have them here. We can sell you anything you want in the implement line the same ae we Have done for the past 16 years, and guarantee good value, Or if you want an Organ, Piano, or Sewing Machine, you will find our stock the best that money can buy. Prices and terms all right too. Colne in and see us. anyway. Will be pleased to shove you through. Office and Warerootns opposite Presbyterian Church. .r l• 30,000 LBS. BINDER INE Pure Manilla 050 ft, to. the Ib. Special manilla,.. Standard Hay Fork. Rope, &c. • New Prices.. Order Early, J.CLECO&CO MORRIS. At the regular meeting of the Sunshine Epworth League, the ener getie pastor, . Rev. F;' J. Oaten,was agreebly surprised by being pre- sented with a purse containing $20 as a slight token of the esteem in which he is held by the young pee- pie of that vicinity. It wasan act worthy of emulation and will do all concerned good. A garden party was held on the grounds of Thomas Maunders on Tuesday evening last. There was a goattendance and a good time. homes Strachan, jr., of Grey, got his right area seriouslyhurt,. owing to the falling of a board at John Mason's barn raising last week Fall wheat looks fairly good and will soon be ready for reaping. The new ,pastor of the Methodist anent. Also let ajob. of ,gravelling church here, Rev. II, Irvine, ieutcely $0 rods, 2 yds of gravel to the road settled and le fast becoming ac• opposite let 18 eon, 11 to John Ma• queinted with the people, The inn ,Kinnon at 290, per rod. Also let a pression made by him on the eon- job of gravelling 40 reds, yds, to gregatiou is 4eeidely favorable. Hie] the rod to Allan Chapman at 15e. preaching is earnest attd vigorous per rod. Also have to report that and the spirit of the Master is very eaivert at Govt Drain on loth side manifest in his deportment, road requiresnew planking at once The funeral of the late Wm. Clem.- Mr, :Mosgrove reported that John enshaw the unfortunate young man Yoe had completed culverts 2nd eon, who was killed at Palmerston on the and recommended payment of $2,00. 12th inst,, watt largely attended, His ,Also let a,job of putting in eutvert remains were laid away in Fairview on. Morris boundary to Robert Shaw cemetery here on Friday. Mr, Clem- at $6,50 for work and 'O16 to Daft & enshaw was a Listowel boy, his Stewart f,rtimber, Also let a small mother being the oldest daughter of culvert eta IVforris Boundary to Shaw the late Robert Tremain who was & :Messer at $2.50. Also let :apt) of the seec,nd to locate in the now town gravelling; en Morris boundary to of Listowel, Mrs. Clemenshew eamn Richard Miller at 254e. per yard; here a young girl with her parents, Itidler to pay for gravel and half consequently the people of this cent. tnapeetion, Also let a job (34'40 munity feel all the more sympathy yards gravelling on Morris boundary for the family in their sad bereave- to. Robert Shaw at 30e. per yard.. nient, Shaw to pay for gravel and half in- spection. The Treasurer laid the Sentlin'sGreatest Need. half yearly financial statement be- fore the Council which showed a 15th J balancelyof 4395.07 on band on the u, Mitchell—Copeland—That the re- port be adopted and filed, Carried. Cruickshank Mosgrove —• net Mr, Copeland be appointed to meet Mr. Jarvis of Culross Council at Bel- more re Delmore Drain, Carried. `Che following accounts were pas• sed and el ques on Bank of El amilton issued:-- Tiros, Mosgrove, gravel, $2.52; W. Hayes, gravel and damages, $4,48; 31 Hastings, gravel not issued, $1.68; Joseph Leech, gravel, $2.45; Joseph Reekonridge, gravel $2,8S; Joseph Higgins, gravel and damages, $13.10; James Wylie, gravel, e3.00; Geo. Pocock, gravel and ,damages, $5.38; Mathias Willie, gravel, $2:52; William Chandler, gravel, $4.921 John Mulvey, gravel, $2.10; Wm. Irwin, gravel and damages, $4.60; Stokes, gravel, $1..38; Robert Muir, gravel and,damages, $3,58; William Marshall, gravel and damages, $2.38; 3. S, McTavish, gravel and damages, $4.60; W. Hawk, working road machine, grease and repairs, $48.75; 31 Dunkin; repairing road machine, $1,.00; John Johnston, repairing culvert and gravelling, ..