The Wingham Times, 1899-07-14, Page 6TIM \"V IN U 11A.M JULY 141 i t$ W' e .'tin i tm , ATVS fl'tiD:\.'ti, .1TDIe1; 14. 18911 OUR OTTAWA LEITER From our own Correspondent, Ottawa, July R. The Government lasts decided up. on ail important amendment to glee iGxitereolonial-Grand Trunk Railway agreement, which will entirely Ira move whatever appearance of justifi- cation there may have been for the Opposition criticism that the propos ed 90. years" lease would give the Grand Trunk and its .LuieriVan con- nections practical control of the business of the Intereolonial for that period, to the detriment of 411 Can. adieu competitors. A$ was. pointed out last week the real donrce from which the objection emanated !aid it open to considerable suspieeon, but even that app trent ground for ob- jection—more imaginary than real— will now be removed. The proposed amendment will empower the Gov ernzueut to terminate the freight transfer arrangements at any time by giving twelve months' notice to the Company, though it does not give the same power to the railway. it may not be altogether desirable to give a Government prewar to ter- minate arrangement which has been so generally recognized as greatly to the advantage of the country, inas- much as it will always leave a weak government open to the influence of the lobbcist at any tithe competing interests may desire to upset the ar- rangements. Unfortunately Can. adian Parliamentary history contains too many instances of the pernicious influence of the lobal', and the trend of legislation should be to lessen its pe'wer rather than the reverse. However there is no immediate dan- ger at least while the present Gov- ernment is in power and it is wiser to Henke it partial concession than run the risk of having the entire agreement thrown out by tl too' susceptible Senate, CALL AFF YOUR DOGS. The manner in which the civil servants in the Yakon have been re• ientlessly hounded for the • last two years is probably unexampled in the bistory of this or any other civilized 'community, and the comment of a eorrespundent in the Toronto Globe writing- from Dawson, May 27th, will commend itself to all lovers of British fair play. The writer says : "Tbe policy of the Nugget paper seems to be to keep up the agitation against the officials as long as possi- ble. To my mind the Government will make a mistake it any further notice is taken of these alien malig- ners. Ever since Mr. Ogilvie came In, agitators of this class have been pandered to, so much so that every official has been placed almost at the mercy of a damnable crowd of blackmailers. Anyone baying a grudge against an official could al :yaws get the ear of the Commission- er„ so zealous has he been in bis •effurts to carry out the wishes of the .Minister for clean and honest gov- ernment. No one is above suspicion, and this is somewhat galling to those ibfiietttk who have conseientously performed their duby. It is time for this to stop. Tne officials here now are doing every thtng in their power to carry out the regulations, and in the days that are gone the very veirat feature was not the corruption i1,fti.tntgst the officials but the dis- r.A. W. CHASE Triumphs over the Worst Forms of KIDNEY. . DISEASE The wonderful success of Dr. Chase's Itiid- mey-Liver Pills adds to the fame of the great doctor whose name is familiar in almost every home as the authorrrf the world famous Recipe Book Scores and thousands of grateful men and woanett have been rescued froth the miseries netd dangers of kidney disease by this greatest s4 all kidney mires. Mr. D. f . Simmons, Mabee, Ont., writes: 'I'My kidneys and back were so bad T was tunable to work or sleep. My urine had scdi- Silent like brick dust, I was compelled to get yip four or five times during the night. I saw Or. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills advertised and concluded to give them it trial. I have only lased one box and am eonipletelyeured. I was *great sufferer for rR years, but my kidneys do not botlternie now. I elk) lf good rest and sleep *ad consider Dr. Chases rdney-Liver Pills a Loon to suffering humanity." honesty of the community, With WHEN THOU. Wm. \'Tuloek took i �y>l �y,xp l GUARANTEE, wbieh they had to deal. These' office BS Postmaster -General he foundf AiueriGitns are SA Hench used la , etrronug ,heeerttadte as to .Haut 'hires; tt depai'tlnent vire!: an ailnuiti deficit. -00 Itteruetttea UPI Pot ,.sharp praetiee" at tiorxlt3 tli:it thea* Uf kBUfl 000. Within tw(1 ear+ Ito .y,•R,-. Cannot understand how at Man .earl ' -wenn Guarantees ti ' I �`"t`r! thsk Itis ithrtntatato be a f>overniirertt official without be•: tt(i re(iuGed t fes to gess tctn people �` `1' est °_, ail eases win re theme. Ina* corrupt. They are the worst •00, and then be ga e theof � , �a�, tram to a raw hours; l0a le]'S to officialdom Laver came ct t + ►i roar filo haspestio atm rata. lie. naturally and properly' t 1 flit xt `etOmthi'tt Qa tea; across. They :Ire always lAAlrug fora "graft," and if they do not get: expected that this reducltion of the �, �" Vii,* viii re Kidney u 13 a cur", per cent, what they want the " are sure that revenue by one-third would rnevea5(i gag �atltuto 1ttkldla a i and'..ed_ es at t, i elle deficit l,iG the 1i ul e iamb Cnro wilt ouzo someone els© must have grafted '3700,000 fur the first year From long a standinia hat his :better than thernSelves, As 1 Sold •, Iledsene birownlcurls, before, the officials are striving to do hie report for the past six months a.. aux klaQ or Headache in ew m utr a t t0 a that t 1 o ve er the deficit1s oz 1 _b4 OOU ,their tv honestly.. ) 1 vr Y tet du e head it a c t Th �hr i O a Cure wet rH t' t e 'at Or' �Ot) UOf7 tt v. strak n . A G h i e e 1:141112, r u a ,, n a officials 1'tsa•'os` Islaves. 4p x:• 1 1 111G , lin They eY Co at col n a o tt e p yrtndads n He nitro 31st O;f have no ollieial hours ; their day's beillgsl400,000less than the estimated retuedles,• At an druggists, a cents 4. wiul. work is never Leone until bed'•time, deticU, It is evident that the people edea 4 ., rmed` ie i ce b ut? tot.e Mayon, and all thin is done to serve the are using the mails to a nitwit greeter _ • ! people. Their lot is not what it extent than ever before and there 3s: When Shoes firs" Fat ed !might be, but they arobably would every reason to believe that in a few_ not Complain, provided they knew tirely. pp t,ireoplo would find less difficulty 3 care the deficit will disappear en that their efforts to serve the cos- • . with ready -wade shoes," said the •ernrnent and t"e people were experienced salesman, "if they would appreciated. stand up, to fit them en instead of EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS, Bloul Poi;oninE sitting down. Nine persons out of A ten, particularly women, want a Although the reduced postal rates comfortable chair while they aro have only been in operation six fitting a shoe, and it is with the PERRIBY,E SUFFERING OF A PRINCE greatest • (iiflit ulty vuu etln get thein EDWARD COUNTY FARMER. ; to stand for a few minutes, even when the shoe is titled. Then, when IO$PITAL TREATMENT PALLED TO they begin walking about, they BENEFIT FRIM AND EIS LIP:^L WAS wonder !Shy the shoes are 'wt so DFSr'AIRED or—AGAIN w1tI1 AND comfortable as they were at 'first trial, A woman's foot is consider- ably smaller whet she sits in a chair From the Belleville Gun. than when she walks about. Exer- A reporter of the Belleville Sun cise bt ings a larger quantity of blood recently had an opportunity to in- into the feet, and they swell appreci- vestigate a cure made through the ably, The nuseles also require use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for !certain .apace. In hnying shoes this Pale People which is little short of l fact should be la erne iii mind." found, after .a year or two's trial, known farmer who lives in Amelias- M"r,•B. Wilkinson writes that hr ex- that a two -cent rate for letters will burg township, Prince Edward coon,1 perienoed great refief of M ussular Eth eta produce as large a revenue as the ty. When the reporter drove over1 niatistn from usio two boxes of Blil- former three -cent rate, The receipts to see 11ir, Gonktin. he was under the burn's 'Rheumatic Pills. This yrem.