$2.00; John McKinnon, gravelling $23.00; R. JKckiin, shovelling, 75e.; John Yoe, repairing culvert, $2.00; R. Shaw; gravelling, Morris boundary:,$13.00; R, Sanburn, eul.ert, $65.00; W. J, Duff, tile, $2.90 ; E. L. Dickinson, law, advice, 50c. Meeting adjourned •to meet in Bluevale, Monday, Aug. 21st,1899, at 10 o'clock a, In. JOHN Buncnss, Clerk, cipal of the school here. This will spending a few weeks with Miss A very successful barn raising be regarded by many as almost a Mary A. Hallahan, was held at kr. A. Homuth s•on b'ri• calamity, • Mf'. Rothwell bas taught Rev. IL M. Ross, son of Mr. Tbonas day afternoon last. A large number school continually for 43 years and Ross, of this township, has received of people were in attendance and everything passed off vera* satisfact- ory, In the evening,, the young people of the party enjoyed a social hop. Mr, R. P Oliva. of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. t3. Weals nerves bad caused severe paing. in the batt'; of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's Greatest Blood rind eterre Remedy, all pair, soon left bin. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purified the blond, tones up the the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it:. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Colin, A,.. Campbell, Druggist. EAST WAWANOSB. Dr, J. Agnew, of New Carlisle, Ohio, bee been spending a few weeks' holidays with his parents and friends in its township. fter an illness extending over v.e ' e i alo t nli n hs, Ellen Hanna, belay, ed wife of Mr. Robert Mel3urne, d on Saturday last in her 32m ear. Deceased was a daughter of the late Campbell Hanna and had been a resident of this township Jay Clegg, B, A., will take up the l nearly all her life, he was loved study of law and will be artieled in and respected by a 1 who knew.her. Toronto. We wish Mm success, The bereaved relatives will have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in their afflictioir. The tuneral took place to the Wingham cemetery on Monday afternoon and it was one of the most largely attended that has been seen in these parts for some time, showing the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Mr, Thomas Nicholson is veneer- ing bis residence. The brick was purchased from Mr. Adam Wett- laufer, of Blyth. Miss Rose Cracknell and, Miss Madeline Morley, of Toronto, are That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, If you used Dr. Kings New Life. Pills. Thousands of sufferers has proved their matchless merit for Siek and Nervous Headaches. Tbey make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take Try them. Money back if not cured. Sold by Colin A. CiimpbeIi, Druggist. LISTO W EL. The secretary of the school board, Mr. W. E, Binning, has received the resignation of ltir, 13, Rothwell, prin- about 40 yearsof that lime in Lis• a unanimous call to become the pas• towel, he being the first teacher in tor of H,nox church, Guelph, one of the little log school house in the the largest and most influential Pres. Queen's bush. Mr. Bothwell as a byterian churches in Canada. 1'1r, successful teaeber bas hada brilliant Ross is at present the pastor of the career. He possesses in such a large Presbyterian church at Glencoe, measure that rare gift of imparting knowledge to others by such a brief • A Narf;ow Escape. and short route that it is a privilege Thankful words written by Mrs. Alda to come under his tuition. Mr, Roth- E. );dart, of Groton, S. D: "Was taken well's exemplary moral character with a had t.ulrl which settled on my too, has beet, a strong factor in his lunnsi cough set in and finally terminer success as a teacher. The boys and me lupC�Y ung 1tl could oonlyo lioiestut a the girls grown up to be men and abort time. 1 gave myself lip to my women who have been his early Saviour; determined it 1 could not stay pupils look back with pride et the ,�'rth my friends on earth,. I would roes( my absent ones above, My husband manliness of their former teacher was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis• covery for Consumption; Coughs and Colds. 1 gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It bas Cured nae, ant, thank God. I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Sold by Colin A, Campbell, Druggist, 50o. and 4R.00. Guaranteed or price refunded. T. ROSS. As it rice Was. When the human foot vris firs introduced to shoes it was exactly as nature had iniide it, strong-syrametrikal-hauddsoitie, It has been revolutionized from what it was to the foot of to -day by sixteeti Centuries of distorting tightness and freakish styles. "Slater Shoes " are made to ftt feet as they are to -day, comfort first, but good appearance never forgotten, Twelve shapes, six widths, all sizes leathers and colors. Goodyear welted, name and price :tamped en the soles, 3.3o and $3.00. Sees ow growing old. And since that Mr. Rothwell feels that the time has come for him to retire from the ac- tive work sof the school room, 1 feel sure that this community will not let the opportunity pass without giving a publie and suitable testimonial to ao ,worthy and deserving a man. d i a Children should always A'Frightful Blunder Win often cause a horrible Burn, Out or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the Best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly beat it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns. all shin. Eruptions. Best Pilo cure on earth. Only 200. a box. Cure gurante- ed. Sold by Colin A, CarmpbelI, Drag - gist. The Apple Trade. Mr. Dudley, sr., of the firm of. Dudley & Spns, Colborne, Ontario, gassed through Goderich Iast Friday on his return trip after visiting the Orchards around Medford, Owen Sound, Lucknow and other places north, and reports that the present crop of apples is quite up to what it was last year all up that north TUENBERRY, eountry. It will be remembered; 'Minutes of Connell meeting held that the firm of Dudley' & Sons or in Maguire's Hall, Bluevale July bought' thous thousand barrels of apples) e (last ;crease in weight. Not to 17th 1899. Members of Chancel all t3ensoti in this vfcfnity, and Mr, Dud - present; the Reeve in the chair. The le► assures us that it 7s their inters - Ow, I1bt to Increase in flesh, minutes of last meeting were read to old a approved anctsigned, tion to come back again this fall. ,:longs g b Iu answer to the•question "flow are Reports:• -•The Reeve reported the c>tcis set Present and future health. that he had mrer• the Reeve of Culross p,t s in other places across emends that • this increase at A:MelCague's and bad s ttisfaetor the lime ? he o simply stated that it was too. soon to tally with certainty, ily arranged for culvert across ,, , u , . 7 =lei•e is a report that there a a weight should be steady boundary opposite 1VIcI'~ague s eat; very large crop in the state of Ran - rid never failingeach Township agreeing to do 5 sae, but you need not be troubled To delicate children, rods of ditching 4 rods on bountrick• dary and six on about that,'' he said, "for the south Me agues. Mr, C, cott's Emulsion brings shank reported that he had leta job � , competitionew'ith s can. never conic • of cele rt and gravelling to '2,5t.11 your choice -icher blood and firmer frtit Side Road to,7ohnJohnston at 02 00• OtterLiil;;e Huron.''—Goderich S ,"'tl it;sh. Better color ;cornea l+It'. Copeland reported that he bail -, :t1F the Cheeks and stronger ;net clarw dsitiu t rer x r`ob lof ss,on I�'cts'dvt*eh has decided to build a J in new , e ire t next summer, the limen• Bustles to the limbs. The liig ealveet aiid digging 9 rods ot'.i sin rs to be. ill 3 7 feet with an eight litre in weight is substantial; ' ditch to Dan'l McGorhlaiek at $10.0:) foo: hist -meet. It will cost in the i'Vuritb.ivey t•i pay half, Also let t, j ntiighberhood of' $3,000. A new l c COIfieS tO Stay, r job of 10 yds gravelling on boundary- ichunl is hadty needed a$ the present' son,snd$r.an,sildr,a kte. :to John McKinnon at 220. per yard, building is trot at 8 i fl. for whiter SCOTT & Qowive, Chesehts, Toronto. job completed and reeomtnened pay. occupation. For Salo Only by HOMUTI1 & SON. sac. Gibson, renter a, Tegisarall and mother of Mrs. Jannes of Blyth, Bled in Tarmac, on day morning froui boort Interment took plates lo the eetnma here on Thursday. 