•dy under the reduced tariff have already is a specific for Rheumatism St;tntice, exceeded the estimate of the Post- impression, from what be had heard feuinbago leeuralr;ia and Gout: master General, and the probabilities of the case, that he would find a roase ter the cit caused by the ire- partial invalid, but to his surprise Poultry Pointers. afound'a stalwart, robust man of six I feet, actively engaged unloading logs Keep all yoang fowls dry. from a sleigh. On making known Give : the hens all the skiminilk the object of his visit the reporter you can, was invited into the house and Mr. A pair of- geese should y ield $? Conklin gave his story as follows:— worth of feathers in a year. _ You can see for yourself that my A little salt in tree sot food given condition is now one of good health. to the fowls will be acceptable. A year ago last summer 1 injured Young poultry cif no kind should my hand, with the result that blood be allowed to u ade around in the poisoning set in. A doctor was call- wet grass. ed in and the usual treatment given Pigeons will shelve in small yards. and 'the hand apparently got well They must be mated or an extra and 1 started tri work. It soon turn ai'ile will cause theta to quarrel. ed out, however, that the poison had In selecting the breeding fowls. if not been entirely got rid of and it the hens are sonlewhat dark, let the spread through My whole system. 'cocks bo lighter, and if the bens are The doctor was again called in, but heavy use. a lighter suck. looking upon my case as critical, Geese may be picked every ten advised me, to go .to the hospital at weeks. Old geese should be kept for breeding and the young ones for marketing as soon as they are large enough --St. Lona Republic, d'I Canada the boon of a two•t;el t letter months, there are already indications not only of the benefits accruing to the community itt large—which were never seriously questioned -- but also of the accuracy ot the Post- master General's predietions that the increase in business which would follow, would very- materially re- duce the threatened excess of ex- penditure over receipts, if indeed it did not wipe it out altogether. The Toronto World, a thick -and -thin Conservative Journal, that refers so the working of the new rates under the caption "Two cent postage a Success." "It will undoubtedly be STRONG. miraculous. The subject of the cure is Mr. William H. Conklin, a well I . F'rori'Stratford, Ont. duction will be completely wiped out in the course of a couple of years. QUIt. DEEPENED WATERtt AtS. The opening of the Soulanges Canal next mouth will complete the deep waterway down the St. Law- rence River and reduee the"cost of carrying wheat from the western fields to the seaport just about one- half, The value of this to Canadian shipping interests eannot be over- estimated, for as one Chicago paper declares, "the cost of transporting lake freight to tide water will be re- duced beyond the possibility of profitable competition by any other existing route." It is generally recognized in the markets of the world that the price of wheat is. t Belleville, This I did and remained fixed at Liverpool and consequently there throughout the month of Octo- atl that is savedon cost of transpor- ber, 1897. 