11F Ia( RAVE, The Ladies of the Betgreve Mertlit- odist ehtxrelt intend holding a Garden Party 0n the grounds of Mr. Uarn�.' Niebolsan's,4th line Morris, on Thier day July 27th. ei.dinisslon anti 1.5e, A good programme prevlrfed, 1+1: o More T:aree. The postmastergeneral l=ee des eided that owing to the redurt,i,,n.'in the dotnestic rate of letter pre reeve to 2 cents, no more 3 cent letter Bards, 3 cent stamped envelopes, ,i+• 3 cent stamps wit! be issw'd Postmasters are authorized` to ute soca es they May have in stock at the fa NI Waite and to redeem at face twee any that may be .offered, But no new ones will be issued, and all ,hose in stook in the department wall be sur- charged down' to "2 cents" and issued at that value. ii't:cn the supply of these has been exhausted new two -cent red stamps, postcards and stamped envelopes wit; her issued and the pre.ent purple eines dis- continued. Senate Will Throw it out Ottawa, Jury 19., -It has been ex- pected .that Sir Mackenzie , Dowell would permit the redistribution bill to pass the. Senate, but yesterday he. shattered that hope by coning out fiat footed against the measure It is now certain that the bill will be defeated by the opposition Su the Senate, in spite of the act that the House of Commons passed it by a majority of 50. Sir. John 111.acdon aid's redistribution bill in 1882 was rushed through is a. few minutes. The Senate's) action then contrasted with its action noi,y, afford the s'aeing- est argument for a reform ' of the Upper Ctaaniber. Sir Mackenzie Rowell today, upon lion. Da'•ir1 Mitis moving the sr aot,d rettdii,g of the hill moved as follow;,: "Dila it be resolved, bolt it is in- expedient to proceed further' veldt the bill now under, c.,nsider anon, in - eunuch as i, is . provided Civ evenion 51 of the . British NorthAmerican Act that the represeutation of the provinces in the House or CoulmOns shall be adjusted at the cols:;. lotion of each decennial census will miller the provision of tte Goniedei'n'iee be taken in 1301, a readjnei,ient of constituencies in the D''u,!il=r,r! made previous to such census beiiig taken would in the opinion of this house be a violation of the spirit of snob act." • Dr. T, R. Dack, prominent physi- cian of Creelnore, is dead. Chalmers' Jewellery atote . at Cornwall wee burglarizee' Monday morning, for the second time in a fortnight, Crop forecasts Whish ha re begun to appear ill Manitoba • entity that wbeat is heading out well, and con- ditions generally ally are favi hie:, Lieut. Col. lIa+ime-, D. t i 0has requested the city council of London to pay 82,0t30 as an advance towards the payment of the expenses t,f the militia called out in-onsequence of the street ear troubles. "No Eye Like the Master's dye.' You are master of your health, and if you do . not attend to duty, the blame is' easily located. If your brood. is out of order, od's Sar- saparilla will purify it. , It is the specific remedy for troubles' of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver, • Heart T -"x had le fora numberrouble of years and differentheart 3ntroubedi- cines fatted to benefit ine. 1 tried flood's • Sarsaparilla, and three bottles completely and perfectly cured mel" Jas. C. A. Prat rt, Wallace 13ridge, N. S. A safeguard--" As T battiest five chil- dren with diphtheria 1 gave my remaining two children food's Sarsaparilla ai they were Subject to throat trouble and were not very strong. They are now healthier and stronger and have not since had d. cold." bras, W. J r,,: g, tt, Peinbrokc, ant, . 1 4 f Y Il?1 er Disappoints 1Yeed'; inns cure titer itis, tiie nen•irrliatt only. cathartta to take with nona's ,a