111y condition was des-• tation goes into the producer's perate, and as I was not making any pocket. The statement• is made progress toward recobery, 1 may that the added returns to the farm- well say that I gave my case up as ers of the Northwest for the single item of wheat alone would annually amount tb $6,000,000, of which our own farmers would secure their share. The wisdom of the Govern. ment, therefore, in hurrying on work whieh has dragged along so' many years under their predeces- sors needs no argument to estab- lisb. AND NOT mem m YET. A Kansas paper tells of a Sante Fe section foreman who sent in the following report to the road•master "MaeWhorter's bull struck at the long siding and killed. We fund him alongside the track and as be Was riot quite dead then, I borrowed a gun and shot him three times' killing him again, Dennis Sullivan then struck him another blow on the head and finished hips. The bull is now dead." Commenting upon this exciting anecdote the Toronto Globe remarks :—"This resembles the ter- rible courage that has attended the attacks on Mr. Sifton, Sir Ilmbbert killed him -hen he collided, with him to his first ,,} peach, Sir Charles killed hire again at Sherbrooke, and Sir Bibbel•t finished him on Tuesday • France is burdened with 400,000 hopeless, Believing that I could note public officials, costing the state 615,000,000 francs a year, according recover., I asked to be taken borne. t) the estimate of r. Temps. I then tried various treatments with no tetter results. I could not walk without help, and I was doubled up like a jack-knife. At this stag,; I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pill's, and sent for half a dozen boxes. After using the first half dozen my appetite , returned and Wasted and Dr. A. W. night sweats which had been the Shattered by Worry e bane of my sleeping hours. deserted or Overwork are "Chases me. Knowing that the pills were 1 Revitalized by helping nee I sent for a further sup- Nerve Food ply, Meantime a swelling came in my hip, which. finally broke, and from that on my progress was more. rapid and 'I am again as sound as ever, and able to do a day's work with any one. 1 can only add that, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills brought me to my present State of good health and so long as I live I shall praise the remedy that brought me • back from the verge of the grave. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills erre by going to the root of the disease. They renew and. build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves, thus driving; disease froin the system.. Avoid l tation3 by insisting that every box night. There is a slight difference you purchase is enclosed in a wrap•; in the two cases however,—Mr. per bedtritig the full trade mark, Dr, tar! is son alive." If Pink. Pills for Pale People 1 If your dealer does not keep ;hem athey Will be sent postpaid. at 50 cehis' Itching Piles. a box, or six boxes for $2.50 by ad False modesty CntISes many people to dressing the Dr, Williams' Medicine! "� max, �" ,f,! +■1 , endure in silence the greatest misery imaginable from itohian piles. One air- Cea l3roe tvill0, < rat. plication of Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment will soothe and ease the itching, ones box Mr. D. ,T.- O'Conner, train deaprrt Will completely cure the worst case of cher At Stratford, has been prrsntuie•d 1 bl'nd itching, bleeding . erves0.. " Nerves"—what a world of meaning this word has to scores of thousands of women who, through the strains of social life and the worry of hone cares, are fast approaching the grave. - Nervous headaches, dyspepsia, irritability by day, restlessness and sleeplessness by night, Pains and aches in the body, derangements of the organs peculiarly feminine, toss of energy and ambition, despondency and despair. These arc some of the symptoms known to the woman of exhausted nerves. These are symptoms which entirety disappear when Dr. A. W. Chases Nerve Food is used. By creating new, rieh blood and nerve tissue this great food cure of Dr. A. W. Chase re- stores and revitalizes the wasted nerve cells, puts new vigor and vitality into the system and frees woman of many ills which are due to exhausted ed t nerves. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food cures by the building -up process, which makes the body rotund and plump, and restores the glow of health to the pale, sallow cheek. soc, a box at ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co:, Toronto. Caveats and "rrade•Mark3 obtained and all patent business conducted for IMOfERATIt 11E8. M). officals inthe immediate vicinity of the PatetttOffce i and myfacilities for securingpat ntaare ansurpassed J Send model, sketch or photograph of invention .t ie el char is sv 1 , 1 I g, ee ins or protruding With piles, You have no risk to run for Dr. to the- position of trainmaster for' tilt: dtacrt tionandstetcmenta&toadvantugbsclaltried 11� charge Hire d1prCC'sopi,ttonuarto A. Wr Chase's Ointment is guaranteed northern district of the Grand pruirlti.' pates toWzsep�j and Illy fee for prosecuting the to cure piles. i apPlicatt4>y sous fol vn oardrrt for tenni area et;i71 ddret'r 'm "QUA" t xininTlhd1iormaeorireitctran1ll Gam Mint+ Itis the people without background Dr. "Chase's Kidney -Liver hills, (Me pill a wht5 enerall scramble to seen in trtten3 CotltiidC..11 as dtrietiy Confide/With slow, x;e. a box. at all dealers, or r dmanson, g �" $ � wHOUGH limes k Co.+ Tortntto. the foreground. . ato Et soca** 1517.4:i4#V.� *Ki'r tote . td SAi3JiATI1. SEAVJGES. M. T'IiODIST- liev. Xi. klnillitt, 1!ua• or. Services at 1.1 a ni nod 7 1t 1u. 1111 NSk Y'1"ERIAN—Itov, 1). Porritt paitar, Services 13t 11 It to and [ p EPISCOPAL, St. I'ttol's---R%ev. Wui. Lowe, rector. Serviced itr• 11 ti til itkrtl 7 pat. BAPTIST —Rev. W. Freed, pastor, i Services at 11 a m end i p nr CONGREGATIONA,L -- Rev, J. t=oltilu, praetor. Servloes at 11 it ni ant! 7 p ret.. CU1IS't'Xr11�' WO1tliM1RS Meow Outram and Look in ot.lntnumi, $ervtuee at 8 p in and 8 p tn. r SAl'� �.. J'IgN A ,.MI rt.. iclaat tl V a l anfz wife in command. Services Irt 13. a. j ID, 3 p m and 8 p In viola of the above pained churches Sabbath School is heldet ...30 p tn. SANK orHOUT0N WINGUAM. Capital, $1,404,530, Rest, $1,000,000 President—Joos armee viee•Frealdsnt—A. Ld, ewer. Dx$EC Folds Joan PRnomos, 1050. Roses, WU GIaSON, - A, T. woos, ti. r, A. B. Dna (Toronto). Cashier—J, TURNBULL. Savings Bank—flours, Into S; Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of `dl and upwards reeelred and interest allowed, Spsreiai Deposits also received at current rates of it:.stest, Dra#tm on Great Britain and the United Stator hourht and „old W. 0011BOULD, AOENz E. L. DM Solicitor. Money to Loan on Note*. • Notes Discounted AT REASONAi3LE RATES Money advanced on bfortga_es at 5 pet rmttwith privilege of haying at the end of any year. Nat, and accounts eoilcated. IiOBT, McINliOO. Beaver Stock Wintdutn,, Oat STEAM PUPPP NORKS Saving purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with THEN, EY! s tk l l I1•W A ACo FOR THAT -97411 111S Wood, and Iron Force and Lift Purips, Brass andCHN RITCUIEI iron Cylinders, Galvantiz• "� ed Iron Tubing, Cisterns, t.IENERAL #NSURANCE AGENT Water TrOuglis, Sinks, wutonAu, Jiatks,Pilpe Fitting, Well , ii „atm 18 rrtul,14110-- E1\'J+li7» 1'"Jt1Il4\ 1 111O1tNINt, +" i OFFICE, slOegPHINE S'rrf#ET WING11411:1, fil•'1'AItIU. MMtlbii Crtptielt pan, $1 pox your, IA afivmn ou AliVlilrrrttINt, i t Thb tit as 1 t11, i tiRill. 1 Sono. j. i m4 On , t'uI ut.n 4400 tin , �'94a Sit` yi'"'su: ,iu #g qI Wit '' do 1101 un is PO' s,i0 tt '" 0 u 5I0 ii•,111 . 1.8 0 1 0 !Cta, 511 other stat.( snit ttieet crt, 80 per line Mt Oraa insert amend 110 per lino toroachsuhsetgient in•cirtton, us eutrd by norinutdl satle. tonal noticesleo, pat•lh.e for first insertion, ti., per line fot'ttaeh ot1tvtluent disertlt r , Ad altd l3usinettxtihew rtisein en re ete" Nanted,tn ttexceediie 8 line nonpareil, 51 for pint trtouth, and Ile, for iach+ eubsoquont mouth, Rouses and Varies for Sale, not exceeding 8 1ine. 81 tor Met month, 00u. per subsequent month larger advertlsements in t,••npnrtlo,l, 'these ttr'ms will he strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or or' longer periods. Adt•ertsiemonts and loeal'noticea without Speoltio directions will he inserted tilt forbid and charged+ accordingly. Transitory advertisements: must be paid in adrance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the odtco by Wednesday 000n, m order to appear, that week 11. 13,.,E&Lrorr, Paoratirrok 4114 PITBLnr$RS. WINGHAIv HOSPITAL. For the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN and, SURGICAL CASES of alt kinds, For particulars* address iiR. J. 1', KENNEDY, Medical Superintendent, Bingham, NW. V AN STON E, BARRISTER, SuLtCIToR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate: Interest, No chorine. Mortgagee, town and farm prOpert, boueht find sold OFFICE—Deaver Block U'ntouAst, J. A, 1101t1tiv BARRISTi;R, &C., 11'rnghu Gut. E. L, DIOLUNSON, DAEI1ISTIIR, ETC. • teOLICITOB TO as nr OP H,L1ttLTON. trOt;,t r TO LOAN. Office—Meyer Block. Winghatn NI. O. uaMi3aO.0i, sARR13TTR, SOI,ICrroa, t;OFVE1'ANC; ry &c,,. Office --Corner Hamilton and St, Andrew attests opposite Colborne Dote!, LrODRRICO. ONTARIO. A lIT,UUit 3, IRiyIN, D D S, L D S, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania ODudntnlce,l Cwolio,nghimuo and Lteenti+te of the Royal College of Dental Sur eOns of Ontario, Olfice over Post ,, T S. JEnorsz, L. n, S , DENTIST; IIAS WITI£ V e obim D. D. P,oss,.graduato of trio, u. C. D. S. of Ontario, and is prelim -to to do all rummer of Dental work at reasonable prices. Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House, w'inghain. Digging and everything in ct n- zecttoa with water supplies. GAlvanized Steel Windmiils for power and pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties- writing for information or ordering by mail Sbould always state depth of well. All w•nk guaranteed or no sale. • 0.O ,N INGSTAR k3t+t 140 Winn;ham, Ont. EARLY CLOSING Before Placingyour order for Spring Clothing call and see our NEW SAMPLES for 1899. We can afford to sell New Goods cheaper than old stock that cost one-half more than new and better goods of the latest styles will cost to -day. We snake clothes that ext 1 BSTER & CO Queen's Block. ONTAB,IO, p DEANS, dn., Wtxottani, - • LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOI . 1.8 4.10071' J OF HURON, Soles attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderate, ti *RN CtJRItIE,•Wiseaei, LICENSED AIICTIANEER: Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implomeats spocraity. An orders left at the xt,xsa office promptly attenl ed to. Terms reasonable. Gr1itsielD TItt7Ni3: R91LW4x. D11941t5 A3IBIIVE Toronto and East 6 49 a,. m. 3 05 p. Int 880pm1020pm Palmerston milted 8 55 a m 8 06p m,. London and South 6 63 a. ni Il 10 a sea $80pm 800pInt itirioardine 11 10 a m 6 49 a m 3 80p m 3 30 p m 1 4 29 m 830a ria p SOCIETY MEETINGS. 6 0 6 •_Camp Caledonia No. 4s meet ■ . ■ the first and third Monday in every month, in .he Odd renews halt• Visiting brethren welcctnr J. Murray Chief. 11 It Elliott, sort, -Seo JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING Books, (Pamphlets, Posters, B I Heads, Cireular>s, ate,, &o., executed in the best style of the art, et moderate prices, and on sbori tiottee. Apply or address II, B. ELLIOTT. T stint Witco, Wtnghaut BOOKBINDING. We ate Mooted to announce that ani» Books of 13 Magazines telt with Si for nind;n , writ have out will be given oin atlgiC,.ttouo o the Thine ilei a style 6'